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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6784724 No.6784724 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw i clicked on /soc/

>> No.6784738

Shadow of Chernobyl?

>> No.6784735

It's a filter for the filter. What did you expect?

>> No.6784751

awesome, pretty much the polar opposite kind of people of /jp/.

can't wait for the inevitable "raids" from people that identify themselves with /soc/.

just kill me now

>> No.6784755


Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.6784778

Wait, I did even realize we have a new board and would never expected it to be /facebook/

>> No.6784784

that was scary, back to /jp/ for me

>> No.6784796
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>my face when /soc/ picks up the social miscreants from Craigslist's adult listings that were shut down

Hmm, smarter move that I initially perceived

>> No.6784825

wow! i´m going to check /b/ now, i mean how much have changed without all the people sizing their cocks. nevermind.

>> No.6784835
File: 326 KB, 768x1500, sample-a79f633f54586c88f7c68bede7078141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the amount of metathreads we have here, /soc/ is just an equally jarring reminder of reality. A different reality, but still reality.

Anyone else assume it was a sociology board for some reason (before clicking)

>> No.6784838

/jp/ may be a sad place filled with people not doing shot on Friday night, but that /soc/, WTF????

I seriously felt like I would catch aids or hep-c just by browsing. I mean WTF is wrong with them??? Internet hookups???? FOR FUCKING REAL????

Please don't go anywhere /jp/, your all that's left.

>> No.6784846

ITT: /jp/ is shocked and dismayed when they are reminded that the rest of 4chan is not very much like them.

>> No.6784857

/b/tards are funny sometimes.

Did you guys see the horse thread? That is hillarious

>> No.6784868

I'm shocked at the fact that now we have a board for teenageshits to fuck each other.

even captcha hates it: juvenile boutrats

>> No.6784869

/soc/ takes normalfaggotry to a whole new level. I think they're somehow even worse than /b/.

>> No.6784872

/jp/ is well aware of that.

Which is why we tell people to go back to other boards. This one is worse than /sp/.

>> No.6784874

It used to be a little.

>> No.6784875

Ok /b/'s horse thread is fuck hilarious but that's /b/ making a point.

The rest of that board is god awful.

>> No.6784882
File: 45 KB, 648x543, burleson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I avoid /sp/ like the plague even though I don't have anywhere to go to talk about football...

>> No.6784883

> /soc/
> not The Society for the Study of Modern Image Board Culture

>> No.6784884

When the fuck that board was made? i never realized until now.

>> No.6784893

Wow, I'd never thought to see a board shittier than /b/.

>> No.6784913

It's funny. With those rules, you can basically post everything. Both on /b/ and /soc/.

>> No.6784927

Way to go. Give the retards another board to shit up.
And still no /fig/ for me.

>> No.6784964

Some call us the worst board ya know.

>> No.6784971

Said "some" are normals. There are some who consider /b/ the best board. (like moot, probably)

>> No.6784992

now you notice that cancer have 16 pages for threads, instead of normal 15

>> No.6784996

Other than that horse thread, all the other threads are penis and shit.

>> No.6784997

Moot should find a way to implement a "Like" button.
I would love to see that.

>> No.6784999

I can understand him wanting to clean up the board, but I don't think enabling these kids to further indulge in self-important facebook garbage was such a great idea. If this were a just world, they would all get banned, not get their own fucking board. They need to lighten up, not move somewhere else.

>> No.6785004
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Anonymous likes this post

>> No.6785009

Fuck you, can you imagine the haters and the fucking autistics here on /jp/

>> No.6785015

12 people accidentally pressed the sage button xD

>> No.6785021

I liked the part where he said "Moot should find a way to implement a "Like" button.
I would love to see that."

>> No.6785029


>> No.6785033


It's like they took the worst posters from all over 4chan and locked them into a room together.

>> No.6785049

That's obviously the point.

>> No.6785053

Oh god, I remember why I hate weeaboos.

>> No.6785056


>> No.6785062

True enough. But there's really no point in trying to clean up /b/. It has no valuable content. It's all shit.

>> No.6785068

I don't mind more boards being created. It would be great if it happened to give shitposters a new target, leaving /jp/ just a little better off.

Probably too optimistic.

>> No.6785107
File: 134 KB, 900x900, Utsuhockey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is /sp/ the standard for shitty boards now?

>> No.6785124


/sp/ takes the NOT VIDYA style of /v/ to a whole new level.

>> No.6785142
File: 169 KB, 800x600, 3396460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh, the what now? I try have as little to do with /v/ as possible.

>> No.6785143


Because you are.

You all mad normal people are taking over your precious website and within 3 years you'll have to flee to other chans, or back to the real world.

>> No.6785152

45% of /v/ is /b/ shit, 45% is people whining about /b/ shit, and the rest is video game related trolling.

>> No.6785157


Exactly like it says. /v/ is /b2.0/. Half the threads have nothing to do with the intended topic. /sp/ is very much the same.

>> No.6785162

You know what /sp/ is about? Sports.

You think 4channers do sports? No, they watch sports.

You know what being a sport fan is about? Insulting everyone else. Cue /sp/. It's the stadium mob mentality fitted into an imageboard.
