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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 346x395, druggy konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6827897 No.6827897 [Reply] [Original]

>/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. [Why? Read this.]

My face when Moot can't even knock together a basic html page and must dump everything into a txt file.

>> No.6827901
File: 204 KB, 705x741, 1295048071438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares.

>> No.6827903

who gives a fuck afterall?

>> No.6827905

Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.6827907

>druggy konata

Get out, Jones. It's much better in a .txt file.

>> No.6827908

Who gives a shit reported

>> No.6827913
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But, he did use a Miku song singing "Take it Easy" as his tl;dr explanation.


Come on, I cannot have been the only one to notice that he used something /jp/ related in an official post?

Fuck yes, Yukkuri/General

>> No.6827918
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>recapture the magic of greentext

>> No.6827919
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Why should we care about the other boards?

>> No.6827921

>In the coming months we'll be adding a new round of janitors (the first in a long time),
as well as promoting the last remaining active janitors to moderators.
AoC, you were so close.

>> No.6827927

>In the coming months we'll be adding a new round of janitors (the first in a long time),

Oh man, if only meido held out, what a laugh.

>> No.6827928

Aren't you from /b/, you hypocrite?

>> No.6827931

The P.S. is the best part.

>> No.6827939
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I chuckled.

>> No.6827942

And you guys thought he'd remove your board!
He obviously loves you guys.

>> No.6827943

Those shitty boards didn't deserve the consideration of an html page.

>> No.6827945

We never did.

>> No.6827946


>> No.6827950


>> No.6827951

Well, one or two seemed to. Counts for something?

>> No.6827956

I bet he got hundreds of angry emails and people asking him on IRC why /jp/ was deleted and half of them must be accompanied with death threats.

>> No.6827959

Y'know being ironic like that just makes you look retarded.

>> No.6827964

Right. I..it's not like he likes us or anything!

>> No.6827969

moot linked to ED... jesus christ...

>> No.6827971

That's just the single troll, who wants /jp/ to be deleted ever since its creation, that continuously spammed those threads.

>> No.6827972
File: 47 KB, 265x413, 1291431039273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the coming months we'll be adding a new round of janitors (the first in a long time), as well as promoting the last remaining active janitors to moderators.
She'll never be a mod.

>> No.6827973

>Posts on /jp/
>Calls other boards shitty

I hate to be the first to tell you this, but after /b/, /jp/ has become for the rest of the boards the paragon of all that is bad about 4chan. Think about it.

>> No.6827977

Thanks goodness.

>> No.6827982

Yes, for everyone else it probably has.
That's what makes spending time here just a tiny little bit more enjoyable for us.

>> No.6827984

Right, we are ages behind on our green text, mfw and other "lulzy 4chan things" quota. Definitely one of the worst boards.


Other boards hate us because /jp/ filled with users from old 4chan, while they are infested with newcomers who don't want old 4chan.

Rude sage.

>> No.6827985

The rest of 4chan are retarded meme spouting kiddies who have no clue about image board culture or what a good image board even looks like. Think about it.

>> No.6827988

>The rest of 4chan are retarded meme spouting kiddies
>Thinks /jp/ is different

>> No.6827989


>> No.6827993

Some sad exceptions like you don't change the big picture. I don't think you even post on /jp/ actually.

>> No.6827994

No no no, /jp/ is filled with users who *claim* to have been here since '04.

>> No.6827995

bring back /fk/

>> No.6828001

I wasn't talking about myself. Look around yourself, stay in this shithole for one year or more and you'll understand what I'm getting at.
Until then, you'll be yet another halfwit who thinks that the lesser the posters, the better and more sophisticated a board must be.

>> No.6828011

if you think theres a non "rude sage" then you clearly isnt form the old times

saging a thread is a way to say "i'm mad" since forever

>> No.6828014

I was talking about you though. I'm on 4chan since '05, too. Yes, the amount of green text spouting retards (like you) has increased, but there are still a lot of good threads, no matter how much you're trying to undermine that.

>> No.6828017

memes has been here since forever
learn to deal with it newfag

>> No.6828019

It's not on futaba and futaba is older than 4chan so I don't see where this forever is coming from.

>> No.6828023

Stop samefagging lantern guy

>> No.6828025

Anyone else gonna apply for a janitor position? I'm pretty much watching over this place every waking hour and have done so since 2008, so I figure it wouldn't be that much extra effort to just delete some posts once in a while too. And having been on 4chan for so long, I've kinda lost any emotional involvement I had in internet-related matters, so I won't let shit like that get in the way of the job like the previous guy. Also, it will probably give me a boner whenever someone refers to me as a meido.

>> No.6828027

this is 4chon
sage has been a way of saying "i'm mad" since forever

you clearly is fucking new if you think we inherited how to use sage from futaba

>> No.6828033

newfags everywhere
fucking 4chon is dead

>> No.6828035

so did anybody email him for a board? I asked for a dinosaurs board, i didnt ask for a vn board because i know he wouldn't do it.

>> No.6828039

I would have written a proper reply if you were capable of at least punctuating and capitalizing your posts.

>> No.6828040

>I'm on 4chan since '05
You really want me to believe this bullshit?

And on average I can find more interesting threads on /v/ and /a/ than on I can find on /jp/ and other boards who have the nerve of proclaiming themselves as "superior".
I know it's painful for the likes of you to accept this fact, but trust me when I say this is the harsh truth. Not everyone wants to spend their days discussing the new breathtaking fanart they just saved from Pixiv or shit like this.

>> No.6828048

just make a /forum/ and force all the forum users there

/jp/'s fixed

nobody gives a shit then
nobody gives a shit now
learn to deal with it newfag

>> No.6828050
File: 52 KB, 281x283, 1239626453273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9k/ and /new/ were removed.


These videos, played all together simultaneously, represent my feelings.

>> No.6828053


/jp/ is filled with forum using newfags claiming they know SHIT about 4chon

hurp durp sage is to not bump a thread im not even mad

>> No.6828056

how about we make a /shitpost/ and force all shitposters to go there

>> No.6828058

>You really want me to believe this bullshit?

Wait what? Is being on 4chan since 2005 something that is considered impossible now?

>> No.6828059

W-why is moot linking to our shit in his things? D-does he wish to be the little girl again?

>> No.6828060

I don't want you to believe but at least stop asking me to "stay for one year".

It is very nice that you like it on /a/ and /v/ more. It is not painful for me at all to accept that the likes of you don't like it here at all. So please go to your /a/ and don't return.

>> No.6828062

that would be just like the old 4chon

only that it's YOU that NEEDS TO GET THE FUCK OUT

>> No.6828063

Just get out.

>> No.6828064

When and where was this post, I can't find it, but the comments on the video and view count lead me to believe you.

>> No.6828067

Maybe you should go back to facebook and discuss the epic banalities of your everyday life instead of bothering with these people and their silly anime pictures.

>> No.6828068

durr why don't we make a /retard/ and get all the retards to post there

>> No.6828069

Does anyone remember the thread I made yesterday saying that moot, by posting that sadfrog.jpg on /b/ must be a closet /jp/tard? See how I stand confirmed?

That's not the point of this post, though. moot, I know you'll see this thread sometime. Stop giving us so much attention. You should know the reason for this yourself.

>> No.6828070


>> No.6828073

If you think /jp/ content is unenjoyable and prefer /a/ and /v/ no one's making you stay here, you know?

>> No.6828074



>> No.6828077
File: 41 KB, 457x358, 1292748290582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's actually not too far off the mark from how I feel. Today is a glorious day indeed.

Not lying, I'm baking some cookies right now to celebrate r9k's demise.

>> No.6828084

might as well rename /jp/ /th/ at that point

Then I must be alone in using sage when I don't consider my posts important enough or too short.

>> No.6828087

What makes you think I can't post in both places at the same time? It also helps me get a full picture on how each board compares.

>> No.6828091

You aren't alone if you're talking about modern /jp/ and it's userbase.
It's just that it was always meant to be a way of saying "I AM MAD" in the old 4chon.

Nothing wrong with it. Just stop acting like you own 4chon and you decide what goes on it.

>> No.6828092

You're not. I pretty much always sage because I hate myself and everything I write ;_;.

There is no point in shuffling up the front page when just saying stupid things or posting in a meta-thread.

>> No.6828096


I tend to sage when I know I'm making a sort of shitty post, or posting in a thread that I know I don't want to see on the front page.

However some threads (like this one) seem to have too many people bumping to make sages anything more than a symbolic gesture. Then again I suspect we have some outsiders lurking right now (4chan is in kind of a disarray at the moment from the blackout on /b/ and big news all around).

>> No.6828099

You're a shit-spewing namefag and have always been, you're forgiven if you can't comprehend what it means NOT to want attention.

>> No.6828101

I never act like I own it, and the userbase DOES decide what goes on 4chan

I admit i use sage too when "hurr hurr i mad", but only while scandaroon was here. I'm glad its used not as often for angry people.

>> No.6828102

Just get the fuck out fucking newfag.

>> No.6828107

nokosage all the time, no one knows, no one gives you shit.
Manually saging is pretty much attention whoring.

>> No.6828110

Except when said userbase is actually isn't 4chon's userbase but came here from various forums and blogs, attracted by visual novels and touhous.

Notice how we dont even say "hentai games" anymore. Old 4chon used either hentai games or eroge.

>> No.6828112

Well, you don't fucking see us saying OVER 9000 and LULZ either even though that shit was popular in 2006.

We left our old /b/tard ways in the past. That's why we don't use sage as an insult anymore.

>> No.6828115

Couldn't handle all that truth, eh? And who's the newfag again? I've been to /jp/ since 2003, you swine. Go play in the mud elsewhere.

>> No.6828118

Sometimes I don't want to return to the thread.

Just stop getting frustrated over the e-mail field already.

>> No.6828120

Finally a post that I don't feel mad aginst.

I don't remember when they started using over9000 but that certainly was long after most of us left /b/.

>> No.6828122

>Voile's other Hermit

Who the fuck are you? Stop making new tripcodes, no one is going to give a shit about any of you new people.

>> No.6828123

Okay, now where else do you think users would come from?

You really just sound like an old man complaining how the future generations are crap. You may keep blathering about how it really is crap, and even toss out examples if you want, but it isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.6828124

Your newfag is showing.

>> No.6828131
File: 37 KB, 397x346, numpnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.6828132

Well I give a shit about myself which is honestly all I need (foreferaloneandlikingit.jpg). I didn't create this just today, go look in the archives.

>> No.6828135

What do you expect, my name is Bangkok, my dad used to rape me when I was a kid and I secretly licked my mom when she was sleeping.

I only get boners to scat and I like to look at underaged children in the park.

>> No.6828136

>Sometimes I don't want to return to the thread.
That's just got to be the most retarded reason I've heard all day.
Still using a browser without tabs and single window only in this day?

>> No.6828141


Judging by the name I'd say he's from MAV, aka Magic Archive Voile. Interesting (I was under the impression that place was a ghost town), but an outsider nonetheless.

>> No.6828142

I have nothing against new people, but newfags.

Shit like "lol guis i hate anon is legiun im so cool and edgy" when Anonymous is Legion has been around since the beginning of the time.

Basically I hate newfags that complain about the fundamental of 4chon.

>> No.6828147

>but an outsider nonetheless.

I wasn't aware that 4chan was an esoteric order, which is what a lot of people make it sound like. It really isn't, those who think otherwise are elitist and need some way to feel superior in an anonymous environment.

>> No.6828150

This isn't 4chan, this is /jp/. Deal with it, faggot, or get the fuck out.

>> No.6828154

That's more of a defence mechanism, if you play along with it, you should be fine. But I think you already knew that.

>> No.6828156

>I hate when people don't like things I like

>> No.6828158


It's not so much that it's elitism, so much that it's like "uhhh.. this guy probably isn't going to get a bunch of shit we say, will take our super-sarcasm seriously, bump bad threads, and I don't feel like spending all night catching him up to speed"

Hence my prescription to newfriends is just lurk. If you don't understand what you're seeing or want to comment on long-standing disputes/issues that are out of your experience, just lurk.. lurk lurk lurk.

>> No.6828166

You know what?
I actually agree with you guys.

>> No.6828169

Opening janitor applications, huh?

I remember when Moot did that years and years ago and nothing ever came of it.

>> No.6828170

It's nice you came to this conclusion yourself. Now please shut up and enjoy /r9shit/'s axing with us.

>> No.6828171

Well of course, I am you and you are me.

>> No.6828174
File: 46 KB, 780x403, iloveme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agrees with self
Screen capped.

>> No.6828175

Indeed. Bangcock is legion.

>> No.6828180


>> No.6828183

Come back when you're over your >>>/b/ phase

>> No.6828190


>> No.6828195

>Your favorite Anonymous that lives in Bangkok
when is this ladyboy gonna get a trip and stop changing his name so often so that I can finally filter his ass? the sooner you realize that no one wants you here the better it is

>> No.6828201

perhaps people paying attention to, and getting mad at him is what he wants.

>> No.6828205

Even if I get a trip I will change it every day.

The thought of you being unable to read my posts and give me attention terrifies me to no end.

>> No.6828206

Bangkok has been really increasing his utter shitposting abilities lately.

>> No.6828208


[05:45] <VoH> i should stop posting in the meta thread

>> No.6828209
File: 10 KB, 243x251, 1271815777415s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares. Don't reply.
He'll eventually get out of his /b/ phase and understand how retarded he sounds.

Also, bleach picture related because I love bleach LOL!!! xD

>> No.6828210

good for you. must be fucking sad to know that your only achievement is to make people on /jp/ "mad"

protip: no one would bat an eyelid if you were to go away.

>> No.6828219

You can also filter names with the script you know.
Doesn't need to be a trip.

>> No.6828220

ut he changes it so often. I do filter whenever I can though.

>> No.6828222

I've been here since 2003 and you're all retarded. I'm serious

>> No.6828237

as if i give a single fuck

>> No.6828238

and you're a fucking newfag

>> No.6828244

I fuckyes'd when I saw that video.

Imagine taking it easy actually becoming a thing on 4chan.

>> No.6828245

that's because im fucking fed up with you forum users ruining my 4chon

for gods sake

>> No.6828253

fuck yes it be the new U MAD

epic win

>> No.6828274
File: 5 KB, 317x159, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes /jp/! now you are understand the power of autism! I will tell the emperor about this, you will be pay in full if you join us.

>> No.6828298
File: 189 KB, 800x600, count dooky geting upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not after I get into super autism node

>> No.6828299
File: 99 KB, 491x526, 14031232_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIKE ALWAYS. You fail to ignore.

Why not post about
>Janitor applications will open again soon.
I don't give a fuck about the the fucking part before that.

>> No.6828314

Fuck you moot!!!!

>> No.6828321

I really like how a bunch of terrible touhoes losers are defending /jp/, seeing how shitty it has become since like half a year after its creation. Maybe you should stop posting here and make another silly 2hu reaction image thread XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.6828322

FUCK YOU ANONYMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6828330

>implying those reaction images threads aren't made by /b/uugums and ret/a/rds such as you.

>> No.6828331

I hope /jp/ doesn't get a new janitor.

>> No.6828339

Take a look into the mirror

>> No.6828343
File: 205 KB, 1280x960, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have an idea for a board that would recapture the magic of greentext, but shed the BAWW threads, misogyny, and self-loathing, feel free to suggest it.

I do wonder how long moot had spent on /r9k/, because it's really not true that threads are about forever alone and misogyny...

And anyway why would you delete a board just because you don't like the content? Everything on /r9k/ was on topic (because it's supposed to be a general discussion board like /b/ without the retards).

Anyway where did all the robots go?

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828347


Also I like how this board gets to stay when no threads ever are about japan, in fact it got a name change. Why couldn't moot change the name of /r9k/ to /baw/ (because that's what he believes the board is about)?

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828348

Go back to /soc/.

>> No.6828355

/jp/ was never about japan. It was never supposed to be. japan/general was just a lazy name in the first place.

Claiming otherwise makes you pretty new, /jp/ is not an old board.

>> No.6828360

Life is peachy

>> No.6828361
File: 494 KB, 1280x1024, smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never used /soc/, stupid bitch.

Should I just stay here? I don't know where else to go now.

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828366

You can start using /soc/.

>> No.6828367

/soc/ was supossed to take all the shit of from arcanine...

>> No.6828370


I remember the board title was changed to Otaku Culture, originally I thought it was moot trying to be funny again, but then I realized it was because this board was as much about Japan as /v/ is.

And yes I've only visited here a few times. Whenever I make a thread I get 10 replies, all sages, which is pretty funny.

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828376


The thing with /r9k/ is that it started out as an experiment, and ended up going horribly off the mark of what it was intended to be (a civilized /b/). What sealed its fate was the introduction of /adv/ at about this last year, and recently /soc/ further made r9k's existence redundant. In case you didn't notice, /adv/ and /new/ were both almost to the day a year old. moot waited a year to see if /new/ could work as functioned and what would happen to /r9k/ if some of the baw threads moved to /adv/ (which I think was his intent of making that board)... well /new/ was a failure again and /adv/ didn't really make r9k better.

/jp/ on the other hand was made with a clandestine purpose in mind, to catch the myriad of stuff being discussed on /a/ that wasn't actually anime or manga. And it does that job beautifully and has a generally peaceful, growing userbase, so there's no real reason to get rid of it.

>> No.6828379


/soc/ was made specifically to get the shitty threads out of /b/ and /r9k/, why would anyone go there? It's nothing but shitty threads.


And it did, all the rate me threads were gone... the misogyny/baw thing was a dumb reason for getting rid it because they make up a small percentage of the content there.

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828381

>In case you didn't notice, /adv/ and /new/ were both almost to the day a year old
Really? Feels like it's only been a week or two.

>> No.6828394

You can't move all the shitty threads out of /b/. That'd just be changing the name of /b/.

>> No.6828399

Old /b/ was mindless but nonetheless it was good. The new /b/ is just unfunny boring crap.

>> No.6828401

I don't like tripfags, but I'm with you on this one, I don't know how can there be boards repetitive as fuck like /adv/ with all the relationship shit all day, and /b/ fucking sucks, but moot still deleted us...

>> No.6828406

That's because /b/ has been split so much. A lot of old /b/ is right here.

>> No.6828416
File: 109 KB, 802x544, enjoy your waifu threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a sticky in /adv/, moot says this post is accurate.


So apparently /b/ is now cleaned up and we can use it as a general/random/misc. board.

okay lol. I'll just wait until my /tv/ ban's over.

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828421

> So apparently /b/ is now cleaned up
Can't see shit, captain.

>> No.6828430


Send him an email then. I'll write a brief one later, if he receives several messages about it he might consider putting it back up and adding new rules or something. I doubt it though.

~ Leonidas

>> No.6828489

yeah, I doubt it too, and I'm too fucking lazy, probably the same as the rest of the robots.
