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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6808200 No.6808200 [Reply] [Original]

Did anybody try texting moot on aim?, i might ask him if he could change /jp/ back to Japan/General when hes on.

>> No.6808210

No fuck you.

It should be renamed to /dg/- Doujin games.

>> No.6808213

Or you could email him at moot@4chan.org
He actually reads all of his mail
Don't expect a reply though

>> No.6808218

Try it anon, I bet you 80% of /jp/ wouldn't mind parting with the otaku culture label.

Now it doesn't have to be a japan/general..

Hopefully if he has a sense of humor he'll pop in on our board some point tonight, if not already discretely and fucking with us

>> No.6808220

He is at that meat-up getting laid by drunk new york whores and playing Ms. pac-man.

>> No.6808221

well how about we vote on it? we could also ask him to make us a new maid, if we ask nicey maybe he will do it for us,,

>> No.6808236

alright im about to text him this, "Dear moot I know you hate us but we were wondering if you could change /jp/ back to Japan/General and also get us a maid to clean up trolls and spam." if you want me to change it , tell me.

>> No.6808238

How about something that deliberately counters trolls...

Like "Japan's Gayness" or something that the stupider members of this board can see whenever they post and hopefully leave. That is, if we want to keep the jp letters.

>> No.6808245


No, we don't want Japan/general, shut the fuck up.

>> No.6808257


moot himself once offered
"/dg/ - doujin/vn. Hell, I'll even write the rules for you.
"For Doujinsoft, Visual Novels, and Comiket discussion"."

There was LANDSLIDE support for it.
moot didn't come through.

>> No.6808258

how about visual novels/touhou? then it would make sense and nobody could bother us about japan again?

>> No.6808260

A name change will be a "big deal" to all the dumb people, and it will cause awareness and flood people here anyway.
I agree that the whole "LOL OTAKU! XD" thing is kind of horrible, and it is a passive thing that affects the board which is sad.
But I still sort of believe one should just keep quiet.

>> No.6808267



The fuck, moot.

>> No.6808273

we have to do something though or we will never be at peace. i say we should at least ask him to get us a new maid.

>> No.6808285

Well im not texting him anything until until we have a level agreement, this might change /jp/ a lot after all. if somebody thinks they can do a better job of asking moot, go for it.

>> No.6808288

Yes please, delete /jp/ and make a nsfw /dg/ instead, plus an idol board as an act of charity for all the homeless Momusus.

>> No.6808292

All I've achieved so far on that front is to do some awareness, inform some of the new mods how things work here since we have no explicit rules.

It has worked somewhat. You're seeing a lot of the spam controlled, and people actually getting banned. The problem is that they're not native to the board and of course, they grow tired of the board quickly. It's hard to keep up when you barely care about the place.
Still, they're doing an effort and are still very cordial with me. It's no zealot janitor in here most of the day, but it's as good as it gets.

>> No.6808295

/dg/ with zero tolerance for off topic shit

>> No.6808302

Or maybe not /dg/, some better name to encompass general doujin works and commercial VNs. But it should be made to attract the least attention possible from people who have no idea what it is.

>> No.6808305

As the one who sent the /dg/ email to moot in the first place, don't bother.

Be happy with otaku culture. Atleast it's not japan/general.

If you ask moot to change it, he'll only cock it up. Like what happened last time.

>> No.6808306

I support /dg/

I know a ton of people here are learning Japanese and sometimes make threads about it, i think those should be tolerated on /dg/, it's not like we don't have a ton of off-topic shit already, and intelligfgent off-topic threads that people enjoy is not a bad idea.

>> No.6808307

Who are you to assume your text will be effective is a good first question..

But yes, there is a small window of a possible board name change.

To be honest Otaku Culture on the front page is something that is a non starter. It simply doesn't connect up to the /jp/ link

It should be something like JP "Patrol "

>> No.6808317

We could have a mass exodus to iichan or something.

>> No.6808330

well I know moot might not even give a shit but im tired of it, once he comes back on aim im gonna ask him to change the name and get us a mod or a maid at least. you guys come up with a name you like, i would really settle for touhou/visual novels though or japan/general.

>> No.6808337


We already have new mods, mods and janitors are not exclusive.

Don't say that, you will look like a huge newfriend You probably are one.

>> No.6808342

Is fag really filtered now?

>> No.6808346


if you absolutely must be a retard just try /dg/ again.

Don't be surprised when you wake up to /jp/ - Japan Fans and Enthusiasts though.

I don't know what your fascination with getting japan/general back. The only people who want that shit are trolls/people blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.6808349
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>> No.6808355

Japan/General is misleading, though.

>> No.6808356

Ive on /jp/ for 3 years, I guess i might look like a newfag to some people who have been on /jp/ longer. I mostly lurk and I don't like how /jp/ has become.

>> No.6808358

> The only people who want that shit are trolls/people blinded by nostalgia.

Nostalgia would be a great reason to bring back Japan/General, especially after flushing out the corruption that poisoned /jp/ all through 2009.

It could be a glorious return to the Japan General and we could field some different Japanese topics that could be brought into the field

>> No.6808363

It should be changed to /rtm/ - Russian Tank MMOs

>> No.6808364

Testing time.
If I said ワルテルちゃん, what is your reaction?

>> No.6808366


/jp/ didn't exist 3 years ago.

>> No.6808367

IMO the most important part is the inclusion of "touhou/visual novels" in the title. As for letters:

/th/ touhou
/vn/ visual novels (might be too close to /v/ for comfort)
/nt/ NEET (I know, I know)

Just throwing out some ideas.

>> No.6808370


Most impressive, you've been on /jp/ longer than it's existed.


And here's an example of a troll right here.

>> No.6808373
File: 24 KB, 500x335, trollleen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Japanese People

Board Rules:
1.Translating requests are encouraged
2. Talk about your love of Japan the country and everything within
3. Speak in Japanese & Engrish
4. Travel tips and suggestions will be answered by seasoned Japanese pros and experts

>> No.6808376

/ez/ - Touhou/ visual novels

To remind all to take it easy!

>> No.6808378
File: 9 KB, 369x352, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask him to change the name, but not to anything with JAPAN in it. The only reason why obnoxious Japanophiles didn't take over this board when it was named Japan/General is because we ganged up on anybody who made a Japan related thread. I don't wish for a return back to those times, but at the same time I'm tired of people from /a/ coming here and posting anime screencaps (I assume they're not all made by Sion). Otaku Culture was a failed experiment. Don't forget to tell him to change the rules page as well. Fun fact: of all the boards on 4chan /jp/'s rule's description is the shortest.

Don't do anything too drastic. moot recently hired new mods and I'm starting to notice an improvement. Perhaps you should wait a while before talking to him.

>> No.6808383
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>posting 3D scene whores

your suggestions have been ignored

>> No.6808386

another kawaii morning

>> No.6808387

Sure is elitist in here.

>> No.6808402

>posting 3D scene whores
Welcome to /jp/, enjoy your stay. Do you not know who that girl is? Two years ago she was the poster child for Japanophiles on /jp/ and /a/. Here's a tip, don't try to fit in with your fellow /jp/ers too much, otherwise you might end up making a fool of yourself.

>> No.6808404

I believe we all agree that it shouldn't have an affect on the content.
We all know the story of how /jp/ came to be, it isn't easy to define with a simple term.

But if it goes down the way of /dg/ for instance, that would cover a lot, but it wouldn't cover everything.
If things non-doujin all of a sudden was to be frowned upon, then I would see that change as simply /jp/ having died.

If there is to be a namechange at all, then it should only be as a label, nothing about the rules nor the content should have to change.

>> No.6808406

Sorry, i came here in 2009, so i guess 2 years. im not some troll i just forget the date i came on here. If you guys don't want me to text him then whatever.

>> No.6808413

>I assume they're not all made by Sion
If you include Sion's little band of friends, I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

>> No.6808419

How the fuck did you count 2009 as 3 years ago?

You're not a troll, you're an oldfag wannabe.

>> No.6808422

Two years ago? Has it been so long already?

>> No.6808430


/jp/ers are saying oldfag and newfag these days? Is that what's hot on the streets, dog?

>> No.6808435

Remember guys, this board was created as a 'catch-all' board for shit that didn't fit in /a/.

If we change it to something like /dg/ we'll have people going "OMG mooott!!1 PLZ MAKE ANOTHER BOARD 4 /place ANYTHING here/. /dg/ HAS BECUM CANCUR ND U GOTTA FIX IT 4 US!11".

I'm ok for a name-change, but the name change should not imply that the scope of /jp/ should be narrower.

>> No.6808436

>nothing about the rules nor the content should have to change.

I sort of disagree, /jp/'s true rule list is an evolving construct created and maintained by board veterans and true content providers

It needs to stay as /jp/ but the label for it can change, this sort of event would be a good thing coming into the 3rd year anniversary of /jp/ next month

>> No.6808437

>But if it goes down the way of /dg/ for instance, that would cover a lot, but it wouldn't cover everything.

Nothing would make me happier than to not see idolfaggotry, MMO threads, and lolsorandom daily doses and other stupid shit. In fact nothing makes my butt more hurt than seeing VN threads deleted while those things go untouched.

/dg/ is the way to go.

>> No.6808439 [DELETED] 

Remember guys, this board was created as a 'catch-all' board for shit that didn't fit in /a/.

If we change it to something like /dg/ we'll have people going "OMG mooott!!1 PLZ MAKE ANOTHER BOARD 4 /place ANYTHING here/. /dg/ HAS BECUM CANCUR ND U GOTTA FIX IT 4 US!11".

I'm ok for a name-change, but the name change should not imply that the scope of /jp/ should be narrower, maybe it should even imply the opposite.

>> No.6808449

I for one desperately want this name change. I would text him myself, but it makes me too nervous to initiate an IM conversation with someone. ;_;

Whatever the letters, I think most would agree that the Touhou/visual novel part is crucial.

>> No.6808452

I believe we should all read these posts and meditate on their message.

>> No.6808454

so how about visual novels/toujin
toujin- short for touhou and doujins

>> No.6808457 [DELETED] 

I hope your butt remains in pain forever.

>> No.6808468

Just hide those threads if they annoy you, even if they change the name of this boards these threads are still gonna be there, and moot is --definetly-- not making another board just for those threads.

>> No.6808472

I'll ask again, the only way your comments have any meaning if you are literally referring to texting his cell, and even if that is the case it all subject to whatever mood or particular instinct he is having at the moment.

Shit I wish we really did have a true Moot /jp/ insider for stuff like this, A-san turned his back on us a long time ago

>> No.6808476

well moots not on on aim right now, maybe ill give it a try tomorrow if a certain amount of people ask the same thing , maybe hell do it. just don't be a faggot about it ask him in a normal polite way. also we have to ask him to change it to the same name in all our text or hell be confused.

>> No.6808483

No need to make other boards for that:

idols -> /mu/
MMOs -> /v/
/b/ shit -> /b/

>> No.6808484

Changing the name of /jp/ to something that narrows it's scope is a terrible idea. People are going to be complaining about even more off-topic threads and will then proceed to email moot about another board, and of course he's not making a spin-off board for a board that was initially created as a 'catch-all' for things that were non-/a/.

Terrible idea.

>> No.6808486

If I was still in the New York area, and still in contact with my modbro, I would help.

>> No.6808493

Post those there and they'll tell you to come back here.

>> No.6808488 [DELETED] 

VNs -> /v/
Touhou -> /v/
Doujins -> /a/

>> No.6808494

Complaining about condensed threads on /jp/ will go instantly to the bottom of board re-assessment and naming discussions.

>> No.6808496

How about
/jp/: Basement window?

>> No.6808497

Enough beating around the bush here, any mods etc reading this, just report to moot that we want to be /dg/ - Doujin Games and Visual Novel. That appears to be the popular vote, and btw there's no use spamming "nuh uh that name sucks" to try to change this popular view, because mods/janitors will see your samefagging.

Also if there's still some disagreement somewhere about /dg/ (although it doesn't seem like it) then as a personal suggestion I don't see why /dv/ wouldn't work... Doujinsoft/Visual Novels. Another personal suggestion of mine would be to put the phrase "Take it easy" in the rules.

>> No.6808499

VNs -> /v/
Touhou games -> /v/
Touhou everything else -> /a/

>> No.6808511

I will try to forward this through to the mods so they can convince moot. It will be hard since nobody cares about /jp/

Can't contact moot directly though, he hates my guts now.

>> No.6808516

I'm not asking moot for shit and I doubt you should.

The problems with /jp/ isn't the name, that's for sure.

>> No.6808522

Why exactly does changing the name matter so much? This board moves slow enough to hide all the threads you don't like, and the occasional /b/ thread will always be there, regardless of names.

>> No.6808524

>that we want to be /dg/ - Doujin Games and Visual Novel.

Nope, as other people have stated, a renaming should not result in a reduction of topics, I completely agree with that.

As much as it pains certain people here, we need to open up the content levels but do so in a defined and well thought out manner.

And this change can only occur if there were to be a clear set of moot rules, but true /jp/'s know this conversation right now is sort of a pipe dream.

But why not entertain this conversation, considering the "let's all point at ourselves" label

>> No.6808530


Some people cite "All things otaku welcome" as an excuse to post off topic shit here and force shit that we've never cared about, also I think it is/was the basis for that stupid screencap spam, autistic kids just cite "but durr it saiz otaku in da titlerrr" as an excuse to be faggots.

>> No.6808537

Everyone realizes this wouldn't be a miracle quick fix. It does however, offer us an opportunity for a fresh start. After that, it's up to us.

>> No.6808540

I can't think of how to expand it to contain normal /jp/ content without giving it some cruel loserish name that would completely backfire.

>> No.6808545

>we need to open up the content levels but do so in a defined and well thought out manner.

I never understood this.

/jp/ speeds up more every year, why do we need MORE content?

>> No.6808546

It's a compromise that most people are willing to accept, and anyhow I'm sure the occasional idolfag/figure/etc thread will be tolerated as long as they don't get overly obnoxious with it. The main reason to filter out all this /a/, /b/, /v/, etc bullshit that has just gone way overboard by now.

>> No.6808548

Those excuses are exactly that, excuses. Forced shit and spam will be here no matter what you change the name of the board to.

>> No.6808554

/dg/ - Touhou, Visual Novels, and Tripfag Circlejerks

Covers everything on /jp/ but the spam threads.

>> No.6808555

So explain why these people will magically disappear once /jp/ is renamed to /dv/ or /dg/ or /vt/ or whatever the fuck you want to call it.

>> No.6808556

I vote /jp/ - Japanese Media.
This way, it involves everything that's posted on the current /jp/ and even includes normal Japanese games, which should be able to stop the hurtness from the butts of some people. There should be some mention about how anime and manga should still be posted on /a/ somewhere, though, because people are stupid.

>> No.6808559

We need to claim a Japanese content area that has bi-partisan support, any suggestions? We can't and don't want to take from travel.

We certainly don't want to go the /soc/ route, maybe some sort of content posting tool, like embedding video or some sort of hybrid /rs/ tool that would be great for Comiket content

>> No.6808562

Nice trips, faggot. Gb2 /v/

>> No.6808563

Exactly x100000.

>> No.6808564

That's patently idiotic.

>> No.6808569

Changing the label? lol /jp/ in denial


>> No.6808574

> nice trips
> Gb2 /v/

>> No.6808595

The most you can hope for from a name+label change is that it will stop random faggots who see "jp" "japan" "otaku" and come in to cause trouble. That's why you want to pick a boring name like "Doujin Games/Visual Novels". But the anime spam won't ever go away.

>> No.6808599

Ok, let's get real here.

Changing the name won't actually change anything, we'll still be having the exact same threads as we usually have, and if we start complaining about them then moot would much rather just change it back to /otaku-culture/ than creating another board just for that.

/jp/ moves slow enough anyways, there's no need to condensate it any further.

>> No.6808603

Thanks for your opinion, and thanks for not saying why it's idiotic.

I believe that it should either be that or /dg/; but Japanese Media would be preferable because we also usually discuss things such as 2ch, NicoVideo, idols, pixiv and so on, and not only doujin games and visual novels.

>> No.6808614


The board will change a lot.

No more "huurr y u weeaboos luv Japan?"
"hey guize, my gf gave me dis necklace with chink letters, wat does it say?", "LOL U MAD WEEABOS, HIROSHIMA, HERP DERP", "I wan 2 learn jap, how do i start?"

WE won't change but many of the fucking retards that come to this board will go away.

>> No.6808616

i'm out for a while and look what happens.

and honestly i don't think name change will actually change anything.

>> No.6808618

Japanese Media would be a little too geralish, it be better to go back to japan/general if we were going to be that vague in a title. At least we'd have some sort of precedent to stand upon with the general label.

Trolls and faggots would be testing all the realms of Japanese media which are wide spreading

>> No.6808619

I thought it was sufficiently retarded that I wouldn't have to explain, but okay: because it invites in everything from the Final Fantasy crew to the Pokemon kiddies to the J-drama enthusiasts. You would have to call it:

/jp/ - Japanese Media, except that stuff that belongs in /a/, or /v/, or /m/, or /tv/, or /vp/, or /fa/, or /s/, or /po/.

>> No.6808622

no fun allowed.jpg

you and your kind are the cancer that is killing 4chon as a whole

>> No.6808623

Their main excuse at the moment is saying that their spam is "otaku related", and when we call bullshit on that they point to the rules, and how nothing can be done about that.
/dg/ would most likely have more than "All otaku things welcome!" on its rules.

>> No.6808624

as long as i have a place to discuss touhou/post touhou related threads i don't care what happens, name change or whatever.

>> No.6808628

Their new excuse would be, "it always belonged here, deal with it."

>> No.6808631

I don't give the slightest shit what our board is called. A name change isn't going to at all deter people from purposefully making off topic threads. Active board moderation is the only solution

>> No.6808635

I think the opposite,we should make /jp/ smaller by making it touhou/vns. that dosnt mean the stuff that is here will change but we can use it so people like >>6808614 and other trolls and get the fuck out.

>> No.6808637

can't we just change the rules? a new name doesn't change shit.

>> No.6808640

I realized that halfway through my post, but then I noticed something: all anime is Japanese, but not all video games are Japanese - or any of everything else you mentioned. That's why anime and manga would technically be out of the board, while everything else would be welcome.
...Although, shit, we'd probably get a lot of bad threads involving everything else, wouldn't we. Ugh.

>> No.6808652

What about the option of making it a NWS board? That has its own problems, but at least you could have heavy moderation without getting in the way of regular users so much.

>> No.6808660

Please forgive my crippling ignorance, but exactly what would this accomplish besides switching over to an entirely less-pleasing default colour scheme?

>> No.6808661

rules will not fucking matter, a name change will make the trolls stop coming to /jp/ though based on what we change it too, if it just has touhou/vns, the assholes cant come to use to use the usual trolling about nukes and japan and we also get rid of people asking for anything japanese related . im gonna ask moot as soon as he comes on for touhou/vns.

>> No.6808665

Why don't you fuckers just make an imageboard and call it a day

>> No.6808669

I'm okay with changing the name but could you at least change it to something that doesn't narrow /jp/s posting scope. We wouldn't be able to take it easy with people complaining about half the threads being off-topic

>> No.6808677

It's not the off-topic, it's to repel away any hobos that come saying the generic threads said by >>6808614

>> No.6808689

Dont worry about that, we will be able to post the same shit but the trolls and the newfags wont know that, if you catch my drift.

>> No.6808690


I think most people on /dg/ would be tolerant with ronery threads and it's derivatives since most of us post in those threads.

>> No.6808701

Almost half the gaming industry is from Japan you [redacted]. Do you really want to see Mario, Sonic, Pokemon and Final Fantasy threads here? Because last time I checked, they were also from Japan.

You guys seem to be confusing the rules page with the board's name. The ONLY benefit to having a certain board name is that it keeps out certain people. For instance, if the board was named Japanese Culture a lot of Japanophiles would come here. The rules page on the other hand is a completely different subject. In my opinion, rules should be very strict. For instance, if the rules page says 'Video games', all video games should be allowed (and anything that's not a video game should get banned on contact). If we're not strict with the rules the board will become spam/general again. We already tried a community based moderation system and it didn't work.

>> No.6808716



Sup AoC.

>> No.6808717

If it gets changed to /dg/ then prepare yourselves for all the futa trollposts.

I suggest /dv/ instead.

>> No.6808718

Well since half of this board likes posting about eroge, 2D sluts, and which Touhou has the rudest titties, having mods around to deal with spam and offtopic trolls doesn't mesh well with that.

>> No.6808724

If /dg/ continues being a worksafe board, there probably wouldn't be as much futa as you think.
And it's not like we mind being spammed by futa.

>> No.6808727
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Moot just showed up at Barcade,
was empty and filled with betas wandering around not engaging in conversation

>> No.6808731

I agree with him, /ez/ is a perfect board name.

>> No.6808736

The board really really should indeed remain "worksafe".
That way we can have our ero threads, and when we occasionally post ero in non-ero threads we can also continue to spoiler them if we care enough etc.

This being a blue board has enabled us to discuss all the ero stuff in a "moderate" and "mature" way.
Ok, scrap mature, but think of the difference between actually discussion erotic topics with someone, and furiously fapping with him.
I fear that /jp/ not being worksafe would be a horrible thing.

>> No.6808738

A moderator once explained that the SFW rules are not for making the board safe at work. The rules are just in place to stop us from turning the board into another /h/ or /e/.

Also, I used to love the idea of a /dg/ board but then I realized we hardly have enough topics to discuss as is. The main reason why we're seeing so much shitty threads is because /jp/ers are bored of each other.

>> No.6808740

All that hard work trolling 4 boards full of shut-ins and a penis rating board and ending up with nothing to show for it? How depressing.

>> No.6808743

Exactly, and that's why narrowing /jp/s scope will only stagnate this board.

>> No.6808746

I fully agree with you. It would just end up porn dumps.

If the name ever did get changed, the best possible thing would be for moot to not announce it at the top of the page. Just do it and not inform anyone.

>> No.6808750

This would be the point where people point at Moot and laugh...

He certainly doesn't have good luck with his "New York People"

>> No.6808751

That's fine as long as the mods understand the deal. These new ones don't, although I don't know what's up now.

>> No.6808755


All I see are wigger faggots and hipsters... hmm...

>> No.6808758

Exactly, no new board name proposal should limit the scope of /jp/ but rather expand it and does so in a particulate manner.

The fact that he may come back humbled from his faggotry tonight may play well into our hands, he's not much of a drinker either is he

>> No.6808765

In what ways should /jp/'s scope be expanded?

>> No.6808772
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Joke's on moot now isn't it. I kinda feel for him, if I lived in NY I'd have gone to see him just because that would be a pretty effective message that none of his moronic "friends" from /b/ give a shit about him; that even someone from a board he hates is more friendly.

Any /jp/sies in NY should go have a heart to heart talk with him. And possibly some hot trap sex since moot's probably into that. That'll get us our name change for sure, take one for the team.

>> No.6808773

make a new board
and leave /jp/ as it is

or you idiots could just migrate to, you know, bunbunmaru instead of being a little whiny faggot in 4chon's /jp/

>> No.6808774
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>All that hard work trolling 4 boards full of shut-ins and a penis rating board and ending up with nothing to show for it? How depressing.
I'm the only one who seems to be able to understand moot. When moot wrote "/a/, /v/ and /jp/, let's all point at /r9k/ and laugh" it was a silent cry for help. He wanted otakus to go with him, not normalfriends from /b/. Also, /soc/ is just an experiment for his new startup.

OR...moot's e-fame got to his head and he created /soc/ to attract batshit insane camwhores who'd fuck on the first date.

>> No.6808778
File: 176 KB, 830x756, 1295058240488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've felt that /jp/ has lacked in television coverage, dramas, legitimate art threads, philosopy/history, just to throw out a few things.

And it may seem basic but I'll say it again, the fact that on the front page, /jp/ falls under Otaku Culture keeps a lot of interested people from even looking here.

As much as it pains some people here, we need some fresh blood on /jp/

>> No.6808785


But I don't care for those things, and feel the people they will bring will not care for the doujin things I care for.

/jp/'s initial run as japan/general supports this.

>> No.6808790


If /bun/ got more than like, 2 posts a daym I'd maybe visit there more than once a year. Place is more dead than tohno chan (which is also better than /bun/).

>> No.6808793

I'm using the name field, please give me attention! I need a reaction out of you. Please take the bait ;_;

>> No.6808796

If he really cared about his otaku heritage, he'd have stopped 4chan from turning into the normalfag cesspit it is today. He did this for the attention.

>> No.6808799


Back in the Japan/General days, I remember a couple of pretty successful and enlightening Japanese literature threads, that gave me quite a few things to read.

Those were good days.

>> No.6808801

The board is already semi-fast.

>> No.6808802

>When moot wrote "/a/, /v/ and /jp/, let's all point at /r9k/ and laugh"

I think you need to time out the progression of board trolling tonight

>He wanted otakus to go with him, not normalfriends from /b/
Haha, that is a pretty big stretch, he doesn't engage us at all because of being bound by /a/'s faggotry and the shame of /r9k/

>> No.6808805

Let me clear at least this for you. /soc/ was created with the sole intent of cleaning up /b/ a bit, get rid of all of the camwhore and "rate my cock" threads.

Still not sure of how he feels about it.

Also, you're at least right on something. One time I proposed to him to get rid of /jp/ (don't judge me, we are a failure of an experiment after all). He was really adamant about letting the board live, saying that a few thousand people care about it and that was more than enough.

He doesn't care much for anime and manga, he seems to have matured out of it. But at least he still cares about us, even though he doesn't show it all the time.

>> No.6808812

So moot misses us all along?


>> No.6808817

Thanks for your reply, I suppose I agree with you. It would be nice to be able to take it easy and discuss Murakami, Mishima etc with /jp/ among other things. I don't know how it would end up working out though.

>> No.6808819

>One time I proposed to him to get rid of /jp/ (don't judge me, we are a failure of an experiment after all)

Look at 4chan today and list me the definition of a successful experiment, honestly. And list your reasons why

>> No.6808827

Otaku Culture is a fine enough board name that encompasses everything /jp/ was meant to be, a catch-all for shit that didn't belong in /a/.

Idol threads, Figurines, VNs, eroges, fotm MMOs.. TOUHOU.

You're delusional if you think it needs a more generic name, it doesn't get much more broad than "Board dedicated to minor or obscure things people obsess over, and touhou."

>> No.6808824 [DELETED] 


>> No.6808833

moot is tsundere for /jp/?

I was asleep when this shot went down, were we really included with /a/ and /v/?

>> No.6808837

We didn't improve /a/.
I know, it sounds moronic looking back, but that was our purpose at the start. Plus the fact that we're beyond a hassle to moderate. Turns out it's better to let us be than to reign in with an iron hand. Looking back, it was the right decision.

Some of the new boards turned out just as predicted, I guess you could count that as a success.

>> No.6808841

>Saegrimr !SHIELDM.mE

>> No.6808846

At first he sent /a/ and /v/ over to /jp/, then all of us to make fun of /r9k/. Afterwards he changed the names to "let's all point at ourselves and laugh".

It was pretty fun.

>> No.6808847

>Also, you're at least right on something. One time I proposed to him to get rid of /jp/ (don't judge me
I respect your right to attempt that but after it failed I think you're kind of hypocritical for being here. If it's as much as a failure as you think it is, why are you still here?

>He doesn't care much for anime and manga, he seems to have matured out of it.
I don't understand why so many people think this makes him a normal. I think it's a sign that he's a high level otaku. In the same way that oldschool and hardcore gamers are too elitist to play next-gen games, long time anime fans can't be assed to watch Kyoto Animation's moeblob slice of life #3132.

>> No.6808852


- Leave /jp/ as it is
- Want to exclusively discuss VNs?
Go to either gemot or forums of your choice
Want to exclusively discuss Touhou?
Go to poolshmer or someshit.
- Want no trolling/shitposting at all?
Go to forums
- Otherwise learn to take it easy and /jp/.


>> No.6808856

I disagree and I'm not sure I've ever seen you post here before, as much it may surprise you, the name Otaku Culture was actually used as a label to narrow the definition of /jp/ ,

I mean just think of the words Japan General and the generic all things Japan welcome, it's never really been true.

So why not clarify for once and plot out some sort of either new campaign and new direction.

As long as we are somewhat monitored by the new mods, why not test something new.

I almost feel like condense another board into us might be an idea

>> No.6808858

All of our threads died.
It wasn't fun.

>> No.6808860


Ya know, he says he doesn't care about anime and manga, but /jp/ is proof enough that you don't need to care about those things at all to still be an otaku in some respect. I'm not trying to imply he's actually one of us but he definitely is not as normal as we make him out to be.

moot is still more like us than different from us, I think. He might just be confused about what his role should be for 4chan and who here even still authentically likes this guy; when /b/ reacted with typical moot trolling with hissyfit shitstorm faggotry and even ddos'ing it might have been a sign to him that there are way more newfags than oldfags, and the newfags don't know shit about the real 4chan aside from doubles and rate me threads.

Also I think moot is probably getting badgered around by people (like the ones who invested in him for canvas) to try to clean up his image in the eyes of the business world, so that he can give a better presentation of his startup. Aka he's trying to be more professional so that he can be a bit more like Zuckerberg. moot's got so much fucking potential to make money off work on 4chan after all these years, can't blame him for trying to tap into a waiting goldmine.

>> No.6808862

>/soc/ was created with the sole intent of cleaning up /b/ a bit
People actually believed that? Did you not read what you typed? Clean /b/?

Are you that gullible. /b/ is synonymous with dirt. It's like cleaning dirt.

>> No.6808863

> I'll axe this board if it turns a hassle to moderate.
That was my logic at the time. I was wrong.

>> No.6808865

/b/ was awesome back in the ancient era
it's like /jp/ with animu

>> No.6808867


The shit posting increased after the name change. Filthy little we/a/boos see the word "otaku" and dive right on it.

We want the board to have a name that won't attract normalfag /b/rowser and f/a/ggots, is all. And no need to go calling people "delusional". Take it easy.

>> No.6808869

Fine, don't believe me. It's not like I know what I'm talking about

>> No.6808879

You're actually quite right. For a while there the majority of metathreads here were rage over what is and isn't /jp/ related.

And even more recently that Chie spammer autist.

>> No.6808886

Remember when /jp/ raged over Ar Tonelico in /jp/?

>> No.6808892

and we still do

>> No.6808896

>Aka he's trying to be more professional
I don't know... The way he implemented the captcha seems to imply otherwise. I think moot is simply lonely. People tend to act like retards once they let loneliness take control, just look as /jp/'s shit posting for an example...

>> No.6808900
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Now he is gonna be mad and shit on 4chan even more.

>> No.6808902

I agree, "Japan/General" wasn't as obvious of a title so it kinda filtered how many people were coming in"
And I really don't like the word "Otaku", shit sounds so wapanese I feel like I'm on some random anime forum.

>> No.6808904 [DELETED] 

>metathreads here were rage over what is and isn't /jp/ related.

Protip: The meta threads were a toll utilized by /bun/ trolls to divide the /jp/ community and instill internal strife over the board's content

>> No.6808906

RPG threads on /jp/ are so terrible I can't even be bothered to rage over them anymore, as that would require looking at them.

>> No.6808908

I did like Japan/General, but that brought in a different set of problems.
But then again its not like we dont still get that all the time, such as "going to x place in japan, halp" "what does this mean?" and whatnot.

Also I usually just post in Hisouten or MMO threads, or the occasional touhou thread. Only reason I have a trip was for Hisoutensoku anyway.

Pretty sure the increase in shitposting isnt because of the namechange, but simply because its been around long enough to catch the attention of other boards and new people. If you really think most of the shitposting is coming from an outside source on a daily basis you'd be mistaken.

Then again these mod hijinks with drawing attention to /jp/ isn't helping any either.
i'm sorry for calling you delusional~

>> No.6808909

>metathreads here were rage over what is and isn't /jp/ related.

Protip: The meta threads were a tool utilized by /bun/ trolls to divide the /jp/ community and instill internal strife over the board's content

>> No.6808914

I think he might be lonely too, or even having some type of personality crisis. I just don't understand why he says /b/ is his favorite board and he spends his time there. If it is for the ego boost, that won't last.

I wander if anyone actually showed up to his meetup. What are they going to do? Say memes and high five each other? He was probably hoping for weird cunts from /jp/.

>> No.6808915

Simple solution to all of our problems: Get moot to clarify the rules. Japan/General was such a broad name that it technically could have allowed Naruto and Zelda threads. Otaku Culture is a little bit better but even it is kind of ambiguous. moot should edit the rules page to explicitly say:

/jp/ is for:
-Visual Novels
-Idols (unfortunately)
-Neta, 2ch, Nico...

>> No.6808916

but the earlier anon said theres nobody in /bun/

>> No.6808918
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>> No.6808922

Moot will never do anything for this board that doesn't worsen it's condition, I thought you guys knew this already.

>> No.6808929

This thread is getting nowhere.

Do we want a name which states what contents will be found on the board?

Do we want something to filter out the idiots coming in here?

Would more mods/janitors be needed for this?

Can this be achieved?

Will moot actually put the effort in?

and.. even if the answer to all of those is yes, we ourselves need to find a name which moot will actually accept, if any, that is.

>> No.6808930

I think the real problem with /jp/ is that it needs better moderation. The board is still slow enough for one mod, or a mod and a janitor to handle this shit. Provided of course that the mod / janitor is not slacking off or trolling.

Unfortunately, I don't think placing our hopes in 4chan mods has ever paid off. Maybe we need to harass moot about getting better mods / more janitors?

Some way to check on the records of mods and janitors to make sure they're doing their jobs right, and report them if they're not, would be a nice idea.

>> No.6808939

>I think the real problem with /jp/ is that it needs better moderation.

Bingo. Thread's over. (its been over for a while.)

>> No.6808941


>> No.6808951


> This thread is getting nowhere.

Just like the thousands of previous meta-threads!

>> No.6808953

I have been thinking this since the thread started.

>> No.6808957

This won't help, though. People will always find moronic ways to try and distort his words just to fit their interests.

Look at those "World of Tanks" or whatever threads. Some people seem to seriously believe that that's related to /jp/ in some way...

>> No.6808963

in b4 "tank otaku" faggotry

>> No.6808971

Easy to ask for. Nigh impossible to get.
Too many variables come into play, and this is a board that just won't stay happy, no matter what.

I'm trying my best, hoping that the new mods will make a change. They're doing their best, but I fear for them getting tired of our bullshit. What we could really use are more native mods. Not janitors, mods, because just deleting the threads achieves nothing.

>> No.6808972

>claims of moot being stabbed are part of a practical joke everyone at the event decided to participate in, the end.

Moot meetup is so pathetic that those sick fucks are invoking fake reports of violence to troll on top of what they did already tonight...jesus

>> No.6808973

The /jp/ cycle:

1. Is it some of kind of new, tangentially-related content? -- Shitstorm amidst related posting
2. Are people still posting these types of threads after a few days/weeks? -- Partial indifference sets in.
3. Are people still posting after a good long while? -- Only angry autistic assholes and trolls still care.

I'd rather see tangentially-related shit than TOUHOU FEET xD thread #121.

>> No.6808976

I never understood why he can't just create a board for each subject people want to discuss. VN board, figurine board etc.
It's not like it costs money or something.

>> No.6808980


>> No.6808982

>implying you didn't love each and every one of those first 120 Touhou feet threads

>> No.6808986

God you guys are such faggots.

Has it really not occurred to you that the reason your board is such garbage is because you spend all your time talking about why it's shit rather than discussing things you want?

Take it easy and go post in a thread you want and if it doesn't exist, make it.

>> No.6808987

Only the ones with new content that I hadn't already saved!

>> No.6808998


At this point it wouldn't surprise me if someone eventually did fuck up moot for being such a fucking asshole.

>> No.6809001

So where can we sign up to be janitors?

>> No.6809002

Who the fuck cares about 2ch? This is /jp/, something doesn't automatically becomes related to us just because it appears somewhere dubbed in kanji.

>> No.6809004

>I'd rather see tangentially-related shit than TOUHOU FEET xD thread #121.
This Touhou hate stuff has to end. It's post like that that motivates autist like Quality Controll. Those random Touhou threads might be bad but they're still much better than most of the stuff that gets posted here. Touhou is the life and blood of /jp/. If it wasn't for the Touhou hijacks of old /a/ this board wouldn't exist. What I'm trying to say here is, take it easy.

>> No.6809008


While I agree with you, invasions flare things up. If people would just leave well enough alone, we'd get along just fine.... Do you get what I'm saying?

>> No.6809016

You can't.
The Janitor applications have been closed for a long time.


>> No.6809021

>If it wasn't for the Touhou hijacks of old /a/ this board wouldn't exist.

Exactly, and I saw 99% of these pictures before /jp/ was made, and I see much of the newer stuff on Pixiv or a booru site. I'd rather seen content here that hasn't been posted ad nauseum.

>> No.6809022


That's kind of harsh... I'd rather just sit down and have a regular adult conversation with the guy over a beer. Unfortunately I'm thousands of miles from NY.

>> No.6809023

so true

>> No.6809037

listen when moot gets back on, im likely going just ask him if hes willing to change the name, i might also ask for a new maid thats all. ill also point him to this thread.

>> No.6809042

He won't give a fuck and probably just troll us again with some retarded shit.

>> No.6809051


Moot should reopen the janitor applications, and recruit a liberal amount of janitors. The bad ones might outnumber the good but they can be weeded out over time, and the good ones retained. Thus board policy is enforced.

I do think moot should be more explicit with the rules. Something more clear beyond "All things otaku welcome!" To be more precise, I think it needs to be stated exactly what kind of content is permissible on /jp/ i.e. the main focus being Touhou, VNs, and doujin games. Anime and manga threads not related to those things should be axed, in my opinion. Other, slightly off-topic discussions, like things relating to Japanese literature or other media, should be tolerated, as long as they don't grow to consume the whole board.

>> No.6809061

This is what I have been contemplating.

I just doubt it will happen.

>> No.6809066

>listen when moot gets back on, im likely going just ask him if hes willing to change the name, i might also ask for a new maid thats all. ill also point him to this thread.
Judging from your punctuation and capitalization you're either new here (or you're suigin). You're probably the guy who said he's been on /jp/ for 3 years. Don't ask moot to do anything on 'our' behalf before seeing what /jp/ers really wants.

moot doesn't follow orders. At best, if you got him to do a name change it wouldn't be the name you wanted it to be. Having talked to moot a few times I'm somewhat terrified of him. So I'm asking you to reconsider. He's either going to rename it to something that's universally hated or something that is universally loved. Everything is hit and miss with him.

Also, showing him this thread on easymodo probably wouldn't be a good idea.

>> No.6809070

>Japanese literature or other media, should be tolerated, as long as they don't grow to consume the whole board.
I agree with that. There is nothing wrong with being a bit eclectic. I mean, look at /tg/, they discuss pretty much anything and everything there and it works, albeit with some trolls.

>> No.6809077

Look what happened with the former meido/AoC. Deleting off topic, shit threads resulted in so much spam and shitposting. It'll be a hard task.

>> No.6809090

What's with you and wanting more janitors. I wouldn't wish a janitor job on my worse enemy. They're useless against spammers. Also, moot recently hired more moderators. I've noticed their activity. Give them a little more time before requesting more.

>> No.6809093

>I mean, look at /tg/, they discuss pretty much anything and everything there

until the janitor came, I'm not even against moderation but goddamn that janitor pisses off a bunch of people

>> No.6809095


That's why I think having a great quantity of janitors can help. With five or six people on the board at once they can keep up with and delete the shitposting a lot faster.

>> No.6809102


>I wouldn't wish a janitor job on my worse enemy.

i wish to be the janitor

>> No.6809107

I wish I was a janitor too. But then I'd be fired for leaving threads about 3D little girls alone.

>> No.6809109


I somewhat doubt that moot is even capable of having a truly adult conversation.

He clearly doesn't understand the magnitude of what he's doing when he turns boards against each other like he did today, that's beyond light mannered trolling like giga puddi, and going into just plain dickery.

It's especially moreso for /jp/ since we are far smaller than the other boards affected by this. Things were actually going pretty nicely for once, since we actually have a lot of shit to talk about this time of year, and then bam, all the nice threads which had been carefully built up for days get swept away, not only that but by the very random underage morons driving 4chan's quality to beyond shit. He doesn't understand how delicate small boards are.

If 4chan is to ever grow beyond the reputation it has it would involve attracting more intelligent people, not less intelligent people (as /soc/ is bound to do). /sci/ and /lit/ are starts but are not enough, we also need a business/economics board, a politics board, a history board, philosophy etc. Some would argue that such interests aren't relevant to 4chan because 4chan is supposed to be a casual discussion place, but intellectuals like to have interesting discussions on these topics as casual discussion and so such boards would serve us greatly.

Also I don't want to hear shit about how moot must have some idea of how he should treat small slow boards because he posts on /ck/ and thinks /po/ is the best board etc, at root, he doesn't know when to stop, and demonstrably doesn't stop himself from fucking things up for hundreds of thousands of people, his own site's users ... when he acts like this, and yet is in a position where he is expected to be somewhere approaching competence in terms of management, that's a dead giveaway of immaturity. All it's doing is proving is that his poor management and lack of big-picture mentality will only help canv.as sink like a stone.

>> No.6809119

>more intelligent people

ha ha ha oh wow

>> No.6809123

To be honest, GIGA PUDDI completely broke the board for days. The damage done by moot's recent silliness is a lot less than happened previously.

moot's dickery indicates that he wants 4chan to be a "fun" place, not a place for "serious" intellectual discussion. And really, there are forums for that sort of stuff.

>> No.6809130


>a politics board

Ever been to /new/?

>> No.6809137

>"serious" intellectual discussion
Mutually exclusive.

The typical forum ruins any chance of intellectual discussion with usernames, avatars, signatures, emoticons, pretentiousness and self-proclaimed trolls.

>> No.6809140

A politics board would easily become /new/ 2.0. A history board would be filled with the worst kind of revisionists. I think that the only way would be to choose more specific topics such as "/mh/- Medieval History" or "/mc/ - Macro Economics". Sure, they would be slower but at least trolls probably wouldn't ever notice their existence.

>> No.6809142


/new/, functionally, works like a cousin of /int/. Dedicated politics have no place. And I'd really like to have a discussion on say, healthcare reform in the U.S with the same people who are more interested in setting up a new Stormfront here.

>> No.6809145

Has anyone ever emailed moot? Does he actually respond? If we all emailed him our suggestions about wanting to remove the cruft from /jp/, would he actually read them?

>> No.6809147

there's already a politics text board

>> No.6809150

Major typo/correction
>and I'd really RATHER not have such discussion with the exact same people more interested in trying to set up a new Stormfront

>> No.6809153

Moot goes through every email.
He rarely replies though.

>> No.6809155

It's not so major. The way you had it, I read it as something like "I'd like to see them try."

>> No.6809159
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Yes, metathreads make everything all better.

>> No.6809164

we should just call it "/jp/ - /jp/" or just plain /jp/

>> No.6809167

/jp/ - Metathreads/General

>> No.6809170

no point whining to moot to clean up the board. moot unlike the shit faced autistic cunts on /jp/ knows what an otaku board is all about. the autistic cunts want /jp/ to be touhou/visual novel/doujin game. world of tanks and mmos are as /v/ related as touhou games are in relation to otaku culture, but retards won't stop lying to themselves about it.

/jp/ has the worst autistic retards around who whine about overly obvious /jp/ related material belonging on other boards. you should be happy moot doesn't just troll you retards and allow anime posts.

>> No.6809174

The typical anything is a pile of shit, but not all of them, and avatars should not get in the way of your having a political discussion.

>> No.6809177
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I just realized i wasted a lot of time discussing in this thread, nothing is going to change we already had this debate hundreds of times before and nothing happened, Moot is right now  at some bar having fun and the rest of the 4chan staff are just hanging around /b//r9k/a/v/.

>> No.6809184

You almost make it sound like anime threads are forbidden on here.

>> No.6809185

oh and also remove the link to this board from the front page

>> No.6809187

Yes they do. On forums, people are more concerned with maintaining the image they want than they are with saying what they really want to say.

To be regard as the worst tripfag on a board, all you need to do is manage to post exactly as you did anonymously.

>> No.6809188


I can't believe you left this thread up. If you knew what was good for /jp/ you would have deleted it ages ago.

>> No.6809195

Only if you're in a forum full of retarded children.

>> No.6809198

>politics board
Stopped reading here. Your credibility is gone. Of all the subjects, politics are the most divisive. People on the Internet can't discuss it without taking things personally and insulting each other. /new/ is not even a board for pure politics, but even with an ounce of politics it is one of the most hostile boards on 4chan. 4chan as a whole isn't mature enough for news, let alone politics.

>> No.6809199

Nope. Everyone wants to maintain their public image and will mask their real thoughts and feelings. That's why the only real discussions you can have are done anonymously.

>> No.6809201


>> No.6809204


You just need to find good forum, the most intelligent people i have found on the internet go to forums, they are not here on 4chan spouting memes, looking at lewd things or having conversations with kids in their 20's.

It sounds like you have never visited any other forum besides Gaia or gamefaqs.

I'm not gonna lie, i only come to 4chan for the 'epic lol so randum xD stuff ' when i want to discuss serious things i go to forums where the majority of the people are in their early 30's

>> No.6809208

Are you a Tankfag crying about people wanting your garbage threads gone or do you just suck at English?

>> No.6809211

I no longer blame the users with autism. I blame their parents for letting them loose on the Internet.

>> No.6809212

Get out of /jp/

>> No.6809215

I use a board where nobody thinks twice about presenting their political positions. It has it's fair share of retards but removing the avatars would only make things worse.

>> No.6809221

Is /jp/ really that bad? This is the only shitty thread on the front page.

>> No.6809222

How do you know they don't keep the most controversial of their thoughts to themselves? You get retards who abuse anonymity. Sometimes, they're the same person you're having a mature discussion with and you'll never know. It's worth the trade-off.

>> No.6809225

Sorry; the usernames.

>> No.6809228

>On forums, people are more concerned with maintaining the image they want than they are with saying what they really want to say.

This is why anon imageboards are flat-out a superior format to forums.

The flexibility and ease of use is simply marvelous, and the anonymity allows people to speak their minds. Unfortunately, it seems few people have anything truly profound on their minds other than what does my dick look like etc... From this fact can be derived the real flaw of what makes parts of 4chan like /b/ and /r9k/ so inherently faulty ... it's that they're accurate reflections of human nature, and it's some scary shit because it shows that humans are for the most part petty, baseless and overly emotional over trivial matters.. we think of ourselves as better than that as a species, and so it's extremely disturbing seeing our collective reflection in the mirror. That is the riddle of what the cancer really is.. it's us as a collective, and if you're of a mental capacity higher than the average, the frightening and depressing nature of how stupid we are overall as a species comes into focus, with /b/ acting as the magnifying lens.

>> No.6809229

How do you know random Anonymous people aren't? You are simply speculating. Any political position you don't want to talk about because you think it will make you look retarded probably wasn't a good one to begin with, anyway.

>> No.6809233

>overly emotional over trivial matters

That sums up this entire thread nicely.

>> No.6809240

>How do you know random Anonymous people aren't?
Because they have no reason to. They have no image to preserve, they can come along pretending to be another person. The only thing they need to fear is moderators.

>Any political position you don't want to talk about because you think it will make you look retarded
Or perhaps it's an enlightened position but everyone else would view it as sick, wrong, evil or stupid? That's happened plenty of times in the past.

>> No.6809251


I don't understand people like you.

I know sometimes there can be high quality discussions on 4chan but the truth is that atleast 95% of the people who browse 4chan everyday started coming here because they heard about crazy and fun this place is, me included and probably you too.

4chan is more about mindless fun, that's the thing that made this place so insanely popular, thinking it should be a serious website for intelligent and mature people is just ridiculous, mature and intelligent people don't come to this place, they take a look at /b/ and leave immediately.

And sometimes some of the biggest "elitists" on /jp/ are the most immature and childish people here, specially when they have their own hilarious vision of what is a normalfag or what kind of people belong here.

>> No.6809252

If only retards think your position is idiotic you shouldn't be afraid to state it. What are they going to do, come to your house and make fun of you? You are an arbitrarily chosen name on the internet - you can disappear the next day or create another identity if you want to.

>> No.6809258

"Mature and intelligent" people can't come here at all because they're too focused on having people be accountable for their thoughts and actions to accept anonymity.

>> No.6809259

/jp/ sees itself as a little island fortress in the middle of 4chan. We largely do not conform to expectations of other boards.

>> No.6809261


Sorry wrong quote, my post was for this person >>6809109

>> No.6809266

>you can disappear the next day or create another identity if you want to.
Except you can't, really. People often have a staggering number of posts built up on the forums they frequent. That identity is valuable to them. They don't want to tarnish it. They can come along with a new identity, but they'll have to start from scratch. They won't be respected.

Plus, in this type of place, moderators more frequently interact with the posters. In fact, it's almost always a case that a moderator is also a frequent poster and it says moderator right under his name. And he can see that you're not some new person coming along, and he'll probably say as much, too.

>> No.6809270

Yeah, fuck those mature and intelligent people and their `ethics`, long live laziness and squalor

>> No.6809273

Thinking /b/, /r9k/, /a/, and /v/ as being the sum total of 4chan beyond /jp/ is pretty dumb

>> No.6809276

OP's topic has changed from "should we ask moot to rename the board" to "forum vs imageboard."

Good job guys.

>> No.6809278
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Not alot of posts talking shit about idolbros, I like that.

OP from the Musume + soloists and whathaveyou thread here? We need a new thread.

>> No.6809280


"Mature and intelligent" people don't care about such trivial things because they are mature and don't waste their time talking to people who recently became adults.

People in their 30's or older are usually are not attention whores wanting to be famous or recognized, like all the kids on the forums you have visited dedicated to "childish" hobbies like video-games or anime.

>> No.6809281

Most boards are just boards for /b/ to go to. See: all the porn boards, /new/ and /int/, /x/, /soc/, /sp/ and even /v/, really.

>> No.6809283

Well you sure proved me wrong, that is a complete list of the boards on 4chan

>> No.6809285


There are no rules stating that intellectuals can't bear to be around common idiots, in fact intellectuals have to adjust to being surrounded idiots basically every time they step outside because they are of such a higher mental caliber than the norm.

Similarly I feel little different on /jp/ than I do when I'm outside because it's the same kind of voluntary isolation; I'd let my barriers down if I saw someone else who was even a little like me and I see that here on /jp/. I'm not saying this ironically, we really are one of the brighter boards here (although the bar to raise in that aspect was set low to begin with).

Am I not allowed to entertain the notion of 4chan growing up to be an all-around functional place for people of all kinds, rather than become a place where people save funny pictures to post on Facebook and go hit up /soc/ to go rate dicks or whatever? The way to save 4chan is to encourage a blossom of intellectual discussion; every major site including this one has bowed down to the public masses and taken it up the ass in terms of quality of posts.. Just look at Youtube comments, Facebook, Yahoo Answers etc and it's plainly obvious that the common man is a bad influence on internet societies, which not even a decade ago were dominated by people ranging from moderately to majorly better than the average. Don't you miss the old Internet, when we were all nerds? 4chan was originally a fucking nerd utopia, and I (naively) wish it to stay that way, can you blame me for having this romantic notion on /jp/ of all places?

>> No.6809291

It's not about being famous or recognized. It's simply about having an identity. The same thing happens in real life. You'll most likely never know anyone truly. Everyone has many masks. You of course can't know anyone anonymously either, but at least you'll see parts of their personality nobody else will.

>> No.6809295

I'm just saying it's a wider scope than you make it out to be. Approximately 75% of boards outside /jp/ are basically /a/, /v/ and /b/ anyway.

>> No.6809297

Moot won't listen to us because he doesn't want a group of people he doesn't even like having the satisfaction of getting what they want.

We only exist to keep the shit people kept complaining about in /a/ out of there.

>> No.6809300

glorifying old 4chan while wanting intellectual discussion is really fucking funny fyi

>> No.6809301

So how many people are gonna talk to moot tomorrow? maybe we can fix this place, ill give it a try too, if we are serous enough about it.

>> No.6809306

Talking to moot is the same as talking to someone from /b/. And I do mean from modern day /b/.

>> No.6809309


Being mature and dropping all your previous interests do not necessarily go hand in hand. You simply have the option to replace interests with new ones, rather than voluntarily drop them because you think you're "too old" for it. I've always been aware that there are two mindsets a person grooms throughout their life... their life interests and their petty interests. It's easily possible to keep petty interests separated from your major ones, petty and major influences are not mutually exclusive in flavors. What tends to happen though is that people drop their petty interests for relationships or to start a family or something. Some men are so driven by fear of what others think of them that they will sacrifice everything they like doing to maintain a better image in the eyes of others. I think that's a weak and pandering attitude at root. Evidently we are not those sort of men.

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
-C.S. Lewis

>> No.6809311

Quote all you want but there's no way a mature person could enjoy video games/vns/manga/anime etc.

>> No.6809312
File: 297 KB, 560x420, YADA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree moot should "fix" the place. did i mention how by fixing it, he should actually delete it? doujin games are shit and so is the crappy gook culture surrounding it. this board should be all things otaku allowed and the scum who only want touhou and visual novels should fuck off.

people have different opinions about how /jp/ should be. don't think /jp/ is some gook hivemind bullshit.

picture related miku is shit and shoud go to /mu/.

>> No.6809315


4chan has never been bright in intellectual discussion, but you're the funny one for implying that you wouldn't rather have old 4chan back compared to modern 4chan. We have a board called /soc/ now. Nothing further need be said.

And I did mention 4chan's "growing up" as well, also the phrase "blossoming of intellectual discussion" implies new ground being made where none existed before. Since 4chan's actual oldfag userbase is starting to grow up now, I find it a neat concept to think maybe we'll go through life together and hence should encourage establishing something beyond what 4chan was as we grow ourselves.

>> No.6809316

That's because your definition of a mature person is someone who doesn't enjoy video games/vns/manga/anime

Hope that helps

>> No.6809320

>you're the funny one for implying that you wouldn't rather have old 4chan back compared to modern 4chan
reread this sentence and let the irony flow

>> No.6809321
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>> No.6809322

I'm not a mature person, I'm am not ready to be or do I really desire to be one just yet.

As a 7 in a world of 3s I feel quite comfortable where I am, and have no pressing need to groom myself farther at this time.

Simple satisfaction is a wonderful thing, I don't need to rule the world, while at the same time I don't need to consider myself a mindless degenerate (my taste in hobbies not withstanding). You may wish to be at the top of the world, a veritable "10" as it were, but don't discredit others simply on the bias that they don't see themselves as the next world's leader.

>> No.6809326

arguing semantics is pointless
don't even bother trying define what is mature and what isn't

>> No.6809329

I don't see that happening. The oldfags get tired of the newfags and leave.

>> No.6809428


I live in NYC. I would have went and hung out with Moot but whenever Moot announces a meet up there's a possibility that LOLOL SO RANDUM GEEK IS CHIC XD faggots will show and I want nothing to do with those people.

Moot is probably a REALLY cool guy but his fanbase/followers can go fuck themselves. I sometimes feel bad for Moot sometimes.

Being the owner and founder of 4chan is both a gift and a curse.

>> No.6809436
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sup oldfags

>> No.6809442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6809457

Guys I was just at barcade a couple hours ago. It was really crowded and I talked to moot. I was glad we did it.

>> No.6809459

>270 posts and 15 image replies omitted.

>> No.6809490

/jp/ at it's most autistic

>> No.6809491

/jp/ - Autism
/jp/ - No Sion Allowed

>> No.6809501

I'd be okay with
/jp/ Autism/General

It catches the true "flavor" of the board.

>> No.6809507


The words that just came out of your brain... they mean nothing to me. I'm glad you're glad...So, you talked to moot... Is there a point?

>> No.6809512

we need to be called /tm/ for Team Magma.
