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File: 66 KB, 200x280, sumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6776255 No.6776255 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here play Alteil? It's a free Japanese online flash card game and the card artwork are all from famous mangakas. English version here: http://www.alteil.com/

Pic related: Sumer is my waifu

>> No.6776852
File: 76 KB, 202x282, 0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, this is claimed to be Japan's no. 1 online card game so I thought more of /jp/ would have played this.

>> No.6777691

I've got nothing better to do at the moment.

I'm picking my starter now.

Undead bitches it is.

Let me do the tutorial so I don't get raped.

>> No.6777703

The concept sounds very cool, but learning new ccgs is a bitch.

>> No.6777720

It seems retardedly simple but this tutorial is like pulling out your fingernails with a pair of pliers retarded.

>> No.6777906

Thats not ss at all. I want my 20 minutes back.

>> No.6777914

You know what'd go good with that?

>> No.6777918

Does it cost real money?

>> No.6778006

Only if you choose to pay.

>> No.6778013

This is more like creating a rpg party with spells than a card game. There is no deck and you have full access to your card file in a game. Tip: Don't take the white starter, it's shit.

>> No.6778014

It looks like you can get cards for winning matches but its grind hell compared to using real money.

>> No.6778023

Can someone explain how the fuck soul cards work?

>> No.6778041

They are your LP, and their soul skill activates when you lose enough LP.

>> No.6778121

Anyone else buttfrustraited by your starting amount of cards? Its like heres a booster pack of every color not in your deck.

>> No.6778286

Awesome I get to lose five games just to get one fucking random card?

Yeah I think I'm over this thing. Sorry OP I tried but If I'm going to spend real money on a card game its going to be magic.

Also chaotic is more fun, suck it japan.

>> No.6778822

fucking Alraunes, always screwing up my strategy

>> No.6778837
File: 274 KB, 375x523, mtg Satori Komeiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck yeah magic.

Picture related.

>> No.6778845

Why can't touhou players ever make balanced interesting touhou cards?
I started getting really good at reading the time dial and using the lycanthropes to my advantage but I still got tranced when I played against someone who actually spent money on more than a starter deck.

>> No.6778865
File: 50 KB, 375x523, Aya Shameimaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you consider a balanced and interesting touhou character card then?

I am still fairly new to magic, only a couple months. I could use the suggestions.

>> No.6778864
File: 42 KB, 375x523, I'd play it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balance is for slowpokes.

>> No.6778870

aya mind.

First one is not even close to being balanced though, second one is too boring.

>> No.6778873

>no flying
What the fuck.

>> No.6778875

Aya Shameimaru - 1RR
Creature - Crow Tengu
Flying, Flash, Haste
1UU, return Aya Shameimaru to its owner's hand: you may look at target player's hand. Play this ability only if Aya Shameimaru has dealt combat damage to a player this game.

I'm aware that 1RR for 3/1 flying haste alone is already over the curve. Deal with it.

>> No.6778895

Thats fine if its a legend and has flying, heck you could probably get away with another minor ability.

But its bland as fuck and mirri the cursed is pretty much a better version with a assload of tribal synergy thanks to zendikar.
Niv Mizzet would murder the shit out of her for being an annoying little bitch.

>> No.6778908

One of the issues with flying is that if a Touhou set is meant to be played internally, giving every single creature card flying is somewhat pointless.

I find the card, even as printed, to be substantially better than Mirri the Cursed. One power is a big deal.

>> No.6778914
File: 290 KB, 375x523, Aya Shameimaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now more broken.

>> No.6778923
File: 246 KB, 375x523, mtg Minoriko Aki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is a balanced card I made, according to /tg/ anyway.

>> No.6778928

What's Niv Mizzet got to do with this?

>> No.6778921

Eh for a legend not so much, turn flash into split second and you have a more interesting card though, though the second ability while flavorful is pretty fucking useless, maybe her cmc a prowl cost and make her a rogue and when she comes into play you see their hand.

You could get away with her 3cmc or lower if it was a prowl cost or ninjitsu if you wanna be a chump.

>> No.6778946

You've never seen mirri dropped with a vampire nocturnis have you?

>> No.6778961
File: 297 KB, 375x523, Hax Yuyuko Saigyouji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much?

>> No.6778966

Hybrid mana originated in ravnica, he was the leader of the blue and red guild the izzet.
You were lied to, that ability is terrible, and her stats are subpar.

>> No.6778968

Her second ability essentially makes her unkillable once she's gone in for three. I think that's decent enough.

What format are we talking about here? Anyway, all vampires are obnoxious with Nocturnus out.

>> No.6778971

actually it's fucking terrible, if it was just tap gain 4 life, or Gtap, but as it stands it's awful, and clerics are never green, only black and white, you should use druid instead.

>> No.6778977

I know that. Thought there was some deeper connection than just them both being blue/red.
Niv is a bigger annoying bitch than Aya ever could be, for the record.

>> No.6778979

Wow, guess /tg/ trolled me on this. Thanks for pointing it out, I don't usually play with any healing cards in my decks.

>> No.6779000
File: 245 KB, 375x523, Minoriko Aki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now more interesting?

>> No.6779023
File: 218 KB, 413x1047, autumn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niv isn't a bitch, he's eccentric in all the wrong ways.
it's still 3 mana to blink her and two of it wasn't the color you paid for her, also vampire synergy in general is pretty good outside of nocturnis, compared to the few cards birds have which are all pretty meh besides soulcatcher's aerie but you have to build around that.
Heres one I've seen that I liked.

>> No.6779027

Still poop.

>> No.6779031

Is there like a collection of touhou based magic cards floating arond? I have the EoSD/PCB one, and I've seen many more in random threads and such. Does anyone collect them?

>> No.6779064
File: 256 KB, 375x523, not sure if good Orin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I have for now, maybe I should learn more about making better cards before making more, or just try to combine and mix cards that I own to get a better idea of it.

Too bad I mainly run green and red decks.

>> No.6779075

It bad.

Did you only play magic during chronicles or something?

>> No.6779089
File: 363 KB, 611x850, 5824a5f6bdfb1e32b1b6873a2f0bfb46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I only started playing about a couple of months ago, though I did mess with it 6 years ago for a little while.

Guess I don't have what it takes yet to make a good card. Oh well.

>> No.6779090

I'm calling bullshit on that one. Not only does it completely and utterly wreck limited, it could even see constructed play in an aggro-heavy meta.

Screw it, 1RR for flying haste 3/1 is good enough in my book. The other ability is just icing on the cake.

>> No.6779124

You could be onto something with the limited thing but I was looking at it as a bad version of meloku for constructed, if creatures in graveyard were a reliable resource or it was built around it could be nice with all the super pumped willow the wisp bears.

>> No.6779130

Tomato, tomato.

>> No.6779145
File: 21 KB, 312x445, wellwisher_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for comparison, here is pretty much one of the best green lifegain card ever printed

>> No.6779158

Practice makes better, check the wordings of existing cards, try to keep your cards consistent with their own abilities, read the custom card contest stuff on sites like mtgsalvation.

And maybe look at what cards people want to play. I'm not saying that you have to make them a walletslayer or a walletscultor but look at whats popular.

>> No.6779164

The post you quoted was the one with new and improved Aki.

>> No.6779169
File: 25 KB, 200x285, oracle-of-nectars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this, since it doesn't depend on having your elfs out and not getting burned before you get a chance to play that.

>> No.6779177

There was nothing more satisfying than playing a slice and dice against an elf deck full of those fuckers (until they got caller of the claw fuck)

>> No.6779194

Oh well that outside of limited I still feel is terrible and in limited I guess if you're getting aggro'd it could be okay, but locking your mana for life just makes me feel all sick inside. Its like prophecy all over again. Without the chimeric idol.

>> No.6779214
File: 296 KB, 375x523, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus card

>> No.6779227

Having one mana locked up a turn isn't going to kill you, and repeated lifegain is actually obnoxiously good. I mean, a lot of decks were boarding Grazing Gladehart this last year.

>> No.6779229

Thats fair enough for a legend. It would probably see some play.

>> No.6779238

I'm guessing you have been playing magic for a while then, you seem to know quite a bit.

Too bad there is no easy way to play magic with someone online without buying into Magic Online.

>> No.6779254

landfall was a stupidly awesome ability and easy to take advantage of in almost any deck.

I'm probably just bias against life gain which unless you focus on it does nothing to hurt the opponent.

Though when I started playing I thought fasting was a good card so life gain has bit me in the ass in the past.

>> No.6779258

A wild Magic Workstation appears.

>> No.6779262

is apprentice 2.0 still in programming hell?

>> No.6779267

Paying one green mana isn't a lot of work for a lot of decks, either. Two activations of Aki is keeping Gladehart in play with five landfalls - anad after you run out of lands, Gladehart sticks around looking dumb while Aki continues to power your life total through the roof. That shit keeps you alive until you can steamroll them with whatever slower shit you brought.

>> No.6779281

Yeah but she's painting a giant target on her head while the gladeheart was just looking at you kinda derpy and still attacking.

depends on the build though. Thats the thing about arguing about magic, everything can be at least mediocre or better in the proper build.

>> No.6779296

Well, at least Aki would gain shroud one you got those 5 forests out, which wouldn't take long in a monogreen. Then she couldn't get burned or such.

I think its too much life though.

>> No.6779318
File: 217 KB, 500x600, 7927d9c5ab7f0f35f3d30c01a56b47e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their sourceforge page doesn't even have the files to download anymore, should I would say so

Is this good enough to pirate? I have some friends that are deployed right now so online play would be handy.

>> No.6779319

Shroud isn't as effective as it used to be.

>> No.6779326

Just do it.

>> No.6779340

You don't even pirate it, it's free. You just download that shit and they beg you to register and you never do. Magic Workstation is so much better than Apprentice you don't even know.

>> No.6779351

I'll have to check it out as well.

I havn't played magic online in years.

>> No.6779411

might be cool....with the persist and counter removal, you'd pretty much have to exile it to get rid of it, or not have the mana.

>> No.6779958

Which starter deck should I pick?
