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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 469 KB, 1089x1600, [biribiri] Loli Gabuu 040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6841089 No.6841089 [Reply] [Original]

How do you sustain your lifestyle, /jp/?
I'm getting kicked out and I have no way of making money. No job skills, never worked, etc. Would try for disability, but I have no insurance, so no way to pay for a therapist to get diagnosed.
I'm sure a few of you have been in this situation before, what do you recommend, /jp/? I was considering going to college online and living off student loans, but taking out loans kind of makes me anxious.

>> No.6841108

God, that doujin was fucking hot.

>> No.6841120

Kill somebody rich,
wear their skin.

>> No.6841171

Does anyone here actually go to school online? It looks like it would probably be pretty shitty, but a degree's a degree and I wouldn't have to go outside nearly ever, which sounds kind of nice.

>> No.6841174

A degree is not a degree.

>> No.6841186

Rob a Bank.

>> No.6841188

Degrees are worthless. All that matters is experience.

>> No.6841208
File: 210 KB, 486x480, 1291413589481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to pay for a therapist to get diagnosed. At least here in Washington, the Social Services department will provide you with a person who will diagnose you free of charge.

But disability isn't enough to live off of anyway.
If I were in your situation I would probably kill myself.

autist related

>> No.6841238

I'm on disability.

>> No.6841255

I'm perpetually taking university classes for free. I was supposed to lose all my aid money when I dropped out, I actually stopped going to all my classesgetting 4 Fs. I filed some extra papers to get back in a year later and all my tuition is magically all paid for just like before...

>> No.6841256

We should make our own cartel, and call it "The Otaku Cartel". Dedicated to smuggling otaku goods from Japan to Amerika.

>> No.6841259

Stop being useless. Get a job driving a garbage truck, delivering mail, construction work, valet, etc. if you can't even manage that after 18+ years of living I recommend suicide as you are beyond help.

>> No.6841262

Call suicide hotline. Threaten to visit Gensokyo. Get free visit to therapist.

>> No.6841265

You can get diagnosed by walking into a hospital and telling them you want to kill yourself. They'll commit you for a day or so and then you have on your record that you are mental and need disability

>> No.6841266

Live in Canada, free healthcare. Feels good man. I haven't tried but im sure therapists are free here after all, specialty doctors and stuff are.

>> No.6841268

That doujin is pretty hot, but I don't like watersports.

>> No.6841275

Yeah, but these people take pride in spending massive amounts on figurines because they are so costly that a child could never afford them. This makes them somehow on a level above a children toy.

>> No.6841281

I'm not much of a lolicon but fuck I want to download this doujin.

>> No.6841288 [DELETED] 

im not sure how good the paper would feel but its your choice.

>> No.6841290

How is that related at all

>> No.6841294

I heard it was disappointing

>> No.6841313

My parents pay for everything. When they finally get sick of me and kick me out I'll probably scrounge together what little money I have to buy a gun to kill myself with

>> No.6841322

Mom supplies house and most food. I do part-time jobs to pay for figures and various expenses. Looking for a full-time job so I can move out.

>> No.6841336

I'll never be able to get a job. Being around people makes me so nervous I could throw up

>> No.6841345

I wish I was a little girl. Make guys uncomfortable by doing lewd-looking things in front of them

>> No.6841356

They'd arrest you and convict you on child porn, just like all the kids sexting each other.

Can't have sexuality in a Christian nation. You have to grow up without knowing what sex is, or you'll go to hell when they send you off to war to die.

>> No.6841368

I don't think they'd throw the book at a little girl who accidentally flashes her panties. Maybe in Australia

>> No.6841375
File: 2 KB, 75x77, icantthinkofagoodnameforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They get arrested for distributing the pictures, Alabama, not for doing lewd things in front of other people. You should know this.

Whether that is right or wrong is a discussion that does not belong here.

>> No.6841381

I think real pedophilia is disgusting. I also think age of consent should be lowered to 14 so maybe I'm just nuts

>> No.6841388

Your views aren't contradictory, unless they're extremely late bloomers 14 year olds should have at least begun puberty.

>> No.6841392

Distributed to other kids their same age. Whoever distributes it after that is no concern of theirs nor their fault. That's like blaming the pharmacist for distributing meds that the people buying then sell. The pharmacist isn't at fault.

And charging a minor with creating child porn of themselves is just illogical. Child porn laws exist to protect children. There's nothing morally reprehensible about a naked child, just the exploitation of the child. If the child makes the damn thing, then where is the exploitation?

It doesn't logically hold up to charge them with the law in question, but our courts don't believe in logic. They're too busy taking apart centuries of common law and sound reasoning with their "interesting viewpoints and modern concerns," most of which defaults to "we don't give a shit about the law, just do whatever we say and buy the ambiguous, bullshit, ad hoc reasoning we justify it with."

>> No.6841393

This. I've also thought about how I would sniff out pedophiles and focus my efforts on them.

>> No.6841394

14 year olds have all the sexual traits any normal adult man would find attractive, it's just illegal. an 8 year old does not, so there's a clear difference there

>> No.6841400

Child pornography laws have always been about disguising the real motive with post-rationalization. The real motive being the complete outlawing of it because it's "ew." You see the child exploitation defense break down in cases like those, but also in the fact that they continuously try to spread the scope of child pornography to cover non-real children.

>> No.6841401

I got a job 2 months ago. I've never been so unhappy in my whole life.

>> No.6841407
File: 19 KB, 302x399, gymshorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not comfortable with kids having sex but I'd rather the gub'mint not get up all in their business.

By having sex, I mean having sex with kids their age or at least 15 if it's with an adult.

Again, this is not the place for such a discussion.

>> No.6841412

I worked for 3 months then quit. I was depressed and hell while working and was about to snap too, good thing I was able to be NEET again but I don't know how long that will last.

>> No.6841415

That changes nothing of what I said. It is, in fact, in agreement with what I said.

The only solution is to call them out on it at every opportunity, "ew" be damned, or we'll all be walking around, forced to wear burkhas and shit after some moronic Islamic judge in the future decides it's "completely within the scope of the Constitution to force the offensive flesh to be covered." All you need is one inroad to completely destroy freedom. Every attempt at making one, no matter what it's designed to "combat" or what problem it's designed to "solve," must be absolutely destroyed at whatever cost if it infringes on freedoms or defies simple logic.

>> No.6841417

I don't know why you thought I was disagreeing with you.

>> No.6841418

This is probably how I'll wind up. I'll get a job due to my parents forcing me to, and after a few weeks my urge to die will grow stronger than ever

>> No.6841422
File: 31 KB, 340x234, ddfdfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You didn't get what I mean, Alabama. I guess that's my fault, though. I just said they couldn't do jack to a little girl doing lewd things in from of other people. The kids you were talking about broke laws. I'm not saying the DA was right for prosecuting them (I completely disagree with it, in fact) I'm just trying to point something out.

>> No.6841423

Most people try to disagree with me out of principle. I was confused.

>> No.6841424

The "ew" factor is also why 2D loli will eventually be totally illegal. Nobody is going to want to defend peoples' right to masturbate to things like the OP

>> No.6841436

Enough paranoia, sir.

>> No.6841440

>I just said they couldn't do jack to a little girl doing lewd things in from of other people.

Public exposure is at least a misdemeanor in nearly every municipality in America. It can be construed to mean "lewd advances," too. Also, child services will be dropping by if you make a habit of doing it regularly, as they'll suspect domestic abuse if they receive a call from some person you offend by doing it.

It's America. Every conceivable act is illegal in some way. Breathing is probably a violation of Obamacare, as you're contributing to health care costs.

>> No.6841441

Like the guy who wrote that pedophile guidebook. He didn't break a single law yet the police arrested him anyway and nobody bats an eye.

>> No.6841449

"Anonymous is Legion" stands no chance against this logo

>> No.6841455

That's because people just assume these things are illegal, while holding contradictory views about freedom of speech.

>> No.6841456


They're not going to press charges against the kids, though.

Or would they?

>> No.6841465

Shit like this makes me hope I die soon. I'm not really into loli but once they ban that then anything goes. Only a matter of time before monster rape is considered bestiality and I have nothing else to masturbate to

>> No.6841470

They arrested the kids that "made child porn." It's all a matter of how far you stand out against their white-washed, whatever-we-say-is-law norm.

Didn't you hear? Ideas are murder. Words kill people. The only way to combat crime is to lock up anyone that discusses bad things. Prevent crime by incarcerating the people.

Police states have 0% crime rates, because everybody is already in prison, and it's not a crime when you do something to a prisoner!

>> No.6841479

Anyone have a download link to that doujin?

>> No.6841485

>File : 1295565436.jpg-(469 KB, 1089x1600, [biribiri] Loli Gabuu 040.jpg)

Ever heard of Google or /rs/?

>> No.6841486

sauce on OP

>> No.6841488


>> No.6841489

Read the file name, faggot.

>> No.6841494

I do remember it being discussed on a few news shows. It was typical "SHOULD HE HAVE BEEN ARRESTED????" shit though instead of blatantly saying he shouldn't have been

>> No.6841495


I don't know what to say anymore. I'll concede that you never know what to expect nowadays with angry soccer moms, moral busybodies, nanny staters, and overzealous prosecutors.

Leave me alone, I'm depressed.

>> No.6841497

Early retirement

>> No.6841499

The end of the world will be the last free man getting a bullet through the back of his head, execution style, as the rest of society goose steps willingly into the dark night.

I had a good day. Sorry you didn't.

>> No.6841502

I live off interest to support a real deal Hikkikomori lifestyle of never leaving my apartment. I hear some people live off free money from the government.

>> No.6841505

The law forgets (or doesn't care) that being a pedophile isn't illegal.

>> No.6841512
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 499441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please continue to enjoy your day, Alabama. You deserve it.

I'll probably feel better after droppin' a deuce I've been holding in.

>> No.6841517

Right, just like pointing out that the government uses the Constitution as a door mat isn't illegal, yet will probably get you fired from whatever job you have if the wrong government official hears you say it.

Dissent is only patriotic if it's the right kind of dissent. If you speak out against the Republicans and the Democrats, well, sucks to be you. Standing up for ideas instead of whatever empty suit of the moment they want you to call Big Brother and swear your soul to is a very evil thing to them.

Things like "freedom" and "respect for fair laws" doesn't give them wealth and power.

>> No.6841794

This is good advice, thanks anon.

>> No.6841898

My, living under a rock, I'd never heard of this pedophile guidebook.
And from what I can find on the internet, no one has actually read the damn thing. What the hell is even in it?

>> No.6842022

A shitty book some guy put on amazon that would have faded into obscurity without a peep if it weren't for soccer moms making a big deal about it

>> No.6842100

So it seems. Anyone who defends it is apparently a pedophile, and reading it turns sane rational normal humans into one.

>> No.6842120


How do I sustain myself? I went from poor as fuck living with mom to home owner making over 100k/yr in less than 10 years...
I'm honestly not sure if college helped, but I'm sure it didn't hurt. Mostly it was luck.

>> No.6842153

What is the book actually about?

>> No.6842170

As far as I can tell, nobody who actually read the damn thing posts about it.

>> No.6842198


Where do you draw the line though? (no pun intended)

Hell, I picked up an Oyari Ashito art book and the Takamichi Love Works book in downtown Seattle this past weekend, and I'm sure both books would raise eyebrows in some other parts of the nation..
The Oyari Ashito book in particular contains sexually suggestive images and frontal nudity, but none of it would fail the miller test... It's absolutely beautiful work despite the loli undertones.

>> No.6842216


Would have been great if it was a troll item that had nothing to do with pedophilia once you opened it up.

I always thought it would be fun to get busted for something, and for some reason get my USB thumb drive confiscated in the process. On it they would find a file called "hardcore child porn" or something, and when the open it, they get this flash:

Just the way my mind works I guess.

>> No.6842218

Every time someone posts an image from that doujin I suddenly feel like fapping

>> No.6842221

>Where do you draw the line though?

If it involves real children, it's not cool. Otherwise it's fine. It's so basic that the fact our country can't grasp such things is very worrying

>> No.6842220 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 300x450, sadeagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because my parents actually want me to live with them. I have two siblings, and we were all born 7 years apart. My brother is in high school and my sister in elementary school, and with both my parents working from 7-6pm every day, they need someone to help out in the house.

I actually want to move out now and live on my own, it's getting really tiring since I also have to cook dinner almost every night now. I've made enough money selling electronic items I've repaired on eBay to achieve this. But they don't want me to leave... ;_;

>> No.6842224

Involving real children in what way?

>> No.6842229

For what reason Sudo?
Some made up fraud thing?

>> No.6842232

I got a weird look from the librarian at my High School when I checked out Lolita to read for the first time years ago. It felt pretty awkward, worth it in the end though.

>> No.6842233

are you stupid

>> No.6842242

I know that feel.

But it's also strange because that chapter isn't really all that good.

>> No.6842255


I would have gotten a bit confrontational and told her to keep her weird looks to herself. Fucking cunts... I got the same weird at the book store when I picked up God is Not Great and The God Delusion. What ever happened to service with a smile?

>> No.6842256

So this is what I get when I visit /jp/... So much for enjoying a few Japanese shows.

You pedos are disgusting, and you all should be arrested. Keep this loli pornopgraphy or whatever you call it legal now, and after some years, you will be lusting for real children. Seriously, just off yourselves already.

Thank goodness you're all killed when you actually go to jail.

>> No.6842263


Welcome to 4chan... enjoy your stay.

>> No.6842265

Whatever you do dont take out a fucking loan.

Go dumpster diving before putting yourself in debt.

>> No.6842272

Welcome to /jp/, it was always like this.

>> No.6842284

Unemployed, living with my mother. She gives me those "Son I am disappoint" looks every now and again since I dropped out of college and can't get a job. Shit sucks.

>> No.6842286

>keep her weird looks to herself.
as if you could "keep" them anywhere else

>I got the same weird at the book store when I picked up God is Not Great and The God Delusion.
That's generally because honest, reasonable people look down on fanatic, vocal atheists as pitiable teenage malcontents

>> No.6842288

>Thank goodness you're all killed when you actually go to jail.
0/10, obvious troll is obvious

>> No.6842296

>So much for enjoying a few Japanese shows
Should have been an earlier indicator.

>> No.6842297

Either kill yourself or get a job. Don't be a fucking parasite.

>> No.6842302
File: 59 KB, 288x396, 1239821948740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know sex offenders are isolated from the general population

>> No.6842304

Is this board that pedophilic to think I am kidding? Pathetic.

>> No.6842307

Which is a joke. I'd rather my tax dollars go to punishing people who actually harmed a child, not for some hypothetical "It might happen" crime.

>> No.6842309

In what state do pedos get the death penalty? They get a couple years and registered as a sex offender. Unless they rape someone, they don't get the death penalty.

>> No.6842318

I hate America.

>> No.6842325
File: 11 KB, 645x773, thatfeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I was like you and had nothing to lose, but if I were ever caught with loli, the moment I'm arrested, rumors would fly out to all the members of my family, many of whom are important people (more than I'll ever be) and all their connections would hear that someone in the family got arrested for something relating to being a disgusting pedophile, so that even if I were to kill myself, half of the town would be talking about it and I would have done a terrible thing impacting a lot of people. And yet I can't bring myself to delete my loli folders. That's a shitty feeling. So just be glad you're free and willing to spend a night or two in jail without feeling the shittiest feeling in the world on top of that.

>> No.6842326

I believe the implication was that the other inmates will kill you.

>> No.6842332

Which rarely happens.

>> No.6842338

What happened to the forex & google adsense scam ring anons?

>> No.6842356

You're killed in jail by other prisoners. Just getting what you deserve. But only after being raped, like what you did mentally (or physically, God forbid) to children.

I'm reporting this thread and getting out of here.

>> No.6842357

Op, getting some comptia certs (net+ a+ security+) is apparently the quickest way into an IT career. If you're good at math, go ahead and take out the loans and go to college

>> No.6842367


>> No.6842372

If thinking about having sex with children means you should go to jail, does that mean thinking about killing someone else or actively hoping another person would die means you should go to jail too?

>> No.6842378

You best be trolling. As creepy as loli is, if my tax money is going to pay for some guy jerking it to a cartoon, thats a joke. Authorities need to focus on real crimes and not this waste of my taxes and time

>> No.6842383

I label all my porn folders in Japanese which is probably good enough. But the thought of what could happen if that fails is really frightening.

>> No.6842388

Encrypt fucking everything!

>> No.6842394 [DELETED] 

>I label all my porn folders in Japanese which is probably good enough.

Nigga you dumb.

google Truecrypt.

>> No.6842391

Victimless crimes are not crimes.

>> No.6842403
File: 8 KB, 263x213, dat baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW a /jp/ thread about living life as a NEET went from that to a thread about laws, loli's, paedophilia and cp
seriously /jp/ what the fuck

>> No.6842411

Go back to /b/.

>> No.6842425

I feel you are getting kicked out and you have no way of making money. No job is too big or too small, eh? Everyone who has posted in or will post in this thread is an autistic shitposter, because otherwise there's no way I would reply to this thread for any reason.

>> No.6842427

It's called free speech. It's also part of Otaku Culture. Suck it.

>he can't differentiate reality from manga
Man, you're fucking pathetic. Crawl into a hole and rot.

>> No.6842436

Get the fuck out of /jp.

>> No.6842450

When DOESN'T it turn out that way?

>> No.6842453
File: 32 KB, 357x265, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this is a board about japan
>he thinks criminal-like actions aren't encouraged in jail

don't make me say it

>> No.6842459

Stop trying to turn people gay.

>> No.6842463
File: 34 KB, 400x400, upset hong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6842533


I'm not quite sure why you're attacking me bro... Are you saying people of that particular world view should just shut the fuck up and hide under a rock like the evil, evil people they are? If that's what you're getting at, there's no point in taking you seriously.

>> No.6842548


I never said what would cause the arrest. I was just dreaming up ways in which you could troll the authorities, when in fact you don't have a single thing they could really get you for. They'd probably charge you with something obscure, just out of being butthurt.

>> No.6842574

>Are you saying people of that particular world view should just shut the fuck up and hide under a rock like the evil, evil people they are?

I'm saying that, like you said yourself, people should keep things "to themselves" and not wear their fucking beliefs on their sleeves (and t-shirts, and on their bumpers, and in their kawaii forum signature, and referenced in their usernames)

I swear, I'd rather be a roommate with a fat, loud, born again christian than a fat, loud Dawkins-fellating atheist; the latter is ten times as annoying.

>> No.6842612
File: 512 KB, 934x800, remi knived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally disagree, though I can respect your analogy. I respect an enthusiastic sport fan (or Halo reach fan or whatever other thing I really don't care for one bit) more than someone who not only hides their interests in shame but tries to enforce the same thing on others. Personal choices are one thing, but telling others to stifle their passion and love, especially for their waifus and such, just for the sake of social acceptance is something likely to make you and people around you unhappy in the long run. Not to mention /jp/ has a name for that...

>> No.6842636

My mom sustains it for me.
Seriously, I'm terrified of getting kicked out. I have no usable skills or any real education paper things, so...
That's kinda scary to think about.

>> No.6842742


Then they would get you for disrupting investigations after their system crashes from the popups.

Man, is that version still out there? Does it even work?

>> No.6842747

"No job skills, never worked"

It's not a surprise you're getting kicked out.

>> No.6842751
File: 23 KB, 350x346, 1284169722719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pedophiles without direction.

>mfw 4 encryptions to get into my loli

>> No.6842771
File: 141 KB, 375x465, 1293851653233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a NEET, I go to school at the same times as Jones does.

>> No.6842818


>I'd rather be a roommate with a fat, loud, born again christian than a fat, loud Dawkins-fellating atheist; the latter is ten times as annoying.

I guess that's where we differ a bit. Well, I suppose I could live with it if the roommate wasn't a blatantly bat-shit insane fundamentalist and if I liked them. However if they went off the deep end every time they saw me reading the E&O board on talkrational or had a friend over for good conversation, it just wouldn't work out. One thing is absolutely certain though, I wouldn't try preaching to them. It's wasted energy.

All I care about is promoting proper science education, which means no creationism. Aside from that people can do whatever floats their boats.

All that said, I still think it fucking stupid for someone behind the checkout counter or at a library to take issue with what you're buying. They're there to simply do their job with a smile; they don't get paid to have opinions ... They should save it until after their shift ends.

>> No.6842955

I'm going to an online college so I can get a bachelor's in something and sign up for JET, then move to glorious nippon and apply for permanent residency. You could live that same dream, anon!

>> No.6842969

My family left me enough to live comfortably so long as I don't spend my money on something ridiculous.

>> No.6842975

Tread carefully, I've heard mixed reviews about the program. Inability to get decent jobs after the program is one of the main issues I hear.

>> No.6843014

As far as I heard getting a job as english teacher is always fuckeasy when you're a native and not completely retarded. It's just that most people who got to experience japanese school / teacher life don't ever want to experience it again, and outside of teaching there really isn't much you can hope to get a job in. Maybe translation work at best, but you should have a level one jlpt to show. For anything else you'll have to convince the boss why it would be a good idea to hire a foreigner if there's plenty of japanese people to hire.

>> No.6845781

Maybe I am better at what I do than most Japanese who apply for jobs.

>> No.6846032

Just swallow your pride and get a job. Jesus, I work at a Wendy's an can support myself and my hobbies. It's not that hard.
