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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6790587 No.6790587 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN editing for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Editing Collaboration!

How do I participate?

A. Edit Images.
Go to http://flyabletrans.pastebin.com/uVqngtMZ
Download any image, edit the text, and upload it when done. Upload the image here or post a list of links.


B. Edit Text.
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access OR post your desired user ID and PGP public key and wait for your encrypted login credentials to be posted.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be editing
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been edited yet
Write your edited lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics. Try to keep the more amusing lines.

Progress: Translation 100%. Alpha Editing 8192/73560

あ = ah
ああ = ahh
あ[n] = ah[n]
え = eh
ええ = ehh
はあ = haa
はああ = haaa

きゃ = kya (bloody murder for Alpha/Pre-Alpha)
きゃあ = eek (cowabunga for Alpha/Pre-Alpha)

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6790594

You spelt Flyable wrong.

>> No.6790593
File: 675 KB, 1200x800, bk009dm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMPORTANT NOTE: The only ones reporting this thread as spam are the trolls who do not want this project to finish. By responding to them, you will have done exactly what they wanted. You can counter by reporting the trolls. This will finish. I guarantee it.

>> No.6790602 [DELETED] 

Flayable Heart Translation so SUGOOIIIII XDXDXDXD

>> No.6790607

Important note: The only posts supporting this thread are OP samefagging. You can counter by laughing at him.

>> No.6790608

Flayable Hart Editing so sugoi xD

>> No.6790615

So it looks like you finally made it onto the auto-filter. Some people would take that as a sign to stop spamming their shitty project, but not you. No TLWiki shill mod is gonna hold you down.

>> No.6790616

Does this mean that I lost?

>> No.6791962

It's not spamming when there's only at most 1 thread at a time and some of us actually want to play this.

>> No.6792245

Keep telling yourself that, Cudder.

>> No.6792907

People want to play Flyable Heart, not whatever the fuck you're doing.

>> No.6793068

Try it out. It's just the influence of the tabloid-style sensationalist trolling, it isn't actually that bad.

>> No.6793080

I like how not one person has entered their IP or whatever in this thread since cudder has started requiring it. I question what purpose this recruitment thread serves. Just calm down until you release it.

>> No.6793099

Look at the past threads, I think we had 1 or 2.

>> No.6793104

It's ironic, but they were both shills for Cudder.

>> No.6793115

"We?" Forgot your trip again?

>> No.6793119

Only a paranoid troll would think that.

Contribute or leave the thread alone.

>> No.6793164

Hi Cudder! I remember this line from your Hatsukoi days! Keep up the samefagging! We haven't caught on yet!

>> No.6793835

>thinking everyone is Cudder

>> No.6793840

Apparently we're the paranoid ones

>> No.6793841

>Only one person supporting ReTrans projects
>Same copy and paste posts for over a year
>Who could it be?

It is a mystery.

>> No.6793851

It's too early for this.

>The result being causing Amane to suffer to here, would it not become so..?
>In the first place, if I suggested to hear the piano, if I didn't say such things......!
>Various things surged excessively, and I didn't know how to process it in myself.
>As it is, when I'm absentminded for a little while, I heard flapping footsteps from the other side of the corridor.
>Thereupon, a nurse ran from the other side of the corridor and injected an injection she held into the shoulder of Amane.

>> No.6794170

Then there's 1 faggot with a personal vendetta against Cudder. Equally retarded.


>> No.6794173

You're supposed to use sage when reporting.

>> No.6794200

Oh? Isn't the vendetta against FH4? You're getting your personas all confused. Better switch back to Hahaharuhi and ban some people again.

>> No.6794234

There are 3 people on /jp/. You, me, and Cudder.

>> No.6794244 [DELETED] 


I'm here too. But I'll be heading to Gensokyo soon.

>> No.6794267 [DELETED] 


>he's not already posting from Gensokyo

Also, FH guy and his various sockpuppets, your translation efforts are laughable.

>> No.6794285

Go back to Slashdot samefag.

>> No.6794292 [DELETED] 

Sorry shit for brains I want to play this game and I post in these threads. Why do you relax and get a fucking life.

>> No.6794449
I want to work on translating.

>> No.6794499

in b4 "look, OP deleted his post!"

>> No.6794503

No it was samefag deleting their post. I know because I saw it. You can check the archive.

>> No.6794529

Believe it or not, these lines are all one after the other. It's a wondrous kaleidoscope of total shit.

>"It's different! It's not Amane's fault!"
>"It isn't different! It isn't different! It's my fault!!"
>"Elder brother......wooooow! Woooooooow!"
>"Amane......no one thinks of such a thing!"
>"Why?! Why did it become like this?! Although I just only...wanted to reconcile with my elder brother!!"
>"Amane, listen to my voice, beause I request!"
>"It's disagreeable, it's disagreeable, ahhhhh!! Please, someone help!! Help my elder brother!"
>"Because it's all right! Amane!"
>"I'm sorry I'm sorry! Elder brother, I'm sorry...!!"
>"Separate, separate! That isn't liked, already disagreeable, ahhhhh!"

>> No.6794569

It's perfectly understandable. Something between Amane and her elder brother. There's only one typo.

>> No.6794575

Don't feed the troll.

>> No.6794589

Don't be a troll.

>> No.6794601

This is kind of interesting. After reading over it a few times, I was able to kind of understand what it means by thinking about what he mistranslated. Like, 'because it's alright' probably had a だから at the beginning that was mistranslated as 'because'. And the 'it's already disagreeable' probably had a もう that was mistranslated as already, etc.

In some ways it's like a puzzle, kind of a fun translation in its own right.

>> No.6795155

Well, you get the meaning. If you read everything that comes before that, it makes sense. And I doubt it was だから, that usually gets translated to 'therefore'.

>> No.6795177

>A. Edit Images.
>Go to http://flyabletrans.pastebin.com/uVqngtMZ
>Download any image, edit the text, and upload it when done. Upload the image here or post a list of links.
I will take it that no images that have already been edited are on the pastebin, as in, all of them needs editing atm?

But more importantly, are the images translated? Can't help you otherwise.

>> No.6795407

>10 lines
>10 mistranslated lines
>Total problems: one typo

Sure is delusional in here.

>> No.6795431

Check post 6701183. Someone tried to translate them beofre.

>> No.6795466

>never mentioning why it's mistranslated
You're going to need a stronger argument than that, troll.

>> No.6795543

Not >>6795407 here, but seriously:
"Separate, separate! That isn't liked, already disagreeable, ahhhhh!" or "It's disagreeable, it's disagreeable, ahhhhh!! Please, someone help!! Help my elder brother!"?
I doubt any amount of editing can salvage that,

>> No.6795546

Don't try, you'll only hurt yourself.

>> No.6795555

ちがう, いや, もう, 離す
It's like I'm really reading JEDict here.

>> No.6795752


I also enjoy figuring out what people translated wrong occasionally. But I am sure I translate things wrong more often than those people when I actually do it myself.

>> No.6795758

I doubt anybody in their life has gotten this much wrong in that small a stretch.

>> No.6795869

Are you implying dictionaries are wrong? Because if that's the case, you're going to have to explain how I get the same results from 3 different JP->EN dictionaries. Saying that they conspired to deceive me doesn't count.

>> No.6795901

The tools are not retarded, you are.

>> No.6796065

Post the original text for all of them, I want to see how close I was to understanding the section

>> No.6796795

Those names are not what's in the Beta nor Alpha releases. Stop trolling.

>> No.6796829

I am absolutely certain that you're up past your bedtime, young man.

>"In other words, it's said he's now in a state of not being able to even breath spontaneously......so it's better not to be too optimistic."
>After saying so, entirely like saying he said the talk was over, Yaeno-senpai leaves his seat.
>"Therefore, to try to cover that ditch from the direction of his younger sister, he can't help denying it. It's something like that."
>"He thinks it's for the sake of his mother that he's at discords with his younger sister."
>After unintentionally saying so, I thought I shut.

>> No.6796875

>resorting to ad hominem

>> No.6796906

Awwww, you learned a new word. That's so adorable.

>"Therefore, shut up......it's myself who is causing the trouble, and yet you said how the responsibility of the person is, don't you understand?"
>After requesting she'll be found later immediately, while just wishing, I run.
>Losing the destination of her raised fist, Amane wavingly shivered.
>Noisy, it's proper! Why, at a time when everyone is so desperately persevering?!
>"Why, at such a time!! As far as a time like this! Can you sleep unconcernedly in that way without doing anything?!"

>> No.6796911

Nah, that's not ad hominem, he's just insulting you. Learn what it means before you try to use it.

>> No.6796920

But what he did is even lower on the scale of valid arguments.

He has only one ladder left to go.

>> No.6796931

Man, I sort of wish a mod could come in and expose all of Cudder's sockpuppeting, but I suppose since no one buys it anyway it doesn't really matter.

>> No.6796930

Wait a minute, what the fuck is >>6796795 even talking about. Brings up something about names and beta/alpha out of nowhere

>> No.6796929

I've been calling him a cretin, idiot, twat, etc ever since I promised to remind everybody how bad this is every time I had to see this thread on page 1. I really do half think that he just learned the word.

>"Oh, is that so, is that so, that is, it was good!"

>> No.6797014

Marked as spam and reported as usual

>> No.6797054

The only samefag here is you.

>> No.6798086

Either you're a troll desperate to find a way out of being exposed or someone who hasn't lurked much.

>> No.6798099

For the love of god please EXPLAIN. Stop making posts that make no sense in context to what you are quoting.

>> No.6798126


>I don't know whether it's English, but katakana is flying about between the two people.
>Continuously since a short while ago, what's in me is------Suzuno.
>"It's so. And at any rate, you eventually intended to receive cooperation."
>Surely, that is my gene that the chairmen said sometime?
>"......It's understood. Because it's impossible immediately from tomorrow, before long I'll be sure to have you help."

>> No.6798171

The names are wrong. Greentext Guy is either making up shit or getting those lines from somewhere else.

>> No.6798175

The Beta and Alpha patches have nothing to do with where he's getting those from, you do know that, right?

>> No.6798195

It would be painfully obvious if he were making stuff up if...
you know, the project were actually open for the public to see.

>> No.6798229

Yes, that is the most logical answer. I have created a fake script identical to yours, but with correct names. You have ruined my diabolical plan.

>"No, already now, I also can't help. It's irritating, but what I can do is to the extent of calming down the students who remained."
>"No, already now, I also can't help. It's irritating, but what I can do is to the extent of calming down the students who remained."
>In order to try to ascertain the feeling of the region, when I pushed there with the blunt of my finger many times, Yui's body trembled more than until now.
>The cloth was firmly stuck to the engagement portion of the zipper for sure.
>Entirely continuing? I seem to be prompted to, and throb.

>> No.6798231

>have nothing to do with where he's getting those from
And thus have nothing to do with what they'll see when they actually use those releases, hence troll.

>> No.6798268

>Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans

>> No.6798277

If he let people see ReTrans, then they'd be able to see the line change history for each one and would be able to see FH4 trolling other translators as well as that nobody but FH4 has touched any of these godawful lines that he likes to claim are people making things up.

>> No.6798280

This is from one of our distributors:

There is a third party redistributing modified versions of our releases. They are NOT ours and we have nothing to do with them.

>> No.6798297

You're linking to a two month old post in a thread that you are spamming on another site. Great plan, dude.

>> No.6798303
File: 196 KB, 640x480, 1198433183527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not as if they could make you look any less competent.

>> No.6798325


In during samefag troll Reddit plant accusations.

>> No.6798334

>samefag troll Reddit plant accusations
I have no idea what you're trying to say any more.
