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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 860x480, 129551973229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6839564 No.6839564 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6839577

Junya Ota sitting in front of his computer, testing the latest Touhou game.

>> No.6839578

Touhou at his computer.

>> No.6839583

He seems to be younger than he actually is in that picture.

>> No.6839584

me under the desk sucking his dick

>> No.6839592

That's because that photo was taken years ago DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

>> No.6839595

No it wasn't. That's from last year.

>> No.6839606


He is master of ripple.

>> No.6839615

He looks less emaciated than usual

>> No.6839638

Someone enhance the picture of the right monitor. Need to steal his source code.

>> No.6839831

>photo was taken years ago DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

There's Double Spoiler on the screen. Do you even play the games?

>> No.6843208

It might have been in development for years, for all you know.

>> No.6843212

Japanese programmer developing Touhou.

>> No.6843214

For some reason every year ZUN looks younger on photos of him. Magic is afoot.

>> No.6843216 [DELETED] 

ZUN has a wonderful wardrobe.

>> No.6843218 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 300x168, zun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops, forgot my picture

>> No.6843244

He's the Japanese Keanu Reeves

>> No.6843245

I'm personally more interested what's on the right screen. Apparently he uses Cygwin, so I'm wondering if he even uses an IDE or anything like that.

>> No.6843250

ZUN is actually pretty attractive.

Not trying to be faggot or anything but does this guy have a girlfriend? Pretty sure he could find him someone nice

>> No.6843252

He seems pretty self-sufficient, so why would he even need one?

>> No.6843255

No one wants to be forever alone

>> No.6843262
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>> No.6843279 [DELETED] 

i have a crush on ZUN ;_;

>> No.6843296

what kind of programming editor is that

>> No.6843298

We all do.

>> No.6843387

What kind of headphones are those?

>> No.6843405 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck cares, he probably picked a pair out of the bargain bin and went to the counter.

>> No.6843406

I would also like to know. Has he ever stated this before? Or can someone tell at a glance?

>> No.6843407

He is a Youkai.

>> No.6843418


Well excuse the fuck outta me for being an audiophile and curious.

>> No.6843439

>self proclaimed audiophile

Kill yourself

>> No.6843443


You first.

>> No.6843446

Some people kept saying he has wife and kids.

Don't ask for source, I'd like to see the source myself.

>> No.6843454

> Audiophile
I hope someone damages your eardrums with a drill.

And I don't mean with the sound of a drill

>> No.6843458

/jp/ - Pointless Bitching/General

>> No.6843477
File: 6 KB, 125x125, commonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Touhou do you think ZUN modeled after his secret girlfriend?

>> No.6843483

ZUN only hangs out with males. Apart from that I've seen at least two photos with him and some woman. Don't remember the setting too well.

>> No.6843484
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>> No.6843487

Yeah, her.

>> No.6843490


Pointless, yeah. But since you caused it, I don't think you can complain.

On topic, ZUN's wardrobe is amazing.

>> No.6843495

Pic: ZUN doing two carboys of beer at the same time. The woman is just there so she can watch and masturbate.

>> No.6843501

I'm not the audiophile man, you dumbass.

>> No.6843508

How to make an audiophile happy: put some impressive looking decorations on a $12 pair of headphones, put it into a larger box, and sell it to him for $150.

>> No.6843523

He'll totally hear the difference.

>> No.6843525

Doesn't really work like that, a serious audiophile would do research and such.
On topic, does he make his shirts or is there a store he buys from?

>> No.6843528

His secret girlfriend is a miko? Or his secret girlfriend is a direct descendent from a living god?

>> No.6843530

She's into frogs and giant robots.

>> No.6843532

typical jp poster

>> No.6843534


I didn't know audiophiles like Skullcandies

>> No.6843536

From what I heard there actually is an old woman called Sanae Moriya at a shrine, so maybe he's into old women. Or since he seems to be aging in reverse maybe she was an old love from his past.

>> No.6843538

>since he seems to be aging in reverse

youkai don't age.

>> No.6843544


Okay, time to dismantle the joke so it dies and receives a proper burial.

There's a reason why everyone talks shit about audiophiles. This is because someone who REALLY knows what he's doing can find headphones/speakers/equipment for dirt cheap that can perform as well as that thousand dollar product from that overhyped brand name. People point out to an audiophile that the big hyped brand of the year was exposed to have been taking a normal product and repackaging it with a higher price, then the audiophile responds with "I can hear the difference."

The thing is; that's the placebo effect. People feel something because they believe they feel it. Paying more than double the normal price for a given product gives you this warm fuzzy feeling inside, but so does taking that same money and putting it into something that actually benefits you someway.

>> No.6843547
File: 250 KB, 850x593, gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt he has one. His appartment seemed to small for that. He is a closet lolicon just like us. I mean, games about little girls shooting off each others clothing and getting drunk in huge yuri orgies? Come on.

>> No.6843548

I can't wait for our 3-4 new girls with silly outfits/hats/names/objects/powers in a couple months.

>> No.6843550

Not so sure about that yuri orgy part.

>> No.6843551

But we've barely assimilated the UFO cast yet! Also, ZUN will release touhou 12.99999999999... before touhou 13.

>> No.6843552


So that's the secret behind Sakurai and Araki...


Marisa is his girlfriend. She just disguises as a giant plush doll whenever anyone comes over.

>> No.6843553

ZUN is either gay or a lolicon though. Or both somehow.

>> No.6843557


For Japanese people they usually don't have a steady girlfriend; it works more like this:

Step 1: short-term relationships in high school.
Step 2: random fuck buddies between high school and late 20s.
Step 3: realize you're almost 30, date someone for 2 weeks then marry them.
Step 4: resume with the random fuck buddies.

Guys can get away with being single over 30, hanging out with guys and beer is better for your mind in the long run anyway so he definitely has his stuff together.

What I'm really curious about is whether he has a psychotic little sister.

>> No.6843560

living the dream

>> No.6843561

You know what else is funny? The human ear can't tell the difference from anything higher than 320 kbit/s, yet so many people download their lossy music formats claiming that it sounds better. It would be like saying you could tell the difference between a game running at 150fps and 100fps.

>> No.6843568
File: 274 KB, 1200x858, satori yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm pretty sure about that. The drinking is only to make it easier on the shy ones.

>> No.6843570


Exactly, placebo effect.

A retard spends $60 on a pair of headphones and then he WANTS to believe there is a difference. A genius digs up dirt on the company selling these headphones and then finds the $18 version of the same product which was re-branded and hyped up to sell at a premium.

>> No.6843574

Hey shut up about audio already

>> No.6843577

Oh god, I want to make little Satorin drunk and make out with her.

>> No.6843578
File: 1.10 MB, 1860x2480, 16066424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're doing ok. They had an extra year, after all. Hopefully they'll have a better showing in this year's wiki poll.

>> No.6843579

>look on satorin's face

You can just tell she already knows she gonna get raped.

>> No.6843580

When has Satori NOT gotten raped?

>> No.6843604

This one time, In youkai bandcamp...

>> No.6843640

I kind of doubt this, unless you mean finding old audio stuff for cheap.That way you can indeed get awesome speakers, receivers and such for dirt cheap.
Saying that there is no difference between a good $20 headphone pair and a good $100 headphone pair is quite ridiculous, though, and only tells that the one saying so really has not tried anything besides the $20 stuff. Maybe some really bad more expensive ones.

>> No.6843660


Nobody is commenting on how Yuugi is wearing bandages as panties/bloomers?

>> No.6843940

Zun looks awesome...
and has great taste in hats...

>> No.6845443

ZUN uses Visual Studio.

This is my favorite pic of ZUN. I love that shirt.

>> No.6845837

That is indeed an IDE. Probably Visual Studio, but I can't really tell because I have never used an IDE on Windows.
I think some screenshots were clear enough to decipher some of the code, too.

>> No.6845883

>Has he ever stated this before?
He didn't.
I think if it were true it would have turned up some time or another. We know such things as where he worked (Taito, look up the other details if you're interested), when he quit and how long he was just taking it easy. He doesn't tell us everything but he's not too secretive about his life. I mean he meets lots of people all the time and... look at what his rooms are like. Maybe he's even gay. That would explain why he makes girly games (no offense, I like them as well).

>> No.6845910

kbps is not, I repeat, is not a measure of quality.

And actually, yes, human ear can hear the difference. Not with 99.9% of regular music, but use a proper sample and you'll notice it. Lossy compression has its limitations.

You should compress to what's transparent for you, this will actually mean something around 128 kbps for most music, but if it actually means staying lossless, so be it. Idiots who use size to measure quality, disregarding complexity of the sample compressed, aren't any different from audiophiles.

>> No.6845916

Wait, so liking cute girls makes you gay nowadays? What kind of logic is this?

>> No.6845944

The whole, male fantasy of the perfect female thing I'd guess. Since there are no cute girls, only bitches and whores, the only people who'd know what a perfect female is like, is another male.

Do the math.

>> No.6846104
File: 86 KB, 283x400, 1295594898024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard hardware
believe lies

>> No.6848508

>DualShock pad in cup
Eat it, Keyboard masterace bastards.

>> No.6848551

If you have high quality speakers, proper genetics, and are under 40-50~ you can hear the difference.

>> No.6848568

No, you THINK you can hear the difference because you paid way too fucking much and believing the hype is the only way you can convince yourself that you're not an idiot.

I should seriously buy stock in monster cables, it looks like there are still people left on earth gullible enough to think it's not the exact fucking same as any other cables.

>> No.6848595

Here's an example:

At one point, Apple had a 30" LCD monitor for US$3000. This was back in the day when typical home users had 15" CRTs, pimped out gaming machines had 17", and the occasional high-rolling freelancer had 21". Apple sold an assload of these monitors and the people who bought them were completely sure it was worth every penny.

Except for one small detail; Apple's monitors came from Samsung. Instead of getting an Apple 30" monitor you could just get a Samsung 30" monitor and plug it into your $5000 Mac. When confronted with these facts, what do people say? "There's a difference."

No there is not a fucking difference. If the Samsung monitors made for Samsung were made with total shit and the Samsung monitors for Apple were made to the highest possible quality there would be a difference, but there is no way on earth that would actually be the case.

Yes, you can find an expensive pair of speakers that is worth the price. But "audiophiles" don't do this, they go to Best Buy and put the salesman's kids through college buying a repackaged bottom-shelf pair of speakers and then they insist they can hear the difference.

Suit yourself, but you'd best get used to people's mixture of laughter and disgust.

>> No.6848619

why the fuck is he coding in command line and in what language

>> No.6848640

It's not a CLI; if you look closely you can see indentations and what vaguely seems like different colors.

He's probably just using a black background because it's easier on the eyes (you're not supposed to have 99% of the pixels full-lit and the active pixels black.) I do that all the time when I can help it; I've spent years wrestling with CSS and other interface issues trying to get as much of my life as possible to have a dark background and light text.

>> No.6848650

If you knew what you're talking about you'd know that formats like Vorbis or AAC have superior algorithms so they encode with less glitch ("noise" in high frequencies), less clipping, less distortion in middle range, etc. at any bitrate. It's not about bitrate, it's not about frequency range; it's about how you encode and decode those frequencies.

>> No.6848669

You get an extra point for saying AAC and Vorbis instead of FLAC.

MP3 is indeed a dumb format; not because of encoding (the encoding is fine for personal use) but because it is a locked down proprietary format that only came into its dominant position because of the rise of music piracy.

The thing about audiophiles is that they make shit up to save face over buying rebranded cheap equipment. "I can hear the difference" is the catch-all reflexive lie of anyone who just got laughed at for buying monster cables or skullcandy headphones.

>> No.6848676

Ok we get it and we all agree with you. Thanks.

>> No.6848681

That's a daruma above the left screen. ZUN confirmed for Buddhist.

>> No.6848688

Buddhism in Japan doesn't work the same way as various Christian sects in Europe and USA; that's all I can really say about it.

Those things are fairly common in Japan, it's not as if it's some kind of overt statement.

>> No.6848698

Even though their origin is buddhist, pretty much everyone can have one, they are supposed to bring you luck regardless of your faith.

>> No.6848782


The fox who doesn't reach the grapes says they're sour.

>> No.6848842

Some of them seemed like that but monster cables and some brands of audio equipment really are only good for placebo.
About the FLAC versus whatever other encoding thing: If I were to spend a fairly big amount of money on audio stuff, I'd rather listen to the best quality available (to make sure that I won't miss any quality). As having your music in FLAC isn't such a big deal (takes up some disk space, mainly, downloads should be fast enough to make the difference in download time irrelevant), I see no reason to not use it.
I am myself fine with anything that is at least or better than 192kbps MP3, though.

>> No.6848866

Cool, you're sane. You're the exception to the rule.

The purpose of FLAC and other lossless formats is for when you're working on audio - no sense in adding another layer of lossiness onto your work every time you hit ctrl+s to keep your product from being ruined by a computer hiccup.

The key thing about people who blindly assume all prices are justified is that, in the eyes of those doing the selling, these people are nothing more than prey. The key statement to go by here is that a person with all the right know-how can assemble a good set of equipment for a fraction of the price of those overhyped name brands. There will be 3 differences:

1) The price will be much lower.
2) There will be fewer superfluous decorations on the equipment.
3) The equipment will be more durable, because the overhyped brands don't get their profits from someone buying the product once and keeping it for ten years.

Flashy brands are for harvesting cash from the gullible; if it's really a quality product then the price will be market-competitive and there will be no fancy decorations on the equipment made purely for looks.

>> No.6848869

>You're just jealous because you don't buy fancy Apple products like me.


>> No.6848873

That's VS? OK. Was wondering because there are paths that refer to c:\cygwin\home\zun\ and the like. Only a couple.

>> No.6848885
File: 188 KB, 750x1134, 20060303h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all of this audiophile "trolling?" No one actually thinks you have no idea what you are talking about, you are pretty clearly pretending to be a retard, so just stop it.

It's ironic that you would post this, seeing as how both of the men behind Penny Arcade have since become Mac users.

>> No.6848898


>A: I just bought a _____ for $300, u jelly?

>B: Really? Didn't you know it was exposed recently that _____ was exposed as being nothing more than a regular part with some fancy decorations.

>A: You're just jelly, I can totally hear the difference.

>B: That's called the placebo effect; if you spend that much money on anything at all then you'll feel something from it because you really want to. You're not actually hearing "a difference" because you're not comparing it objectively; you just get this warm fuzzy feeling inside because you own something that you paid so much money for.

>A: Fuck you and fuck everything related to you.

There, now you know the whole story.

Audiophiles are to audio techs as astrologers are to astronomers. Easy to get the two mixed up if you don't know better.

>> No.6848900

It's funny because Penny Arcade are confirmed Apple fanboys nowadays.

>> No.6848909


$10 says neither of them has spent one cent on any of the Apple products they use.

Remember the Microsoft Zune? Well pretend you remember. Before they converted to the shiny side, one of them wrote a news piece about using an iPod as being dragged through a pile of broken glass, saying the Zune was "a better way to enjoy the music lifestyle." They used words that regular human beings do not use; no way that came from any place else other than MS.

There's nothing wrong with them doing this though. One man trades his words for money and starts spreading misinformation, another man listens and takes these words to heart - who's the idiot?

>> No.6848918

It should be pointed out that an "audiophile" isn't just someone who has nice audio equipment, it should be used when referring to those who actually believe in wires etc affecting the sound quality. It is often used when referring to people who have above average headphones and such but it shouldn't, in my opinion.

>> No.6848923
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People who take their audio really seriously would be a better way to say it. And for analog signals, yes the connection makes a difference.

>> No.6848926

I guess. And well, obviously a cable can make a difference (if it is broken or extremely bad) but that is different from rewiring headphones FOR BETTER SQ and buying monster cables.

>> No.6848937

That's just it; a fool and his money are soon parted.

Image saved for the next time I see the word 'audiophile' in a thread.

Normal people don't require labels. If you know what you're doing and you've got money to spend then you can find plenty of high-performance options within a reasonable budget, then spend the extra money you saved on expanding your music/movie/game collection.

>> No.6848950
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That word doesn't even mean anything. Sure, it's annoying when people call themselves audiophiles, but it's even more annoying when people like you try to act like the word has a fucking definition. It's like "hipster," you can't call yourself or someone else a hipster without sounding like a retard.

While I would not be surprised if Penny Arcade "sells out" every now and then (what the fuck was going on with those recent strips about a "drinkable snack"?), to be fair, Tycho (the writer, whatever his real name is) uses strange words all of the time. It is pretty much his thing, just check *any* of the news posts that go along with the comics and you'll see.

>> No.6848957

Well I don't think there's any denying that they've been in Microsoft's pockets. If you reach their level of fame in their position MS is going to offer you a check, and you're going to take it without a moment's hesitation.

This is relevant because someone mentioned them using Apple products as if this meant anything more than being a perk of their fame and influence - undoubtedly Apple has been vying for their voices just as Microsoft has.

>> No.6848990

While most of this is correct, there are differences in quality of HDMI cables, though not much to do with actual transfer quality.

>The cheapest one you can find
This isn't necessarily the best advice ever. Some of the cheapest cables are overly sensitive to heat, and after a few hours of usage or so it might stop transfering all together.
Occasional bit errors like it may also mess with the connection between say a display and a computer, making it automatically "re-plug" the cable occasionally.

But really, this has little to nothing to do with "quality", and more to do with the fact that some of the shit cables out there aren't really even cut for the strain that these cables are supposed to be able to sustain in forms of power voltage and whatnot.

>> No.6849002
File: 50 KB, 313x467, kagome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is so baka, all audio signals are analog, only the video signal in HDMI is digital, so having a good cable does help.

>> No.6849007

Take that chart with a grain of salt. But the overall point, is that "diminishing returns" implies there's any difference between a decent and monster cable. And maybe even between a crap and decent cable.

>> No.6849009

He uses vim.
I know because I use vim.
It's pretty good.

>> No.6849017 [DELETED] 

Show a picture of Vim looking like that. Because what about all those things along the side? I'm guessing on the left is a tree of functions/files or something. Can't make out the left.

>> No.6849021

Show a picture of Vim looking like that. Because what about all those things along the side? I'm guessing on the left is a tree of functions/files or something. Can't make out the right.

>> No.6849033


The point is; "audiophile" products aren't about the pursuit of a better result. They're about the pursuit of a customer who will pay 5x more for a product because the plastic it's built from is molded into some really cool design and because some magazine wrote a technobabble-laden article about it.

The fact remains; a competent buyer can find a quality product at a reasonable price.

>> No.6849051

Audiophiles who aren't "audiophiles" pay for quality, but way past the point where it's rational to do so.

I use FLAC, because it's lossless, and ergo, future-proof, because it can be transcoded into whatever popular format you want without generation loss. The tradeoffs, namely 3x size albums, and less support, aren't that expensive with today's HDD sizes, and the aforementioned transcoding.

>> No.6849088
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Enjoy having static and pops build up over the years from the inherent problems with digital storage. If you want your music to retain its FULL quality over time then you'll need factory pressed CDs - burned ones don't count.

>> No.6849099
File: 1.64 MB, 304x268, 1281054078589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lets see
picture of zun sitting at his desk WITHOUT HIS HAT ON OH MY GOD and i scroll down, hmm, seems normal for jp. suddenly, a stupid anon breaks out saying DURP IM AN AUDIOPHILE and now the entire thread is random nasty bickering about headphones.
</3 you jaypee, never change.

>> No.6849111
File: 150 KB, 1400x930, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built from plastic?

Hehe I think I'm not welcome in this thread. See pic for explanation

>> No.6849159

None of them are from /jp/.

>> No.6849292
File: 17 KB, 262x313, successful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/jp/ easily trolled.

>> No.6849325

I have a CD collection of all my favorite original CD's in their original cases. I burn copies of those for listening but I never use the original copies.

>> No.6849582

Cushions for footrests seem like a good idea, but I'd imagine they get dirty as shit. Has anyone tried this?

>> No.6849771


No, you're totally welcome; he's just fucking wrong.
