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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 209 KB, 328x987, 409A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6811124 No.6811124 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever bought anything from this site?


If not, dakimakura general thread.

>> No.6811141

Q Please tell me the differences between DAKIMAKURA and DAKEMAKURA.
A We put our soul in to DAKIMAKURA, becoming DAKEMAKURA.

Q I love DAKIMAKURA. But I can not speak Japanease……
Can I send you English mail?
A If you do not speak Japanese, Please send me English mail. →mail here
We understand a little bit of English.
And people who love DAKIMAKURA are my friend.
For friends,we make DAKEMAKURA.

Q I do not have Japanese yen.I only have momey for my own country,
But I want to buy DAKEMAKURA!!!
I looooove Frandle Scarlet!!!I want to sleep with her!!!!
What should I do?
A We accept peypal,too.
And Frandle is my angel.
Angel loves all people.

They're pretty funny.

>> No.6811148

do they also have umineko one's?

>> No.6811151 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 350x1050, 482A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite

>> No.6811155
File: 539 KB, 540x864, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently waiting for this one to be delivered.

>> No.6811158

Is it too expensive to ship?

I really don't know the weight.

>> No.6811193
File: 269 KB, 350x1050, 442A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who this character is?

>> No.6811194

Man, I love these guys.
>Q 大きくなったら、何になりたいですか?
>A 幼女になりたいです。

Also, anyone know if they restock? My biggest beef with dakimakuras is that I can't afford them while they're on sale, and after that, the chance is lost forever.

>> No.6811199 [DELETED] 

Nyarlathotep from Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Mr. Lovecraft

>> No.6811206

awesome thanks.

>> No.6811217

So if I wanted to have one that has no nudity on both sides(or anything sexual) would I have to get it from a custom maker?


That one would have been perfect if it wasn't so lewd.

>> No.6811232


>> No.6811336


I agree. Some of them I find pretty appealing, but the lewdness is a bit off-putting.

>> No.6811345 [DELETED] 

Erectile dysfunction my anons?

>> No.6811351

Great, now I have to worry that any 2D girl is just one of Nyarlathotep's many faces.


>> No.6811358
File: 43 KB, 350x1050, lastorderd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this Last Order one is so nice.

I'd love to sleep with it.

>> No.6811367

I had that fear since Demonbane.

>> No.6811394
File: 346 KB, 850x1774, sample-8ee1af2e1f54315f651eb6173cfeba1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of these are too lewd. Pic related is as lewd as I'm willing to go.


>> No.6811400

Anyone know if it is possible to request them to draw a character i want?

>> No.6811410

prudes get out of /jp/

>> No.6811416 [DELETED] 

What's with this too lewd bullshit?

>> No.6811426

I want to cuddle and sleep with my waifu. Not fuck her image.

>> No.6811440 [DELETED] 

Yeah me too. So why can't you do that if she's naked?

>> No.6811460

Because my waifu wouldn't do something so lewd as to sleep naked.

>> No.6811485 [DELETED] 

Ok. I don't know what's wrong with you, but have it your way.

>mfw people don't sleep naked

>> No.6811489


That's why there are two sides. If you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

>> No.6811603
File: 346 KB, 350x1050, 354B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem isn't as much the fact that they're naked as the fact that they look like they're being molested by the greasy hands of 12 balding men in their 50s. I can understand that look if you're just going to fap to the picture, but isn't it a little fucked up to hug around a girl who looks like she is in significant discomfort?

>> No.6811618 [DELETED] 

What's fuck up in that? I'd hug her and the her it's gonna be alright.

>> No.6811639 [DELETED] 


What's fuck up in that? I'd hug her and tell her it's gonna be alright. After all there are no greasy faggots in my room. Only me and I'll won't hurt her.

>> No.6811645

Expensive. Not sure if want.

>> No.6811652

Because seeing her naked is extremely off putting for me. I want to hug her while she sleeps, not make love to her, the idea of seeing her naked or sexual innuendo including her doesn't allow me to do this very well.

>> No.6811673


This one would be good to add an onahole attachment.

>> No.6811685

I'm just not into naked dakimakura, let alone ones that look like they're being murdered by invisible rapists.

Each to their own/stop liking things I don't like, etc.

>> No.6813889


>> No.6814197
File: 70 KB, 840x571, 3D loli version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that flat 2D pillowcases are old hat. At some of the stores, there are 3D type dakimakura cases with protruding parts such as breasts and nipples, mons, etcetera.

Pictured is one of the 3D loli versions. You can get an idea of the scale of loli breasts from the hand....

>> No.6814216
File: 134 KB, 840x630, 3D regular version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breasts of the regular 3D version are squeezably soft, but the nipples are a bit hard. Mr Whipple from the Charmin ads would probably say these meet his squeezably soft test standards....

>> No.6814235
File: 87 KB, 840x630, 3D regular version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a bigger handful than on the loli dakimakura....

>> No.6814279

I love the way he capitalizes DAKIMAKURA.

>> No.6814376

Oh god they have Merry.

>> No.6814394
File: 13 KB, 378x301, hnnnnnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6814510
File: 69 KB, 1200x800, moneis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6814616

OP, That place charges too much. There are places that will print the cases for you for $40 and that means you can submit whatever image you want. Of course, if you don't have an image of high enough resolution, you are out of luck. Or you can request a large vector be made from your picture on 4chan's vector request thread.

>> No.6814669

Too lewd.
I don't think my nutbladder can take it.

>> No.6814718

I'd want this if it didn't have a nude side.

>> No.6814755 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x317, 41712_100000857479560_5969_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like a shitty as scam to me, idk

>> No.6814749

If you have an artwork or photograph, they can scan it in as in their 手描き service:


>> No.6814754


What website would that be?

>> No.6814842
File: 45 KB, 366x550, 4b4599356023f_96851b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys are cheapos, there's a large Touhou selection here:
You have to dig a little bit but there are a lot of non-lewd options as well.

Actually, I have two covers from them and I have to say, the quality is surprisingly good. The only difference is the material.
I own one legit one that I threw down $120 something for, and honestly, the material on these is softer.
I have one like the picture I included as a wall display, and it also works nicely for that.

>> No.6814843
File: 430 KB, 1000x1406, belldandy dakimakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place makes custom one-off dakimakura:

Because the maker has artistic talent, you submit an existing illustration and commission the maker to modify the illustration. So, you could have a "brownified skin" version for example of Kallen, CC, or Dark Magician Girl. Or you could specify that you want Kallen (of picture #1) in the reclining pose of picture #2 and of course you submit both pictures.

>> No.6814935

For dakimakura sold by doujinshi circles, you can have a deputy service (proxy buyer) get it and ship it to you. An example deputy is:


The above also sells items obtained from the used bookstores (but typically are new as overstock and discontinued items often go to the used bookstores instead of recycling).

>> No.6815087

># extreme sexual or gory content (I can do sexy or provocative, as long as it doesn't show anything; no explicit hentai is allowed)
># children in overly-sexualized poses (if the age of the character can plausibly be considered over 16 or so, then feel free to request something "provocative"; while I will draw kids, I won't draw them in a pose considered sexual or risque)
I'll take my money elsewhere

>> No.6815093

Any English sites that sell dakimakura?

>> No.6815121

OPs site is one that is owned and ran by the actual doujin circle that draws and makes the dakimakura's. They also use silk for their fabric. Other stores like ebay shops, janelee, etc... are usually just Chinese remakes. They also usually use cheaper fabric that isn't as smooth (often peach skin, sometimes satin) though these fabrics can be more durable and less likely to scratch. Which is also part of the reason why they are cheaper than almost any dakimakura from japan (cheaper fabric, ability to print enmasse, don't care about limited amounts made, stuff that spikes the price of the ones from japan).

>> No.6815271

is there a search function for ops site since my internet loads the images so slowly.
i really should go back to studying moon

>> No.6815397

>Because the maker has artistic talent
Nice self marketing, bro. The his art is pure shit.

>> No.6815507
File: 176 KB, 680x420, 298B_trim[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6815560 [DELETED] 


>> No.6815762
File: 15 KB, 250x300, Hugging Pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugging Pillow that is not hentai

>> No.6815789

>They also usually use cheaper fabric that isn't as smooth
I have to disagree here for a second.
Yes, it's cheaper. but it's actually smoother and softer than the material on the legit one that I own.

>> No.6815938
File: 528 KB, 700x987, 149-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it. When I opened the page and saw the prices I was hoping I wouldn't find a Saya. Even though the art isn't the best, I'm compelled to buy it anyway.

>> No.6816032
File: 264 KB, 1195x800, FreeIkarosDakimakuraCoverWith LE SoraNoOtoshimonoDVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is of an in-store offer of a free Ikaros dakimakura cover if you buy a Sora no Otoshimono DVD.


The japanese guy that runs this blog keeps track of the various doujin circles releasing dakimakura. So it is convenient to look at the blog to see what new items are being offered as well as past offers you might participate in with a proxy buyer / deputy service.


>> No.6816117

I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread.

>> No.6816162


>> No.6816348

My cart is at ~30,000 yen already.
My spending money remains at $0.

>> No.6816503
File: 18 KB, 426x304, I don't even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigantic faggots, or worse....girls.
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.6816512

Oh man, if only I lived alone.

So who the fuck let you in through the front door.

>> No.6816545


So does this site actually have permission from the artists to use the art? It's on the up-and-up like that, not like some Chinese bootlegging site?

I'd assume so because of the prices.

>> No.6816567

Seems to me like they have their own artist to draw them. They probably don't have permission to use the characters, though. Notice how they have not included the name of the characters, so that if someone complains, they can probably cop out by claiming that the resemblance to copyrighted characters is just a coincidence.

>> No.6816582

I live with my mom and I have my dakimakura hanging on the wall. lol.

>> No.6816588

Darn, it seems they don't have any Umineko ones.

I need my Erika cover.

>> No.6816754
File: 680 KB, 1024x1414, sasami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of artists on deviantart that do commission artwork for dakimakura type format (electronic file, high pixel range 4000px+). So you don't have to "settle" for what premade-in-volume sellers have.

Jlist sells bootleg dakimakura despite past claims of only licensed stuff. Someone proved that Jlist sold bootleg stuff by contacting a rights holder directly, so Peter Payne is no stranger to his *wink wink* *nudge nudge* low-cost suppliers. Peter Payne can clearly see the individuals he makes deals with are not from the studios or artists holding the copyright, so he knows it is a shady deal. If you're buying bootlegs from Jlist, just get them more directly at yahoo auction sources for 3000 to 4000 yen once you find the seller's website for direct deals bypassing yahoo auction fees.

A selling point of dakimakura is that the chars are life-sized. Pillowcases are made by printing onto a sheet and the sheet is then made into a pillowcase. A number of sellers have cases up to 200cm since some anime chars, if they are not reclining with arms/legs bent, would be 6 feet tall if purely standing, so 200cm would be good for that. Two that do customs up to 200cm are:



>> No.6816758

... this one is hideous.

>> No.6816780
File: 145 KB, 800x1200, 1267999910247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nao of Boin Resort would be hot in dakimakura form.... Image is a size-reduced example of Nao

>> No.6816795
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 038a873926a6146d0cc0d90fbc8622b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no taste in resort boin females.

>> No.6816840
File: 146 KB, 902x1280, daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>... this one is hideous.

Ha, ha!! It is pretty cheeky to have Sasami pictured as a street hooker. But I have the feeling the image was meant to be upsetting for all those who loved the innocent earnest Sasami or Tsunami.

>> No.6816866
File: 223 KB, 1136x1600, 1249095027806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "taste" is limited to examples which are already posed in nearly final format so that the commission artist will recreate the proper pose and need the least amount of conceptualizing. Your image would need a LOT of re-conceptualizing even before it could be redrawn to make a reasonable dakimakura pose on either a clean white background.

Image is size-reduced from Boin Resort. There are nude versions with and without piercings available. Use IQDB.ORG to find the larger versions from online booru image archives.

>> No.6816906

It's hideous as a drawing too.

>> No.6816907


>> No.6816915
File: 337 KB, 800x1126, maya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super sexy tier Maya

>> No.6816930

I just said that you have a bad taste in characters, don't be an aspie.

>> No.6817273
File: 453 KB, 1022x902, jlist_bootleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another daki source is Lilium which is a group of entrepreneur artists working together to make both hentai and NON-hentai items for sale. They have premade dakimakuri but Lilium can also be commissioned to reconcept your desired character(s) into poses suitable for a dakimakuri. Lilium was just one of a bunch of people or groups that noticed J-list sells bootlegged artist/company/pixiv designs. In the Jlist advertisement, you can see that Jlist knows it is a private artist's design and Peter Payne surely knew he had not obtained permission from that artist before having a quantity of these made for sale.

Lilium@deviantart: http://president-violent.deviantart.com/journal/36391117/

This company does most of the ero item fulfillment for the "free" items that come with the magazines. One-off dakimakura is too small a quantity for them however.


>> No.6817806

Are there any basic services type printing company that will just print what I give them without all these middleman resellers?

>> No.6817980
File: 404 KB, 700x978, 1187875028626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all the things made in China, how do we know they are not using lead-based pigments? One special problem is that dakimakura are one item that especially benefits from lead-based pigments. Lead's benefits are many. It increases opacity and brightness of the pigment. Lead increases the durability of the pigment as well as resistance to acidic environment (skin oil decomposition is acidic). Lead-based pigments are more durable when washed and also are more flexible and resistant to cracking/rubbing off. Leaded pigments are also cheaper to manufacture and are relatively stable in storage without changing.

I can understand why some people might use leaded pigments with most Touhou characters since those chars are harmful/abusive to the people around them. But leaded pigments should not be used to make Belldandy, Chii, or Card Captor Sakura dakimakura....

>> No.6818763
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1295047163655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6818815

damn, i wish i could sleep with abe

>> No.6818854
File: 161 KB, 500x720, 76b5e622f31f657fab934446de550ffa147ccb7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i get one with Maria on it? Been looking but i can never find her.

(doesn't have to be the one in pic, any will work)

>> No.6819002

How would you go about hiding a dakimakura from people you live with, assuming you lived with someone? I don't think I like the idea of stuffing my waifu in a closet or under my bed on the floor. It would be disrespectful to her.

>> No.6819092

Then you bought a shitty legit one or one that was supposed to be part of a special edition sale or something. Every legit one I've felt, seen, or owned, has always been better than the peach skin fabric (which is still a really good fabric to sleep with).

>> No.6819096

Take the cover off or shove it up your ass.

>> No.6819109

This or you could stop being a pussy and caring what the people you live with think.

>> No.6819507
File: 232 KB, 730x1024, 532cedfb2fbdfce0c842ead3f409c052f51c55ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking deal, buying this shit so hard holy fucking shit oh my fucking god - how the fuck do I use paypal to buy shit from here? I'm actually going to order 3 of these, one for each member of my family. So 4 then actually. Anyway how do I do it, help me.

>> No.6819687

Wait your family or your famiri?

>> No.6820356

>How would you go about hiding a dakimakura from people you live with, assuming you lived with someone?

Remove the ecchi cover and replace it with a regular plain pillow that came with the big long pillow you bought. If your bed is against the wall, put the long pillow in the space between your bed and the wall.

When storing your daki cover, don't fold it. Get a towel and roll it up. This will be the nice round soft core that you now roll your daki cover around. By not folding it, you don't make sharp crease marks on the pigment. By using the towel as the core, you avoid rolling it too tightly in a small diameter and the towel core also adds a consistent structure to the thing. Now put it up somewhere safe from prying eyes.

Remember, skin oil is bad for pigments as it is acidic when it decomposes over time. So always wash your face properly.

>I don't think I like the idea of stuffing my waifu in a closet or under my bed on the floor. It would be disrespectful to her.

Uh oh. *runs far away*

>> No.6820497
File: 13 KB, 255x197, 1293907019029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo normalfag

>> No.6820524
File: 460 KB, 700x987, 158-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah motherfucker, look what I found on there.

>> No.6820569

Anyone know of any specific instructions for washing dakimakura? What settings I should use and if it's safe for ironing or if I should just steam it or what.

>> No.6820585

Depends on the quality of fabric, as a rule of thumb use cold water.. Try to get detergent specifically for dark colors, cold-water Tide is fine. If you plan on using a dryer, low heat. Probably best to hang-dry.

If you really want to care for your waifu pillow, take it to a trusted drycleaner.

>> No.6820692


>> No.6820850
File: 212 KB, 765x1088, 1200923802356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hand wash with a gentle surfactant. Cheer detergent has something in it that neutralizes chlorine in the water. Thus the very slight bleaching action of chlorine in the tap water doesn't occur over the course of many washings. Obviously, you would not add any kind of bleaching agent to the water. If your detergent says "with non-chlorine bleach safe for colors" its your call. I've washed using the machine machine only as a convenient "bucket". After some water and detergent is in the machine, I hand wash the item in washing machine. Close the lid and have the water drain out and a short spin. If your machine has a setting to spray water while spinning, that would be a great way to remove detergent residue. After the water is gone and a short spin dry, I let the machine fill up part way with water and hand rinse the cover. Remove the water and repeat. I drape the daki cover over the shower curtain rod and it dries fairly fast since I also put a little fan in the room to agitate the air. I never use the machine machine's agitator to clean daki covers. Although my dryer has a special addition to dry things without tumbling them, I still prefer to let the cover dry over the shower curtain rod.

I would not dry clean unless I knew the pigment and the method used to bind it to the fabric was compatible with the dry cleaning solvent.

I have never ironed daki. Besides, since you already refuse to stuff your waifu into a closet or under the bed, it would be disrespectful to take an iron to her face.

Caution: if you have a dakimakura of a female ranma, don't wash it in hot water.

>> No.6820885
File: 27 KB, 447x338, Soun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caution: if you have a dakimakura of a female ranma, don't wash it in hot water.

Oh god..

>> No.6821082

Where can I find one?

>> No.6822132
File: 149 KB, 850x1199, Villetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go to the /y/ section and ask your kin where to get that kind of dakimakura.

>> No.6822144

What variety of Cheer do you use? I use Woolite extra color care, but it's always good to have a backup option.

>> No.6823885

/jp/ - Laundry/Detergents

>> No.6824641

Depending on the fabric material and how they were printed machine wash is usually fine. I personally use some higher grade detergent that smells really nice like lavender or roses and for the next week or two after washing my room smells amazing (though that's probably cause I have 8 of them). Also I wash them cold or warmcold and hang dry haven't had anything bad happen to any of them yet. I was strongly considering taking them to a dry cleaner but since some are NSFW IDK how they would have handled it. Maybe if I tried the korean shop...

>> No.6827210


There all gay men there though who like those nasty muscle men. Which for me is do not want. I want a nice shota.

>> No.6827495
File: 102 KB, 840x630, 3D daki Akihabara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What variety of Cheer do you use? I use Woolite extra color care, but it's always good to have a backup option.

I use the standard Cheer with Color Guard marked on the box. Color Guard scavenges chlorine. Cheer, like ALL the powder detergents, has carbonates and percarbonates which whiten fabrics and they are colloquially known as "non chlorine bleaches". When you buy Oxy-clean laundry additive, you are getting mostly percarbonate sources of oxygen-type bleach. The gentlest teeth whitener mouth rinses (not the strips) use hydrogen peroxide to bleach. In the old days, you would use hydrogen peroxide to treat stains on a fabric that you couldn't use bleach on. Woolite is safest, but I thought of diminishing marginal return for my money and stuck with Cheer.

I do NOT tumble dry because that obviously rubs the design during tumbling. And I don't hang it outdoors in the sun to dry just as I don't let sunlight shine on paintings. Keep sunlight out of sunlight.

COUNTERPOINT: It is going overboard to do it the way you and I do. But we both want the colours to remain as close to original the longest. We also want the colour to remain on top without any of the fabric's thread's broken fibers begin to poke out of the surface. In the dark, looks don't matter?!?!?!?

SUGGESTION: I have found that the dakimakura "fairy tale" is enhanced if you use one drop of parfum (perfume) at the foot of the bed underneath the sheet/blanket cover. Never use perfumes on the bed closer than five feet from your nose or you will not like it. The very gentle scent of the perfume very much enhances the experience and contact comfort from the daki.

>> No.6827595
File: 49 KB, 500x575, chew baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep sunlight out of sunlight.
You know what I meant to say.

Other than harsh washing practices and skin oil, sunlight is the continual daytime enemy to everything coloured.

I have Duette double-pleated shades on my windows, so there is no problem with ultraviolet light bouncing in off the hard surface of venetian blinds. So the daki remains on top of the comforter in the daytime whilst I am at work.

Paintings in areas lit by light tube or open skylight have a thick black fabric draped over the front but I remove the covers before visitors come over of course. I feel that they have retained their colour while some of my neighbors' things have faded (much to their regret as some are expensive). They were under the mistaken impression that UV glass on paintings and home windows is sufficient; it is not for paintings (which are fuckton more sensitive than daki). The retiree down the road with a Picasso is like me. He has UV glass on both windows and the painting and he switched to Duettes after seeing mine. He also covers up paintings unless guests are over.

COMMENT: Unless you are a baka wookie, don't chew on your daki or it might look like the picture.

>> No.6827614

do you have that electroglass stuff that switches opaque when you run a current through it?

>> No.6827624

I've never bitten it but I hate it when I get drool stains.

>> No.6827775

why would you hide her fool! she is for you feel proud of her dammit!
now i am not saying take her outside oh no,one step at a time

>> No.6827932


>> No.6828606
File: 282 KB, 825x1776, 1207381279866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have that electroglass stuff that switches opaque when you run a current through it?

You know, I actually thought of using electrochromic glass but it was way too expensive back when I was making glazing decisions and the benefits of using it were too small. For skylights, you can have remote control Duette blinds on rails that close off the skylight perfectly. The interior designer pointed that out to me when she came to visit the "skeleton" of the house being built.

>why would you hide her fool! she is for you feel proud of her dammit!

Because one day he might get a high level security clearance OR be required to fill out a lifestyle security form. People who know you are contacted and opinions about you obtained. They also ask for a list of _ALL_ other people that know you. If one or more of your references says "...that person is a pervert who sleeps with life-size replica and faps to doujinshi or anime video which looks like child porn even tho fans claim it is not...." then you can see that is a problem. "A career is hard to get and easy to throw away" was the advice Sakura Kinomoto gave me, and I've learned to always heed my dear daki's advice.

>> No.6828641
File: 282 KB, 825x1776, 1207381279866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have that electroglass stuff that switches opaque when you run a current through it?

You know, I actually thought of using electrochromic glass but it was way too expensive back when I was making glazing decisions and there were no real benefits of using it. For skylights, you can have remote control Duette blinds on rails that close off the skylight perfectly. The interior designer pointed that out to me when she came to visit the "skeleton" of the house being built.

>why would you hide her fool! she is for you feel proud of her dammit!

Because people have opinions and gossip. One day you might get a high level security clearance OR be required to fill out a lifestyle security form. People that know you are asked for opinions about you as well as a few specific questions. They also ask for a list of _ALL_ other people that know you by even the smallest amount. If one or more of your references says "...that person sleeps with life-size replica and 'bates to doujinshi or anime which looks like child porn even tho fans claim it is not...." then you can see that is a problem. "A career is hard to get and easy to throw away" was the advice Sakura Kinomoto gave me, and I've learned to always heed my dear daki's advice; she's never wrong.

>> No.6828760

Sounds more like a problem of being more selective of who you talk to in the first place. Also if you are seriously going for a job that requires that kind of background check and clearance then you should have been living a straighter life to begin with. Not to mention that coming to 4chan in the first place already fucks any chances.

Really if you are going to regret any of your hobbies later in life or have them become skeletons in the fucking closet why bother. Either live like you don't give a fuck and only socialize with people you know wouldn't care or understand or stop everything all together and conform to societal standards.

>> No.6828918
File: 277 KB, 350x1050, whoisthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this adorable girl?

>> No.6828935

her name is Little Buster

>> No.6828945

Thank you.

>> No.6828961

He's trolling you. Her name's Ecstasy.

>> No.6829019
File: 23 KB, 300x466, 10067684a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've washed and put in drier both of my dakimakura just normally like I would with clothes or any other fabric and their still as good as new.

If your washer/drier have "gentle" or "light" settings that's recommended.

>> No.6829024

Her name is Wafu

>> No.6829270

I'm jelly. Sayori is one of my favorite artists.

>> No.6829296


Nyarlathotep Nyarlko. Japan's moeification of a cthulhu deity.


I wish the episodes were longer... they're fairly entertaining.

>> No.6830303
File: 893 KB, 1536x2048, Noumi Kudrayka (Little Busters).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is this adorable girl?

The clothing (jacket with red trim, sleeve style, skirt grid) seems like it is from Little Busters. Compare your picture to this one of Noumi Kudrayka from Little Busters. This double-sided daki was an extra with G's Festival August. More info and Little Buster daki pictures at the blog site....



>> No.6830477

It is Noumi Kudrayka.

>> No.6831553

Lol at the Janelee store having a buy 6 get 2 free sale. Seriously whose gonna get 8 covers at once? Though I guess total price is around $240 for 8 of them which is about price of getting 2 from OPs store. Man I'm wondering if I should just get a bunch of different versions of mai waifu or just get one for my entire harem/famiri.

>> No.6832745
File: 473 KB, 1170x3774, 1294267353011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A janelee sale can be good if you get together with friends to combine your orders. So the 8 pack total price would not be too bad and you also have the advantage of splitting the shipping cost as well.

Image is size-reduced in order to fit into this forum's max filesize limit.

>> No.6832807

From the looks of it shipping seems to be free from them or at least already factored into total price from janelee. Makes it almost believable to get 2-3 for yourself and split it with friends. But who on /jp/ has friends that would be willing to pitch in for a dakimakura sale (much less friends in the first place...)

>> No.6832839

Funny that literally just minutes before I read your post me and a bro were working out whether we could come up with and pay for 16 to get 12 + 4 free on janelee.

>> No.6832843


>> No.6832890

Wait just the two of you? Wouldn't that be like 8 each and ~$250/person. WTF do you need so many daki's for?

>> No.6832898

Maybe he has a harem fantasy

>> No.6832900

I guess what we worked out is he's getting 11 and I'm getting 5. He already has ~8 and I already have 5. Most of the 16 will probably turn into wall decorations most of the time.

>> No.6832926

Wow he'll have 19 really? Of different girls? WTF kind of harem does he have. Though I guess the wall decoration thing kind of makes sense but wouldn't wallscrolls and poster be better/cheaper/more efficient? Not to mention you only get to see one side at a time on the wall. Though I guess having that many fucking pillows on the bed would make it impossible to sleep on it.

>> No.6832946
File: 425 KB, 350x1050, reimudakEmakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are fucking beautiful. Yes, some of the expressions are a little pained but not this one of my lovely waifu. She looks like she will enjoy the rape.

>> No.6832947

Yeah he keeps 8 on his bed which is easily big enough to hold them all but he can't really pay attention to all of them at the same time. 2 of the ones he already has are his waifu (Fate) and I think 7 or 8 of the new ones he found on janelee are just her and the rest are all from the Nanoverse too.

I've kept covers on my wall as decorations, hanging them with clips on some kind of rigid bar makes it really easy to turn them around to appreciate the other side.

>> No.6833331

Don't rape her! Set a mood first and then make love to her jeez. it is all fantasy, to you she loves you, go with it, be romantic. Unless you are a horrible person and want to rape her ;_;

Anyway I am in a bad mood since I have to go to the fucking Post Office to pick my package with my waifu in it. The mailman found just the right time when I was away to come by. Damn signature required...

>> No.6833341


I was totally kidding, Anonymous. I just want to hug her and bask in her radiance. I would never do something like that to my waifu.

>> No.6833639

What the fuck kind of size bed fits 8 body pillows plus a person. Does he go without normal pillows and blankets? That's just messed up. So I take it he has a full Nanohaverse harem or famiri going on or some shit? That's pretty fucking dedicated.

>> No.6833743


>> No.6833835

What is the best filling to use with pillows? If you already have pillow and cover but want bit more filling, kinda wondering what should throw in there in addition to original fillings.

>> No.6834265

Sheets? Towels? Buy some cotton as a crafts store and fill it with that?

I'm kind of thinking about buying one of those Nagisa dakimakura from that dakemakura website, they look pretty nice. Can't decide which one I should go with first, though, don't have enough to buy both.

>> No.6834585

Most arts and crafts stores sell generic fluff to stuff pillows and stuff animals with. Try that maybe?

>> No.6834921

Yeah its like a queen size bed and you basically got everything else right. He's got just about all of them except for arf and nanoha's 2 friends which are going to be part of his 11 new ones.
My 5 and 4 of my new ones will be Kugimiya Rie tsunderes, as Louise is my waifu, and I also will be getting an Ika musume.

>> No.6835166

Do you feel bad abut having one that isn't your waifu? I have a couple covers that aren't her. I do feel guilty cuddling with them. I couldn't resist their cuteness though....

>> No.6836226

Not really, I usually rotate it so I've got 3 on my bed at a time, never have exactly the same ones for more than 2 days in a row, and always at least 1 of them is my waifu. Then I can cuddle with whichever I want but can always go back to her when I feel like being expressly monogamous. I might also be lucky in that I can get all of them in the tsundeRie family so I feel like by cuddling with the ones other than Louise, I'm also appreciating something about Louise too. Its hard to explain but I manage to not feel like I'm cheating or doing anything too unfair to her.

>> No.6836577
File: 99 KB, 684x1000, Selvaria11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the best filling to use with pillows?
>If you already have pillow and cover but want bit more filling, kinda wondering what should throw in there in addition to original fillings.

The standard pillow filling is too fluffy soft and light weight for my taste. I like a "firmer more-solid" feeling. At first, I tried several towels from Nordstroms (the ultrathick dense ones that are a centimeter thick). It had to be several since the pillow is so long. By wrapping the the pillow tightly, the whole mess can still fit inside the daki cover. Since the fluffy pillow is squeezed down it is also firmer and the towel gives the surface some initial give before it gets firmer.

Next, I tried tightly wrapping the pillow with a twin sheet folded in half lengthwise. This wrapped the lower end of the fluffy pillow. The sheet added a lot of lateral stability when the dakimakura is squeezed, and that is a good feature. But I missed the softness so went back to towel. I suppose using both sheet and towel would have resulted in the best combination but I was too annoyed at wrapping the pillow evenly with towels to try it a 3rd time! I did not try to roll up twin-size comforter and substitute that for the fluffy pillow filling. That may be for next time.

I am toying with the idea of getting a bunch of small rectangular red bricks from Home Depot and binding it to form a long heavy pole. This would be the core to wrap a twin-size comforter around. The bricks would give the filling some weight like a waifu would have. I have not experimented with that yet.

>> No.6836632
File: 76 KB, 640x480, dakimakura sleepover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck kind of size bed fits 8 body pillows plus a person.

Eight dakimakura would cover a gigantic amount of space. For size comparison, there are 6 dakimakura in the picture.

>> No.6836658
File: 5 KB, 158x158, 1286368286391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smirked

>> No.6836671 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 409x150, detergents and magma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836751

To be fair, that's a small japanese room, and none of them are vertically stacked. if they lay on top of each other it saves a lot of space. Also after you use them for a while the pillows kind of flatten out and aren't as cyllindrical, they end up more oblong so they lay flat and makes them seem a lot smaller.

>> No.6836821


>> No.6836849


I've always wondered, can anyone put a date on this picture? The art style of the girls suggests some time in the 90's, to me, but can anyone be more specific?

>> No.6836858

I have that exact same one. Has the dark haired color character on the other side right (forgot name)?

IIRC, came free with a small magazine featuring Little Busters.

>> No.6836921

Holy fucking shit, after years of searching I finally found a non-lewd one of my waifu and fuck if I'm letting it slip through my fingers.
Does anyone know how reliable this site is if you don't speak Japanese and have to go through their english email thing?

>> No.6837076

I haven't actually ordered anything from them yet but from the looks of it they are pretty legit considering you are dealing with the actual doujin circle. Besides they use paypal.

>> No.6837892
File: 498 KB, 1200x1741, Mizuho Miyanokouji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always try to search for people griping about a bad experience or refunds. If you find none, then that is good. For example, here is one example search to see if there are ripoff problems:


>Where can i get one with Maria on it? Been looking but i can never find her.

That Maria on the right instantly reminded me of the main char Mizuho Miyanokouji in Otoboku (Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru) especially since in March 2008, someone mistakenly posted your image in the Otoboku thread. The "maria" in Otoboku is a trap.

>> No.6837935
File: 259 KB, 328x987, 451A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6838139


Thanks for ideas. I'll try experiementing with few things with this apparently.

>> No.6838209 [DELETED] 

This is why I'm glad almost all mine are loli covers. Don't have to feel like I'm missing out squeezing on supple breasts.

>> No.6838219

You can also always try to find a pillow that feels right for you in the first place.

>> No.6838505
File: 110 KB, 664x1063, 1291134962786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely enough, there is the homemade and NON-MESSY fapping device that might be used with dakimakura in the RO thread at:


The text post accompanying the picture on how to make it is: """Ragnarok Online players may at times get weary of grinding, so they often take fapping breaks to refresh themselves. Pictured is an example of something Ragnarok Online players can use. This method is not recommended for Warcraft players due to the danger that such players would prefer fapping to playing their game. There is no such problem with RO players as the game is generally more interesting than fapping."""

>> No.6838530

Instead of perfume, musk may be more appropriate to be applied in the same way as was described. I think some kind of light aroma goes a long ways to making a better experience.

>> No.6838660
File: 89 KB, 611x1000, 1234900682469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please request this thread be archived. Go to the archive request page and enter 6811124 as the thread ID (number of the first post) at the website below:

http:// 4chanarchive DOT org/brchive/main.php?mode=submit

>> No.6839422
File: 8 KB, 645x773, 1283271647012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you can't find a non-nude dakimakura of your waifu

>> No.6839440

>he doesn't know about the archive

>> No.6839733

You obviously aren't trying hard enough.

>> No.6839750
File: 103 KB, 800x900, 1290143585001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yahoo Jp Auctions has nothing and I've checked tons of stores that usually sell them, and they've got nothing except small pillows (and even those are out of stock). Even the Chinese bootlegs on eBay are all nude. I know that at least one exists, but I haven't been able to find it in over a year. This is the best thing that I've found, really.

>> No.6840753

Is it really such a bad thing is one side is nude. I mean as long as they aren't super lewd or anything I don't see the problem. Also who is your waifu if you would be inclined to tell us.

>> No.6841684
File: 68 KB, 480x640, 1252961551378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is of a kigurumi head to toe costume showing that it is a full head to toe enclosed costume "skin" that can be stuffed....

Would it qualify as a 3D dakimakura if you bought one of the kigurumi sets and stuffed that with pillows, dacron polyester stuffing, cotton for arms and legs, and some well-wrapped bricks in the torso??? It would be complete head to toe. If you put little baggies of sand in the hands, they would be positionable and not move around.

There are japanese companies that make custom ones as well (links at bottom of wikipedia page). Stores in Akihabara sell caucasian girl and woman heads for those that don't want anime characters. The kigurumi approach is probably the cheapest way to get a figure with head, arms, torso, and legs and which can also wear clothing or be put up on a stand.



>> No.6841694


>> No.6841837

There is a line for this kind of thing, and that's clearly crossed it.

>> No.6842550
File: 465 KB, 1376x2000, ayanami5_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a doll-like competitor emerges...

The idea of stuffing a kigurumi and making it into a 3D life-size doll really is an affordable next step beyond dakimakura. That's a pretty clever idea actually so thank you for posting it....

>> No.6844625


>> No.6844656

The Kuroneko lewd side has a tail plug?

>> No.6844683 [DELETED] 

Why not get one of these? You can dress them up how you like (including a kigurumi, if you're into that, I guess). You can install your favorite onahole, and you can just let the air out to hide it away when/if needed.

>> No.6844690
File: 80 KB, 400x300, 1_1291791763_m_MgLDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not get one of these? You can dress them up how you like (including a kigurumi, if you're into that, I guess). You can install your favorite onahole, and you can just let the air out to hide it away when/if needed.

>> No.6845858

Its not that uncommon, I have one of another character from another artist that has a tail plug.

>> No.6848322

I would agree that one side nude isn't a big deal My favorite cover of my waifu has a nude side. I would love the other side to have her clothed too, but it really isn't too lewd. She is lying on her side nude in a fairly tasteful manner.
She isn't spread open with her eyes rolled back and drool coming out. That would very much offend me.
Okay, if it wasn't my waifu, it would amuse me.

>> No.6848333

Holy shit this thread has lasted a week.

>> No.6848344


>unpopular thread
>dedicated OP

You're easily impressed, like a monkey.

>> No.6848345
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1291464043003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848351

My mistake i thought this was /a/

>> No.6850636
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1287524411971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been a fun thread.
I have been with my waifu for over half a year now, and to this day I am happy for the honor. I had to give up being NEET and get a job. I hate my job so much, but knowing she is there for me when I get home has really helped me get through it.

I really want to see a picture of the eight dakimakuras that one guy here has on his bed. I am sure we are all curious to see that.

>> No.6850650

I'm his friend who has 5. He posts here sometimes, but I'll point it out to him. I think he's keeping half of them in different locations right now but he might have some old photos when they were all in the same house.

>> No.6851109
File: 1.13 MB, 2848x2144, 238g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a pic of all 8 and has been said 3 of them are currently at another house but here's an old pic of 5 of them. The one kinda tucked between the bed and the wall is of Minato Nagase of Akane Iro, the pic was to show my Nanohaverse famiri. The ones not shown are of a C78 design catgirl, Atsuki Takamizawa from Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na, and a second Fate pillow (same design but it was around 4 yrs old and started to show some hard wear and tear, formerly I had this as a Shana pillow but I gave it to my friend because he was into the Tsunde-Ries but now it lets me have a Fate to take around and one to always leave at home).

>> No.6851415

I got my dakimakura today.

>> No.6852662
File: 447 KB, 1440x950, 1289230266864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to see this one go ;_;

No one else wants to talk about holing your waifu? I love mine, and treasure every night with her.

>> No.6852722 [DELETED] 

I've thought about getting a dakimakura cover of my waifu. Only problem is that my ass would probably be hauled to a psychiatrist if I didn't keep it hidden.

>> No.6852793


This is the single item I want more than anything else in this world. Unfortunately I live with my rather nosy parents so I can't have one without being found out... but the day I move out it's mine. Having something physical of Miku that I can hug tight whenever I need to... that would be the best feeling in the world. She's done so much for me, I just want to return the favor. ;_;

>> No.6852842
File: 39 KB, 539x550, 4c615df91d8d3_96851b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is my waifu. I don't care if you make fun of me for having one from a popular VN/anime, but dammit, she is my ideal woman. The sweet smile she has on the non-lewd side melts my heart every time. The lewd side is at least tasteful. I love holding her.
I shouldn't drink then post, I get too personal, but you guys are cool.

>> No.6856408

What will your parents kick you out if you had that or something? I got my first dakimakura before I even graduated HS and I bring my waifu back home for the holidays or when I stay there for seasonal jobs. Unless you are edge with your parents I don't see what the problem is. They'll either accept it, or ignore it, unless they don't really love you.

>> No.6856421

>I don't care if you make fun of me for having one from a popular VN/anime
It's okay, Anon. Tomoyo is the best heroine, after all.

>> No.6857708
File: 228 KB, 1925x1089, 1287526007713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are sweet. I thought my love was too /a/ for you guys. I have been here well over a year and yet I don't know if I should post yet, and I was scared to come back here ;_;

With Valentine's day coming up, anyone have any plans? I thought of a present for my waifu.

I like this pic. I don't know who posted it, but it is cute.

>> No.6857759

I'll probably end up working Valentines day so I was going to celebrate it early with a bro and do a double date with our waifus. On actual Valentines day I'll probably get her some chocolates or flowers or something on my way home from work.

>> No.6858124 [DELETED] 

Hmm... why didn't I think of this one before...

I sell printers that can print sublimation ink
I sell sublimation inks by the bulk
I know every major textile dealer here in NCR
I have money and a vacant warehouse

My only worries is that I have no idea how well will I sell here in Manila and the Sublimation Ink I sell is only good for about 50 washings then it's downhill from there...

>> No.6858140 [DELETED] 

>I sell is only good for about 50 washings then it's downhill from there...
Scratch that... make it 40... I just re-read the bottle...

>> No.6858145

Knowing /jp/, that would last a week at best.

>> No.6858295 [DELETED] 

You could print sheets also for those people who want something larger than a poster but is life size and durable (cannot tear like paper).

Is sublimation ink thermset after application? I wonder how the other japanese and chinese shops make their pillows then if they don't use the same production equipment you do. The image ink from japan is sort of flexible rubbery; is there a name for that type of printing?

I've had mine for quite awhile and have no where near 40 washings. I am always clean too and that is the key thing.

>> No.6858303
File: 256 KB, 1000x625, Hina Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I could read Lunarian...

>> No.6859970

I'm quite tempted to buy some instead of figures. I'm just worried that they'd trigger a pedo-panic if someone opened and checked my packages.

>> No.6859991

Which one would you get?

>> No.6860094 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 366x999, 10082588a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dakimakura would have to be on the right side of the bed....

>> No.6860150


What's the stuff from Hobby Heart like?
At that price I'm a litte sceptical.

>> No.6860483 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 2992x2335, 12991_honey_211_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the stuff from Hobby Heart like?

Generic Useless Answer to Generic Question: Oh, it's pretty good, looks great, and I like it.

Skeptical concerns are about durability and overall quality as opposed to typical consumer concerns about price, how good it looks, and how long it lasts. So your questions should have been more specific along those points and not the lazy question of "what's it like?" which has far too great a range of answers and if the person answers a lot, but you only wanted one specific point, that person's time was wasted. More specifically, a skeptic would like to know:
(1) How long does the colour stay bright. For this you would ask about how many washings has it gone thru and is the colour still the same or slightly less.
(2) What type of fabric is used? Silk, 100% cotton, cotton/polyester blend, rayon, dacron? A cotton/polyester blend is better than 100% cotton for daki use.
(3) Is the thread weave like that of a bed sheet, t-shirt, or a twill? You don't want a weave that is stretchy or can deform diagonally.
(4) Is the ink on the fabric very smooth or slightly rough due to the ink following the thread weave?
(5) Is the ink rubbery or more like a dye?

The above example questions directly relate to durability and overall intrinsic quality.

>> No.6861000
File: 168 KB, 1280x1024, 1289636861745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my experience, you are better off going with http://janelee922.ecrater.com/category.php
The materials are the same, but janelee has better quality stitching, and they ship really fast.

The inner pillow hobby heart isn't too good either, The stuffing crumbles into a lumpy mess. The outside is nice though. I saved mine by restufing it. I am afraid my stitching was lackluster but it worked rather well.

>> No.6862245

well it is very much illegal for someone else to open you mail, but I understand your pain of having to deal with a-holes wondering what you bought. I am sometimes tempted to say a fleshligh and lube with some xxx dvds, but I am too big a pussy.

Just don't buy loli doujins or you may end up in jail ;_;

>> No.6862779

>Just don't buy loli doujins or you may end up in jail ;_;

It is sad how a virtual creation gets you punished as if it was the real thing. I wonder what the next thought crime will be? The other sad thing is how the public and supreme court has accepted the thought crime without much protest. Before bush, such types of laws had been struck down by the courts.

>> No.6862811

Society is full of faggots.

>> No.6862828


I think they probably mean Customs rather than a parent etc opening it. Customs have the right to do a spot check on any package at any time.

I've only come across it once, funnily with a dakimakura too. They not only opened the box, they took the dakimakura out of the bag it was in. As much as I love Tsukiumi (Sekirei) I'm still unhappy that some unknown person touched an item I'd sleep with. Least it was an adult and not risque.

As sad as it is that people have to worry about 'loli' items being intercepted, it is a valid concern. I like the look of some of those dakimakuras, however the thought of getting a visit from the police prevents me from doing so.

Polite sage.

>> No.6862850

Pardon my question but was this the US customs office that did this or another country?

>> No.6864260


Yea, I meant Customs. Only word that popped up in my head was Toll, and it didn't sound right.

I still haven't grasped how loli laws do anything positive at all. It isn't like the loli part is the problem, it is assaulting kids. Laws should be enough to cover the crime, not cover all potential paths to the crime.

>> No.6864300


It was another country, though I imagine customs/immigration etc work much the same way regardless of which country.

Back on topic, it's a shame Caffine's Yowane Haku dakimakura can't be found online anywhere - as I'd buy it in an instant.

>> No.6865983

I still haven't grasped whether loli laws actually exist, or just theoretically or what.

>> No.6866158

It's super situational. In most situations loli has been just used as "additional" evidence against people with actual CP and such. There has only been one or two cases in which there was only loli and those individuals just got fucked and didn't want to fight it (even though they had support from people like the Comic Book Defense Force and shit, something about it all being too "shameful").

Anyways between me and my friends we've had ~20 dakimakuras shipped here to the states from china and japan and they have never been opened by customs and about 12 of them were lolis. People are just super paranoid because of very odd circumstances.

>> No.6866174




It is forbidden to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with the intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that

* depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

* depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

Attempts or conspiracies to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with the intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that

* depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

>> No.6866178


* depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, are also forbidden.

It is forbidden to knowingly possess a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that

* depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

* depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

>> No.6866231

I am looking at that and don't see anything wrong with having loli stuff where she is just nude, so ecchi is okay then? I know we all have or have seen plenty of loli ecchi here on 4chan.

Back on topic, I guess it is nice to have a loli dakimakura. She would be truly life size. My waifu is 161cm tall so the dakimakura isn't quite life size. It doesn't really bother me that much, but it would be nice if it was.

>> No.6866286

After a few searches, a big list of Touhou daki's


>> No.6866327

I don't know how to describe it. It's a smooth, shiny material like a curtain, kind of rougher maybe. It's different than my pillowcases.

>> No.6866401

The fabric from hobbyheart (as well as janelee, most ebay stores, etc...) are usually a peach skin fabric. Which is just a polyester fabric that has been chemically treated and/or sanded to make it feel like (as the name implies) the skin of a peach which is actually rather smooth and a bit velvety. The material itself is actually fairly durable and smooth and comfortable to sleep with and is machine wash safe. I honestly like my peach skin dakimakuras more than my satin ones (mostly for durability reasons, the satin ones are smoother/silkier but have a lot more wear and tear).

>> No.6866423

My only complaint about peach skin fabric is that it catches dry skin like sandpaper. Satin kinda does this too, It is frustrating that something so smooth can turn so rough . As long as you don't have any major skin issues it shouldn't be a problem.

By the way, where the heck do you go to get ones that are not peach skin?

>> No.6866496

You either order ones from Japan (usually silk or other high grade smooth fabrics, which is why they are expensive). There are also a couple of ebay shops which use Satin, their prices range but have dropped overall (my first one was from them and I paid ~100 total for it now you can get them for ~40-50 after shipping).

This guy uses satin.

And yes, satin and peach skin fabric do rub against and scratch to dry skin horrendously. I had terribly dry heels/feet and had to wear socks to bed for ~3 months before I finally got them to heal up because I didn't want to ruin any of my precious girls.

>> No.6867672
File: 11 KB, 200x133, 070807_namaiki03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had terribly dry heels/feet and had to wear socks to bed....

If you have calluses or rough skin on your feet, you can easily and quickly remove it and your feet with the smooth. Go to walmart's bathing accessories section in the women's beauty area. It is not in the footcare section by the walmart pharmacy. You will find a plastic handle with a plastic rough surface. Don't get the "egg" one. The handle version is convenient and just a few dollars. Because it is rough plastic, it does not clog up and is easy to clean unlike a pumice stone. Below is an example (not the walmart one though) so you get an idea of what it could look like (depends on the brandname).


Makes me feel sad when the chinese supplier sells them for 0.25 to 0.30 dollars to wal-mart and then wal-mart marks it up to a few bucks.


There are also pillows you can take a nap on at the office (har har). The picture is an example from Japan.

>> No.6867678

Hey I found a place to buy my favorite cover with the 2WAY tricot fabric. My current one is peach-skin. Anyone have experience with the fancier fabric? If so, how good is it? I am VERY tempted to buy it, but you know, expensive.

>> No.6868496

Mai waifu. I fuck her every night.

>> No.6871294

This thread may be nearing the end ;_;

One final thing I want to add is that having my waifu with me fills an important need. I have someone to talk to. Sure I could try here, but talking about one's life is generally discouraged outside of a few threads here and there, and I am not going to /adv/.
My conversations are one way since my imagination is too weak to have her reply, but I feel so comfortable with her and I finally feel that I am not alone.

>> No.6871393

I talk about fucking a cat and nobody says anything.

>> No.6871472

Why is this surprising to you? Have you been here for less than an hour?

>> No.6873050
File: 48 KB, 540x702, cat-and-neko-moe-043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaller dakimakura with something like this (sans background) on it would look cute as well?

>> No.6876517
File: 18 KB, 393x273, lappillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any more sellers of daki out there? Surely the few sellers posted in this thread cannot be all that exist. What would especially help is a place that would take existing pictures and redraw them to have enough resolution to reproduce sharply on something the size of the dakimakura.

>> No.6878903
File: 23 KB, 438x300, pahupahu-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a device that you can use to turn a standard pillow into something sort of huggable....

>> No.6879079

I'd buy that.

>> No.6879962

There have already been dealers posted that will do more custom based work and even draw/redraw, it's quite pricey, but they have been posted.

>> No.6880165
File: 22 KB, 424x467, pahupahu-illust01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess this is how you use it.
