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File: 173 KB, 449x480, Th075remilia01[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6767595 No.6767595 [Reply] [Original]

How does Remi's fate manipulation actually work?

>> No.6767607

It doesn't she is bluffing.

>> No.6767609

I wish I had named my pic of ZUN shrugging his shoulders for threads like this.

>> No.6767618

Remilia lies about everything.
She's not even a vampire.

>> No.6767611

Probably something stupid and Buddhist in nature unexplainable to us filthy gaijins

>> No.6767627
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She's cute, that's all that matters.

>> No.6767629

It isn't actually explained as to how it works OP
ZUN left that to the fans.

Although, if i were to guess i'd say she manipulates percentages of probability, (as there is no such thing as fate) to her advantage depending on the situation though the limit to what she changes can vary example:she could make it so that increase Koishi's hormones around Flandre to make her fall in love via extacy thus "fating them to fall in love" it would all depend on diffrent factors though.

>> No.6767630

An event happens, she claims it was fate. Like a cat nonchalantly shrugging off a fall - they meant to do that, obviously.

>> No.6767635

Null in spellcard battles because of spellcard rules (bullets cannot be unavoidable)

>> No.6767637

>ZUN left that to the fans.
Along with everything else.

>> No.6767643
File: 228 KB, 900x750, Lolicard and remilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is, but a piss weak one at that.

Bitch can't drink her fill, Bitch can't have familiars or ghouls. Simple.

>> No.6767659

I find it offensive to compare Remilia with that Mary Sue named Alucard.

>> No.6767670


>Dosn't know that she compares herself to him in CANON.


>> No.6767673

She's nothing without her daddy, bitch thought it would be fine to go around misting somebody else' gensokyo and got her ass whooped.

She's got a totally broken maid, I'll give her that.

>> No.6767667


Fun fact: Remilia is a Tremere vampire, ala World of Darkness

>> No.6767677

No she doesn't you moron....

She claims to be a descendant of Dracula, whom Alucard is also based on but obviously not the same damn thing.

>> No.6767684

She claims to be related to Dracula. She isn't.

>> No.6767691
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x1024, Alucard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remere were originally a group of human mages from House Tremere of the Order of Hermes



>> No.6767702
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>> No.6767707

I knew that, but really? Your honestly going to say that Alucard is pretty much the anime representation of Draccula? either way said dracula would have similar powers.

i have the feel that you guys only saw the OVAS and not the manga.

>> No.6767712
File: 202 KB, 495x700, 1290932383049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by not giving me the 6s and 7s i wanted. /jp/ is so damn slow it makes gets even harder ;__;


>> No.6767720
File: 278 KB, 918x900, 1bac318d32c0d665690fdeb72556d57f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's got a totally broken maid, I'll give her that.
Who doesn't?
Fate vs Certainty on the other hand, I'd like to see.

>> No.6767733

She has charisma, that's enough...
...she'll give 'em the old razzle dazzle, she'll


>> No.6767729

>i'd say she manipulates percentages of probability, (as there is no such thing as fate)

>hurr durr if I use mathematical-sounding phrases it sounds like it makes sense

>> No.6767748

So long as she doesn't sparkle, I'm cool with that.

You know, I have seen an increment of Remilia related posts in here. I wonder why?

>> No.6767764
File: 82 KB, 750x563, zun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6767786
File: 183 KB, 385x360, 1264873672125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and who cares when she has such an adorably wicked face.


>> No.6767795

Alucard IS Dracula, you piece of shit. His "Unlimited form" is pretty much the stereotypical image of the Count.

>> No.6767799

Is there more to this image?

>> No.6767854

"She just talks that way. She acts like she understands everything from the beginning. She talks this nonsense about understanding fate and everything."


>> No.6767861

But then there's that thing about renaming Sakuya. Isn't that a form of control?

At least, that's what Spirited Away taught me.

>> No.6767870
File: 200 KB, 480x479, magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6767878

And Flandre is insane.

Apparently, and you can find it on other places too. The bible also makes a reference to that. Giving something a name gives you dominion over it, and one of the reasons nobody knows god's name.

>> No.6767895

No she ain't, that's another aspect of fanon bull. ''A little nuts'' does not correlate, all of her dialogue is coherent and normal, although she's still scary and dangerous.

>> No.6767899
File: 176 KB, 730x730, Remilia 0eef11dde4829d684c4fd5aa80910897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey, you shouldn't talk about your elder sister like that!"


>> No.6767903

That was a fun thread.

>> No.6767905
File: 462 KB, 768x1178, SparkleSparkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6767942

>Giving something a name gives you dominion over it, and one of the reasons nobody knows god's name.

oh those wacky Christians.jpg

Methinks it was because all the cool names like Vishnu and Ganesha were taken.

>> No.6767968

I was vaguely aware of that tradition, but I assumed it had some special relevance in Japan. I can't imagine they've been significantly influenced by Middle-Eastern beliefs.

>> No.6767974

She is kind of nuts and a shutin. Seems capable enough to carry on normal converssation, though Aya had trouble understanding her.

>> No.6767994

I know we're all Buddhists or Suwa Frog Worshippers here, but at least know something about other religions.

It is Judaism which has a prohibition on the name of God. God's name has four consonants Y H W H; but we don't know the vowel structure. People have suggested the vowels relate to the 12 sacred stones on the Priest's costume, or to the Ark of the Covenant.

Also, Judaism didn't have a statue of God inside the holiest of holies.

>> No.6768003

It is not that unusual really. Imagine the next scenaries

"I'm sorry, Anon. The disease you have is completely unkown".
"I'm sorry anon, you have a rare disease known as Dawkinism."

Which of these statements would make you feel better?
