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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 85 KB, 810x630, yume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6773655 No.6773655 [Reply] [Original]

Just downloaded Yume Miru Kusuri.

Spoil it for me.

>> No.6773660

No. You should enjoy the events as they unfold.

>> No.6773656

It's complete shit uninstall it now

>> No.6773668

Don't accept the footjob and YMK has no story at all so it's impossible to spoil it

>> No.6773664

Fuck the catgirl in the ass.

>> No.6773683
File: 75 KB, 820x640, justice-does-exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chokan gaems

>> No.6773688

Can do.
Does the footjob rip MC's dick off or something?

>> No.6773705

iie, it causes a girl to die in pregnancy.

>> No.6773714


>> No.6773717


Footjob = death by child.


>> No.6773718

So a fetus is a child to you?

>> No.6773719

You know what I meant. Quit yer nitpicking.

>> No.6773720

Shitstorm seeds planted

>> No.6773725

Let it blossom into a flower of rage.

>> No.6773726

Got a problem with that baby killer?

>> No.6773730

Get this shitty excuse for a VN back to /v/. We only play REAL DEAL games here.

I actually enjoyed YMK.

>> No.6773733

The catgirl is the librarian on drugs.

>> No.6773734

Me too, anon. Don't tell anyone.

>> No.6773735


>> No.6773736

Name a REAL DEAL game then son.

New to VN's but this'd be my fourth.

>> No.6773746

Real deal games are anything that's not Disney

>> No.6773742

I hate what has become of /jp/

>> No.6773747
File: 58 KB, 750x600, ChokeABitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Aeka's route last.

>> No.6773749

No you don't, otherwise you wouldn't come back.

>> No.6773750

I'm trying to branch out.

/jp/ isn't your secret little club.

Quit sucking your dick and contribute.

>> No.6773761
File: 15 KB, 135x150, 1175800871510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The line separating trolls and genuine subhumans grows thinner each day

>> No.6773767


ymk was my first game, after KS Now I have turned into a /jp/ elitist playing simple galges/nukiges in japanese and only talking about "masterpieces" such as symphonic rain, muv luv, or other "not played by many people" games. I hate myself, why can't I enjoy /jp/ anymore.

>> No.6773771

Actually, it is.

>> No.6773772

What would be considered Disney? Aside from Inganock, which is furry disney shit that is.

>> No.6773777

That must be tough. I'm so glad I actually enjoy my hobbies.

>> No.6773776

>symphonic rain, muv luv
>not played by many people games
Is this your first day here?

>> No.6773780

if you uninstall it you won't be able to reinstall it

>> No.6773784

Anything that's not real deal

>> No.6773786
File: 96 KB, 800x600, lbx24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think symphonic rain and muv luv are played by even 10% of /jp/'s "new" population you are a super optimist.

I mean I could say kanon, clannad, little busters too? is that good? I played LB in Japanese, am I cool yet?

>> No.6773795

By saying "new" population, you suggest that there are periods in which VAST QUANTITIES of people go to, AND PERMANENTLY OCCUPY /jp/.

>> No.6773801

They're somewhat obscure in the English-speaking VN community. Compared, of course, to FSN and YMK, which everyone has played.

>> No.6773802

I love my hobbies, I just don't like people who think they are super cool weeaboos because they read g senjou. I just wish I didn't care, I am an elitist and I don't deserve to be, because I am a loser.

>> No.6773804

People who actually believe Inganock is just furry disney shit haven't played the game. It has its faults, but it really doesn't merit that kind of harsh criticism.

>> No.6773817

I'd like to think that no one uses the whole real deal/disney thing seriously.

>> No.6773816

You see, the old /jp/ is like the Indians of America. We have our crazy backwards traditions and weird things we like. But the countries of Europe sent their populations here, and either forced the Indians out, or simply outnumbered them so much that their % became almost unnoticeable.

Saten spam/doubles/gets/threads with one line of text that say something like "Why is she such a bitch?"
are like the small pox the europeans brought over with them.

>> No.6773826

>We have our crazy backwards traditions and weird things we like.

This is different from any other board on 4chan how?

>> No.6773828


Get the fuck out hipster trash.

>> No.6773847

it's not, we just have very specif likes...and a large number of people who don't know that have come here and are stomping all over the place.

>> No.6773850

>super cool weeaboos because they read g senjou

>> No.6773859

Then did I do anything wrong about asking about this VN?

/a/ doesn't discuss VN's and /v/'s full of fucking retards for the majority.

>> No.6773863

got a download link

>> No.6773864

>/a/ doesn't discuss VN
/a/ things YMK is the greatest VN ever go there if you want to talk about it.

>> No.6773869

>katawa shoujo


>> No.6773873
File: 194 KB, 850x850, take_it_the_fuck_easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder to all anon...

Are you just now playing YMK? Enjoy it.

Do you love VNs that others might call "furry disney shit"? Go ahead.

Do you prefer to only play REAL DEAL games? Okay.

Does fapping to untranslated nukige make you feel more of a man? Do it.

No matter what VNs you want to play, you should feel free to enjoy them. Even KS.

Take it easy /jp/!

>> No.6773879

Taking it easy doesn't mean letting autists run rampant on /jp/

>> No.6773882

They think anything made by KEY is the greatest thing in the world.

However, I fail to see why YMK cannot be discussed here.

/v/? VN threads in /v/ tend to lead to potential shitstorms and /a/ can't talk about anything without trolls.
I though /jp/ was a bit more professional than THIS.

>> No.6773878
File: 81 KB, 800x600, ss1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter that it is YMK. But your problem is that you are asking about the story of a VN. The whole point is to not read spoilers. There a re few games I plan to play that when i see threads I immediately need to hide them to not get spoiled. You are lucky that YMK is really just a dating sim game and doesn't really have a story to spoil, but if you made a thread like this for a story driven game you would be most retarded. Everyone starts somewhere, YMK is a great place to start. Have fun with it, then move onto other games with stories.

>> No.6773889

All I wanted to know was if there were BAD ENDS goddamned everywhere.

>> No.6773890
File: 64 KB, 635x477, 1287877065405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the past 3 days /v/ has had 250+ reply VN threads

>> No.6773891

Perhaps you are the autist if you have a problem with any of the things he listed.

>> No.6773894

Just play the fucking game, the surprise of getting bad ends if one of the funnest things in VNs

>> No.6773898

Hmmm...I think each girl has 1 bad end, and there is a common bad end...I think.

I remember nekoko's bad end was pretty sad. The big titted girl's was just fucking stupid though.

>> No.6773903


Also I don't agree. Some games are really a bitch and getting a bad end and not knowing where you fucked up can lead to headaches.

>> No.6773906

I've been in and even made some very successful VN threads on /v/. Though most of them were about YMK or Rance.

>> No.6773911

use a walk-through, you dirty casual

>> No.6773919

Who doesn't like Rance?

I could discuss that with /ck/.

>> No.6773925

today's VN thread only had YMK mentioned once and no mentions of rance

>> No.6773934

I don't much care for Rance but I like Big Bang Age.

>> No.6773937

Getting a post maxed thread does not mean it was successful.
Seriously, go to easymodo and look for some Symphonic rain threads when it was released, they were amazing, the pinnacle of good /jp/ VN discussion, with tons of spoiler tags, people finding plot holes, asking questions, and just having a good time.

here is a "successful" /v/ thread

Man I love rance, I fucked the whore
nice dubs bro
>5 with a picture of kog
20 reaction images
Dude, I fucked that whore too, how do I fuck more whores
>nice dubs

>> No.6773948

anybody know how to reinstall this

>> No.6773950
File: 41 KB, 615x615, 1289350539408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for confirming that you've never seen a /v/ thread

>> No.6773954

I never get to take part in the discussion of newly released VNs, as I'm always behind. ;_;

>> No.6773966
File: 28 KB, 639x480, sr151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6773964


Actually I'm cool with it. To be honest though YMK is my least favorite of the so called "Baby's first VNs", so if you don't like it, try something else.
Good luck

>> No.6773992

OP here again, 10 minutes in, and they're litteraly falling all over the place.


>I fell
>As I get up I fall again
>Holy fuck I lose my balance once more.

>> No.6773997
File: 34 KB, 420x238, mariamariamariayikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is a fucking psychopath.

>> No.6774618


OP here, waaaaaaaaay late, but I just finished Aeka's route.

Felt good.
Choked a bitch reaaal good.


And a satisfying end, I'm pretty impressed.

>> No.6774641

Not your blog.

>> No.6774656
File: 53 KB, 800x600, derpymk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey, what do you think about my face?"

>> No.6774658

mfw I care.

Oh wait.

I was just leaving feedback to an ok game.
Your choice to be asspained.

>> No.6774677

Shut the hell up. This isn't Twitter.

>> No.6774706

No it isn't.

Welcome to 4chan.

how are you this easily trolled?

>> No.6774716

All the more pivotal to suck my cock, my dear.
