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6812289 No.6812289 [Reply] [Original]

Time for the eroge/VN thread.
What are you reading? What did you last read? What are you expecting? Etc...

>> No.6812375
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>What did you last read
Ashita no Yukinojou 2, One of the best school based eroge I've seen.

>What are you reading
I started Haruka ni Aogi from Pulltop, it has some really good ratings in egs.

>What are you expecting
I see nothing interesting in January.

>> No.6812393
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Jan 15:
Beta test starting.
Beta testers, please come get your beta patch.


>> No.6812412
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Started Hello, world. Looks like I'll be reading this for quite some time.

Kazuki is an amazing protagonist and I'm really enjoying reading his monologues. Looking forward to see just how far the story will go considering the length.

>> No.6812431

G-Senjou, did the Tsubaki ending and now starting on Kanon's, pretty good stuff all around so far.

Recently Read:
ToHeart2 X-Rated Tamaki Alpha, Shizuka Itou's h-voice is godly and Tama-nee violated me badly in that scene, but I loved every minute of it.

>> No.6812453
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Pic related.
I scanned the hongfire thread for all the info available about arms, plug-ins, ends and the like.
I thyought it would be more action focused, but the HS part is not bad.

>> No.6812503
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Currently still reading UshiMIrai, nearing the end tough. It's pretty nice VN as long as you don't except masterpiece or mindblowing stuff, it also has great art.

well it is very long and it has pretty much something for everything not just action. your clock easily will show ~100 hours played when you get the final ending.

>> No.6812506

Every route gets more battles than the previous one. I thought they overdid it during Sora's route, where you have to fight wave after wave of grunts.

>> No.6812516

I also thought so, which was kinda bad considering how interesting and suspenseful the story was in that route.
It's not that much of a big flaw though, it's hard to get tired of the gameplay in this game.

>> No.6812518

dive1 just has three routes, right?

>> No.6812543

correct, also the route order is forced (Rain -> Nanoha -> Chinatsu -> Aki -> Makoto -> Sora), like in FSN for example. And you should install dive2 ASAP if you haven't yet

Also am I the only one who tought that the number of enemies in Soras route was fitting? Considering the situation in that route it's understandable why there is so much of them, sure it gets bit chorish at few points, but I found it pretty fitting to that routes setting.

>> No.6812551

>And you should install dive2 ASAP if you haven't yet
Doesn't it take info from dive1?
I've just started it (just in second chapter) so I thought it would be a waste to install it.
Is there any importantb reason?

>> No.6812571


I really liked how the gameplay rarely felt forced in Baldr Sky. It mixed well with the story, not just punctually placed but also including dialogue and changing events depending on your performance. There were a few battles in particular that I really enjoyed, for example I think it was in Makoto's route where you stay behind to buy time, but the enemies just keep coming and coming..

>> No.6812576

well it isn't that important, but it prevents few complications later. When you install dive2 it resets your read text, so if you want to use skip its bit iffy. Also installing dive2 gives you the full weapon tree to use. Basically there is no reason to not to install it as it install onto the dive1.

>> No.6812591


It resets what you've read, so you can't easily skip past the stuff you've already done. While you can import saves from Dive1, it's just that. Thus for anyone starting with Dive2 out, it would be best to install both, then start the Dive1 routes playing Dive2 (which is really both games combined).

>> No.6812595

Ok, let me see if I got it, I have a doubt.
The games are still different and, for example, rain route in 2 is different from 1 and you can't play 2 as if it was 1, right?

>> No.6812602


You can in fact play Dive2 as if it were Dive1. If you install both together, your Dive2 installation can play the entire game.

>> No.6812611


To clarify my post and answer your question better, there is no Rain route in Dive2. There are 6 routes:
Rain - Dive1
Nanoha - Dive1
Chinatsu - Dive1
Aki - Dive2
Makoto - Dive2
Sora - Dive2

When you install Dive1 and then Dive2, Dive2 will let you play all 6 routes.

>> No.6812615

Ah, that's good news then, I'll just play dive2.
Thanks for your help and sorry if I was a bit slow with this.

>> No.6812625

It's best way to think dive2 as expansion pack for dive1.
Just having dive1 installed you have 3 routes. Installing dive2 after that: BOOM, you have 3 more routes to play, more weapons and plug-ins in the same game. Just don't unintall dive1.

>> No.6812659

tell me the main character is the jotaro-lookalike and not the nondescript faggot on top of him, and you have my interest

>> No.6812669

Ok, thanks for your help and time.
I think now I undertand it all well.
Now I just need to figure out some more controls and ready, because i absolutely have no idea of things like jumping.
Again thanks to you both

>> No.6812701


Protagonist of the first game is the guy with black hair and no eyes.
Protagonist of the second game is the guy with brown hair and eyes.

The no eyes stuff is something elf always do that is pretty annoying but both of them have a strong personality and definitely aren't self-inserts.
Especially Masaru the protagonist of the second game is awesome.

>> No.6812707

For some tips:
- Jumping is usually performed by using attacks that has jump properties, and boost cancelling that. there's no seperate button for jumping. really you shouldn't worry about jumping.
- You get more "moves/plug-ins" unlocked as the story progresses. Not everything is available at start.
- Tutorial helps a lot in explaining the gamemechanics.

>> No.6812715

Different anon here interested in starting on Dive2.

Does anyone have an agth code for the latest patch 1.06?
I only managed to find one for 1.02.

>> No.6812734
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Since it seems there are Baldr fans here, how would you guys rank the games?

For me:

Dive 2 > Dive 1 > Force >>>> Head > Bullet > Core Defender > Fist

Still need to play Re-Action and Dive X.

>> No.6812738

That does look interesting, and some of my favorite manga were about boxing. I'll keep it in mind for the future, thanks.

>> No.6812756

the game doesn't need hook-code. It works without it.

more tips:
- Double machine gun + rocket launcher will let you almost beat the game on easy moode and pussy tactis, if you suck on gameplay.

if you have anything to ask I'll be lurking this thread, so ask help if needed.

>> No.6812782

Kinda difficult to compare them.

Force had a very good pacing/timing and really knew how to make some awesome scenes, soundtrack was great as well.
But the story was pretty simplistic overall, the setting wasn't very well explored and it was just too short to really develop that well. I remember I clocked 20 hours to complete everything.
Also Minori's route sucked, seriously. I almost dropped the game after this route.

Baldr Sky has a better story and characters overall but it's also much, much longer so the pacing suffered as a results.
The distribution of the story/battle also wasn't as good as Force, early routes don't have enough fights and later routes have too much.
Still the gameplay is much more refined than in Force so it's not that much of a complain.

Story and characters win out for me so Sky > Force but I can see some people liking Force better due to better pacing.

>> No.6812797
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Still need to play the older ones, and I don't really see any point in dividing dive1&2 as they are basically one big story sliced in two parts.

But still:
Dive2 > Dive1 > Force > DiveX > Core Defender

PS. Sora is my waifu so hands off

>> No.6812806

Good to know that, thanks. I'll get started on it after I finish Steins;Gate.

Just finished Chapter 2 in that, pretty awesome so far.

>> No.6812813

Use te /x /c /v commands and you don't need any kind of code.
But one think, agth will hook furigana badly, like this
It's supposed to be
ニューロジャック as furigana
神経挿入子 the kanji

I really doubt I'll get into any more battle parts today, but thanks, I actually find it really interesting from the bit I've played.

>> No.6812841

pretty much agree what you say. Altough Sky still had far from bad pacing, only time I felt it dragged bit was during Chinatsus and Akis routes mid parts. Really Baldr games (atleast force and sky, force had perfect pacing and sky had great) have been pretty damn good pacing wise, some companies could take example from them.

>> No.6812853
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I'm reading Evolimit now. I like it, but yeah it's far from Ayakashibito. I feel the humor is worse here (constant tsukkomi isn't funny in my opinion). At least what little action's been here was cool so far. Honestly the best part of the game up till now was the Mars Expedition. I'd rather wish the game wouldn't be about school stuff (it doesn't even make sense to be about it to be honest), and more about the terraformation/colonization/what happened with the Earth etc. Oh well.

Last one I finished was Gensou no Avatar. Dammit, Gin was fucking awesome. Damned tsundere pissed me off like hell until the very end (I was tearing my own hair during epilogue), but the biggest problem in my opinion was that the mystery aspect of the game was kinda sucky, since it never made me feel immersed and in the end I just ended up ctrling those huge TL;DRs. Heck I literally ctrl'd about 3 chapters because it was about things I didn't care at all. That said, the combat scenes, and the climax were very well done, (GIN-SAN kicking asses) especially for a doujin. As it is now, it's a really good doujin game, but not something I'm going to remember much months later (besides the tanukis). Truly, if it'd have voices, game could have been a really nice commercial game too even.

>> No.6812864

2ch eroge ranking 2010?

>> No.6812876

Reading Sekai de ichiban NGna koi, loving it so far.

Finished Symphonic Rain after putting it off for a long time, maybe I'm just easily impressed but the minigame did wonders for immersion, you wouldn't imagine what fucking happy grin I had while performing Fay at the end.

Expecting...eh, I was interested in Noblelige! but the first part is a light novel so I have no means of getting the whole story. I'll check out how AQUA is received, I guess.

>> No.6812919

Still voting

>> No.6812934

is there thread where the currently standings are shown right now? would be nice to see current standings

>> No.6812972

Don't post the results here if you read them.
I prefer surprises.
Ot better yet not having my favourites on the top.

>> No.6812993

It's not like the top will be unexpected.

>> No.6813007

Well yeah, I can see the top3 (subahibi, IM verita and sinsemilla (not really sure on this one, but probably)), but I'm more worried about the top10 in general.

>> No.6813043

well yeah, those 3 are pretty much taken that they will be found on top10. But anything else is up to the air what there will be I think. So any predictions from people here, what do you think will be there in top10 besides those 3?
Personly I think that DiveX maybe there, Venus Blood -Empire- I think could have some changes too, it was suprisingly good and this year those have that many big names.

>> No.6813058

Add WA2, Otoboku 2 and Ruitomo FD, they will be in the top 10 for sure.

>> No.6813144

oh right forgot those two, but what's WA2? Doesn't come in to my mind right away

>> No.6813151

White Album 2, the first part.
It was one of the biggest release of 2010 you know.

Also Noble Works will probably be in the top 10 too

>> No.6813175

thanks, facepalm of stupidy from me, how the hell did I manage to forget that. I guess I need to go to sleep for now, start to typo too much also

>> No.6813185

Kiminago deserves to be in the Top 10.

>> No.6813221

G-Senjou, I thought its was pretty decent, and Haru is a doll.

Sekien no Inganock, so far its pretty fucking cool and I enjoy the story a lot.

>> No.6813446

>What are you reading?
Still deciding between Wanko To Kurasou or Narcissu

>What did you last read?
Swan Song, it was good but i hated half of the characters and the endings sucked.

>> No.6813491

Just finished reading G-Senjou no Maou. I enjoyed it very much. I didn't try to think too hard so the twists all got me, especially the ending.

Not particularly reading anything yet, though I have a few novels hanging around that I can read. Waiting warmly for Flyable CandyHeart though!

>> No.6813510
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Girls shouldn't be allwoed to be this cute.

>> No.6813596
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>> No.6813602

Last finished Da Capo II today. Better than the first one by quite a bit, but that's not saying much. The Koko and Nanaka routes dragged on a bit, but the others were alright.

About to start on either Remember11 or continue reading Sekien no Inganock (took a break in Chapter 7). Neither prospect terribly excites me.

Was looking forward to Muv-Luv Alt., but well. You know.

>> No.6813607

Do Narcissu. It's pretty short. Well, it will feel long though.

>> No.6813617

>(took a break in Chapter 7)
Then you're almost there, I can't remember if it had 10-11 and the rollercoaster of the end begins.

>> No.6813628
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>Ashita no Yukinojou

Fuck yeah awesome eroge

>> No.6813990
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Looking forward to mashifoni mutsu no hana :/

>> No.6814026
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Currently playing Mahou Josou Shounen Battle Flier Itsuki, Tadakano, and Kanajo ga Mimai ni Konai Riyuu. Judging by the name of the last one, I'm in for some rage tonight.
Not really waiting for anything, because I've got tons of eroge I've been putting off this past year. I've been trying to read moege lately to divert a bit from the dark/deep titles.

>> No.6816042
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Makoto > Aki
on cuteness scale

>> No.6816364
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Light have just opened the websites for their new VNs.
As a fan of Muramasa and Sengoku Basara, I'm fucking hyped for the former. Even though the character designs and that villain guy remind me of Dies Irae.

Other than that, I finally got enough free time to continue reading Axanael. After that, I'll try to finish S;G before the anime airs, and maybe pick up SubaHibi again.

>> No.6816436

Vermillion looks a bit to chuuni for my tastes. Kajirietc looks really good though I agree, and I guess the different hen means the couples are fixed? I always liked that gimmick.

>> No.6816489

What's chuuni?

>> No.6816494
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Finished this. Wasn't disappointed.

>> No.6816496

sorry, just got on.

>> No.6816509

That's For Elise, right? Did you manage to get all the music working?

>> No.6816510


>> No.6816515
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OC. pic also related.

>> No.6816521

How does it compare with Sayonara wo Oshiete?
I've been meaning to play it but I kept hearing it's really annoying to make it work and play through

>> No.6816536

tl;dr? I don't get it.

>> No.6816543

Copied from Easymodo:

>> No.6816551

It's stuff you thought was cool back when you were 14.

>> No.6816563

Lol it's great, thanks.

>> No.6816595

It's 'for elise', yes. I got all the music working fine; apparently there's some CD image with corrupted tracks circulating around but I have a disc that's not corrupted. The only problem is that it uses CDDA audio (which doesn't work on my system), but you can use _inmm.dll to get around that.

It's a bit like さよ教 and also a bit unlike it. If I'd have to point one difference between the two, it would be that I don't consider 'for elise' a denpa game; the events of the game aren't off-the-wall at all except for some dream sequences here and there. The game still radiates utsu and futility in a way reminiscent of さよ教, and pretty much the entire cast, including all heroines, treat the protagonist like shit (the two games aren't by the same writer, by the way).

Post #112 in http://www2.bbspink.com/hgame/kako/1017/10178/1017895888.html is a decent description of the game I guess.

It's definitely a pain in the ass to play through, especially because of the system. There's the old-style "look->talk->go->do all of these several times in order to advance" system, no skip for 既読, no backlog and so on.

>> No.6816673

He is one of the best protagonist I've seen in eroge, funny because I thought the heroines were mostly sort of uninteresting. Game is fucking LOOONG though, when you think it's finally coming to an end, guess what, it's not even close to finished.

I'm not currently playing any eroge. I just finished the new Secret Game trial though, and it looks like it might be fucking awesome. It's a lot "sillier" than the previous games though, I mean chainsaw-wielding bullet-dodging super-strength meidos when the previous games were a lot more ground in some sort of reality is a kind of a strange shift in tone. I hope she has a chapter though, I will be so disappointed if she doesn't have a route/chapter.

>> No.6816899
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Yes, Kazuki can't be topped in terms of awesomeness. His inner dialogues, the unique pov he presents, the actions he make during the story, his blunt interactions and how he misanalyze many things, the contrast between the rigidness when starting the game, and the real human feel at the end of the game, everything altogether makes him my favorite protagonist too.
>the heroines were mostly sort of uninteresting
Hopefully you didn't include Haruka into this statement too.

>> No.6816967

Best non-heroine heroine. I did rather like Chieri though.

>> No.6816972

Chieri was awesome.
Desu wa jealous bitchy moe, also fucking amazing ending.
Mika was great too.

But Junko and Haruka were the best female characters.

>> No.6816975

And holy fuck my urge to read Hello, World again is rising, my backlog is too big for this.

>> No.6817054 [SPOILER] 
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Yes, what >>6816972 said. Chieri and Mika were kinda nice heroines. I didn't like Natsumi for a good while but, the scene where he recognizes Kazuki while he's beaten up really hard close to unrecognizingly, as opposed to the pretender guy pretending to be him made me like her after it. Her ending was pretty cool too (well most of the endings of the game were great, especially loved Mika's).
Yeah tell me about it. I just keep on hoping all the time that maybe one day they might end up releasing a Full Voiced edition, and I'd play that instantly.

>> No.6817087

This was the first ending I got. I played it like five years ago and still remember that final line. It still crushes my heart. Just the combination of how hopeful she is and how crushing the reality is. I can just imagine her continuing until old age, waiting for that day. One day, Mika, one day... ;_;

>> No.6817313
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Just started playing 羊の方舟. Not sure what to expect, haven't playing anything by this writer before.

>> No.6817956


>> No.6818007
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Navel, please get a new artist.

>> No.6818020

Oh god, that poor girl's hand. Why is nobody helping her?

>> No.6818226

The art is probably the worst part about the VN.

>> No.6818244


Navel without Aoi Nishimata just isn't Navel, man.

>> No.6818639

oh my god, what the hell are those monsters.

well they should fire Nishimata, and then rename Navel to something else, that way they'd get away with it.

>> No.6818654

Think about how much better Oretsuba and Sekaijo would be with good art.

>> No.6818655

How can you not appreciate her godly art ? You are fucking disgusting.

>> No.6818703

I'm finally getting around to playing Hoshizora he Kakaru Hashi. I was a big fan of Akane iro ni Somaru Saka and since I'm a sucker for moége and most things Feng I figured I'd give it a whack. At the very least it looks quite mellow and nice.

I just got done with Axanael and I was quite pleased. Typical Nitro+, for sure, but it had a lot going for it in terms of visual aesthetic. The new Nitro+ engine is alright, although I don't really see anything radically different other than the necessity of having to patch the shit out of their games now in order to get them to work on an English OS.

After experiencing maximum autism with agth + Atlas for my last two VNs I'm going to overlook my lack of interest in yuri for a moment and get started on Sono Hanabira 2 as soon as I finish Hoshizora.

>> No.6819158


New Light, looks great.

>> No.6819241

Alright let's DO DIS! Gonna start dling Sekaijo and playing it next. Been taking a break by playing dlsite rpgs and crap. I mean, just look at how many came out in the past few weeks, it's ridiculous: http://maniax.dlsite.com/fsr/=/dn/20/wt/a%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A3%3A%22RPG%22%3Bs%3A1%3A%221%22%3B%7D/target_

For people interested in separating the good ones from the baddies and trying them out, I recommend:
Seven Prison - Absolutely standard rpgmaker battle system, standard fantasy plot. The art is also below average in keeping up the average art quality of this age.

However, of all the ones I've played in the past month I loved this much more beyond the rest. Why? Because it had エロス!

The plot starts with the childhood friend of the male hero (whose a villager) gets kidnapped by a monster so he leaves the village to search for her. It turns out she is one of the seven 'mikos' who possess fragments of a powerful sealed demon from the past, and together they will give the owner massive powers, supposedly. Throw in the female hero, who is the heir of the one who sealed that demon long ago and in charge of making sure it doesn't get revived, a bunch of kingdoms and the servants of those kingdoms who are being really sneaky and backstabbing people everywhere, and people who are actively hunting the seven mikos.

>> No.6819259


Standard shit, but what you can not tell from the summary is how shit constantly goes down. Every named female in the cast are pretty much raped and raped until they start going nyaa~. Every single scene is rape sex, there is not one happy sex scene. The twist that happens midway is also fresh. Great shit, I absolutely recommend it if you're waiting for the new Eushully and you're itching for a sub-Eushully level eroge rpg. Because it is a fantasy rpg, and it's ero, and it's got hidden easter eggs and events up the ass all over if you're a 100% completist sperg. And also a newgame+ and post game dungeon.

And other 2 rpgs from this month I'll recommend are: 二重らせん~獣孕の贄~ and DRAGON HUNTER D .

Dragon hunter D is Monster Hunter in rpg form. Theres crafting, hunter ranks and shit. The only way to advance your character is through doing quests to get higher ranks and genociding monsters to paste their body parts into equipments. Theres sex scene every 5 hunter rank. I didn't finish it so I can't say much about the plot. Compared to the other two this is the weakest in terms of eros.

>> No.6819286


二重らせん is similar in that theres crafting and character advancement is mostly through equipment that you craft by slaughtering monsters. But heres the catch, if you lose to a monster you power up a lil bit, and get a genome, which is fancy word for spells, from it if it has one. Titles that you can get from progressing in the game, such as Dragon Slayer and Female Student get powered by the amount of semen poured into while using that title and once you store up enough, you can unlock skills in the title such counter or passive skills. And certain monsters can impregnate you and if you let the baby come out, the baby becomes a new monster on the field you can murder to take its body parts. And then you use those body parts to make better equipment so you can spread your legs to stronger monsters to steal their abilities and then skin them and so on and so on. The plot follows its prequel but you can still play without the knowledge. You'll miss out on the pretty cool shoutouts but thats life. Theres also 3 endings + extra ending when you start newgame+. I don't think anyone knows how to get Ending A yet which is the best ending and the one you need to unlock newgame+. It probably involves solving all the sidequests (and theres a lot). Good gameplay and good eros. If you really want the Monster Hunter + eroge feel I recommend this before dragon hunter d.

>> No.6819294


tl;dr: sperging about crappy doujin erorpgs. Play Seven Prison if you want to play a good erorpg this season

>> No.6820859
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>Liar and raiL fandisk

>> No.6820964

Cool, I will actually be able to enjoy some RaiL even with my sub-par moonspeak skills. Or will I?

It's also always nice to have more Sharnoth.

>> No.6821341
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So yeah, finished UshiMirais True End. Still have to maybe get some alter ends for few routes, but those are on low priority now. Overally I'd say it's worth a read. It's not masterpiece to remembered but good nevertheless. It's main strenght are the character interactions, art, pretty nice OST and ofcourse Yui and Yui&True route which I found absolutely fantastic because I'm really big sucker for stuff like that was present in those routes. Also the true end made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
So yeah overally maybe around 7or8 points out of 10. Altough Yui/True route is 9.99 for me, and it not being 10 for me is because I had few really minor nitpicks.

PS. Yui is just olev waifu tier and main reason to play this.

>> No.6821732
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Just finished Hatsukoi Sacrament. Great story although it was sort of predictable for the most part. Still left a nice feeling when actually seeing everything come together so at the very least it was above average in my opinion. I sort of found the common route to be the most fun (albeit repetitive) part of the story though.

>> No.6821755

Current standing of the 2ch best eroge poll for the first day.
Things can still change but it should give you an idea of the top

順位 タイトル 点数 票数 S C G M H P
1 素晴らしき日々~不連続存在~ 80 33 S C G M H P
2 黄昏のシンセミア 48 25 S C G M H P
3 リアル妹がいる大泉くんのばあい 41 26 S C G M H P
4 戦女神VERITA 31 19 S C G M H P
5 るいは智を呼ぶファンディスク -明日のむこうに視える風- 31 18 S C G M H P
6 星空のメモリア Eternal Heart 31 17 S C G M H P
7 処女はお姉さまに恋してる ~2人のエルダー~ 25 17 S C G M H P
8 のーぶる☆わーくす 24 16 S C G M H P
9 恋色空模様 20 14 S C G M H P
10 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 19 13 S C G M H P
11 最終痴漢電車3 19 11 S C G M H P
12 エヴォリミット 16 11 S C G M H P
14 俺たちに翼はない~AfterStory~ 13 10 S C G M H P
15 えろげー!~Hもゲームも開発三昧~ 13 8 S C G M H P
16 暁の護衛 ~罪深き終末論~ 12 9 S C G M H P
17 キッキングホース★ラプソディ 12 7 S C G M H P
18 あかときっ!-夢こそまされ恋の魔砲- 12 6 S C G M H P
19 失われた未来を求めて 11 7 S C G M H P
20 紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories- 10 7 S C G M H P
20 ク・リトル・リトル~魔女の使役る、蟲神の触手~ 10 7 S C G M H P

>> No.6821780
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I finished four endings off in Axanael before packing it in. Was entertaining at times, but overall nothing special.

Thinking of giving Kusarihime a look next.

I'm already giddy at the prospect of it.

>> No.6821783

>10 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 19 13 S C G M H P
The Japanese sure loves franchise rejuvination, don't they?

>> No.6821788

It was Maruto's goodness, one of the best title of 2010 in my opinion.
If only the art wasn't so shitty

>> No.6821795

Gonna read Sekien no Inganock first, then G-senjou no Maou.
Last I've read was... I'm not sure, but I think it's Higurashi.

>> No.6821800

>5 るいは智を呼ぶファンディスク -明日のむこうに視える風- 31 18 S C G M H P
>6 星空のメモリア Eternal Heart 31 17 S C G M H P
The hell... they should've put a rule that fandiscs/spin-offs are not allowed.

>> No.6821819

>What are you reading?
Finally started Planetarian a few hours ago. Been putting it off for 3 years now.

>What did you last read?
Sono Hanabira. I was very much for the concept of classy lesbians and the ways in which they docked together.

>> No.6821835

The FD of Rutomo was really a sequel rather than a FD.
It basically contains the true story of Ruitomo

>> No.6821867

hmmm... didn't except real imouto be that high, was it truly that good?

Oh nice to see UshiMirai in the top20.
Always nice too see any Baldr related stuff in any top lists too

So how many days do the voting last?

>> No.6821887

Fuck yeah, SubaHibi at number one. Completely deserves that slot.

>> No.6821921

Y'know, I'm thinking about taking a break on VNs and focusing on studying japanese instead. It'll be hard to endure, but I think the payoff will be worth it.

>> No.6821926

Until Saturday.

>> No.6822411

>didn't except real imouto be that high, was it truly that good?

IMO it was shit, probably the worst 2010 eroge I played (I didn't play all that many though).

>> No.6822450


Saya no Uta is the greatest mindrape of my life.

>> No.6822482

So, what are some eroge with heroines that aren't just two-dimensional archetypes appealing to the player's specific fetishistic tastes?

>> No.6822486

Gunjou no Sora wo Koete

>> No.6822489

I'm doing the same thing. Not letting myself play anymore VNs in english. It sucks but at least I'm making good progress on my moonspeak.

>> No.6822641

More like this one?

>> No.6822714

VenusBlood should be there

>> No.6823120

>> No.6823831

agree, it's underrated or undernoticed title. Altough it wasn't masterpiece it was still really good and would deserve to be atleast on that list over some stuff there I think.
Well there are still days left for voting, so lets just hope it would rise there.

>> No.6824980


>> No.6826640
File: 152 KB, 1093x868, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Parfait. I was actually considering giving this one a pass, but everyone tells me it's great, even if it's a struggle to get working. It doesn't work in Windows 7 64-bit so I have to use Virtual PC.

>> No.6826833

Just started really getting into VNs.
Last read: Shuffle!
Currently reading: Da Capo 2
Expecting: A finished tl of Flyable Heart.

>> No.6826947
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>Expecting: A finished tl of Flyable Heart

>> No.6828509


>> No.6828614
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 6474410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jan 17:
Yukie route beta testing (will end on Jan 24th)

Just a few more days until Majikoi!

>> No.6828617

Sort of disappointed that I didn't get to read this while at home, but not really. Still grateful as fuck for him doing this.

>> No.6828647

Last thing I read was Sono Hanabira 4, a week ago. I find these short yuri games really interesting.

Currently reading is G-Senjou no Maou. Pretty interesting so far.

Currently expecting/waiting for 7 Days with the Ghost. I liked the demo.
Also planning to read that 999 game on the DS.

>> No.6829038

What did you last play?
The last thing I played was Lightening Warrior Raidy 2.
It did something I thought was impossible: It made the process of stripping busty women with a sword seem boring and routine. I never knew games like Etrian Odyssey or SMT: Strange Jouney could be less fun, but this game seemed to head directly for that goal.

What are you reading?
I'm going to play Princess Waltz next and if that doesn't take I have Castle Fantasia Renewel 2 on reserve. However, I heard a lot of good things about Princess Waltz so I'm looking forward to it.

What are you looking forward to?
Koihime Musou. Whenever it gets released

>> No.6829050

Muv Luv Alternative
I dont even know how long I have to wait!! Expecting and raging at the 2017 release date.

>> No.6829235

Currently reading: akaiito on PS2
Last read: Kud Wafter
Expecting: Rewrite

>> No.6829272

Just read:
G-Senjou. What a ride, enjoyed it thoroughly. All the girls for the most part were likeable and each route had its ups and downs (but where's the Yuki route?!?!) and DAT FUCKING ENDING. Also a VN I wouldn't mind letting the BGM's play over and over while doing other stuff.

Up next:
Excited to come back to Majikoi when the patch releases, considering finishing the Yume route in DC2, or starting Osadai.

>> No.6829324 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 400x492, d31edac15cbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading: finally got around to saya no uta. trippy so far.

last read: narcissu side 2nd and sisters heaven. fuck, sisters heaven was hot. gonna have to find more blackmail-themed eroge. narcissu 2 was nice but it's hard to live up to the original.

expecting: still too new to VNs to watch for new releases; i've got a backlog a mile long as it is.

>> No.6829639

Yea, I quite liked Sisters Heaven myself too. It's pretty good from a simple ero doujin ero if you like femdom/blackmailed/golden shower and it even has some animation.
If you like being blackmailed femdom then try ドSなお姉さんは好きですか? or ツインズ・パニック ~おにいちゃんは私たちの奴隷~ (also from Shining Star). They are decent too in my opinion.

>> No.6829661

I heard some great stuff about Clannad on /a/, but people keep telling me to watch the anime instead of playing the VN.

What's your opinion /jp/? Is it too tedious and not worth it?

>> No.6829681

It's too tedious. Better not touch any VNs at all and get back to /a/.

>> No.6829695

Moreso than Ever 17, F/SN, Saya, and YMK?
Those were pretty long and I enjoyed them, is Clannad even worse?

>> No.6829702

Ever17 has its fair share of suspence
FSN has fast-paced action parts
Saya is not "pretty long" by a long shot, and its weirdness doesn't really let you feel bored
can't say anything about YMK as I haven't played it.
Clannad is just slice-of-life boring.

>> No.6829706
File: 289 KB, 850x689, clannadislife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found the show to be one of the better VN adaptations out there but it's not perfect. It's also 46 episodes long so you're not really going to save a lot of time if you choose that route.

If you really want to experience Clannad, I think the VN would be a better choice.

You could also do both, like I did. I loved every second of it.

There's also a movie but... yeah... I liked it, though.

>> No.6829707

Clannad is only extremely loong if you follow retarded see everything walkthroughs.
It's pretty long, but not as long as say, FSN.
And a lot better than the anime.

>> No.6829709

I thought Clannad had pretty good pacing.
It's long but not needlessly, there is a lot of content and stuffs to do.

>> No.6829710
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1290382811179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D'aaaw, so mad :3

>> No.6829719

Talking about length, anyone read WLO?
I always wanted to try it since it's supposed to be the second longest eroge ever after France Shoujo, wonder why it's so long.

>> No.6829731


thanks! those look tasty.

>> No.6829732

Ah thanks a lot guys.
I'll pick up the VN afterall; I was just scared that it had pointless filler like some eroge do.
Once again thanks, except for >>6829681. Go be elitist somewhere else.

>> No.6829739

>it had pointless filler like some eroge do.
It has, some of KEY slice of life is utterly dull (Yukine route is horrible in this aspect)

>> No.6829753

Well, there is a lot of filler, but I wouldn't call it "pointless", it's actually quite enjoyable.

Though I do recommend the 300 Hour Guide if you're seriously thinking about seeing and doing everything in the game. It's a bit difficult to navigate through some of the routes in the game if you don't know all the specific flags needed to trigger them, mostly because they're not always obvious (like how you need to help Nagisa in Tomoyo's route, or how not apologizing to Ryou can lock you out of Kotomi's route, and so on).

>> No.6829767

I don't think I'm looking for 100% completion unless there is a skip scene function.
Which route do you recommend I start with for maximum enjoyability?

>> No.6829788

But 100% completion is what makes the game good, not finishing it is like dropping Ever17 before Coco's path.

>> No.6829813

Well, if you don't complete it 100% (more like 99%, really), you won't get the true end. You'll just stay with the very depressing bad end.

As for the route you should play first? I'd say to do the route of the girl you like the most, assuming you've had some introduction to Clannad in the past. If not, just go wild and do the route of the girl who interests you the most. If you want to follow the 300 hour guide, it recommends Misae's route first, which is pretty good, though not nearly the best.

>> No.6829895
File: 345 KB, 1024x768, 1274281121066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Parfait.
Rikako is the best.

>> No.6829908

Rikako is waifu tier. I need to play the Chocolat/Parfait/Konnyaku fandisc one of these days (even though I've only played Parfait out of those three).

>> No.6829952

3rd day

1 素晴らしき日々~不連続存在~ 130 58 53 14 10 29 0 0
2 黄昏のシンセミア 84 45 31 24 5 14 1 6
3 戦女神VERITA 74 40 8 13 4 1 2 38
4 リアル妹がいる大泉くんのばあい 65 38 37 22 4 0 0 0
5 星空のメモリア Eternal Heart 63 32 26 21 11 2 0 0
6 のーぶる☆わーくす 57 35 5 33 16 0 4 1
7 るいは智を呼ぶファンディスク -明日のむこうに視える風- 49 28 27 25 0 0 0 0
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 39 24 23 6 1 11 0 0
9 処女はお姉さまに恋してる ~2人のエルダー~ 34 22 9 20 11 1 0 0
10 恋色空模様 30 22 4 21 8 4 0 0
10 あかときっ!-夢こそまされ恋の魔砲- 30 16 4 6 2 1 4 11
12 最終痴漢電車3 29 17 1 0 8 5 16 4
13 失われた未来を求めて 27 20 2 4 19 0 5 0
13 紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories- 27 17 11 6 8 3 0 1
15 暁の護衛 ~罪深き終末論~ 23 16 1 13 12 2 0 0
15 あまつみそらに! 23 15 0 8 9 0 9 0
17 キッキングホース★ラプソディ 22 15 9 13 2 0 5 0
17 ク・リトル・リトル~魔女の使役る、蟲神の触手~ 22 12 6 8 0 5 2 0
19 BALDRSKY DiveX "DREAM WORLD" 21 16 0 4 1 1 0 16
19 俺たちに翼はない~AfterStory~ 21 15 7 12 2 0 0 0
21 エヴォリミット 20 14 9 8 4 0 0 0

>> No.6829961

Funny how only the top 3 could ever be classified as top tier, 2010 was such a shit year

>> No.6829982

>Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 higher than Futur Perdu, Sona-nyl, Dream World and Oretsuba fandisk
I'm ok with this.

>> No.6829995

Subahibi was better than the three top titles of 2009 combined thouguh, and there were some good games not on that list at all. I had no problems with last year's releases overall.

>> No.6830020

>Subahibi was better than the three top titles of 2009 combined thouguh
Subahibi better than Baldr Sky, Oretsuba and Muramasa combined?
Are you fucking crazy or something? Go get some meds Asceai.

>> No.6830032

nice to see UshiMirai has risen a bit. Altough I'm sad not to see VB -empire- at that list.

go crawl back to your hole, all of the top3 last year were better than subahibi, well thats just my opinion tough. hell I almost liked UshiMIrai better than subahibi this year too, and I think Verita is better than SubaHibi.

>> No.6830071

I just finished 999.

I felt 999 was a bit short and underwhelming. Also there were some annoying parts of the plot that bothered me....

Finishing Umineko 7 next then G senjou.

>> No.6830072


Baldr Sky x Little Buster OP, funny how well it meshes.
Spoilers for Baldr Sky in the video

>> No.6830154
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Noble Works is doing well, I'm glad

>> No.6830165
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Sena is love

>> No.6830788

I should probably get around to finishing AkaSaka sometime soon, as well as a few of the other VNs I started over the past few weeks.

>> No.6830820

On chapter 8 of my first route of Bladr Sky...
I finally have some money to spend on weapons.

>> No.6832792

>> No.6833563

so how have you liked it so far?

>> No.6833606

>Baldr Sky

>> No.6833779
File: 51 KB, 500x375, ms_ev19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on Masked Shanghai? I kinda overlooked it when I got introduced to Liar Soft, but it looks like a Chinese Raidou, which is awesome.

>> No.6833789

A lot.
I call it money.

>> No.6834144

Never played, but do check EGS, it gets mixed reviews.

>> No.6834212


Opening of Nekonade Distortion

>> No.6834288

Can someone write what impression left the trial of this?

>> No.6834327

Goddamn. Why are the vocals so bad? I expected such a promising VN to have better OP.

Meanwhile, I'm looking for good PSP VNs, and this VN called Tsukumonogatari is going to be released next week. Anyone got anything to say about it already?

>> No.6834333

Basically it feels like a bit of a dumbed down Subahibi.
Could be good, could be bad.

Story is that the protag has been really depressed since the death of his little sister to the point where he basically started living as a hikkimori not even going to school anymore.
His mental sanity was also obviously slipping since he basically disregarded the existence of pretty much everyone, people usually only appear as shadows to him, except for his childhood friend and his cat.

Anyways one day there is a flash of light in his little sister house and he suddenly she appeared just like normal, alive and well.
That's not the only change, his mother who was the typical middle-aged housewife that spend all her time wasting money and watching TV became a hot loli, his father who was a weak salaryman who got stepped on by everyone became a hotblooded young man, his older sister who was a typical highschool bitch who probably fucked half of her class became really friendly and awesome.
And his cat became a catgirl maid.
And the story goes on from there

>> No.6834346

> such a promising VN
I don't know, "contender" eroge have never been that great, mainly because they limit themselves in trying to remake the game they're taking from, rather than try their own thing.
They're usually decent if you liked the source, but they lack something to stand on their own, or at least that's the impression I get from most of them.

>> No.6834349

Debating whether or not I should play Fortune Arterial. Does Kanade have her own route? Cause that alone would be enough to make me play through it.

>> No.6834352

She does, but it's shit

>> No.6834357

Sounds promising, I'll look forward to this. Hope it's not landmine.

>> No.6834358

Pretty nice.

>> No.6834382

Someone checked trial of Artemis Blue?

>> No.6834410




>> No.6834416


Now thanks for this.

>> No.6834418

Oh boy, oh boy.

>> No.6834434

Related, I didn't see any threads in /jp/

>> No.6834448

Well, I always thought it was just a matter of time. It was basically made to fit the anime format from the start.

>> No.6834458

Fuck 2011 is load of good stuff.

>> No.6834464

I thought the same.
Either way so many voice actors, in just one anime.
Oh god.

>> No.6834469

I should finish Majikoi one day

>> No.6834695

This is going to turn out to be an utsuge right?

>> No.6834704

Definitely feels like it, at least for me.

>> No.6834719

The beginning with the shadows did feel pretty depressing. And well, when you start seeing your cat as a nekomimi maid I don't think you can shake off the feeling that you're actually raping your cat in the ero-scenes. Talking about which
>mother and older sister are heroines
well, shit.

>> No.6835012

Sorry if this has been asked already, what site do you use to import physical copies? DLsite is fine for most things I buy just to support, but for my favorites I'd like to have proper copies.

>> No.6835199

It's a cooperation of the writer of Sense off and the writer of Elysion, it's bound to be good.

>> No.6835298

Anyone got that image with the list of recommended eroge to play? Would be much appreciated.

>> No.6835546

The one by asceai? It sucks.
Just play everything above 80 in egs.

>> No.6835948
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>I'm looking for good PSP VNs

セカンドノベル ~彼女の夏、15分の記憶~

>> No.6836233

4th day

1 素晴らしき日々~不連続存在~ 147 66 61 15 12 33 0 0
2 黄昏のシンセミア 101 56 36 33 9 14 2 6
3 戦女神VERITA 97 52 14 16 4 1 3 50
4 リアル妹がいる大泉くんのばあい 74 44 41 24 8 1 0 0
5 のーぶる☆わーくす 72 43 5 41 20 0 5 1
6 星空のメモリア Eternal Heart 71 36 29 22 13 3 0 0
7 るいは智を呼ぶファンディスク -明日のむこうに視える風- 55 31 30 27 0 0 0 0
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 45 27 26 6 2 13 0 0
9 処女はお姉さまに恋してる ~2人のエルダー~ 39 26 10 23 14 1 0 0
10 紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories- 35 20 13 9 8 3 1 1
10 あかときっ!-夢こそまされ恋の魔砲- 35 19 5 7 4 1 4 13
12 最終痴漢電車3 33 19 1 0 8 7 18 4
13 恋色空模様 32 24 4 23 8 4 0 0
13 失われた未来を求めて 32 23 2 4 22 0 8 0
15 あまつみそらに! 31 20 0 10 9 0 14 0
16 キッキングホース★ラプソディ 29 20 11 18 2 0 5 0
17 暁の護衛 ~罪深き終末論~ 28 20 2 17 13 2 0 0
18 俺たちに翼はない~AfterStory~ 26 18 10 14 2 0 0 0
19 BALDRSKY DiveX "DREAM WORLD" 25 19 0 6 1 1 0 19
20 君の名残は静かに揺れて 24 13 12 7 4 0 0 0

>> No.6836277

>Sona nyl 10
Please keep going.

>> No.6838177

not too much changes since the last update. its begining to take a shape.

>> No.6838906


Opening of Artemis Blue, new Applique by the Ashita no Yukinojou's author.
Also female protagonist.

>> No.6839346

What is this game about?

>> No.6840520


>> No.6840548

5th day

1 素晴らしき日々~不連続存在~ 174 79 74 16 15 39 1 0
2 黄昏のシンセミア 122 65 42 39 10 16 3 6
3 戦女神VERITA 121 63 18 20 6 1 3 60
4 のーぶる☆わーくす 84 51 5 47 23 0 9 1
4 リアル妹がいる大泉くんのばあい 84 50 47 27 9 2 1 0
6 星空のメモリア Eternal Heart 80 40 31 26 15 3 0 0
7 るいは智を呼ぶファンディスク -明日のむこうに視える風- 66 37 36 32 0 0 1 0
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 52 31 30 7 2 15 0 0
9 処女はお姉さまに恋してる ~2人のエルダー~ 45 32 12 27 15 2 0 1
10 紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories- 44 24 16 12 9 3 1 1
11 恋色空模様 41 32 5 29 14 4 0 0
12 あまつみそらに! 39 25 0 12 10 0 19 0
13 あかときっ!-夢こそまされ恋の魔砲- 38 21 5 7 5 2 4 15
14 失われた未来を求めて 37 27 2 6 26 0 9 0
15 キッキングホース★ラプソディ 36 24 11 21 5 0 7 0
15 最終痴漢電車3 36 22 1 1 8 7 21 4
15 君の名残は静かに揺れて 36 20 19 10 6 0 0 0
18 BALDRSKY DiveX "DREAM WORLD" 31 23 0 7 1 3 0 23
18 暁の護衛 ~罪深き終末論~ 31 22 2 19 13 3 0 0
20 俺たちに翼はない~AfterStory~ 30 22 13 17 2 0 0 0
20 エヴォリミット 30 22 15 15 6 0 0 0

>> No.6840721

Anything good that's translated/fanlated?
Just finished the old /jp/ checklist, apart from Chaos Heads which hates my pc, and Rance, keep having event not happen/captures not occuring ect. ended up being more grind than fun.

Looking at a bundle with the full Infinity Plus collection atm.

>> No.6840740

>Infinity Plus
Only Remember11 will be useful for now since Ever17 is a retail release and not a patch.

>> No.6840782

It'll have to do, unemployed and going mad with boredom.

>> No.6840829

seconding, the OP looks interesting, would be nice to have some information whats the plot is about?

>> No.6840934

Basically the story takes place in the future, around 2060.
20 years prior there was a mysterious phenomenon called "Artemis' hymen" that covered the earth, it's an unbreakable membrane that basically forbid flying at more than 500 feet.
Of course air lines have suffered a lot as a result with most airports closing.
The game starts with the main heroine and protagonist who go to an interview to become a copilot for one of the last company that still do air transport, and the story goes from there.

It kind of feel like an otome game, especially considering the love interests seems to be guys only but it's not marketed as one, pretty weird.

But the writer is pretty great so it's probably going to be good.

>> No.6840975

I'd make a terrible terrible joke, but I'm sure you all can already guess what it would be, and I've hit my terrible joke quota for the day.

>> No.6841301
File: 651 KB, 640x480, princess bride harem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Princess Bride

It has the best character development I've seen in a VN with very well fleshed out personalities for all the heroines. The artwork is cute and the music is good. Of course the title theme is incredibly recognizable.

With all the voice acting and the efforts that are obvious the creators went through it must have been a very anticipated game. So why isn't this the most talked about VN of the last decade?

Oh my god I'm so BORED. Spending hours describing the details of everyone eating at each meal, food preparation, how they get ready for bed, what they do when they wake up, time at school. EVERY DAY is detailed. I've had to get through by skipping whole chunks of story with the CTRL key which should never happen.

Oh well. It had potential, it just dropped the ball. Still pushing through. I'm surprised that after reading for a couple weeks already I'm not even done with one route, even though I've already married the girl and kicked out all the other girls I was living with ... Are we done YET?

>> No.6841329

Is the protagonist left handed?

>> No.6841347
File: 343 KB, 640x480, aimi bride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I .... don't know.

By the way, I think he's voiced by a girl, he certainly sounds girlish and looks girlish anyway. There's also a scene where they pass him off as a girl in order to bring him to a public bath together.

I must say, it's also unique in that all the girls start out in love with him from the beginning and agree that they'll share him as lovers in one house until he chooses one by using 'princess cards' they give him to sleep with him. I don't know why he ever decided to choose one ... I wouldn't have.

Anyway, the fact that the game is STILL GOING even after I married one is a bit odd. Never seen its like before.

>> No.6841676
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Oh well, guess it wasn't so long after the wedding after all. Sort of like a long epilogue.

The name of his voice actor is pretty girly. Guess it is a girl.

>> No.6842164

I've always wondered, what is Ayahito's relation to the girls? Kiyomi and Aimi seem related to him to some extent, based on what little I understood in Princess Brave. Dunno about Kao/Haruna/Ciel...

>> No.6842329

He calls Aimi his cute cousin. Aimi is also cousin to Kiyomi. You see Aimi and Kiyomi's mothers and they call each other sister but you never meet the MC's parents, they're in Europe. I think they're all cousins to each other.

>> No.6842580

Yeah, I think I remember Ayahito calling Aimi that at least once. Kiyomi seems to be called nee-san by Aimi/Kao too. Seems pretty odd for all of them to be cousins...

>> No.6842761

Oh right. Kiyomi/Aimi's mothers are opponents in Princess Brave, I believe... Should I take it that Kiyomi's mother is the older one, and Aimi's is the younger? I think Sachiko is the former and Syou is the latter, but it's been a while and I don't play against them much. Usually it's Aimi/Ciel/Kiyomi/Beatrix for me.

>> No.6843717

>> No.6843728

The top 3 was as expected after all.
I'm a little butthurt that Evolimit isn't in the top 10 though.
I can understand it disappointed somewhat but Shizuku was so awesome.

>> No.6843813
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>>6812853 here
You mean Kokoro.
Have to say that during Lithia's and now Kazuna's route (in the middle of it now when she moved into their house) I found myself hard to care much about Shizuku. I especially don't like her comedy stuff (reminds me of the guy in bullet butlers who was always going after Selma, that both their jokes are repetitive as hell), and I dunno, I feel Suzu x Soushichi combination felt better.
Sure my opinion may change when I read her route, but goddamn, game isn't as good as I was hoping. It's still decent (better than BB), but Lithia's route left me feeling unsatisfied (I mean what the hell, I was like "fuck yeah now that the robot shit is done, we can move onto the real fights, and BAM route ended, without even characters like Aqua doing anything really noteworthy despite that she was a heroine along with her in their ending), but Kazuna's route's conflict comes from something so trivial (took to 10 lines to resolve in Lithia's) that I just find it hard to care much.

Now on the other hand I adore every scene with Kokoro, and I genuinely like whenever she stabs in the scene with a line "representing your sense of guilt". Their scenes during dreams are also really immersing, and I like her character personally. Moreover I really liked when they revealed that she was Kou's brother and the reason he went into the Mars Expedition is her. I hope this is going to be explained later somewhere since I'm mostly interested in this.
I wish I could meet my implanted heart in the form of a cute gothic loli during my dreams ;_;.

>> No.6844408

6th day

1 素晴らしき日々~不連続存在~ 193 89 83 17 16 46 1 0
2 黄昏のシンセミア 140 72 47 43 12 16 3 6
3 戦女神VERITA 138 71 23 21 7 1 3 68
4 のーぶる☆わーくす 103 61 6 57 29 0 11 1
5 リアル妹がいる大泉くんのばあい 94 56 51 29 11 4 1 0
6 星空のメモリア Eternal Heart 90 46 36 31 17 3 0 0
7 るいは智を呼ぶファンディスク -明日のむこうに視える風- 70 40 39 35 0 0 1 0
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 60 37 36 7 2 18 0 0
9 紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories- 55 29 20 14 10 6 1 1
10 処女はお姉さまに恋してる ~2人のエルダー~ 51 35 14 28 15 3 0 1
11 君の名残は静かに揺れて 47 25 24 12 7 0 0 0
12 あかときっ!-夢こそまされ恋の魔砲- 46 24 6 8 5 2 4 18
13 失われた未来を求めて 45 32 2 8 31 0 10 0
14 あまつみそらに! 44 29 0 14 12 0 22 0
15 恋色空模様 43 34 5 31 16 4 0 0
15 キッキングホース★ラプソディ 43 30 12 26 7 0 8 0
15 最終痴漢電車3 43 26 1 2 11 7 23 6
18 俺たちに翼はない~AfterStory~ 35 26 16 19 2 1 0 0
19 アッチむいて恋 34 28 4 27 1 6 1 0
20 BALDRSKY DiveX "DREAM WORLD" 33 25 0 7 1 5 0 25
20 エヴォリミット 33 24 17 17 6 0 0 0

>> No.6844454

>What are you reading?
Nothing really. I was going to read Umineko 8 but heard it wasn't good so have been putting it off.

Still looking forward to Rewrite out in a few months.

>> No.6844642

>11 君の名残は静かに揺れて 47 25 24 12 7 0 0 0

Jumping from 20th to 11th in 2 days? Rather impressive.

>> No.6844713

Anyone tried the trial of Artemis Blue?
It got lots of positive reviews in Egs.

>> No.6844716

Also, I'm downloading it right now.
Here is a fast mirror since the site is unreachable for not-japaneses


>> No.6844747

I got somewhat interested in this game thanks to this thread as well, but decided not to check the trial. There's nothing else coming out before April that interests me, so I'm almost certainly going to play it anyway.

>> No.6844749

Vermillion trailer


>> No.6844840

Bah, everything Light does always end up being disappointing, it won't be different.

>> No.6844852
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>> No.6844905

The Alternative Chronicles 2 site got updated with essentially a whole bunch of nothing if anyone cares.

>> No.6844911

Trailer for Alcot's new game is out. They dubbed the majority of the video in English again!

>> No.6844926

It was disappointing.
Start very strongly but the routes always end up feeling half finished and the true end feel like it was cut before it began.
It's the best Light title though

>> No.6845132

The gore lab cg is interesting if nothing else.

>> No.6845187

That's true, but I can't help but think it'll end up being related to some flash back to whichever one of the Alternatives involved dissecting, rather than any real new info.
I'm just hoping the MC isn't going to end up having several stereo typical "walking in on female character while bathing and so on" scenes as judging by the CGs so far.
Also hoping they continue to keep (sub-)heroines "pure" to one character like they did for the KimiNozo and KimiIta cast in Alternative.

>> No.6845222

>I'm just hoping the MC isn't going to end up having several stereo typical "walking in on female character while bathing and so on" scenes as judging by the CGs so far.
Well, a scene like that was on Chronicles 01 as well, and it didn't really turn out as expected, let's hope this doesn't either.
I won't say I'm hyped but at least I'm curious to see if The Day After's proper main characters and plot will be worth to follow.

>> No.6845310

Yeah, I know. I also hope age doesn't pull that sort of creepy stuff like that did with Will, by showing him all the time despite him being unvoiced.
I'll laugh if age kills the cast off again.

>> No.6845935
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You will never play basketball with Aqua, Aries and Cosmos.

Damn why are manga rips of eroge adaptations so hard to find, I've been looking for the manga of Muramasa, Himawari and Baldr Sky but I can only find them in chinese, fuck these runes.

>> No.6845942
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Oops, wrong pic

>> No.6847598

If I could play basketball with them then I could tell them that their game was disappointing in my opinion.

>> No.6847842

>but I can only find them in chinese, fuck these runes
I've noticed the same thing with Alternative's manga as well. Out side of 3 volumes I've found on PD, and the 2 volumes I own, the only other chapters I've seen have been in Chinese.

>> No.6847905

"Foul. Double Dribble."
(You can't do that!?)

"Back Hand dunk."

"I wanted to play a little better...." (whoever translated this line is a fucktard, fuck kanrunes)
"That was some good exercise! Let's move on to the Tennis club!"

>> No.6848265

you wouldn't happen to have links to Muramasa and Baldr Sky ones even tough they are in chinese? I would like to see how the art in them looks like and how they start.

>> No.6848358
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Reading Sengoku Ouka.
It's pretty amusing. Shingen and Kenshin are too moe.

I think I'm going to play Venus Blood Empire next. I actually finished conquering the first country there but I messed up the choices, the next country I need to invade require boats and I don't have any. ;_;
Also they're delivering tons of damage to my troops.

>> No.6848384

Just up industrial towns as fast you can and you should get boats soon enough. And when enemy attacks just see if the terrain is sea in which case just lose that place without bothering to defend (as its auto-lose after one turn of battles without boat/flying/swimmer units).

>> No.6848437


You can't reload prior to the choices?

Either way, yeah it doesn't take long for the first boat to appear. And finding a defensive war isn't so bad since you're can bleed their armies dry just be defending without losing any territories as long as you don't get beaten up THAT badly.

>> No.6848675

Planning on taking the plunge into reading eroge completely in Japanese. Are there any recommended ones for beginners, or should I just go with stuff I've wanted to read for a while?

>> No.6848691

If that means subahibi or oretsuba as your first raw game, yeah, no.
If you don't hate yuri, the Sono Hanabira series is pretty good to gauge your skill because the games are short and really simple (even going slowly you'll clear one in 2 days at most), if you're fine with that, go up a notch, if you have problems with that, wait some more.

>> No.6848694

A Profile is pretty easy text-wise.

>> No.6848699

I didn't save. The first country is kind of a pushover so I didn't bother saving.

Anyway thanks, I'll go back to that game after finishing Ouka Sengoku.

>> No.6848711

Sounds good. I've read the first Sonohana, albeit in English, and I liked it, so that should be a good start. Cheers.

This one? http://vndb.org/v1894

>> No.6848716

>This one?

>> No.6848722

>should I just go with stuff I've wanted to read for a while?

Pretty much, yeah. In the beginning, your reading speed will likely be terrible and you'll be looking lots of stuff up no matter what you read, so it might be a bit easier to digest shorter games, though it'll probably be counterproductive to play short games that you're not interested in.

Subahibi's language isn't so bad though, the game is a bit on the longer side but it's still not something I would especially not recommend for beginners. Basically stay away from games with very high vocabulary like Muramasa and Liar/Rail Soft, as well as incredibly long games like Oretsuba, and you should be fine.

>> No.6848740

Reading G Senjou. I took a break for two weeks or so from it after getting to chapter 5, and am restarting again.
Last read SnK
As for expectations, Eustia looks interesting, although its a couple months off still. I'll probly play Oretsuba between now and then

>> No.6848901


I think I'll start off with some of the simpler ones like (>>6848691) and (>>6848716) suggested, just as a means to gauge where I'm at, etc. Also works out since there's a good number of shorter ones that I'm interested in reading anyway, so I might as well start off at a point that's most beneficial. Thanks for the advice bro.

>> No.6848933

>Subahibi's language isn't so bad though
The thing is, you don't just need to understand what's written literally, but be able to "digest" it on a higher level of comprehension.
To make a really basic example, it's not guaranteed that you get a joke in a foreign language even though you know the words it uses, taken one by one.

>> No.6848953

>The thing is, you don't just need to understand what's written literally, but be able to "digest" it on a higher level of comprehension.

Most of Subahibi's influence in this regard comes from Western writers and philosophers though. I'm willing to bet that a good portion of the Japanese players who are currently voting it the GOTY 2010 didn't understand it 100%.

>> No.6849035

I guess this is the proper thread to ask, sorry for asking technical assistence: the current Rewrite trial agth code hooks the text alright, but it just keeps flooding/adding the same line over and over, is there a way to prevent that?

>> No.6849047

AGTH has a "Supress repetition of phrases" option (switch /KF), you might try playing around with that. Though, if it's a custom /H code, are you sure there's no better code available?

>> No.6849059 [DELETED] 

>AGTH has a "Supress repetition of phrases" option (switch /KF), you might try playing around with that.
yeah, the code I'm using is /KF /HW8@4329d0 (found it in the rewrite threads in the archive), and I switched every option against flood on, but the sentences still keep repeating.
I guess that's as good as it gets? Thanks anyways for the reply.

>> No.6849073

Never mind, fixed it.
Thank you for the reply >>6849047

>> No.6849132

Should be the final ranking, pretty low amount of votes this year:

1 Subarashiki hibi 234
2 Tasogare no Shinsemia 176
3 Ikusa Megami VERITA 167
4 Noble☆Works 133
5 Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai 110
6 Hoshieora no MemoriaEternal Heart 109
7 Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu Fan Disc -Asu no Mukou ni Mieru Kaze-- 85
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 76
9 Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a beautiful memories- 67
10 Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru ~Futari no Elder~ 63
11 Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete 58
12 Akatoki! -Yume Koso Masare Koi no Mahou-- 56
13 Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete56
14 Amatsu Misora ni!! 59
15 Koiiro Soramoyou 60 45
15 Kicking Horse Rhapsody 64
15 Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 47
18 Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai~AfterStory~ 42
19 Acchi Muite Koi 45
20 Evolimit 40

>> No.6849148

>pretty low amount of votes this year
Yeah, last year there were around 1200 votes between the first three positions alone

>> No.6849166

Well that top3 wasn't any suprise, and nice to see ushimirai made it at 13th place. Well eroge wise 2010 was pretty calm, not too much any big names was released, so it kinda was excepted that there wouldn't be that much votes. 2011 voting process will be much more active considering big names coming from many known big makers.

Speaking of preferences, what were top5 eroges of this year to people here?
Personaly I didn't nearly play all the names on 2ch ranking, so my top5 maybe lacks some obvious stuff.
So yeah mine were:
1. Ikusa Megami Verita
2. Subar... screw that. Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete (just because Yui/True route exploited some of my biggest weaknesess mercilesly)
3. Subarashiki hibi
4. Venus Blood -Empire-
5. Baldr Sky DiveX / Kono Uta ga Owattara

Now that I'm in quostion mood, also what are peoples top5 most anticipated titles this year?
Mine are:
1. Aiyoku no Eustia
2. Secret Game CODE:Revise
3. Kamidori Alchemy maister
4. Daiteitoku
5. Rewrite

>> No.6849179

So far mainly Eustia, Kamidori and Rewrite. Kajiri Kamui Kagura, Chronicles 02, Nekonade, Vanitas, Liarsoft fandisc all looked very interesting/promising but there's varying degrees of wariness.
Hopefully a new Vanadis will be out sooner or later too

>> No.6849198
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Imouto Paradise is my most anticipated and will be my favorite game of 2011. It truly is a GOTY2011 material.

>> No.6849270

For me it would be:
Since I read like 4 VNs of this year due to backlog it should go like:
1. Subarashiki Hibi: awesome, but some pacing issues.
1. Sona Nyl. bias, bias, everyone loves bias and I love the style Sakurai used and the poetry parts. Subahibi is technically superior, but I love the series adn this is my favourite of it.
3. Sinsemilla, I thought it would be kinda boring, I was really surprised, and the endgine was awesome
4. Oretsuba after (most good 2009 titles were part of my backlog, and I still have some)
5. I'm now catching up with Baldr Sky, so I suppose that if diveX is as good, or a bit less, it'll go to it.
If you count ports as releases, Steins gate would go 3rd, since I had no way of playing it before.
I'm catching up with Ikusa megami series, but I'm busy with baldr and now with exams, so I can't say anything about IMVerita

As for this year, aiyoku no eustia, vanitas no hitsuji, rewrite, taiyo no ko, that game you could choose to play as male/female I can't remember the name, nekonade distortion and the liar soft fandisk.
I have time till late march to read some of my backlog before release stream, since most of the ones I qrote come out in the same period.

>> No.6849303

2-IM Verita
4-Ruitomo FD
6-Kimi no Nagori
7-Sona Nyl
8-WA 2 IC
9-Koiiro Sora
10-VenusBllod Desire

Something like this, though I mostly played old eroge from 2000-2006 period since 2010 was kinda dry.

>> No.6849432

1. 素晴らしき日々 ~不連続存在~
2. セカンドノベル ~彼女の夏、15分の記憶~
3. 信天翁航海録
5. 暗い部屋, WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~

(I didn't play a lot of stuff last year. This year will probably be the same.)

>> No.6849570
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>3. 信天翁航海録

>> No.6849616

All the 2010 non-nukige releases I played would be ranked like
Mindead Blood Complete Edition
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete
Evolimit (still playing it, but I doubt it'll change)
Gensou no Avatar.

>> No.6850534

>> No.6850556

I tried Bengarachou Hakubutsushi for a bit this morning and oh god. Periodic reminder I still suck at nihongo right in my face.

>> No.6850567

It took me 2 months to read Kagerou, I'm not touching Albatross any time soon.
Though Kagerou was pretty good.

>> No.6850601


I'm going through the same experience fellow traveler.
One semester of college Japanese + some self study and I figured I would give it a shot.
Spent about 12 hours over the last two weeks between some Nukige and Flyable Heart. So far flyable heart seems to be the easier read.
I'm looking up just about everything, but using Translation Aggregator+Atlas+Mecab makes it pretty bearable.
I'm finding that I'm starting to recognize the more common Kanji that I didn't know when I started out and overall I feel like it's a positive learning experience, albeit tedious.

>> No.6850750
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Oh, raiL-Soft. I've yet to properly read one one of their titles. I downloaded the Albatross trial a few months back, and gave it less than five minutes before the convoluted walls of text got to me.

>> No.6851382

railsoft titles - some mystic elements or they are more real-based?

>> No.6853264
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The raiL games took me a fair amount of time as well, totally worth it though. It shouldn't take too long to get used to the style if you keep at it.

>railsoft titles - some mystic elements or they are more real-based?

They all contain supernatural elements, but they're handled quite differently in all three games. Out of the three games, Bengarachou Hakubutsushi probably feels the most "real" because it's set in a (fictional) Japanese town, unlike the other games.

>> No.6853847


>> No.6853858


>> No.6853880


>> No.6854499

Planning on getting Noble Works, and I'm curious as to what the patch + special disk (linked here http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=270396)) are. Anyone know?

>> No.6854519

patch fixes some problems with backlog cutting sentences and skipping to/returning to choice functions
dunno what the tokuten is but usually it's OST or system voices, waking up alarms, etc

>> No.6854666

I finished all the ends of the Nanoha route in baldr sky... and I still miss one CG.
The alternate ends are horribly depressing, especially ghost and dreamland.

>> No.6854687

>What are you reading?
Nothing right now, perhaps I will pick up something at the end of the month or perhaps give the Ruitomo fandisc i try.

>What did you last read?
Muramasa but dropped it before finishing.

>What are you expecting?
Nothing in January but Rewrite and Daiteikoku if we're looking a few months ahead.

>> No.6854718

Ah, cheers. Might as well download the tokuten for the sake of it.

>> No.6854726

could be the early bad end it's kinda easy to miss if you dont know aabout it and there are few nanoha ones that aren't in her route. If you count the CGs from gallery order.
And yeah Baldr Sky has some pretty soul crushing normal/bad ends. Rain/Nanoha/Sora normal ends and Chinatsu/Aki bad ends being the worst crushers.

So how have you liked it so far? and how have you liked the gameplay in it?

>> No.6854751

I missed the CG between Nanoha's gangrape in chapter 12 from her bad end and her standing in the promised place fo chapter 13. Maybe number 36 or something?
I think it may be some of the CGs from checking the situation after the battle in some predeterminated time, but no idea.
>So how have you liked it so far?
A lot, the plot is really good and some of the more vague things, like the agent, seem really interesting, because it's pretty ambiguous.
>and how have you liked the gameplay in it?
I don't usually like action games, but I'm enjoying it a lot, trying to level up some weapons (some just do this really slowly though) and it's pretty well done.
And I want to play Aki's route, she's my favourite so far of the heroines.

>> No.6854800

yeah, it's as you say. During that battle theres few different variations you get depending how long you take time. If I remember correctly the one you miss are from 2-3 and 3-4 minutes finishing times. I think those were the timing if they went by minutes.

Good to hear you like it. And agent and how they did her was one of my favorite things too and really liked the conclusion they had with her. Not going to spoil more than that.

shameless opinion as far as route goodness goes and same goes for my character liking too:
Sora > Makoto > Nanoha > Aki = Rain > Chinatsu
None of the routes/characters are bad tough, I liked everyone. And Noi really should have had route.

>> No.6854804

Okay thanks for the info, I'll try to get it later
One question, Aki route doesn't disappoint, right?

>> No.6854820

Got it already, oh yeah I hate Gilberto and his group.

>> No.6854826

Well there are no bad routes in Baldr Sky, but yeah it doesn't dissapoint, it has some great scenes and several big reveals, altough it does take bit too much time to diverge from Chinatsus route.

And my urge to start replaying Baldr Sky has almost reached critical limits...

>> No.6854866

It has a "WTF Japan" moment.

>> No.6854867

Thanks for commenting it a bit with me, usually if I read a non reccently released VN I can't talk about it much.

>> No.6854888

I'm a newfag of VN/eroge.
I played one of those games a lot of time ago, but was not as interactive as I hoped.
Is normal that this games does not allows lots of decissions or options or its only that I played a shitty one?

Also I hope you cand reccomend me some good and interactive VN.

>> No.6854896

So you want something with a shitton of choices then?
Then play moon or kanon, by KEY, more or less.
You'll wish they'd have less when you want to start another route.

>> No.6854899

WTF Japan moments are the best kind of moments, usually.

>> No.6854905
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no problem, I like talking about not-new-VNs even if I have played them long ago, especially in case like BS which is my all-time-favorite (played it when dive1 came and suffered huge withdrawal symptoms untill dive2 came). It's shame that there really aren't that much of people that talk about not-new-VNs. and please continue commenting as you play, as I like to hear about what other people say about things they play.
And do remember to play diveX afterwards, it has nice canon material in additition to some hilarious stuff.

>> No.6854913

Ok, thanks. I'll give a try to those.

Anyway I'm still don't know shit about what are the things a good VN may have, so I hope I will not regret.

>> No.6854918

Okay, I'll do so then.
Next in my backlog is probably the IM series, starting with zero, I went through the first dungeon adn seemed interesting enough.
Also /jp/ gave me the order I should play, so it's all good on that front.

>> No.6854925

Usually good VNs are more focused on characters/plot and less in making you feel like the MC, so there's a significant drop in choices.
And if you've just started, you should read short things like saya no uta and planetarian, moon and kanon are quite old, so if you don't like the art, try this two.
The first has two choice points and the second has none, more like just reading a book. But the plot/setting is interesting enough.

>> No.6854943

Should note that most Vns don't have usually that many choices. Choices are usually there to determine what of the several different story paths/routes you end up following. Most of the better ones follow this formula or are linear with small branching. So don't except this to be over interactive medium, there are those with many many choices but those usually aren't that good. Generally what's generally considered "good" VN is something that takes advantages of this type of story telling or other possibilites with the presentation.

good choice, IM series is awesome too, infact it's my second after Baldr Sky. As pretty much if there is ever BS/IM discussion here I'm one of the people found there. So just ask in this threads when ever you need help.

>> No.6854955

I didn't even see it coming because I thought that Kou would remember how his very own mother looked like.

>> No.6854970

Well, duh, it's kinda understandable because Kou was pretty young when his mother died and there is still the fact that other half was from Seira

>> No.6854973

I wanted to try so of the gameplay part of the spectrum of the VNs, and went for the most popular ones after a really boring experience with rance.
I usually don't read sex scenes and I didn't like the gameplay much, so it bored me a lot.
So I saw some baldr threads and the VN ratings for this year with IMVerita and decided to try those.
I also want to try this new VN that should come in april more or less taht lets you choose gender, though my expectations went a bit down after finding out girl=yuri.
Too few VNs were the MC is a girla and is not a full otomege or a yuri, my only good experiences in this field have been the WAB series.

>> No.6854993

Ok, thank you. Now I have a general idea.
Downloading Planetarian and Saya no Uta at this moment.

>> No.6855007

For now I'll give it a rest and sub the OP videos.
Good engines should let you sub their videos.

>> No.6855013

If you are going to play IM VVerita, go play IM Zero first, unless you want to be confused as fuck in second part of the game plotwise. But yeah both IM series and BS are goodoness if you want nice gameplay and strong story with it. If you want more gameplay focused title with bit weaker story go try Himegari Dungeon maister and it\s sequel Kamidori Alchemy maister (will be released this april)
And if you want girl MC that isn't otomege or Yuri go play Extravaganza, but thats black-cyc so you might not enjoy it that much, personaly I enjoyed it a lot tough.

>> No.6855037

Reading Tsukihime, it's my first VN ever. Next will be Yume miru Kusuri.

Which sould I play between Kanon, Cross Channel and Clannad ? (play all of them is an acceptable answer)

>> No.6855038

>usually if I read a non reccently released VN I can't talk about it much.
Oh come on look at this very thread. We discussed Hello world which is close to 10 years old. I always discuss older eroges if I liked them enough and remember them.

>> No.6855048

Clannad is massive.
You should read more VNs before cross channel.
Kanon is quite old and you may have problems with some of the art, it's like watching kanon 2002 without quality issues.

>> No.6855055

Sorry if I worded it badly, I have the order, courtesy of the board, which should go
IM Zero > Genrin1 > Genrin2 > Verita > IM 1 > IM2
With genrin 1 being optional since 2 has some kind of summary in it. I'll start with Zero.
And thanks for the recommendations, I'll check those.
I kow what Extravaganza is about and... it's not really my thing, but thanks anyway for caring.

>> No.6855056


Just watch the Kanon anime, the original game is pretty crummy in comparison (to some degree applies to Air as well). If you like it, you can later play the game for reference or something.

Clannad and Cross Channel are both very popular (ranked in the top tier in Erogamescape), so they are probably worth checking out. The latter in particular is somewhat polarizing, though, so don't be put off by the medium if that's your first VN and you don't like it.

>> No.6855064

No one should watch the Air anime if they can read the VN, what a disaster, even the art, those eyes.

>> No.6855066

well I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it does happen, but you rarely see as much discussion of not-new-VNs as you see of translated stuff or just released stuff. Much of the reason I try to read some new stuff altough I have huge backloge of older stuff is because I want to discuss new stuff.
But yeah pros for those who do discus them, and I always try join in too if I have read the thing being discussed.

>> No.6855092

no problems, Altough I'd say to give Extravaganza a chance, it might be bit rape happy in the prologue, but after that you can finish the game without even seeing one h-scene if you make right choices.... yeah make right choices. not going to happen without walktrough. Yumemi is also great protagonist. But ain't forcing if you dont like that kind of stuff at all.

>> No.6855116

The first point is debatable and I find it hard to believe. He remembers Nanoha fine but can't remember his own mother? Oh right, the AI works in mysterious ways.
The second one I've never heard of it. A clone is an identical copy of the original. Unless they're butchering the meaning of clone, like they did with a lot of other scientifically proven concepts, Aki is genetically Kou's mother

Damn you Baldr Dky, I thought that I had all my loose ends regarding the plot tied up.

>> No.6855124

It was that Aki was clone made of mixing Kous mothers DNA and Seiras DNA. Atleast thats how I remember it. Cant remeber where it was stated.

also this thread is at bump limit new one here: >>6855117
