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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 148 KB, 800x800, 1276544801896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6773868 No.6773868 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]


>> No.6773883

Anyone know what stats and slot Lady General's cape goes?

>> No.6773887

2nd xD

>> No.6773885 [DELETED] 

first xD

>> No.6773899 [DELETED] 

I saw you post "first xD" and now it's gone...

>> No.6773916
File: 484 KB, 1024x768, 15610597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same boring OP picture again and again and again and again

>> No.6773918
File: 173 KB, 768x300, wthfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6773923

As if Medi Ade doesn't come with Mini-Repair bot by default, it's fucked up.

>> No.6773933

That's the whole point. It should be recognizable and allow people to find a thread by trying to post the same image.

>> No.6773962

I have done this once. I ran out of repair bits during a battle and used spike bit instead. Feels bad man.

>> No.6773987

Spike hurts friendlies?

>> No.6774000

No but it was lame.

>> No.6774001


>> No.6774020

was used to crop it.

>> No.6774033

Who's this newfag and why is he posting in this thread?

Wait, using easymodo to answer my own questions. Looking at his oldest post which is from December 13th. He apparently posted in one of those only picture no text threads, made a stupid joke based on who was in the picture, then gave himself a tripcode while samefagging.

Still don't know why he posted in this thread though. Man, the state of /jp/'s tripfags is trying to find newer and newer lows.

>> No.6774069

>Everyone comes
>spike ball rotating
I just imagined the situation and can't stop laughing.

>> No.6774093

you got that right captain obvious =__=I|I

>> No.6774136


please, if you no are a troll, stop with your "smiles" or get out

>> No.6774139
File: 491 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110107_1345_31_256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's getting mad

bugsy 1v1ing a retarded nagi, whats good

>> No.6774143

I would probably have a moe heart attack, and gladly take every spike hit and pretend it was helping.

Kind of like when you run into Crims or Lilys walking around with the Handgun and Knife starter weapons, shooting at the nothing in front of them.

>> No.6774152

>if you no are a troll
what the HELL are you talking about

>> No.6774180
File: 160 KB, 850x637, sample-ce3b6b82aa72603dce94cb34d811d13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad whenever I have to kill a Chibi-bot

>> No.6774199

It's either you or them. Also keep in mind all chibis are SUPs and can potentially heal your other enemies like a hopper, or a Lagkun, or that one AIR that flew away from you with no HP which you couldn't get the last hit on.

>> No.6774200

I did that with a Winberrl once when I failed to notice that I'd run out of repair bits. Damn, that was embarrassing..

>> No.6774206
File: 54 KB, 180x223, 1283035402662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to me when I first got my Winberyl. Forgot to equip my repair bits.

>> No.6774221

Do breaker-type weapons every break anything?

I've been using Armor Break and landing a lot of hits on enemy ART that just stands still and it doesn't seem to phase them.

>> No.6774224


>It's either you or them
>They support the things you hate most!

It's true, but it sounds so propagandistic

>> No.6774240

>that one AIR that flew away from you with no HP which you couldn't get the last hit on.
I hate it when that happens. I always get really mad and chase after them but still die without killing them. then I respawn and go after them again and die a second time. before I know it I'm punching the wall and have -500 score.

>> No.6774244

At least you died fighting!

>> No.6774403
File: 74 KB, 320x356, metabee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujins fucking when ;_;

pic unrelated

>> No.6774404

Is there a wiki that has the locations of gates and chests in quest mode? If not, I'll get started on that.

>> No.6774430

Why in God's name would anyone play a chibi SUP bot and NOT have ammo circle up at all times?

>> No.6774449

It changes every maintenance. Good luck with that though!

>> No.6774471

To be adorably cute?

>> No.6774504

Useless moe is not

>> No.6774522

What if they are able to rack up kills while being cute? Or be credit to team without really supporting?

>> No.6774577

Quit making up bullshit scenarios.

The chibi SUP bots I'm talking about aren't doing any of those things. They're the beat up trees and sit at the PS doing absolutely nothing while healing, even though he has plenty of time to activate an ammo circle while he heals.

>> No.6774632

Sup bitch, I get on average two kills with my koko, set up circles, and get best supporter.

Stop playing with pubs.

>> No.6774681

>Stop playing with pubs.

I wish! It was someone from Hotglue

Also, how do you NOT play with pubs? Is there some super secret room where all the good players play?

>> No.6774715

Team Fight

>> No.6774753

I play a chibi crim a lot, I don't regen those circles like the long range/ammo chibis do and unless the map has no PS or it's not wise to be near it I don't throw them down helter skelter. They're useful when they're useful but I can go through them awful fast.

>> No.6774768 [DELETED] 

If you don't have ammo circle, then you're excused.

>> No.6774766
File: 560 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101221_0046_03_116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty crazy with mine though. They're very small targets so they can be quite good with rapidfire bits and I can almost guarantee you that nobody plays chibis like I do.

>> No.6774784

If you don't have ammo circle, then you're excused.

Otherwise, quit stroking your cock on these threads every time someone mentions chibis. We've all seen your screenshots. This conversation was about the non-offensive chibis with ammo circles who don't use them (As afrementioned here:>>6774577).

>> No.6774801

But I like to ..... it makes me feel slightly less of a loser .....

It was unique though, in the first days of the release when people didn't hardly know how to play.

Personally I don't like the ranged circles much, 10% ammo isn't so great and you're forced to trade range for rapidfire. I'd rather have rapidfire. I especially hate it when people put the range circle directly under the PS because it'll supersede rapidfire and the times I've run out of ammo are rare.

>> No.6774813


range and ammo are great for art user. I love those chibi that use the circle. Rapid are better for air type.

>> No.6774974
File: 2 KB, 128x256, img_cache_t_179030_1_1279922698_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat gold chibi-crim

>> No.6774979
File: 20 KB, 120x120, img_cache_t_179030_2_1279922699_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6774989
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>> No.6775007


thank you good sir

>> No.6775188 [DELETED] 

DOS has hunted down and caught a BRD spy.

Attention WIZ:
Do a sweep for spies. Be alert.

>> No.6775238


i've seen a lot of afk bots, maybe....

>> No.6775248 [SPOILER] 
File: 188 KB, 550x800, 9509960_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775255


It's time to do what has to be done by you and hunt the SPYS

>> No.6775294

/jp/ - Spam for Aika and Other Porno MMO's / General

>> No.6775310
File: 126 KB, 442x468, buh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, you're right. I use air bot almost all the time and wide beam gun on chibis have a lot of ammo. My shino's use 8 vulcans and if they run out of ammo (Lol, no, I suck with them and die) then I have a melee weapon with infinite ammo.

Been playing Cannon Ballers today, find a high place and camp it. I ran out of ammo several times and had to suicide for more. One match we had a Koko Gaap on it ... ammo circles sure would've been nice you stupid freak.

I see what you mean.

>> No.6775554

Which Winberrl was the one that makes a large circle of vines and which one shoots them?

>> No.6775596

Should be: ground circle is Winberrl; forward circle is Winberrl Ellen; forward line is Winberrl Vesca.

>> No.6775710
File: 242 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110108_0250_30_559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god dammit, now I know what you mean. This shouldn't happen when there's 2 Koko Gaaps on my team.

>> No.6775865
File: 336 KB, 1024x768, shitshitshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin missiles, how do they work?

>> No.6775875

So how much has this improved since it was in beta? Is it still just pretty much uncoordinated spamfests and bossfights (read: grindfights)

>> No.6775889

>So how much has this improved since it was in beta?
it's worse now because you have to pay for everything. remember when you had to roll 90 times to get that one robot you wanted to try out? now that costs $300.

>> No.6776174

>10% ammo isn't so great
you don't play art, do you? many times I've had to suicide because I was out of ammo

>> No.6776435

Pretty much the same except that most of the clans ragequit once they found out they'd actually have to pay money for some bots. You can still see people crying and begging daily on the CB forum.

If you were a competent player in the betas, you'll have no problem being in the top ten in the arena even without buying cash bots.

>> No.6776437
File: 62 KB, 801x607, izuna bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, finally.

>> No.6776462

I'm top5 90% of the time but that doesn't make me less mad because I can't get a sturbanger nor amateus.

>> No.6776589

I have Izuna legs tuned with 3x high boost alpha.

Too bad they are the Nagi legs. Fucking anniversary cube.

>> No.6776692

You mean Sturbanger Standard? Because you can buy Sturbanger for $5, same with Amateus. If you can't afford $10 total for bots what the fuck are you doing on the internet? Internet and computers cost money you know.

If you claim bots should be free, how the fuck are they supposed to make money?

>> No.6776756

So can anyone explain how to do Haku Runs?

I tried the quest solo and the first time I just fought a small fox and got nothing. Did it a second time and noticed some treasures lying around; but this time I fought some bot holding a staff.

I don't get it.

>> No.6776769

Talk to the bots in the Bastagant area. A simple explaination is the more treasures the stronger the boss you can fight and the higher the rewards. This is the system for all Bastagant bosses.

>> No.6776775


I see... and how many forms of Haku are there if I was fighting the staff one? Cause I made it only to the one with clones before losing time.

>> No.6776782

Like any other boss there's 3 difficulties. When you're heading through the map you're supposed to pick up treasures. If you get them all you could 3 star, some 2 star ect.. There's a certain path that changes to get all the treasures.

Since you got that boss you probably got the 1 star or nothing which is pointless.

You won't be able to solo it either. I'm not sure if it's possible with the current bots, but even if it was it would be difficult. You need a group to do it.

>> No.6776816

Nagi legs are pretty good actually, they have +2TEC that the Garapon Izuna doesn't and 8 tail wisps are nothing to scoff at. They do run out rather fast though, so they work best if you have a good back-up weapon to use when you're out of wisps.

But High Boost Alpha? Why not Beta? It's not like you'll be needing the STR.

>> No.6776853

Trying to use just Amateus' core weapon makes me wish there was an ammo pack BS-joint or something that you could equip for higher cost.

So many times I run out then I'm just dicking around doing nothing because I would cost 3000 if I died but can't shoot anyone because noammo.

>> No.6776903

>If you can't afford $10 total for bots what the fuck are you doing on the internet?
The same thing I've been doing all these years, getting what I want and not paying anything for bytes.

>> No.6776931

0 treasures = 0 star, you fight a joke boss
1-2 treasures = 1 star (easy)
3-4 treasures = 2 star (medium)
5 treasures = 3 star (hard)
The maps, gates, and treasure locations change every week after maintenance.

8 forms plus a final boss form. There are specific strategies for fighting each. In general, nearly all forms of Haku are highly vulnerable to melee and the standard melee weapon used is the 3-way dagger from the store or the combination dagger from the garapon. However, there is one form that is invulnerable to the 3-way dagger (the shielded blue form) and several forms where it is inadvisable to approach closely enough to use melee. The art lies in selecting the right bot and secondary weapons to beat Haku. A pro team can beat

Find a 1* run during a weekend or join a clan and ask them to teach you. DO NOT JOIN A 3* RUN OR YOU WILL GET KICKED. No one likes to have their time wasted on a failed run.

>> No.6776950

Guess your luck's run out then, hasn't it?

It's only going to get worse. All the game companies are adding online components as fast as they can to make sure they get paid.

>> No.6776956

>A pro team can beat
Haku with 6-10 minutes remaining on the clock.

>> No.6777048

I can already solo berzelius 1* with my uc bots.

>> No.6777459

I can solo 2 star with almost 10 minutes left. 2 support bots with burstfire bits and shotguns and you're set.

>> No.6777464

Cosmic shit

>> No.6777590


One star is baby mode.

>> No.6777659

Cosmic ur face is a nerd

>> No.6778353

My internet connection is fine for everything else but I cannot play CB at all. The lag is so bad my bot will stand there for 30 seconds to a minute before the tree I shot takes damage.

Anyone else experiencing trouble? I'd ask on the official site but I can't access it either.

>> No.6778453

I've been on all day without problems, but I've seen people complaining about bad lag. Maybe it's a regional thing.

>> No.6778541

Nope, been playing all day. I'll get a lag spike once an hour or so, but nothing serious.

>> No.6779113

I'm getting addicted to wreck shit in the enemy powerspot with a dual shield red squealer.

>> No.6779616
File: 215 KB, 1293x991, mediaide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty cute loading screen.

>> No.6779643

>This is a pretty useless loading screen.

>> No.6779655

So... should I be playing the non JP or JP version of CB?

>> No.6779691



>> No.6779756

JP version: All the natives hate you, the UI is in a foreign language, there are only 1-2 clans with English speakers that you can join, BUT you get a tiny trickle of free Rt (used to buy premium items) if you grind like hell to get it.

US version: No free Rt at all but versions of a few bots that normally cost Rt have been made available for free. A half off sale on premium bots for a limited time. Minor infestation of BRs, Flips, and HKs, but nothing serious.

>> No.6779781

I had terrible lag today, but turns out most of the blame is my ISP being Cox, and generally sucking.

>> No.6779884

Anyone know where I can get the loading screens as an image?

Would like to have them as a wallpaper; especially the Winbell one.

>> No.6779894

Minor he says

>> No.6779918


Would like to know this too.

Is there an archive of all the images or JP winner fanart?

>> No.6779926
File: 282 KB, 1289x985, winberrl loading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had taken this earlier since I wanted to look at it. It's not the right size and it's also a printscreen crop, but maybe there's nothing else available.

>> No.6779944


Damn.. Winberrl looks so awesome there.

Nobody has a link to a possible archive ffrom the JP website?

>> No.6779960



Take screenshots of the ones you want to see and use iqdb.

>> No.6780008
File: 1.16 MB, 2891x2242, 15722169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loads of CB art on Pixiv.

>> No.6780240
File: 2.31 MB, 2199x3533, Medi Aide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the bots in-game looked a bit more like they do on the art.

>> No.6780397
File: 48 KB, 600x384, red squealer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like those ORIGINAL PROMOTION DO NOT STEAL ideas caught on.

>> No.6780441


>> No.6780763
File: 19 KB, 401x425, kindawant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toybox girl? Kind of want.

>> No.6780814

I want anything-girl.

>> No.6780840

Very want

>> No.6780992


>> No.6780994

Honestly, I'd rather see new robots than female/little girl versions of existing ones. Demon BS series are the worst offenders there though, since they're all S Supports that work exactly the same.

The recent additions are pretty awesome, Vanguard Fencer is basically what Ivis would be if her rapier had twice the range and hit like a Jet Hammer. It has this ridiculous spin slash that hits for 100 damage, probably 150 or so to ART. It can practically dive into a crowded powerspot during healing and massacre everyone.

>> No.6781000


You know, when I think of a Toybox-Girl I can't help but imagine a girl trapped in a box that is used as a toy. Used goods moe, I guess.

>> No.6781021
File: 24 KB, 303x533, 15658841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Sigma Clock girl.

>> No.6781027

>The recent additions are pretty awesome, Vanguard Fencer is basically what Ivis would be if her rapier had twice the range and hit like a Jet Hammer. It has this ridiculous spin slash that hits for 100 damage, probably 150 or so to ART. It can practically dive into a crowded powerspot during healing and massacre everyone.

You're a fucking faggot. You think even MORE overpowered bullshit bots are "awesome" additions?

>> No.6781079

Not overpowered at all, it's horribly fragile so if you don't play it wise you'll never get to that powerspot. But against swarms of people it's really good and ENCB loves swarming, so I bet a lot of people will whine about it when it hits the English version.

Besides, melee needed some improvement. Even Ivis and Ouka need to be careful and ambush single targets since they're quickly turned into pincushion otherwise. The day ENCB ARTs figure out the simple idea of climbing ledges to prevent melee from reaching them and stop dying by the dozen to a single Ivis is the day people will stop complaining about "overpowered" melee.

>> No.6781090

Oh god I want her, is she real or just fan art?

>> No.6781200

>climbing edges so melee can't get to them

What retard moron melee are you fighting that refuse to boost?

The reason why melee is overpowered is because the good bots can all stun you and keep you in one spot unable to escape while they pound a ridiculous number of chain attacks into you. That's what makes Frau Adone and Ivis so good.

It's also easier to get awards with melee bots since melee damage has a lot more weight than other stats.

>> No.6781341

You're supposed to kill people while they're jumping around like idiots to get on your ledge. And after they get on the ledge, after one melee hit they usually fall right back down anyway.

>> No.6781453

It depends if the melee will go after people on ledges or not.

For example, if it's in a PS situation and there's plenty of targets on the ground, he ain't gonna waste his time trying to reach a ledge.

Another situation is when the melee is sneaking around looking for ART on ledges to knock them of the cliff and pound their anus against the wall on the bottom where it's safe from AIR.

>> No.6781572
File: 73 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-01-09 19-18-16-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in JP server...

>> No.6781909
File: 31 KB, 538x210, maaaaagiiiiiic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6782184

>>6779960 >>6781909
I always forget about that site, that's pretty awesome.

Goddom why are these so ridiculously cute. I can't even shoot them when I play, I just want to hug them instead.

>> No.6782349

Does /jp/ have a clan? On either of the servers? Just wondering if I should wait before making my own.

>> No.6782544


There's a hotglue on the english servers that's not under #hotglue's control. Your choice if that's /jp/ enough for you, or if the name itself is tainted. Kanbara has invite rights on that one, I think.

There's Gaijin Project on the Japanese servers. Your best bet over there is Croases or joining Hotglue and telling Minamitsu to log in and invite you to Gaijin Project.

>> No.6782881

I want backpacks and air to air missiles

>> No.6783563

Why does Lily Rain have to be S?

God damnit.

>> No.6783566

>There's a hotglue on the english servers that's not under #hotglue's control
Contrary to popular belief, #hotglue is actually NOT /jp/.

>> No.6783655


Hence why I said it wasn't theirs.

>> No.6783658

I'd be M for her, if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.6783761

Damn the stuff I want are Garapon, and its like $5 a roll? wtf....

>> No.6783798

welcome to weeks ago

>> No.6783803

Only M? Not L?

>> No.6783808

There's IQDB for pixiv? Where?

>> No.6783811

My hitbox would be too big for her body.

>> No.6783815

S bots can't handle L parts silly.

>> No.6783824


SauceNAO search.

>> No.6783916

Garapon, garapon, garapon, phooey. It's not that hard to do well with store Rt bots and they're half off right now.

>> No.6784233

Are stardust cannons seriously RT only now? I've done a ton of BEES, I have bucklers, scouters rifle etc. Also ive done arena enough that Im almost star rank. Does it still drop/arena reward? I remember I had like 4 of them in the betas and I dont have one now
