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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6797267 No.6797267 [Reply] [Original]

There is no way that so many people on /jp/ are failures, it's simply the fault of the baby boomers and their expectations on us.

>> No.6797274

I'm not a failure.

I have a good career set up in my future, I could work enough to support myself now if I needed too, and I am not above becoming a scary hobo for a year or two to get my life back on track if something devastating happens to my savings or family.

I will persevere.

>> No.6797273

I'm from that generation
I kinda fail

>> No.6797281


Don't stop believing, Anonymous!

>> No.6797279
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too early in life to discern failure.
it all comes down to college next year, whether or not I can stay concentrated.

>> No.6797295

I suppose I'm a failure socially, but I'm doing fine academically and I make enough money to support my nerd hobbies.
Feels okay.

>> No.6797299

Nah, most people on /jp/ are alright actually, it's just the NEETs are much more honest here than they are on other boards since they feel that this is their impenetrable fortress.

The reality is that it's the entire standard of person on 4chan that's got more failures than usual, not just us. /r9k/, /adv/ and many other boards are testament to this.

>> No.6797308

Don't forget the people who are really normal but act like NEETs on this board to fit in!

>> No.6797313


>most people on /jp/ are alright actually

You can't actually prove that. It's just an assumption of yours.

>> No.6797314


Of which there are a lot actually since some people treat the TRUE NEET business as a sort of game or inside joke. Which, in a way it kind of is actually since often people talk in hyperbole. So it's a tough call.

>> No.6797323

I am a genuine failure but to be honest I feel like most of /jp/ pretends to be.

>> No.6797338

As you can't prove either that everyone here is a failure. A beautiful Devil's proof.

>> No.6797340


Pretty sure it's the case, I'd say the majority of /jp/ers are college students or recent graduates. It's just they don't talk about themselves much because the NEETs would be all "FUCKING NORMALFAGS GET OUT OF /JP/". They assume that anyone who is intelligent, has a degree and a job = normalfag... when this is not the case at all, they are just trying to make themselves feel better about their lot in life by mentally excluding everyone everyone even a tiny bit more successful than them, especially so on /jp/.

>> No.6797345

TRUE NEET was a forced meme, please stop using it.

>> No.6797346



>> No.6797355


A lot of assuming going on in here.

>> No.6797352

I'm a NEET, but I don't look down on students or the employed.

>> No.6797361

The converse of "everyone on /jp/ is a failure" is "everyone not on /jp/ is not a failure". If the only people that succeed are elsewhere than what are we left with? We're all losers and Hempel's raven just proved it.

>> No.6797373


Also, people who are doing fine or better aren't as inclined to talk about their problems, and so you can't get an accurate gauge because those people would just hide or gloss over woe-is-me blog threads out of disinterest. After all, they don't have a great deal to complain about and would rather discuss /jp/ related things. However, less successful people are keen on telling the world about their problems because people need somewhere to vent, and in an anon environment they sometimes go wild with this personal blog bullshit.

>> No.6797409

boomers are the retards who crashed the country

they might as well have yelled "allahu ackbar"

if you're a failure, though,
1. speak for yourself, failure
2. fix it or don't, and then you die. AND THEN YOU DIE. YOU DIE.


>> No.6797433

shitty uminekofags

>> No.6797459

Why would you pretend to be something that you're not just to "fit in" on an anonymous imageboard? Doesn't really add up.

On the other hand, /jp/ is extremely complex with its meta-games, so who knows.

On yet another hand, seems like most of /jp/ are teenaged, so perhaps the topic is just irrelevant.

>> No.6797482

I belive the board has some people that actually managed to get a decent job and have a normal life. They might be socially awkward, but still manage to have a decent life.
Others, might be able to achieve that, but have fluctuating moods of life. Me for example. When i manage to go to college and get 8s or 9s. But as soon as something disturbs me, i retreat to being a neet for 1 or 2 months. After that, its impossible for me to continue with college, so i just quit till the next semester, and withdraw into my own room. In two years, i only managed to attend to one full class, and i passed 3 others attending only to the exams. I also have a job with no human contact which allows me to live on my own.
Others, are full neets, some of which are complete hikkis.
I would guess most fit in the first and second ones, but the 3rd team has a lot of members in /jp/

>> No.6797495
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Don't worry, mom. I'll go back to school next semester!

>> No.6797497
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I don't think anybody on /jp/ is really a NEET mooching off of their parents or anything, I always thought this place was made up of:

1. Depressed, socially awkward high school kids calling themselves NEETs because, in a way, it's more romantic a label than "high school kid with no friends"
2. Similarly awkward college kids, either of the "workaholic with no friends, working hard towards a better future while enjoying strange hobbies along the way" variety or the "guy who is only at college because his parents expected him to go there, and will probably drop out after a year or so because he finds video games or anime to be more interesting" type.
3. Underachieving adults who have partially convinced themselves that working to fund one's hobbies (of the consumptive variety) is an acceptable way to spend one's life.

I don't think these habits are entirely our own faults. American (I assume most people on here are Americans, I don't know how much this applies to western culture in general, but it certainly rings true to where I grew up) society has developed in such a way that makes even the most "normal" of people afraid of strangers.

>> No.6797507
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The differences between others has been emphasized so much that we forget what we have in common, and so even shut-ins and socially awkward people are not alone in the fact that people here have a really hard time connecting with each other. It's often taken beyond just being a little standoffish to the point of assuming that any stranger is liable to attack you for no reason like some kind of deranged monster. Perhaps because, in most parts of the country, we are more inclined to drive the enclosing comfort bubble that is the automobile instead of riding an open bicycle or taking public transportation that throws us into a social situation (one in which most of us just silently stare out the window anyways). And then, as anyone who has been to a Sheetz would know, even fast food restaurants are trying to eliminate the horrors of talking to a stranger by having you order your food on a touch screen, never needing to talk to any of the employees. Everyone, not just the kind of people that browse 4chan and /jp/, feels the need to isolate themselves in their own little unique world. It manifests itself in all kinds of unhealthy ways that prevent people from realizing the bond they have with strangers on the street, but as for /jp/, it's resulted in them being straight-up unable to communicate with people in person.

>> No.6797520
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That said, now that the world has shaped you, you can't just sit around and mope about it. It might very well be that you could have turned out a much happier person if you had been born into a world where all of this came naturally — hell, even making kids ride their bikes to school would have helped — but that's not going to change the way your life happened. The only thing you can do is try to see the good side of the people around you and be friendly, even when it isn't required of you.

>> No.6797529

>partially convinced themselves that working to fund one's hobbies (of the consumptive variety) is an acceptable way to spend one's life.
Isn't it, though?
It's not like someone who spends their life building a huge legacy is going to give a shit about it when they kick the bucket. Life is about enjoying life, not living a shitty one so people can have a good time after you are dead.

>> No.6797555

this , no likes to be friends in real life. Im in college and its hard to make new friends, good thing i still have my old friends and good thing they are nerds and didn't get girlfriends or i would be all alone.. the thing is there more /v/ and /tg/ then /a/ or /jp/ , only my best friend is into vns and anime.

>> No.6799806

Just graduated BS in bioE

Now I can finally be hikky since that pesky college is done

>> No.6799824

I think the low expectations of us have fucked many of us over. I don't want to pretend I have no free will or responsibility over my life or anything, but I think my life would have turned out quite differently if my parents had actually tried to teach me to take it seriously, instead of just letting me play around until I got to the age where I suddenly have tons of responsibilities.

>> No.6799828

Story of my fucking life. 3 years in a row now, and I still believe that the next one will be different.

>> No.6799829

Why should I care about being "successfull" if I'm enjoying myself and am perfectly happy with this lifestyle ?

>> No.6799834

>Hempel's raven
>proved [anything]

>> No.6799841



once i get my degree im gonna use it to get an entry-level job , stagnate, then forever use my salary from middle management to fund my rent, food, and otaku hobbies since i wont need it to help pay for my kids college or wife or anything hahahahaha hahaha

>> No.6799848

I don't understand the normalfag obsession with making something great out of yourself, considering that most normalfags won't ever amount to much. Isn't it a lot less depressing to have dreams that are easy to fulfill and manage to fulfill them, than it is to dream big and never reach the goal?

>> No.6799850

Everyone here is a NEET.
Everyone here who is not a NEET is an engineering student.
Unless they're Tito Mugen who sells ink.

>> No.6799857

But I'm an art student. Still got hard time dealing with people, of course.

>> No.6799868

As a NEET who plans on taking an electrical engineering degree this year, I approve of this message.

>> No.6799888

Art students have friends

>> No.6799891

Oh hey, that's what I ended up doing too.
Spent over a year mooching off my parents. It was fun, except for the constant "GET A JOB ALREADY". Now I'm in a university, getting a degree, and working a coding job part-time to pay for my fees.
It could be worse.

>> No.6799936

Computer Engineering student. You got someone else up there too. What draws otaku and shut ins to engineering?

I think I might be able to skip masters and go straight to Doctorates if I keep up my grades. I've made the presidents list every semester so far for almost three years. Surprising, as I just made the GPA cutoff point to enter Clemson's engineering program. I think they only took me in because they needed to fill their quota of hispanic students.

Go back to school if you're currently a NEET. If you do well it pays itself, and its nothing like High School. You can go the entire time with zero human contact.

>> No.6799938
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I'm not a NEET, I'm working on a liberal arts associates degree.

>> No.6799939

I would have guess computer science students, all the engineering people I have met are douches

>> No.6799948

>People I've met
Well there's you're problem. Why would you socialize with people in the first place? Go to class and get out. Its much more enjoyable that way.

>> No.6799953

>It could be worse.
It's important to remember that. If I'm completely honest with myself, I wouldn't mind just staying a NEET for the rest of my life, so I can't really convince myself that getting an education and a job is the greatest thing I could ever do with my life. But it's clear that I can't remain a NEET forever, so I have to settle for having a job, and I might as well make the best out of that, and comfort myself knowing that at least I won't be flipping burgers.

Some people seem to think that unless you're exactly where you ideally want to be in life, your life is nothing but despair. But the most realistic option tends to be the "not so bad" option.

>> No.6799978

I'm doing Japanese Studies, so I don't have high expectations of the future.

I wouldn't consider myself a failure yet, though.

As long as I live in this dorm apartment with a shared kitchen and the other people there are nice, it's all good.

>> No.6799980

Normals assuming people on here are actually like them.

>> No.6800012

CS is the most alluring major for NEETs. They think "oh I won't have to talk to anyone, just be with my computer all day!"
Then they either drop out or graduate and go right back to being NEET.
The top 10% hardest working ones maybe find ways to do work from home.

>> No.6800068


Define failure....

While most of us have had a brief brush with the NEET life, I believe there are plenty of people on /jp/ who are out of college and financially secure for the most part.

Personally, I dropped out of high school and didn't do shit for years. Eventually though, it sunk in that I couldn't mooch off my rapidly aging and financially deficient parents forever, so I finished up my schooling and graduated college in 2001.
Sadly, having a degree didn't make much difference... It took me a good solid five years of bouncing around and boomeranging back to my parents before I landed something truly spectacular.... Now I'm set.

Socially though, I am and will always be a failure. I have fallen in love exactly twice in my life, and both times resulted in nothing but pain, so I lost all interest in dealing with people on a social level...
In the 11 years since then, I didn't meet a single person at work or elsewhere that I developed feelings for. A couple people developed feelings for me, but I felt nothing. I really only have an interest in 2D and being left alone.

>> No.6800082

>>6797497 Same

Srsly I dunno if this is a troll thread or not but I'm happy to see that most of the people aren't 100% failures here (I do not go out much 'n stuff but I do have friends and do well in school, I really love VN, anime, manga, video games, light novels, figurines etc. etc. etc. but I won't throw my life away for them)

>> No.6800089


College freshman here, no clue what I'll end up with as a degree yet, but I plan on getting a BA to boost salary a bit and then just living a quite life in a job that I don't despise and can support myself with.

>> No.6800090


Don't give up on love!! It's bittersweet!!
Even tho, you don't have to be in a relationship to have friends you know.. You can have bros but no hoes (bros > hoes)

>> No.6800102

Why do people think you have to achieve something in order for your life to be "successful" ?
All those meaningless requirements like having a social life, a job, etc... Are they really that important ?
Life should be about nothing else but being happy with your own lifestyle, not about pointless goals forced upon you by society.

>> No.6800105

Shh, the society won't work well if you tell that to the people.

>> No.6800109


I guess I haven't really given up.... It's just that I have no interest due to my tastes changing so much. If anything, my sense of what I find attractive is somewhat warped now likely due to my hobbies.... Don't ask.

>> No.6800112


I don't understand! Why can't I have tools for my garden? Why do you discriminate against gardeners? WHY??????

>> No.6800114

How can you live without a job? You can't leech off your parents forever, they die one day, y'know.. there are lots of NEETs like you in here, who think that "HAVING A JOB IS POINTLESS, FUCK THE SYSTEM", even tho they don't realize that.. job = money = almost everything, including not only vidya, anime, manga, VN, Light novels, figurines etc. but also clothes, electric and water bills, food, drink..

>> No.6800120


That's cool man, (no sarcasm), I agree that you don't have to be in a relationship to be happy, but having friends is good tho.

>> No.6800122

>How can you live without a job?
SSI. I'm 26 and have never worked.

>> No.6800123


I thought it was about climbing up the backs of the masses so you can live comfortably. Terrible image, but I guess that's how it works.


Well some people would have you believe that gaming the system for SSI benefits or something is the right way to go, but someone still had to work for that money somewhere up the line.

>> No.6800125

Lol I'm talking about when your parents die, they're not immortal y'know?

>> No.6800131

So am I. I get disability benefits, I'd be getting even more if I lived alone.

>> No.6800135


>someone still had to work for that money somewhere up the line.

Yup... If everyone was our friend Sudo here, everything would fall apart and millions would die due to infrastructure failure.

>> No.6800142

>How can you live without a job?

Fortunately you can since we don't live in the dark ages anymore, but that's not the point.
People think their life isn't "full" if they don't meet the requirements forced on them by society aka job/social life/etc... and think they will be in eternal bliss if they can achieve those requirements.
Don't you agree that it is extremely retarded ?

>> No.6800143

No, it's not the fault of the baby boomers. It's probably not even my fault, either. It's just that I'm socially crippled and phobic. The crushing depression doesn't help, either.

>> No.6800147

I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of years before it falls apart anyway, no matter how many will contribute to society.

>> No.6800160

If everyone was like sudo then we wouldn't have VN, anime, vidya, manga, Light novels, figurines and other stuff you like, because all this is a big industry too, you know? You NEETs wouldn't be able to live this comfortable and easy life you do, you just don't realize that having a job is not just for the sake of feeling accomplished.

>> No.6800161

ITT: People post like /jp/ is their little experiment, pull facts and statistics out of their ass and just assume everything else.

>> No.6800164

>If everyone was like sudo then we wouldn't have VN, anime, vidya, manga, Light novels, figurines and other stuff you like, because all this is a big industry too, you know?
I buy plenty of figures to support the industry.

>> No.6800169

I'm actually enjoying myself more now as a "failure" than when I was a contributive member of society.

>> No.6800175


I somehow doubt that basic infrastructure will fall apart... You know, things like electricity, running water, agriculture, etc. Sure, there may be financial turmoil yet to come, and areas sliding into failed-state status, but that doesn't necessarily eliminate the ability to use the resources at your disposal.

Basic infrastructure however would fail if government and financial systems collapsed AND everyone stayed at home refusing to lift a finger, but I doubt that would happen. I personally would continue working to keep basic necessaries operational as long as I could.

>> No.6800178


I'm sure you do, but I think you missed the point.

>> No.6800187

Care to set the facts straight for us Anonymous?

>> No.6800185

No, I understood it just fine, I just chose not to comment on it. I realize people have to work to keep the world going, but it doesn't mean I'm going to work.

>> No.6800193

That's nice to see how devoted you are anon, and I'm proud of you for that but please don't think everyone is as willing as you are so don't force your way of life on everyone, okay~

>> No.6800197
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1. "How many of you guys don't have a job/do have a job? or "Why don't you have a job, /jp/?"
2."Because I have autism/ass burgers/laziness/one leg and three penises" or "I have a job because I'm not a loser."
3. "Your welcome you lazy pieces of shit, tax payers money, everything wrong with society, etc, etc..."
4. Sudo appears (any time between 1 and 4, he may even show up before 1) He says something about not caring and SSI something
5. "Get out of /jp/ normalfags"
6. "We have this thread every day, reported, hidden, called the cops".
7. "This thread is a /jp/ tradition, get out newfag".

tl;dr I'm a faggot, we have this thread too much and it is shit, not otaku culture, reported, go away.

>> No.6800200

> If everyone was
Yeah, if everyone was a theoretical physicist we would be screwed, if everyone became a physician we would be screwede ect. we'd be screwed if everyone did one thing or was like one thing no matter what it is.

>> No.6800215

NEET circlejerk threads are usually fun but this is indeed turning into pointless argument n°4884658.

>> No.6800221

OP didn't even start like that, it started out like how an obvious troll thread starts out.

I'm ashamed of you guys.

>> No.6800225


Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!

>> No.6800260


Well obviously.... Erecting that little man of straw there doesn't really take away from the original underlying point that someone, somewhere has to work in order to keep the Sudos of this world in their lifestyle. Sudo himself admits as much.

>> No.6800267


It's not a strawman at all. You're merely annoyed that your comment was stupid at its core, and that his comment showed that quite well.

>> No.6800279
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I find socializing boring and tiresome because there's no new knowledge or anything any person can share with me, it seems like everything I need to know and want to learn about is on the internet already, and I don't much care for how your day was or what you did all year, it's a waste of time.

Maybe if I was born before the internet I'd enjoy socializing more because it'd be a great way to share and acquire more knowledge then again I'd probably just spend all my time at a library.

>> No.6800302

Good days when there were true anons are gone, now with cancer coming to 4chan from facebook and myspace even /jp/ is place of normalfags.

>> No.6800315

I have read in book about mysogyny a very accurate sentence: "Women are basis of male happiness."

>> No.6800327


not all the time. daytime /jp/ is full of cancer of course (take this thread for example) but there are still packs of oldfags haunting this place

>> No.6800463
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Such thing could only be written by a woman.

>> No.6800494

I guess that's why Hemingway wrote "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."

>> No.6800504

The only time wasted, is the time you didn't enjoy wasting.

>> No.6800507

I don't have a jonb because its impossible to get a job, I tired everywhere in my town a million times and no body never calls me back, fucking assholes.

>> No.6800510

Just keep trying, you're bound to get a job sometime. It's a numbers game.

>> No.6800532

I agree, although with the current economical situation I think it's OK to temporarily be jobless but It's those "LOL NEET PRIDE!! NEET FOREVER!" guys who piss me off

>> No.6800541

but I went to taco bell a couple of times 2 weeks ago for good measure and even got to talk with the manger, gave him my name and number and never got a call back, I make sure i follow up with every place but nothing ever happens , its really annoying when i just see good looking women and hipsters working and people like me being pushed away.

>> No.6800544


You sound a little buttfrustrated there, man. It must suck to be you.

>> No.6800582


Typical NEET response in this kind of thread.

Your post is just a veiled "U MAD" post.

>> No.6800586

Been a NEET for roughly 3 years, spend a grand total of 2 months working and dropped out of college twice in that time. I spend all my time in my room playing video games, reading VNs and watching anime.

This thread makes me feel alone.

>> No.6800688

I just need to know.
I am of the "In college because parents expect it" variety. In fact I was sent to boarding school for my entire teenage life, mostly because my father married some whore who didnt was to see me. So I invested in Aid and my sophmore year my parents dropped funding. Is it usual to support ones self and go to college. I cannot do it anymore. I am talking 5 hours of sleep a night because I work 8 hours a day, go to school 16-18 credits at a time. I eat like shit and drive a car I am literaly afraid to get into, and I live in the midwest where snowfal can be deadly.
I just want to die.
