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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6826677 No.6826677 [Reply] [Original]

>Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions.
Maybe it's time to ask for a /th/ - Touhou board.

>> No.6826679


>> No.6826697


>> No.6826711
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why not?
also, this is now a chen thread

>> No.6826720

I asked for a religion board so /sci/ and other boards aren't covered in that stupid shit.

Why can't touhou be here? Half the threads here are touhou. Redundancy general.

>> No.6826722

Moot's email is moot@4chan.org right?

>> No.6826723
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I'm going to suggest a /jp/ board with moderation

>> No.6826724

>implying /jp/ isn't essentially Touhou
>implying VN threads wouldn't fly under the radar in /a/

>> No.6826729

i'd love to see a separate touhou board, but i don't know if moot would go for it. that's why jp was created, right? because of touhou threads in /a/

>> No.6826738

We need an /idol/ board so we can get rid of those idolfags.

>> No.6826740

If touhou were to have it's own board /jp/ would fall and /th/ wouldn't last. 65% of /jp/ is touhou and the /th/ board would be full of nothing but "post (insert name here)" after a while

>> No.6826752

Hello /a/, please go back to where you are from.

>> No.6826755

/jp/ is fine, we don't need it to be split up.

>> No.6826757

>/r9k/ and /new/ were removed
No wonder /jp/ is so shitty today.

>> No.6826760

There aren't enough fans to warrant a touhou board, I'd think. And even if it was made then there'd basically be a civil war on /jp/ over whether the new board would be a good thing or not. Plus moot said he wasn't going to make any more splinter boards from /a/ iirc, so there's no reason he'd splinter a splinter.

Some potential new boards imo -
Politics (may be a bad idea because it's so divisive)

Maybe split up /an/ to be just Animals, and have a new Nature board? Because I don't see people talking much about geology, weather etc. Then again there may be some conflict over whether something like vulcanology would belong on /sci/ or a nature board more..

>> No.6826761

maybe posters in /sci/ should fucking understand that there are no evangelists on the board, just trolls

and they are only too ready to indulge the trolls, because they love nothing more than starting shitstorms about how much they hate religion and how edgy they are

>> No.6826764

/vn/ so we can finally talk about them.

>> No.6826769
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>religion board
What's wrong with /jp/?

>> No.6826771

Fuck, you're right.

>> No.6826773

>Maybe split up /an/ to be just Animals, and have a new Nature board?

why the hell would moot split /an/

it's the third slowest board on the site already

and /an/ is where science was talked about before /sci/ came along, I see no reason why it should leave, it's nature related

>> No.6826779

we need /Gay/ board

>> No.6826785

I sent him a request for a history board a few days ago.

Given the circumstances, I think I might actually see it once the shitstorm over /new/ being deleted dies down.

>> No.6826791

The only new boards I might like is a /vc/ board for consoles and a /vp/ board for PC gamers. /v/ just goes so fucking fast it's retarded, so splitting the boards up might help get more indepth discussion going without having to worry about the thread 404ing

But it's probably not worth the trouble, so eh

>> No.6826805

>implying /v/ is has vidya threads

>> No.6826808

/ds/ -dinosaurs

>> No.6826809

Rather than split /v/, why not just add /vc/ and /pc/ in addition to it? Most of the trolls and shitposters would probably stay on /v/, and people could actually have discussions about video games on the sub-boards

>> No.6826810


>> No.6826813

/pl/ - Powerlevels
For all posts related to "Would X beat Z if they fought?"

>> No.6826816


There needs to be at least 3 new boards in my opinion:

/loli/-an old board that needs to get revived.BRING BACK /l/!

>> No.6826823 [DELETED] 

/th/ -- Touhou. 2chan has a Touhou board. Maybe too remove all Touhou from /jp/ because most of the time, 70-85% of /jp/-related content is Touhou.

Also, /xx/ -- Doubles & GETs. Just kidding.

>> No.6826818

/soc/ never should have happened

I mean, an entire board for camwhoring?

maybe moot will close it when the first murders happen as a result of a /soc/ get together

>> No.6826820

Oh, /v/ is here too.

>> No.6826826


That's actually not a bad idea... Splitting up things when they get too big really seems to help out.

Imagine if every single Japan-related board was merged, we'd probably be faster than every board but /b/... so, seeing how fast /v/ is and how there is some diversity to be made, splitting it up more could be a boon to its quality.

Divvying it up by console vs pc though is just asking for trouble, I'd split something off that doesn't immediately suggest inter board rivalry. I mean taking after Futaba's example, an easy split would be between games and what they call "net games".. MMOs obviously, but any games played online, could be discussed there. They're kind of a different breed anyway.

>> No.6826829

/tg/ already exist

>> No.6826835

/jp/ - jurassic park

>> No.6826846

so instead of having a lot of topics /jp/ would have no topics!

>> No.6826847

what is moot email?

>> No.6826855


I mean RP as in roleplay i.e I can be Konata if you want me to....that needs a board of it's own.

>> No.6826862


>> No.6826865

I just remembered that /3/ exists

what is that board even for

>> No.6826868



>> No.6826879

fuck no you can do it in /tg/ anyway

>> No.6826884
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>> No.6826887

I think I'm going to ask for a graphic design board.

>> No.6826890
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Using your logic I should be able to post Kuroko on /jp/.

inb4 b@4lyfe

>> No.6826896

>There aren't enough fans to warrant a touhou board
That's what you think. Touhou secondaries are everywhere on the English-speaking internet now. I think it's about time such a board come into being so too 'freshen' up /jp/.

>> No.6826900

I'm suggesting the following:
-A worksafe general discussion board to contain the retarded cross-posted flotsam you see everywhere
-A board to contain the MMO faggotry that frequently engulfs /v/, /jp/, /a/, and a few other boards
-A futa board to get that disgusting shit off /d/
-Economics and Business

I also want /v/ split into a pair of eastern and western video game boards but I can't trust 4chans userbase to not troll the shit out of eachother. (well, the western fans moreso than the eastern ones)

>> No.6826901


It's a cute, quiet little board, kind of like a new /po/... although, I think people haven't really taken advantage of all that can be discussed there and make 3-related topics in g or the artboard instead.

>> No.6826905


>> No.6826913

I'm not sure if one person needs a board to themselves.

It would keep the garbage out though.

>> No.6826921

>get that disgusting shit off /d/
>that disgusting shit
>off /d/

broski, disgusting shit is what that board is for

>> No.6826932


Sounds like a worksafe /b/ you mean... Kind of like a lounge or idle-chat board or something? Not sure how to feel about it other than shitty /b/ would probably come raid it with dicks everyday since that's their mentality.

>> No.6826937

Yes, all of these things. Except for that particular /v/ split. It needs it, but I don't know how. Preferably something that separates mature posters into their own board.

>> No.6826942

tripfag only board
so they suck their own dicks there
also removal trips from other boards

>> No.6826955

I love dicks but they're clogging up /d/ and making it way too fast. Futa is totally mainstream anyway /d/ should be for inflation and girls turning into tables.

>> No.6826958

We need a /city/ or /arch/ board. I know you're out there Gehry fans.

>> No.6826963


Splitting east vs west gaming would double or triple 4chan's daily dosage of aspie / troll rants beyond tolerable levels.

An online gaming board seems plausible to me though. Finally World of Tanks would get a home that isn't /v/, although there would be so much more to it than that... WoW discussion, Xbox Live shit, live Starcraft matches etc, it already sounds like it could be a cool board aside from the WoW discussion.

>> No.6826965

I realise that, but I'm also taking into consideration the new janitors moot's hiring. If well moderated I think a /gen/ would be a fine addition to 4chan.

The board as it stands is 80% futa. Since mods wont perma/ip-range ban the faggot who keeps bumping the contentless futa threads though, the whole place is and shall remain a clusterfuck.

>> No.6826968

>I know you're out there Gehry fans.
Zaha called. Old Frank is a faggot.

>> No.6826969
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We need a /kigu/ or a /jp/.

>> No.6826985

We need another homosexual board because apparently only having 1 isn't enough to contain OP and his homosexuality.

>> No.6826987
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/kid/ - Kigurumi, Idols, and dolls/pvc figurines.

>> No.6826990

I suggested a home/room reno board so you guys can show off your cases of figs and other paraphernalia.

>> No.6826992


Everyone knows Gehry is the future. Zaha needs to go back to the kitchen.

>> No.6826998

/jp/ - japan/general.
キタ--(゚∀゚) - --!

>> No.6827001
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>mfw my thread it's still alive
I was just saying guys, just a recomendation. It's not like we REALLY need a Touhou board, right?.......right?

>> No.6827007

of course not, that's a stupid idea

/jp/ would be incredibly slow with only idol/vn threads

/n/ level slow even

>> No.6827008
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/tg/ here

Pic related

>> No.6827012

>I also want /v/ split into a pair of eastern and western video game boards

No. It'd be nothing but each board trolling the other.

I really think splitting /v/ is out of the question. Leave it there, and add more reasonable sub-boards like /console gaming/ and /pc gaming/, or just add an /online gaming/ board

We do need a /futa/ board. It's actually pretty okay over on /d/ right now if you run over and check, but it gets bad at times with people making separate threads for "blue skinned futa", "tentacles on futa", "ballbusting futa" etc.

Consolidate /w/ and /wg/, the split there serves no real purpose.

/th/ is a good idea, especially considering there's going to be a large influx of touhou posters once the anime hits. VNs and doujin games are enough to keep /jp/ afloat on their own, nevermind all the other particular threads.

/co/ should be split into a comics board and a cartoon board

/vp/ was a bad idea and should be removed. /v/ can deal with a single Pokemon general.

Really though, 90% of the problems people are suggesting new boards in order to fix would be better solved by more effective moderation.

>> No.6827013

I kinda want a star wars board, we could all go by the name of sith lord that, and count that, would be pretty cool.

>> No.6827014

Too bad both can't design sustainable, Earth-friendly structures. I think I'll stick to my chink architects. They know their shit.

>> No.6827016

Series based shit
/zun/ - Touhou
/B3/ - Big three: One Piece, Naruto, Bleach discussion
/tf/ - Team Fortress

/fur/ - Furry
/l/ - Loli
/s/ - Shota
/ss/ Straight shota

other shit
/rp/ - Roleplay
/god/ - Religion
/uni/ - Universe/Space discussion
/pol/ - Politics
/eco/ - Economy
/vid/ - Video

>> No.6827018


>> No.6827021

>Creating sub-board out of the least active boards on 4chan (that is, /jp/)

Maybe you're acting in good faith, but I'd like to inform you this is fucking retarded.

>> No.6827024


Jedi Knight Arcueid.

I like it.

Let's make it HAPEN.

>> No.6827027

>> /tf/
Even as a gigantic TF2 fag, this will only lead to another TF2 chan.

>> No.6827028

rather than a Big Three board, just make a board for shounen in general.

Team Fortress doesn't need a board.

>> No.6827029


>/co/ split into comics and cartoons

This is a good idea actually. That board is basically in a civil war because there are such deep divides between Homestuck/MLP fans etc and dudes there just for the comics.

>> No.6827030

/toku/ for /m/.
/futa/ for /d/.
/th/ for us.

Can't think of anything else.

>> No.6827031

The best suggestion I read from this thread is a /mmo/ board for MMORPGs. That would actually serve a good purpose for the players to get together and discussing stuff.

>> No.6827033

>>6827028 rather than a Big Three board, just make a board for shounen in general.
Demographics, how do they work?

>> No.6827037

/jp/ is already slow.

Splitting Touhou off would make both boards be hideously slow. Also the /th/ board would be 98% imagedumps like /c/ is.

>> No.6827038

Personally I'd like to see a history board,
but it simply can't be done without stormfags invading...

Hmm..maybe some sort of starlet board that would help /tv/ get back to actual discussions and condense /s/ or something..and create like polls or something

>> No.6827041
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are you that buttmad about bleach and one piece being talked about on /a/?

and you know just as well as I do that naruto is never discussed there

besides it would just be bleach fans and one piece fans trolling each other, what's the point

>> No.6827048

Hello there, OP, maybe you're looking for http://www.pooshlmer.com/wakaba/wakaba.html
Please go there and never come back. Thanks.

By the way, I don't think we need any new board... or can't think of any new subject people could discuss. Maybe there should be more text boards, and they should be made more visible or something like that.

>> No.6827050

>/god/ - Religion

This would be the single most trolled board on 4chan bar none.

Do want /vid/ though.

>> No.6827054


>Splitting Touhou off would make both boards be hideously slow.

I can't see what's wrong with that.

>> No.6827063

Yeah, /tv/ is fucking terrible.
I'd like an actual movie board where we could have actual movie discussion, like with some threads on /lit/ or /mu/.

>> No.6827068
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> /uni/ - Universe/Space discussion
This would be its patron saint.

Although, astronomy is already a pretty relevant (and actually, sometimes nicely discussed) part of /sci/.

>> No.6827070

Would you wait 3 hours for someone to answer your question?

>> No.6827071

Are you new? Furries can't handle having a board or they would have had one a long time ago.

>> No.6827073

I'd really appreciate a good /ss/ board

>> No.6827075
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>> No.6827077
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and furthermore it doesn't need to exist

I don't know why people are so hung up on thinking that people genuinely evangelize on 4chan

fuck's sake people, how can you be so dense as to think that such a thing is possible

>> No.6827082

>/pol/ - Politics
It would devolve into /new/ in less than an hour.

>> No.6827084

Anything able to slow down /a/ is a good idea.

I propose /a2/. Or maybe /manga/.

>> No.6827085

Furries already have a board, it's called /vp/.

>> No.6827095

;__; why is it so shitty?
I just want to intelligently discuss a kid's game and swap images and trade and such

>> No.6827096

>a furry board

as though most of the 4chan userbase would tolerate such a thing

>> No.6827097

/troll/! Maybe then the children would finally have a place they can call home while letting everyone else enjoy their boards.
Maybe there should be a /get/ for people who care about post numbers, too. It could even have randomly generated numbers! Wait... no, that would make it way too hard for them, so they wouldn't post there. Oh well.

>> No.6827103 [DELETED] 

/a/ has "DOUBLES GENERAL THREAD" sometimes.

It's incredible but it actually works.

>> No.6827109


Would you like to see my pokemans?

I'm playing HG.

>> No.6827112

"/jp/ would be nothing without us"

>> No.6827115

not sure if sarcasm, but I'd like to hear your team, sure

>> No.6827117

>Maybe there should be a /get/ for people who care about post numbers.

Oh god, I would support this board existence with all my might if it meant getting rid of dub/trips/quads/quintspost ending in x/ on every other board it wouldn't

>> No.6827119

Post numbers would be based on an incredibly complex, shifting formula that the posters must crack.

>> No.6827120

...You know, I could really get behind a Pokemon contingent on /jp/

>> No.6827130

I don't think that it would slow down /a/ really

those mangas usually only get any discussion on Thursdays when they're released

>> No.6827133


Unfortunately you're prolly right about that. Shit, they love doing it on the biggest boards they can, because they want as many people as possible to see their epic gets and autistic attention to numbers. If they're all just showing each other then it'd be like a bunch of straight guidos at a male-only party... showing off to each other a bit but then scattering to go look for women.

>> No.6827134

/Tenshi/ - Tenshi eating condogs.

>> No.6827141

Are people even willing to crack complex code just to be successful at GETs?

>> No.6827144

There is perhaps.. one man who is...

>> No.6827148


lvl 45 AMPHAROS [ Thor ]
lvl 45 MEGANIUM [ Jack Herer ]
lvl 48 HO-OH
lvl 40 TOGETIC

in b4 your team sucks, I'm beating the Elite Four with them so herp a derp derr. I don't have any serious challengers, because, like most of /jp/, I don't know anyone to fight. Yes, the Meganium was my starter at a Chikorita. I'm not going to describe to you the amount of trouble I had with him from the get-go. If I was playing HG again I'd use Cyndaquil, or the Totodile to deal with those pesky rock types.

>> No.6827150

/dd/ - Daily Doses

>> No.6827157
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Speaking of which, that time is coming..

>> No.6827158

Hey, you're actually a pretty cool guy.

>> No.6827160

I never played pokemon past red and blue.

I just absolutely hated all the new pokemon, dunno why.

>> No.6827165

Some email moot for this then i can use a trip with count in it.

>> No.6827172

Nice team Arc. I don't have the patience to even try a run with Chikorita.

>> No.6827178
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They're pretty jarring at first admittedly.

I had to force myself to play Ruby at first, but then they all grew on me.

Especially Zigzagoon, who is adorable.

>> No.6827179



>> No.6827182

nice, I love those two
Gen. 2's starters are my favorite, despite their lack of competitive standing. Totodile will always be one of my all-time favorites.
My current competitive team is:
I don't really have a recent in-game one gen. for fun team right now until B/W comes out

>> No.6827191
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>> No.6827212

So who else think Gen V is surprisingly good after a not so good Gen IV ?
White was quite refreshing and full of new ideas, I must say it was the first time I put so much time into a pokémon game since Silver.

>> No.6827234

Agreed I love gen 2 and 3 the best, but I think gen 5 will soon join them as being the best
Which stater are you picking?

>> No.6827238

Leave /vp/ alone, let the cancer survive there. It's /v/'s homestuck/my little pony.

>> No.6827249
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/jp/ - Just Pokemon

Yea, I didn't like Gen IV at all. Played through Diamond and Platinum only once. I've gone through both Black and White with the fan TL and I'll probably play through each one again when the official version is released.

I've always been fond of Grass types and Gen V brought forward some cute ones, namely Doredia.

>> No.6827271
File: 130 KB, 139x97, Enbuoo Front.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about picking smugleaf but I ended up picking the fire pig since it evolves into fucking Ganon as pictured.
Also, Gen V had an amazing soundtrack, some people who worked on the Mother serie worked on it iirc.
Just listen to that

>> No.6827312

My one gripe about Gen V is that I don't like any of the starters. I've ended up boxing them for alternatives every single time. First generation that I've done this, really.

>> No.6827312,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Maybe it's time to ask for a /th/ - Touhou board.

it's REALLY time now
