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6816122 No.6816122 [Reply] [Original]

So I finally finished reading Umineko 8, both endings. And I personally liked the way the story was wrapped up.

But on another note... let's discuss our expectations and hopes for the next title. Or let's just wonder what animal is going to cry next.

>> No.6816125

Babies will cry. Or maybe my sanity.

>> No.6816129

I hope he does something foreign-themed again. I liked Umineko's reverse-weaboo style.

>> No.6816133

By the way, is Rei confirmed for next Comiket? Is it confirmed at all?

>> No.6816132

The next animal already cried, they were the Umineko readers

>> No.6816141

Nope to both.
R07 just said he wanted to write it, but that was before ep8 came out and half the japanese internet got its butt disintegrated by his in-game commentary.
So who knows.

>> No.6816138

The two points I personally wonder the most about is the setting and the nature of the story.

For the setting... well we've an isolated village and an isolated island, but there's really only so much closed you can pull. And for that matter Higurashi wasn't a true closed circle.

As for the nature of the story... I doubt Ryukishi can get away with any more 'leaving the cat box closed' type of things. I mean it worked for Umineko, but maybe he's going to do an a bit more conventional mystery next time?

>> No.6816146

God, I hope not.
The loose mystery elements alone were horrible, focusing on it? Jesus/

>> No.6816148

>conventional mystery
God I hope so. Maybe he won't try to be overly pretentious and add meta mindfucks, leaving the catbox closed and all that jazz this time. He can't pull it off.

>> No.6816157
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>> No.6816159

So who's the culprit ?

Do witches EXIST ???

>> No.6816171

Whether they do or not...is kinda pointless.
Events are done and over with no matter what

>> No.6816173


Kyrie and Rudolf, to a lesser extent Battler himself.


>> No.6816175

>Whether they do or not...is kinda pointless.

It used to be the point ,remember ?

Yes, "used to".

>> No.6816184


>both endings

Wait, what?

>> No.6816186

episode 8 (the proper part) has two endings, didn't you know? Only one unlock the tea party though, so you can guess which one is what R07 wanted you to choose.

>> No.6816193


spoilers for me,if you would.

>> No.6816195


I still need to read EP6 and EP7. I can't somehow get down to it ...

>> No.6816206

The point of Umineko is all over the place.
He tries to comment on and implement too many fucking things.
I even notice it on most of the fans, they almost always go 'I love THIS which is unlike most other shit included, so it was worth it'.

>> No.6816213


>For the setting... well we've an isolated village and an isolated island, but there's really only so much closed you can pull. And for that matter Higurashi wasn't a true closed circle.

Next story will take place on planet similar to Earth in far away space. It will be called "When Extraterrestrials Cry"
Krauss descendants will be among many characters

>> No.6816222

When the Goats Cry - Eight episodes of R07 laughing at his fans

>> No.6816231

UFO no naku koro ni

>> No.6816238


Well,when you do a mystery you gotta choose how your work would play out.

That is,if you try to avoid all of fan's speculations the work would most likely turn out to be a complete senseless garbage.

>> No.6816241


It doesn't actually get spelled out for you, but it's strongly hinted at. A short part of episode 8 is a game somewhat similiar to what episode 1 to 4 used to be like except you get to choose the culprit yourelf. This game is being presented by Bern.

The awnser is Rudolf, Kyrie and Battler. However that this can't be the real truth is confirmed by the fact that well... Eva dies. But if you combine the way this game went with Episode 7 tea party and a bit at the end of episode 8 where you see Battler running away on a boat you get a pretty solid theory.

That would be that Kyrie and Rudolf killed everyone and asked Battler to join them and prove himself by killing Shannon. But he didn't do it and instead tried to run away with her, while on the surface Eva managed to stop Kyrie and Rudolf and run away to Kuwadorian.

But yeah, tragedy striked and Shannon dies anyway, though I'm not sure in what way. Maybe she drowned herself, maybe she was killed by Kyrie? Anyways Battler's boat turns over and he nearly drowns, but survives and loses his memory.

>> No.6816246


Well in the end I still liked Umineko and I'm not raging at the ending. However I aknowledge it has flaws...

... I wonder just what Ryukishi was trying to accomplish.

>> No.6816269

One theory is that Battler with Shannon's help is the only culprit (remember episode 3 with Eva/Battler showdown, "murders happen because Battler came back", episode 7 tea party would hint at the culprit being related to Ange).
Wouldn't explain why Shannon would think she has sinned enough to deserve that punishment otherwise, if all she did was play dead.

>> No.6816274

Who knows?
Meta/real distinction is too blurry to be a proper 'genre or perspective' story. His shoehorned opinions do not help either.
Love stories are all over the place and you never see most of the real interactions.
It is not a mystery, obviously.
A fantasy that could deal with existential issues 'does it exist matter if you cannot interact/observe' is not focused that much upon and gets ruined with entry level philosophical jargon and pointless 'Witches that voyage and create universes left and right' that do not have great effect in the story.
The only single consistent point in both meta/real is 'truth hurts, and would you rather accept it and deal with it, or find a way around', but the arguments used are debate class college 1st lesson bullshit. Which is drowned by everything shown above.

Doing 8 episodes also meant TOO MUCH fucking content. There are too many things that feel pointless or repeated.

>> No.6816290

Otaku no naku koro ni.
It's about a policeman who is a bit of an otaku and is trying to solve the murder cases of major artists on Comiket.

>> No.6816294

I dunno about you but Event Horizon or something similar would make a scary setting.

>> No.6816306

Oh, the rage would be off the charts.

>> No.6816322

And then it ends up they were not dead, just dolls tha tlooked dead while the artisst have launched in space and laughed all along watching from cameras.
Meanwhile, the cop would interact with buyers and fans, and the theme would be 'without trust between fans/creator, the work has no point' which in itself would have no real point in the actual story. And for the fantasy element, the characters of teh artisst would pop up in life, sharing seemingly traits with their creators, but end up the Cop's delusions only.

There, I just saved you time from reading it if he ever writes it

>> No.6816324


So it's still all the blurry shit till the end then ?

Someone just tried too hard to do "super-mystery".

>> No.6816326


>> No.6817444

Let me guess, Ryukishi is using them as human sacrifices to try and and reanimate BT's corpse.

>> No.6817452


>> No.6817464




>> No.6817491

I hope some meta Umineko character shows up in the next When They Cry series.

Just to screw with everyone's heads.

>> No.6817496

In february I'll go through 1-8 again and try to extract all the "hidden" messages hidden in all the metafuck.
I'm pretty sure 1-7 includes all events of 8, encoded as metafuck-events. My theory is that the "real" murder case is also included, but I'm not sure if I'll get some results.

Although >>6816241 gave a nice idea, it's yet not clear if Yasu drowned herself and if Battler really was a culprit himself.

But I do think that anyone who read up to 8 and is being able to analyze metaphorical thinking, is also able to "extract" the true events out of all the meta bullshit.

The analysis will also include the roles of all meta-characters.

>> No.6817529



upon being slaughered. A mystery series about the illegal actions of ultra-nationalist whale hunters and their cover-up actions, like declaring whale hunts to be "scientific researches".

Many mystery suspense uprises as fishing company executives turn out dead, crushed as if it was done by a whale's weight - on dry land. Of course - in a closed room.


>> No.6817619

When the goats cry. The entire series is about making fun of the people reading it. R07 will of course monitor the fanbase as usual to see how best to insult the current readership in the next installment.

>> No.6817641

"Anon no Naku Koro Ni"

"Ryukishi no Naku Koro ni"
because after Umineko nobody wants to buy his works anymoar ;(

>> No.6817704


>> No.6817725
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When the readers cry

Miyoko is an avid reader and gets a copy of "Goat after the Mistery". Things happens when she finds out the writer is a delusional miko god who lost his gay lover and starts exploding the brains of everyone who reads his last works.
Is a conspiracy for kill humanity? A real curse? Who cares you don't have love

>> No.6817727

Battler isn't the culprit at all, there's no proof of that. The game in which he's a culprit in episode 8 is not at all related to the related to any real truth. It was just Bern playing around with a gameboard of her own design to challenge Battler, and torment Ange, who she kidnapped and had watch it.

Anyone who says he's the culprit based on that is seriously misunderstanding things.

>> No.6817847
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It's still unclear, but I'll find the truth!!

>> No.6817887

>Headcrabs no naku koro ni.
Somebody killed Wallace Breen. Citadel exploded, so its catbox.

>> No.6817889

No mystery here, it's just Gordon trying to remember what happened in his youth. And G-Man is Alyx.

>> No.6817892

Ange killing Amakusa and the boat captain followed by Erika's <good> is the true end of Umineko.

>> No.6817902

We saw Alyx and G-man in ep2, so they are different persons. Gman is obviously Mossman! Have you ever seen her and Garry-man in one place?

>> No.6817925

Episode 2 was fictional and thus doesn't count. The G-man is Alyx's alternate personality. She put Gordon through the events in the two games to make him remember his childhood promise.

>> No.6817941

I haven't even thought about it!
Gordon put everything he needs to remember in Borealis, because, as it was said in Inception, mind puts all precious things in safe places, right?

And then, I understood.

>> No.6817947

From the spoilers I've read of EP8, I don't think I'm going to hate it. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.6817957

No. Don't listen to /jp/ or /a/, they talk shit about stuff they don't understand. They feel dumb and hate it.

>> No.6817964

Yknow, it's a real shame that there's 0 good hentai of Umineko that isn't of Shannon or Jessica. Even Higurashi had some gems for Takano.

>> No.6817974

well, from now on they could do some nice ones about Touya and Kiko. would love to read something like that

>> No.6818153

I'm even fine with Shannon and Jessica, as long as it isn't Battler getting ass-raped by everyone and their mother.
That said, there's too little Umineko hentai scanned and it's making me sad.

>> No.6818167
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Fun with Mackerel-sama was a real treat. Pretty much the only treat for Virgiliafags such as myself... that I know of, anyways...

>> No.6818172

I'm sad there isn't a single Rosa, Kyrie, or Eva (MILF mode) doujinshi.

>> No.6818453

>Eva (MILF mode)

Is there EVA ones? not counting the short showing at colony.

>> No.6818476

Eh, that's one one I was thinking of. At least there's a Natsuhi one... I think its done by Crea-holic, too. He does all the good Umineko doujinshi.

He came out with a wedding-dress ErikaXBattlerXLucifer one that looks pretty good, but it won't ever get scanned.

>> No.6818529

Speaking of which, are there any other doujins with Lucifer?

>> No.6818559

Minna no Naku Koro Ni

Imagine Higurashi and Umineko with all of the scary parts replaced with sad parts.

>> No.6818574

I heard that the next one was supposed to be set 'somewhere cold'. The only source I have on that is someone here saying it though, so as always, take it with a pinch of salt.

>> No.6818581
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What was the deal with Episode 8's Tea Party? Bern/Lambda died before that, but then they reappeared?

Also, when does it say the Lambda was turned into a cake/Bern into a cat, or was that just someone trolling?

>> No.6818596

Pengi no naku koro ni. Set in a Soviet Antarctic base. The scientists there try to drill into Lake Vostok despite a tale saying that doing so will unleash a demon that is bound within its depths. I wonder what justification there will be to include teenagers and lolis in that setting.

>> No.6818603


The demons will be teenagers and lolis.

>> No.6818606

If it's set in a cold place, I wouldn't be surprised if the characters were disaster victims. Sort of like Remember11.

>> No.6818605

Bern and Lambda never died.

And it was a dumb troll or people jumping on fake spoilers.

>> No.6818616
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I don't get why R07 needed to get up on his high horse about the "whydunnit" of crimes. I think it was pretty easy to understand that importance in Higurashi, what with Takano's miserable background.

>> No.6818632

It'll be the most tear inducing game EVER

>> No.6818656

Bitch tears everywhere.

>> No.6818737




>> No.6818774

Don't talk like you know anything, if you actually don't.

Bernkastel's representation in the real world is a cat. Kiko's cat, to be exact. (Kiko = Featherine's rl name)
It is hinted that Lambda might really be a little girl in the real world, she talked about going to school the next day.

>> No.6818779

Lambda's weapon of choice is candy bomb magic. I'd actually kill to have shit like that in my D&D based games.

We know this because she teamed up with ANGE and BATTLER and fought with Bernkastel in their stead. Bernkastel mostly fought by using her kitties. Obviously, candy magic is far superior than that and Lamda seemed to have the upper hand. She was kind of disintegrated at one point and just a candy of her self was left. Bern talked lesbian stuff like "I LUV YA" and tried to eat her. At that point Lambda turned back and continued with candy bombardemeant. Successful trolling.

Then, AuAu appeared and ruined the fun. Lamda "died", killed by uber-h4x Featherine, who seems to know how to cast time stop.

Battler continued to battle Bernkastel. But then Erika appeared and informed everyone that the Ushiromiya based was taken (golden land), and it was useless. Battler gave no shit about that part and let Bern pierce him. Battler basically told Ange to not give a shit about all of this and be mad as she like. She catches his point somehow and decides to be an overpowered witch herself too. Then she revives everyone dead and they kind of overwhelm Bern.
I'm not sure if she was permanently turned into a cat at that point.

Oh, and Lamda is also revived later. Did anyone really think that she would stay dead?

Oh yes, Bern pissed her pants most of the time, because she was damn angst because of "Lamda's friends" and the chance that they would come to Lamda's help and fuck up the place. This is obviously a hint torwards higurashi again. You know what I talk about, if you saw/read it.

>> No.6818812

Oh, during the credits (when Lamda reappeared), Bern was no permacat too. "Everything fine, best friends forever and .... where do we raid next?" But they said stuff like going into opposite directions this time. (don't take that part serious)

>> No.6818985

shit, i posted this too late. no one cares anymore.

>> No.6819010

I care Anonymous.

>> No.6819046

I care. ;_;

So what's this about Lambda being a little girl?

>> No.6819051

thanks, now it's not pointless

>> No.6819103

It's just a hint. The real world doesn't matter much at the point this is mentioned. It might also be nothing at all, and just a rant of the moment. If I remember correctly, Lambda ranted about how dangerous this whole shit they were doing was (they were raiding the enemy base, the capital of the library, a magical library world). I think she was scared of Featherine at the moment and ranted about a save place she wished to be at the moment. Could be wrong about that too, I didn't pay much attention to the line when I read it.

>> No.6819114

>implies he knows better
>mentions kiko = featherine rl name
> ahahaha.wav

Kiko? yeah right.

>> No.6819161

You better have read episode 8 for this, I warned you: Both Ange and someone else are mad and spawn magical characters as they please, using real world figures as physical role models as they like. Hachijou Kiko is the woman whose appearance is used for Featherine. She works under the name Hachijou Touya, but that is only half of the truth. Ok, here comes the important part you may want to leave out. Hachijou Touya are 2 people, Kiko (on the side) and .... Battler, or better, what's left of him. ANYWAY, my statement Featherine = Kiko is correct. Featherine's role does not equal Hachijou Touya's. In fact, Featherine most likely shares the fate of other witches in the series, they (most likely) represent certain features of the human thinking, of a "certain person".

>> No.6819177

It is Ikuko FFS, not Kiko.
Also, Ange has nothing to do with the whole fiction/bottle messages deal. Only Touya Battler was behind that, with Ikuko writing what was in his mind.

>> No.6819212

Please provide me a screenshot where the name is written with kana. if you can't, please check this

I searched around the scene where her name was first mentioned, and I was quite frustrated that I found no answer to this. Since you obviously know more, I'd like to ask you to show me the answer to this.

Ange has to do with it, because Ange decides how some of the fictional characters look like. Every metafuck outside the gameboard is HER part of the story (ok, maybe except the black ending). She added the face of Ikuko/Kiko to Featherine's face.

>> No.6819329

or just tell me if you have seen it in the game. I'll search for myself again.

>> No.6819477

Ok, the japanese wikipedia goes with hachijou ikuko. I suppose they have a reason for this, although there is no discussion to check that. I guess I'll search the game again later. For now, I'll go with Ikuko.

>> No.6819516

You are a bunch of weeaboo dickriders and should go die. You guys are from America yet support the Japanese culture and buy Japanese products. You chinklovers sicken me. You should be here helping our great country. Instead, you decide to make the Wapanese culture yours instead of your own. You need to die for this. Our country could do better, much much better, if we had less people like yourself.
tl;dr read it The Game

>> No.6819529

How is the translation for EP8 coming along for the witch hunt boys?
Oh and does umineko really end with this one? really?

>> No.6819565

About the patch, expect a considerable amount of time. I have no idea how they'll try to translate the riddles.

>Oh and does umineko really end with this one? really?
In which world? In the human, real world it's over.
But besides that ...
