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File: 83 KB, 306x258, ahe re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6756374 No.6756374 [Reply] [Original]

>Man, there's lots of Erika pics on pixiv all of a sudden...
>And lots of them have "EP8" in the title...I wonder what's up with that.


>> No.6756382


>> No.6756390

Erika being EPIC again. Nothing new

>> No.6756403

needs translations now.

>> No.6756405
File: 296 KB, 800x800, 2f59dced2ff9d1e7c4b7471f45688fc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Battler have pink hair?

>> No.6756409

i think thats angus...

>> No.6756412
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>> No.6756418

Oh you Tohya.
Thanks for the confirmation, Ryfiu, I still think they can't get married because legal affairs.

>> No.6756433
File: 68 KB, 518x393, chiruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know Japanese, but I learned to navigate through pixiv through trial and error and learned which things are which, now let's see what you mean by-


>> No.6756446

Because Kinzo genes. It's actually all white in the corresponding scene in the game.

>> No.6756458
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Dem eyes.

>> No.6756506
File: 2.73 MB, 1400x1900, 15707322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Ho Ho

>> No.6757298

translation please

>> No.6757479

Ange: sorry if this sounds rude, but are you two married

Battler: No

Ikuko: But we've lived together for a long time

Ange: phew.. I guess my imagination went wild again...

Ikuko - oh by the way.. WE HAD SEX

>> No.6757507

The "are you two married" line is actually in the game

>> No.6757519

using red text in the real world is not fair

>> No.6757577


Hanyuu is living the dream.

>> No.6757606

I'm not exactly a /jp/ regular, but I com here a lot.
And I have no fucking idea what is going on in this thread.

>> No.6757624

Never mention Hanyuu's divine name with Featherine, you scum.

>> No.6757720
File: 57 KB, 646x508, kanon episode1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6757723
File: 37 KB, 646x508, kanon episode1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Kanon was talking about in that scene? It's revealed in EP8?

>> No.6757729

u mad?

>> No.6757747

not alot of art of Featherine yet. need more sophisticated trolls.

>> No.6757760


Nobody like that bitch.

>> No.6757782
File: 985 KB, 996x1149, リコ - despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think one is enough.

>> No.6757783

>erika being epic AGAIN
>implying she was ever epic
she's just a gigantic mary-sue

>> No.6757791
File: 146 KB, 800x800, speed trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speed translation

>> No.6757799

Back to /a/ with you.

>> No.6757801


I've re-read the text

I think it would be more accurate for the red text to be "we are having sex"

>> No.6757803

No no, she's a PARODY of Mary Sues. There's a difference.

She has all those wonderful little sue traits, right down to being a Bern's self insert character, yet she's an antagonist and gets the crap beaten out of her by the heroes.

>> No.6757808


It's more like, instead of "oh by the way we've had sex", it's "But <red>we have sex</red>, though"

>> No.6757845

Ikuko was made for Rifyu

>> No.6757864

Does not help much towards 'epic' argument

>> No.6757867

Rifyu and R07 are the same person.

>> No.6757869

And in the EP8 Tea Party, Bern keeps her occupied by having her separate sesame seeds and salt, iirc, using chopsticks.

>> No.6757886

I'd separate Bern's chopsticks with my seeds.

>> No.6757907


Oh no you wouldn't.

>> No.6757911

>she's a PARODY of Mary Sues
People say this all the time (lol tvtropes) but I'm still not seeing it.

>> No.6757926

A "Mary Sue" is a character you don't like.

>> No.6757936

what up with goat?

>> No.6757939

no, a mary sue is a character with no weaknesses and who is perceived as amazing by everybody around them
she solves the epitaph in a few hours and claims its because shes good
she's mary sue, and if you don't see it you're blind

>> No.6757954

The parents solve the epitaph together in episode 7 too. Are they Mary Sues?

>> No.6757961

>a character with no weaknesses
Erika has weaknesses.
>who is perceived as amazing by everybody around them
All the characters dislike her.

If you're going to say that, you might as well call Beatrice a Mary Sue because she has SUPAH WITCH POWERS and everyone on the island thinks she's awesome.

>> No.6757963

Process and presentation of how they solve it is quite different.
Abilities alone do not make a sue

>> No.6757972

No, I'm pretty sure that in the modern usage a Mary Sue is a character you don't like.

>> No.6757987
File: 43 KB, 532x465, marysue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6758014

What about Eva? She solved it long before Erika did (by the order which the episodes came out).

She just wasn't as arrogant about it, but that's mostly due to characterization.

>> No.6758071

but eva has had her whole life to think about it, but just had an epiphany
erika is just some bitch who popped up out of the sea

>> No.6758135

>she solves the epitaph in a few hours
Everything prior to that point, yes, that is correct. But then her Mary Sue status slowly breaks down as the episode went on. Her flaws started to show... bad personality, everyone started to hate her, losing etc etc.

>> No.6758143
File: 36 KB, 500x600, 1293504049273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika in EP5 was a walking parody of Detective Conan style anime detectives.

Erika in EP6 was simply awesome.

>> No.6758679

>whole life to think about it
The epitaph had only been up for a few years. In any case, it seems like no serious attempts were made to solve it until the conference.

>> No.6758697

>Erika in EP6 was simply awesome.

This. In fact, I'd have to say that she's the best character in the series.

>> No.6759641


Agreed. Erika was a character you either loved or hated.

But none the less so did she make it intresting.

>> No.6759707

she's totally neutral for me

>> No.6759737

Why does the greatness of Virgillia have to be put together with Erika?

>> No.6759743

You will never bind Virgilia with packing tape ;_;

>> No.6759755
File: 52 KB, 656x536, ep8_true_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika end is the true end of Umineko.

>> No.6759760

I want to believe.

>> No.6759777
File: 55 KB, 656x536, ep8_ange_erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because the gun exists, this level of reasoning is possible for Ushiromiya Ange. What do you think, everyone?

>> No.6759780
File: 121 KB, 847x1200, 1294169914684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye Aye Captain!

Erika's just the best.

>> No.6759789

Since you've just played that end, mind summirizing how Ange understood all of that from a gun?
I just speedrun it since I thought it was a bad end and there were a lot of difficult words so I didn't pay attention.

>> No.6759794
File: 93 KB, 638x476, big bombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the meantime... BIG BOMBS!

...that fukken clock...

>> No.6759803

The gun was an old Makarov, incomparable to Amakusa's sniper rifle. She figured out that the same gun would be used by the Sumaderas because it's easy to find in the black market. She doesn't explain anything more, but I suppose that that gun was prepared to kill her.

>> No.6759874

What is this pic from?

>> No.6759884

Umineko Chiru, episode 7.

>> No.6759888

I love these character hating fads.
I wonder what the final character popularity poll will tell us...

>> No.6759890

I bet Lambda will be at least in top 5.

>> No.6759906


If Erika, Lambda and Bern won't be in top5 japs are fucking faggots.

>> No.6759910

Anyone have EP7 character poll rankings?

>> No.6759912

Considering how Erika took up the speculating readers' side against the Golden Land, I'm expecting all the butthurt votes to go to her

>> No.6759935


There were only 3366 votes in this poll. In the equivalent Higurashi poll there were 13535 votes. Umineko is really much less popular.

>> No.6759942

Also the first Umineko poll had 4610 votes so people do indeed seem to have lost interest.

>> No.6759948

Pretty sure that the fact that there is no umineko anime have something to do with this.

>> No.6759956

Higurashi was fucking popular well before the anime.

>> No.6759965

Stop with that retarded meme. And the first Higurashi popularity contest had 17602 votes despite being held 2 years before the anime came out.

>> No.6760009


Overall Umineko is about 30% as popular as Higurashi was, which is still a lot since Higurashi was crazy popular.

And Umineko's theme is something really niche on the VN market.

>> No.6760030

Not really 30%.
Higurashi on PS2 sold 150000, Umineko on PS3 sold 15000.
So 10%

>> No.6760053

So what? The fact that it was made by the creator of Higurashi means that it could have easily inherited that VN's fanbase which would have been inclined to like it. The fact that at least 2/3rds of the Higurashi fanbase abandoned or never even bothered with Umineko is a failure.

>> No.6760095


Except PS2 was far more widespread back then than PS3 is now.

Higurashi Matsuri was the whole VN with many extra features and bonus routes added.

Rondo is out for 2 weeks and sold 17k. Matsuri sold 90k in it's first 2 weeks.

>> No.6760106


By your logic Indiana Jones should have inherited Star Wars fanbase.

>> No.6760110

Umineko started as quite popular, skyrocketed around ep 3-4, then dropped.
I love this vn but I'm not delusional enough to believe Umineko was a success in Japan.
R07's strength is being a great character and setup writer but as long as he can't find a decent resolution to his own plots, he'll never go anywhere.

>> No.6760124


They were expecting more harem and school life, they got adults bitching over inheritance.

Don't call Umineko shitty by comparing it to Higurashi which is the same kind of shit by the same author.

>> No.6760130


It didn't skyrocket at 3-4.

EP1 gathered the most attention by far as everybody thought it's the second Higurashi.

But then people saw that there are no high school kids and lolis, and instead there is a bunch of old people talking about finances.

>> No.6760133



>> No.6760202
File: 432 KB, 800x800, 5ee4962427605cfca4f25ec5ad0a427e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rifyu Erika in a pirate hat is my fetish

>> No.6760210
File: 388 KB, 766x771, 1284735141529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when the Umineko page only had a Beatrice portrait up and some other stuff (iirc), I thought it just wouldn't be my thing.
Then comes EP 3 / 4 along and everyone hyping it on the boards here, so I decided to give in and stuck with it ever since.

I can understand what >>6760124 said, as a story about adults bickering about a heritage wouldn't appeal to the people who were watching Higurashi for the cute girls and throat scratching.
Though the whole Magic rollercoaster thing after EP3 probably would, but they never end up there because they quit after (or even during) EP1.

>> No.6760212

Actually later eps have lots of little girls in revealing costumes. I liked umineko much more when it about old men and money.

>> No.6760215


>> No.6760221
File: 55 KB, 300x300, 1284813922811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Erika is my hero.

>> No.6760247

White Album on PS3 sold 30000 on its first week
Stop looking for excuse.

>> No.6760312
File: 209 KB, 500x600, 6eeb60f3aefa4f9b04e1269876ca1f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika Thread.

>> No.6760323

Both seemed to be murder mysteries in repeating worlds set in the 80s. Claiming they were as different as Star Wars and Indiana Jones is moronic.

Did you miss the fact that Higurashi was much more popular than Umineko before the anime came out?

And the fact that Ryukishi was famous should have helped bring Umineko to the attention of people less interested in high school hijinks who could have compensated for Higurashi fans that left. That didn't happen.

>> No.6760329

There's one glaring problem. Umineko is 100% shit after the first arc.

I sure as shit hope this problem doesn't persist with Higanbana.

>> No.6760354

again white album was the entire thing had a new character route.

>> No.6760372

Let's face it, Higurashi got R07 too popular for his own good. Umineko went to shit after BT died, his route on Rewrite was the weakest one, I haven't read his manga but have been told it's not that great...
He's trying to go pro but he obviously lacks the stuff required.

>> No.6760373

I hope you guys are aware EP7's voting poll required registration this time around.

>> No.6760381

I wonder what her Pantyhose would turn into, PSG style.

>> No.6760385
File: 431 KB, 1277x1024, 15721422_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaoi fanbase gets Will x Lion end
Yuri fanbase gets Bern x Lambda sexual frustation battle
Straight fanbase gets amnesia end

I'm very ok with this.

>> No.6760386

>his route on Rewrite was the weakest one
Lucia had the least time, even less than Shizuru.
And when she isn't hitting Kotaro and chills out, she's pretty cute, unlike Chihaya, fucking retard.

>> No.6760395

I had voted in some of the earlier polls and they required you to register on the site as well.

In any case, earlier Umineko polls didn't have vastly different numbers of votes so I doubt that had much of an effect.

>> No.6760396


>the attention of people less interested in high school hijinks who could have compensated for Higurashi fans that left.

Implying those people could ever compensate half of the school hijinks who left.
Take a look at the anime, manga, VN releases and the popular stuff. People wants little girls being cute, not old people being bitchy.

>> No.6760410 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 640x452, 1_20070501010245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You all need to read Verochia. If there's one thing R07 knows how to do, is characters.

>> No.6760404
File: 273 KB, 600x690, 15655009_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is Erika so awesome?

>> No.6760407

Actually, Higanbana has the strongest opening arc yet. The "Battler/Keiichi" clone is the one who kills the MC and starts the time loop shenanigans.

It remains to be seen if he can keep things going.

>> No.6760421
File: 323 KB, 640x452, 1_20070501010245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You all need to read Verochia. If there's one thing R07 knows how to do, it's characters.

>> No.6760424

>Yaoi fanbase gets Will x Lion end
Worst end of the three, sadly.
>Yuri fanbase gets Bern x Lambda sexual frustation battle
This was awesome. Too bad it took seven episodes and a million words to make their relationship interesting and worth giving a fuck about.
>Straight fanbase gets amnesia end
Surprisingly, the best end.

>> No.6760476
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>> No.6760485
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>> No.6760488

this probably has something to do with all the western/disgusting gajin stuff in seacats, compared to "it's like i'm really japanese" higurashi.

>> No.6760490

I wonder if that guy with the portraits all over his room will remodel it following episode 8

>> No.6760514
File: 499 KB, 700x512, 14054211_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dual Scythes.
Red & Blue

>> No.6760574

What? Western stuff is cool and exotic to the Japanese. Why do you think they like to pepper their pop songs with Engrish?

>> No.6760605
File: 1.00 MB, 1300x867, c99750f4bdfa63e3965c5e647ead7c17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6760635
File: 24 KB, 547x354, Willard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who fought who in the magic battles in EP 8?

>> No.6760657

What is this shit about Ange having had cancer?
That's a lie, right?

>> No.6760661

Battler vs Erika
Ange vs Beatrice
Everyone vs Goats
Lambda vs Bern
Pirate Erika vs Rosa, Kyrie, Dlanor and Beatrice
Aurora vs Lambda
Battler vs Bern
Ange vs Bern

>> No.6760664

Literally everyone, be it magic or real character + Ange/Battler + Lambda against goats + Erika + Bern + Featherine

>> No.6760665
File: 149 KB, 642x527, Tsb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else reading Tsubasa? Shit's pretty fun.

>> No.6760667

Anyone able to translate this?

>> No.6760668

It was mentioned in the beginning of ???? that she had undergone a surgery and had to sit in the chair during the whole autograph session.

>> No.6760675

Wait Pirate Erika?

Erika's a Pirate now?

>> No.6760681

Yes, she is commanding a fleet of pirate sheeps full of goatmen that attacks Rokkenjima.
She's wearing a pirate hat too.

>> No.6760684

Was it said it was due to cancer?

>> No.6760689
File: 158 KB, 750x640, 15706112_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best EP8 scene

>> No.6760697

explain yourself

>> No.6760700

So is non-meta auau suppose to be an older Erika or is she just some chick?

>> No.6760703

>she had undergone a surgery
so that's why she thinks Bern really spoke to her
meta world confirmed to be inexistant

>> No.6760705

Just some random person because Erika is Kawabata

>> No.6760714

I think he meant the scene where Battler decides to become a follower of Kamijou Touma and punches Bern in the face like the fist of the north star while lastendconductor is playing.

>> No.6760717

You haven't read it, have you? Near the final battle motherfucking Battler first punches her in the face then launches a flurry of hits/kicks which she avoids. The final one lands sending her to the ground, vomiting. "When one hit connects, it's a moracle. When two, it's not".

>> No.6760720

wait what, erika is the boat captain?


>> No.6760730

No I have not read it, but thank you for explaining.

>> No.6760734

One of the popular fake spoilers that appeared on the first day.

>> No.6760738

Nope. Erika is AuAu, R07 confirmed it, don't bother him.

>> No.6760741

No, it was just really one faggot spamming it in every thread, and people telling him off. There was nothing popular about it.

>> No.6760750

Yes, just checked again.

>> No.6760751
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>> No.6760757
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>> No.6760759

Which better Layton loli Ange or Pirate Erika?

>> No.6760762


>> No.6760770


Battler sure is acting high and mighty for a faggot who needed everybody's help to beat Bern.

>> No.6760771

Erika is always best.

>> No.6760777
File: 127 KB, 492x600, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was his final fanfiction, go easy on him.

>> No.6760779
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>Pirate Erika

>> No.6760781


"Eat my golden kamehameha!"

God that shit was stupid.

>> No.6760794
File: 94 KB, 3102x740, umineko graph 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished episode 8 and I must say that it wasn't as bad as most people here are saying. We didn't find out the ultimate truth, some things were left unexplained and the end of the final battle was a bit shounen-ish, but overall it was quite enjoyable. It had some of the best fighting scenes in the series and the music was top notch as usual.
I don't have any particular complaints about the ending (????). It actually was quite emotional and bittersweet despite amnesia being a very nasty move from R07. Also, I didn't notice what was the basis of popular claims that Battler thought up everything and meta world never existed. It was never stated that what we read and what Touya wrote was the same in the first place. And some reminiscences heavily imply that at least Ange's backstory in episode 4 actually happened in the real world.

>> No.6760804

Your graph shows you have fucking awful taste

>> No.6760810

Well, to be fair, it was never actually confirmed that Erika died after falling from the boat. Just that she disappeared, and was assumed dead. So some people are suggesting that she simply changed her identity and met (or re-met, if there's any truth to the suggestion Erika's unfaithful ex was actually Battler) Battler and helped him after he lost his memory. Erika appears in Eps 5 and 6 in part as an homage to her old self, who was obsessed with 'truth' and didn't understand love.

>> No.6760811

Honestly, I don't see the appeal of Umineko... Anyone wanna explain it to me?

>> No.6760815

I still hate all this love crap. It's basically like saying that you need to become irrational like the other people to in order to understand them.

>> No.6760817

It is a mystery

>> No.6760818


>> No.6760821


>> No.6760827
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, 1259663843634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true /jp/er. Clearly, you have had little to no contact with the opposite sex.

>> No.6760831

Yes, if you want to understand someone you have to empathise with him.

>> No.6760834

Personally here are some of the reasons that I enjoyed Umineko:

memorable characters
logic battles
fun concepts like fantasy scenes and the meta-world to view a mass murder without knowing who the culprit is
excellent classical western theme
a fucking island during a storm as the setting with servants and shit, so romantic if you know what I mean by romantic in that sense

>> No.6760842

I'll give it a try, it has to be popular for a reason, right? Thanks bro.

>> No.6760844

You forgot to mention the music

If you aren't listening to lastendconductor right now then you really should

>> No.6760846

Can't seem to find it at the usual places.

Where is it?

Or are you just trolling me, anon?

>> No.6760849

The characters for a good 80% both Umineko and Higurashi had the best characters ever.
The concept, mysterious locked island + slaughter + witches was exactly my kind of thing and i loved the fuck out of ep2 Beato.

Then, even if the ship started to sink I still sticked around because I'm no quitter and I was curious to know the solution to everything. Turns out, I didn't anyway.

>> No.6760853

sorry, that as a huge oversight my friend

>> No.6760858

The fuck does that have to do with Umineko's support of a psychopathic ideology?

If R07 likes murderers so goddamn much, maybe I'll give him a 50 caliber present!

>> No.6760859
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 9b63d999268145ee529bf3b7897cb6ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6760862

If there is something I can't understand with the Umineko fags, it's the way they seem to think the characters are amazing or something.

Most characters in Umineko are unmemorable as fuck, Umineko is fucking long yet only like 5-6 feel well characterized.
You guys should really play some other things, seriously;

>> No.6760863


>> No.6760874
File: 14 KB, 206x168, dazed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, really, who did they leave out?

>> No.6760876

>Umineko fags
>read something other than Umineko
Keep dreaming, most of them are probably replaying it from the beginning.

>> No.6760885
File: 100 KB, 448x746, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pirate Erika vs Dlanor
Why ;_;

>> No.6760886

Really, noone.

Will, Stakes, Siestas, Dlanor, Ronove, Lia and Gaap fought the Goats.
Battler vs Erika
Beato vs ANGE

Also, just a question, but where did the Beato in this Episode come from? Is that explained?

>> No.6760889
File: 2.13 MB, 2683x3035, 1294164064283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry. Too busy listening on 飛翔 - I wonder if it will show up correctly?
I wonder what it's english name is.

>> No.6760891

I don't believe it. Are you saying Zepar and Furfur actually got involved?

>> No.6760893

That always puzzled me too. Even for a VN, their characters are horribly one-dimensional. Is it because of the ZUN-tier designs? Or because they're all retarded fangirls?

>> No.6760896

Ah, no. They are merely the 'hosts' for Lambda and AuAu, I believe.

>> No.6760908


Because Erika would do anything to get a hot futa session from Bern.

>> No.6760910

well the fans on /jp/ knows that there horribly one-dimensional, i hope anyway. Also, was it ever explianed who eva beato was? was she really eva or yasu randomly? I dont get her..

>> No.6760913

I read other VNs and I enjoy Umineko

>> No.6760925

>Are you saying Zepar and Furfur actually got involved?
They were there, but they weren't fighting.

>Also, just a question, but where did the Beato in this Episode come from? Is that explained?
It was Battler's gameboard made for Ange.

>> No.6760934

Ah, so it was a piece Beato, eh?

>> No.6761359

Well, I suppose Siesta 556 didn't participate in any combat in EP8, but she died before the events on Rokkenjima and unlike with Sakutarou, Ange never found another ceramic rabbit figure with a trumpet. So it's only natural.

>> No.6761370

They did relay messages between floors of the mansion at one point during the early part of the battle, as I remember.

>> No.6761396

this is ridiculous..

>> No.6761401

I don't get why people hate Bern so much.

>> No.6761418
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Yeah, Bern is a great person

>> No.6761441

She's an amazing person I'm glad you agree.

>> No.6761559

someone actually hates Bern?

>> No.6761566

I don't hate her as much as her fanboys who like her because she's SO CRUEL and TROLING XD

>> No.6761581

Some didn't see trollkastel coming so they feel betrayed or something.

I just hate the whole burgers hijinks.

>> No.6761698
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>> No.6761720

I usually love trolling, sociopath characters but Bernkastel is just bland and unappealing.
And her fanboys are as annoying as Erika's and Rika's, they actually made the characters insufferable for me (though I never really cared about them)

>> No.6761724

I liked her because she opposed that whole "let's ignore the mystery and what really happened. All that matters is love!" that Umineko ended with.

>> No.6761753

translation please

>> No.6762323

Thing is, she wasn't interested in the truth itself, not like Ange was. Bern just wanted to reveal the truth, regardless of what the truth actually was. No respect for the people who were victims of the crime.

>> No.6762341

Which is better then hiding something simply because it could hurt someones feelings.

>> No.6762407

Considering that Ange refused to accept the truth in Eva's diary, despite having been told with red text that it was indeed the truth, and then committed suicide because of it, Battler's decision was probably the better one.

>> No.6762413

Not really. Bitch deserves to commit suicide if she can't take it.

>> No.6762414

Ange: "Tell me the truth!"
Battler: "You can't handle the truth!"

And she couldn't.

>> No.6762502

The more I think about it the more I think he'll give us the truth in Rei. It won't be an "episode" because it won't be a "novel" like the rest. It'll be a documentation or confession. That explains why he called Ep8 the final episode, but not the conclusion of the story. In fact, he called it a side-story in a diary post.

>> No.6762747

OK, I have seen 2 pics with Eva-Beatrice and Erika paired up together now... I am really curious what they're up to in EP8, anyone have any idea?

>> No.6762996

Both are kicking the goat's asses in order to protect Loli-Ange.
By the way, does anyone have a script from ep7 like these ones?
I know how to extract the script of the game, but the layout would be everything but convenient.

>> No.6763008

Well. He don't want to give the truth in the first place. But he is supposed to give "clear hints" for a culprit,a motive, etc. This should come with rei.

>> No.6763055
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Beatrice died on October 1986.

Therefore, the Golden Land she created has completely destroyed.
All of your relatives who were kept alive in the Golden Land have been destroyed as well.

Your father, mother,

and, of course, Battler

will come back to you,
will call out your name



>> No.6763143

And then, Battler and Ange completely kicked Bern's ass. This was beautiful.

>> No.6763198 [DELETED] 
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Ho you Ryu.

>> No.6763207


Funny how Bern get a happy ending.

While Ange and Battler lost their families and lived shitty lives.

>> No.6763214
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Ho you ryu.

>> No.6763217

At least they are able to move on.

>> No.6763222

Well, for Battler it's his own fault. okay, only kind of.

I still don't know if I must take the " Featherine takes 3 hours to write something" as something real, or as a "fuck you Bern, I promised Ange a miracle kakera so she will have her brother".

>> No.6763247

Okay I haven't been following episodes 6/7/8, can anyone spoil me what's up with Kyrie? [she's my favorite character as well as the prime suspect for a culprit]

I hear she was a real bitch in 7 and had a shotgun face-off to death with Eva?

>> No.6763294

Yeah, and nothing new in ep8. not even a motive.
Just lolgold and that's all.

>> No.6763406

Not that it's much of a surprise at all, but they finally confirmed Kyrie is Battler's real mom; Rudolf switched him with Asumu's miscarried baby to hide the fact that he cheated on his wife (Asumu).

>> No.6763881


then who was asumu? and same with who was rosa's father?

i dont doubt if they were already shown somehow but stuff like that needed to be figured first if they arent going to be in Rei

>> No.6764041

> who was asumu?
Rudolf's first wife, the real mother of the stillborn Battler. Any more is unnecessary as she died six years before the Rokkenjima incident.

> and same with who was rosa's father?
Doesn't matter; he disappeared nine years before the Rokkenjima incident and never showed up again.

>> No.6764117


It's really annoying how all those little things that seemed like hints turned out to be of no importance.

>> No.6764122

Red Herrings are key to R07s works.

>> No.6764135

Red Herrings are R07's works

>> No.6764175


really? thats why kyrie was so innocent right? then the servants/yasu was figured out from the start and those unexplained things that seemed like last hopes of the mystery part just never meant anything

>> No.6764186

The truth wasn't explained because in episode 8 they decided to hide it forever. The tea party of episode 7 wasn't the truth either. We don't know if Kyrie is the culprit, but judging by Ange's reaction in ep8 it might be the case.
Also, it was explained why Touya could find the truth after ep2 and write ep3-6, it was because Battler survived and lived with her.

>> No.6764235

Rather, it was because the person we thought was Touya was actually named Ikuko, and the real Touya was Battler.

>> No.6764274

Unrelated, but how does Shannon refer to Jessica? By name, or just "Milady"?

i-it's not like i'm writing a fapfic or anything. stupid sexy /jp/.

>> No.6764279

Ojou-sama when around others Jessica when it's just the two of them

>> No.6764284


I think EP7 Tea Party was accurate, but it left out many important things on purpose. Like Battler.

>> No.6764750

It was not the truth. Said by Bernkastel herself.

Battler missing from ep7 would be stupid if it was only this. Her goal was to troll Ange to the max in ep7, so putting Battler as a culprit would have been the best way to do it.
Well, ep8 is Bern's gameboard too anyway, so it is only more confusing. A gameboard but Ange kill herself in the end, nice.
Maybe every gameboard is "real" or whatever, even this would make more sense now.
(by the way I'm still wondering if Ryukishi understand this damn catbox correctly. It could change a lot of things.)

>> No.6764798


It's wasn't the truth, but that doesn't mean it was 100% bullshit.

I think Bern made Kyrie and Rudolf look like crazy murderers and changed their words/thoughts a lot, but what happened was very close to the truth.

>> No.6765266

In her own words, Bern was testing Ange to see if she was ready to handle the REAL truth. She didn't seem to be.

>> No.6765282

>(by the way I'm still wondering if Ryukishi understand this damn catbox correctly. It could change a lot of things.)
Until the box is opened and the truth revealed (it may or may never be), then technically EVERYTHING we've seen up to this point can be accounted for as what happened on Rokkenjima, no matter how much the stories contradict one another.

That is the paradox of Schrodinger's box.

>> No.6765310

she died from the jump fall, shes a pile of meat either way.

>> No.6765338

Not in either ending, she doesn't.

In the "magic" ending, Ange gives up learning the truth, knowing she will never obtain it, and moves on with her life.

In the "trick" ending, Ange persists in searching for the truth, catches on to the plot to kill her and takes action accordingly.

No Ange suicide for you!

>> No.6765356

>Bern was testing Ange to see if she was ready to handle the REAL truth

Is this where the Battler Culprit theory comes from? I can't really imagine much worse than your parents being murderers. Battler would be though considering all the development and affection they have together throughout the series.

>> No.6765360


So what was the truth in Trick then?

>> No.6765369

She does before the ending choice, to show what would happen if she read Eva's diary

>> No.6765384

>>meta-world "suicide"

>> No.6765392

Can anyone explain to me in Ep4, how was the doctor killed using Shannon = Beatrice theory.

>> No.6765398

Shannon and Kanon died
Yasu was still alive
Yasu killed Nanjo

>> No.6765413

I thought Yasu is Shannon = Kannon + Beatrice?

>> No.6765426

Yaus is composed of
Yasu, who is Beato
Shannon the maid
Kanon the buttler

>> No.6765445

So spiritual soul of Shannon and Kannon's body died and the voodoo remainds of Yasu killed the doctor?
Red words speaks of killer being dead only spiritualy?

>> No.6765482

Nobody can explain?

>> No.6765490

Not even Ryukishi

>> No.6765496

Personalities can die and the red wilñl count them as dead.
So Yasu being Yasu killed Nanjo.

>> No.6765501

I'm beginning to think we haven't seen everything yet.

>> No.6765533

Sorry i was asking about Ep3 not 4. The one about Eva.

>> No.6765553

Does R07 know that DID doesn't really exist?
