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6835594 No.6835594 [Reply] [Original]

Before we begin on specifics, it's important to realize that VN adaptations rarely turn out the way the fans want, in particular the overzealous TM fans. It's difficult to adapt something that has several routes into an anime because you have to make sure that the anime is able to stand alone. In a VN, each individual route need not stand alone. A notable exception to a fan's typical reaction to a VN adaptation is shuffle, but even then there is a good portion of the fanbase that hates it.

Now on to more specifics, one of the biggest problems F/SN has was pacing. You could spent hours on walls of text that were insignificant. The anime does away with this problem beautifully. It is continuously interesting while being coherent.

An amazing sound track, if I recall correctly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmSOW9OhdOg didn't appear in the VN, did it? It fit perfectly with the scenes it was put into, in particular Saber's disappearance. Seeing her turn around and say I love you as the music climaxed was very touching.

What are not valid criticisms:
>They changed the plot with the Sakura bit.
This was completely necessary to allow the anime to be watched as a stand alone. I mentioned earlier that this is important for a studio. Adaptations are not there for the fans of the source, but for everyone.

>They removed [this] inner monologue
Inner monologues work great in VNs and LNs, however they cannot be used as often in anime. It's important when judging works in two seperate mediums to consider these things.

By the way, the Sakura bit and CGI dragon were written by Nasu

>> No.6835619

Can wait for the same old crap. Looks like TMfags are asleep right now.

>> No.6835620

I agree with most of what you said, especially about the soundtrack. Then again, Fate is the most uninteresting route in a game I don't even like that much, so even if it was an improvement I still couldn't enjoy it that much.

>> No.6835652

Did you watch the anime before reading the VN. People already knowing what's going to happen seems to be an issue.

>> No.6835685

Everyone but the most braindead retards realized this ages ago.
So you wasted god knows how much time to write that just for retards who won't probably change idea if their life depended on it.

>> No.6835687

>The anime does away with this problem beautifully. It is continuously interesting while being coherent.

Church basement scene, the turning point of Saber's characterization and the first and strongest clue that Shirou has some pretty damn weird shit going on. The whole scene, and the whole of Saber's character development hinged on the revelation of Shirou's "Don't look back, suck it up and live with it" philosophy and the fact that he, unlike Saber up until then, could bear his burden and look forward, which shocks her enough that she realizes it's just time to accept she did what she could and move on.

The anime completely forgot that. Shirou apparently rejects a potentially awesome gift for no discernible reason, you never find out what Saber misunderstood about Shirou, Saber herself apparently changes her goal for no reason and her character development, which takes the great bulk of the route, ends up making no sense.

Yeah, that's some fucking coherence there.

>Inner monologues work great in VNs and LNs, however they cannot be used as often in anime.


The only scenes that aren't roughly 90% Kyon's monologue are the ones that are 90% Koizumi exposition (With 10% Kyon monologue). It works wonderfully. FSN as a whole has proportionately a lot less monologuing since it uses regular narration a lot.

This is what takes the greatest shit on the UBW movie by the way, as the Answer scene has no fucking value if you don't hear Shirou's thoughts.

>> No.6835697

Original Fate Route>Anime>Realta Nua Fate route.

Take voices and a few extra tracks, and presto. Magic.
Half-Caster UBW and original Sakura plot did not really add much to the series(though not detract either).

>> No.6835707


>Original Fate Route>Anime>Realta Nua Fate route.

Last Episode was good, though.

Saber deserved a fucking happy end.

>> No.6835730

I fucked up, it was supposed to be the REVERSE.
Original Fate Route<Anime<Realta Nua Fate route.
And Last episode is kinda unrelated concerning how each route feels

>> No.6835741

This. THe basement scene was the climax of Fate and had to be properly adapted; without Shirou's inner monologue, there's nothing indicating his epiphany nor Saber's. The anime only alludes to part of it, which takes away the impact.

>> No.6835753

Addressing the first part of your post it all comes down to them removing things spelled out for you in the VN because it wouldn't work as well in anime.

In the anime when you see Saber move on, you're left to figure it out the reason on your own.
Of course it had something to do with Shirou and his character.

>> No.6835759

it begins

>> No.6835771

I watched the anime before reading the VN, which wound up being my first VN ever (well, besides Heart de Roommate which I read a little bit of a long time ago I guess) but I still thought the Fate route was handled better in the VN. I didn't think the anime was bad or anything, obviously I must have enjoyed it to have gone on to read the VN.

>> No.6835778

The anime wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, it was kind of cool seeing scenes from the VN animated. Obviously it's not as good as the VN, but at least it wasn't Tsukihime.

I'm looking forward to UFOtable's Fate/Zero anime, lets hope Nasu throws a bunch of money at them so it's as good as KnK was.

>> No.6835780

I never watched the Anime Adaptation. deal with it, faggot.

lolcaptcha: hosdanes Ciel

>> No.6835786

wait, there's gonna be a fate/zero anime? holy shit.
also should i wacth Knk, i heard the last movie sucked ruined everything..

>> No.6835787

I'm excited for more Tomokazu Seki as Gilgamesh.

>> No.6835790

onore onore onore

>> No.6835794
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fate route doesn't have enough stuff in it to fill 24 eps, once cooking and fuji-nee are removed from the story.

There were gaps to fill, and there are other routes to draw upon. Sure, it could've been done in a more coherent, acceptable way, but it had to be done.

I personally would've been happier if they put in more sakura cooking and Fuji-nee + Illya hijinx than heavily reveal the major turning point spoileriffic aspects of the other routes, but I'm sure more people would've disliked the anime more had they done that.

>> No.6835800

Is it better than the VN? Probably not.
Is it good? Yes

We used to love F/SN anime back before hating DEEN became a meme.

And deen is not so bad with VN adaptations.
They did F/SN and touka gettan. Higurashi was ok in it's own way

I blame Umineko on the director

>> No.6835801

The anime makes no fucking sense as a standalone experience. Not because it was subtle, but because it fucking sucked. The bit with Sakura was completely unnecessary. It added more questions than were answered, but never answered them because the main portion of Heaven's Feel was not adapted. And now that Heaven's Feel is likely to be adapted itself, it'll just feel redundant.

And if you can't incorporate important information from inner monologues into an anime or film adaptation, you suck as a director. It's that simple. It can be awkward, yes; but that's only if you have no idea what to do with it. The lack of it in the anime made things seem too spontaneous at times and nonsensical at others.

Also Kawai is shit. He composes a few good pieces and the rest are boring; same as what he did for Higurashi. Probably the most disappointing aspect of the soundtrack was how he butchered "Emiya".

>> No.6835811

>The anime makes no fucking sense as a standalone experience.
If you're an idiot.
>because it fucking sucked
Everyone loved it though
>The bit with Sakura was completely unnecessary
Did you read the OP post? It was explained why it was necessary.

>And now that Heaven's Feel is likely to be adapted itself, it'll just feel redundant.
Except that almost nothing from HF was adapted. It just just a small bit

>> No.6835812
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G-man looked fabulous in the anime, too. My only complaint is that he didn't get enough screen time.

Of course the animated Berserker VS. Faker bit was also OK.

>> No.6835823

>Sakura was completely unnecessary
Sakura is an important character.
If she has no role in the anime, it would be retarded

>> No.6835830
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Just imagine what the fandom and memes would be like if Archer didn't use Unlimited Blade Works in episode 14 and just died offscreen like he did in the VN. It's mindboggling

>> No.6835832


While Gilgamesh himself was fine, in both the anime and UBW movie, Gate of Babylon looked like shit.

>> No.6835834

>because you have to make sure that the anime is able to stand alone.
I think this is kind of a mistake. You can change things here or there, but mashing together whole routes is bad. Making up anime original stuff is bad too, because these tend to take away the charm of the original material. Why do you even adapt it if you fuck it up? Though I liked the theme park episode in Tsukihime, but IIRC it was more like a filler to show all the characters together to understand their relationships.
Anyway, seems like the industry gave up the old approach.

>Inner monologues work great in VNs and LNs, however they cannot be used as often in anime.
They solved this nicely in KnK and probably in many other stuff too. The point is, that most of the time they just cut these out from the anime like something unimportant, yet they're one of the most important things. At least try to find some other way to explain us why the MC is doing or speaking the shit he does.

I was speaking generally though. Fate anime was okay, UBW could've been only good if it were around 4 hours long.

>> No.6835836

>Sakura is an important character.
In HF, but not Fate or UBW.

>> No.6835839

Let me rephrase.

Sakura is an important character in F/SN.
If you're going to make something as a stand alone, she needs to be in it.

>> No.6835844

I don't think Gate of Babylon looked as bad as people were saying.
For example people were complaining about the berserker vs gil fight and how he wasn't shooting out enough swords.

In the first wave he wasn't, in the second wave it was much more closer to the VNs description

>> No.6835853

>If you're an idiot.
Okay. Let's go through just a few inconsistencies then. One of the most prominent ones I remember was Ilya's sickness. In the anime, she suddenly gets sick and it's never explained why. Ever. Maybe they could've used some of the time they spent on filler bullshit to actually explain the workings of the grail or something?

Also, you might want to go back and rewatch the end of the anime. The climax in the church underground made absolutely no sense, and you can't even write that off as "being subtle". They simply didn't feel like explaining one of the most important parts of the route.

I'll have to apologize for not remembering any more at the moment (it's been a few years), but really, they're a dime a dozen. You could go and rewatch the anime and find several problems with its narrative. And for a show that's supposedly trying to create a standalone experience, these are mistakes that shouldn't have happened.
>Everyone loved it though
>Did you read the OP post? It was explained why it was necessary.
Uh, no. OP just said it was necessary and stopped at that. It wasn't necessary. No one would have doubted that Sakura was just a normal character if they hadn't included it.
>Except that almost nothing from HF was adapted. It just just a small bit
Yeah, but guess what? That small bit happened to be the fucking climax. It was the resolution of a huge conflict that Heaven's Feel was centered around. Not only does it make things redundant, but it also has no place in the Fate route, because there is literally no buildup. Maybe Rin and Sakura exchange a few awkward glances here and there, but that's not sufficient enough to count. Another instance of poor direction.

>> No.6835888

>No one would have doubted that Sakura was just a normal character if they hadn't included it.
F/SN is essentially a harem though.
Besides, Sakura has fans, though you might not believe it.

Now as far as those inconsistencies go, I don't recall the reasoning Illya was sick being explained in fate. It's been a long time since I've played it. But the studio doesn't have to reveal things that were in other routes. For example they don't have to say that Archer is really Shirou. That's not part of fate.

>That small bit happened to be the fucking climax. It was the resolution of a huge conflict that Heaven's Feel was centered around.
How could that whole bit be the climax if it was changed for the anime? There was a lot of things happening in HF, not to mention the fact that since you already know what happens you shouldn't care if you've already seen part of it before when getting an HF adaptation

>> No.6835914

>The anime makes no fucking sense as a standalone experience. Not because it was subtle, but because it fucking sucked. The bit with Sakura was completely unnecessary. It added more questions than were answered, but never answered them because the main portion of Heaven's Feel was not adapted. And now that Heaven's Feel is likely to be adapted itself, it'll just feel redundant.

This is the biggest problem.

Are retarded. Yes, Sakura is important to the underlying plot of F/SN, but the anime didn't handle that well at all. It brought up an interest sub-plot that happened to never be explained or given the backstory of. Why was Sakura needed to be sacrificed? What the hell is going on with the Grail being evil? What worms? Why did Sakura get taken away from Rin as a child?

There were simply too many threads to be tied up, and then the arc just ENDS. Sakura is never heard of again, and we go back into Fate. Seriously, why shoehorn in HF without actually explaining what happened in HF? I don't care if Sakura caused all of the events leading up to the war for over a century, if you're not explaining why, don't even include it and hope the viewers gloss over it.

>> No.6835919

>Why the F/SN anime


>> No.6835921

>There were simply too many threads to be tied up
They didn't need to be tied up
>What the hell is going on with the Grail being evil? What worms? Why did Sakura get taken away from Rin as a child?
These didn't need to be answered. This was not part of HF. This was an anime only subplot that gave Sakura the role she needed in the anime

>> No.6835926

>Inner monologues work great in VNs and LNs, however they cannot be used as often in anime. It's important when judging works in two seperate mediums to consider these things.
True, but taking them out often leaves nary but a husk, leading to usually shallow experience. That is why I am against pretty much any anime adaptation in which the original creator is not thoroughly involved in.

>> No.6835933

Nasu was involved. How involved, I have no clue.

>> No.6835936

>I don't recall the reasoning Illya was sick being explained in fate.

They dont have to because you fit the pieces when its revealed Ilya is the Grail.

In fact that its a big hint to Sakura being a Grail with her being sick HF when the Shadow starts to shallow the Servants but it makes NO SENSE for her to be sick in Fate route since Ilya is the one absolving the defeated Servants in Fate.

>> No.6835941

This is one of the strong points of Visual Novels, the reader's own imagination. The visual novel only had lots of those awesome "BLAMMO BLAMMO"-noises, few still pictures featuring lots of weapons and descriptions about how innumerable amount of them were flying all around.

In anime, you either have to blow huge amount of budget on animating all of those or use the familiar method of recurring patterns to cut the burden of the animators. And even if you insert a huge amount of them in the anime, if they don't look good the whole would be counter-productive in the terms of visual effectiviness.

I can't accept that criticising the lack of the inner monologue is lined out. It is an ancient storytelling device and succesfully executed on many occasions. While it may be true that it doesn't fit the anime adaptation as it is, they certainly could've done it in a different way. The easiest way that I can think of are separated segments, chapters consisting only of Shirou's thoughts and still images or wavy backgrounds.

>> No.6835964

>F/SN is essentially a harem though.
No it isn't. The girls' routes focus less on the girls themselves and more on the plot devices surrounding them. Of course, this applies to different extents depending on the character. For instance, Saber's route was more driven by her respective character than Rin's route was by Rin. A harem is not as involved as Fate/Stay Night; if you can consider it a harem, it is hardly an average one. Therefore direction takes precedence over characters. I am more a fan of Sakura than the other two heroines, but I do not believe she deserved a large role in an adaptation of the Fate route.
>I don't recall the reasoning Illya was sick being explained in fate
At the very least, it was attributed to her being the grail, and some of the workings of the grail were explained. It was never completely explained until Heaven's Feel, of course, but at least it was mentioned in some way that made sense.
>But the studio doesn't have to reveal things that were in other routes. For example they don't have to say that Archer is really Shirou. That's not part of fate.
Oh, so they can just wantonly throw in whatever elements they want, but suddenly they don't have to explain them? That's retarded. Last time I checked, there were several scenes in the anime that were unrelated to the Fate route, and you said that they should be liberal with that in order to make it more enjoyable as a standalone experience. But now all of a sudden, when the time comes to explain things, you strictly adhere to the "it's the Fate route, they don't gotta explain shit" thought? That makes no sense.
>How could that whole bit be the climax if it was changed for the anime?
You don't understand. I'm saying that it SHOULDN'T have been in there at all particularly because it was the climax of another route that was carelessly pasted into the Fate route. Again, it's poorly directed. I care because they butchered a decent story, not for anything else.

>> No.6835972

1:1 adaption are cancer killing animu. A good director should rearrange most of the content while trying to be faithful to the original source.

F/SN still shit thought

>> No.6835989

They don't have to explain every single detail, especially if it is something explained in another route. They do have to give a character who is an important part of the story a role in the anime. That's a huge part of working as a stand alone.

They didn't insert the climax of HF in the anime, they inserted an anime only subplot for the former mentioned reason.

>> No.6836009

I'd imagine in similar capacity as Ryukishi was with the When They Cry stuff. Even when the creator is involved I doubt few are put in a position of much influence, as they are usually not that familiar with the finer workings for the anime medium, and/or are in position to really affect development much (or heck, even give care to put out the extra effort to push that adaptation out of mediocrity).

>> No.6836025

But he wrote those parts of the anime that weren't in the VN.

I also think the dragon was his idea since when RN came out, dragons and dolphins were in there.
We just don't know the extent to his influence in the other parts

>> No.6836033

The first thing I ever saw of FSN was the anime. And I thought it was good. Despite the low quality animation, I really liked the story. Up until about halfway through the series, I was loving it.

And then it went to shit. I was really disappointed because I liked the show and it started out with so much promise, but by the end it had all gone down the drain.

People told me I ought to read the VN which was still being translated at the time. So I read through Fate. And I have to say that, despite having seen the anime, I enjoyed the VN version of Fate a lot more. I actually cried at the end of the Fate route, whereas the anime just left me feeling irritated that it hadn't been better.

I think the real problem with the anime is that it cuts out Shirou's character development. That scene under the church at the end of the Fate route, where he tells the little mummified orphans that he can't save them, and admits that he can't save everyone, was a truly amazing scene. And it's not even in the anime. Completely ruins the route, missing the entire point of the story.

>> No.6836041

>They don't have to explain every single detail, especially if it is something explained in another route. They do have to give a character who is an important part of the story a role in the anime. That's a huge part of working as a stand alone.

Okay, what's the point of it being standalone then? If important plot points are not explained within the anime, then it cannot be considered standalone because it creates several plot holes. The addition of Sakura into the Fate route, on the other hand, did not aid the anime in being a standalone experience, but instead made it even more reliant upon the source material because it introduced so many questions within such a short span of time that were never answered. Sakura is an important part of the story, yes, but this is only apparent in Heaven's Feel. If the anime were to be a standalone experience, and they wanted to incorporate Sakura as well, they should have tied up the loose ends as well.

>They didn't insert the climax of HF in the anime

How about you go back and play Heaven's Feel, and then tell me that the fight and reconciliation between Rin and Sakura is not the fucking climax? They pasted it in. And for the thousandth fucking time, this doesn't work if they wanted the anime to stand by itself, because it doesn't make sense and it raises questions that weren't answered.

The FSN adaptation fails to be standalone in any regard. If they simply adapted the Fate route as it was presented in the visual novel, while perhaps adding some of their own unique ideas (or, not splicing in scenes from other routes that don't make sense in the context they're placed in) it would have probably been a much more solid adaptation. Because as it stands, both the Fate route and the anime are very basic and bordering on the typical action show. The additions to the anime in no way add to the exposition of the FSN universe, and instead just make things even more confusing.

>> No.6836078

>The FSN adaptation fails to be standalone in any regard.
Except that this is stupid. It's a standalone because you can watch it from beginning to end and not be confused and get the major plot just fine. I wasn't confused and I've never spoken to anyone who told me they had no clue what was going on.

I don't mean to say that they should include everything from every route when I say it should work as a stand alone, but at the very least they need to make sure every major character has some screen time.

>> No.6836186


No, that's not good story telling and you're retarded if you think it is. If you're doing bullshit harem animes, then it's fine to have lose ends; but in a serious anime like Fate is, you can't just do that. The anime was obviously meant to also be for people who have never played the VN, and it's stupid to leave things out like that. We're not even talking the good 'less is better', we're talking about introducing plots that have nothing to do with the main story at all.
For example, The Social Network did it right. It didn't explain many events and just glossed over them, but they still left enough information for the viewers to draw their own conclusion.

This wasn't the case with Fate, as all it did was throw Sakura into a subplot that gave more questions than it answered.

>> No.6836204

sakura subplot did have something to do with the story.
Caster was using sakura to win the war

>> No.6836220

>Except that this is stupid. It's a standalone because you can watch it from beginning to end and not be confused and get the major plot just fine.

Alright, if you consider "shoddy and mediocre" to be standalone, then I concede the point. If you're okay with "just good enough" then I suppose I see where you're coming from.

In a good narrative, one should be able to understand all of its intricacies. If not, then they should be given enough information to be able to infer what is not explicitly states. If neither you nor the people you talked to were confused by the anime adaptation of Fate/Stay Night, you either weren't paying attention, or you have very low standards. As I and others have consistently presented in this thread, the show is riddled with holes that very much detract from its ability to stand on its own.

>> No.6836252

>They don't have to explain every single detail, especially if it is something explained in another route.
>That's a huge part of working as a stand alone.

Can you not see the contradiction within the same paragraph? If it's a standalone, it shouldn't require you to read the novel to understand any of it.

>I wasn't confused and I've never spoken to anyone who told me they had no clue what was going on.
Really? Everyone I talked to on /a/ and in real life said they didn't know why Sakura had to fight Rin other than LOLPOSESSION. When I asked if they knew what the Grail was so I could tie it into Sakura's character, they also didn't know. The problem is that the anime is introducing story segments from HF, the one route that throws a huge infodump at you that explains everything. If you were to take elements specific to that route without the accompanying material, you leave viewers confused.

>For example they don't have to say that Archer is really Shirou. That's not part of fate.
Except that Archer wasn't given any screentime that actually mattered. His role was more or less the same as in Fate with some bits of dialogue from UBW sprinkled in. Where was the scene of him trying to actively kill Shirou over and over? Where was the scene at the temple where he confronted Shirou about his ideals? Where was the scene where they fought in the mansion? None of these were present so nothing needed to be explained about Archer; mind you though, if they were and they never revealed who Archer was, people would be going
"Who the hell was that guy and why did he hate Shirou so much?"

Seriously, the anime was solid, but Sakura's story insertion was trite.

>> No.6836259

I believe they could have put a bit more effort into the battles. It almost felt like the VN had more animations of battle than the anime.

But I liked that it had a decent pace.

>> No.6836264

How about you read my entire post before simply saying that Sakura is vital in her subplot? The point is that they inserted one of the climaxes of HF into Fate without explaining anything. Like I said earlier, if UBW's climax was inserted in, we'd be annoyed by that as well.

>> No.6836268

>When I asked if they knew what the Grail was so I could tie it into Sakura's character, they also didn't know.
They weren't supposed to know.
>they didn't know why Sakura had to fight Rin other than LOLPOSESSION
That's fine. It wasn't supposed to have the depth HF had. It was a tiny subplot

>> No.6836273

It was average but it's not like the route was that good to begin with.
So good adaptation
Oh and Nasu is the one who wrote the Caster's route, just so you know.
He even asked Takeuchi to design loli Sakura just for the occasion.

>> No.6836282
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>> No.6836289

>They weren't supposed to know.
You're basically going into
>The author chose not to tell them so they don't have to know!

For explanations as to why they should know in this case. From a literary standpoint, these are plotholes; not something tastefully done like Inception or Heavy Rain.

>> No.6836301

I feel like you're calling them plotholes because the same things explained in the VN weren't explained in the anime.

You had all you needed to know for that story in the anime.
You weren't supposed to know everything about the holy grail and rin/sakura

>> No.6836310


If we weren't supposed to understand them, then they shouldn't have included them. You're contradicting yourself.

>> No.6836311
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>> No.6836316

They had to include Sakura because even she has fans.
The anime is both for people who don't know anything about it and diehard fans after all.

>> No.6836321

I think he's saying if they include that Sakura bit they have to explain everything about it.
I'm trying to say that's not the case. They just included what people needed to know for that subplot

>> No.6836328

I don't think they really needed to explain the Sakura bit.

All it was was Caster abducting a human to operate as a grail vessel, coincidentally taking Sakura, then going "huh this girl makes a really good grail vessel for some reason".
It doesn't outwardly confuse new fans and it's a nod to the source material for old fans.

>> No.6836331


Then they could have made her useful in a different way.

>> No.6836341

Her and Shirou should have banged imo.
Would have been much better.

>> No.6836382

>Besides, Sakura has fans, though you might not believe it.
Viable from a marketing perspective, but that is all. A lot of shit has fans, but it's doesn't mean you have to mash things together. Pandering to fans does not make for a good storytelling. HF part was an abortion.

>> No.6836390

>Why the F/SN anime is better than the route from which it was adapted: A persuasive argument

fuck you, you goddamn retard, jesus.

>> No.6836437

The sakura thing they changed,
yeah yeah that may be necessary for the studio, adaptation blah blah, but it sucked nevertheless
they just tryed to cram shit about zouken and sakura and rin being sisters in a freaking 3 second flashback

>> No.6836568

>You weren't supposed to know everything about the holy grail and rin/sakura
No, but when Sakura's subplot revolved around the inner workings of the grail and her history as to why she's involved, it should be explained. It only DOESN'T HAVE TO BE EXPLAINED IF THE VIEWERS CAN INFER SOMETHING FROM IT, which no one can.

>They just included what people needed to know for that subplot
And on one knew anything except she was needed to summon the grail, which then raised 10 other questions.
Seriously, your entire argument is:

>People don't need to know anymore because it's not important.
No, fuck you, it is. It's piss poor story telling from any literary perspective and I'm tired of reiterating myself while you have no points to defend.

>> No.6836603

So you think they should have also explained Archer's past and his relationship to Shirou?

>> No.6836610

>Why the F/SN anime is better than the route from which it was adapted: A persuasive argument
There is no way you could persuade anyone of that.

I'm not going to read your post to confirm this, but I assume it's some kind of parody.

>> No.6836613


I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're a different person and assuming you're not retarded. Next time you ask a redundant question, I'm not responding.

>> No.6836630

>Except that Archer wasn't given any screentime that actually mattered
Right before berserker fight. That was very important when he was talking to Shirou. They left things unexplained because it didn't need to be explained for the anime's story.

Same deal with Sakura

>> No.6836634
File: 65 KB, 800x600, 25«+ÂíÂbæu®·+©ÃÀÃ~æãÒb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was good adaptation. Sakura, Caster, Kuzuki, Archer and Assassin wouldn't have gotten decent screentime if it weren't for the fillers. DEEN couldn't predict they would print this much money with f/sn to consider UBW or HF separately.

Also, was it that hard to explain this properly in the anime?
I remember Kotomine mentioning it briefly ONCE and it makes a world of difference. It makes Shiro's dilemma of making Saber stay meaningful instead of just "SEIBA IS MAI WAIFU DERP". It would have only taken ONE MINUTE FOR GOD'S SAKE

>> No.6836650

>Right before berserker fight. That was very important when he was talking to Shirou.
Nope, that's a line by line reeanactment from Fate and was neutral, try again.

>> No.6836663

It may have been from Fate, but it referenced things in other routes.
When you're playing the VN, it doesn't matter that they don't explain it in that route, because you will figure it out in the other routes.
And yet in the anime they chose not to explain it. It didn't need to be explained for the anime's story

>> No.6836702

it doesn't need to be explained because it doesn't confuse the shit out of the viewer. you can watch episode 14 and think "wow I wonder how archer is connected to shirou how mysterious" and leave it at that. on the other hand the part with sakura is going to give you a major brainfuck because it left way too many unanswered questions. why is the normal looking girl not so normal? why was she mad at rin? why was she all evil mode all of a sudden?

>> No.6836787


All the people I know with lesser powerlevels who watched f/sn deduced the whole sister shit themselves just from the anime. They had trouble figuring out Archer until I pointed out the jewel at the end of the special ending.

>> No.6836793

Archer's speech to Shirou was pretty ordinary, just him criticizing Shirou's ideal and tell him how to kill BAHZERCAR. No one would think any thing of it, just that he was another no name servant in the war.

You mad that you stupid.

>> No.6836813


Then sorry, but the people you associate yourself with are retarded. The connection with Archer was obvious.

The fact that Sakura and Rin were sisters was obvious, yes. They fucking said it outright. But the motivations behind it were never explained and there was no buildup.

>> No.6836816

>It is continuously interesting while being coherent.
Please. I admit to having watched the thing before the VN was translated, but even then I thought it was rather meh.
Even if I look at the anime while ignoring it's source,
the pacing of the anime was better the first few episodes as they introduced things. But then they could -not- stay coherent.
All of a sudden they took great leaps in what was going on, and characters popped up from left and right, that in itself can be ok though, but then they started to hint at all kinds of different things, unrelated to everything else. Hints they never once had the intention of following through.
It didn't take long before it was noticable that there were huge holes in the anime, it's no wonder the anime fandom have found the cast to be retarded.

But it's also laughable in the way that if one as a fan of it, were to look at it more deeply trying to figure out things about all the unrelated hints given everywhere, then it just becomes all the more plain obvious that things aren't as it should with everything else as well.

People have already mentioned what happened to the climax, as for myself, I found the ending to be semi-retarded when I first saw it as I didn't know how it should have been. As a result it was just weird as things didn't fully make sense.
But the mixing of the routes was also terrible. They are paralell routes, not always compatible with eachother.
Shirou pulling out Kanshou and Bakuya and fighting like Archer without having streamlined skills from him came for instance somewhat out of nowhere. They were all suprised about it as well, and if you think about it, you should have been too if you didn't know anything about the source.
With every bit of thing from other routes or original content, they missed vital characterization.

>> No.6836820

Then again, I guess they had already messed it up when they had gone past half of the show or so. The climax of the route for instance (which they skipped), wouldn't do it's full potential either as they skipped most of all scenes where Shirou were philosophising about life, and comparing real life with his philosophies, and by doing that they essentially skipped out on Saber's reactions to the same things.
And don't get me started on Rin and Sakura

>> No.6836850

>Inner monologues work great in VNs and LNs, however they cannot be used as often in anime. It's important when judging works in two seperate mediums to consider these things.
Yes it's important to consider this, but it's no excuse for doing bad things.

Then again, I would argue that inner monologues can great, but even if not, it doesn't matter much in this case.
If you adapt something from media A into media B, and something which works great in media A doesn't work so good in media B, then sure, don't use it, but that doesn't simply mean to simply cut it.
If they cut something, they have to fill the void, they can't just cut something and keep going with the rest.
Also, whatever has been cut is relevant to the climax of the story, then it's time to come up with some really creative writing in order to compensate, or come up with a new thing all together that actually works for the intended medium.
If that also fails, then change the genre into something that works, and don't market it as a faithful adaptation.

>> No.6836873

>If you adapt something from media A into media B

>> No.6836895

>interesting while being coherent.
Nice choice of words, this was exactly why I prefered the Tsukihime adaptation of the F/SN one. But I don't think I can say I was especially interested in either.

And sure, the Tsukihime adaptation was fucky as fuck, but at least they managed to keep the tone of the setting and because of it, even the things brought up and completely dropped gained a hinge of mystery and not simply being shit.
They even had coherent romance as they didn't ignore character conversations or events as much.

>> No.6837254

Well the Tsukihime fucked around with the characters too much which was people's main complaint. F/SN did a good job at least of making sure the characters didn't act completely different

>> No.6837268
File: 13 KB, 200x200, chrono-l egionaire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsukihime anime

Never existed!

>> No.6837281

In that sense it was terrible as an adaptation, but it was at least coherent within itself, the f/sn adaptation wasn't.

>> No.6837286

It is my opinion that if you adapt something and change the entire plot but keep the characters the same, it's still Tsukihime. But if you adapt something changing the characters but leaving everything else the same, it's not Tsukihime.

The characters make the series

>> No.6837296

Tsukihime anime done by Ufotable.

The trick? Far Side of the Moon, only, with Curry showing up to be awesome like once or twice.

The reward? Tohno Family Harem End.

>> No.6837323
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It does, havent seen it but even if its extremly bad Im sorry to say it does exits

>> No.6837324

Didn't deny that being the case.
But it being coherent made it into a better standalone show.

Because if rated on it's own merits, then the original characters doesn't matter.
Then if it's Tsukihime or not is irrelevant.

>> No.6837329
File: 185 KB, 768x576, No Fate Stay Night anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6837352

>It's difficult to adapt something that has several routes into an anime because you have to make sure that the anime is able to stand alone.In a VN, each individual route need not stand alone.

This is exactly with you cant compare the anime with the VN. I prefer Fates route to the anime, cant remember the anime that well, but its been years since i wathced it and just read the VN a few month ago.
The anime its good, and its a good stand alone, cant understand with every body hates it. Its not loyal to the VN but its good as a stand alone (actualy UBW movie made me wanna read the VN). the anime and the movie's OSTs are great.

Now im realy waitin to see how Zero turns out.

>> No.6837374

It's increadibly mediocre as a standalone, and it's messy.
And don't even get me started on the UBW movie, without filling in the gaps yourself with knowledge of the source material, it has no redeeming qualities outside of the graveyard fight as far as pure animated action goes, otherwise it was pure shit. It was pure shit even if seen as pandering to already die hard fans.
The best thing about the movie is almost the soundtracks it spawned that wasn't even in the movie.

>> No.6837378

F/SN was coherent enough for me

>> No.6837391

I watched it before reading the VN.
And the ending was an utter anti-climax.
Later it turned out I loved it in the VN, but in the anime it was an anti-climax.

The characters actions didn't make sense in the end, almost nothing did.
They just changed their views on things all of a sudden and gained resolve out of nowhere.

>> No.6837394

Speaking of which, took DEEN like 4 years to make UBW after the anime.
Is that how long we have to wait for some HF OVAs?

>> No.6837397

but how can you have tsukihime without the titular character?

>> No.6837401

Only mention the movie becouse it made me read the VN, and the good sound track.

Can't argue back how bad or not was the anime (compare to the VN), dont remember much but i do rembember it was good for me and was able to understand most of it. I do recall it was messy, and a few things were foggy.

>> No.6837405

>It was pure shit even if seen as pandering to already die hard fans.
The entire thing was visually impressive. I'll admit the last fight wasn't what I was expecting but other than that it was just a really condensed version of the route, without the cooking scenes

>> No.6837411

Forget about HF OVA
I do remember the ending being kinda out of place. Fuck it, gonna watch again the hole thing again, cant remember shit

>> No.6837448

HF OVA confirmed for fall '11

>> No.6837474
File: 271 KB, 383x374, 1294508831755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this keeps getting better

>> No.6839300

Why does Rin look retarded in that picture?

>> No.6839304


>> No.6839352


She is. And it's rude of you to point out other people's disabilities like that.

>> No.6839356

I see three retards in that picture.

>> No.6839369

inb4 Sudo being autistic.

>> No.6839381

This was on 3 days ago.

>> No.6839387

As far as art goes there are some errors on all three of them.
But I would say that Sakura still looks the most normal, but that may perhaps not be saying much here.

But just what is Saber doing with her distorted face/smile, and just how is she holding that sword?

>> No.6839394

>looks the most normal
>staring autistically into space

>> No.6839930

There is no such thing as autistically staring.
She is staring at something we can't see.

>> No.6840138

Why would it need to be explained? The most you're going to get from that scene is
"Wow, Archer might know Shirou!"

That's it. He's not a vital character for the subplot nor does it really bring up any questions (unless you consider how Shirou traced K&B, but some people missed that anyways) related to the story. Sakura on the other hand, was part of a climax of a particular subplot that happened to make no sense unless you read UBW and HF.

>It was pure shit even if seen as pandering to already die hard fans.
Actually, a lot of people agreed that UBW was a great movie in the sense of the animation and fight scenes; everything was done with quality. Any complaints with that aspect? None, just that people didn't imagine the fight scenes the same way as the movie portrayed.

Uh huh...

>> No.6840177

>UBW was a great movie in the sense of the animation and fight scenes;
The fuck am I reading?

>> No.6840213

>Actually, a lot of people agreed that UBW was a great movie in the sense of the animation and fight scenes
I have seen a lot of disputes about this among fans who really have tried to not be biased.

Take this scene for instance.
Sure the movie has some pretty impressive/amazing scenery, they really took their time on most things not moving.
But the sword rains of both Gilgamesh/Archer are both ridiculous.
And well, I could complain a lot more, but then it would be more about execution rather than style.

But regarding the animation and the art, I would say that to me it really feels like there is a mix of really good and bad.

>> No.6840237


>Actually, a lot of people agreed that UBW was a great movie in the sense of the animation and fight scenes; everything was done with quality. Any complaints with that aspect?

Yes, extreme ones. I found all the fight scenes to be butchered and everything else about the plot to be maimed with the sole exception of Archer vs. Shirou.

>None, just that people didn't imagine the fight scenes the same way as the movie portrayed.

I imagined the Lancer vs. Archer fight going on for more than fifteen fucking seconds, yeah.

>> No.6840260

Not that guy but the entire movie looked nice.
Most of the fights were faithful except to the extent that they were cut for time.

Only one I found unfaithful was shirou vs gil

>> No.6840276


I was offended extremely by the cut of Berserker's importance to Ilya.

>> No.6840281

You must have missed the QUALITY everywhere.

>> No.6840288

Some of the things they removed in the berserker fight was a tragedy, it just comes down to what they decided to cut for time

>> No.6840291

Tell me then, how were the fight scenes butchered? They all stayed fairly true and only deviated in the cases where it couldn't be translated to th medium.

>> No.6840542

The graveyard one was the only the good one.
The one with Gilgamesh and Iliya was a dissaster, not only because of what they cut, but because Berserker barely moved or did anything, and because Gilgamesh didn't exactly fire that many weapons.
In fact he only blocks 12 of them, 3 of which is off screen.
Certainly no walls of weapons being continiously blocked while advancing here.
The blades themselves also don't look that amazing, though I guess they aren't all that terrible either, but they aren't good.
Just take a look at Archer's arrow rain at
Gilgamesh's GoB should be about that, at the very least, but no.
Also, regarding both Archer and Gilgamesh, what was up with all the GIANT swords?

>> No.6840570

Am I the only one saddened by the fact that Assassin got nerfed?

Tsubame Gaeshi is a perfect kill, but Saber rushed right through it in the UBW movie.

They didn't even have the courtesy to show why it didn't work in the UBW route; Assassin's sword never even got bent here.

Saber should be deaaaad

>> No.6840580

>got nerfed
ahah what? He's supposed to be weak as shit as a servant, be thankful he actually got the spotlight he did.
He probably got buffed because Saber steamrolling all over him would've been boring narrative-wise.

>> No.6840589


No, I mean in the UBW movie.

He's a good enough swordsman to go toe-to-toe with Saber and Tsubame Gaeshi would kill even her if he executed it perfectly, which in the UBW movie, he does.
He almost does in the UBW route, but his sword was damaged and it gained the smallest of imperfections, allowing Saber to pull through.

>> No.6840617

Assassin is one of the only two servants in the war to fight every other servant to a stand still, not only that but he was able to repel every one of them from the temple.

His skill is on par with Saber when it comes to the sword maybe even a bit better.

>> No.6840652


He IS pretty weak though.

He only repelled Berserker with Caster's assistance.

Also any Noble Phantasm in the entire war would kill him effortlessly.

>> No.6840688

Sure, but his stats aren't amazing, and he does have field advantage, and on many occasions he needed Caster's help, one of the more powerful Servants.
And he has no other abillities.

He can almost not do anything.
In fact, Archer should have stood down by the stairs and shot him with a few arrows and it would have been done.
He is extremely special for a peasant though.

>> No.6840690

>Certainly no walls of weapons being continiously blocked while advancing here.
Yes he did. Go rewatch the scene. He gets hit with waves of sword while advancing. Then he heals
Then he gets hit by another wave and continunes to advance while blocking some

>> No.6840697

>and on many occasions he needed Caster's help,
We only know of one instance of that, not many.

>> No.6840708

There are many instances we don't know about at all.
All we know is that he is the gate guardian and that he managed to keep people away.

>> No.6840736

>The one with Gilgamesh and Iliya was a dissaster, not only because of what they cut, but because Berserker barely moved or did anything, and because Gilgamesh didn't exactly fire that many weapons.
Berserker barely moved in the visual novel as well; the anime just makes him move even less to emphasize how crazy Gil is. Also, Gil sword spammed a lot after the first wave, and it'd look ridiculous to animate a huge amount of swords all missing their target out of a cone.

>The blades themselves also don't look that amazing, though I guess they aren't all that terrible either, but they aren't good.

>>Certainly no walls of weapons being continiously blocked while advancing here.
He did, rewatch the scene.

>Also, regarding both Archer and Gilgamesh, what was up with all the GIANT swords?
What isn't up with them? Fantasy swords like those do exist.

This. Assassin was pitifully weak, only excelling in technicalities. Every fight against him gave him a field advantage, mana advantage, and Caster's enhanced assistance. He may be good in normal combat, but Archer, Saber, Lancer, Berserker, Gil, and all 4th war Servants would rape him in an even match.

>> No.6840757

>and all 4th war Servants would rape him in an even match.
And all of the 4th war servants sans Assassin would rape the rest of the 5th War Servants sans Saber and Berserker, and Bazett!Lancer.

>> No.6840772

>Also, regarding both Archer and Gilgamesh, what was up with all the GIANT swords?
They're for giants. Giant people use them.
I fucking lol'd at Shirou blocking one with his shitty strength and how one was sticking PERFECTLY out of Kuzuki's back even though the tip was barely in. It shouldn't have supported it's own weight.

Also when Shirou says "Unlimited Blade Works" and the camera spins around him awkwardly, I felt the feeling die. It was too weird.

And then there's the fact Shirou rushed in angrily at Gilgamesh instead of being all calm and collected. Then he somehow went into ragemode again when Saber vanished and used her sword? DEEN sure loves Saber. A lot.

Other than that, UBW was awesome.

>> No.6840778


Medusa instakills Iskander, Lancelot, and Diarmuid with Cybele.

>> No.6840792
File: 39 KB, 320x837, 51324__320x_fate-extra-saber-panchira-psp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cybele offers Lancer dog meat.

Sadness and rage from fans ensue.

>> No.6840803

More like the NRA murders Nasu.
Anyway, it would take more than breaking that one geass to cripple Cu Chulain.

>> No.6840806

>DEEN sure loves Saber
I never understood this.
Why do people think deen loves saber?

>> No.6840820


Geasa are the ultimate curses of the Nasuverse, and in Gaelic mythology too.

Breaking a geasa doesn't kill you instantly, but it basically means you're cursed by the gods forever.
Get in a fight with an unarmed civilian, you might not die, but you'll probably lose an eye or a few fingers despite how weak they should be. Get in a fight with an equal and lose your head.

>> No.6840822

>Every fight against him gave him a field advantage, mana advantage, and Caster's enhanced assistance.
he fought on stairs where he couldn't outright Tsubame Gaeshi
even so when he DID have mana support by Caster Saber was going to release her sword on him.

>> No.6840837

Shirou never fell in love with Rin nor did he show any more affection to her than he did with Saber. In fact, he was enraged by Saber's disappearance. In the VN that never happened. It doesn't help that in the trailer for UBW, 90% of it was Saber.

>> No.6840840

Good thing all the heroes in Fate are small time compared to Cu Chulain then.

>> No.6840843
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Isn't it sad, Lancer?

>> No.6840852


Too bad he's not Berserker so he doesn't get his ultimate skill.

Everyone who knows anything about Cuchulainn knows that the heart of his legend isn't Gae Bolg. The warp-spasm that overtakes him in his battle rage is far, far better known.

>> No.6840858

The HGW would have been over in one night if that happened.
And there no longer would be a Fuyuki City.

>> No.6840866


I'll give you that.

>> No.6840867


>> No.6840911

If he were to get really really pumped up and furious, he might have been able to do that even as Lancer.
And as a Berserker, I would assume he wouldn't be able to get out of that form.

He would be messy and increadibly mana heavy blob of meat of immense power.

>> No.6840916
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Warp Spasms would have been so boss.

>> No.6840918

Not enough Orphan batteries/Kotomine dickings allotted to him to do that.

>> No.6840939
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Japan loves Saber
DEEN is a Japanese studio
DEEN loves Saber

>> No.6840944

Flawless logic.

>> No.6840969
File: 74 KB, 480x640, 411224da286c7819713a833aad378b03d5c0f2f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually raged at that a bit.
She didn't get much love in the supposed anime adaptation either, and he really did felt more concerned about Saber than Rin even in the UBW movie.
It was Rin's route, but in the movie it felt as if Rin was nothing other than a decent bro character or something wheras Saber was still the heroine or something.

>> No.6840976
File: 29 KB, 357x344, cuchulainn final fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He would be messy and increadibly mana heavy blob of meat of immense power.

>> No.6840979

Not a big surprise. Only the west likes Rin.

>> No.6840981


Why was that thing even called Cuchulainn, it was more like Angra Mainyu anyway!

>> No.6840982

Not quite.

>> No.6840988

1. Look at another culture's mythical figures
2. Pick a name that sounds cool
3. Done!

>> No.6841019

Well actually, Rin is the second most popular in Japan (IIRC).

Meanwhile, Nasu has reduced Sakura to "AM I POPULAR YET" jokes these days.

>> No.6841028
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This would be pretty sad but do you think he would be able to kill Assassin.. MR IM ABLE TO FIGHT AGAINST SERVANTS.

>> No.6841051


Assuming Assassin doesn't have any knowledge of his 'snake' method, and Caster is supporting him, possibly.

However, Assassin's agility is A+, higher than Saber, and his sword is massively long. It's possible he'd sever Kuzuki's head before he became a threat without a blade to give him reach.
Assassin is a master of melee combat, enough to the point that once he knew the length of Saber's sword, he would simply stay out of her reach while she was within his longer reach.

Also depends on if he just starts out using Tsubame Gaeshi, at which the best option Kuzuki could hope for is a double-knockout.

>> No.6841074

how was his head not cut off with saber sword, are you saying that even if saber is not as fast , shes not faster then Sōichirō Kuzuki was? why was Sōichirō Kuzuki so fucking powerful to fight fucking gods, he was like the strongest human in the vn just because of a a little power up. going by what you said he could fight on par with Berserker,

>> No.6841077
File: 66 KB, 1032x787, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the results of the first populairty poll.

You are now aware that Nasu predicted Rin to be more popular than Saber in this poll.

>> No.6841083


Fake Assassin also has Mind's Eye Fake.

Basically a magic version of Saber's instinct. Whether it will warn him of the snake attack unlike Saber's instinct, I can't really say.

>> No.6841088

This pleases me.

>> No.6841090
File: 215 KB, 400x500, 1260078668102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakura and Ilya
>More popular than Shirou

>> No.6841092

let me know when she becomes a witch/magical girl thing or gets a chinadress alter-ego

>> No.6841101

Why is caster so low?

>> No.6841105


>how was his head not cut off with saber sword, are you saying that even if saber is not as fast , shes not faster then Sōichirō Kuzuki was?

Quite possible. Kuzuki was enhanced by Caster. Furthermore, he never "blocked" Excalibur, he only caught the blade of a test-strike before counterattacking immediately.

>why was Sōichirō Kuzuki so fucking powerful to fight fucking gods, he was like the strongest human in the vn just because of a a little power up.

"Little power up"? Getting ultra-reinforced by the most powerful fucking magus on the entire planet, a witch from the Age of the Gods, where magic was at its grandest height? Also, his only skill was a trick attack that caught Saber off guard. Once she saw through it, if he were to attack her, he'd lose his arms for his effort.

>going by what you said he could fight on par with Berserker,

No, he would be squished. Berserker is both fast and powerful beyond measure.

>> No.6841112

I'm not sure who has a higher popularity to number of scenes appeared in ratio between Lancer and Ayako.

>> No.6841116

Shinji sure is unpopular. I like him, I found him to be a very believable character.

>> No.6841118

Caster's entire personality comes from the later Hollow Ataraxia, if you didn't notice in FSN she has like, ten lines in total-

>> No.6841123

Route-less antagonist.

>> No.6841128

She also comes across as a pretty huge bitch in Fate.
Where as in Hollow, she's moe~

>> No.6841130

>entire personality
They gave her some backstory in both the anime and the VN. How she was found.

>> No.6841144

>They gave her some backstory in both the anime and the VN. How she was found.
The anime comes later, since that was the first poll, and in the VN her backstory is like what, two pages?
That's not nearly enough to make a lasting impression in popularity polls, it's great enough she got those votes at that time.

>> No.6841147
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Nasu recently commented that he wants to make a game with Sakura as the villain, plus he wrote that DVD bonus thing where she tries to become the main character of Fate Extra but fails miserably.

Joke character transformation already underway.

>> No.6841151

me too, but japan hate realistic characters, he just wanted to be the head of the family and become powerful, sure he was evil but so were a lot of people. it wasn't really cool that they kept on telling him that he couldn't be anything and when rin went to his own house and called him a nobody who will never be anything, while he was already in despair really must of hurt. I even felt that one..

>> No.6841153

Nasu loves Sakura. I think he said she was the best choice for Shirou.

Funny how the fans don't feel the same way

>> No.6841154

Caster played a pretty big role and got plenty of development in UBW.

>> No.6841162

>They do have to give a character who is an important part of the story a role in the anime. That's a huge part of working as a stand alone.
This is flawed though.
If you look at it as an adaptation of some ambiguous "F/SN" in general, then sure then this may have some merit.
But this wasn't what the f/sn anime was.
It wasn't an adaptation on f/sn, it was an adaptation of Fate, one of three paralell, relatively non-interchangeable stories.

You can't simply say "Sakura was importantin F/SN! She needed a big role!", because she wasn't an important character in Fate, the actual story being adapted.
I know they tried to include things from the other routes, but that never worked. It was one of my bigger problems with the anime in the first place.
There happened a bunch of stuff on several occasions with either little or no buildup at all, nothing explained or ellaborated upon. Sakura's "HF" part being the most obvious, all of that happened out of nowhere and was then suddenly dropped, but pretty much all of the non-fate stuff shared this problem. And heck, even more dumb is that because they cut Fate stuff from the story to include UBW/HF/OC stuff, this also became a problem with some of the Fate stuff, and that's dumb.

>> No.6841163

>Funny how the fans don't feel the same way
I'm pretty sure a lot of people say Shirou and Sakura are made for each other, even if they don't like them.
Saying they're the best match doesn't preclude you from hating her or her route, though.

>> No.6841167

If they wanted to highlight important things of all routes, then they should have gone with none.
In all seriousness I would have preferred something like the theme-park thing they did in Tsukihime.
If they wanted to give Sakura a bigger role, then they could have made them all waltz around in town doing whatever, playing arcades, shopping, some kind of punlic contest, whatever.
They could have included Taiga as well to make her more of a figure character, and as unlike-able as he is they could have ellaborated upon Shinji.
And yes, if they wanted to give Sakura a bigger role they could have had her and perhaps with the help of Taiga or someone trying to close in on Shirou wheras Shinji would be around be his generally disgusting self.

I am not saying it would be good, but my point is basically that almost anything would have been better than their non-coherent mess of plot hooks picked up without build up and dropped without ellaboration.
No, it wasn't subtle.

>> No.6841168

>make a game

That's not the joke?

>> No.6841169


She's the best choice for Shirou because she lets him free of that idiotic fucking ideal.

>> No.6841173

He did fight on par with Berserker.
Every servant attacked the temple, including him, although offscreen.

>> No.6841176

>Nasu loves Sakura.
I have doubts on wether or not he have ever said this, if he had the Japanese fandom would have made tons of jokes about it. We would have seen art featuring that yellow/green mushroom thing he uses as an Avatar with Sakura.
>I think he said she was the best choice for Shirou.
I am a huge Rin-fan, but I believe I would agree.
>Funny how the fans don't feel the same way
I am a fan.

>> No.6841177
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Nasu likes Sakura, but not quite as much as some people say he does.

Rider is his waifu.

>> No.6841178


As said earlier, he was repelled by Caster + Assassin, not Kuzuki.

>> No.6841179

>I think he said she was the best choice for Shirou
Well of course, without her, he'd have no real catalyst to turn his mind to steel and finally achieve his goal of becoming a hero.

>> No.6841181

>if he had the Japanese fandom would have made tons of jokes about it
There is lots of rage directed at Sakura for these types of statements made by Nasu, actually.

>> No.6841187

I actually believe Archer stole a lot of votes that might very well have otherwise gone to either Rin or Shirou.
It's pretty special for a male to starr in the top 3 of a VN like this.

>> No.6841191

That guy on the bottom knows the true worth of dem ears.

>> No.6841196

Voters got to votes, their first choice go 2 points and their second vote got 1 point. Nasu commented that even if all the Archer/Rin votes swapped they still wouldn't have toppled Saber, but Archer/Rin was by far the most favored pairing.

>> No.6841197

>It's pretty special for a male to starr in the top 3 of a VN like this.
It's not that rare.
Sunohara in Clannad and Kuki in Ayakashibito were very highly placed too.
And Kageaki won twice for the Muramasa polls.

>> No.6841200
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This is what Nasu thinks, and this is also why fans hate it. Well part of the reason anyway. That "idiotic" ideal happens to be way more likable than selfish cynicism, which is what he dives headfirst into in Sakura's route.

Other strikes against Sakura include how their romance is the crappiest written out of the three, and that's saying a lot since none of them were very good. Before the thing even starts, Sakura is already madly in love with Shirou. There would not even BE a route without Nasu throwing in some completely unrelated drama about grails and shadows and shit.

Also, Sakura is the most shallow out of all the girls in the VN - her whole character is literally "I was raped by rapemaggots in the rape room of rape, now baww for me".

Sakura is so dull that she actually makes Rin look good, and Rin is just a crappier clone of Akiha.

>> No.6841206

In the second poll, I think he said Shirou and Sakura got more pair-votes than Shirou and Saber.

Which I think some people mistranslated as "Shirou and Sakura are the best" or something.

>> No.6841209


>That "idiotic" ideal happens to be way more likable than selfish cynicism

It's also fucking stupid.
If you like it, you're just as much a broken husk of a person as Shirou is.

>> No.6841216


Well aren't you edgy and fourteen.

>> No.6841224

>Not a broken husk of a person
You don't belong.

>> No.6841226

Rin's whole character is "I was raised as the heir of a prominent magus family in a magus house and now I am an experienced magus let me explain things to you Shirou"
Saber's whole character is "I am a girl who acted as a king but my people thought I sucked I guess I'll go back in time and never pull that sword"

>> No.6841227


>Also, Sakura is the most shallow out of all the girls in the VN - her whole character is literally "I was raped by rapemaggots in the rape room of rape, now baww for me".

Read Fate/Zero please, it expands more on what the rape room is like.
She actually wasn't upset much about the rape itself, other than the standard "now I'm not a virgin/he'll never love me" bit that's cliche in Japanese media. It was more the fact that being in a pit of Makiri worms is one of the worst experiences ever, rape or no.
Also what the worms do to the magus developing wormcraft in general.

Oh and some other stuff like Zouken feeding her poison for no reason other than it's funny.

>> No.6841229

>Also, Rin is the most shallow out of all the girls in the VN - her whole character is literally "I explain what's going on and act tsundere, so I can get away with being a bitch and a horrible sister".

>> No.6841232

Yes, we know that the characterization of any character not named Shirou in FSN is attrocious.

>> No.6841241

I had typed something out but it got lost.

Basically I feel like you are trying to say "Either adapt it 100% or go for some generic f/sn story"

And they don't have to do one or the other.

They wanted to do an adaptation of the fate route, but they also wanted to make sure characters like Sakura had some sort of role in it. I understand they didn't do the best job explaining everything there is to explain about those parts they added in, but it was a small part they added in to begin with.

>> No.6841242
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Bottom Guy is obviously the only sane one there


>> No.6841244

But feeding sluts poison is pretty funny.
Zouken is a pretty okay guy in my book now.
Well, maybe not.

>> No.6841246
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>> No.6841249

Nasu doesn't have enough strength left to write all the required dem ears scenes.

>> No.6841251
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This is now a poll thread.

Let's look at some more recent type-moon polls from the cellphone site.

>Best brother/sister poll
>Big bro: #1 Lancer, #2 Archer, #3 Shirou, #4 Mikiya, #5 Nanaya
>Lil bro: #1 Shirou, #2 Ko-Gil, #3 Karyou Kaie, #4 Gilgamesh, #5 Archer
>Big sis: #1 Rider, #2 Kohaku, #3 Touko, #4 Taiga, #5 Aoko
>Lil sis: #1 Akiha, #2 Ilya, #3 Azaka, #4 Len, #5 Chikagi
>Lil sis cont.: #6 Hibiki, #7 Sakura, #8 White Len, #9 Miyako, #10 Saber

OTP poll
1.アルク&志貴 T. ShikixArcueid
2.式&幹也 MikiyaxR. Shiki
3.ひびチカ HibikixChikagi
4.士剣 ShirouxSaber
5.弓凛 ArcherxRin

Quote poll
>#10: Shirou, I love you. (Saber)
>#9: Can you keep up? (Archer)
>#8: I told you, it'll be all right Tohsaka. I'll do my best from now on too. (Archer)
>#7: I'll have you take responsibility for killing me, you know. (Arcueid)
>#6: Shiki, I'll never forgive you as long as I live. (Mikiya)
>#5: I'll teach you what it really means to kill something. (T. Shiki)
>#4: Let's go, King of Heroes. Do you have enough weapons in stock? (Shirou)
>#3: Farewell. Drown those ideals of yours. (Archer)
>#2: I'm fine with buying you time. But you don't really mind if I defeat 'that,' do you? (Archer)
>#1: As long as it's alive, I'll show you that I can kill even God. (R. Shiki)

>> No.6841253

Incredibly easily.

>> No.6841257

Zero is a spinoff by a different writer that came out years later. That doesn't retroactively make her more well-developed in the original VN.

>> No.6841264
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Honestly the only one who sounds frustrated here is you.

>> No.6841267

>"Either adapt it 100% or go for some generic f/sn story"
I wouldn't say it so extreme myself.
I don't care much about 100%, U just wanted them to be consistent with what they had chosed to work with, and then be coherent about it.
They were not, and if they weren't then they could might as well done some generic whatever as long as they would have been consistent and coherent about it.

>> No.6841269

>their romance is the crappiest written out of the three,

Really? I thought their romance was the more well written and realistic.

>> No.6841271

Considering that was the only post I've made in this thread so far... no, sir, it is you who mad.

>> No.6841273

He still makes polls for eroge that are 11 and 6 years old.
TM really is a joke.

>> No.6841279
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>4 of the 10 Best quotes
>None of the other characters have 2 on the list

>> No.6841282
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"Bottom guy" is the artist for Mahoyo that is never coming out and DDD light novel illustrations.

>> No.6841286

That's just your delusion. Arcueid has always been the most popular Tsukihime character. Plus, she is one of Nasu's favorite characters.

>> No.6841287

The fuck!?
Just get to Tsukihime 2 already, Nasu!

There is no point in making a game about a heroine who always ranks last in popularity polls. Just admit that nobody likes your TrueEnd already.

>> No.6841300

Sakura has been joke-fodder since day 1.

>> No.6841303

Cool delusions

>> No.6841304
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Sakura, as the villain, will be canonically killed off at the end and never appear in another TM work again.

Her heroine role will then be taken over by Archer.

>> No.6841305


>I wish I could be Nasu, only make a thing or two and live off it my entire life

>> No.6841307

somebody should translate fate/extra.., just sayin..

>> No.6841308
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>and a horrible sister
But she loved her sister! She really did!
She didn't know just how bad it was at first and later she was really conflicted about it, heck even Shirou killed her in one route.

>> No.6841315


>> No.6841316
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Fun fact, he also designed Caster's clothing.

Caster is so perfect it took two men to design her.

>> No.6841318


Good stuff, man. I would've liked to see an Archer vs. Shirou cooking fight in HF route, just to replace all the other lame cooking scenes.

>> No.6841321


She really did, but she was too magus-y to admit it.

Remember, her father was a very magus-y magus and he sold Sakura to Zouken. Kiritsugu's dad was a magus-y magus as well and he infected entire villages with vampirism to study them.
Magi are dicks.

>> No.6841343
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Except for those who have taste and paid attention to the plot. Deal with it, Rinfag.

She might have loved her, but that doesn't excuse her first reaction when she learned about Sakura's situation basically being "KILL THE HERETIC".

>> No.6841348

Sure. But Rin was never really cut to be a "perfect" magus like that, it shows on so many occasions.
And if she would ever reach the Steel Mind path, then it would truly be a shame.

With Shirou around though, in all three routes, then I doubt that would ever happen.

>> No.6841349

Redo Battle Moon Wars, give it an actual plot.

Instant gold.

>> No.6841351
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>anyone who doesn't like Sakura is a Rinfag
Never change, Sakura fanboys.

>> No.6841354

It can be inferred from the previous discussion.

>> No.6841359


>> No.6841364

Give Archer and Shirou a double Sekiha Tenkyoken like they give Master Asia and Domon in most SRWs and out right remove the Shirou and Sakura combo as well while they're at it.
Watch as Archer becomes even more stupid over powered.

>> No.6841365


Make the final boss Complete Angra Mainyu or something. Generic "world-threatening devil" was bullshit.

>> No.6841366

She wasn't alone to reach that conclusion. And it was also her responsibility to reach a decision as the head, it was expected of her to have an opinion.

But she never wanted it, though she felt forced too, everyone did. If they didn't, then Shirou's route wouldn't have had as big of a climax as it did when he broke down in the park.

She genuinely loved her. Everything about the situation was just increadibly cruel, against everyone.

>> No.6841369

>her first reaction when she learned about Sakura's situation basically being "KILL THE HERETIC".

That was the smart thing to do, you know. Sakura was a walking impending apocalypse.

In Sakura's route, Rin was the only one who had a head on her shoulders. Actually I guess that applies to all routes now that I think about it.

>> No.6841370

>and out right remove the Shirou and Sakura combo as well while they're at it.
That combo has the potential for most damage in the entire game, you are aware of this are you not?

>> No.6841373

The complete lack of Kotomine was a travesty, although it's kind of awesome that the reason Kuu doesn't revive him is because she was afraid he would royally fuck up all her plans.

Even in death, Kotomine inspires awe.

>> No.6841382

You only got 4 servants aside from Avenger in BMW right?
It's a shame they didn't let you keep him and give you some sort of Servant Doumei-ken to continue with the G Gundam Parodies.

>> No.6841397

Avenger, unlike Bazett, was absolute shit tier, whose sole purpose was to get steamrolled by Berserker.

>> No.6841403

I never used Sakura out of spite for Nasu.

>> No.6841406

Bazett + Gil Card was the most broken thing in that game

>> No.6841410

The non-Domon/Master Asia G Gundam characters in SRW are usually just there for the one single combo attack they're in but that's never stopped Banpresto.

>> No.6841414

But Nasu didn't make BMW.

>> No.6841416

She loved her, but it also can't be denied that she did lots of bad things that played a huge role in driving Sakura insane.

Still doesn't justify how she went out of her way to be a bitch towards Sakura. Shirou was the one who was smart in HF, btw, since he actually tried to think of a way to save Sakura instead of immediately jumping to the conclusion that she must be killed for something she hadn't even done yet.

>> No.6841419

On my one replay of BMW as soon as I got Bazett, I gave her ammo save, gave her that card, pumped all her stats to 400 and went to town.
replay side hand, best BGM in the game.

>> No.6841420

Buff Bazett, get her to use taunt, laugh as the boss attacks her and gets a 7000+ hit on himself while she is relatively okay.

>> No.6841425

Buffed weapon strength as well, obviously.

>> No.6841434

But he made Sakura.

>> No.6841472

Its a shame we can't have a Caster route with art done by him, since his art is actually good

>> No.6841547
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I AM evil! Stop Laughing!

>> No.6841561

The entire reason he beat Saber was because Saber massively misunderestimated him. She expected him to be a normal civilian, so she went for a quick blunt attack that left her up to a chain of reverse punches. It's even stated by Saber herself that if she actually saw it coming, he would be no threat.

Same deal with Assassin, who has an even greater reach than Saber and was able to match her 1 v 1 on even ground. Unless Assassin was somehow at a MAJOR disadvantage, Kuzuki wouldn't be able to touch him.
Even Gil, the cockiest faggot in the world, wouldn't lose against him because of the armor.

>Rin's whole character is "I was raised as the heir of a prominent magus family in a magus house and now I am an experienced magus let me explain things to you Shirou"
Only true in Fate. In UBW and HF, her struggle with the duties of a magus and her mother's mind nature presents a compelling depth to her character. Still no reason to be a bitch to Sakura though.

>Saber's whole character is "I am a girl who acted as a king but my people thought I sucked I guess I'll go back in time and never pull that sword"
This I agree with. She was, in some ways, more dense than Shirou.

Fund it. My bet is on Archer.

Rin was brought up as a Magus despite her completely opposite personality. Honestly, if I learned that my girlfriend was a walking artifact of doom that will kill the entire world in 3 days and I knew enough about magic to understand that there's practically no way to save her, I'd consider killing her too. Also, stop backpedalling; the point is that Rin still loved Sakura, but she was in conflict with her duties.

>> No.6841623
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She didn't think Sakura was a threat to the entire world until she became Dark Sakura, she just thought Sakura would have to kill people for mana some time in the future.
Also, I never claimed that Rin didn't love Sakura, so stop bringing it up.

>> No.6841634
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>this thread

>> No.6841675


>> No.6843807
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The truth of the matter is that we still don't know wether this adaptation will be done like KnK or wether or not it will be an actual television series, right?

I would without doubt hope for the former.

>> No.6844054
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What do you think?

>> No.6844406

Now my expectations for something amazing is shattered.
I guess it can still be decent though, good at best.
But the possibilities of something amazing seems to be slim.

There is too much bullshit going on in directing everything to fit the time slots and episode length each time. It messes with the overall directing as it raises the focus on individual parts rather than everything together.

>> No.6847898


>> No.6849004
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The Girls' Works VN project isn't possibly canceled is it?
They had some beautiful backgrounds and so on, and I doubt it would be smart to cancel a project like that after having worked on it.

But does this make 3 TM anime shows for the near future?

>> No.6849012

It's cancelled.
And yes 3 projects but none written by Nasu

>> No.6849014

No VN, anime only.

>> No.6849027

For me i saw the anime first thought it was retarded and hated it. read that it was a visual novel first, read that hated it less. imo both suck. and everyone knows that usually novel>adaptation, but most people hate reading so they will only ever see the adaptation. if you dont like it pretend it didn't exist its that simple.

>> No.6849041 [DELETED] 

F/SN anime was so shit it kept me an additional two years away from ever touching the VN because of the horrible feeling the anime left me with (namely "F/SN is shit why the fuck is this shit popular"). It took Tsukihime to give F/SN another chance.

>> No.6849151

Shit. I actually liked whatever little they had revealed.
Though I guess it's actually a format that would do good as an animated show, unlike much other things we see animated today.

Though that's just based on the premise they have given us so far, but yeah.
