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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 644 KB, 800x600, ev_haru_08c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6792255 No.6792255 [Reply] [Original]

why would someone do that to her

>> No.6792263

She had it coming

>> No.6792265

I felt like doing worse for the whole game. I really hated Haru.

>> No.6792270

I know right? He should at least rape her first.

Maou has his priorities all mixed up.

>> No.6792274

Realistic portrayal of what happens when a highschooler goes up against an international terrorist

>> No.6792285


I really wish Maou wasn't such a Hollywood villain, what with all his dramatics and such.

>> No.6792287

That's what make him great.

>> No.6792291

I blame the video games

>> No.6792298
File: 427 KB, 810x650, 1249926926233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Usami really poor? Or is that just an act.

>> No.6792306

He never really did anything stupid. Unnecessary risks, sure, but all of them were basically minor ones.

>> No.6792307

I dunno, Maou was aware of his weakness, he knew full well he was just playing around. I'd say all in all he had no real reason to actually make sure she died.
Of course he wouldn't have a problem killing her, and likely wanted to on some level, I believe he enjoyed the game they played together. After all his actual objective really had nothing to do with whether she lived or died. Also he probably loved her.

>> No.6792308

Finish reading it and you'll find out.

>> No.6792320
File: 673 KB, 800x600, ev_other_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this hottie

>> No.6792322


Your mother

>> No.6792331


>> No.6792332

Dad, you sure tried your hardest. Even though you didn't even get a face.

>> No.6792336
File: 322 KB, 1920x1200, gwall1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Maou was never beat.

He won in the end.

>> No.6792337

Is Maou voiced by the same guy who did Suginami in D.C.I.F. and D.C. II? It sure sounds like it.

>> No.6792342

Wataru from DC II actually. Fukuyama Jun.

>> No.6792358


I see. Thank you. I put in the name he had on erogamescape and I got nothing from VADB so I couldn't be sure of anything.

>> No.6792362
File: 581 KB, 800x600, ev_haru_09b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls in jogging suits are kind of attractive

>> No.6792369


>> No.6792372

You can tell she is a closet otaku, who plays galges and other games. It's charming, she doesn't know how to impress MC, so she tries that cosplay. You have to think about her standing in front of a mirror and thinking, is this really ok?...Will he like it...?

>> No.6792376


was she already lusting after MC cock at that point?

how lewd

>> No.6792380

Shit, I just stopped playing this to check on /jp/ right now.

Don't want to get spoiled so I better leave now.

>> No.6792382

She has always been in love with him, she is basically loyalty incarnate

>> No.6792384

Is there a torrent for this game with more than 0 seeds?

>> No.6792390

Why was Haru's H-scene so ridiculously silly?

>> No.6792393


when did she fall for MC?

now i kind of wish this were an NTR game

>> No.6792394

Because she's a weirdo. Having sex with a weirdo is always weird. I can tell this from all my eroge experience.

>> No.6792399

Because they were pro wrestling.

>> No.6792404

Whats wrong, does it make you think of exorcising and the break in to a cold sweat?

>> No.6792407

isn't her weirdness just an act?

>> No.6792408

I liked how when she was giving you head for the first time she was freaking out. Shit was hilarious. After that though she just became a slut.

Well actually she became a slut in my eyes when she stripped naked infront of you in your room.

>> No.6792412


>> No.6792416


How can she be a slut if she's completely loyal to you?

>> No.6792424

Written like that, it looks like it has some link with the uterus.

>> No.6792429 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6792431
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>> No.6792452


Is that her house or is that Kyousuke's house?

>> No.6792455


Your house

>> No.6792504

Kannu was hitting that shit

>> No.6792509
File: 16 KB, 285x281, 1294696488531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter which girl you pick in G-Senjou, they are all virgins.

Kyousuke is a beast that eats up virgins.

>> No.6792519 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 797x595, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part of the game.

>> No.6792521

Too bad Her feelings towards Maou were stronger than her feelings towards Kyousuke lol

>> No.6792525

I'm pretty sure that's Kyouhei. You can tell by those collarbones.

>> No.6792526

does she die? ;_;

>> No.6792542


looks like she's being raped

>> No.6792547


>> No.6792552

Shiratori bad end was amazing.

you make her kill herself then you fuck her sister. And after it all you feel nothing.

>> No.6792556


What!? Did she die? I don't remember that.

>> No.6792563


We deserved a proper Yuki H-scene.

I still think Yuki would have been a bteer choice for the route than Mizuha.

>> No.6792574



Excuse me. Pardon the mistake

>> No.6792580

Can someone spoil all the bad ends?

>> No.6792582


She was smart enough to realize Kyousuke was a huge faggot and didn't want anything to do with him. The only reason Haru didn't see it was because she had her childhood love goggles on.

>> No.6792588
File: 1.74 MB, 2547x3610, 91794c485f2af5fa925851ab23ce1bc09b97cb1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it didn't come out and say it but if you destroyed her life so far for her sister to try to kill you then its pretty easy to conclude what happened.

and yeah Yuki end would be neat. It was hinted a lot that she actually had something for you.

>> No.6792592


>childhood love goggles

Go on

>> No.6792597


That's the only one worth talking about. The rest were dumb.

>> No.6792640
File: 1.93 MB, 2542x4276, 460191e21528fdb1a6a4443eec620e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tsubaki: She abandons her family to work and have fun with you. Basically you get her involved in yakuza culture and she starts doing drugs and all that. Also you dominate her and make her your woman. I don't even see how this is a bad ending, like seriously.

Kanon: She loses the tournament and her mom kills herself. She then notices that she has nothing without skating and she no longer has the will to do it anymore. So basically you carry her through life while she does nothing.

Shiratori: You basically dominate her and treat her like shit to the point she kills herself. Then Yuki comes and has sex with you (her first time btw) to kill you. You shoot her in the stomach but she stabs you so everybody dies basically.

Haru didn't have a bad ending.

>> No.6792651

>I don't even see how this is a bad ending, like seriously.

....She is pure and kind hearted, and you do...that to her..

You are an evil bastard

>> No.6792661


Tsubaki's is a bad end because it's not Disney shit.

Surprising though that Haru doesnt have one. Seriously just give the player an option of hocking the Gun. Then Haru goes to jail instead of you and their lives are ruined~

>> No.6792669


she would probably get raped or killed in prison too or something


>> No.6792675
File: 1.63 MB, 2556x3608, 8157d66c6ddef77db08569a7ff954a34c5d17e7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a better Bad Haru end would be Maou killing her then you go out in a blaze of glory killing him and yourself.

Haru is still a sexy slut.

>> No.6792678



I don't think you understand what that word means.

>> No.6792679

are there other character CDs?

>> No.6792688

Also, dem violins in the first track, dem violins.

>> No.6792698

Sound like violas.

>> No.6792706


You do realize she would be in a women's prison right? And in Japan no less.

>> No.6792714


>> No.6792719


you do realize that she would be in a "bad end" prison, right?

and in an eroge, no less

>> No.6792722

I can no longer tell violins and violas apart by ear, it's been so long since I've listened to both individually.

>> No.6792738
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>> No.6792755
File: 808 KB, 800x557, 88dc9e52bcfb51db8ca1bb899c84b71c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody listened to the drama cds?

Looking at the track lists it seems they take place after the vn.



>> No.6792769

sounds like a violin because when the player hits the notes that should be on a violin's E-string, it sounds like they are still in first position, with none of the muted sounds that come from a viola playing in second or third+ position

most songs that use viola try not to hit anywhere near the natural E string range that violins love to use, since they would just use a violin if they were going to play music at a violin's range as opposed to a viola's natural range

same reason why violins are considered solo instruments over violas, which are considered accompanying instruments, not that there aren't some great solo viola pieces out there

a violin's higher frequency performance tends to draw a listener's attention over viola's lower register anyway

>> No.6792778

I hope someone works on those. I love aftermath stuff.

>> No.6792781
File: 201 KB, 528x489, ...Alright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792785


Kanon is adorable.

>> No.6792787


does anyone have the chapter of atonement part 2?

>> No.6792790
File: 1.40 MB, 2546x3613, 18827d7d2e5373754fd5a5aa23c093cb1198450c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she was a little easier on the ears.

>> No.6792797
File: 157 KB, 874x876, 215b5b2e88e1b03f21feb8b879864230c2bed7e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you talking about? Her voice is her best quality, man.

>> No.6792807

Why was shiratori's route so horrible?
I think it was the shortest route out of them all, and you seem to spend more time dancing around Yuki than actually doing anything, and then they do a 3 year timeskip and THEN do unessesary sex scene flashbacks.

It just seems like it would have been better to just give Yuki the route instead, she was a better character and was already more defined than shiratori anyway.

Also how do i get Haru's 2nd scene?

>> No.6792808
File: 1.37 MB, 2845x4018, 950042cfc74a2978a3f93553e7a6a113647f81c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah in that character. It took me a while to grasp Ushio growing up.

>> No.6792810

Yeah, it's cute.

nii-san~ nii-san~

>> No.6792821


>> No.6792840


whoops, meant part 1, which seems to only exist in unseeded torrents

part 2 is circulating a bit

>> No.6792852
File: 388 KB, 810x650, smugasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The very obvious answer is that it's Haru's character song CD, so of course it's violin, because Haru does not play the viola.

>> No.6792879

the torrent works fine.

>> No.6792885

Its nothing special. You listen to some of the prison visit scenes with Kyosuke voiced. Haru finds out shes pregnant. A fake Maou appears.

>> No.6792926


The torrent he's talking about is stuck at 99.9% even for the Japanese seeders. But luckily, that doesn't effect the drama cd file.

>> No.6792928


Im actually happy i didnt got the bad endings. I thought of it after finishing the game but damn. I would just get mad and sad :|

>> No.6792929

Yeah, don't. I got Tsubaki's bad end right after her good end and it depressed the shit out of me.

>> No.6792930

Could you link to this torrent, the one I fond dies out at 30%

>> No.6792937

Tsubaki's bad end was way better for me, because it wasn't as pants-on-head retarded as her good end turned out to be.

>> No.6792942

I don't really want to translate them, If I had the drive to translate anything, I'd translate the Kira Kira ones, as they are hilarious.
Listening to the mini drama thing in this character CD is pretty cute. Why is haru so cute, maru~

>> No.6792945


I thought the same at start since i couldn't accept the fact Azai Gonzou will let them be after all that happened. But after finishing the game it actually made sense. Well on the other hand i am a faggot for happy endings

>> No.6792948

whoops meant to quote

>> No.6792954

Wasn't even that part.
It's just that the whole situation could've been easily refused if the mc didn't make the most retarded decisions possible.

It's horrible how in this story every one of the girls is better off if you just ignore them, even if you shoot for their good ends.

>> No.6792962


the whole purpose for a girl's existence is to receive the sperm of a qualified male

why would you snatch their greatest joy from them?

>> No.6792977

Did anyone else find it rather annoying that they decided to pull an evil brother, good brother story after they worked that hard to make Kyousuke's conscience that profoundly twisted?

>> No.6792981 [DELETED] 

Spoilers, man. Spoilers.

And yes.

>> No.6792986

No, because if Kyousuke was Maou, I wouldn't get a happy ending. Not that the one I got was all the happy to begin with..

>> No.6792990

Not really, as if you were paying attention you should have seen it coming a mile a way.
And Eiichi said it best that Kyousuke was really just a person putting on an act who deep down was very kind.

>> No.6792999


You read spoilers, poser. But feel free to go around thinking you're intelligent.

>> No.6793001

I have to say something bad, but I'm just too lazy.

>> No.6793008

More like they were working on making a profoundly divided MC that was scared to death of his lovely foster father.

>> No.6793009


Kill yourself

>> No.6793010
File: 448 KB, 750x750, 56dc68fbd5bfc2478134e54a9ce5ca8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting you to be Maou for the whole game and then Usami trying to save you in the end. But thats just my preference. I would have felt way more badass if I was the mastermind behind everything ;__;

>> No.6793011

So yeah, what happens in the Drama CD? I hear you see the interrogation.

It would have been more touching. Seriously, imagine Haru trying to talk Maou!Kyousuke out of choking her and the effects of the story afterwords. Goddamn,

>> No.6793018


>> No.6793027


It's impossible to know that. Especially near the start of the game it blatantly comes out and says "Nobody knows that I'm Maou."

Also with Kyosukes twisted attitude toward the doctor at several parts of the game is a sign that his character is pretty questionable.

>> No.6793039 [DELETED] 

The line about having two dead siblings should immediately tripped some flags. I'm not sure when the blown up without a trace line was but that tripped some flags as well.
Initially I suspected Eiichi due to him being batshit, but the scene with Mizuha towards the beginning denied that pretty much completely.

Then again though, I shouldn't expect too much of /jp/ though as everyone here seems floored by Ever17's 2034 twist, when there everything but BW was fairly easy to see coming.

>> No.6793049

The line about having two dead siblings should immediately tripped some flags. I'm not sure when the blown up without a trace line was but that tripped some flags as well.
Initially I suspected Eiichi due to him being batshit, but the scene with Mizuha towards the beginning denied that pretty much completely.

>> No.6793051

No. There was way too much against him. Every time we see what most people would think would be his inner thoughts you would think he was a fucking maniac when normally he is pretty nice/okay/decent. Remember when he started going crazy in the psychiatrist office saying how killing is okay? How the newly hired corporate strategist thought Maou had to be much younger then 26 (Specifically, he mentions he's 26 but Maou had to be way younger then that. When Kyouhei is revealed to be fucking 30)? How about when Kyousuke passingly mentions recognizing Usami name (he says something like killing her father) at a very unstable moment? Did you also forget he felt annoyed that Tsubaki regained her kindness and the reason he was upset is because he found out there were truly kind people in the world?

Seriously, if you took truly took Eiichi's words seriously you are too believing. Loose Boy did an asspull on ducking everything about Maou/Kyousuke- the headaches, psychotic episodes, age, where he was (seriously, he blanks out with a headache for most of a day? Without being suspicious?).

Seriously, we didn't even know Kyousuke had an older brother until Chapter like 3 or 4.

>> No.6793054

Yeah, that line about the older brother didn't happen until Chapter 4. When in the begining of the game he mentions his original family but only said he had a father and mother. Around Chapter 3 or 4 he gets into another discussion where he says he had a sister who died and brother a brother who died over seas. You had to have been spoiled to get it.

>> No.6793062
File: 204 KB, 801x601, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goddamn scene, was way funnier that it should've.

>> No.6793069

>and then Usami trying to save you in the end
This is impossible. She has too much hate.

>> No.6793071

I think you learn about your 2 siblings during chapter 2 I think. It's when he looks at the photo early in.

But yeah, everything was pointed to you being Maou the whole game. During Kanons route I think she says something about you acting strange like taking walks in the middle of the night and making shady phone calls.

There's also a bunch of other times when people think you're acting strange. The brother really came out of nowhere.

I thought the twist was going to be that you knew all along what you were doing and were just using the alias "Maou" just for some fun.

>> No.6793078
File: 603 KB, 1024x768, 30652adf7c688af3f4fdb1525ff2c9a538f74ce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why did she offer to put out after kyosuke's mom died? There was no way she didn't know you were Maou really. She suspected you the whole game already.

>> No.6793081

Yeah, I can't really say that it was 'obvious' who was going to be Maou, but the overselling of Kyousuke=Maou during the early portions definitely just served to make people more doubtful and suspicious about it.

The game probably would have been better if the hints for Maou=Kyousuke were left subtle so that people felt like they were 'solving a mystery' by coming to that conclusion instead of having it pushes in their face, and then when the twist comes they'd have a bigger chance of shitting their pants.

Though I guess it's probably impossible to make Kyousuke not have an alibi for every single Maou caper and still leave it subtle.

>> No.6793090

>>he started going crazy in the psychiatrist office saying how killing is okay
That was obviously faked, later when Haru brings up amnesia he completely blows it off, and practically tells us that the psychiatrist was fooled by him.

The only question is why would he do that?

>> No.6793094

To shake off the psychiatrist and end the conversation before it delved too deeply into his past.

>> No.6793095

Because she knew that was wrong?
Kyousuke would have had to not age at all to be the one who killed her mother.

>> No.6793098

What? Your response makes no sense to what you're responding too. Haru offering to help Kyousuke(when Haru trusts without a shadow of a doubt that he isn't Maou) has nothing to do with her hatred towards Maou.

>> No.6793105

Were we ever given a description of Kyousuke in the text like for example being of "average height" or whatever?

>> No.6793106

waiiiittttt what game is this @.@

>> No.6793107
File: 195 KB, 413x567, 12858669828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people misunderstand the purpose of the writer's use of misdirection all the time, mostly because they don't think it through

writers know that when they use misdirection, readers will notice that they are being misdirected, and that even the lowest common denominator will realize something is amiss

many people make a big deal about "figuring out Maou's identity", when it isn't even a big deal since the writer makes the tip-off obvious whenever misdirection is used (like whenever the continuity of POV gets broken)

so if you want to stroke your e-peen because you realized something was off, good job noticing the obvious! if you want to argue and say that you knew Maou's identity all along, good job recognizing cliches in fiction, as well as guessing correctly on what amounts to a coin toss

if you recognize the real purpose behind the use of misdirection, then you've really got a good head on your shoulders since you didn't get bogged down by the "challenge" of figuring out who Maou was

if you're stuck on the fact that you "figured out Maou's identity" and think i'm just bullshitting you about a deeper interpretation, then you will forever be stuck at a low level of intellectual flexibility

>> No.6793110

Didn't she meet Maou when she was like 12 or something?

I'm pretty sure she knew he wasn't the MC.

>> No.6793112

By that time she had stopped doubting him-- she saw how hard he had tried to help her. I say she has too much hate because she ran after Maou in the end despite Kyosuke crying for her to stop. In that scene she definitely made a stretch, but I think if Maou had called her then she would have ran off after him instead.

>> No.6793114


Oh, shut up, Haru. I've had enough of you and your stupid hair.

>> No.6793116

It seems like he was systematically trying to get the psychiatrist to get at the conclusion of amnesia, not just that one time.

If he was really Maou it would have made sense.

>> No.6793118

We were told he was tall and skinny on at least four separate occasions.

>> No.6793123

She didn't 'stop' doubting him. They straight out state in chapter 5 that Haru suspecting him being the Maou was just her joking around and on the inside she trusts him implicitly.

>> No.6793125

Can someone give spoilers as to where Haru was living the entire time?

What was her financial situation like?

>> No.6793131

I want to read this thread so bad but I don't want to spoil myself. And by the time I usually finish nobody is talking about it anymore.

>> No.6793133


She lived in some place here or there payed for by some dude who was an acquaintance or something of her father... maybe.

>> No.6793139 [DELETED] 

She was living with a former employee of her father's, I think his name was Iwai or something.

>> No.6793138

If you start reading right now, you should be able to finish by about 17:00 EST tomorrow.

>> No.6793143

Yeah, to the reader it seemed more like that the mystery of Maou's identity was never a mystery at all but more like just information to the reader.

Seriously, the misdirection about Kyousuke = Maou wasn't even at the level of being subtle hints. It was pretty much taken for granted. The real mystery would be 'why Haru was after Maou'. Or 'what was Kyousuke really planning'. If they took that route.

>> No.6793151

She met him when she was 13. But at the time Maou was waring a balaclava that covered his face.

>> No.6793154

Geez, what kind of pace do you read at?

>> No.6793158

She was living in a company building. The company was friends of Isai's (or whoever that guy was) father (who was a friend of Usami's father).

>> No.6793167

Goddamn. I worded this wrong.

What I meant was that if you still took the Kyousuke = Maou thing then you wouldn't have even considered Maou's identity is even a mystery in the first place (that or did what you said and believed something was amiss) and that the mystery was something else (Haru's motivation or Maou's goal).

>> No.6793175

I thought that pace was about normal for /jp/.

>> No.6793179


Maybe he means you're too slow.

>> No.6793186

No, the opposite. I guess I'm the slow one.

Doesn't help that I listen to all the voices.

>> No.6793189 [DELETED] 

I sort of doubt that unless my reading speed has dropped dramatically in the past few months.

>> No.6793191

Yeah, that's probably the difference, I tend to skip the voices as I tend to want to continue reading rather than wait for them to finish.

>> No.6793218

Anyone else love to hate Yuki? Orgasmic voice aside, her character seemed to be created to make males want to rape her.

>> No.6793245


That's odd. I loved Yuki but hated Haru.

Regarding her voice: You might recognize it if you played Kazoku Keikaku before. The same voice actress that did Aoba. You probably wouldn't believe that she also voiced Sakura from Da Capo and Tamase Miki from Muv-Luv.

>> No.6793468


She just has such a sultry and commanding voice that it makes me want to fight her.

Haru's voice is pretty normal.

>> No.6793491

>Tama from muv-luv

Holy shit those are 160 degree personality differences. Bitch has talent.

>> No.6793632
File: 124 KB, 810x650, gsnm0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793878

rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub!

>> No.6793880


Don't even get me started.

>> No.6793947

Yeah Hitomi/Hokuto Minami has an amazing voice range (She also played the Miko in Swan Song, and Kaigen in Hanachirasu). No wonder she's one of my favorite seiyuus.

>> No.6793970

I would have liked to see a Haru Bad End where Maou succeeds in capturing her. He would probably torture her by breaking the fingers on her left hand. Goes well with the violinist theme.

>> No.6793996

Eh, I don't know about that. She already pretty much gave up on that, and only through a lot of coaxing from Kyousuke does she actually try to go back to it.

>> No.6794014

I laughed out loud at that in-joke.

>> No.6794167

the bathroom acoustics pushed her to a fortissimo

>> No.6794176
File: 24 KB, 250x300, c637685chara2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also voiced that hot blondie in Kagura Douchuuki. Damn, her moans during her rape scenes was so sexy that I could came buckets without even looking at the monitor

>> No.6794182

our genitals were a fearsome sight

her wetness amplified even further as she clamped down on my rod, pestering me for my semen

>> No.6794201
File: 254 KB, 800x600, utatemegerui014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like her more when she plays antagonistic characters. She played the final villain in Utatemeguri for example, and it was really a stellar performance. Or I could use Muramasa too as an example.
She was great in Killer Queen too, really a role benefiting from her talent.

If you like her voice while being raped, then you probably would like one of her earlier games, http://vndb.org/v1128 (she plays the blonde slave). I didn't quite like this game from what little I played, but she was fine.

>> No.6794512

Hokuto Minami's voice range: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHu7JdKUQg0

>> No.6794685

it's rare to find people who are devoted to certain VAs

always awesome though

>> No.6794723

Well, she really is my favorite female seiyuu along with Gotou Yuuko. Thankfully both of them gets many many roles (unlike my favorite male seiyuus ;_; ).

>> No.6794893

what's the password for this one?
Also is there a part 1? I can't find the torrent, thanks before

>> No.6795055
File: 62 KB, 600x450, 8tnu01000000wvp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm devoted to Hikaru Isshiki

>> No.6795065


If she calls me 'shounen' one more time, I'd probably ejaculate in my pants.

>> No.6795130

I don't know.

It felt awesome 'being' the bad guy for once. Then they pull the dead brother stunt.

Felt kinda cliched.

>> No.6795256

Best eroge VA period.

>> No.6795274


Gee, i don't know, man. She's one of my favorites, though... right there along with Kazane, Taguchi Hiroko, Hitomi, and Imai Asami.

>> No.6795937
File: 69 KB, 768x576, 15238752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795972

This is not cool. Haru is not a dog, are there any figurines of her in regular clothes?

>> No.6795990

>(unlike my favorite male seiyuus ;_; )
George Nakata really needs more roles in eroge. I mean, he's been in, what, Demonbane and Fate/stay night?

>> No.6796068

>not a dog
Did we play the same game? As far as I could infer, Haru was pretty much dog incarnate.
But I didn't say that's a bad thing

>> No.6796161
File: 331 KB, 810x650, gsnm0074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797010
File: 329 KB, 800x600, damenakoi045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she's decent alright. Curiously enough she's the seiyuu I played the most games with (only a few VAs approached close to 20 games, but she was over it).
I played games where I wasn't satisfied, but there were also games where I thoroughly enjoyed her performance. I think her best performance was this. I wish they'd employ her more often on adult heroines than schoolgirls personally.
