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6844868 No.6844868 [Reply] [Original]

Your honest opinion of Shkantrice as the solution

Do you think it fits Umineki? Do you think it's good?

>> No.6844870
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>> No.6844881

>>Do you think it fits Umineki?

>>Do you think it's good?
Yes. Its a classic red herring + weasel wording. Some people may not like it but it fits the whole theme and motiff of the story.

>> No.6844882

But Shkanontrice wasn't the solution

>> No.6844884

I like how Yasu works, I sympathize with her story up until '84. I don't like how she blows up 17 people for petty reasons.

>> No.6844886

It's shit.
Anyone could see it coming but nobody wanted to simply because they didn't want R07 to fall to that level.

>> No.6844894

Didn't like it until EP7, then was totally fine with it.

>> No.6844904

Failure on a narrative level, it started as a joke

But it fits Umineko

>> No.6844906

Everyone expected DID. It wasn't.

>> No.6844910

>Failure on a narrative level,


>> No.6844916

>started as a joke
You don't mean Battler's words, do you? Shannontrice existed before that.

>> No.6844918

It was DID to some degree, not the full blown personalities switch but DID also usually start with imaginary friends starting to become more and more real.

And it doesn't change the fact that the plot device is the same, Shannon and Kanon being the same person was obvious since very early, people rejected it simply because they didn't think R07 could write such a crappy answer.

>> No.6844935

And WHY is it a crappy answer?

>> No.6844950

Do you really need to ask why?
Some of you guys are even more deluded than I thought

>> No.6844953
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Pretty much everyone thought Shannon=Kanon, but it was discherged because to obvious and stupid

Even after ep VI, people hoped it was something more than a joke theory everyone thought immediately.

>> No.6844965

And you won't answer, because there is no answer other then "It made my pet theory wrong" or just "it's an excuse to troll". Explain how it fails in the narrative, explain how it fails to properly convey the themes of the work.

>> No.6844967

When you realize the answer so fast but discard it because it's too stupid, that mean the writer failed in some way.

>> No.6844981



It's just fucking retarded, the simply fact that I have to tell you this prove that there is no saving you.

>> No.6844984

It wasn't "obvious", it had a lot of foreshadowing, but a lot of counterevidences too.

>> No.6844986


>> No.6844990

you know if you could reverse time and ask at the end of ep1 what people think the secret of Umineko is most will say something about (Sh)Kanon being the culprit and also a cross-dresser. If you ask what the meta world etc is most will say it's inside the head of Battler.

but then DON'T STOP THINKING, LOVE, and MAGIC happened but turned out it was all a terribad troll. the easiest answer IS the real answer.

>> No.6844995

No, it was obvious.
And the counter-evidences were mostly "no there is no way R07 will write something so stupid" and "there is no possible way to make ShKanon work, it has to be a red herring".

>> No.6845001

> but a lot of counterevidences too.

Oh, please, it's not about that

It's just a thing someone would thought on a whim, especially coming from Higurashi writer. (ShmiON)

>> No.6845012

This is just you having hindsight bias.

You think "oh it was SO OBVIOUS" when in fact it isn't. Until EP6 the whole "Shannon = Kanon" thing is a rather subtle detail. It takes a bit of thought for a reader to realize that Shannon and Kanon never appear together when Battler can see them. Because, after all, the reader is distracted by the more obvious magical scenes, the elaborate corpses, and other such things.

You probably never picked it up until somebody discussed the theory on the internet. At that point you rejected it because you thought it sounded stupid.

Then, when it turned out to be true, rather then realize you were tricked by the author and didn't realize it when others did, you scream about how stupid it is STILL. Without giving any reason, and talk about how "obvious" it is.

>> No.6845017

No, there are solid counterevidences against it.
Like episode 3 body count and Erika seeing them both together in episode 5.
But then people try to explain these with HURR DURR, they count as different people when alive but only one when dead and HURR DURR, episode 5 is pure fiction, it doesn't count.
Face it: R07 cheated. If he hadn't cheated, everyone would agree on the answer right away.

>> No.6845024

>You don't mean Battler's words, do you? Shannontrice existed before that.

I meant it literally started as a joke-theory


Keep in mind that these were before ep V was even translated

>> No.6845026

I thought of ShKanon after episode 2.
I'm not trying to play the "oh I'm so smart" but I thought it was really pretty obvious, I'm sure lots of people thought the same.

But I also thought there was to be something else since I really thought it was a pretty stupid solution so I looked for alternate theories and the likes.

>> No.6845030

>Erika seeing them both together in episode 5.

Where did it say Erika saw them both together in Episode 5?

Battler saw them both in with Erika Episode 5, the episode where he wasn't reliable any more. But did it ever say ERIKA saw them? No.

>> No.6845047

Erika sees them when they are trying to open the door to the room where Hideyoshi died and Natsuhi hide in the closet. They even talk to Erika.
Seems like someone needs to play episode 5 again.

>> No.6845057

Was this told from Erika's point of view? No.Again, that segment was told from Natsuhi's point of view.

Never once in Episode 5 do we get to see the Detective's point of view.

>> No.6845074

So you are saying the entire episode is bullshit, right?
Tyical anser of a fan in denial that his favourite author made a serious mistake.

>> No.6845076

So what is the real solution? Episode 8 makes it seem like everything up until now is just speculation.

>Goats: Battler and his family are the Culprits!
>Erika: That doesn't mean you can discount George and his family as the real culprits.
>Eva-Beatrice: I won't accept any theory that doesn't acknowledge me as the culprit!

>> No.6845095

I don't know about the true culprits, but the true victims were the readers anyway.

>> No.6845096

Just that it's not 100% reliable, like every other episode. it's just harder to figure out the total truth because there's not one person where we can say that everything they say is truth.

Piece together what you know from earlier and later episodes, and figure it out.

>> No.6845103


God, there are Hilarius right now
>Shannon is lesbian and gay at the same time

Makes me wish to go back in time to spoiler people umineko

>> No.6845105

>his favourite author made a serious mistake.

Except that it's not a mistake.

You claim he's made a a mistake, I point out how it's consistant with everything so far, then you just spew out "HURR DURR YOUR RETARDED SUCK RYUSHIKIS DICK"

>> No.6845116

If the detective can have a dialogue conversation with people and we can't even trust this, then Umineko is not a mystery at all. It's simple as that.
So any bullshit is acceptable.

>> No.6845119

My interpretation: Kanon never existed in reality. The only reason why people think he existed was because of the message bottle crimes mentioning him. They automatically assumed that he was a real person who worked on the island.

When Battler figures out the truth (aka gets his memory back), he realizes that that when he went to Rokkenjima, there was no Kanon, which subsequently leads to him solving all of the crimes.

>> No.6845127

>Tyical anser of a fan in denial that his favourite author made a serious mistake.

Now, i'm all for bashing R07 answer, etc, but you can definitely see he knew what he doing if you re-read some episodes. It may be a cheesy trick, but he even said that ep V contained a "trap"

>> No.6845128
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>Tyical anser of a fan in denial that his favourite author made a serious mistake.

>People who don't agree with me are in denial
Isn't that what delusional idiots say" They're so convinced of their own point of view the fact someone has a different one that is just as plausible strikes them as absurd. Funny thing is that this was a theme in umineko. Ryu confirmed for genius.

>> No.6845136

How is the detective, the one whose point of view is supposed to be unbiased, can have a dialogue with two people who can't be together at the same time and this be logically acceptable?
This is why I say you suck R07's cock and would probably jump off a cliff if he said you would gain superpowers. I want my mystery and won't acknowledge anything other than a mystery.

>> No.6845164

Erika was an enormous fuck off to mysteryfags, why don't you realize that?

>> No.6845165

Umineko stopped providing mysteries in EP4. Everything after that has existed to provide answers to those four.

You didn't take the fact that the games in 5 and 6 just stall out as a sign? The mystery can be solved by Episode 4.

Let me solve Episode 5 for you.

Battler solves the Epitaph, Yasu abandons her roulette. However, Yasu decides to have a little revenge/prank on Natsuhi and this obnoxious visitor, and with cooperation from the relatives (maybe Battler, maybe not) sets up a fake murder to make Natsuhi admit that Kinzo is dead.

>> No.6845174

Congratulations, you are now autistic.

>> No.6845199

Congratulations, you said absolutely nothing

>> No.6845277
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Kill yourself. It is unfortunate that you can't see my face right now because words can't adequately describe the rage I feel right now. You and people like you who want the author to spoon feed you is exactly everything wrong with modern narratives today. Ruykishi has repeatedly emphasized that the visuals in this game are red herrings and he's called into question EVERYTHING not said in Red and Gold. It is expected that you as a reader can come up with your own interpretation of a scene that is not completely said in Red or Gold. But here you can't rationalize the scene and draw out the core concept. You're tripping on the goddamn details. Insignificant details that can be hand waved with a thoughtful theory on how the writer wants that scene to be interpreted. And I hate you for that, with all my hate. It is because of this type of unimaginative dull witted attitude that in every novel, comic, show, manga etc I fucking read the author feels the need to bog down the story with exposition and details. Because of retards like you, authors are forced to be heavy handed in their narrative so slow readers like you don't hop onto the internet and start mouthing off idiocies. I hope the next iteration of the game has an "I'm not retarded, you don't have to drown me with a wall of text because I have the speculative capacity of cement" Mode. But till then, do every movie goer a favor and point a bullet in your head.

>> No.6845298

>You think "oh it was SO OBVIOUS" when in fact it isn't. Until EP6 the whole "Shannon = Kanon" thing is a rather subtle detail.
Haha no

>> No.6845361


Um... you're a little bitter.

Once again, Hindsight bias

>> No.6845371

>How is the detective, the one whose point of view is supposed to be unbiased, can have a dialogue with two people who can't be together at the same time and this be logically acceptable?
Never happened.

The problem is most readers have a pitiful IQ that leads them to believe being the detective is a reality-warping position in which nobody narrating in a scene that you are in can falsify anything. You have a problem with Erika "seeing" Kanon and Shannon together (she didn't, a third person meta narrator just says that Erika turned to them and said to close the door, one person could have done that), but you have no problem with Erika's outburst at the table that if we take as truth, confirms the meta-world as real? Or the part where Erika is present but Battler sees Kinzo?

>> No.6845380

Not hindsight bias. I think you have a bias as one of those bitter people who could never accept that Shannon and Kanon were the same. It was more obvious than Kinzo being dead. In fact, I didn't realize Kinzo was dead until told of the possibly, but I did think of Kanon and Shannon being the same. Now Kanon and Shannon AND Beatrice being the same? That was actually subtle.

>> No.6845383

There is no hindsight bias.
Anyone who doesn't have the IQ of a chimpanzee could see ShKanon after episode 2.
I did and I'm sure lots of other people did as well, ShKanon was one of the earliest theory.
But seeing doesn't mean accepting.

>> No.6845400

The culprit for mystery part (which is fictional) is Shkannontrice. And who cares about the culprit of the real event in real world? It wasn't the point of the story at all, it just a device to introduce Ange's story.

>> No.6845437

>>And who cares about the culprit of the real event in real world? It wasn't the point of the story at all, it just a device to introduce Ange's story.

hahaha. Ho wait. No, no way, you can't be serious.

>> No.6845468

It was obious, then a red herring was thrown. Remember the rule that says that meido's can't be the culprit (either Dine or Knox's law)? That threw me off track. But it turns out, Shanon wasn't a meido.

>> No.6845477


Yes, in ep VII, two seconds before she was confirmed as the culprit

>> No.6845490

technically speaking, she was, whatever Retardkishi says about her past.
And saying that " nah she left." isn't fair at all. If he didn't want to be fair, then the rules have nothing to do here, period.

>> No.6845507


Kumasawa, Nanjo and Genji knew and helped her

>> No.6845516

Sure, LOLDYINGPERSONNALITIESATWILL is not something ryukishi put here here in order to make people think that it is impossible for Shkannon to be the answer. At all.

>> No.6845520

>technically speaking, she was, whatever Retardkishi says about her past.

No she wasn't. If Kinzo was still alive she'd still be the maid, an illegitimate child employed as the maid. But with Kinzo dead she became the head of the family.

>> No.6845526

Big deal, really. And Jessica is a complete retard, right? (or she is an accomplice and we don't know shit about this)

>> No.6845529

Ignore him, either he hasn't finished EP7 or wasn't paying attention.

>> No.6845542

She was. Ep5 didn't hint at all that with kinzo's death the winged servants are free. That's an obvious breaking of the rules here.

>> No.6845547

Jessica was never close to Yasu. They occasionally played together but Natsuhi made it clear that they were not friends.

>> No.6845557
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>confirms the meta-world as real

>> No.6845592

Not this anon, but you guys are seriously annoying sometimes.
I personally finished ep7 and understand this very well, but it is STILL retarded.
Even more.
So if you want to say that something retarded est LOL PERFECTLY LOGICAL, PERFECT AND WORK SO WELL okay. But it's only an opinion here.
The whole "lol helped by 3 people so it explains absolutely everything, finished." was the most retarded part of this goddamn plot.

>> No.6845596

Who ever told you that Van Dine's rules apply to Umineko? You didn't even receive the guaranty that Knox's rules apply, even though you'd been given the list of their local interpretations. Will uses only few of his rules and only when it suits his views.

>> No.6845603

Other than it not making much sense how people wouldn't notice - I mean, had ShKanon started say, 1 or 2 weeks before the events, I could believe it, but when you tell me that ShKanon has been pulled for 2 years, and that Yasu has been doing this for around 10 years (back in the day being herself and Shannon), I think this no longer falls under suspension of disbelief, but blatant nonsense.

Either way, I'm find with false identities and/or people disguising themselves/posing as others. Had ShKanon had been merely that, despite the fact that in terms of narrative it made little to no sense due to how it was pulled, I'd have lived with it. However, R07 had to mix his own subjectivity into this, with the whole thing about personalities/imaginary friends dying. If ShKanon made little sense, now was even worse.

Does ShKanon fit the story? Yes, it does, it obviously will when the creator had this answer precisely to fit the story. However, almost everything the answer is based on is nonsense.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. R07 is amazing at writing suspense and horror, but he simply cannot write mysteries. He sucks at it.

>> No.6845614

So, ep 1-4 go to the trash can even though we were supposed to be able to solve the game with only this. Yeah, okay.
This, or yeah, Jessica is a retard, which is apparently /jp/ n°1 theory.

>> No.6845637
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She wasn't. Kinzo's death didn't "free" the servants. The servants were free to leave at any time and Yasu decided not to be a servant during the scene in the bedroom when she split her Shanon personality from her Beatrice personality. Kinzo's death is important because natural law dictates that the head is automatically passed onto the next in line for the head in the event of the passing of the current head.

So ever since Yasu stopped being a servant and Kinzo died, Yasu should is the head, whether Krauss likes it or not.

>> No.6845640

Man, Kanon doesn't exist in the real world, it's just an inside "joke" between Jessica and Shannon. Yasu simply wrote him as a character in her tales. Tales that are fiction written by an amateur mystery fan. Why are people complaining about this double life thing.

>> No.6845649

Kanon exists in the real world as Yasu dressing like him, seriously stop being stupid please.

>> No.6845656

At least one of the knox is supposed to apply. Probably more according to how you interpret things.
And you still don't get it aparently. When you make a story supposed to be solvable (it is supposed to be so, read Ryukishi's interviews.) you can't do anything you want. Period. Rules or not.
Here the rules are just a red herring during 3 big episodes, perfect.
That's what I was saying, either Ryukishi must do something INTELLIGENT with the rules, either they don"t have anything to do here, period.
Knox was okay because it can be useful even without it being a mystery, but compared to the plot Dine looks like PURE fanservice.

>> No.6845666

Even if Kanon doesn't exist in the real world, the real world for us is irrelevant, since we never really get to see it. What we're solving are the fictions, and he exists there (well, Yasu posing as him).

>> No.6845679
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mfw it was not hinted "at ep 6"

Pic very much related.

>> No.6845689


Yeah, let's discharge the whole ep vi conflict

>> No.6845703

No, he doesn't.

In the fictions, 1-4 especially, Shkanon works as the answer. Like people have made a point of hammering in this tread while calling people retarded, it's even easily noticeable. That's not a bad thing, it means the mystery was solvable.

Why can't you have Yasu crossdresing for a couple days in a fiction? People are just nitpicking.

>> No.6845727

Stop with this Yasu bullshit. The problem is not here at all, this is obvious after ep7, if you follow the "main theory" anyway.
The problem is that we don't have any solid hint for this in 5 except for the "STOP BEING FURNITURE LOL" (which have more than a thousand interpretations, it is not even a hint).
Umineko is supposed to be a game. Not a story where you accept everything because "okay, it's just a book, well who cares".
So no, she ""was"". In our PoV of course.
You could have guessed that she wasn't anymore for some reason (a bit like with Kanonzo, or whatever), but it's still a very frail guess before ep7 (cf Kanonzo, for example).

>> No.6845742

It's not discharging it. Kanon has the fewer chances of winning, he is the zero in the roulette, he is the one who insists he can be no more than furniture, who can't see the sea as blue. Why? Because his relationship with Jessica was always something shallow.

If Shannon wins, she gets married to George. If Beatrice wins, she will once again pursue her love for Battler. If Kanon wins, nothing really happens- it just leaves the opportunity open to build a relationship with Jessica.

>> No.6845746

Because there is something called coherency.
Kanon has been working for 3 years on the island, that's the setting.
You can't just remove it like this.

>> No.6845754
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To be fair:
1- R07 said it was solvable with ep 1-2
2- Umineko was always more about finding Beato's heart anythng

>Why can't you have Yasu crossdresing for a couple days in a fiction? People are just nitpicking.

Because it doesn't make any fucking sense. Thematically, it completely blows Yasu inner conflict.

And she even stated that whatever Battler came back or not, and incident still would have happened, probably referring to Shannon or Kanon death

>> No.6845760

>>In the fictions, 1-4 especially, Shkanon works as the answer. Like people have made a point of hammering in this tread while calling people retarded, it's even easily noticeable.


>>That's not a bad thing, it means the mystery was solvable.

Uugh... Not really. guessable, and not a mystery.

>>Why can't you have Yasu crossdresing for a couple days in a fiction? People are just nitpicking.

... nitpicking is not the word. It is like if higurashi's answer was really LOL BRAIN PARASITES. Same level. Just because the author says it, it doesn't mean that it is cool and awesome, otherwise we could say anything about 1-4 because "hey, they're only fictions".

>> No.6845801

>And she even stated that whatever Battler came back or not, and incident still would have happened
I'm pretty sure she said it only happened because Battler came back that day

>> No.6845823


Yes, but she also mentioned that some weird, inexplainable incident would still have happened. Nothing compared to Rokkenjima Mass Murder thought.

>> No.6845840

Well, it's not "cool and awesome" but it works and fits nicely, even if some details need a bit of tweaking. Not nearly as bad as people make it sound.

I think people are being a bit unfair, that's why I might look overly defensive sometimes. I daresay that, as a whole, Umineko was very entertaining, "gutting" the story and and calling it retarded and ugly for some details, that can be worked around, is just unfair, the way I see it.

>> No.6845849

Umineko felt pretty amateurishly written. A red herring is really badly written when, instead of seamlessly incorporating it into the solution while displaying how it's a hint that can be deviously misleading, it merely dismisses it as non-existent.

>> No.6845860

I think you can thank Ryukishi and his " LOL EVERYTHING IS PERFECTLY SOLVABLE AND IT IS A MYSTERY MASTERPIECE" in his interviews for this.
When you were expecting something at the level of an golden age mystery (the x thousands of references everywhere don't help at all), finishing with " lol yeah, so it's Shkannon,she is bi, and want a foursome, over" is just... disappointing. Maybe I could say that it is a kind of huge hype backslash.

>> No.6845889

>2- Umineko was always more about finding Beato's heart anythng

Yes, and that's why he said people shouldn't stop thinking and that you need love.

Pretty much everyone called Shannon the Kohaku with big tits, when it was STATED IN RED her reason didn't include revenge or animosity

That's why you need to love, find the culprit, Shkanonm isn't enough, if you don't understand her heart.

>> No.6845893

Molyneux X Ryukishi Fic


>> No.6845899

Add M. Night Shyamalan

>> No.6845912


Add Nasu

>> No.6845915

But they don't promote their stuff as the best shit ever.

>> No.6845919

In both his games the culprits are women, discuss

>> No.6845928

Umineko was an overall 7/10 for me.
If I can pinpoint flaws to VNs I liked a lot more, why couldn't I do the same with this?

>> No.6845936

I tried to hate Umineko, but i can't.
I'm aware of his shitines, but i can't help but to be drawn to it.

I hate that i love Umineko ;_;

>> No.6845984

I enjoyed the ride Umineko took me. All of the episodes were fun reads on their own, I enjoyed the theory threads. Even the RP threads were enjoyable.

I'm okay with the ending it's just not a mindfuck as we all hoped.

>> No.6846002

I don't about writing as a mystery. Probably any mystery wouldn't stand a chance against a combined mind of the Internet, no matter how subtle it is.
But what there is is a lot of "treasure chests", how he calls them, that are hard/impossible to get without information from the later episodes. That makes it interesting to reread.

Take this scene, for example. Now, she talks about herself, but because we know about the future we can see some other unknown girl, that Battler (and many of us) unconditionally trusted till ep5, because she looked a little like someone we know. Hint: she has a tail. In a moment this will be mixed with another stuff and lost, so if don't pay attention you wouldn't notice. And there are tons (and even more interesting) stuff like that.

>> No.6846004
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.6846043

I would have been happier with Jessica or Kyrie as the mastermind using that Yasu retard to kill everyone

>> No.6846076
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>That makes it interesting to reread.

I don't know, re-reading i noticed a lot of pointless shit

>> No.6846080

Here, have a drabble

>The Non-existent Terror Of The Snow

It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Ryukishi and Molyneux went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Ryukishi hit Molyneux in his well-stroked e-penis with a big intriguing iceball. It hurt a lot, but Ryukishi kissed it daringly and then it was all better.

Then they decided to make a snow man.

"We'll make a really golden snow man!" Ryukishi said.

"Why don't we make a snow woman instead?" Molyneux said. "That would be more limitless and politically correct."

"I know," Ryukishi said. "We can make a snow seagull. That way, we don't have to worry about gender politics."

So they rolled the snow up brilliantly and made a hyped snow seagull. Ryukishi put on a hype for the giant ego. The seagull was almost as big as Molyneux.

"It looks desirable," Ryukishi said erotically. "But it seems like it's missing something."

"Here," Molyneux said and held up a revolutionary Shkanontrice. "I found this on an isolated island." He put the Shkanontrice onto the seagull's head.

It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the seagull, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl like a strawberry icecream, better than you've ever tasted, ruined by a core of pure shit..

Molyneux screamed dissapointingly and ran but the snow seagull chased him until he tripped over a tree root. Then the snow seagull red-texted him hype-generatingly.

"Nobody does that to my little Magical ANYTHING," Ryukishi screamed. He grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow seagull through the retarded fanbase. It fell down and Ryukishi kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.

"You saved me!" Molyneux said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.

The Shkanontrice lay in the yard until a magnificent child picked it up and took it home.

>> No.6846178
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It's also a failure because every fucking scene with Shkanon, George and Jessica was fucking awful

Ep II beginning is regarded as one of the worst part, i know many people got discouraged despite how much amazing the first half of ep 1 was.

Then you got ep III, almost no Shkanon and adults doing their shit. It's regarded as one of the best episode.

Ep VI is considerate the worst, and it's all centered around Shkanon.

Shannon and Kanon as character became likable (well, Kanon at least, he's a bro) only much much later, George is fat and Jessica is ok just because she's one of the few normal person on the island. Shannon is only fun when is bsod or Yasu imaginary friend. The version of her engaged to George is boring.

>> No.6846204

>how much amazing the first half of ep 1 was.
I like EP2 beginning much more than EP1's

>> No.6846213


Then you are the minority.
Also, you have fucking terribile tastes, how can you like shitty romances over the amazing horror masterpiece that was ep 1 second half?

>> No.6846240

Shannon tits are weird in op pic

>> No.6846250

Reported for being underage.

>> No.6846303

>how much amazing the first half of ep 1 was.
Ahahahahahahahaha are you fucking shitting me?

I don't really care for the cousin romances either but ep1's first half was fucking torture. 2's beginning wasn't amazing or anything, but it was miles above that heap of shit.

>> No.6846327

EP2's beginning was... there is no word. "SHANNOOON SHANNOOON SHANNOOON"
Followed by "THE SEA IS BLUE" "NO IT IS GRAY" "NO, BLUE" etc.
(And again "SHANOOOON" right after this.)

It was a torture. seriously. Probably the hardest thing to re-read in umineko.

>> No.6846371

I wish Gohda did something. He wasn't in on anything and just died pointlessly every time. Seems like a wasted character.

>> No.6846381
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>Probably the hardest thing to re-read in umineko.

Ange's backstory

>> No.6846386

That was barely more than 5 lines, compared to 2-4 hours of EP1 dreadful intro, that's nothing

>> No.6846426

This. He is my favourite character, yet he does nothing but die.

>> No.6846456


I never realized that until just now.

That's a brilliant trick on the reader right there.

Re: EP1's intro. I felt it necessary in order to introduce the rather large cast that Umineko STARTS with.

I liked EP2's start. Beatrice, Shannon, and Kanons interactions were interesting.

>> No.6846541
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>how much amazing the first half of ep 1 was.

>> No.6846815

Actually, I enjoyed the beginning of ep1 and Ange's backstory. It is even "worse" when you have been Angeburger-spoilered before.
It litteraly take the whole beginning of ep2, but yeah, if you want.

>> No.6846908

>he's called into question EVERYTHING not said in Red and Gold
Well, guess what, the red contradicts itself. Entire point I was trying to make earlier.

>> No.6847085
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Oh you.

>> No.6848289

>I wish Gohda did something.
His incompetence destroyed the Golden Land.

>> No.6848329

He also banged Beezelbub.

That's got to count for something.

>> No.6848427


I think he meant second half>>6846213

>> No.6848451

>Because of retards like you, authors are forced to be heavy handed in their narrative so slow readers like you don't hop onto the internet and start mouthing off idiocies.

>> No.6848464

I just wanted a happy ending like in Higurashi.

>> No.6848472

fuck im lost
i thought that shannon was another person to kanon/yasu but i have no fucking idea anymore

>> No.6848498
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>> No.6848502

>where the same person
