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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6796076 No.6796076 [Reply] [Original]

what are the titles of some good japanese childrens' books? I'm looking for something simple to read, hopefully with cute pictures.

Also if anyone wants I can rar up my learning material (mostly pdf, maybe some audio files) and stick it somewhere, but I'm sure there are torrents which would be easier.

>> No.6796091

learn chinese instead

>> No.6796096

Read yotsuba instead, pretty easy.

>> No.6796104

Just read yotsuba and shounen manga.
From my experience finding children books for download isn't exactly easy. At least not worth the time.

>> No.6796100


>> No.6796101
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>> No.6796108

>shounen manga.

You obviously don't know shit about manga.

>> No.6796116

Yotsuba sounds like a good idea, thanks. Hope I can find enough raws.

Any other babby manga?

>> No.6796117



Adventures of autistic girl and her retarded friends

>> No.6796118

I was just suggesting reading manga aimed at a younger clientele since those always include furigana.
What would be wrong with that?

>> No.6796127

Mosy shounen jump manga use furigana, just don't go for the wordy ones (gintama, medaka and bakuman, especially medaka, it's a light novel in manga form).

>> No.6796138

For me, Card Captor Sakura was one of the easiest and best stepping stones while first learning. Lots of repetition make it easy to remember what you read.

>> No.6796142


furigana are the smaller characters that show how to pronouce the kanji right?

>> No.6796155


Shounen is not for kids.

Anyway why are we talking about manga on /jp/?

>> No.6796167

You seem slightly retarded. No offense.

>> No.6796171

Yes, it's hiragana for kanji so even if you don't know the kanji, you can identify it by pronunciation.

>> No.6796177
File: 554 KB, 1024x589, Fucking Sion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course shounen isn't for little boys. It's a total misnomer.

>> No.6796180


Maybe not all shounen manga is for kids but that doesn't mean it's not written with them in mind.

>> No.6796194


Where can I find this?

>> No.6796223

can anyone draw む properly? it's a pain in the ass. ふ too.

>> No.6796241


Shounen is for teenagers, morons.

Do you honestly believe that a kid can understand something like Sayonara Zetsubou sensei?

Kid's manga is called Kodomo.

Who's the retard now?

>> No.6796249

oh look, it's yet another language learning thread

>> No.6796261


very astute. There's more than one person learning.

>> No.6796290

Instead of starting a new thread, I'll ask here.
Where do you get your japanese resources?
That is, raws, VN's, eroge, whatever?
Perfect Dark hasn't been working out very well for me.
One minute of google lead me to this site, which seems pretty nice for mainstream stuff..
Any alternatives?


>> No.6796292


Sorry there ;_;

>> No.6796296

hongfire, nyaatorrents

>> No.6796308



>> No.6796313

Guess that makes sense.
Never really been around hongfire before, save for the occasional torrent.
Thanks for your input.

>> No.6796322


Means i don't know where to find it ...

>> No.6796341

the number of handicappers posting in this thread is staggering

>> No.6796414


>> No.6796645

give me the rar of your materials

>> No.6796683


I didn't realize the pdfs were so large. Here's a link to the torrent I downloaded.


>> No.6796692

Pokemon games are all hiragana and katakana. Play touhoumon though.

>> No.6796710

thank you

>> No.6796712


orly? are black and white this way too? If so I'll pull the roms and play those. But playing a game might be more difficult than reading, since you don't have as many context clues, and they're giving you specific instructions.

>> No.6796717

I think black and white are the first editions to come with a kanji mode. Only as an option, though, you can still have kana-only mode.

>> No.6796728


Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.6796868

Good luck. The copy protection made it a BITCH. But the Japanese is fairly easy. You can always check out the link below if you need reference. Honestly though, I found that games were just cumbersome to play in Japanese, especially RPG's. I'm always just itching to get to the gameplay instead of taking several times as long to read dialogue.


>> No.6796882

