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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6769404 No.6769404 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to actually start truly believing that 3D is PD?

What I mean is, is it possible to become so disgusted by real life 3D pig that you literally can't get off on it anymore?

I used to say 3DPD as a joke...but now it accurately reflects my feelings on 3D women. I recently browsed a random thread with 3D camwhore porn for the first time in a long time and instead of being lightly aroused that feeling was replaced with actual disgust.

The bizarre thing is I have no problem with 2D girls because the art + my imagination take away all the imperfections. But I just went to redtube to make sure and every video just made me gag at how ugly all the girls were. I couldn't even maintain an erection. I had to finish off looking at hentai vids...like usual.

Have my standards become so high that I can't relate to real life anymore? Do I need help?

pic related: my future

>> No.6769412

Why do you think so many people have been saying it you full autist

>> No.6769411

Yes, it's possible. You are not uncommon or anything around here OP, rest assured.

>> No.6769415

If you're not trolling: It happens to a lot of people. Nothing unique, nothing to write home about. Welcome to the club.

If you are trolling: At least pick a less retarded picture to troll us with.

>> No.6769431

I must be a normalfag, I have to switch up my wanking to real life whores every now and then to keep it fresh...

>> No.6769436


>> No.6769439

Welcome to /jp/.

Just remember, you're alone forever

>> No.6769441

welcome to the autism club,
now when kids are exclaiming "3DPD" you will sigh and move on.

>> No.6769444
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Welcome to the botnet

>> No.6769446
File: 122 KB, 500x667, Forever_a_scone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in the right place.

>> No.6769457

OP assuming you're not trolling I reached that point many years ago. and it hasn't changed.

i have to admit tho that for me its not as serious as LITERALLY not being able to get off on anything 3-dimensional, that can still happen, but I just prefer 2D a LOT more now.

>> No.6769456
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full artist

>> No.6769470

Duh, dude. It's not just a fucking expression.

>> No.6769480
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>> No.6769482


>Is it possible to actually start truly believing that 3D is PD?

Yes. While else do we say 3DPD?

>What I mean is, is it possible to become so disgusted by real life 3D pig that you literally can't get off on it anymore?

Yes that can happen. Its not much different from normalfags who can't get off on 2D or people who only get off on bdsm. Some people just have different fetishes, some more extreme than others.

>Have my standards become so high that I can't relate to real life anymore? Do I need help?

You don't 'need' help, but you probably do have some sort of problem deep-down since even most people here can still bust a nut from watching regular porn.

Or you're just a fag.

>> No.6769488 [SPOILER] 
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Embrace it, OP. Embrace it.

>> No.6769489

My sexuality is completely different. What I'm psychologically attracted to, I no longer find sexually excited. While just about everything I find gross enough to not want to cuddle up with, but not enough to want to literally cough up, is the most exciting. It's as if I'm able to be aroused by anything I would actually want to have sex with anymore. Not enough to climax. And that worries me.

While on the other hand, the majority of my romantic fantasies are for fictional characters of the anime draw style. I try to imagine what they'd look and be like as real 3D people, and I'm disappointed. I just can't imagine them, and my mental attempts are terrible looking.

>> No.6769490

It gets stronger with time. Now I simply can't watch pornography involving real women (e.g. youporn, redtube, pornhub), because of how filthy they all are. Just some junkie who lets herself be cussed at and treated like a piece of meat to get cash for her next fix.

Women I meet in real life *can* be attractive though, but are always second to 2D.

I imagine I will eventually become only interested in 2D if this continues. Not that that's a bad thing, women bring innumerable problems, problems I don't feel like dealing with just for the sake of satisfying lust.

>> No.6769492


>even most people here can still bust a nut from watching regular porn.

Get off /jp/

>> No.6769495

>Now I simply can't watch pornography involving real women

Same here, though not really because they're 3D, more because of the overabundance of Mexicans in porn nowadays.

>> No.6769497
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Hey OP

How does it feel being 3D yourself.

>> No.6769502
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>> No.6769503

>>Have my standards become so high
This, and today's women are becoming less and less attractive. Relationship has become such a pain as well.

>> No.6769509

Some people...

well, welcome to /jp/, OP. I guess you're past any possible points of return.

>> No.6769510

damnit it's the exact opposite for me, only irl whores work for me and it fucking sucks

guess i just like the sounds, etc, idk it's just more stimulating. I probably need to train my imagination more

>> No.6769516
File: 26 KB, 512x384, うさミクたん、あけましてちゅっちゅ.mp4_snapshot_01.28_[2011.01.07_00.52.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, we may be able to interact with a 3D interpretation our 2D love interests as with videos such as these using the MS Kinect controller:

>> No.6769518

>i just like the sounds


>> No.6769521


Well I've been looking for an excuse to finally get a fleshlight....now I just need to find a good flat-panel.

>> No.6769520

Go away Microsoft devs.

>> No.6769525

You're a normal who needs to get out of /jp/.

>> No.6769528


not the voices, the fucking slopping, pounding, i guess to some extent moaning, but not ridiculous crap like what you just said, I can tell when they're faking so I look for good amateur stuff filmed with a shitty camera

>> No.6769543

>the fucking slopping, pounding

Hell yeah I love that shit too

>> No.6769544

>yeah, stick your big cock in my shit locker

>> No.6769545


>the fucking slopping, pounding

But that's in Hentai too, silly. It sound like they're making butter the old fashioned way.

>> No.6769551
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>> No.6769553


>shit locker

That sounds hilarious.

>> No.6769601
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>But that's in Hentai too, silly.

You don't appear to be aware of the fact that all that slurping and squishing in eroge comes from some middle-aged foley artist probably using his own mouth.
