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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 169 KB, 594x783, The_Yuki_Onna_by_YoshiyukiKatana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6832796 No.6832796 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about Youkai?
Pic related, it's my favorite.

>> No.6832799
File: 246 KB, 604x850, dc277973218e4d644a97fa8709efa923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters should die.

>> No.6832806
File: 371 KB, 1000x795, KyosaiTenguBonze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, monsters have feelings too.

>> No.6832829

I remember a porn of a loli Yuki ona that she was raped by standed lolis and become a lesbian. The funniest part when the loli yuki-ona's mother took her to a psychiatrists and says she's dissapointed of her

>> No.6832842
File: 185 KB, 800x550, Multi-eyed_oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6833056

Not exactly youkai, but I like this one.

>Koto-shiro-nushi no Kami, having become transformed into an eight-fathom bear-sea-monster, (...) had intercourse with Mizo-kuhi hime.

I'm not into bestiality, nor am I fan of heterosexual relationships (yuri is the purest form of love, so cute girls should go after other cute girls) but I still want to be a little princess and be violated by a bear shark deity ten times my size, having multiple orgasms while his twin claspers penetrate my unsoiled vagina and anus at the same time. Of course, shark claspers usually unfold (like a cauliflower, one paper describes) during mating to reveal a number of sharp spurs that anchor them within the female's body, so not only would Koto-shiro-nushi-sama's size be a problem (basking sharks, which alongside whale sharks are the only sharks approaching eight fathoms in length, have claspers up to 160cm long, so my loli body will be impaled on a pair of claspers larger than me) but several sharp spurs would be driven inside my tight, virginal holes every time he thrusts into me. Even though I'd be in such unbearable pain, I'd be such a shameless masochist loli that I'd enjoy every moment of it, rubbing my small breasts against the denticles that cover his skin and enjoying the pain as the rough surface brushes against my nipples.

When Koto-shiro-nushi-sama finally ejaculates inside me, filling my small womb with his thick bear shark semen, I'd smile gently and hug him tightly while still clasping his massive body with my legs, saying how I'll love to bear him his children. Soon afterwards,, I'd be ready to lay my egg capsules (most large sharks are actually ovoviviparous, but that probably doesn't apply to giant half-bear sea deity sharks), which I'd do in company of my shark husband's presence to arouse him, opening my slutty pussy wide and making him watch as I remove my eggs until he's tempted into filling my small body with his oversized claspers again.

If only ;_;

>> No.6833059

I almost came.

>> No.6833085

>love to bear him his children

>> No.6833181

>getting raped into lesbianism

This is my fetish. Can you give a name, or at least more details so that I can try to find it?

>> No.6833189

I have no words.

>> No.6833215
File: 161 KB, 424x470, 1292740048488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool stor...


>> No.6833254 [DELETED] 

Youkais in my culture were very friendly. Usually living alongside of humans and sharing their problems. Sometimes they helped by protecting towns and villages, brought wealth to good people, and only evil people had to worry about them.

>> No.6833291


Had a similiar situation. Except it was hell.

Their idea of evil was way different to ours, and they never told us what it consisted of.

Children gone in the night, young couples leaving for a twilight walk that ended in a lover's tears and a young man's corpse. An old man found half devoured by his grandchildren, his viscera scattered around the room and his blood ruining the paintings he had left to dry.

They never did tell us.

>> No.6833344 [DELETED] 

There's actually a story similar to that, I think it was in Swedish foklore. An elf fancies a girl and takes her as his bride, only to drown her by accident because he didn't know humans can't survive under water. Then he plays around with the girl's corpse as though she's still alive and well while maggots fester on her bloated, rotting flesh, because he honestly has no idea what death is.

The moral of the story that elves had their common sense, but it was nothing like what humans had.

>> No.6833349

There's actually a story similar to that, I think it was in Swedish foklore. An elf fancies a girl and takes her as his bride, only to drown her by accident because he didn't know humans can't survive under water. Then he plays around with the girl's corpse as though she's still alive and well while maggots fester on her bloated, rotting flesh, because he honestly has no idea what death is.

The moral of the story was that elves had their common sense, but it was nothing like what humans had.

>> No.6833367


Beh, I was raised on Grandfather's stories. Man was a mythology all to himself.

He left me the final parts of the myths in his will. Turns out that the demons feasted on confusion and fear, and disappeared with the introduction of a schoolteacher and his many, many books.

In other words, they were killed by faith, not in the holy or the divine, but in science and reason.

I still think about Granddad, every time I open a Scientific text.

>> No.6833392

>demons that are defeated when the fears they were formed from are explained

Is your grandpa Mizuki Shigeru

>> No.6833400


Naw. He just read a little too much Tolkien. But he had two degrees (Organic Science and Microbiology) from Oxford, so I guess I couldn't help but put in the sciencey slant.
