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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6782439 No.6782439 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6782446

That's a good one

>> No.6782444

I don't get why the Japanese like Kuroneko better than Kirino. I mean, even with their generally terrible taste, they've gotta know better than that.

>> No.6782448


You're not serious, are you?

>> No.6782455

Their tastes are better than yours, then.

>> No.6782456
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I would have to agree with him.

>> No.6782459

Probably because the majority of fans are morons who never even read the light novels.

Just like /a/ with their retarded "xd kirino is such a bitch" because they're looking at her hilariously exaggerated characterization in the animu bullshit.

>> No.6782462


I am quite serious, unfortunately. They really do seem to like Kuroneko better. It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.6782471

How hipster can you even get?

>> No.6782489

The vast majority of people tend to like a friendly girl over an irredeemable bitch.

>> No.6782490
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How anyone can like this schlock is beyond me. At least there have been some good doujins.

>> No.6782508

Of course no one read the light novels, why do you think the doujins start rolling in NOW that the tv series ran?
And I can't really see why anyone would want to read the novels to one of the most horrible show that ran last year, either.

>> No.6782512

>why do you think the doujins start rolling in NOW that the tv series ran?

Excep that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>> No.6782540 [DELETED] 
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>people are morons for not reading a shitty light novel and basing their fairly valid impression on the anime character

>> No.6782547
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>people are morons for not reading a shitty light novel and basing their fairly valid impression on the anime characterization

>> No.6782571

Poorly written transparently manipulative otaku fantasy bullshit.

I really don't like crap that tries to cover what it is under the guise of parody.

>> No.6782575

>Poorly written transparently manipulative otaku fantasy bullshit.
Except /jp/ likes this kind of thing. Back to /a/ and take this with you..

>> No.6782579

Don't make up excuses for your ignorance

>> No.6782585

Do we now? Stop making shit up to fit your needs.

>> No.6782592

What do you think Touhou fan material and eroge are?

>> No.6782596

Most people watch one adaptation and judge IT for what it is, not hunt down every single piece of related media, with a good amount untranslated at the time.
Plus, she is a bitch in the novels too

>> No.6782608

Why would judge an anime character based on something I haven't read? Are you that stupid or does logic just fail you?

>> No.6782613

>Do we now?
I think you just forgot touhou and every moe shit in existence ever. Get out.

>> No.6782617


>> No.6782618

Please, speak for yourself. I happen to prefer writing quality to otaku pandering.

>> No.6782620

Really, /jp/? One anime-related image with no text and the result is you trolling yourself into oblivion?

>> No.6782621
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What happened to the Saori dojins? ;_;

>> No.6782622

don't take it offensively, but if you enjoy discussing this stay in /a/

>> No.6782625

If you're surprised you probably haven't been here too long.

>> No.6782632 [DELETED] 

I speak for the majority of /jp/. Why the fuck do you think we lose Touhou and the like? That is the epitome of "Poorly written transparently manipulative otaku fantasy bullshit."

>> No.6782629

Even if you know it's going to happen anyway, you can still be disappointed every time it does.

Charlie Brown and his football and all.

>> No.6782633

Saori's got nice tits.

>> No.6782635


I lose Touhou because of my bad reflexes, thank you very much.

>> No.6782638


Lucy pisses me off, man.

>> No.6782640

The majority doesn't account for the truth of anything. Much less the minority. You're either knowledgeable or a dimwit, I think you admitted to being the latter.

>> No.6782636

I speak for the majority of /jp/. Why the fuck do you think we love Touhou and the like? Touhou is the epitome of "Poorly written transparently manipulative otaku fantasy bullshit."

>> No.6782643

>Touhou is the epitome of "Poorly written transparently manipulative otaku fantasy bullshit."
Not really. Well, it can be if you want it to be.

>> No.6782645
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>> No.6782646

Not sure what you're trying to convey or contradict, but that doesn't make much sense. Just saying.

>> No.6782653

I like Kirino, but I like tsunderes in general.

Is that really that strange?

>> No.6782660

Seeing as she's pretty much devoid of any dere-parts I would say yes, but you are entitled to choosing your own poison any time, of course.

>> No.6782659

I like tsunderes as well, but not tsunderes that constantly smack or abuse the main character.

>> No.6782664
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>> No.6782668


I like tsunderes as well, but not tsunderes.

Keep on trying to make sense, friend.

>> No.6782672

Fuck the anime, go to /a/ if you want to discuss that. Let's discuss the galge instead. Which routes are you guys going for? I'm going for Kanako before anything, that's what I'm looking most forward to, without a doubt. I'll probably go for Manami after that, usually I wouldn't care much about the normal childhood friend, but her episode in the anime really made me longing for more, which proves that it's not the archetype that matters, just how well it's written. After that, Ayase's route has managed to intrigue me, I'm curious as hell how they'll manage to take a tsuntsun character like her and make a yandere route. Kuroneko probably comes last, she's very cute and erotic, but I kinda grew tired of her towards the end of the anime, possibly since the only development she got was that she suddenly started blushing a little more and saying niisan. As for Kirino and Saori... I think don't I'll bother.

How about you guys? What routes are you looking most forward to?

>> No.6782675

Is Narusegawa from love hina the only type of tsundere you know?

>> No.6782679

Why'd you leave out Saori?
She's the one who got the shortest end of the stick and it feels like there's a lot of interesting things to be had.

>> No.6782680

Apparently, be 'constantly' he meant 'they never stop'.
That is, no dere. Ever.

>> No.6782683


>Let's discuss the galge

Pointless, considering you don't get to have sex with any of them.

>> No.6782685


She certainly has the nicest tits...

>> No.6782684

Taming Ayase is at the top of my list.
There are sure to be a ton of strange bad ends too, so I'm looking forward to those.

>> No.6782687

I like tsuntsuns, but I don't like Kirino. Tsuntsuns must have some purity appeal in order to work, and people playing imoutoge are hardly very pure.

>> No.6782689


That's beside the point. Nowadays, tsundere refers to characters such as Kirino due to the fact that the archetype has been simplified to the point of basically omitting the -dere part entirely. You can't say "I like tsunderes" and mean old-fashined tsunderes that made sense simply because they can hardly be considered tsunderes anymore.

>> No.6782690

Some of the routes will no doubt have implied sex.

>> No.6782700

>Nowadays, tsundere refers to characters such as Kirino due to the fact that the archetype has been simplified to the point of basically omitting the -dere part entirely.

>> No.6782708

There's just nothing I find interesting about her at all, and even without the silly glasses I don't find her attractive. There needs to be some pretty big surprises in store to convert me.

>> No.6782712


I don't know about you, man, but I find her tits to be pretty interesting. Yep.

>> No.6782717

So, for you, a tsundere without dere is still a tsundere?

>> No.6782729


For me and the entirety of the anime-producing world, that seems to be the case, yes. Just look at any tsundere character created within the last couple of years.

>> No.6782733

Well yeah, it's not as much as a love interest as her background is where my interests lie. All that rich ojousama business and stuff. She also seems the most obsessed of all of them.
Well, I still think she looks kind of cute, though.

>> No.6782734

/jp/ - Animu & Mango

>> No.6782742

That's actually what they want you to believe.

>> No.6782746
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