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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6816752 No.6816752 [Reply] [Original]


>TOKYO (AFP) – Young Japanese men are losing interest in sex, according to a study commissioned by the government, in a further warning sign for a nation notorious for its low birth rate, a doctor said Friday.
The survey also found that more than 40 percent of married people said they have not had sex in the past month, said Kunio Kitamura, head of the clinic of the Japan Family Planning Association, who took part in the survey.
"This is directly linked with falling birth rate. Policy actions are necessary," Kitamura told AFP.
The data confirmed a wider social belief that younger men are becoming "herbivorous", a label attached to passive men who do not actively seek women and sex.
The latest biennial survey found that 36.1 percent of Japanese males between the ages of 16-19 said they had no interest or even despised sex, a jump from 17.5 percent in the 2008 study.

>> No.6816756

keikaku doori

>> No.6816762

If this is true, the problem are not the men, but the women. I really must ask what about them has changed in the recent years to make men not desire them?

>> No.6816766


>> No.6816765

Welcome to years ago.

>> No.6816770

So, in a few years every second Japanese male will be one of us?

>> No.6816771

Pretty sure it's the men, or maybe both. Sexually active men will fuck anything, it's really hard for a woman to make a man not want to fuck her. She'd have to be really fucking ugly, because personality just makes it so the man doesn't want to hang around for more than a fuck.

>> No.6816769

Sup /a/. Nice repost you have here.

>> No.6816778

Internet provides enough masturbatory content for me to ignore women.

>> No.6816783
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I'll go impregnate some Japanese babes for them

>> No.6816787

The mark of a truly enlightened society.

>> No.6816790

Soon the Japanese will become completely asexual. Their genitals will fall off, and they will look like androgynous pop idols. No longer able to reproduce, they will use their advanced technology to prolong their lifespans indefinitely in order to preserve their race.

>> No.6816813


I wouldn't mind being without penis and "androgynous" if there were means of procreation between people and if it would bring high sensitivity and glorious pleasure between legs.

>> No.6816826

Lack of interest in sex = State of enlightenment

>> No.6816828

So basically you just want to have a vagina without a womb and let someone else breed like a rabbit in some sort of baby farm

>> No.6816832

Baby factories and wombless vaginas are the future.

>> No.6816838

Nah, instead of being androgynous they'll all choose to look like little girls. Then a plastic surgeon will discover a technique by which tentacles can be grafted onto humans (not too farfetched, there's actually a rather obsolete medical procedure that modifies hand stumps into horrific bone claws, to help people who have lost their hands before the advent of prosthetics.) and we'll become the Arume.

>> No.6816843

Fucking Tleilaxu scum.

>> No.6816845

Instrumentality soon fellow stalkers.

>> No.6816852

That's why Muad'Dib put them on a leash.

>> No.6816864


>So basically you just want to have a vagina without a womb and let someone else breed like a rabbit in some sort of baby farm

More like there will be one "gender" with sexual organ not necessary being "hole", but rather being receptive to sexual contact with others. Since there would be one gender, the one who can/will get pregnant may be completely random. I can't come up with more details now. Use your imagination

>> No.6816875
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>the one who can/will get pregnant may be completely random

No, fuck this. The mother will be decided the way flatworms do it, via penis fencing.

>> No.6816879
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>impregnate babies

Get out.

>> No.6816878


>> No.6816884

>No, fuck this. The mother will be decided the way flatworms do it, via penis fencing.

You are just saying it because you are so used to it. I, for one would welcome it and love it

>> No.6816886


Just going by sites like pixiv look at all the drawings they are all of women, the interest is obviously there but they are not acting on it. My theory is bitches and whores.

>> No.6816891

This is what happens when it becomes possible to stimulate yourself better than can be achieved through actual sex. Which Japanese men around our age are getting quite good at, I have on good authority.

Although Japanese women are also not helping with this issue, they are unbelievable gold diggers because they have an unequal presence in society aka it's tougher to be successful and independent as a woman there and so they want to marry a rich salaryman (and fuck a ton of guys before they settle down in the process).

>> No.6816892

Intercourse will happen through handshakes. The one with the firmest handshake of the two will be the father.

>> No.6816893

>– Young Japanese men are losing interest in sex

Japan isn't as full as normalfags as the west.

>> No.6816894

>they are unbelievable gold diggers
And all women aren't?
God damn it.

>> No.6816896

It's a shama I'm not born in Japan.

>> No.6816905

>men are losing interest in sex
>Let's start calling them names and making fun of them!

I wonder if women realize they're also to blame for men's growing lack of interest in sex? Notice how women rarely ever step back and think, "Hey this might be my fault too?"

>> No.6816910


The end of the human race is coming and I can even smile by the thoughts of it.

>> No.6816920

What? That's how we're going out? Hell no, I want my 2012 Apocalypse with asteroids, torrential rains, tidal waves....I want to see the ground give way and watch you all go down.

>> No.6816925

>females became more aggressive and eventually stopped reproducing
>males began to engage in solitary acts and lost interest in sex


>> No.6816929

Sounds nice

>> No.6816933


In Japan women are bystanders in the sexual realm. It's silly to imply that they could play any active part in this. And as you can see from the poll, Japanese men are already intimidated enough when it comes to sex.

>> No.6816946

Refusing to make a bad investment does not equal "intimidated".

>> No.6816954

Bitches and whores.
I can fully understand Japanese men in this regard and support their decisions.

>> No.6816960
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Please, get this beta trash out of /jp/.
Your thread has been reported, and your threads filtered.

>> No.6816965
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>The end of the human race

Not even close.

With any luck the civilized world will finally reject all this 'progressive' bullshit that tries to force feed people the idea that gender is some sort of social construct and re-brands sexual promiscuity as a magical and joyous exploration of womanhood.

As for women being gold-diggers, that's to be expected in some capacity. We live in an era wherein money becomes power, status, security and all of the other things women are biologically inclined to look for in a mate. Still, the idea that you fall in love with someone and start a family with financial security being enough seems to be long dead, and the desire for financial security has been replaced with a desire for utter opulence.

The explosion in divorce rates along with the constant and increasing encouragement from people who are seen as social arbiters in the first world to opt for divorce the moment people feel a fucking twinge of unhappiness and the availability of effective birth control have created huge problems as well. Women can just wait until their thirties to get married and basically hedge their bets with as many different guys as she's able to snare with the siren's song that is the vagina.

First world societies have yet to figure out how to deal with this kind of shit, but they'd better figure out quick, or the mudslimes are going to win by attrition.

>> No.6816976

I'm telling you dumbfucks, baby factories are the future. People don't want to deal with that shit personally anymore when they become more prosperous and successful. You either turn your society into poverty stricken shithole or you start making baby factories.

>> No.6816987

With gold-digging, I think a distinction has to be made between two kinds of behaviors.

-Women seeking out a man with a stable income and bright future when looking for a husband, in other to feel a sense of security.
-Women who use every tool at their disposal to manipulate men into granting them material luxuries, without offering anything of substance in return.

The latter is utterly atrocious no matter how you look at it. The former is quite understandable from a biological perspective, and actually works quite well in societies that maintains gender roles.

>> No.6817003

To the first one, you need to point out that it only works if both parties are pulling their weight.

>> No.6817005

A decreased population is good, this planet is being too overcrowded. Fap, force yourself gay, get a vasectomy, just don't have a babby.

We are going to die out at the rate this world is growing.

>> No.6817008

I hope the moon will crash into Earth

>> No.6817010

Clearly there have been no events around 2008 that might have affected peoples ability to pay for kids. Bitches and whores.

Considering the traditional Japanese view on love, this is not surprising in the least.

>> No.6817011


The planet has plenty of area.

It's just that people don't want to move from where they are, leading to overcrowded single zones like Tokyo and New York.

>> No.6817017

Overpopulation will never kill humanity. It will probably make life worse for individuals though, but it will only make everything better for the species as a whole. Miserable people living overcrowded lives in megacities is a lot cooler than happy people living on wide open farms.

>> No.6817018



>> No.6817022

It's not so much about area as it is about carrying capaci-

>It's just that people don't want to move from where they are
Oh, I see, you're an idiot.

>> No.6817023

literally a child

>> No.6817021


You know, the study quite specifically said that Japanese women are also uninterested in sex. In fact, they're even MORE uninterested than their men are
>Compounding the issue was data that showed 59 percent of girls in the same age group felt the same way, up 12 percentage points from 2008.

Is it so much to ask for you to try to keep your misogyny in check long enough to finish a two minute long read of an article?

>> No.6817032


>It's not so much about area as it is about carrying capaci-

There's plenty of that, too. Canada's wide open. France and Germany, too.

>Oh, I see, you're an idiot.

Because I don't care about being anchored to a place even if it's detrimental?

>> No.6817041

You're fucking retarded if you seriously think humans are going to die out.

>> No.6817053
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>Canada's wide open.
Yes, and most of it incapable of sustaining agriculture

Even if it were, converting the entirety of the planet that we aren't playing out our sedentary lifestyle in into farmland makes for a well provided but horribly bleak future, but that's a personal note.

>Because I don't care about being anchored to a place even if it's detrimental?
No, because you don't realize that cities arent crowded because people don't leave, but because people historically keep coming in.

>> No.6817069

>The trend has been largely blamed on a widespread belief, especially in rural Japan, that women who give birth should quit their jobs, amid shortages of childcare centres and other systemic factors.
little do they understand how most of them just found 2D more attractive.

>> No.6817180
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Wasn't there a bunch of shit a few months ago about how Japanese women didn't want to work?

Either way, women working anywhere near full time with kids at home is fucking retarded. Children need their god damn parents. The way society has degraded the stay at home mother and made it seem like some horrid torturous life of patriarchal servitude is fucking unforgivable. The worst part is that they somehow managed to make wage slavery seem like the bright and shining alternative.

As someone who grew up in a family where both parents worked full time, I can attest to the magnificent failure of our family unit, and what happens to kids left totally unsupervised between the hours of 8AM and 6PM.

>> No.6817184

This is something everyone already knew

>> No.6817187

It's evolution. Men has enough of it's kind on Earth already.

>> No.6817624

I was a kid who grew up while babysitted by a TV, so I completely agree with you, bro!

>> No.6817639

A good read that partly explains this and other stuff that's affecting the modern society:


Captcha: jitter whoredoms

The irony!

>> No.6817675

japanese men watch too much cartoons thats why.

>> No.6817777

Though you must pay every cost for date. there is a reason why Japanese man don't want to date.

>> No.6817906

> pursue alpha males until the age of 34-36 when her desirability drops precipitously and not even beta males she used to reject are interested in her.

Truly how they're acting when reaching this age.
Even the 'low-beta-male' seems to be acceptable from this point, which is funny.

>> No.6818259
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While there are some interesting points scattered throughout that article, I have a very difficult time taking anything seriously that asserts the existence of an alpha/beta dynamic in humans.

>> No.6818317

i am interested to know what kind of "policy action" kitamura would propose to correct this. maybe japan will mandate that women put out.

>> No.6818387
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>begin reading this
>"This is pretty interesting"
>sexist shit


Anyway guys, it's not like women are dominant animals, seeking the nearest bag of money and controllable baboon. They have likes and dislikes and hobbies like us; a nice femanon on /r9k/ theorized that the lack of women on 4chan was because of cultural reasons, that women are supposed to be less independent than men.
However, there are shitty women, just like there's shitty men. Gold diggers and sluts are comparative to dumbfucks and jerks.

>> No.6818430

Cultural expectations have created the abysmal women we encounter today. Get told all your life that your only worth is your looks and that's what happens. I disagree that this is why the birth rate is declining though. The alpha/beta stuff is laughable at best, too.

>> No.6818442

>sexist shit
While the article as a whole is rather biased, the individual points it raises are not without grounds. Hundreds of years ago it was the woman who paid when entering a marriage in the form of a dowry, but today the man shoulders costs that the woman decides on. The laws mentioned are rather shifty: monetary compensation without proof of wrongdoing? I can understand compensation if abuse or limitation is proven, or for child support, but a no-fault severance - basically "I don't have a reason" - should not result in payment to or from either party. And the special treatment of support payment is questionable; why should it be treated different than a debt or contractual annual payment? So while the application of information is overzealous, some of that information shows an alarming disparity.

>> No.6818487
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I don't mean to insult you but you should tone down the intelligence of your speech a little, it's a bad practice to pump out large words instead of writing simple sentences.

Anyway, you should look into men's rights. It's actually a sister movement to feminism.

>> No.6818797


You're out of your mind if you think women are beaten over the head with the idea that looks are their only asset. We live in the era of "empowered women" who are told that if they're anything other than a doctor, lawyer, or a CEO that they're worthless do-nothings who are stuck in an endless cycle of subservience to the patriarchy.

>> No.6818804

Thank you for the entertaining read.

>> No.6819183

>blah blah blah 2020 VR tech
>As single men arrive home from work on Friday evening, they will simply default into their VR immersion, giving a whole new meaning to the concept of 'beta testing'. These sequestered men will be conspicuously absent from the bars and nightclubs that were the former venues of expenditure and frustration, causing many establishments to go out of business. The brains of these men will warp to the extent that they can no longer muster any libido for the majority of real women.
We're all far-thinking visionaries, apparently. Shall we add tiny future pauldrons to the /jp/ uniform?

>> No.6819192
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>> No.6819200
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Reported. Please, don't try to troll or insult anyone here. This is coming from someone who has been on /jp/ for years, literally.

I think that as long as his words and sentences are clear and comprehensible, you have no reason to flame him about it vocabulary.

>> No.6819205

It's time /jp/, lets go to japan and teach them how to love again. Just like Will Smith in "Hitch".

>> No.6819530

The Best Poem Ever Written
By Pump

I write in haiku
Japan's style of poems
Because it is best

All you Westerners
Think sonnets are amazing
You are all gaijins

Your minds numbed by sports
You can't even comprehend
The genius of it

Glorious Nippon
All my life I've always known
That I belong there

But I am stuck here
With your pitiful excuse
Of musical taste

One day hopefully
I can reside in Japan
With all great vidcons
