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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 640x480, ashely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6816023 No.6816023 [Reply] [Original]

New version is out.

Pass is "vh", as always.

Updates to zombie town and zombie rape has been added. Might have more changes, but I need to explore more.

>> No.6816060
File: 73 KB, 640x480, erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes ask myself why I play this grimdark game when I'm such a softie at heart. Some kind of masochism?

Is her full name Erika Runeroute or something?

>> No.6816078

There is nothing grimdark about VH.

>> No.6816108
File: 150 KB, 902x677, 1290614114151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape, unwanted pregnancy, murders, abominations, ripping out uterus with bare hands, slavery, etc.

>> No.6816109
File: 235 KB, 758x742, 1280559376654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816111

Most accurate video game depiction of the middle ages yet.

>> No.6816130
File: 5 KB, 130x188, npc011-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Also the loli's name is Serena Brilliante. Some kinda Bard or something. She's apparently rich and she uses nothing but legendary equips.

>> No.6816137
File: 47 KB, 640x480, rapedloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you use a commoner's equipment when you can afford better?

>> No.6816144

does anyone have a newer version with the partial translation patched in? apparently the tools to do it exist but the fags at hongfire aren't doing it for whatever reason. the most recent one I have is from december 5th.

>> No.6816161

even with all the gang rape the only part of the game that took me back a little was nanako apologizing when she abandons her rape babies in the forest like a female nigger.

>> No.6816163

All of this happens in real life. Perfectly normal.
Also, rape is fun for everyone.

>> No.6816180

I JUST finished fapping too.

God daaaaaaaaamn it

>> No.6816278
File: 77 KB, 640x480, nanakoisnoble2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6816284

how do you play if it's all in moonrunes?

>> No.6816289

I demand a translation
He knows the moonspeak, silly.

>> No.6816301
File: 80 KB, 640x480, nanakoisnoble3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanako: You were lonely, right? If you are fine with me, then-
Rabatt(?): (This is the first time... I have seen someone this warm...)

>> No.6816323
File: 39 KB, 450x268, 1276063861902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, there's enough people on /jp/ who can read the moonrunes to actually make threads about a game completely in moonrunes.

>mine visage

>> No.6816335


>go to /jp/ for the first time because i was curious whats going on here
>see a thread full of people understanding this *moonrunes* (lawl)
>go back to /v/ ...

>> No.6816342

is there any translation patch for this game?

>> No.6816568

Yes and no.

Just use text hooker in the meanwhile. This game isn't gonna see completion in a long, long time.

>> No.6816589

I just extracted the file and I got a ton of errors. Did this happen to anyone else?

>> No.6816599
File: 156 KB, 550x512, just no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, like you, am too lazy to patch it to english myself.
or to use the old english patch.

>> No.6816642

There is a translated VH but this is a older version of the game.

>> No.6819365

I am bumping this.

>> No.6819564

Why won't they finish the Rin series of quests already? They seem to do some stuff in one town, then add something to another town, and so on, and never finish up one town completely.

>> No.6820029

Rin's quests are already finished. You can even have your happy end with her if she is futa.

Or did you mean the other women's quests?

>> No.6820059

We need to set up a donation system so someone can be hired to translate this game.

>> No.6820079

We have been over this a hundred of times already. No translation effort is worth doing due to the daunting task of placing the text all over the place, besides the many changes it has taken in a month alone.

Hell, they are adding ANOTHER questline in onsen town, which is still incomplete.

Otherwise, I would have done this myself.

>> No.6820107

I love having her raped by the minotaurs west of the witch's house until they make her pregnant. The look of sheer terror on her face when she wakes up screaming to the realization that they've made her pregnant after that is beautiful.

>> No.6820129

Are there any lesbian scenes yet?

>> No.6820135

Reading things like this are the things that inspire me to dedicate my days of being a NEET to learning how to read moonrunes.

>> No.6820136

Which way is zombie town? Out the west exit somewhere?

>> No.6820160
File: 26 KB, 640x480, uso desho iya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the scene. She's saying, 'it can't ... be true ... no!'

I think she bore 5 minotaur children I just couldn't get enough of watching her break.

>> No.6820179

So fucked up but so delicious all at the same time.

>> No.6820225

so anyone wih link for translatted version?

>> No.6820231

counts as education and training

>> No.6820242

You're an idiot.

>> No.6820319

even though new text is constantly being added the old text stays mostly the same. would it be that hard to copy the old translation to the new releases while slowly updating the translation? even if it was only a few more words a month that would be better than what we're stuck with.

>> No.6820361

The guy who made the translation patch tool (not the translation itself) got pissy because people were giving people links to the patched versions of the game. His excuse was he didn't want the game creators to hate us more than they already do, which makes no goddamn sense at all. Now he's going to make the tool not work with VH anymore

>> No.6820374

Yeah I don't see what would be so hard about updating the translation every month or so. Then again I don't know anything about translating or game software so maybe it can't be done that way

>> No.6820389

I would play using the AGTH but it butchers the dialogue so much it kills my boner.

>> No.6820402

can't everyone just tell him to fuck himself? it's not like he can take away the program if people already have it.

>> No.6820407

I don't think anybody actually has it, only him.

>> No.6820450

Rin's quests are incomplete. When you finish the murderer quest, she isn't in her office anymore. Apparently, she gets taken away somewhere, and that place is not accessible.

>> No.6820665

That's a bug. Still unfixed, if you just did the quest, that is.

>> No.6820675

hey how do i play this game? i don't get the requirement

>> No.6820693


you need to be running your computer in japanese unicode and a japanese installation of RPG maker

>> No.6820706

... after some while reading the "translated" version, I have to say it is a bit shoddily done. I really don't think the people behind this know what they are doing.

I suspect google translate in this motherfucker.

>> No.6820768

anyone got link where i can download RPG maker??
i wanna play this

>> No.6820797


>> No.6820818

I played it with AGTH for a while. Even with the trans it's still tough to figure out what the hell you do to make things happen. Like the beach town--you can change into a swimsuit and be peeped on, but I didn't figure out anything other than that.

>> No.6820826

yeah, no.
i run vista x64 and it says my os is not supported (so I can't install rpgmaker from that link) :/ and the jap rpt link is removed

>> No.6820892

Do the obvious and install it with compatibility to WinXp/Win2k. I installed it on Vista not two weeks ago.

>> No.6820966

New version is out.

Still, I feel that we are going somewhere with this.

Pass is "vh"

>> No.6820980

It's done in a light hearted tone. By your standard DBZ would be grimdark since it involves murder, genocide and ethnic violence.

>> No.6821005
File: 28 KB, 400x306, he-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the japanese had DBZ, latinos had Saint Saiya, people in USA had fucking pussy ass He-Man telling them about the value of honesty.

Because blowing people's bodies apart and sucking the life out of someone withh an oversized needle are more hardcore than pink lasers that never harm anybody.

>> No.6821031

I have a revision from last month with the translation so someone else must have it, unless the guy made it and then got buttmad about it later

>> No.6821135

Wait what? You can make this girl BREAK, I got her raped by goblins till she died from it. Dunno about other stuff but that's pretty dark.

>> No.6822056

Anyone have the Japanese version of RPG Maker? The file on Hongfire was taken down.

>> No.6822067


>> No.6822077

Does it matter which version of the Japanese RPG Maker I download, or can I just go ahead and download VX?

>> No.6822112


I'm also wondering this, I don't see "2000" anywhere.

>> No.6822138


>> No.6822142

I think you can download Japanese rpgmaker 2000 from the Japanese rpgmaker site...

>> No.6822278

You don't need RPG Maker to play this game. You need the RTP which is basically a big set of sprites and graphics.

>> No.6822492

they add in sex/rape sprites for all the other recruitable females yet?

>> No.6822515

The sprites are there, but they have not been implemented.

>> No.6822520

Fuck. I want to be the little girl.

>> No.6822540

don't we all anon, don't we all

>> No.6822768

There IS a way to translate the game, though it's incredibly choppy and I don't recommend it. It basically reads every line of text as it appears, translates it through a site like google or babelfish, and then spits the chopped-up remains back out. At best it makes things barely comprehensible, at worst, even less comprehensible.

Sad, considering I really can't get off on something if it isn't translated.

>> No.6822815


>> No.6823480

We already know that

>> No.6824037
File: 93 KB, 672x527, error message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I've followed the step needed for installation but for some reason I keep getting this message. Anyone know a way around it?

>> No.6824089

Rename your folders.

>> No.6824196

where is this zombie town and where do I find the blue chick in op

>> No.6824231

Reach level 20 to get the quest. It is given to you automatically, then follow the guy to the forest to the east of Onsen twon.

Zombie town can be reached by talking to the wyvern. Still not complete.

>> No.6824235

Rename them to what exactly? Anything?

>> No.6824254

wheres the wyvren

>> No.6824258

Anything that doesn't have gibberish.

Guild in onsen town.the

>> No.6824288

Cool, that did it. Thanks!

>> No.6824317

>downloaded rpgmaker 2000 from here
>installed it in w7 using xp mode
>downloaded game from here

Running "RPG_RT" gives me a "rpgmaker 2000 runtime package has not been set up" error in Japanese and trying to run rpgmaker 2000 gives me a "RPG Maker 2000 Error: Install English RTP".

What do I do now?

>> No.6824328

Did you install the english RTP? Both cases say you haven't.

>> No.6824346

Well, got it running. Had to look through /rs/.

Didn't know what I was doing at first since they have Japanese and English RTP's.

>> No.6824385


Mind posting the link? Can't seem to find it

>> No.6824398


>> No.6824446

any quick way to get to lv20

>> No.6824478

Has anyone updated the wiki?

>> No.6824659

In debug mode, take the stairs near the pot in onsen town. From there, one of the stairs takes you to a room with some people and a goblin. The "gold" item decreases your level, the "meat" item raises it by one.

>> No.6824680
File: 28 KB, 639x478, blueblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the other main characters seem more interesting than Nanako. I'd just rather use them instead, but is there any way to pass a day what with the innkeeper AWOL?

>> No.6824736

what guy

>> No.6824775

Apparently Rin leaves town after the murder quest, which explains why the maid is crying.

Does anybody know what to do after this? I am kinda lost.

>> No.6824786

Guess what, motherfuckers? ANOTHER update, with some major bug fixing.

pass: vh

>> No.6824836

any info on what it fixes?

>> No.6824844

Use the book on the counter to rest at the inn for week at the time.

>> No.6824851


Probably the Ashley sex bug that crashes the game.

>> No.6824977

Do any of these updates add any sex scenes?

>> No.6825064

I wish someone would translate the second waitress quest and the brothel quest. I want to fap to nanako being a whore but it's hard when you can't tell what she's saying.

>> No.6825089

Anybody know how quests work? I want to work at the pub for some extra cash, but the guy behind the counter never says anything. Checking out the job book in the guild doesn't do anything either she just goes "wonder if i can do it" or whatever.

>> No.6825118


You have to look at the book select the quest you want buy choosing it and then talk to the guy at the guild counter and select the first option.

>> No.6826088

So... How do I save? Got kind of far and the game crashed. Hoping to avoid that next time...

>> No.6826193

any way to reach the slave market in the most recent update?I used to go south to some guy who teleported you,but now he's gone

>> No.6828272

Read the wiki.

Books on the north part of onsen town.

>> No.6828292

X - Down - Down - Down - Z then choose your slot.

>> No.6828669

You'd think people on /jp/ would now how to navigate through jRPG menus

>> No.6828694

Don't lump that fool in with the rest of us.

>> No.6829371

Sorry for that

>> No.6831626

Nanako just needs more plot to back her up than rape/slut scenes.
