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6790280 No.6790280 [Reply] [Original]

KSDevs need to make Hanako more angsty.

She was too light hearted in the demo. She's supposed to never smile and think she's hideous.

>> No.6790287

Bunch of people who have never written anything in their lives can't write for shit?

>> No.6790307

No need for her to be emo. In fact, avoiding the whole ENDLESS TORRENT OF MISERY AND REGRET is a good thing.

>> No.6790313
File: 136 KB, 583x802, 2006.fuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine KS, illustrated by Raita, and actually good.

>> No.6790314


But I don't want a shy moeblob who cries a lot because you show her affection, I want an angst bomb who cries a lot because you show her affection.
In other words, I don't want her to cry because she's afraid, but because she thinks she isn't worthy.

>> No.6790315

ks devs need to get out

>> No.6790318


Imagine KS completed 100%.

>> No.6790322

Pardon, but that seems a bit one dimensional for a character.

If you want characters along the lines of pure misery done well, I recommend Giniro.

>> No.6790333


>> No.6790334


>Pardon, but that seems a bit one dimensional for a character.

Of course, as that's simply a character pitch before development takes place.

>> No.6790338

Imagine this thread not reported.

>> No.6790339

I agree, in general that's one of the biggest drawbacks of KS.
They took the great premise and turned it into a generic dime-a-dozen moe highschool game, discarding all the darker aspects.
It will probably be decent enough, but it could've been great.

>> No.6790344
File: 118 KB, 706x455, 1293724470381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You done, worthless samefag?

>> No.6790355

Still to early pass judgement. I doubt it will be something legendary, but passable, at worst.

>> No.6790361

Personally, I'm thinking it won't be completed. If it does, then it will be some run-of-the-mill VN that quickly becomes forgotten.

However you never know. I'm just not going to get excited about it.

>> No.6790368


I can't see a project go on for so long to be canceled.
Worst-case, after all support is gone, they put out an incomplete version with endings messily hammered on and everyone forgets about it.

But, my instincts say it will generally be enjoyed, causing a terrible new influx of visual novel readers, for better and horribly worse.

>> No.6790370
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, starcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wise thing to do.

>> No.6790375

If they feel confident enough to say it's going to be completed within 2011, I think they will finish it.
However, as it is it looks a really average story that will get exposure only due to fact that it's the first english project to reach anywhere near japanese standards (albeit the lowest ones).
And I can already see all the "popularity hating faggot" "it's doujin what do you expect" replies when you do point out its flaws.

>> No.6790394

I have seen quite a bit of doujin games and they usually go like this:

- Shit art, music from other sites/mediocre music, good plot.
- Nice CG, mediocre music, nukige.
- Shit, shit, SHIT.

And then there are the games nobody hears about but were rumored to have been good. I really wanted to play Shirairo Neiro. Fuck.

>> No.6790408

Examples of each? Just for sake of discussion.

>> No.6790416

- Shit art, music from other sites/mediocre music, good plot: Tsukihime, Higurashi. Yes, both of these were doujin, and the first version of Tsukihime was SHIT.
- Nice CG, mediocre music, nukige. [ぶい112CR] 大ちゃんといっしょ! is one. Cute looking, average music, and it takes two steps to jump into the sex with no plot whatsoever.
- Shit, shit, SHIT: Transquest. Genderbender nukige with stolen CG, stolen music, slapped a fuckfest gender bender shitplot on it, and charged 500 yen for it.

Those are the ones on top of my head.

>> No.6790421

>illustrated by Raita

>> No.6790423


>- Nice CG, mediocre music, nukige

The X-Change! series fits this bill to the letter.

>> No.6790424

Get out /a/.

>> No.6790433

Clearly you don't understand anything about internal ejaculation and fucking like snakes. Raita is great at drawing both.

>> No.6790440

but x-change is not doujinsoft, also the cgs are not that good by modern standards.

>> No.6790451

There's multiple versions? Apart from an anime and VN?

Somehow I knew that would be your example. It's accurate to a T.

Have never heard of. Seems like that's a good way to be.

>> No.6790455

Nasu published a preview/beta version on a comiket. Has pieces of the plot, along with prototypes of the characters.

Originally, Hisui and Kohaku were supposed to have doll-like personalities, and the art was just plain awkward.

>> No.6790463

Oh well, at least the full versions is pretty nice. One of these days, maybe I'll complete it.

>> No.6790612

Eh. His sex scenes and art style don't really click with me. I think it's because his girls are too skinny and the men are so cowardly.

>> No.6791329

it's by no means a masterpiece or some groundbreaking novel, but it's enjoyable to play. i don't understand the KS hate.

are there more character sheets like OPs?

>> No.6791373


OP posted the original pitch page, which the entire process was based off of.

>> No.6791429
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Technically the original was monochrome but yeah.

>> No.6794178

Personally I think the deaf girl needs bigger breasts.
