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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6851096 No.6851096 [Reply] [Original]

chinanon here, it's finally winter vacation and the spring festival nears

how much would /jp/ like a translation of the Infinite Stratos light novel?
i would to contribute something back to the community
since i don't really find much time to do so..
if /jp/ interest is low, i'll just wait make the offer again (for other series) next vacation.

translation is from the chinese sources to english
you can observe my english is not that good,
so i will be translating only without any "real" editing

>> No.6851105

I didn't really enjoy this week's episode of IS and it's all because of this Chinky right here. She defecated all over the show.

>> No.6851104

/jp/ has probably no interest in IS.
/m/ and /a/ would like it though.

>> No.6851106

any translation is welcomed by /jp/
granted, you'll be ridiculed for your lack of english knowledge, but we all know /jp/s just tsundere

>> No.6851108

Best anime of the season

>> No.6851111
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That'd be nice thing to do. You'd have my thanks. We could probably teach you some English in the process.

>> No.6851115

The show is absolute shit.

>> No.6851120

Literally the worst anime in forever.
I would rather have Zombie translated

>> No.6851122

i'm not doing this for /m/ and especially /a/

>> No.6851156

/m/ doesn't like it that much. But /a/ is crazy for it.

>> No.6851174

...why don't you translate something good instead?
Also, why don't you translate something that doesn't have an anime adaptation, dammit.

>> No.6851186

would rather want you to translate the manga

>> No.6851200

I'd welcome it. If it's something you want to do, go for it.

>> No.6851208

>>6851156 /m/ doesn't like it that much.
I dunno, there's always a 100+ posts thread on the frontpage.
It's full of trolling, but /m/ would watch anything as long as it has some Gundam references.

>> No.6851262

Just translate the ending and spoil it for Sion.

>> No.6851280

it's still ongoing

>> No.6851283

I'd read it if you translated it brother.

>> No.6851305

The MC ruins any enjoyment I could get out of this anime.

>> No.6851308

I don't really like IS, but if you do then go for it. Being interested in what you want to work in is really important.

>> No.6851328
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He wasn't so bad until episode 3. Chinky really brought out the worst in him. Houki was a bit of a turd here, too.

>> No.6851335

Sure, any translation is welcome here.

>> No.6851356

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.6851353

Well, I'm waiting for when he starts tongue wrestling with the girls of his own will, so I can forgive him for now. He's only met the girls recently.

>> No.6851351
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Can someone translate this?

>> No.6851358

MC and chink get the closest, shit sux

>> No.6851361

Which part says that?

>> No.6851363
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako]_Infinite_Stratos_-_IS_-_03_[H264][720p][87E1FABE].mkv_snapshot_03.59_[2011.01.21_04.30.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him

>> No.6851367

I don't mind his denseness since he's actually capable of interacting with the girls.

>> No.6851379

I just hope he's not as dense as he was in EP3 the rest of the series.

>> No.6851380

I bet he's gay.

>> No.6851387


If this is true, that's terrible. Hell, even Freezing is starting to look better than this.

Yes, Freezing.

>> No.6851389

They probably injected him with something to subdue his hormones. He wouldn't be able to hang around in that skin tight suit otherwise.

>> No.6851398

Stop being butthurt that your favorite girl is shit

>> No.6851400

Or pilot a IS

>> No.6851401

Typical generic harem shit.
If it was IRL, he would have fuck all 3 of them by now.
Translate something better like nisemonogatari or nisio other non adapted works instead.

>> No.6851407
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No, I don't think I will.

>> No.6851412
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That faggot is a hack.

>> No.6851423

He should just get to kabuki, no one likes tsubasa and nise was fanservice.
Katana and zaregoto (vol 3 and up) are being translated.

>> No.6851431

>i'm not doing this for /m/ and especially /a/

You have no idea how much this amuses me, tripfag. Keep up the good work.

>> No.6851480

>If it was IRL, he would have fuck all 3 of them by now.
Are you retarded? He's only reunited with one of them for a total of two weeks by the 3rd episode. He's only met one of the women 2 weeks ago, and he only saw the Chinese chic 1 week ago. And he's having a case of "just friends" syndrome with his childhood friends.

>> No.6851485

I would have had them all impregnated by week 2

>> No.6851494

I usually encourage people to translate what they feel like, no fun in doing something you don't enjoy.

Also, I believe I could love to read them some time in the future as some kind of laid back comedy thing, yet open for suprises. I have gotten the impression that it could turn out to be a pretty chill, yet entertaining read, so I am all for it.

And it could also be a great chance for you to try out your english, so I would encourage you to try.
Also, if you were to get a page open on Bakatsuki for instance, I bet you could get lots of folks who could either help you directly through IRC or something, or otherwise people who could read and help/comment on your translation/english.
I say go for it, if you feel like it. There is really only room for improvement and people would still enjoy your work.

>> No.6851495

yeah, yeah, internet gigolo. sure you can.

>> No.6851503

>If it was IRL
>mech suits that can only be piloted by women except in the case of one Japanese guy
>His sister is a teacher/dorm supervisor yet he rooms with a girl that wants his cock instead of her


>> No.6851504

It's also against school policy, and his sister, who happens to be part of the staff takes it seriously.

But yeah, that sort of stuff is taken seriously in most real single-sex schools/private schools in general.
Most of the time it isn't exactly worth it to screw up your education only to screw someone else rather than waiting some 2 or so more years before crossing the line.

>> No.6851509

Translations are always welcomed, I would even join you to edit your english as needed.

But there are a couple issues. One, as mentioned before, the choice of work. I would rather get LN translations for something better than IS. Two, are you really willing to put up with such long work for so little reward? Translating is tedious, long work that feels like it will never end. So think it through before you jump into it and then bail after doing the first couple chapters.

Godspeed nonetheless. It's always nice to see someone try to pour their talents back into the board.

>> No.6851535

We only really care about VN translations here. Just about no one actually bothers with most LNs, especially those that already have anime/manga adaptations.

>> No.6851538

Chinese to English do not want.

>> No.6851567

>especially those that already have anime/manga adaptations.
Most of them are shit. The original > adaptation thing still applies, I would expect better of you.

>> No.6851574

i would like to answer a few things said so far

>why don't you translate something better/something else
as some people here points out, i would like to work on the series i personally very much like which won't get me uninterested after a few weeks or days of work

>it has anime
anime can be seen as advertisements to get people interested to the much better paced light novel, this is the case for me and IS

>work on/with bakatsuki/irc
this site i am familiar with, but i prefer translating alone and releasing my work here up for grabs by any future editor, i just do not wish to be accountable to anyone

>work on manga/some other vn
manga: other people surely picks it up
vn: work too much, time too short
these two i will never do

>put up with little reward, might lose interest
please look at it this way, no matter if i manage to translate everything, or just release 1-2 chapters, this is still better than zero chapter translated. If it becomes inactive, there is always other or myself who might resume after a while.

>> No.6851576

I'm astonished that there are people who like IS.

>> No.6851605

>stop liking what I don't like.jpg

>> No.6851606

I too get confused at the idea of people having different preferences.

>> No.6851611

What did you expect? Some people have good taste.

>> No.6851619

Enjoy the most generic harem ever conceived

>> No.6851627

Way ahead of you

>> No.6851631

If it's good and fun, it doesn't matter if it's generic.

>> No.6851636

So you're pretty much just attention whoring?
Fuck you.
Also, seriously, find something that you'll like that doesn't have a translated adaptation of any sorts, and translate that, it would be much more useful to everyone.

>> No.6851638

OP, i'll edit for you if you want.

>> No.6851641

Roger, will do, beta-1.

>> No.6851646

It's not good because its uses too many cliches. And what are cliches? Tropes so overused they've basically lost their meaning or effect.

The show is shit and had you watched enough harems everything about the show would annoy you.

>> No.6851649

Translating what you like at your own pace is attention whoring? Really?

>> No.6851655

I mean, I know chinese, so.

>> No.6851657

Making a thread like this is a definition of attention whoring if I've ever seen one.

>> No.6851658

That's a problem on your end. I can't see how you could enjoy any eroge or anime if reused archetypes and situations bother you.

>> No.6851662

I try to avoid ones that overuse certain tropes. One of my list favorite VNs is YMK for that reason

>> No.6851663

Couple of people in the huge /a/ IS threads have already expressed their interests in translating it and are starting to churn out huge amount of spoilers.

If it was me I wouldn't bother to translate from Chinese, but it's all up to your preference.

>> No.6851664

Cliches aren't bad in themselves.
At least if you're using them consciously, and not like building blocks to make a story out of because you can't write otherwise, which is what tons of light novel authors and mangaka do.
Didn't watch IS yet, so I don't know which one it is. I can guess, though.

>> No.6851705

>like building blocks to make a story

Pretty accurate description of IS, at least going by the anime.

>> No.6851719

/jp/ seems favorable enough
i'll take it up.

it can't be helped, everything is attention whoring these days
especially if you're out for opinions.

thank you,
this discussion will be when the chapters is actually released

>> No.6851764

Takae my money, OP. All of it.

>> No.6851820

Don't bother. Seriously, this isn't really giving back to this board, more like you're bored and want something to do extra in your time. That kind of whimsical reasoning is just going to leave you angry when these whiners start making demands of you.

The key point to that being, you seem to think /jp/ is any different from /a/. It's not. So save yourself the headache in the future.

Further, LN stuff is /a/ territory, not /jp/.

>> No.6851819

Translate something better and worthwhile like Zaregoto instead.

>> No.6851835

>Further, LN stuff is /a/ territory, not /jp/.
But that's wrong. There's a good LN thread about to drop off the board right now, and threads have always popped up here and there.

>> No.6851861

LN is both /a/ and /jp/. Naturally, it shows up on /a/ due to adaptations. moot (as I recalled) did say LN goes is /jp/'s territory as well. Course, the case is that /jp/ doesn't discuss LN much here, but it's not like it doesn't belong.

>> No.6851898

>chinese sources to english
Yeah, no. If it was Japanese to English, then that'd nice.

>> No.6851942
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>Make up your fucking minds it's /a/ or it's not /a/.

>> No.6851951

Almost no Light Novels were translated back then, and they aren't comics, so naturally they fell onto /jp/.
Then the LN anime adaptation trend started though, and it became near impossible to discuss them without turning the board into /a/.
It has been better in recent times though. We just had a long good thread about it for instance, and with minimum as in pretty much no /a/ shit.

>> No.6851970


A lot of shit actually comes from Chinese translations these days. They're faster at getting out raw material.

>> No.6851986

The fact of the matter is almost all LNs are unamusing reads in the long run anyways, so the anime suffices enough to give people a general idea of what it is before they shelve it anyhow (if they have good taste). Same could be said for VNs, of course, but at least they tend to be a somewhat more entertaining medium.

>> No.6851992

Like one Anonymous once said, the Chinese get out translation faster than any English TLs as they love circlejerks, and don't get anything done. I say you just do your stuff, OP. Set up a wiki. We'll help you edit. It's also good that you have somebody who's also fluent in Chinese and English to QC. Lastly, bear with trolls like the Flyable devs.

>> No.6852450
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