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6808626 No.6808626 [Reply] [Original]

What gameplay mechanics and/or features would you like to see added/removed/implemented in the next touhou game?

>> No.6808638

I want to see the next Touhou game as an action-RPG developed by Bioware.

>> No.6808642

Shooting. No more fighting/picture-taking/freezing. The buildup for 13 has been so huge it had better be decent.

>> No.6808646

13 Better be a new Phantasmagoria game.

With working not-shitty netplay.

>> No.6808650

Remove UFOs (obviously) or anything that replaces them.

Make Utsuho be in it somehow. Bribe

>> No.6808651


It could work very well. This coming from someone who dislikes Touhou.

>> No.6808653

No offense, bioware makes really fun, open RPGs. But they are terrible at "moral choice" and "gameplay"
Their games are piss easy, easily exploited, or just redundant. Touhou is all about the gameplay (and lolis).

>> No.6808659

Both Phantasmagorias were unplayably bad.

>> No.6808663

I want there to be a phantasm boss in it. That is all.

>> No.6808664

Balanced shot types. Fun stages. UFO and FW have better stages than average so maybe he's improving.

>> No.6808666 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6808668

An explanation on where the hell the characters from the first five games went.

>> No.6808674


this would be nice. or at least have mima come back

>> No.6808675
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They are all vacationing in the Azores.

>> No.6808680

From whence arose such a video?

>> No.6808681

>Touhou thread
>board hijack

I like your style. Anyways, I'd welcome a new Phantasmagoria game, but I also wouldn't mind a classic shooter with boring mechanics. People really care about the shot patterns, don't they? Do the intricacies of scoring really matter as much as how fun the patterns are to dodge?

Oh, and make Gabe Newell a playable character.

>> No.6808693

I had another idea, bring back the circle health bars from Fairy Wars. Those were pretty nice looking.


>make Gabe Newell a playable character.

Not a good idea. You couldn't beat the game with him on even easy mode.

>> No.6808699

It is perhaps slightly complicated by his inability to fly and his reluctance to run.

>> No.6808709



>> No.6808710

Spell practice. More than just Reimu/Marisa as playable characters. Multiple bosses at once . Point-item based extra lives. More than four power levels. A score based item. A scoring mechanic which rewards grazing and/or firing while unfocused. Phantasm mode. Maybe a unlockable path. Radically different bombs and odd shot types, such as Sakuya B's.

>> No.6808713

Give us dialouge options, turning it into a shump VN.

>> No.6808721

The next big boss will be a dragon girl and all the stage 6 and extra stage characters will be playable, also using 'continues' will not take you to the beginning of the stage.

>> No.6808723

>Spell practice
No. That ruins extra stages.

>> No.6808732
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There's... no source, anymore.

>> No.6808735

Anything, really, as long as it has balanced shot types. We haven't had those since... when?
...Actually, I don't think a single Touhou game had balanced options for that.

>> No.6808744

Seriously. Maybe lock spell practice until a 1CC of whichever mode the spell is from.

I'd like to see either fewer lives or an explicit life/score choice like in UFO instead of the de-facto choice because of all the meta graze shit you have to do to score high in Touhou

>> No.6808769
File: 15 KB, 400x386, boy's surface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou 13: Noneuclidean Geometrical Impossibility
Stage 1: Mobius strip-tan
Stage 2: Morin surface-tan
Stage 3: Umbilic torus-tan
Stage 4: Dupin cyclide-tan
Stage 5: Boy's surface-tan (trap Touhou fuck yes)
Stage 6: Klein bottle-tan
Extra: Plücker's conoid with n = 2 as midboss and n = 3 as boss (either she comes back with upgraded form or the n = 3 conoid is the elder sister)

Imagine the graph... I mean, doujins.

>> No.6808775
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>> No.6808787

I'd like a heavy machine gun

>> No.6808791
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Someone should definitely make a math themed danmaku game.

>> No.6808792

9.5 and 12.8 have balanced shot types.

>> No.6808808

I probably the only one that thinks this, but I honestly suspect the 13 will either be another phantasmagoria or another divide in the games.

>> No.6808855

It would make sense. PoFV was 5 years ago. Touhou's 15th anniversary is this year.

>> No.6808874
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I've seen a lot of people who think 13 will be another P. game. I hope not, I'd much rather see how his regular games evolve after the improvements in 12 and 12.8. He might get it right this time! But having one of those with the new engine and hopefully some netcode would be nice too.

Anyway phantasmagoria or not, everyone knows Touhou 13 will be the underwater adventure we've all been waiting for.

>> No.6808887


It might be another Phantasmagoria, but I kind of hope not too. I have a feeling it might be an entirely new game because it sounds like he got new music tools for Fairy Wars, and from what I noticed every single divide in games is marked by differences in the music.

>> No.6808893

I want it to be another fighting game.

>> No.6808897


>> No.6808921

How about a fighting game with balanced characters?

>> No.6808934


>balanced weather and characters

Fixed. Typhoon and River Mist is complete bullshit.

>> No.6808945

What? Why, how?

>> No.6808949

>Multiple bosses at once.
You should have the opportunity to practice against any two spell cards of your choice at once. That would add a lot of replayability and also be fun as hell, even if there would be a number of impossible combinations.

Metal Sign - "Silver Dragon"
Illusion Sign - "Killing Doll"

Bonus points for figuring out which doujin this particular combination of spell cards comes from.

>> No.6808956

Didn't they cancel this because of a bunch of bitches bitching on newgrounds?

>> No.6808961

Sounds like somebody isn't a fan of Okuu weather.

>> No.6808969

Fix some skills that should OBVIOUSLY graze but don't.

>> No.6808975


I just hate it because it ruins my awesome combos. The only thing I like about Typhoon is that the enemy can't jump when I use Sanae or else they'll get raped by that awesome four card.

>> No.6812038
File: 154 KB, 1000x716, 977b32feb2d640a04158f0fdb7b65060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete development of the game was stopped.

Someone at newgrounds was worried that he wasn't being credited for the music in the game developers game and was looking for a way to get in contact with the developer, but when the people at newgrounds found the email, instead of giving it to the guy who did the music and let the two guys deal with it, they decided to start spamming the game developer with emails accusing him of copyright infringement, calling him a thief, and whatnot.

He decided to stop all development and /jp/ and many people who were eagerly awaiting for the game got very sad.
Here's the preview of the game a week before the incident:

And this is(or rather, was) the site of the game:

>> No.6812056

Straight shooting, no gimmicks like faith or borders or ufos or whatever.

>> No.6812065
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Full English dub.

>> No.6812067

XP Gain / Skill Tree
Character Customization
Item / Underwear Shop
Touhou.net ladder system

>> No.6812073

Actually, if I remember correctly the newgrounds dude who did the music was worried that he wasn't being credited... so he posted a thread on newgrounds asking them what to do.
I know he was from newgrounds himself, but I can't believe he trusted that community.

The truth is, that he actually even was being credited, those dumb people just didn't recognize the credit list. But his alias was written there in full plain sight with our Latin alphabet in large letters.
The game developer really liked his music actually, and had even tried contacting him but to no avail.

If only the newgrounds people wasn't so stupid. It's such an increadible shame that this wonderful game got cancelled.

>> No.6812119

You forgot to write:
>iOS support

>> No.6812158

Bad ending cinematics on game over.

>> No.6812176

Yeah, that was a real shame. In fact, the Newgrounds dude even offered to compose for Vampirish Night if he could.

>> No.6812193


>> No.6812199

Keep out:
Massive power loss on death
Freezing bullets and other stupid gimmicks

Keep/bring back:
Good character designs
Memorable Music
Spell Practice

>> No.6812218

So you want EoSD 2?

>> No.6812228

Bring back bombs, no more bombs being tied to your power bullshit.

>> No.6812290

Bring back Mima and Shinki, no more new female characters and Sanae bullshit.

>> No.6812314

Instead of choosing things like "Reimu A" or "Sanae B", how about mix-and-matching your shot and bombs?

Co-op play, maybe. Or at least not-cruddy netplay.

Maybe make the patterns come at random.

>> No.6812394

I'd like to see Zun take it beyond a basic shooter. Better backgrounds and art with a more interesting scoring system (though nothing too complex/annoying like Galuda II) would be a start.

Anything to make it more than the basic no-frills game it is, really.

>> No.6812469

A male character who isn't Unzan.

>> No.6812729
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New stuff?
Hm, if anything i'd have to say two player co-op and all male touhou spin-off series that are also canon, that way ZUN can supply a good male population to gensokyo whislt still filling it with loli's.

I would also like to fight ZUN as he really needs to put his theme to use.

Oh! and a Maribel and renko Horror VN. i heard some of thier music and it really does sound like it should be in one.

>> No.6812789
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>Mima and Shinki

>> No.6813109

It should be DX10+ only.

>> No.6813127

I'd like to see you fuckers actually buy his games before you make a wishlist.

>> No.6815782

But He's the one who's stolen our hearts.
