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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6838922 No.6838922 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]

Old thread autosaging >>6806625

Brewing buyfag drama up in


My reaction

>> No.6838948

nice drama

tldr: "baaaaw baaaaw I give you my money CS please make my demands now!

on topic: what Tune suggest for Stardust Cannon? (1slot)

>> No.6838956

g rapid beta

>> No.6839023

I hate how half of these surveys and bullshit don't give you your RT after even successfully completing them. I'm actually somewhat interested in the gamefly promotion ($6 for nearly 300rt is way less what CS is charging) but afraid it won't even go through.

>> No.6839139 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 783x580, Rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 2 hours of completing surveys i've finally received my RT
Oh boy i'm so excited!!
What should i buy with it guys?

>> No.6839155
File: 112 KB, 1262x688, Rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah!
After 2 hours of completing surveys i have finally received my RT
Oh boy, i'm so excited!
What should i buy with it guys?

But seriously, what shit surveys they were, goddammit. They wouldn't let me take them if i described myself as a useless NEET, so i had to lie a little bit

>> No.6839160

>2 hours
You can just go work for 2hours and earn more.

>> No.6839173

I hope new janitors will do something about these threads.

>> No.6839182

I wish I wouldn't have spent my 35 rankup rt, with these offers I would have reached 50rt and get an amateus ;_;

>> No.6839184

I've been doing surverys for 2 hours and I got nothing. What the fuck man?

>> No.6839192

I feel like learning to draw, just to enter the drawing comp, but I know I can't colour for shit.
So I can't even dream of first or second...
Whats the other prize?

>> No.6839206

>playing in brd's lvl5 room a few hours ago
>a brd faggot was always yelling "LEARN TO PLAY NORMAL ROOMS NOOBS" after winning every match
>dismiss it as 'this guy doesn't make sense'
After reading >>6838922 I noticed this is the same moron that was yelling before. Holy shit, butthurt, frustrated, mad, he's got everything.

>> No.6839215

Those surveys tricked me into thinking I could actually get enough to roll the Garapon x5 with it. I got 2 of those auto insurance ones in a row and then nothing for the next 20. Now I have 116 Rt. Just under the amount for Garapon 1. No idea when the next rank up Rt would show up if they show up at all.

>> No.6839260

Theres some easy surveys or other bullshit things like register to play wheel of fortune once, those low amount rt rewards are easier to get.

>> No.6839351
File: 14 KB, 588x309, fffffffffuuuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These surveys suck.

>> No.6839412
File: 36 KB, 552x335, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drowning in possibilities.

Yeah. I hope they'll keep dumbfucks like you out of them.

>> No.6839476

Do other mmo's seriously do this? This is the first time I see anyone offering surveys. I feel like I'm just asking for spam/adware with those things.

>> No.6839483

>No purchase required to receive 2 root.
>Purchase required to receive 117
Read the little green text.

>> No.6839523

As if it wasn't already clear he's a retard.

>> No.6839611

Oh well....Now i have 191 Root
What should i buy with it?

>> No.6839637


>> No.6839640

I did the Gamefly one and got it about half an hour later. I already had a Gamefly account from a long time ago, but I just made a new one anyway. It works out because I've been wanting to play the Prof Layton games I missed and was debating whether or not to buy them or charge more RT for CB. Killed two birds with 6 dollar stone.

>> No.6839660

Did you miss the [ Cosmic Break ]?

Please note the global and board rules before posting, it's troubling to have to report you every time you come to whine and fish for responses.

>> No.6839878

Is it really worthy...?

Which Garapon should i try?

>> No.6839901

You will end up bitching how you didn't get anything good.

>> No.6839905

Worthy... well.. that's a difficult question because the chance of failure is high.

If I were you I would try to get Ouka. She is pretty overpowered without having join lots of RT bots different parts in order to create one of those high end hoppers for example.

>> No.6839921

I have 3 pages of offers. Try with a proxy from another country.

>> No.6839983

Gara 1 is the best bang for your buck. Chance to get Frau and Herr which are excellent bots, xraptor which is good, Shaden which is very good, Baltheon which has some excellent parts and can be useful, Jack Gadget 2 is not a bad little support bot, and burst bazooka. I did a x5 gara 1 a while back, got frau, sigma clock, baltheon, jack gadget, and a blue ball. Not bad at all.

>> No.6840158

Fellow frenchman?

>> No.6840488

yay, I won 18rt


>> No.6840771
File: 72 KB, 799x599, YOUHORRIBLEPERSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no feelings.

>> No.6841292

The best offer is the bling one. 47 rts for just signing up and installing their program or something.

>> No.6841317


RT for completing surveys?

>> No.6841339

Also, is this in JCB?

Can't seem to find that blue CS in any of the garapons

>> No.6841346

So what's up now that everyone got owned by EverythingsFine and all the unions bowing before their behemoth dicks?

>> No.6841355

>before their shining wallets and fagbuilds

Yep, nope. And life goes on, and not a single fuck was given.

>> No.6841361

>I'm actually somewhat interested in the gamefly promotion
I honestly cannot find anything on this, do you have a link?

>> No.6841461

are these surveys the same as the ones nexon has? most of the free ones don't work so you have to do tons of them to get any decent ammount of free shit. I think some people even made scripts that automatically fill them out for you. also some of them require you to install shitty adware, but what you can do is install it in a sandbox or something and then remove it once you confirm that you got your moni.

>> No.6841557

Not much since WIZ still wins the prize every week. I enjoy my tickets.

>> No.6841575


Most of the survey ones suck, except the ones from peanut labs. Just lie through your teeth. Be a woman with lots of interest. Other than that, a number(almost all) of the install this and get rt works.

>> No.6841584

DOS just trampled all over BRD in the latest epoch offensive. Didn't get much from it, but feels good man.

Then I rolled an Ouka on my first shot on the Oukagara, and got some bunny ears for her after 16 tries at the UC garapon.

Pretty good haul today.

>> No.6841586

What is that dance from? I've seen it before.

>> No.6842706

Thinking about applying for the discover card for its monstrous rt reward. How likely will I be able to cancel that without any sort of fees a few weeks afterward? Or if I never use it, shouldn't have to pay anything off on it right?

>> No.6842736

Looks like they changed the drop rates and tables for Arcantus. Got a blue flower, vulcan, and two large bazookas.

*cough*annual fees*cough*

>> No.6842758

I install that shit on a virutal machine. I make a snapshot, install all the trash and then restore the snapsohot.

>> No.6842796
File: 133 KB, 887x770, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 0rt yesterday, and now I just bought an amateus. I'm going to save for a garapon roll next.

>> No.6842945

>>6842736 and two large bazookas.
What the FUCK?
I had to grind for 20 hours to get one.

>> No.6843004
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>> No.6843010
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>> No.6843064


>> No.6843072

Nice BRbot. Made me smile.

The shields made me laugh.

>> No.6843380

Should i join hotglue guy? i mean, even with my bad english and lack of skill?

I'm pretty tired of shitty clans and failrushs...

>> No.6843410

If you can't join hotglue I can recruit you to Pettanko if you wanted

>> No.6843417

joining a clan won't stop WIZ from being retarded

>> No.6843420

If that clan can help that person get better at the game that leaves one less retard to worry about

>> No.6843434

why does hotglue suck now? I remember they used to be the shit back in the betas.

>> No.6843455

Because with time, they dried like glue, or semen.

>> No.6843462


What offer did you do in order to get 26 rt?


When did we suck?

>> No.6843494

like now. back in obt3 hotglue cleared union rooms and accounted for 2/3rds of wiz's cp. now they constantly lose and struggle to keep up there.

>> No.6843527


Theory 1: Half of hotglue's real hotshot players have abandoned the game due to RT, or simply lost interest

Theory 2: Unlike EFB/EverythingsFine/whatever super pro clan, Hotglue takes in everyone from /jp/ instead of only accepting people with 75%+ win ratios. Thus, you could simply be seeing less skilled players

>> No.6843554

>Half of hotglue's real hotshot players have abandoned the game due to RT

It's a pity too, the hotglue I knew back during the clan tournament could probably maintain their 1st place spot in the clan rankings using completely UC builds only if they'd just play like they used to do.

>> No.6843562

One where I had to whore my cell number to participate in a contest, they're in the peanut labs page (input your number, receive sms with code, input code in the site, get rt and spam). Actually I did three of them, but seems only one worked in the end.

>> No.6843852
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>> No.6843882

thats the second time ive seen a screen shot like that

thats just not fair

both were wiz too...

>> No.6843902
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>> No.6844008

I got two too, but they only gave me two shitty materials.

>> No.6844270
File: 209 KB, 793x591, oh wiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things never change

>> No.6844305

Suck? I think what you mean is there's like 15-20 members who log in still, occasionally, compared to back in the beta when the clan was too full and we had to make a 2nd one.

That and Hotglue isn't full of faggots who only recruit skilled players. Hell, if it were up to me, I'd invite every marble crimrose I saw just because their uselessmoe is the greatest.

>could probably maintain their 1st place spot in the clan rankings using completely UC builds only if they'd just play like they used to do.
I don't know why you would proud of being able to accomplish that, since it entirely revolves around using the most broken builds in the game to win at any cost.

>> No.6844672

Lots of hotglue players left. There's only around 3 "hotshot" players.

We have a lot of new people as well. And we hardly have enough to stack a room.

>invite every marble crimrose
Hotglue is for people of /jp/, I don't want to play with random gaia level kids.

>> No.6844735
File: 64 KB, 1478x863, offers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid $15 for 1 month of gamefly, 1 month media server, and 850 RT

pretty cool.

>> No.6844739

You don't have to talk to them, just look at them. Like mascots. Then just watch them waddle around and shoot at nothing.

>> No.6844751


and anyone else who has doubts about payed offers for RT

if you DO get fucked over by the automated system, contacting a customer service rep by phone/e-mail solves it, or at least it solved it for me. remember to turn noscript/adblock/security settings off for those offers

>> No.6844752

Wow, that sounds too good to be taken at face value. Did it look safe? Was there fine print?

Although, I guess I can't qualify anyways since I don't live in the US ;_;

>> No.6844781

safe enough.

i used a $20 visa prepaid so i don't have to deal with random subscription shit. took a while to get them to confirm it and send me the rt though

>> No.6845351
File: 235 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110121_1344_36_464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need one more rt to roll garapon once. For some reason the offers don't work for me anymore.

>> No.6845522

You're going to have your game account banned for false information.

>> No.6845530

What the fuck, how do I get this web.com offer.

>> No.6845612

They didn't ban people for bigger shit, they sure as hell won't ban anyone over 5 bucks.

>> No.6845687

If you only have enough Rt to roll the garapon once, you probably should just buy a bot from the store instead.

>> No.6846364

where is ivis in CBJP

i want ivis ;_;

>> No.6846384

oh fuck I have one of those somewhere. I've been saving it to buy something online but I could never figure out how to use it. can I really get $85 worth out of it?

>> No.6846387

You can't have her in CBJP anymore. Good night sweet princess.

>> No.6846501

Not the guy who got all that free Rt, but for me, the offers aren't showing up anymore. They did once the first time I loaded it, now no offers at all show up.

Is this the case for anyone else?

>> No.6846511

I guess the offers that you have already completed disappear
Well...That's what happened for me

>> No.6846536

Was that total for both gamefly and the server rent? I did the gamefly deal too for one month and should only be $6 for the 1st month, unless you plan on keeping it.

>> No.6846988
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delicious rt

>> No.6846999
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Problem Mami?

>> No.6847001
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>> No.6847258
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that feel.

>> No.6847613



>> No.6848313

WIZ constantly getting owned by BRD. How does it feel faggots?

>> No.6848428


Feels like wiz is still winning every week.


did you get the 32 rt from my view?

>> No.6848479 [DELETED] 

Like getting that weekly prize.

>> No.6848481

Like getting that weekly prize.

>> No.6848505

what are some good carts for seraph

>> No.6848511

is it the good cross raptor

or the awful one without the charge

>> No.6848521
File: 505 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110122_1102_04_212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Our *good* players quit or went back to CBjp, because it's ez to obtain RT there (just grind).

I still play, but I'm too lazy to grind *offers* for RT, haven't done a single tuneup, have no RT weapons or bots and I don't play that often as well.

pic related thank you 11v20 p stat bonus

grinded 10 melee titles yesterday
>see dos ouka with 100$ wings
>dos ouka dies and only has 480 melee
>my centaurX dies and has 700 melee

>> No.6848538
File: 49 KB, 720x480, 1294841186931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIZ will effectively never lose, we have so many players WIZ simply gets all points they lose VS back in shuffle.

>> No.6848554


Do the bling offer. It's a very easy 47 rt.

>> No.6848764

For some reason the bing installation fails at 50% here...
Oh well, it must be because i`m not American

>> No.6848827

It failed for me too. However when I started up IE and connected it to a Windows Live ID it seemed to work fine. I also got my RT too.

>> No.6849026

I want a shop ART, Destructor Girl or Saggitary maxis?

talking about fun/performance

>> No.6849044

Dunno about "fun", but I've had a right blast with my S. Maxis. Sniping eeryday and not giving a fuck.

Only problem is with large air swarms, but usually you'll be hanging back anyway and they'll be on low enough health that pegging them a couple of times is great.

Lands can also be a problem, but I put a broadsword and shield on my saggy for great effect.

Incidentally, I also play very well with arty in World of Tanks.

>> No.6849050

Fun facts:

You can take out Oukas with a saggy by hitting them with a sword and jumping lots.

Equip dual missile bits so you have long, medium and short range weapons.

Aim ahead of the enemy while they're strafing, and never stop firing if there's an enemy around.

Don't get close! (Unless it's a lone enemy arty)

>> No.6849106

I did it with an us proxy and it worked, though it was 32rt when I did it.

>> No.6849406

oh my god

seracrim+air loop+propeller bit is amazing

>> No.6849766

Anybody dumb enough to wear their wings into the arena to attract the attention of all the poorfags pretty much deserves whatever he gets.

>> No.6850435

Oh god fucking Bastagant.
Drop me a Stardust Cannon already, already went through BEES and Ramiel 30 times and nothing.

>> No.6850583

Try to farm scout rifles if you think that's painful.

>> No.6850600

Can you link to the proxy? The ones i tried don't work

>> No.6850604
File: 148 KB, 800x600, cross_flag_(maybe).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple. It just takes a lot of persistence^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hautism.

>> No.6850625

I don't remember it, I just googled proxy list and tried several. Even if I had it, it'd probably dead now, the lifespan of proxies is very short.

You can use http://www.checker.freeproxy.ru/checker/ to check several proxies at once.

>> No.6850723

What's the current 3 star haku route? And has anyone gotten a stardust cannon from him?

>> No.6850831

yes i have gotten a stardust cannon from haku (0 slot)

i really hope they will implement ivis on feb 2nd, only reason i keep playing

>> No.6850905

are you really that bad playing you need ivis so much?
things are going to get worse for you now that everyone can get rt from offers enough to buy a couple of bots or roll garapon

>> No.6850923

i never played ivis, i just like her design. i already regularly place top 10 with just my UC bots.. doing offers to save up RT for ivis gara, though.

>> No.6850925 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 100x114, uncle_icon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if only they do something about those "cheaters" then perhaps I might play this game again... I hate it when that "trainer" exploited the fact that the hits were processed on the "client" side...

>> No.6850935

I have about 40 rt from rank/offers; should I buy a 40 rt bot or do a bit more for a 50 rt one? Not going to try garapon.

>> No.6850949
File: 250 KB, 800x596, img.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see cyberstep's faces when reviewing the entries of the drawing contest.

>> No.6850958

do a bit more, it's not that hard
I'm farming 20 more rt for a garapon roll and I already bought a rt shop bot

>> No.6851004


hits aren't processed client side, deal w it nerd

>> No.6851053

Think that really depends what bot you want, just choose a goal then go with that one!

>> No.6851065
File: 578 KB, 800x600, vinvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a wide range of reponses from "OH GOD WHY", to "hahaha oh wow", to "Hey, that's almost good!", to "Hell yeah, Winberrl bondage!".

>> No.6851227
File: 203 KB, 480x270, wahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't wait until Ivis comes out. I can make all those ARTs disappear again. Stinging them to death with a Seraph isn't as fun, even if it feels like I don't have a chance at dying doing it.

>> No.6851255

Fucking Ivisfags. Giving the death blow to ruin even more this game.

>> No.6851381

I can't wait until Air Raider comes out. Vaporizing all these lands will be so much fun.

>> No.6851399

I can't wait to quit when all the arts disappear and it turns into all laggy LNDs, hoppers, and airs that the game engine can't handle.

>> No.6851500

My Vesca can't wait for the ivises to try to rush my heals.
See >>6851065 for reference

>> No.6851520

Hahahaha oh god that is awesome.

>> No.6851543

To be honest, I hope they keep Ivis out for at least a year and that it costs $500 to roll when it does.

Or, hey, here's a thought: let's send player feedback that asks them to nerf Ivis in EN CB. CS pays attention to the forums every once in a while.


>> No.6851566

what should i put on victor

>> No.6851785
File: 356 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110122_1837_52_564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes...

>> No.6851799
File: 641 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110123_0350_43_586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OCD mode:

all weapons have same color scheme
bot comes in pairs

>> No.6851940

EverythingsFine > all xD

>> No.6851949

I warned you about them tunes man, I warned you! Or did you perform magic?

>> No.6852846
File: 336 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110122_2230_58_271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic was performed, but unfortunately my majou shoujo powers ran out with this one ;_; Guess I pushed my luck too far

>> No.6852972

What's the easiest way to get repeat amounts of RT with the offers?

>> No.6853140

use proxies from other countries to get new different offers

I see a pair of DIFFERENT destructors

>> No.6853536

I can't find any good working proxies. ;_;

>> No.6853837
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Arcantus is a real bitch sometimes.

>> No.6853876

Oh god fucking Stardust cannon.
I've been farming berz and fract for hours now.
Why can't you just drop you son of a bitch.

>> No.6853916

fuck I haven't played in weeks but if I can get 850 rt for 15 bux I might be tempted. the only thing to do with that much would be gamble though and that shit's retarded. should I wait until they add lily rain eve and hope they still have those promotions going?

>> No.6853946

EVE wasn't a promotion, she was a bot of it's own.
And garapon

>> No.6853947


No clue how long the promotions will last.

>> No.6854259


Just get the Rt now and save it for EVE.

And the UC Garapon will probably keep changing so if you want a mini Crim/Lily or Koko Gaap, you should get those now.

>> No.6854283

Seems like they just keep adding stuff if the trend will continue for UC gara, but then it will really get over saturated so maybe they'll revise it (and have less blue balls, I pray).

>> No.6854299

download free trojans for rt!

>> No.6854359

Depends for how much.
I don't feel like setting up a VM for some loose change.

>> No.6854616
File: 24 KB, 361x208, 1269515607776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a working US proxy, trying the web offer
>We're sorry, this offer is currently unavailable

>> No.6854629

I just filled out each offer for auto insurance quotes and I have yet to get a goddamn thing.

I did find out that it would cost $700 a month to insure a 16 year old girl driving a Z06

>> No.6854669

They don't award you the RT til the insurance companies call you and talk to you.

>> No.6854671

It says all you need to do is enter a zipcode and email.

I gave them a secondary email account I have and my zip, what more?

>> No.6854679

225 free Rt total so far. Already rolled Flyvis Garapon x5. I don't think I can get the 55 Rt I need to roll Ouka's x5 though. I think I have signed up and done everything but the surveys now. I've been putting them off because they always trick you halfway through with a question that suddenly disqualifies you.

Maybe I'll just get a Zero Saber Girl and a Saggitarry Maxis even though I'd be awful with them.

>> No.6854692

Don't know what to buy. I was an extremely crappy player during OB, so I never touched any of the rt bots.

Any suggestions?

>> No.6854694

Why would you need free Rt BOOF, aren't you like super rich?

>> No.6854709

What RT offers have you done that actually pays out and takes little time/effort?

I only need ~80RT

>> No.6854724
File: 22 KB, 704x396, not suspicious at all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New offer: Fight witches for Rt, 100Rt per Grief Seed turned in*

*Cyberstep assumes no responsibility for physical or mental trauma that may result, up to and including death.

>> No.6854729

Get out of /jp/

>> No.6854731

If you haven't done the bing one it's 49rt as of now.

I've also found some ~30rt sign up stuff but you've probably done those too.

>> No.6854984

>Finally got a working US proxy

Link please?

>> No.6855025

Don't know if it still works

>> No.6855120
File: 133 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-01-23 19-53-47-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone responsible for the US server should get punched. Hard.

>> No.6855192

I don't even visit USCB anymore. Just got an aura knife on JPCB, I hear those have an infinite combo.

>> No.6855210

I was testing proxies and got a french one. There were a lot of simple offers that was just registering to receive a newsletter. Too bad the proxy died before I could even finish the first page of offers. I'll look for french proxies later.

>> No.6855238

how are you guys getting so much root?

I installed the bing one, got jack shit root- 0... Fuckers. I sent the appropriate place an email about it but they have yet to respond.

I got one or two to actually hurk up some Rt, but now I've got... 9 Rt. Some of them just go into infinite loops of offers that don't allow you to escape to claim the Rt, and some just dump me out and say 0 Rt, you didn't qualify.

>> No.6855247
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>> No.6855467
File: 498 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110123_2109_12_203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got blast bazooka, aigis baltheon, shine battler, x3 shit and sturganger standard.
All those surveys were worth the effort.

>> No.6856124
File: 435 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110123_1648_58_824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forehead clipping

>> No.6856602

>connection lost with server
>reconstructing arena

This has been happening to me for the past 3 days. No lag, then suddenly, kicked from room but not disconnected.

>> No.6856640

for super rewards, use


>> No.6856827
File: 58 KB, 600x600, aliceawesomeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Level 5 room, leveling Ouka and Winberryl Ellen
>Suddenly TaeTae and everyone from EF jump in
>Suddenly Eternal Force Blizzard and MoD everywhere (DOSfag here)
>3 matches, 1 loss, 2 wins
>Helped bind TaeTae and a load of hoppers first match, kick the shit out of arty with my jikun and ouka third match
>Rank up to Titanium Hero
>Everything'sFine ragequits en masse
>Feels good man

>> No.6857118

InnocentThoughts here, that wasnt a level 5 room, which makes it more awesome.

>> No.6857498

u nerds think we actually care about shuffle matches?

>> No.6857570

>log on
>the only populated room with 30 v 30 shuffle


>> No.6857604
File: 146 KB, 402x813, 1288818588697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they never add UC->RT because they claim you already have RT offers

>> No.6857824

cry more gaygay

>> No.6857828

EverythingsFine pwns u all why do u even bother wow

>> No.6857831

Trying too hard now. Still made me laugh, though.

>> No.6857850

Dear DOS and BRD, please take your shit to your own board and/or websites.

>> No.6857856

can't get any gathima arms, time to play air.

>> No.6857882

Is there any good repository for custom skins? I am not an artist in any way, shape, or form, and all the pretty clothes I try to make for my moebots might as well have "Jimmy age 5" written on the tits.

>> No.6857887
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All I know are the official sites.

>> No.6858016


But /jp/ is my board.

>> No.6858105

Baltheon > hoppers

>> No.6858421
File: 91 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110124_0046_52_260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, delicious tickets. These are especially more useful now that drop rates have significantly increased.

>> No.6858467


for bling you need to do a few of their offers. It's easy anyway. Read the stuff before you click on the offers.

>> No.6858586

>not lvl5 room
Huh. No wonder I wasn't doing as well. Silly me.

Still, good fun.

>> No.6858621

so uh... any private servers for this shit yet?

>> No.6858996
File: 50 KB, 863x554, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I have any offers

>> No.6859028

use proxies

>> No.6859056


What do you think beta was?

>> No.6859407

I've yet to find one that will actually let me go all the way through and not crap out at loading some part of the page or outright block the content.

>> No.6859500

Yup. As long as WIZ is getting those awards, you might say...

*puts on sunglasses*

...everything's fine. DOHOHOHOHOHOHO

>> No.6859811


>> No.6860009
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>> No.6860017

RIP. This game officially exclusive to 10-16 year old Americans/Peenoys/BRs/Indos

>> No.6860134



>> No.6860154

yup. because vidya games are always at their peak population around noon server time on a monday.

>> No.6860214
File: 124 KB, 404x336, 1189783930129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, i'ts monday
some people have to work

>> No.6860359


0/10 is monday, weekend increase to 500-600,well not compare the 1500 on the last beta

>> No.6860387

Oh wow, that's like 1/3rd of the 1500 they needed for the stress test.
So what, did everyone log in from 3 PCs?

>> No.6860411

Guilty here. For the stress test I logged in onto 4 computers

>> No.6860426


well maybe 1000 real people, anyway is the half

>> No.6860430

You have to remember that the stress tests were before the Great Rt Ragequit that gutted most of the clans. There were a lot more players then.

>> No.6860477

Fsk, All the Rt bots except Destructor Girl are worthless... Garacpon here I come

>> No.6860506

You have no idea of what you are saying.

>> No.6860539

he's just openly admitting he sucks even with the shop rt bots

>> No.6860543

No, YOU have no idea what you are saying. The UC bots are just better in every form, except destructor girl. Name a single Rt bot that doesn't have a better UC version.

>> No.6860557

You don't know shit about tune up and frankenstein builds.

You don't know SHIT about CB. The best parts for absurdly good builds are all on RT bots.

>> No.6860570

No, those are Rt PARTS. The actual good WHOLE SET of Rt bots are all inferior to actual UC bots. Besides, those Frankenstein builds use multiple Rt parts, which requires purchase of multiple Rt bots. Destructor Girl is the best for what you pay.

>> No.6860578

>>6860543 Name a single Rt bot that doesn't have a better UC version.

>> No.6860610

pick a support, any support. all the UC support bots SUCK

>> No.6860656

Does someone still have the Irisu skin they made to showcase at the Irisu threads a while back? Could you toss that in a .rar and give it to me?

>> No.6860680
File: 616 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101114_2332_26_656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one?

>> No.6860694
File: 21 KB, 241x264, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 2 polygon edit

>> No.6860707

I concede here, but the Rt in the Shops for SUP aren't amazing either. Garacpon is better.

>> No.6860715

And instead of getting such parts you are going for garapon to burn your money away. Very clever.

Also, DGirl is not as good as people usually say.

>> No.6860719

do you enjoy having the chatting box so small?

>> No.6860728


Dgirl is actually a pretty shoddy art.

>> No.6860737
File: 727 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101114_2248_45_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a problem with my video card, fixed it already. And yeah it was really annoying.

>> No.6860746

Limited Plasma Gun > WBG, prove me wrong. (LPG > WBG only on M/L AIR)

>> No.6860758

D-girl requires all the internal upgrade carts and full tunes to be truly competitive. With those she is good, but without those she is a little lackluster.

Bugsycait, Pulsardio, Saggitary Maxis, Mighty Byne, Misty Hollow, and Baltheon all have parts that are worth using and that have absolutely no UC comparison.

>> No.6860769

Even fully tuned up she still is overrated.

>> No.6860778


Nope, dgirl is lackluster even with those parts. Her missiles are only good at mid-long range and the s size prevents her from using any really good blast weapons to punish any air she manages to knock down. Her missiles are pretty weak too.

>> No.6860813

Yes, that one.

>> No.6860826

Only CHEEEEEN has it but I'll post it in here as soon as I manage to get it.

>> No.6860834

Amateus is fairly good...

>> No.6860864

You mean Zero Saber Girl

>> No.6860908
File: 27 KB, 615x694, 984654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is high population

>> No.6860924

Thanks, bud!

>> No.6860952


you no read the previous post right?

>> No.6860982

All the kids should be out of school already, and most people off work.

>> No.6861161

Dude it's 7PM here in the midwest. Don't tell me kids still aren't home from school or people have been working for 14 solid hours.

The game is dying already and it's not even a month old. We told them we wouldn't put up with their shit but they didn't listen. In another month those numbers will be half of what they are now and they're already below what they are in Japan.

>> No.6861261

You seem to care an awful lot about a game you dislike.

>> No.6861332

Got 50 Rt, what bot to buy...

>> No.6861362
File: 844 KB, 1280x1024, lolbrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 matches of this crap. Win the first two like men, then lose the third [spoilers]while I get last.[/spoilers]
Feels disappointing.

>> No.6861368

why i am 4chan stupid, how does use tag

>> No.6861386

It's just spoiler, not spoilers.

>> No.6861401

I'm confused, how does CHEEEEEN have an ivis?

>> No.6861409


If you mail Cyberstep beer, they give you an Ivis.

>> No.6861417

omg if the population dies maybe they'll offer the Rt bots for free

>> No.6861425

Buy a rail gun, either of the two, if you like range.
Or you could try your luck in the Ouka garapon.

>> No.6861456

Was thinking Zero Saber Girl, but it looks like there are better investments.

>> No.6861478
File: 54 KB, 180x223, 1272166634077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from when CB was still good.

>> No.6861604

the people who say "this game is dead" check JPCB on effective days and does not exceed 200 in all channels, in weekend 800+

maybe ENBC die soon, but no for lack users

>> No.6861626

lack of paying users. I can't believe that even retards like kaikai are going to shell out $400 every month like the japs do.

>> No.6861650


What they need is a healthy amount of players, freeloader or not. They need them, when you see the server have lots of players, you would be more willing to pay for the service to be competitive.

Look at iRO, its almost 10 year old now and there is still 800 players on an average night.

>> No.6861782
File: 61 KB, 250x250, shimapan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But those few users who shell out hundreds of dollars alone pay for the server bills.

>> No.6861946

Give it up. Cyberstep is not going to be begging for you to come back anytime soon.

>> No.6862102

yeah but for how long? those stupid japs spend hundreds a month on this. are even the dumbest american players that retarded?

>> No.6862153


Amateus. It's easily the best rt bot.

>> No.6862222

that's not bugsy

>> No.6862237

>Tell myself this is the last time I'm going to roll the garapon, all I need is a blast bazooka, please
>Get 2
>also Shaden and Frau
>and a blue capsule
Hope you're happy with the money I gave you Cyberstep, I'm good.

>> No.6862275


bugsy is only good for hopping faggetry.

>> No.6862277

Just wait until you want to upgrade those bots and weapons.

>> No.6862280

Implying that hopping is not overpowered as fuck and most useful build for almost all situations.

>> No.6862297

Goddamn, I lost count of how many Sword Masters I've gotten since the event.

>> No.6862300


Implying hopping isn't full of faggotry.

>> No.6862307

Insinuating that people care as long as they kill everyone.

>> No.6862322


Insinuating that those people aren't faggots.

>> No.6862323

I can't justify spending anymore money on this game. Hell, I feel like I have to play to get my $30 worth that I spent for ouka.

I have no idea how the everythingsfine guys can spend so much money on a dieing game.

>> No.6862325
File: 45 KB, 394x453, 3453634363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6861604 JPCB on effective days and does not exceed 200
Try not checking at 4AM maybe?

And this isn't even during the peak hours.

>> No.6862330


But they're both hoppers

>> No.6862335

>>I have no idea how the everythingsfine guys can spend so much money on a dieing game.

The members of everything's fine are people who lost to hotglue in beta. The need to win in order to feel good. The only good members they had were the hkers who left. The only ones they have left are buyfags and hoppers.

>> No.6862378
File: 341 KB, 800x600, 1285473115980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CB will never be as good as it was before. ;_;

By the way, where are those replays from cosmic commander? I want to see the teams.

>> No.6862459
File: 628 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110125_0018_17_485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's an afker jumping up and down.

>> No.6862470

>No Moe, No Mercy
I thought you stopped playing?

>> No.6862473

That's not Florette.

>> No.6862488

Oh.. Who is carrying on that name?

>> No.6862535
File: 160 KB, 1200x1600, 7282801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog Lander = CB
Crimrose = /jp/

>> No.6862546


>> No.6862558

That says it all. I loved this game and hate the fact that because of bad management it's dead.

>> No.6862592
File: 751 KB, 2024x1633, 15357387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny girl and her sister will surely save, CB. Don't worry guys.

>> No.6862596
File: 1.16 MB, 2891x2242, 15722169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6862601

No, it's too late.

The only thing that'll save CB is lowering the prices for Rt bots and removing the fucking blue balls from garapon but no, cyberstep won't listen and so we end up with a shit tier game nobody will play.

>> No.6862607

Yeah, all we need is another bot costing RT that we really want.

>> No.6862623

>removing the fucking blue balls from garapon

Suddenly, no one has any midoro cosmos. Ever.

>> No.6862640

I have Midoro Cosmos and I've never used Garapon

>> No.6862649


Don't they sell midoro tuneup sets in the shop for rt?

>> No.6862658
File: 58 KB, 200x320, 15493367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that seriously what you guys are whining about?
I'd wait and see if the sale ever ends about the cost of RT bots. The sale prices right now are not that bad. And for the blue balls, that only really sucks if you do a x5 gara and you get the running bot charge up. I've probably rolled 11 garas and have only gotten the blue ball like 4 times. I've gotten just as many gold balls as blue ones.

Now if you wanted to complain about the prices of the tune up things in the shop, I'd be all behind that. Seriously, 15 bucks for 6 of the catalysts, what the fuck? But complaining about a raffle that you know full and well is a gamble and agree to do anyway and the prices of bots that aren't bad at all right now is pretty silly.

Pic related, it's haters gonna hate Winberrl.

>> No.6862660


You get one or two as rankup rewards. It's probably also possible to get them in the login campaigns.


For 200 RT or some nonsense

>> No.6862663

>For 200 RT or some nonsense

This sounds like an excellent business opportunity while at the same time helping PR then

>> No.6862691

Midoro cosmos drops from bosses. Moron.

>> No.6862696

Keep telling yourself that it's no big deal while everyone leaves for that very reason.

Name a free MMO. For about $30 you become a GOD in those games. Any luck based roulette games like garapon would be $1 a roll and give you pieces of armor, weapons, or random useless shit. If you threw in $10 you'd get a fair amount of armor, for the whole damn $30 you'd be nearly guaranteed to get a full set. Go out and DOMINATE.

Now look at CB, what do you get? 3 bots? Really? That's it? You don't even have a way to upgrade them, they'll suck compared to a fully upgraded bot which you can't afford, goddamn someone could upgrade their CRIMS and destroy you with them.

Or maybe you can throw them in to 5 spins of garapon for $20 and another 2 for the remaining $10? You have equal chances at blue balls, you said so yourself, that's 3 or 4 blue balls for your $30, the others will be a single weapon and maybe a couple of bots ... WHAT THE FUCK?

It's pathetic. I want cyberstep to realize their mistake, lower prices for Rt bots to half or less what they are now, hell half would be start and either get rid of the blue balls or reduce the cost of spins in garapon. 5 spins for $10 would be fair considering all the junk you can get.

If they do that, they have my support. I'll quit complaining about Rt prices, I'll give them $20 or $30 of my money and whenever a new bot comes to garapon I'll be likely to throw another $20 or $30 into the game to try for it.

Right now, the game is shit.

>> No.6862697

>For 200 RT or some nonsense
Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe the reason the Tune Up sets are priced so expensively is just to make people feel less ripped off when they get a blue ball?

"Oh hey, I got a bunch of tune up shit that I don't need, but at least it's worth 20 bucks"

>> No.6862716

It's funny, because I've spent exactly 30 dollars on RT and was able to get 3 bots I love and do extremely well with. Saggi and Pulsardio for RT, Frau Adone in gara, as well as a bunch of other bots for parts and what not. Then I spent a grand total of 10 more dollars on the Blockbuster and Gamefly promotions and got around 500 RT from that and got a few more bots and mainly tune catalysts.

I don't disagree that some of the prices are outrageous. But to say the game is a travesty because of it is seriously over reacting. Just spend what you are willing to spend and enjoy what you are willing to buy.

>> No.6862726

I don't even know what that gamefly blockbuster thing is. I quit after the first week they brought out the Rt prices.

>> No.6862727

I got a mighty byne, amateus, sturbanger and blast bazooka without spending a buck. Some of you should save your whining for february, when garapon/shop discounts end.

>> No.6862735

There are offers which give you rt for filling surveys and installing shit. I have made around 200rt thanks to them.

>> No.6862752

Seriously .... maybe I'll give them a chance. Dunno.

>> No.6862846
File: 148 KB, 500x366, 8169499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's all the major things I did to get free or "free" RT for CB.

>Sign up for 1 month of Gamefly for ~6 US$ = 270 RT
>Sign up for 1 month of Blockbuster movie rentals, like Netflix ~5 US$ = 250? RT Don't remember exactly.
>Sign up for 1 free month of Netflix = 125 RT
>Download and install a Bing toolbar for IE, which I don't even use as my browser = 49 RT

Then a few surveys and what not here and there for about 20 more RT. That's over 650 RT right there for not a whole lot of money spent. Add in that I get to rent movies and games for a month and it's all around a pretty sweet deal.

>> No.6863132

>>6862696 Name a free MMO. For about $30 you become a GOD in those games
What the fuck? Those people have no idea how to run a game OR business.

>> No.6863146

>>6862696 I want cyberstep to realize their mistake, lower prices for Rt bots to half or less what they are now
And what the would that do? Besides reducing their profits. People don't fucking want 10 of each shop bot.

>> No.6863427


>I've probably rolled 11 garas and have only gotten the blue ball like 4 times.
so you spent $55 and 36% of what you got was completely worthless? out of the 7 non-blue balls how many of them were things you really wanted?

>> No.6863598

Netflix's 125 Rt for the free trial went through. It only took a few hours. I just used my paypal so I didn't need to give any bank information. Now I just need to remember to cancel after I get bored of it so I don't get bashed for not paying them because I have no money in my bank or in paypal.

Just a bit would be great so I can do that 1 month web hosting one for $11 and 600Rt. The blockbuster one would be nice too, but it says it won't work until they ship out a DVD and then I would have to bother to ship it back to them when I cancel.

So far that's 382 completely free Rt. More than I've gotten out of JPCB even with much less time put into it.

>> No.6863881

I can't get anything to show up from superrewardz, I tried (high anonymous) proxies from US, UK, Germany.
Did they start blocking them or what?

>> No.6863904

I spent $5 for a Destructor Girl and $4.50 for a Amateus and am raising hell in the arena. And I still have 5 RT leftover. You really must be a pissweak player to need to roll the garapon that much.

>> No.6863917
File: 977 KB, 2000x2773, 9679789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>55$ for gara
You have no clue how much it costs to roll Garapon, do you?

If you roll Gara 1, it's 120 rt for a x5. So 10 rolls costs you $24.

Getting what I wanted is actually irrelevant. Going into a fucking raffle and expecting to win a certain thing is a horrible mind set. You should pick the one with the greatest number of things you want, roll, and see what happens. Besides that I did get one of the bots I really wanted.

And the blue balls are not absolutely worthless. Besides the fact that the item you get itself can be used, you get star coins just for spending RT which can be used to get things you want. And I already established that I got over 600 RT for free from promotions, that's where a lot of my rolls came from and I'm still sitting on 250 RT for whenever they change up the Garas or add more bots.

>> No.6864012

>And the blue balls are not absolutely worthless.
>5x blue balls with 4x tuneups and 1x ticket (after spending 12$)
Yeah, about that...

>> No.6864033

>Roll Gara 5 times
>Get Blue Balls on everything
>Quit game

>Weeks later, free RT for offers come out
>Do a bunch of shit
>Roll gara once
>Blue ball

Hey fuck this shit.

>> No.6864040

>Tempura: Your butts are hurt

But yeah that's how CB rolls. You need money AND luck.

>> No.6864114

or you could... you know.. just buy the shop rt bots

>> No.6864118


Like who?
I kind of wanted Frau or Ouka.

Next time I'll just get Chibi, at least it's guaranteed to get a bot there.

>> No.6864195
File: 322 KB, 473x1500, 12551888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Byne. Or just use a Jikun. Haku staff on just about any lnd makes it good.

>> No.6864413

Name a free MMO other than CB that doesn't do that.

>> No.6864906

byne, unlocked legs jikun long, saggy maxis, unlocked arms winberryl, pulsardio...

>> No.6865080

"slot protector" in blue balls is the solution

>> No.6865453

Oh god, if this happened and they kept the prices the same as they are now I would have no problems with enCB besides a few balancing issues. Too bad this has a zero percent chance of happening.

>> No.6865717

>Getting what I wanted is actually irrelevant. Going into a fucking raffle and expecting to win a certain thing is a horrible mind set.
no but getting what you want in a video game you're paying for is perfectly reasonable. if this was a normal game like street fighter would you really be happy only being able to select "random" every time?

it's not about needing robots to win you autists. did you ever consider that some people might want a specific robot because they like it?

>> No.6865769

slowpoke here thinking of joining... which clan/faction to join?

>> No.6865861

They have this in jpCB.

>> No.6865900

join DOS
WIZ have too many people and BRD are cheaters and laggers

>> No.6865965

anyone know the Hotglue leader so I can join?

>> No.6866009

What's your IGN?

>> No.6866039


>> No.6866058

Well, you can try looking for them in ch5 WIZ area (or join MoD in ch2 if you went DOS)

>> No.6866148 [DELETED] 

No one's in cc5 WIZ

>> No.6867717

It's sad that there are no events. In beta we had a calendar with several events each week. Now there's nothing at all. What the fuck are they waiting for? Their job starts NOW.

>> No.6867752

There's an interesting discussion about blast weapons at http://www.cosmicbreak.com/commu/?m=pc&a=page_c_topic_detail&target_c_commu_topic_id=2453&am

I didn't know weapons had a % blast and % shell damage.

>> No.6867766


It came up in discussion here once I think.

No idea, but do beam weapons have this too? Things like the plasma gun seem to have more beam damage over the beam gun. And the paralyzing guns don't seem to have as much. I guess it doesn't really matter because hardly anyone gets beam guard anyway.
