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File: 53 KB, 336x479, 魔方陣.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6842931 No.6842931 [Reply] [Original]


This is all the images, including the new descriptions, translated. I'll upload a mod of the December 15th version later.

The lastest version is here:

this image looks familiar somehow... oh well

>> No.6842948

fucking kabbalah

>> No.6843122
File: 3 KB, 320x240, -menu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-Rin's good route was re-enabled, however you must get the H event at the end of the murder quest in order to enter this path. The true path remains unfinished (probably since it's related to Ashley's quest, which is also unfinished)
-The menstrual cycle was reduced to 10 days. Note that when Nanako's desire reaches 100 she automatically enters estrus on a day change.
- implemented the pregnancy chance meter, sorta. I think that's what it's supposed to do anyways, beside take up space.

>> No.6843144


>> No.6843156

Is that image from Index?

>> No.6843168

The only reason I know it is because EoE, I had to research that shit.

>> No.6843170

what is this?

>> No.6843176

Awesome, I was hoping a new version would come out too

>> No.6843181

Fuck off hotgluer animu shitposter, go fuck yourself fagget

>> No.6843182
File: 68 KB, 455x339, RegRollsEyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843204
File: 187 KB, 660x519, vh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loaded up save 3 for 110120 and Serena mistakes me for a waitress, probably part of some chain quest, anyone know how to progress it from there?

>> No.6843217

OP here. Looks like it's a part of the thief hideout quest. Just a little event to meet her with until later. They've also introduced this "main scenario" variable, which basically ties in the hot spring quests, Ashley, and the Capital in a big chain. Rin getting herself on death row looks to be the last of the main scenario chain they've completed so far. I'd gather you'll meet Ashley again before Rin's scenario finishes, and Serena after that.

Serena's town and mansion are on an island off the coast of the western city (one with all the dirt). Talk to the pirate to go there. Not much there yet except lesbians.

>> No.6843225

If you don't know, just don't worry about it


>> No.6843283

OP here. Any bugs you noticed or feature requests? I'll be around for another 45 minutes or so

>> No.6843377


Thanks for the translation image, OP.

I stopped playing this game because I thought there wasn't an ending. What are you supposed to do after you finish all the guild quests?

>> No.6843386
File: 61 KB, 460x795, 460px-Planechart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're discussing entities, would you care to join us?

>> No.6843402

future versions of this should eventually all lead to a main "ending", however there are numerous bad ends and a couple good ends if you read the wiki.

>> No.6843408

Now I can finally fulfill my long-suppressed homoerotic fantasies of being violently gangraped in an onsen full of balding middle aged men.

>> No.6843411
File: 104 KB, 466x522, 1295345807075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843422

I'm really confused. What is the newest (untranslated) version of this game? The wiki makes reference to "Post 1007XX versions".

>> No.6843425


I believe OP's is the newest version, since it was released yesterday.

I guess the wiki's just outdated...

>> No.6843441


Never mind, I'm just retarded. I read 1007XX as 1107XX.

>> No.6843453

Now that would be in the future, versions are dates
110120 is 20th jan 2011. 1107xx won't be before july.

>> No.6843519

You don't recognize the Sephiroth?

>> No.6843559
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda fun that something that was once considered so arcane and secret and special is now the purview of gleefully, gloriously corny teenage animu/vidya/other-japanese-media-and-software fandom.

>> No.6843607

so does this have the partial text translation too or just the pictures?

>> No.6843620

I'm not using that partial translation because it's pretty shit. Certain common events have been translated, so you'll see English dialogue every now and then. I expect to keep translating common events until I have a backup of all the ones with dialogue in them.

>> No.6843891

Any blog you have to keep up with your translations?

>> No.6843945


This is probably worthless to you, OP, but I just want to say I appreciate your hard work on the new image translations.

>> No.6844026

can you translate the two waitress quests and the brothel events? those are the best quests but it sucks not knowing what's going on.

>> No.6844484

The best quests are the one you mentioned and the babysitting quest.

>> No.6844531 [DELETED] 

Is there abortion in this game? What do I do with babies?

>> No.6844532

Is there abortion in this game? What do I do with babies?

They're just kinda chilling in my inventory.

>> No.6844548

Does this translate dialogue too? It's great to see someone doing this

>> No.6844565

You should definitely make a blog or something OP. I wanna be able to keep up with what you do

>> No.6844738

Do you want people helping you out or rather this be your own deal?

>> No.6844819

A couple months ago, would've loved to have had some extra translators. Recent events with that translation tool guy seems to show the Japanese dev team is terrified that an english child protection agency might find out about this game. That or he's a douche. If you wanna use the translation tool and make me a dialogue patch, or post a partial one, that'd be cool.

>> No.6844828

I'd have to password protect viewing of it though. 'vh' sound good, lol?

>> No.6844871

The reason he did that is because he didn't want to piss the Japanese developers off by allowing people to upload patched versions with his tool (which kinda defeats the purpose given the way he implemented the tool... make it work like a separate window/folder which accesses the original game instead of making the patcher overwrite the original game; though I guess that doesn't work with RPG2000 games).

He is being childish and it's really been a lack of foresight and a design flaw. IIRC patchers like the Sengoku Rance patch often are just an overlay/interface swap window who access the programs variables, without actually overwriting the original files.
He should have done THAT because then people could try to upload a patch version but it would have been harder to do if he kept key files hidden in a folder separate to the English patch excutable and Japanese folder.

Anyway, tl;dr: The reason he took down the patcher is he's a drama queen (someone has already reuploaded the patcher)

>> No.6844888 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 655x900, 8169364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that sucks.
I don't care that much since I played most of the game using an auto-translator already but there's so much drama around this game, and the creator sounds like a dick.

>> No.6845048

that is a delicious picture, where did you find it?

>> No.6845075 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 655x900, 8169471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was posted on the forums.
I only have that one and this though.

>> No.6845118
File: 62 KB, 442x640, meh.ro4799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6845293

I guess you mean the guy who made the patcher.

The reason the Jap devs banned most non-japanese IPs (they have a "gaijin" (that's they call him) sprite editor doing the BDSM outfits) is because some jackass decided to go all /b/ on their forums (didn't actually see it as it just got closed before I could check out wth had happened)

>> No.6848320

No I meant the creator for blocking out non-jap IP's though your reason sounds somewhat right, wish they whould unblock it though.
And the guy who made the patcher is a dick too.

>> No.6848341

The text board is actually open for all, zzz is another non-japanese regular contributor.

>> No.6848563
File: 72 KB, 332x339, 1285140609220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here. Yeah, I wasn't talking about the VH dev team. They just put up that redirector to keep out stupid people. I'm talking about the >>6844871.

Protip: The Japanese dev team hasn't said shit about the hongfire team or otherwise. He's just so weeboo he's WORRIED he'll piss them off.

I have his silly little tool, but since it doesn't extract common event text, it's only half useful to me. Common events are getting translated (and backed up) THE HARD WAY for now.


>> No.6848831

Again, if you need help with that, I'm a 3rd year student so I could do some minor events even though it would not be perfect or events you don't plan on touching for now.

Also, there is a way to extract the text more easily (which is the way the other translators were doing it) allthough it still has the problem it'll fuck up the moment a new translation comes along (unless you've found a workaround on that):
(However, the way to repatch the dialog here seems a bit weird to me)

If you think that's too much work, just keep business as usual

>> No.6849437

You really need a site to keep up with your work. I don't want to miss out when this thing is finally (mostly) translated

>> No.6850784

Page 9? I don't think so

>> No.6851429

Is this the one with a "slave mode" or is that a different game?

>> No.6851446

No, this one requires you to set the LUNs.
...I'll go back to /g/ now.

>> No.6853266
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1295364002157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://vhdmod.wordpress.com/ <-- this work?

>> No.6853789

So that's what it was.

>> No.6854189

Hell yeah. It helps it has the usual password
