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6784617 No.6784617 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]

Old thread died suddenly. Link not available.

>> No.6784638


>> No.6784682 [DELETED] 
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Crimrose, Ivis; lesbian lovers.

>> No.6784719
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The game is STILL unplayable, even the site still takes forever to load. It literally takes 3 seconds to see something I wrote appear in chat and nearly 30 seconds for anything I shoot to appear damaged.

Thread about it here

Wonder if anyone else is having the same problem here. It seems to be random who's effected by it.

>> No.6784746

Cosmic Break?

More like Cosmic Broken~

>> No.6784764
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Pretty much.

>> No.6784765

try using Leatrix, it lowered my latency so no more lag ever for most games i play. hope it helps you play cosmic break


>> No.6784862

Interesting, I'm kind of curious what the effect on my sorta-of-working-ok lag would.

>> No.6785006

hope it works out for you like it works out for me

>> No.6785239

This is what I have to deal with. This is what I've had to deal with for 2 days now.

It was nice of you to share your program, I installed it and it says it's working properly but this is not ordinary lag, this is HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH COSMIC BREAK? lag.


>> No.6785461
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Winberrl core upgrades. Never.

>> No.6785472

>CB threads being deleted
>CB is the only Japanese game being discussed

>> No.6785485

and nobody from the GMs seem to be listening too

>> No.6785521


>still playing jikun
>decent winberls pullgunning arts and binding melees
>they seem me and raise bind

>> No.6785544 [DELETED] 

Well there's a novel insult.

>> No.6785545


>winberl drawguns my spammy art
>turn around, burstfire it and her
you want to drawgun me? fine, but doing so comes at a cost

>> No.6785546

I haven't heard that one before.

>> No.6785837
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>> No.6785845
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>winberl drawguns my Lily Rain
>turn around, burstfire it and her

>> No.6785848
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Well, Fuck.

>> No.6785890
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Login fine with no problem whatsoever.
Can even play a few games. Welcome to the botnet Chloroform.

Also what the fuck? Now we are gonna get even more noobs in wiz. Stupid BRD cant even mantain their lead.

>> No.6785937

That program is just adding a DWORD to your registry, TcpAckFrequency and setting it to 1. I wouldnt even download the program, just google a guide and do it yourself if you dont trust it.

>> No.6785960

Lily rain got screwed. No handy bazookas in the shop, and blast bazookas are garapon only. Is there any reason to use her now?

>> No.6785965

I haven't played in a few days but since the new year I was getting enough lag to make the game pretty much unplayable. 30v30 was a slideshow and 15v15 wasn't much better.

>> No.6785966

DOS beat you guys in offence with 35k points left. That's pretty sad wiz.

>> No.6786123

I dropped a hundred bucks on this game, but I still don't feel like I have any advantage over anybody. I think I garaponed too much and didn't leave enough RT to spend on tune ups.

My AIR bots are without 40 fly nor Air Loop. My ART bots are without 40 TEC. I got 2 blast bazookas, but I only needed one. Not to mention the armies of bots I don't like so they're practically useless to me.

Yeah, there's always great bots that are slipped into garapon, but decent RT bots are also available to buy without luck-based garapon. You can buy Crimrose with RT and then turn her into seraph without gambling. Same with Bugsy and D-girl. All great bots with slots.

If you had 1000 RT, what would you have done with it?

>> No.6786132

ABR+Zook on my 30+fly 30+tec Seraph.
Will try damm hard to get it to 40tec rather than fly.

>> No.6786141


I would roll the Garapon 1 once, get a Shaden, roll the mecha Garapon, get Gwyain, roll the Ouka Garapon, get Thoarla, buy some shop bots, then waste the rest failing to get CS.

And I did. Didn't get Izuna either. I still have the bots I wanted, so that's fine. I just wish slot protectors were cheaper. I didn't buy any of those either. I have a bunch of Lazflamme to mess around with now though. And 2 Misty Hollow SIN. Too bad I'm terrible with land bots.

>> No.6786165

I alway thought that the damage increase from TEC was very marginal. Especially for the beam-type weapons that AIR bots use.

What would be the damage difference between 20 TEC and 40 TEC on a Plasma Gun, which is rather high on the Force rating for a beam-type gun?

>> No.6786175

You 3shot Ivis with 40tec stardust.

>> No.6786243
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Trollberrl gonna troll. Even if it was a low-rank room, can't believe I was able to get that much without a death.

>> No.6786252

So I think this is the formula for damage of ranged weapons:

(Weapon's Force) * (1 + 0.016 * (TEC-10)) rounded

Auto Beam Rifle has 13 Force.

With 20 TEC = 15 dmg (30 against LND)
With 30 TEC = 17 dmg (34 against LND)
With 40 TEC = 19 dmg (38 against LND)

From 20 to 40 TEC, that's a 4 dmg improvement. 8 dmg difference against LND. (They take double damage from beams, right?)

A thread to consider:

>> No.6786259

It might seems little but try using this in real combat.
Stock crim, consistently tail end of top10.
Tune 40tec crim, consistently top of the leaderboard.

>> No.6786275

Depends on how many weapons you're packing. If you're dual-wielding weapons and you land to fire all guns at once, you'll get double your tuneup for your firepower as the TEC increase affects all guns. You can't do this with an ABR for obvious reasons of course, though, and it's much much better with four guns instead of just 2 (thank you misside arms) but yeah, TEC is not worth it for just one gun. Might as well boost force.

>> No.6786277

>try using this in real combat

I'm sorry, but I don't actually have a bot with 40 TEC. Nor can I afford one. All I can do is take your word for it.

>> No.6786278

You didnt play in beta where everyone is using 40walk/fly 40str/fly bots?

>> No.6786284

My mistake, LND receives 1.4x damage from beam weaponry, not 2x.

Source: http://www.cosmicbreak.com/_/wiki/index.php?title=Robot_Assembly

>> No.6786287

I think a 40 FLY AIR bot and a 40 TEC AIR bot both have their merits.

High TEC bot does more damage for the same amount of ammo, but high FLY bot can zoom in and out to take opportunity shots behind enemy lines.

I heard that Crimrose's seraph wings give her auto 40 fly, is this true? Because if it is, then she can have her cake and eat it too.

>> No.6786296

Very simple explanation on why Tec is better than force.
40tec give you 1.48 more damage.
Say on average you get about 3k damage with 20tec, with 40tech you will do 3.8k damage. This will easily bump you a few rank higher. You give up stuff like ammo/range/etc for a single force tuned up while for tec all your weapon get upgraded.
I take tec over force everyday.

>> No.6786311

Personally I'd just tune FLY and use my wonder bit more, but that's just me. Prioritizing survival over killing is better in my view.

>> No.6786440

can't even install
having digital signature errors
forums don't have solution since last month
Windows 7

>> No.6786472

Up to a certain level, it's

Tune FLY, get into the right position to deal damage easier than faster, deal more damage.

then it's

Tune force/grap, preferably the 3% one because the game will till round it up and improve weapon force by at least 1.

Then it's

Check if you have less than 20 tgh. If not, tune so that you have 20 tgh.

Then it's

Tune up rapid, because you need to hit do deal damage.

Then check if you survive and end up with 0 ammo with that bot often or not. If it's often, tune up ammo. If not, tune up tec.

>> No.6786534

1. Tune 40 TGH
2. Rest tune on HP
3. ???
4. Profit!!!

>> No.6786616

Stop obsessing with the goddamn garapon. The store bots are more than lethal enough in the right hands and they're half off. Grab an Aquila and take control of the skies. Knock your enemies dead with a Hatingarm's Garm Tackle; like the Jikun kick, only bigger. Rain down some fire with a D-girl.

The garapon only makes sense if you're willing to commit a big enough wad of cash to beat the random number generator. After the 19th, when the garapon discounts end, it will make no sense at all to ever use it.

>> No.6786623

When the discount ends, watch them throw in another discount - at a even more ridiculously low price because no one else is rolling anymore

>> No.6786648

Pfft. I expect them to switch the balls around after the 19th so that the odds are the same as the CB JP. That will really make people cry.

>> No.6786683

I expect them to put Ouka in shop after the 19th.

>> No.6787362

Is there a list of equips each quest boss drops at each * level?

>> No.6787371


that's where this belongs.

Or /soc/.

>> No.6787379
File: 24 KB, 316x341, not this shit again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6787387

I watched that anime, and... that's not from the anime! Stop spreading lies! Or at least keep them in /a/.

>> No.6787400

Being a little girl and shooting a lot of bullets at each other is /jp/ related. Don't you want to be the little girl (though with gigantic breasts, judging from most other CB girls) and don mechanical parts so that you can shoot down other little girls?

>> No.6787407

Being a little girl is a moot thing and that by definition belongs in /b/.

>> No.6787503
File: 448 KB, 500x1000, 13715285_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What IS with this Cosmic Lag? I haven't been able to play for two or so days now because of it. This has not happened before. ;_;

>> No.6787552


This thing ROCKS
Menus load WAY faster, the shop. garage...
Bullets actually hit when they seem to hit...


>> No.6787618


btw this lowers server-side lag

don't expect it to remove the laggy jikuns..

I've head that there are some people who use a packet loss program in order to benefit from lag.

That's so fucking sad, man.

>> No.6787635

You and me both man, you and me both.


>> No.6787646

I uploaded one of my videos to ... YOUTUBE, I promised I would never sign up for Youtube but there's faggots on CB that still believe it's an issue with individual computers and not a lag issue from Cyberstep.

No sound because, who cares?

That's the type of lag I've had since Saturday morning. Shit sucks man.

>> No.6787656
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i'll test it

>> No.6787776

Funny, I couldn't play last week because of lag. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't figure out if it was me or cb, but it stopped around Friday. I was playing today and didn't have any lag whatsoever. But, there's less people on then usual(lolnogames), I guess it affected a lot of people.

>> No.6787786

And here's me in Dungeons and Dragons online, a game with a higher player base and higher graphics requirement with little to no lag.


So get off your asses Cyberstep and fix whatever's broken, it's not my fault, it's yours.

>> No.6788117
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you should be ashamed of yourself, chloro

>> No.6788132

Wow, I've never had lag like that, I think it's a problem on your end (or rather on the route from your isp to cb's server).

>> No.6788146

i used the same commando and ended being 1st in almost every game

>> No.6788149
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do you think I should use a shino instead with the same setup?

>> No.6788172

Oh it was delicious. I got them to level 5 though, so now I'm using Paraboroids which are TERRIBLE but do get Broad Radar in the first 5 levels.

>> No.6788176

I really think each death should cost an additional 250 (or even 500) regardless what you are. Spamming low cost bots like frog hoppers shouldn't be rewarded for being first. A 330 cost frog hopper would cost 580 per death, while bigger bots like a 1000 cost Seraph would be 1250.

>> No.6788178

oh wow, that's all it is? (never even checked the link)

The TcpAckFrequency fix is such fucking old news, I don't know how many years ago it was that I had it recommended for some game, manually edited registry, never even thought about it since.

>> No.6788184
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By the way, did you see my Cannon Baller commando? Shit was so cash.

>> No.6788197
File: 684 KB, 800x600, 6f291509ef6d0d33abaa56930a9658bc86385a3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so here it goes. My ingame name is Sabbytine, and I would like an invite. May I please have one?

>> No.6788272

Well its already like that depending on the number of stars above your head, or crown. I already die on my hoppers and seraphs for the higher values your described, and crown is double your cost when you die iirc.

>> No.6788277

Before I go and accept invites to Haku Runs, what are the main things I should know? (What bot to bring, what to watch out for.. etc etc)

>> No.6788280

Just bring 2 jikuns both equipped with 1 shotgun and 1 3 way dagger each, and you're set. You need the jikun legs (or another melee weapon thats not 3way) to do damage when hes in that one form where hes in a blue protective shield.

>> No.6788403

I come back and WIZ is 2nd place. What happened to our shuffle power?

>> No.6788411
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>> No.6788444
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>> No.6788446
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Best Destructor Girl

>> No.6788488


Yes, that is the best Destructor Girl ever!

>> No.6788544
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Yup. Same thing on my end, Chloro. Goddamn. I want to play my moebots. ;_;

>> No.6788926

People on the official website are still claiming it isn't a problem with Cyberstep but there must be something wrong with our internet. One guy even said to make sure I wasn't downloading anything.


I don't know if Cyberstep is even trying to resolve it. Ever since Saturday morning something broke and as far as I can see nobody cares to fix it.

>> No.6788951

>Itty bitty lily


>> No.6788974

It's UC, Boof, so it's free! Well, kinda free. It takes away game money that you spent farming in the arena, but at least it's not real money!

>> No.6788979

You can get them for UC, they're available (though hard to get) from the UC garapon.

>> No.6788989


Sounds like I have some rolling to do.

>> No.6788997

I've seen you before, but I'm not in hotglue.

>> No.6788999
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This... this on the other hand...

>> No.6789001

Yup. It's in the UC garapon along with other accessories.

>> No.6789177


That king giggaton or whatever it is in the mech garapon has the most bulshit weapon I have ever seen.

>> No.6789185

Why do you people play a pay2win game?

>> No.6789191

Because unless you run into a room stacked full of Everything'sFine, it's not pay2win yet.

>> No.6789240

You're a fucking idiot who foams at the mouth at the very first sentence and doesn't bother to read the rest of the post.

He clearly is saying that all the decent bots are available outside of garapon.

You're basically saying what he already said, which you would've known if you had bothered to read his entire post.

>> No.6789249

>I heard that Crimrose's seraph wings give her auto 40 fly, is this true?

Can anyone with a Seraph shed some light on this?

>> No.6789272

It's still mostly in the pre-pay2win stage. When it progresses beyond that, that's when I will never play again.

Although it looks like the game may end up dead to me before that anyways, with the dwindling player numbers. They need to find ways to protect newer players from all the autists, and fucking fast.

>> No.6789291

>They need to find ways to protect newer players from all the mega cash spenders, and fucking fast.


>> No.6789321

Buttmad much? He asked for an opinion and I gave it.

>> No.6789338

stop buying shit you autistic niggers

just play the game and force them to lower their prices

>> No.6789341


800 UC per frog, 600 UC per mini bazooka, 4200 UC per shield. Total of 39,600 UC. It hardly even takes skill, get them to level 4, hop everywhere. You can even camp the level 5 and under rooms to take advantage of it since only Frogs and Accell Sabers get to hop level 1-5.

Even better, Winbell is free and can screw up anybody no matter how much they spend. Go ahead, burst fire me in the face, hope you have plenty of burst fires just sitting around in your inventory that you've been saving and you get them every round because I don't need to hang on to burst fire to draw you in to my allies. I can do that for free.

>> No.6789357

>has never played a match full of everything'sfine

Get out of here scrub, we're on an entire different plane of discussion here. Florette's hoppers didn't even stand a chance, he only managed to win after all the good players left.

>> No.6789370

Doesn't bother me 'cause I learned how to wreck hoppers on the mean streets of CB JP. If the rest of the team can't get out of the way, that's their problem.

>> No.6789379

I thought the discussion was about how to keep new players from leaving because they couldn't afford a decent bot. Frogs are great in the 1-5 rooms.

Also as for Everything's Fine the problem I had with them was that they overwhelmed the pubbies and left me shooting 4 or 5 BRD at once. The one time I played with a stacked room of Everything's fine I still managed to place 12th even though I died 4 times. Get enough good players to challenge them, even with UC bots and you could win. They're not indestructable.

>> No.6789387

I frankly don't see the cashbots being that big of an advantage over what you can get normally. The only one I particularly think is capable of changing the tide of battle is Baltheon.

Decent supports are plentiful since people get a Winberrl as a rank up reward, anyone who played second beta got a Laz-chan, and Koko Gaap's available in UC garapon.

I get shot down as an AIR most often by Destructors. I don't see any other ART being any sort of huge improvement over them. Destructor Girls are basically just smallers Destructors and Saggis can only fire their signature railgun in bursts making them easier to escape than Destructors.

Working LND builds are extremely easy. There's the hopper, the lagkun, LND with red squealer AMs. Frankly I'd rather fight an Ouka than a lagkun or a hopper. I can see Ivis possibly changing the flow, but I imagine when she does come out the chances of getting her are going to be impossibly slim in some sort of supergarapon with over a hundred different possible rewards. It is very unlikely we'll see Ivises in numbers similar to the betas.

AIRs... well you're screwed if you want a decent large one, but the S ones are just fine. Izunas and Crims are still good bots decent in of themselves. I can top ten consistently with my Izuna. With the large amounts of SUPs I've gone some games without dying at all.

Baltheon's shield is an ability you can't really get outside of paying RT and it can cause a great difference on certain maps. The only similar things are the shield items that drop from trees occasionally, and they're one use while the Baltheon is capable of putting up his shield repeatedly.

>> No.6789413

Flying with the wings is noticeably faster, though I don't know for sure that it's 40 FLY level. I still intend to tune my seraph to 40 FLY (30 now without tunes), because activating seraph wings when I need to get the hell away usually gives everything around me ample time to target me and kill me once I'm out of the invincibility frame. Also, you can't fly-strafe as well with the seraph wings activated, and you can't use air loop or accele roll. 40 FLY is still worth getting on a seraph, and I'd say it's much more important than the slight damage boost from tuning TEC. Maneuverability is the prime concern with small AIR units.

>> No.6789414

I played Baltheon gold in beta (the 360 degree shield one), shields fall easy to blasters.

>> No.6789418

I think you guys are missing the main problem with RT spenders.

It's not the cash bots.

It's the tune ups and Air Loops and those sorts of things.

Cashbots are fine, it's the tune ups that will fuck your shit up, whether it's a seraph crimrose or bugsy, doesn't matter.

>> No.6789434

Re: L AIR, an Aquila is not a bad investment for an Rt bot either. With an omega blaster, it's both good in the arena and good for grinding Berzelius to get the scout rifle.

>> No.6789435

I play my Izuna without Air Loop and I tuned it to 40 FLY absolutely free. It's not hard getting a particular stat to 40. Frankly chips are more of a problem than slots since some parts you can just buy fresh out of the store like weapons and shields.

>> No.6789438

I don't care about being good. I just want cool robots. I bought both brickgales since I liked them during the beta, but every time I go to start up the game I think about all the other robots stuck in the supid machines and don't feel like playing anymore. the horrible lag isn't helping either.

>> No.6789444

You're either very lucky, or I'm very unlucky because I've failed ALL of my FLY tune ups.

>> No.6789445

I meant Large AIRs that can be bought with UC. I was saying that there were no options for decent L AIRs if you weren't paying cash. There are quite a few if you are willing though like Aquila as you mentioned.

>> No.6789446 [DELETED] 


To be fair to his argument, I haven't played CB since christmas and hotglue did end up winning once it ended up evening out to 6/6 instead of 7/12. Not to mention I'm not the cosmic break god everything seems to think I am.

The fact that all their hoppers were loaded with rt crotchguards was pretty enraging though

>> No.6789455

I was fairly unlucky with my tunes. I failed a bunch of them. I failed 2 great fly alphas in a row at 70% chance of success as well as several high flys and 1 great fly beta. The issue was more with mats honestly, chips to be specific. Hell I even failed a 95% proto tuneup once. You just need to grind Bastagant a lot if you want more mats since they drop like every material.

>> No.6789468

Do protos drop anywhere? Or are the gone forever? I really liked those things. I wish I hadn't wasted them on beezle parts

>> No.6789469

>hotglue kicking everythingsfags ass in obt3
>release comes
>no hotglue left

>> No.6789483

I only got them through rank up rewards and the 3 Guardians mate. If bazaars ever come around it might be possible to repeatedly make dummy accounts to do the mate thing and just sell your proto cosmos alphas to your main account.

Their only real value is their high success rate. Which is useful if you want to use the last slot on a mutislot part, but don't have slot protectors. They're still not a guaranteed thing though. As I've said I failed a 95% proto tuneup before.

>> No.6789489

$15 and $30 for a six pack of Cosmo Harmonics Gamma and Slot Protector Omega, respectively? Even the Rt spenders can't afford to be doing much tuning.

I wished only to point out that the Aquila is a worthy choice in response to your discussion about the Baltheon which, as you mentioned, is an Rt bot. I agree that there is no worthwhile L AIR for UC.

>> No.6789521

Pretty sure rt spenders like kaikai can considering they've spent over 400 dollars already. 3 main bots is what, 60ish on average?

>> No.6789551

oh god that ivis and winberrl chibis so muc-HNNNNNNGH

>> No.6789566

Yeah, but it was 5,000 yen straight up for the three. Ouch.

>> No.6789592

Yeah, some of the crazy spenders like kaikai and taetae, and sliferx probably buy shit for tunes. But I would say that 99% of the people, even those who spend more than average aren't buying the tuneup bonus shit. Most people are buying bots they like from the store, and then dumping the rest in to garapon.

>> No.6789617

Also you CAN tune up without it, just you're going to break a lot of parts. It'll be hard to get a perfect set of fully tuned parts but most bots dont have the capacity for that. You just can't tune all your fancy 3 slot garapon parts to perfection. It's recommended to avoid bots like Destructor Girl if youre planning to tune free, since you break that shit and you have to junk it to try again..

But it's relatively easy to tune a single stat to 40 on a bot with a little grinding in bastagant.

>> No.6789628

I'm buying 400 RT how should I spend it to maximise my OPness

>> No.6789713 [DELETED] 


Baltheon and Amateus have the most fag for their buck.
If you're willing to garapon/pray to get a handyzooka somewhere, pick up a bugsycait and misty hollow and maybe a psycho formula. You might consider buying brickgale for it's booster. If you want to take a chance with tuning, get an unlocked and slotted winberrl.

If you feel lucky, and if I remember right, the mech garapon has a bot with a stock handyzooka and a gaywane.

>> No.6789721

Oh boy! this new UC garapon looks neat!

>Long range bit

Sure glad I didn't spend real cash for this shit.

>> No.6789726

Get a Jikun Long, put 2x High Gladiator in legs.


>> No.6789727

Depends. You prefer LND, AIR, ART, or SUP?

>> No.6789736

Try rolling it more and see that you're chances seem to get worse

I think handy zook is with the pulsardio in the garapon. Not so sure, I don't like rolling the lottery a lot

>> No.6789754

I thought bugsycait was the most fag for your buck. I never thought anyone would have considered baltheon a fag bot.

>> No.6789764

I play everything really. I would say ART > AIR > LND > SUPPORT, in terms of what I play most to least.
I thought psycho formula was a shit bot? That one doesnt even have the head gun.

>> No.6789770 [DELETED] 


Bugsycait is a lot of fag for only 35 rt, but what are you going to equip on him? Lasers are nerfed, handyzooks are nowhere to be found. You need a weapon while you're hopping, so that's where the cost effectiveness drops.

On the other hand, Baltheon is pretty much the best non garapon L air available at the moment, and you can pretty rock with him ready to go since the usual L air weapons are all uc/grindable.

>> No.6789772

Don't expect miracles, the Rates in UC are like 50% blue, 25% Red.

>> No.6789812 [DELETED] 


Psycho's actually pretty good. Short-boost, ridiculous capacity(third highest of any art), very small. He's not a cost effective fagbot, however, in that you won't be able to use that capacity as blastzookas are garapon and tuning will fuck you.

He's got a nice set of legs for bugsycait though, but you could cut corners and just ace braver legs if you dont want to drop the four dollars

>> No.6789817

Bugsy is M sized. That means you can equip a REGULAR bazooka, which is better damage.

>> No.6789832 [DELETED] 


Perhaps I'm misremembering, but hasn't regular/middle zooka become unequippable on sups because of bugsy?

If it hasn't then you're correct, bugsycait is the most fag for your dollar.

>> No.6789843

Misty Hollow is the ultimate fagbot right now. Why nobody uses her is beyond me. Turn on that mist shit and hop around spamming bazookas and assault rifles everywhere. You just have to watch out for oukas.

>> No.6789879

For ART, best bang for the buck is either D-girl, if you like Destructor, or Amateus, if you like a more maneuverable bot.

For AIR, Brickgale Blue is good for a S sized bot; worth it for the STOVL on BS alone. As mentioned earlier, Baltheon and Aquila are good for L bots.

>> No.6789935

Thought you guys might get a kick out of this. Here's me about half an hour ago trying to play.


>> No.6789955
File: 244 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110111_0002_58_265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retardedness of WIZ is a miracle of this universe.

>> No.6789962
File: 9 KB, 185x185, 1284556223908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow....

>> No.6789966
File: 127 KB, 798x601, amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to play Grand Chase? I took this video to prove to people there's only lag in CB.

I think it's fun (not many other people do) and after several years it still has a healthy community ... of mostly teenage kids. But I still enjoy it. It DOES feature a 14 year old dancer slut, who's actually kinda really hard to get unless you pay for her. But anyway, the starter girls are fun too.

I just don't think I'll play Cosmic Break till they fix whatever's wrong.

>> No.6789970

yeah i dont see a problem here...

>> No.6789974

I actually used to play this game, it was fun but the updates really killed it. The PVP in this game is so bad now it's not even funny, and the quests are just GRINDAN bullshit. Also once you get high level it's not even quests, just GRINDAN.

>> No.6789977

PVP? Other than a few times I played PVP with my old roommate so we could finish quests I think I've PVP'd once. I enjoy the quests.

I dunno, maybe I'm crazy. Also, I'm 99% certain I know which update, the one that nerfed all potions and every heal except Amy's. It probably did other terrible things to PVP but I only saw it from the PVE side.

>> No.6789980

Oh and, they've fixed questing pretty much, other than getting your job advances which they're trying to encourage you to pay for. I started leveling my Lire recently, she's 42 now and still hasn't run out of quests to do on the 3rd continent. I still have 2 continents that I haven't started quests on.

They're trying at least.

>> No.6789995

>Hotglue/SDGO stack in a WIZ vs. BRD room
>Get pawned by Everything'sFine (14-0)

U mad Hotglue?

>> No.6789998


This one time, i was melee'ed so hard, I started shitting shield.

>> No.6790003

I've found traps near our trees.

I can just imagine a quality WIZ player using the traps as soon as he got them because they're not what he was looking for.

>> No.6790012

>bragging about pay2win against players who repeatedly anal-ized you and won the tournament in pre-RT beta

Your wallet is very skilled, sir.

>> No.6790024

I think it's obvious that we don't spend $400 each for upgrades and shit. This would be a big duh. When I played against EF it was nothing but fagbuilds of small air + accelleroll and hoppers. It's not like Hotglue is going to put in hundreds of dollars to even the palying field. Get rid of the accelleroll and 40 fly and tech shit.

But no, they're buyfags who put hundreds of dollars into the game to rule the server then pretend they're special because they can own against people who's bots are at least 1/3 as effective as their own.

It's pretty sad really.

>> No.6790034

I meant 1/3 less effective, not 1/3 as effective.

Even I admit that 1/3 as effective is unrealistically low.

>> No.6790060

They lost in the only tournament that was fair, and it is now impossible for a fair tournament to occur again. o4l, nerd.

But really, please just leave /jp/, no one wants to see your childish incitations smeared like shit all over our thread.

>> No.6790068

I wonder which EF member is retarded enough to type a message like this.

>> No.6790130

Shouldn't the Hotglue clan show in game?
I've joined the group but it doesn't show in the game at all.

>> No.6790141

What does /jp/ think about the breaking rate of the Armor Breaker?

Do you think it would be an improvement to the game if it's breaking chance was upped? What about if it broke shields at a high rate?

>> No.6790174

>complain about bazooka hoppers on CBJP
>play 3 Froglanders

Good going there, Chloroform.

>> No.6790188

Eh? I had frog hoppers in Japan with handy bazookas. I seriously hated hoppers but that didn't stop me from making them.

>> No.6790198

Uh, hotglue repeatedly owned everythingsfail in OBT3 once they found out the HKs were garage glitching for an edge. Dunno why you seem so butthurt about it though, WIZ needs to unite to deal with BRD 400 dollar buyfaggotry in general.

>> No.6790219

>defeat iHop
>asukuu says he gotta leave to do hw and rest of faggots leave
>mfw when I find him in diff game 1 min later in diff room

>> No.6790341

sup Florette

>> No.6790345

Is the point of matches for your team to win or to get top 10? Do you get something better if you're top 10? Do you get more items if you kill more robots?

>> No.6790353

I find that you get items more often if you rank first or get game warrior or any achievement.

>> No.6790354

your object is to get as many awards at the end as possible so you can top the scoreboards and everyone will suck your dick.

>> No.6790357

UC and exp. WIZ can go suck a dick I need to roll for more Crims and Lilys.

>> No.6790366

Anyone have problems with the game just closing unexpectedly? I just get some error log in the game directory that tells me nothing.

>> No.6790400

I'm quite partial to the blue-haired fetish-fuel character myself.

>> No.6790454
File: 169 KB, 634x2387, 1294683545206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the decent players have quit
>florette hasnt even logged on the last 2 weeks afaik
>my face when people still post as if they actually play or something

it's so easy to spot made up posts. mina mostly only grinds on jp. redux left and made his own clan again. of the "decent" hg players that still plays there's kanbara, luvia and applemecha. the rest are semi newbies(?) that recently joined or some leftover sdgo-troll players.

>> No.6790515


Maybe I should play more arena. People keep forgetting me.

I guess I can't blame them.

>> No.6790521

I'm low-tier of the high-tier, but I guess I don't play often enough for people to remember me. Oh, and then I guess I do quests and missions more than arena.

>> No.6790574 [DELETED] 


Beato, K1, and Vyers are autistic tier hotglue that I think still play.

>> No.6790597

Lol, stop whining about EF faggots.

Most of them can't even hit an air with L zooka without taking 100 damage from it.
Pay2win are nothing when there are no other skilled players on their team. They were defeated way too many times to deny it.

>> No.6790614
File: 424 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110111_1304_59_703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions? I thought it could be an alternative to lily, but its stats are really awful.

>> No.6790633

2x core upgrade, remove the minizooks and only use core. Alternatively, 2x core + misside AM. Alternatively, get only +1 cost upgrade and use as a super cheap platform for howitzer AMJ

>> No.6790646

What I really want to do is build a destructor with two asuna arm joints, 4 misside arms and four missile boxes.

16 missile spread salvoes would look RIDICULOUS.

Aside from that, is it me or can you shoot missiles out of the air? While trading fire with a toybox with my destructor his cruise missiles hit my destructor shots and blew up in midair a few times.

Would a bot with a shotgun be able to put up an active defense shield from missiles? Or an air bot with a blaster?

>> No.6790662


Shotguns against missiles work okay sometimes, but the missiles aren't easy to hit. They are tiny and move pretty fast. It's easier to dodge. Although, shotguns shooting down missiles have a use when using a cheap bot to attack the PS in epoch. You can fly right through missile spammers that way.

>> No.6790679

Missiles are harder to dodge when LArty, and while not impossible, trading shots while dodging wastes health and life while you could be firing ALL GUNS (important if you use 3+ weapons).

>> No.6790718

if you want to spam missiles wouldn't you just be better of with a sturbanger?

>> No.6790761

The difference in cosmo points between the 3 unions are so close now, this is actually pretty fun. I wonder how much longer DOS can keep it up though.

>> No.6790770

Direct fire is always more appropriate since that tends to actually, you know, HIT the target rather than go off in random directions and miss.

You can knock a full health izuna out of the sky with the first shot, and kill them with the second if you lead properly.

>> No.6790781

asura joints make your salvo so wide that it hardly makes a difference

>> No.6790800

Eh, thats why missiles have limited homing.

>> No.6790830

I love Kanbarahime-sama she is my idol I want to be like her even though I'm not a girl like her! I want to marry her and make babies so maybe our kids will be the Kanbarahime-sama's of the future! Hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo Kanbara I love you!!

-your secret admirer :3

>> No.6790832 [DELETED] 


I only log in every once in awhile to admire my autism. If it was me, it was probably just someone using my account, since most of hotglue has the password to strip it when bazaar comes.

>> No.6790903

sup Kanbara

>> No.6790911

Is /jp/ playing any other games besides this and World of Tanks? Cosmic Break isn't very interesting anymore.

>> No.6790921


Couple of people playing WoW.

>> No.6790939

This game needs more endgame content or something.

I mean, you can get decent bots very fast, and bosses are available from the start.
Union wars results are kind of meaningless.

>> No.6790993


1 fly is what's raping you. You have all the wrong parts to make a cheap victory lily.

Try this.

2*Snailbot arm, to avoid eating the cost of -4 fly with minibazookas
Katana Max LG
Maril March BS(If you have it, else Destructor BS)
Accel Saber Head

Total stats

240ish hp
14+ tec
9/10 fly
10 tgh
bunch of wlk but who cares about that.
Grand total cost, roughly 450. Half that of a lily for roughly 2/3 of her stats and a better core weapon

Alternatively, you can swap the snailbot ams for misside ams, as I know some people really don't like the snailbot bazookas.

Alternatively Alternatively, if you really really want to bite the cost of those minizookas, try lily's arms.

Also while I'm at it, banning me for
meido? really? REALLY?
I'm not even lying. That "hurr durr" for a ban reason is pretty low class, you know.

>> No.6791021

>talk to clan
>they don't respond
>feel sad


>> No.6791036

> Midoro Tune Up Set
> 200 RT
> You only get 1 Midoro Cosmos (along with other 5x of each of CHEAP EASY TO GET tune up items)
> $20 for 1 Midoro Cosmos

What the fuck is wrong with CyberStep? Does anybody in Japan actually buy $20 worth of RT for one single Midoro Cosmos?

>> No.6791043

I completely agree. And $200 for not even a single set of wings! Outrageous.

Of course I routinely burn the rest of my RT to keep my computer running smoothly as it is of no further use to me apart from to acquire aforesaid wings.

>> No.6791047

Janitors couldn't ban, there are new horrible mods all over. I made the mistake of reading /v/ a bit last night to see if there were any fancy new games I had been missing out on, only to be treated with half the board whining about moderators instead and posting pictures of ban messages full of memes and taunting from this wonderful new crew.

>>6790515 >>6790521
The person typing it doesn't even play anymore, and even if it you were recognized in that list, it just means you play hoppers or high fly air.

>> No.6791060
File: 81 KB, 799x600, midoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's actually no tune up sets to buy in CBJP, they expect people to fall for it.

>> No.6791070

>There's actually no tune up sets to buy in CBJP, they expect people to fall for it.

Really? So they're just trying to fuck North American players even harder. Those fucking bastards.

>> No.6791079

Either that or someone in the marketing department had forgotten that another person had authorized ticketless Bastagant for CBEN making the kits incredibly useless and redundant.

Unless you already knew you were going to get blue balls from the start.

>> No.6791131
File: 426 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110111_1801_52_890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips. I find snailbot's legs better than katana max's though. +1 tec for -1 wlk,fly and tgh is not worth it.

>> No.6791156


I recommend katana max over snailbot legs because snailbot legs make you HUGE and you wont really have the spare hp to be taking the extra 1 or 2 hits.

>> No.6791162

You would use katana max legs to make your bot smaller, hitbox and all.

>> No.6791170
File: 494 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110111_1815_35_984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this then? I could change the additional destructor booster for king gigaton's one (the difference would be -1 thg and +1 fly)

>> No.6791176


Looks good to me, didn't dawn on me to use lazlegs.

Fire her up in Arena and see how she does.
Should play roughly the same as a lily for half the cost.

>> No.6791203


Actually now that I think of it and you mentioning it, since king gigaton is uc in cbus, just use 2 of his boosters unless you really like tgh. You only really need about ten. That way you could squeeze out 12 fly. All you need to do then is get lucky enough to pull off a fly tune, and you have a bot that is nearly the exact same as the usual minizooka lilys running around, but costs 300 bp less.

>> No.6791208

1k damage on lvl5 room, not bad

>> No.6791221

He doesn't need luck. Those are UC parts, so he can easily get at least +4 FLY from tuning those parts using very cheap +1 FLY tune ups.

>> No.6791236

Is there any difference between 1-10 TEC?

My cheap little bot has 8 TEC, but since the TEC is so low anyways, I was thinking of getting a couple those -1 TEC tune ups that boost WLK for cheap cost. From memory, I think it was +2 WLK for 5 cost with -1 TEC and something else.

If it's a big deal, then I'll just leave it like that.

>> No.6791254

(Weapon's Force) * (1 + 0.016 * (TEC-10))
TEC below 10 does not help at all.

What it WILL do is fuck up your wonder bit length, though, so don't think you can use that in a tight spot.

>> No.6791276

my STR is even lower, it's currently at 1

I don't think it'll mess up my WB, I think it'll even make it last longer. STR and TEC are supposed to be about the same, right?

>> No.6791278 [DELETED] 


(Weapon's Force) * (1 + 0.016 * (TEC-10))

I'm gonna assume you're using a minizooka

Assuming you're using a weapon with 25 force
0 tec = 25 damage
1 tec = 25.4 damage
2 tec = 25.8 damage
3 tec = 26.6 damage
4 tec = 27 damage
5 tec = 27.4 damage
6 tec = 27.8 damage
7 tec = 28.2 damage
8 tec = 28.6 damage
9 tec = 29 damage
10 tec = 29.4 damage

Judge for yourself

>> No.6791280 [DELETED] 


(Weapon's Force) * (1 + 0.016 * (TEC-10))

Assuming you're using a weapon with 25 force
0 tec = 25 damage
1 tec = 25.4 damage
2 tec = 25.8 damage
3 tec = 26.6 damage
4 tec = 27 damage
5 tec = 27.4 damage
6 tec = 27.8 damage
7 tec = 28.2 damage
8 tec = 28.6 damage
9 tec = 29 damage
10 tec = 29.4 damage

Judge for yourself

>> No.6791283
File: 166 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100627_1630_45_765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6790646 would look RIDICULOUS.
Yes, that's a good word to describe it.

>> No.6791311

the wonder bit duration is calculated with abs(tec-str) plus some other things, I posted the formula a long ago
and where either of those was 0 it skipped the formula and gave you a fixed worse duration

>> No.6791322

Toybox HEAT isn't in the full game, is he?

I remember him only in beta.

>> No.6791349

I see. Yeah, I wasn't planning on going 0 TEC or STR either. In beta I had a bot with 40 TEC and 0 STR the bit barely lasted a breath so I have to put a token +1 STR tune up.

>> No.6791358

So can someone give me a little bit of advice here, what should I aim for? I basically have the stock crimrose and two other bots, there's so much shit in the shop and with the whole garapon business, I just don't know how to get myself up to a respectable build.

>> No.6791380

Level your Crimrose to level 10. Then give her the Seraph upgrade. Level that one to level 10. Instant cool bot. Then you can just scrounge other bots for parts.

>> No.6791384

Yeah, in JO it was a garapon only variation.

The arms were nothing to write home about though.

>> No.6791397

Do you want to spend money or not?

If yes, I recomend buying 30 dollars worth of RT. You get plenty to buy some nice bots and a few gara rolls. You even get a 20 RT bonus. Buy a Saggitary Maxis, one of the Brickgales, and if anything else catches your eye. Spend the rest on gara or items. You could even have some left over, I still have 90 RT from my $30 payment.

If no, get a UC Jikun, and a Destructor. Mix and match parts and weaponry that you are able to obtain. Upgrade Crimrose to Seraph.

>> No.6791411

I completely forgot you get a Jikun and a Winberrl for ranking up, you don't even need to spend UC to have a good commando. Put two Bazookas on Winberrl and drawgun everything into oblivion. It works well enough. Between those two and Seraph Crimrose you will have a perfect respectable commando.

>> No.6791425

I don't know. I just realized I really like this game but this whole "pay to get good bots" thing just reeks of capitalism everywhere.

I think I'm gonna stick with the non-paying combo and see how it goes. If I really get into it I'll invest some money into it. Thanks.

>> No.6791498
File: 484 KB, 1024x768, 15610597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I find talking about CB and looking at pictures of it more fun than actually playing.

Also if anyone wants to trade healing bits for some of my 380 burst fire bits, lemme know. ;_;

>> No.6791512
File: 89 KB, 750x248, 23523523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791518

Just use burst fire bits, ok? Not hard.

>> No.6791527

Sell them and roll the UC garapon.

>> No.6791529
File: 47 KB, 429x410, 1288231839138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling anything

>> No.6791531

I would even give away for free healing bits if I could.

>> No.6791553

You've been able to sell things from the beginning. Sure, you'll get like, 80 UC per part but you can sell things.

>> No.6791562

and what's the point in sell for shitty prices?

>> No.6791564

Might as well use the burst fire bits for 3* BEES and get more than just outright selling them.

>> No.6791570


You think anyone will buy like 500 burst fire bits?

>> No.6791578

Why is Crimrose so goddamn adorable? I'm like, falling in love here every time she apologises to a dead enemy.

>> No.6791665
File: 227 KB, 697x382, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy spent 84000 yen (1011.07 USD) on garapon for the bunny girl

>> No.6791678

Play a destructor, they laugh.

>> No.6791686
File: 334 KB, 800x600, img_cache_t_180848_1_1293455927_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny girls, dude

>> No.6791688

TEC lower than 10 actually decreases your damage, using the same formula. Also keep in mind that unlike everything else in the game, it seems that the TEC/STR bonus rounds to the nearest integer instead of rounding up, you should abuse this to get damage increases without having to go all the way to 40TEC. Say, for example, that you're using a Thoarla with the inbuilt Jupitizer (worthless) with two core upgrades, Izuna BS and ABR (it's unacceptable to use Stardust Cannon unless you're an elementary schooler). That's 47, 10 and 13 base force there. If you tuned up to 32 TEC, you'd get 47 x 0.016 x (32 - 10) = ~16.54 bonus force for the Jupitizer, which rounds up to 17. Likewise, Izuna BS gets a bonus of 3.52 rounded to 4 and the ABR gets 4.58 rounded to 5. If you had an extra tune up for 33TEC, the bonuses would be 17.30, 3.68 and 4.74 respectively, those again round to 17, 4 and 5. The extra TEC, and therefore the tuneup, is completely worthless.

If you're using a single weapon with low force, this becomes very important. For example, if you're using Izuna BS (10 force), there's no difference between 32 TEC and 38 TEC. In such a situation you should either make sure you hit the 39 threshold, or stay at 32, not bother tuning TEC at all and use the COST for cartridges/HP/WLK/FLY/TGH/weapon upgrades.

>> No.6791716

Very interesting stuff to consider. Thanks for the input.

>> No.6791742
File: 920 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110111_1555_51_095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the entire thing to share his pain. Mo' money, Mo' moe.

Makes me feel bad for this:

>> No.6791789
File: 356 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110111_1306_03_784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoarla was the last ball in my first 5 rolls.

>> No.6791793
File: 5 KB, 289x215, uninstall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god. Oh my holy fucking god. No wonder they won't fix Garapon, it's their entire goddamn business model.

I'm never going to play this game again. They make that much money on 1 single dumb idiot and they won't even fix a lag issue that is obviously their own fault.

Fuck them. Fuck them all.

>> No.6791816
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1293608088680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791817

That's not a dumb idiot, Chloro, that is a man driven by love for moe. Don't trample on his feelings.

>> No.6791840

And then they fuck over their players with 4 days of unplayable lag even when they make that much money? They don't even say 'we're looking in to it' nothing, just 'give us money then screw you'.

Well, I'm done.

>> No.6791842
File: 109 KB, 492x600, 1292380198642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791862

Yeah whatever I don't care. I'm supposed to LIKE getting fucked in the ass by a game that I can't play? Right.

>> No.6791864

For all it takes from its players, CBJP is quite nice with their screw-ups. I've gotten 100Rt from them so far from when they did errors on that scale. If anything USCB is to blame.

>> No.6791885

You ever considered taht maybe it's not their fault and actually the fault of some ISP?

Seeing how, you know, most people don't have these problems.

>> No.6791886

I don't know what the hell is wrong with CBUS. It's like they're trying to deliberately give us the worse money-sucking service of the two.

For example >>6791036, >>6791060 and still no UC->RT service.

They think we don't know about CBJP or something? Such unprofessionalism in regards to how they're handling the lag issue as well.

>> No.6791906
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101231_2021_57_132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Chloroform,

There's no lag. I have only experienced lag from one day, and that's was fixed as soon as I rebooted the game. I had no problem connecting from Hong Kong, from my house in California, or from my apartment in California. If anything, you are either unlucky to be lowly prioritized on everything everyday, or you just have bad connection.

With love,

>> No.6791935
File: 367 KB, 1280x1280, 9868c7c77fbcaa93e5e35cf8ba89217ce8a9ba3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Metal, thank you for your concern, there is a thread about it on the main site of Cosmic Break as well as a thread in their official forum. Some people are horribly affected by it, some people are not. We don't know why but don't blame us.

Here are 5 videos I made and loaded to Youtube. Me playing Dungeons and Dragons Online, me playing Grand Chase, me playing Aika Online, and me playing Cosmic Break on Sunday and again last night. This is not even ordinary lag, this is unplayable LAG FROM HELL.

If it IS a problem with my ISP then people in Britain and other parts of the US who have the same problem share my ISP. If it IS a problem with my ISP I would have lag issues in other games I play. Neither is the case. It is obviously a problem at the source.


>> No.6791941

Concerning the lag issue, I'd have to ask:

1. Have you been emailing them, or calling them if they've provided a number?
2. Have you sent them a traceroute so they can see the connection line between you and them? This lag issue isn't effecting everyone, so the first conclusion would be an issue between a specific portion of users and the server.

>> No.6791954

>It is obviously a problem at the source.

But you do realize there is not a magical straight line between you and the CB servers, right? I'm sure you're completely right about it being a problem at the source of the problem. But the source could be any-fucking-where along the line.

>> No.6791977


Does your lag also happen on CBJP?

>> No.6792001

I uninstalled it when enCB came out. I could redownload it and find out I guess.

>> No.6792087

I left because I'm not really active on cb anymore due to the massive faggotry the whole community bestows. It's not worth my effort to rectify things, and my 1 man clan is just made out of boredom.

>> No.6792091

Also, the lag is server side firewalling certain players, as IF the lagging HK and pinoy faggots aren't bad enough.

>> No.6792126

If that was my guild I'm sorry. Nobody wanted to play DOS so it simply died.

>> No.6792140

hg actually, just responding to trina's post. I also meant the community as a whole, both the official and fan forums speak for itself.

>> No.6792157

I'm guessing it's Redux.

I don't even pay attention to the community. The only people I interact with are in hg.

>> No.6792170
File: 231 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110111_1421_19_853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true form of one of the blue balls has been revealed!

>> No.6792184
File: 271 KB, 1027x767, wasthistempura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tune DERP?

>> No.6792188

Damn you. Beat me to it.

>> No.6792208

If I put DERP in some where and assorted 4chan memes maybe /jp/ will take up the ass.

>> No.6792213
File: 191 KB, 795x595, cbjp support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logging into CBJP for the first time in forever. I forgot how nice it is on there. You can actually take it easy as a support.

>> No.6792221
File: 128 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110111_1432_01_912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it etc.

>> No.6792226

Sup Redux

>> No.6792276

Unless the opposing team has one of those Broad Radar AIRs who always seem to have a Fire Pillar ready for when you start healing. JP supports are quite reliable though, I've seen 12k support points in one match, and that was on the losing side.

I like JPCB better as a whole, it has nice events and an distinct lack of horrible players. And no one notices if you're not Japanese anyway, it's not like we have "gaijin" stamped on the clan na... Oh. Nevermind.

>> No.6792328

>>6792276 And no one notices if you're not Japanese anyway
Yeah, they won't "notice", they'll just kick you from the room.

>> No.6792345
File: 664 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110108_2135_20_650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious inflated support scores

>> No.6792385
File: 163 KB, 799x593, ScreenShot_20110111_1703_19_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6792395
File: 201 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110112_0005_55_289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's bet what kind of shit I'll draw this time...

>> No.6792410
File: 148 KB, 816x638, 35223525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back in the day, I could have sold this for like 700K UC

>> No.6792427


You are like the whiniest fucking bitch and should have just done that long ago.

>> No.6792437
File: 310 KB, 888x999, sanya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792530

sounds like faggot who sucks cybersteps dick with them rt lolol

>> No.6792668

This is why I should play competitive gaming and why I generally avoid it. I get frustrated too easily and take it out on other players.

>> No.6792687



>> No.6792788

One of these days Epoch is gonna spit out some green glasses for me, I just know it. I hope. Please?

Last one was a wonderful bit of Acid Gel or something. I guess that's green, but they missed the glasses part.

>> No.6792993

I've got one of those, but I rarely epoch. Can they be gotten elsewhere? I'm sure one of the bosses drops it.

>> No.6793022


I got one in Arcantus.

I broke the tune slot ;_;

>> No.6793063


I've gotten 2 and sent them out as friendship gifts only. Damn it, I want glasses too. ;_;

>> No.6793730

>You can actually take it easy as a support
Uh, what? I've been ganked behind the lines plenty of times playing support on CB JP.

Rude though it is, I reluctantly have to agree with the substance of it. Having seen Chloroform kvetch and threaten to quit CB JP and CB half a dozzen times over this or that, it's getting a bit tiresome.

Oh, and I'm not experiencing noticeable lag in CB EN. I'm sorry to hear that you are.

>> No.6793792


I'll do you both a favor and stay away. I tend to get frustrated easy. As I said before, this is why I should stay away from PVP games.

>> No.6793844

The lag as said before is serverside causing certain players to lag/unable to connect. They need to do server maintenance.

>> No.6793917

You're kidding, right? That's like saying Team Fortress 2 needs more endgame content.

>> No.6794144
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110112_0212_38_545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a heal?

>> No.6794179

TF2 does have content like that though. Item making and hats. If we could make items and accessories in CB it would be a little better. A seraph with an exclusive halo would be pretty cute.

>> No.6794191

Chloroform should play sdgo now.

Maybe that will just make him rage more though.

>> No.6794275

Is this game like Virtual On?

>> No.6794303

>use 7 day 2x exp pass
>suddenly start playing like shit and never get above 300exp per match which was the same as before I used the pass

why ;__;

>> No.6794325

Reminds me of World of Tanks when I'd be 2k away from the next tank, but then get 1-hit every match. I've never had that happen in CB though, maybe you're not lagging enough.

>> No.6794353

derp. I'm not playing bad anymore but I'm STILL getting only 300 exp. this thing is broken or something. seriously, last night I was getting 300 exp every single match. I should be getting 500-600 exp per match now

>> No.6794354

Arena sucks dicks experience wise. Learn to Haku run. All you need are 2 Jikuns, 2 shotguns, and 2 3-way daggers. All buyable for UC. Each Jikun gets a shotgun and 3-way and they're set for Haku running.

>> No.6794359

Were you playing at 6-9 PM PST last night? There's a 1.5 multiplier at that time that's been there since OB3. It's going away on the fourteenth though.

>> No.6794371

I was playing like at 1 AM and stuff, way late

Guess I'll go try to solo Haku. I got 2 slash blades but I failed miserably when I tried 2 star solo before

>> No.6794378

It's possible to do 3star Haku consistently with just 2 people who know how to fight him right. Ask somebody in your clan or something on how to do him. It's fairly widespread knowledge I'm guessing with the amount of Kamui staffs(The big yellow sword) I see around.

>> No.6794389

Is the Ouka mission worth doing? I beat it on normal and hard, but haven't actually gotten anything other than UC and a tiny bit of exp. Are there any unique items to be gotten from it?

>> No.6794392

Also if you can't get Haku runs working then you could try Berzelius runs. 2 star Berzelius can be soloed with a couple of SUPs with dual shotguns and burst fire bits. Daruma Star from the shop can equip 2 shotguns at level 0 and has burst fire bits as his default bits if you don't have any leveled SUPs or burst fire bits.

>> No.6794398

It's theorized that Japanese standard you occasionally see on Oukas drops from Ouka's mission as well as an AC if I remember right. Though I'm not really that sure. The few times I've did the mission I got jack itemwise.

If you do get something notable then post a screenshot or something in this thread since I'd like confirmation.

>> No.6794405

Hm, that sounds much better. I'll go try it out right now.

>> No.6794455
File: 242 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110112_0152_54_768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm absolutely hopeless. I can't solo any of the bosses.

>> No.6794462

>If that was my guild I'm sorry. Nobody wanted to play DOS so it simply died.
Actually I got sidetracked (hah!) by World of Tanks. I was getting some lag by the end of it, though.

>> No.6794463

The whole Ouka bot can drop from the Ouka mission? Holy shit time to grind that fucker if its true

>> No.6794487

That Japanese standard you occasionally see on Oukas playing in the arena. Not Ouka herself.

>> No.6794513

So does anyone wanna do haku runs or something? I have 5 bots I need to get to level 10...

>> No.6794517


All bosses are easy to solo if you have the right weapons and knowhow. Ask someone from hotglue to show you the way.

>> No.6794538

I have all the right weapons, I'm just a terrible player.

>> No.6794539


not even possible, since all you will beat lvl 1 bee even if all you do is hold L+R on bee.

>> No.6794584

Hm, yeah lvl1. Anybody even do that?

>> No.6794588


do haku or suck less. lvl 1 bee is decent if you want items.

>> No.6794607

I don't want items, I want exp. I just finished trying to do haku with a 5 man party and will still didn't finish it. Everybody had all the right gears and everything.


>> No.6794617

Wow, your team must have sucked. I didn't even know how to do Haku and I jumped into a few and we finished 3star numerous times with 4-8 minutes left. Is everyone going shotgun+3waydagger? What you can do is have those who don't know how to do it not enter the boss area until the final form, and then pile on him.

>> No.6794624

Yeah, shotgun 3 way on 2 bots for everybody. It seems like pure fucking luck with the trollfoxes. One round we finish with 6 minutes to spare and another we run out of time.

>> No.6794633

2 or 3 pros go to kill haku, everyone else stays in the last areas before the Outpost farming for Attack boosts.

Then they enter the boss battle in haku nuke form.

Raep Haku last form.

>> No.6794772
File: 257 KB, 625x651, Free to Play CosmicBreak Official Web Site.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys still have the promotion drawings of the last thread?

>> No.6794891

Um, no. 6 min is the norm for a skilled team. Die less and make use of the hole in the wall that you can shoot through more.

>> No.6794900

Tune-ups for a Shino?

I'm trying to keep decent TGH and STR, being a L bot and often ending up using melee (with a Red Squealer arm and Exroad legs), but I've been going mostly WLK and TEC for now (8 Vulcan user).
Any ideas on better builds?

>> No.6794930

I can solo 3* Haku with Jikunx2 shotgun/3way and 3way bit and 4 ammo shell, really can be soled, the only "hard" and take more time is the black haku, waiting for pop (because you can't destroy outside towers)...

>> No.6794943

And then the game teleports you away when he appears, and it turns out he's on the other side of the arena.

And it repeats 3 times.

And then you're fucked.

>> No.6794974

-Orange.- wait, dash for evade, run, 3way, repeat.
-Purple.- 3 way(3way bit too) spam, blind? don't care, Haku come closer or shotgun and he come.
-Green.- shotgun and evade, no ammo? 3 way or shell ammo (bit ever up).
-Blue.- good Jikun kicks.
-Gray.- 3way spam, run in curve for evade shoots.
-Black.- 3way spam fast, wait for pop.
-Red.- shootgun, no need run, dash, fly, only stay closer (no much) and shoot quietly in safe area.
-Trap- 3way spam, relax, no need run crazy, if you touch a slow(purple) trap find a red or green trap. (tip: Packet Trap sight help a lot)
- Nuke - Rush 3way, do not be afraid, attack no retreat, You have time if have 9-14 min

Last Haku, 3way spam (bit ever you can) never be at the front! attack in sides 3way spam try evade and is all.

If anyone want duo and i'm online tell me.

>> No.6795085

I don't see any AC in the Japanese wiki that looks like a flag or is listed as being related to Ouka other than the Dayu promotion.

The flags I do see are BSJs and are listed as Rt purchase bonuses.

>> No.6795469
File: 105 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-01-12 19-14-18-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, I missed another one, and a different color at that.

>> No.6795505


At least you got something that can be used. I got a clan creation thing. Yesterday I got a 50% HP thing. Not so good.

>> No.6795682

>Teleport Unit
What? Can someone share some insight on this bit

>> No.6795765

It lets people teleport to your location when they activate the unit.
One teleport uses up like 25% of the WB gauge.

Obviously Support only.

>> No.6795794

I've managed to solo 3 star haku with around 5min left. Whats the average time of a group doing 3 star?

>> No.6795798

is it me, or are there not shit for matches to choose from today.

>> No.6796376

you mean the one that's clearly on one of the mechs in mechagara?

>> No.6796486

Bumping this question.

>> No.6796532

Shino isn't a melee bot, her str just isn't high enough. She's more suited to something like an 8 vulcan or any other gun. Using shino legs is just making her a big target with more cost, the red squealer am is fine since it's a nice back up. Tec/wlk is are the only tune ups.

>> No.6796540

shino is an art pretending to be a lnd the same way baltheon is a support pretending to be an air

>> No.6796909

Mmmmm, a support that could shield itself. I just popped a boner at the thought .

>> No.6797213

>implying blocking stuff with baltheon's shield doesn't give support points

>> No.6797247

>Implying an AIR unit can carry heal bits

>> No.6797322

>>6797213 >>6797247
It's time to stop posting here.

>> No.6797377

where was that taetae kaikai asukuu image again?
