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6792693 No.6792693 [Reply] [Original]

Are sunflowers associated with reclusion in Japan?

>> No.6792700

That picture is associated with my boner.

>> No.6792696

so moe~

>> No.6792906

Torn and ragged clothes are associated with poverty in North America.

>> No.6792927

Step on my face Yuuka-san

>> No.6792941

Fart on my face Miss Yuka.

>> No.6793322


buncha sin sacks

>> No.6793352

Shit on my face Yuka.

>> No.6793354

Sit on my face Yuuka-san

>> No.6793452

Have your way with me, Yuka-san!

>> No.6793499

Why is Yuuka so overhyped? It's like the SDM crew but with tits. I just don't get it.

>> No.6793511
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There's nothing "to get", you idiot. Just admit she's superior and worship her.

>> No.6793522

>SDM with tits

you pretty much just answered your own question. also Koakuma-chan has tits

>> No.6793531


>> No.6793541
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I think she's cool, although not my favorite. Strangely though she's the touhou I have the second most pictures of. Probably because of all of these threads.

>> No.6793554

Though seriously, the only reason she's so overhyped is because all touhoufags secretly want to have a dream of them kissing Yuuka.

Everyone has to experience that at some point as far as I've learned by now, whether they like it or not. BITCH STOLE MY FIRST KISS. I WAS STORING THAT FOR MY WAIFU. ;_;

>> No.6793562

As much as I hate to admit, I had a dream of Yuuka kissing me too.

I should have felt happy, but she just grinned at me in the end and then the dream ended. It felt weird, almost disgusting. It wasn't good on any extent.

>> No.6793577
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It's an allure of extreme danger mixed with the allure of a smokin' hot body, hidden by some of the simplest clothes you'll see in Gensokyo, as well as the gentlest of expressions. Yuuka is perfectly capable of feeding you your own head before stuffing it down your urethra and she does without being a wrinkly hag, a supreme annoyance or a pants-on-head idiot.

>> No.6793588

So... it's just the fear effect getting into everyone's heads? Isn't Yuuka supposed to be no more than a slight bully towards other Youkai?

I think the whole fanon thing is a little exaggerated, but I won't dwelve into that any more than I have to.

>> No.6793590

Yuuka is an extremely powerful youkai. I'm not sure what fanon you are referring to.

>> No.6793593


Gensokyo and its inhabitants are whatever you make them out to be. You want a certain character to act a certain way? Just will it. It's easy.

>> No.6793594
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>> No.6793601



captcha: blister chamber

>> No.6793604

I didn't said she wasn't powerful. I said she acts no more than a bully towards other Youkai, despite being a complete powerhorse.

The way fanon portraits her as a complete exaggeration of that, and people actually LOVING THE FUCK OUT OF IT, is what bothers me so slightly. It's just like calling Cirno a complete retard baka 9 ball eye'm the strongest lololo, or Rumia the ultimate lord of darkness that is being bound only by the ribbon in her head that can never be undone.

But like I said, I won't dwelve into that. Different people, different tastes.

>> No.6793605

You fool! The people here are far too immature to be handling that level of power!

>> No.6793609
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It's not the fear effect so much as a respect effect. Yuuka will say and do whatever she wants because she CAN back it up and has demonstrated willingness to do so, but you never know if she actually will or if she'll just smile and pat you on the head before shooing you away. Or maybe she'll just ignore you outright. Who knows?

And amazing in this enigma of a personality is how simple she is otherwise. What you see is what you get with Yuuka. No fancy frills, no cryptic dialogue, no underhanded tricks. She is what she is, and she's extremely good at it. She's basically whatever everyone ever wants to be. So much greatness in so many areas and no notable downsides to any of it.

Whenever you hear an Anon tell you they wish to be the little girl, they're lying. They really wish to be Yuuka Motherfucking Kazami.

>> No.6793615

SDM crew is still the best characters

>> No.6793617

Shlicking hard after eating pancakes, FUCK YEAH I wanna be Yuuka!

>> No.6793619

And here we go again.

>> No.6793637

space pirate sara

>> No.6793640
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Space Pirate Sara

>> No.6793639
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I dunno, I think fanon's been rather kind to Yuka. She's shown as rather competent, and there's a whole bunch of comics of her being a nice person at heart.

>> No.6793646
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There's your problem, Osad. You're overthinking stuff that doesn't matters. Instead of wondering about all that boring primary stuff, why don't you just have some more Yuuka-sama?

See, it's so easy when you just.. give in.

>> No.6793655


Look at these nice people. Just look at them!

>> No.6793662


>> No.6793663
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It's true. Don't think, feel, and you'll be kazaminn

>> No.6793664
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I... I d-don't know.... I...

>> No.6793668
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You should listen to your heart. If it says give in, do so. If not, don't. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.6793672
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>> No.6793673

While Yuuka's personality isn't necessarily as extreme as some fanon portrays, there is always a danger aspect when dealing with youkai and even less powerful beings like fairies. Humans are weak creatures and are often fearful or reverent towards strong creatures, especially towards those with supernatural origins.This is something that is addressed in the supplementary materials.

It's the fact that she is so strong that plays into a lot of what you see produced in doujins, but you will see this with any of the other strong youkai. The reverse is often true for the weak youkai.

>> No.6793680


Glad to know I'm not the only one. I've been subjected to Yuuka's oral abuse too. I dunno, it felt good, I guess.

>> No.6793885
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brb gensokyo

>> No.6794180 [DELETED] 

I think what a lot of people don't realize is that even a lol baka baka ICICLE FALL low-tier fairy like Cirno can goddamn kill a regular human dead.

>> No.6794188
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>low tier fairy

>> No.6794243

So what if I showed no fear towards the stronger inhabitants of Genokyo? No real fear of their nature nor of the danger I may or may not be in around them?

>> No.6794247

you'd get eaten.

>> No.6794257
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I hope they enjoy munching on my heart. I'd advise them to stay away from my lungs though. Smoking probably makes them nasty.

>> No.6794277 [DELETED] 

Well, not necessarily. Depends on the youkai, I imagine.

A lot of them would probably be pleasantly surprised. They're so used to any human who isn't Reimu, Marisa, or Sakuya showing them fear/respect that some human who comes up and just starts treating them like another person would be a novelty, and a welcome one at that (why do you think visits to Reimu's shrine are so popular? She treats everyone equally, no matter who or what they are). Of course, that's the more whimsical ones, mainly. The more trickster-like or dominant types would probably either flatten you or make your life hell for a while.

I can't think of any that'd just eat you right off the bat for showing them no fear. Some of them might eventually (Rumia, Remilia, Flandre if she ever figures out 'how do I eated human'), but youkai who actually eat humans are really rare in the modern age.

>> No.6794284 [DELETED] 

Also, regarding Yuuka in specific, all the canon material portrays her as very whimsical and not very human in her behavior, and also as not being very dangerous so long as you don't fuck with her flowers. If you do she'll mostly just obliterate the fuck out of you. Either way, the thing with her being bloodthirsty is actually pretty far from canon. She does like a good tough battle, though, so if you look strong she might just challenge you.

>> No.6794312

Hopefully they'd at least kill me first before they eat me.

>> No.6794319


Could you eat a entire cow in one meal? I doubt a youkai who has the body of a little girl could eat an entire person in one sitting, and since dead people tend to rot..

>> No.6794323
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>Excepting, of course, the countermeasure of approaching her in a gentlemanly fashion.

I still wonder what exactly this means.

>> No.6794336

Treat her like a lady I suppose?

>> No.6794357

No, it's just that you hope it means consensual sex.

>> No.6794381

Looks like a mod didn't like those comments.

>> No.6794404
File: 273 KB, 430x400, 78f408f9eb7373a3c7ec3dd0e895ca5ad3c6cffb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the mods

>> No.6794475


i take you keep living half eaten cows around then. retard.
