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6760190 No.6760190 [Reply] [Original]

Since the old thread is gone.

New update will bring Ouka to garapon and a new UC garapon.

>> No.6760199
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>> No.6760204 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6760209
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>> No.6760222
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>> No.6760254

>UC garapon
>- We will be adding several new stages to Union Wars, as well as removing the Night Highway stage from the rotation and making it a Team Fight only stage.
Boo. Night highway was fun, dammit.
>- Many parts which were only available as drops in other game modes will now be available as random drops from Union Wars.
Cool. I mostly play union wars anyway.
>- Rooms will now begin running with a minimum of 2 players (one on each side). We hope this will make it easier for players to get the rooms that they want to play to start running.
Looks like they're more worried about the massive drop-off of people after all.

>> No.6760263

what the fuck, they should remove some lvl5 rooms instead of night highway

>the return of Ouka
well shit

>The 50% OFF Rt Robot Sale
uhm, maybe I can buy a robot with my shitty 25rt now

>> No.6760276


Hue hue hue it begins. I can't wait for Ivis and there still will be people saying RT is not unbalanced at all.

>> No.6760281

They've done a good job in the early days so far. The best was the first week without Rt though, thems were the days.

>> No.6760290

No anon, THE days were the previous Betas where you could get whatever you wanted for free and there was a better variety of stuff.

>> No.6760300

>40 Rt for 1 spin, 160 Rt for 5 spins.

Haha oh wow. No wonder why more people stop playing every week.

>> No.6760301
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It's nice that Ouka's here but I'm wondering a bit about the 1/2 off bot sale. From a business perspective, it's kinda early for Cyberstep to be making this kind of concessions, IMO. Either the user numbers are worse than they appear or possibly the English GMs are overemphasizing player feedback.

>> No.6760313

>Either the user numbers are worse than they appear
You do realize the number of players per day dropped from 1200~ to 380~ don't you?

>> No.6760317
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>50% Off everything
Are you fucking kidding me.
Picture related, replace troll with paying people and /jp/ with Cyberstep.

>> No.6760554

>We will be adding several new stages to Union Wars

>as well as removing the Night Highway stage from the rotation and making it a Team Fight only stage.

>>We will be removing the only unique and amusing stage from the lineup.

Son of a fuck. I mean, seriously, these nerds can't deal with a map that only takes slightly longer than random arkantus and is unique? Time for angry emails.

>> No.6760564

It's a map perfectly fit for Team fight.

It's not like a regular arena map such as green fields.

>> No.6760625

The problem with Night Highway is that when it's 5v5 or less you rarely ever see anybody on the opposing team. It's okay at 15v15, even if it's a little random, but with small amounts of people it turns into a snoozefest where you are doing nothing but riding around for a good majority of the time. The best solution would be to take it out of the faction v faction and leave it in the shuffle rooms with the qualifier that there has to be a certain number of people for it to come up.

>> No.6760742

On second thought, you're right, they should indeed be worrying about 5v5 room sizes since the player base is rapidly disappearing.

Unfortunately, half the map lineup is a snoozefest in 5v5, so that's quite a silly argument. Wide glaciar? May as well make Thin Glaciar. Green Field? How about Green Garden with Bug Nets to keep the airs under 50m above the land/support/art instead of them playing a less hammer-involved version of Pop-a-Mole. This is because they are made for 15v15 or 30v30.

Aside from all that though, there is an entire set of maps made for 5v5 in the team fight lineup.

>> No.6760798

At least on those maps there is a clear indication of where your enemy is and where you should go compared to the `run in a circle and hope to see somebody' of Night Highway. Yes they aren't very fun with small numbers of people, but they aren't near as bad as Night Highway.

>> No.6760801

actually it's more like "baaawww my rt broken build can't place 1st in night highway, I want it removed baawww"

>> No.6761127

They should have the map selection algorithm take the number if players into account. I always hate getting huge maps when the room is less than half full.

I don't really care about taking Night Highway out. It's only a single map, one we didn't even have in the betas.

I have a feeling that the 50% off RT prices are going to stay at that level once Feb 2nd comes around, and probably just be made the official prices. It would effectively be a price hike rather than the end of a promotion, since the 50% off prices will have been around for so long, and that won't go over well. I know that I'm planning on buying bots for the ~$5 they're going for now, but I probably wouldn't buy more than 1 or 2 at $10.

>> No.6761759

I just ruined 3 Titan bazookas trying to get 2x high rapid in.
Got one in each.

55% MY ASS

>> No.6761772
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Feels bad man

>> No.6761787

That's not how things work son.

>> No.6761818

>Everything is 50% off (the prices should stay this way to be reasonable at all)
>UC Garapon actually has something cool

What am I reading?

>> No.6761877

they alway do 50% off in the jp version, I don't know why you people are surprised. Sales are good way to get people to buy shit.

>> No.6761899
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>50% off

CyberStep sure know their way to my wallet.

>> No.6761929

People like kanbara don't whine about night highway because they can't get first on it, they whine about it because they're autists who play 120 matches a day.

Night highway is only fun for it's gimmick, and after you've seen said gimmick 400+ times, it just becomes irritating. The only reason it's still fun to you is because you likely haven't played it more than twenty times.

>> No.6761944

I love this picture. That guy looks like he's made of butter or molasses or something

>> No.6761956
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What stats does this give?

>> No.6761987

There are like 600 on now, so I think it's just a kids-back-in-school thing.

speaking of kids, if the players really do drop to a critical point, Tempura or whoever could consider getting some ad thing with Gaia. It's basically just an ad farm for children who buy 500$ worth of pixel items from it every month anyway. They'd go, register for CB to get their shitty little pixels and maybe buy a shitton of RT because they have nothing better to spend their money on. Give them a free decent bot and you'd probably be set.

>> No.6762033

"Sign up with this referral link and receive 100 RT and a shiny hat for free!

It'd be a desperate act, but I'd rather see that happen than the game die.

>> No.6762038

They need to fucking get rid of all the lv5 capped room that don't even have any people in it. There should only be ONE lv5 capped room per faction and one for shuffle. THAT'S IT.

Seriously, it's fucking stupid trying to look for a room and I have to scroll down through EMPTY lv5 rooms.

Not only that, but now that they added those new rooms, regular 15v15 faction rooms are now almost always EMPTY.

If all I get to use are lv5 bots, then I'll just load up with 3 Helingals and never buy anything from cash shop ever again.

>> No.6762042

But since they're gaiafags, they'd probably all join WIZ and make our faction even worse.

>> No.6762137

>Free Rt using this referral link!*

>*You must select DOS to receive your promotional Rt.

>> No.6762174

Stop whining about that. It was a good idea and they're good rooms.

They just just eliminate 30 vs 30 rooms altogether and maybe make the level 5 ones 10 vs 10 max.

>Night Highway
To those complaining about that, go play on team mode.

It was the worst map ever besides the random one and the final destination one.

If they made more racetrack maps that didn't force you to move or didn't have stupid spikes trying to drive into you, that'd be fine.

I also agree with the last thread's post that there should be at least one capture the flag mode in the normal arena.

>> No.6762185

I defeated cacpetus hard on the 2nd try. What were exactly the cost requirements anyway? I never saw them explained (or maybe I skipped them). In the end I used a beezle, botcopter and destructor.

>> No.6762192

>and the final destination one.
What map is that?

>> No.6762198

1000 cost total to burn away. Not that hard to understand, anon. It's not the cost of your commando.

>> No.6762215
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I don't remember its name but it's just an open narrow road with a line in the middle.

Here's a pic of it

>> No.6762224

It's called Dull Road.

Quite fitting.

>> No.6762229

I don't get it, why so upset over the Highway? Whenever I play it I just go Jikun Jikun Jikun and attack arty while ignoring everything else. I also tend to get first place a lot. You don't even have to lag, just play smart.

>> No.6762248

The only good thing I can think of about Dull Road is that Air types don't have a huge terrain advantage like they do in nearly every other map.

>> No.6762257

>Jikun Jikun Jikun
>Play smart
>No lag

Even people with normal connections teleport all over the place when using Jikun Because it's a broken part.

>> No.6762280

No idea, doesn't seem to be on the JP wiki.

>> No.6762288

It's a 30x30 map, you will never play in it again.

I'm very sad Night Highway is gone as it was my favorite map. I would trade out my commando for 2 hopping shinos with 8 vulcans and a winbell and place darn near close to first if not first.

I can't believe people complained over it and not Random Arctanus

>> No.6762291

The low toughness of a leg-onry Jikun makes it so that an arty can unload on you and stun you without you being able to reach them. I constantly get destroyed when I'm not careful because of just how much damage they can dish out. But no, let's assume I don't run from losing situations and don't always try to take my opponent by surprise, and that I don't only go into suicide situations if it will get me a 2k arty kill.

Not to mention that after a kick you're unable to boost right away and so you've got to be careful not to accidentally kick off the road.

Oh wait, maybe you just like to whine about being a bad player.

>> No.6762296

Ah. It's not really THAT bad either, it is pretty to the point, but...

playing on it reminds me of the battles in Cosmic Commander.

>> No.6762325

>night highway
>do nothing but jump into the portal during the entire match
>get top 10 and Best Supporter

That was my awards farming map...

>> No.6762364

No matter how hard you try to justify, your broken bot will always be broken.

When your enemy can't hit you because you are going underground while teleporting there is clearly a problem.

>> No.6762461

Have you even really ever played it? Have you ever played a Jikun that didn't lag? I switch between Jikun, Winn, Crim, and Mach and still get around top 5 every game, so it's really not "hurr broken bot". I can also kill Jikuns when I play air, which is how the triangle goes.

The only time I've seen Jikuns lag through the floor is when they're already lagging a shitload. Not every Jikun lags through the floor.

What do you play, arty? Are you butt-devastated that there's actually something that can kill you?

>> No.6762754

I've lagged through the floor so hard, I got destroyed on the spot. Happened on Temple Site and the other map with a similar pit.

>> No.6762783

I play Air.

And for your information I don't have problems killing Jikuns. And yes I already played a lot with Jikun and guess what? kicking randomly and hitting people on the way proved to be affective, people would burn ammo trying to hit me while I was getting away kicking the air or kicking the shit out of their ARTs and LNDs. It's just like a hopper in this way of not being hit, have you ever played one? I got pissed at them and made one myself, it's my "team salvation" bot that I use when my Seraph dies. It's the same thing, people can't aim properly at you.

>> No.6762830
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>> No.6762842

Eh, I never got that one.

>> No.6762851

>she wants to fuck

>> No.6762853
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>> No.6762891

I apologise then, I mistook you for a beginner. You know what you're talking about, and so I respect your opinion. Hoppers and Jikun are cheap bots against weaker characters I'll admit, but against anyone who knows what they're doing they can't change the tide as much as strong players in strong bots. Well, at least without lagging. Whether or not Jikun is broken as a whole though (again, without massive lag), we've got entirely different viewpoints.

>> No.6762906


>> No.6763250

What would be the most similar to the botcopter UC build? I like it, but the lack of customization is bad.

>> No.6763262


Cosmic break wiki. I'm thinking of adding a section that also roughly tells where the gate and treasures are. By roughly I mean upper right, lower left, ect. Can someone make a section for it so I can add it in?

>> No.6763327

Why would you bother? It changes every week.

>> No.6763372

>against anyone who knows what they're doing

So, about 3% of the current CB population? More often than not, you end up as the only one in the entire fight doing sensible shit like keeping on the ledges in Deep Forest or not rushing to the enemy side like an idiot in Tsundora Wall. You wouldn't believe how many artilleries remained stationary while I plinked them from the air with a fucking beam gun until they died.

Even during the very end of the closed beta, anyone could get first place by equipping a pair of Izuna BS and flying around ART until ammo ran out, because people apparently can't figure out that moving when you're being shot at is a good idea.

>> No.6763420

You are over doing it when you say 3%

>> No.6763507

Sure but it can always be updated weekly too.

>> No.6764309

Isn't it just a rotation of similar maps? Just post pictures of all the map types with the gate locations.

>> No.6764319


No, both the locations and maps change. I updated it a bit btw.

>> No.6764366

they can put shit on sale as much as they want but they won't be getting any more money from me until they remove the shitty gambling machines. it's a shame since I had a lot of fun during the beta.

>> No.6764371
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Anyone? Anyone at all?

>> No.6764386

fuck you nigger give me that crimchan. the lucky faggot with the swimsuit thorala can hand her over too.

>> No.6764403

I have one of those, it gives something like +1 TGH and +5 CAPA.

>> No.6764420

>We're adding a UC Garapon featuring Koko Gaap and floating Mini Crim and Mini Lily accessories! The UC Garapon may be spun once for 500 UC and 5 times for 2000 UC.

I've never played JPCB so I don't what its UC garapon is like. How much junk items should I expect to also be in this garapon?

Well I've only got about a half hour to wait and see so I guess I should just wait.

Though this UC garapon looks pretty damn cheap.

>> No.6764441
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Mmm, my delicious Ouka will be back.

>> No.6764468

hey guys im pretty excited bout the UC gachapon but bummed that there taking out night highway from shuffle

also kinda sad that clans are dying out i may think of going to a new one

>> No.6764483

>Hey guys, I'm pretty excited about the UC garapon, but bummed that they're taking out Night Highway from shuffle.

>I'm also kind of sad that clans are dying out. I may think of going to a new one.

Here is your post in better grammatical format. Please, at the very least, use periods in the future.

>> No.6764494

>UC garapon

I have at least 200k UC to spend. I get so much UC from playing CB so much I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.6764515
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Udonge, looks like you have a much easier way of procuring Bunny Ears now. Shame it won't give you back all the time you've spent on Berzelius though.

>> No.6764525
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>> No.6764528


>> No.6764541

Spent 20k UC already on the UC garapon. I've gotten all the bronze ACs already. I've only gotten a gold ball once though which was strangely my very first roll.

>> No.6764547

Jikuns teleport is literally fucked, even without lag if your'e using it next to an incline you can teleport through the ground. Just go spam your tackle attack on green field by the power spot, have fun jikunfaggots.

>> No.6764556

fuck you I actually liked her. why do you niggers keep getting the things I want? it's so unfair.

>> No.6764558
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>> No.6764560

yeah I'm mad. it pisses me off seeing people getting the robots I want while I know if I roll I'll just get garbage.

>> No.6764563

Don't worry bro, I rolled gara #1 10 times and all I got was cross raptor.

>> No.6764566

oh wow i just rolled 5x for ouka gach and got ouka first roll, winberrl second and thorla i feels happy. Anyone else have any luck?

>> No.6764577

25000 UC spent: 3 mini crims, 1 mini lily, a billion wonder bits, and 2 rabbit hairbands.

Really wanted that Koko Gaap, but still, a good day.

>> No.6764593
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>> No.6764604

I have now spent all 40k UC I have. I got 1 mini Lily, 5 rabbit bands, 5 flower ribbon roses, 4 white hair scarves, 2 mascot pepens, and 5 repair bits.

Those were the only notable things I got. 100 rolls and 1 gold ball. Got a bunch of silver and bronze though. Sadly only one of the silver balls had repair bits.

Guess it's grinding UC tomorrow for me.

>> No.6764608

koko garp on uc garapon? damn english cb is much more generous compared to shitty jpcb.

>> No.6764613

Only because that lightning gun is even more phallic than the Dickgale rifle, right?

>> No.6764614
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that gun is huge

>> No.6764622

did any of you lucky niggers that got one try shooting it? is it shitty like the core weapon or is it actually good

>> No.6764630

I spent about as much as you, and I got a Koko Gaap just then, and one Mini Crim, no Mini Lily though.

>> No.6764635

Anybody have any tips for soloing bosses with UC bots? Would it be possible to do Haku 3 or at least Haku 2?

>> No.6764638

Lady General's Cape...
What slot is it and what stats does it give?

>> No.6764643
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To be honest, JPCB is much better due to Rt events, SP boxes and star coins, with which you can buy Slot Protector Omegas and get some pretty nice builds. See this Izuna, I paid absolutely nothing for her and only have ~300 ingame hours, a good 50 or so spent idling with a bazaar up.

It's a good weapon but since you're using a L AIR to begin with, why not get a Stardust?

>> No.6764648

It has a brief charge time but it seems useable I fired it around wiz when I got her the cannon is so looong

>> No.6764652

because it looks cool obviously. how does it work? does it have to charge up like the core weapon? does it do splash damage?

>> No.6764657

>To be honest, JPCB is much better due to Rt events, SP boxes and star coins, with which you can buy Slot Protector Omegas and get some pretty nice builds.

You're right. Tempura is merely trying to buy our affection with crap, in compaarison to JP version

>> No.6764667

I don't care about star coins or free rt. I just want to buy the robots I want without gambling. is that too much to ask?

>> No.6764671


Hahahaha, no. Now keep quiet or gtfo.

>> No.6764708

That SS size gun in Ouka garapon looks VERY interesting. If anyone's gotten one, please be sure to tell us how it is. Thanks.

>> No.6764711

is it just a smaller core breaker? the damage seems a lot lower though.

>> No.6764752

but if it has the same breaking power as the core breaker, that'd be excellent for my small bots!

>> No.6764758

small bots can already use core breakers though

>> No.6764774
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First UC Garapon roll.

>> No.6764807

>no tickets in UC gara
I'm frustrated.

Also, in JP server the chips are in sets of 3.

>> No.6764842
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I've only seen the 3rd place one... What do the other ones look like?

>> No.6764848

but core breaker is not available is it? Armor Breaker is in the shop.

>> No.6764889
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>> No.6764901

Can someone who has a Thoarla tell me what's the price of the legs?

>> No.6764907

are thorala legs better than aquila ones?

>> No.6764922

They are much smaller and can be equipped by all types.

>> No.6764964
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Well, shit.

>> No.6764980

I spent 56kUC in garapon, got 3 koko 3 mini crims and NO LILY, WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.6765123

They're nice because you can equip and extra booster. This was no big deal in beta since you could get the same stats of legs+extra booster with tuning, but now that would be quite useful.

>> No.6765276

Whats wrong? Dayu is much cooler

>> No.6765279

Dayu is a slut and worse than vengeful Ouka.

>> No.6765329

for Haku spam jikun with 3way dagger

for berzelius spam 2 x sweeper shotguns

I haven't done 3 star fractulus though, but spam the best blasters and shotguns anyways.

>> No.6765475

Quite literally, an oiran is a prostitute afterall.

>> No.6765478

Yeah we know that.

>> No.6765525

Player numbers have increased from 350 to 490.

>> No.6765571

She's ... in ... UC ... garapon?

I take back anything I said against CB and the devs thereof. I'm willing to forgive them of their faggotry for this.

Must have more chibis.

>> No.6765617

36k spent, one koko and a crim

>> No.6765619

If anyone's still interested, JPCB has the level up campaign back until the 27th. Slot Protector Alpha for Level 6, 3 Star Coins for Level 7 and Slot Protector Omega for Level 10 are the important items.

>> No.6765628

Even people who don't regularly play JP CB after the EN one opened should be logging in daily to get the free lotto cubes while they last.

>> No.6765656

>increased from 350
Who would be playing at this time of day anyway? Eastern Europeans? NEETs?

>> No.6765664


>> No.6765667

Rolled around 10 times and obtained 2 lily and a crim.
But no Koko... I'm doing garapon again because I want to save money for seraph promotion B

>> No.6765675
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>> No.6765681

Well, it's 2 pm in here.
In the morning (local time) there were 600 people on channel 1

>> No.6765805


I wish we had these in EN CB.

I've gotten some nice things among the garbage with the alts I have.
Random UC bots
UC Weapons
Tune Up Materials
Cosmo Harmonics
Wonder Bits
Seraph Promotion
Cross Shooter Mod
Kamui Staff

I've also seen:
shop Thoarla Nimbus
10 Rt
1 Rt
random Garapon only weapons

It would be nice to have some incentive to log in every day for EN CB.

>> No.6765970

>Cross Shooter Mod
Oh sweet. I've been wanting a cross shooter to go seraph-hunting with, and didn't really like the short range of the mini bazooka.

>> No.6766069

So um guys i have a question, just made my account and i wonder what'll get Displayed online,The player Name and the ID or Nickname?

>> No.6766075

The name you input in-game.

>> No.6766077

player name

>> No.6766338

No, AIR bots cannot use any of the rifles except musket. Holy shit, can you imagine AIR bot with this SS breaker?

>> No.6766386

I don't like when people use chibi crim, her hyper shot circle is so useless without ammo supply, in fact, it makes me waste more ammo. Whenever I see a chibi bot with ammo circle, I think, thank God for that!

>> No.6766408

In a lot of cases ammo is better but there is one very important thing to remember, on maps without a power spot or where the power spot is in a dangerous place that hyper shot circle means that they can heal at double speed anywhere on the map.

>> No.6766442

I can use my chibi-crim as a tiny little ball of pure death. I kicked Kaikai's ass with her once and he yelled out, 'berserk chibi!' I'll sometimes lay a rapid fire circle down then charge people and fly a circle around them shooting off a million wide beam gun shots until they die. It's really fun on large artillery who never expected a chibi to take them down.

It depends on how its used.

>> No.6766548

Finally got my very own ロリババァ.

Too bad the rose hairband is clipping through her hair (and several others too).

>> No.6766556

The circle only affects you, it doesn't affect your bits.
You'd need someone with a burst fire bit for that.

>> No.6766561

Behold my Union Flag.

>> No.6766726
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>> No.6766751

Bend over.

>> No.6766776 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6766814

That zipper goes all the way down you know.

>> No.6766843

A bit deformed but I saved it.

>> No.6766877

>A bit deformed

That's packet's charm

>> No.6766928

>night highway
>pick destructor
>run one circle so that most players are split up, then run "against" the circuit effectively staying in same spot at a place where track is broad
>get 1st place erry game from airs getting shot down or jikuns dieing to my 8vulcan

Let me tell you what it does: it somewhat fucks over airs, since even slow bots will move faster than airs when running with the circuit. It somewhat fucks over hoppers, since slow bots can run away with the circuit and hoppers can fall off. It somewhat fucks over the mega high walks lands as well. With other word it fucks over most of the fagbuilds but clever people will still know how to deal damage and get top.

Having to randomly run along the circuit untill you meet someone if it's a low player game? Don't tell me people really so fucking dumb they never thought running against the track to stay where the one track runs below the other and just wait till opponents pass by ?

>> No.6766933

So now with the 50% off, what are the best bots for 25-30 rt?

>> No.6766940

screw running against the track, stand on the platforms. Sure they can be shot out from under you but too many times players shoot the platform instead of you which is just extra bonus.

>> No.6766957

if you run against the track you may encounter the whole enemy team though, then is you who's fucked

>> No.6766963

My vote goes for Bugsycait, Hatigarm, Mecha Jetter Girl, and Destructor Girl.

Though I love Sturbanger simply because he LOOKS badass I admit he's not a terrific bot.

Thorla Nimbus is one of the few large air right now outside of garapon but her alt fire (Jupitizer) is nearly worthless there are certainly worse bots you can buy and she's the only large air moebot.

>> No.6766966

Oh shit, 25-30 Rt? You're on your own, I've never purchased one of those cheap Rt bots.

>> No.6766988

All right, looking in the shop.

For 30 Rt Winbell has detachable arms so you can throw drawguns on something else ... I think. Psycho Formula is fun, he has mild tracking and a very long range, I played one during beta for a little bit. I bought an Rt Crimrose for her 2 slotted arms and legs, I still think it was worth it.

I wouldn't consider the others mainly because they're things like Izuna Kamui Nagi, Tessladona, and Jikuns which you can buy non slotted versions for UC. Unless you plan on upgrades I can't see a point, I just stole their arms and legs anyway.

More advice is surely coming.

>> No.6766992

this is why you follow the track for one full lap first. by then you pretty much wont run into more than 3 enemies at time.

>> No.6767017
File: 43 KB, 280x313, living the dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chibis, chibis everywhere

>> No.6767050


Psycho Formula is fun to put the arms on Lily Rain and use Moving Burst while flying around.

>> No.6767153


Hey, Hey Listen!

>> No.6767309

I have 40 rt right now. should I buy an aquila or try to get 5 more from rank up rewards to get a saggitary? I don't really feel like playing though so I don't know how long that would take me.

>> No.6767371

Does anyone know where can you find the Cosmos which can't be bought from crim store?

Midoro Cosmos in particular, just grinding Arcantus? any special area?

>> No.6767392

blue balls

>> No.6767438

I like Saggi more than Aquila. That TGH sucks, although the extra BS slot can be nice.

>> No.6767454


You can get Midoro Cosmos from boss quests. I have a bunch I'll never use because I'm worried about breaking my stuff. I wish the slot protectors weren't cash only.

>> No.6767551
File: 170 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-01-05 17-10-00-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Emperor

>> No.6767617

I have a really hard time with the Sagitary Maxis I bought in jpCB but that could be because a heavy artillery is impossible to play in Japan. It completely turned me off from them though.

>> No.6767757
File: 149 KB, 543x346, theOTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ouka available only for a limited time? Does that mean shes impossible to get after Feb 2nd?

>> No.6767770

Because she is overpowered. Yes, it will be impossible.

It will be the same for Ivis.

>> No.6767810




>> No.6767910
File: 370 KB, 800x600, 13039067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very familiar with the specifics of how Stealth System works.

Here are some scenarios I was wondering about:

If the enemy targets you, will you show up on their radar?
If you target the enemy, will you show up on their radar?

Basically, I just want to know when you DO show up on their radar.

>> No.6767920

No and no, unless they have broad radar in which case they will be able to see you on the radar normally.

>> No.6767925

>If the enemy targets you, will you show up on their radar?
Yes. As long as his aim is locked in you, you will show up in their radar.
>If you target the enemy, will you show up on their radar?
Not in their radar, but they will see that alert that someone is targeting you. To remove that you will need the Sniper cartridge.

>> No.6767928

Never unless they have broad radar and only for the person with broad radar. What's really fun is shooting someone that never shows up on your radar nor anyone elses for that matter.

I depend on the radar to kill people so I find it pretty tough when facing small bots like Jikuns that are off the radar.

>> No.6767943

People with stealth show up in my radar when I'm hitting them.

>> No.6767944

I'm disappointed that the "pro players" are whining about Night Highway and never figured out a working strategy for it.

Goes to show they rely on fagbuilds too much. gg BRD.

>> No.6767945

>as well as removing the Night Highway stage

Well, fuck you Cybertrolls. Time to uninstall.

>> No.6767956

Yeah but especially for Jikuns though it's true for many small bots they move past you, I lose lock and they disappear again. Especially if they're kicking/lagging I lose track of where they went. When I'm trying to swing around to shoot them again I have a tough time knowing which way to turn.

>> No.6768061

That stage is built solely to annoy you. We are not /v/ with their "OH YEAH I'M SO HARDCORE I WISH MORE OF MY BONES WERE BROKEN" love of bullshit stages.

>> No.6768072
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>> No.6768088
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>> No.6768109

>>implying your hatred of shmups and implying you're just as bad as those SSB tourneyfags

>> No.6768151

I jelly.
Jelly of all the rtfags.

>> No.6768181

What's your ign?

I want to follow your cute crim-chan around.

>> No.6768182

How many core upgrades does it take before the ammo circles start giving ammo?

>> No.6768189
File: 707 KB, 1300x873, 1293854525673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend like 16k on garapon
>Get a Koko and all the accessories

>> No.6768204

Heh, i have rolled 150k now and still no Koko or Mini Crim. Repair bits in uc gara makes me happy though, and i got incredibly lucky in Ouka-gara too.

>> No.6768235
File: 367 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110106_2110_55_801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for stalking. ;_;

>> No.6768244


On my Coco, approximately zero.

>> No.6768323
File: 371 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110106_1823_40_966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys agree or disagree?

>> No.6768334


dat chibi face

>> No.6768354

I see, do you know if the core upgrades gives more ammo?

>> No.6768484

After some hard thinking I decided to use my leftover Rt on the Ouka-gara instead of Bugsycait. I had exactly 40Rt left over, just enough for one spin. It was Ouka.

>> No.6768607


>> No.6768610
File: 604 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110106_2213_28_277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to happen to me after every epoch.

>> No.6768640


>> No.6768673

that's what you get for being a rtfag
I want an amateus ;_;

>> No.6768698

I've never seen anything like that. Might have something to do with your video card.

>> No.6768732

Wretched garapon, why do you insist on giving me all these verdammt repair bits? All I want are some bunny ears!

Update your video drivers.

>> No.6768914

My ctrl+M does not work. I can use ctrl+s and ctrl+L and everything else and they all work, except member chat!

I just finished reinstalling CB because I thought that'd help, but it does nothing. You guys have any idea?

>> No.6769197

Just type /member

Or hit esc, click on the bit that tells you how you're using the chat, and press /member.

>> No.6769207
File: 123 KB, 719x483, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that make you rage...

>> No.6769278

what a faggot

>> No.6769296


Close the ports! Shut down everything!

>> No.6769307

>Or hit esc, click on the bit that tells you how you're using the chat, and press /member.

That's what I've been doing so far. It's really annoying.

Typing /member is much easier though, since it doesn't require any clicking. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.6769361

you can also just type /m

>> No.6769386
File: 1023 KB, 1740x741, img_cache_tc_473768_1_1293660971_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret junking and recycling my Jikun Long now...

>> No.6769424

Don't know where that skin is from but it's really nice.

>> No.6769438


The skin is from Warhammer 40K

>> No.6769442


I'm pretty sure the source is Cosmic Break

>> No.6769460

there will never be scanned cosmic break doujins

>> No.6769475


>> No.6769487
File: 59 KB, 550x485, 1193800636027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that canaan fag had a blonde jikun skinned to look like alicia florence, but he didn't even think to use the oar edge weapon. some people are undeservedly lucky.

>> No.6769530

From my experience the first 2 core upgrades are for # of times you can use the circles. Each time you step over one you get 10% of your ammo back, that includes recharging your alt weapon.

I don't know what the other 2 core upgrades do, I assume number of times you can blow kisses.

>> No.6769539
File: 94 KB, 294x534, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't as good looking as the xmas D-girl skinned as Alice anyway

>> No.6769600

That's all? Shouldn't be leveling my koko then. I just want it for ammunition resupply

>> No.6769662


Each upgrade changes stats on both your hearts and magic circle. Looks useless, if you ask me, but I haven't actually tried it.

>Ammo: 300->320->340->360->380
>Speed: 155->165->175->185->205
>Interval: 1000->1000->1000->940->900

>Magical Circle
>Ammo: 10->12->15->20->20
>Interval: 30000->30000->30000->28000->25000

>> No.6769666
File: 67 KB, 350x338, 1294255240455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit right?
It's shit.

>> No.6769681

Interval upgrade is the only thing remotely useful, but not by much.

>> No.6769824

404K UC and 60 RT.
How are you so baller

>> No.6770078

everythingfine here

we kick all you asses good

>> No.6770094
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>> No.6770123
File: 202 KB, 461x759, img_cache_t_179761_1_1285496228_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this i dont even...

>> No.6770126
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>> No.6770176

Hahaha, what show is that from?

>> No.6770178

Milky Holmes. Heard it started off meh, but then spiraled into pretty awesome territory, but I haven't seen it myself.

>> No.6770183

It's a truely degenerate show, but manages to successfully hide behind that moe facade for the most part.

>> No.6770223

youre just jealous we're better than all of 4chan

>> No.6770232 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 231x259, 1294252912766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this stupid shit

>> No.6770238

Lol right, I kicked Kaikai's ass with a goddamn chibi crimrose. Paying $400+ does not make them gods.

>> No.6770261


>> No.6770274
File: 67 KB, 1002x367, fagbuildsplus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asukuu, taetae, kaikai

Hey guys remember back when everyone had the same access to robots?

Taetae is 13th

>> No.6770339

idc b/c all you noobs do in order to win is call the rest of you guys to beat us 12 x 4 xD

>> No.6770400
File: 99 KB, 1000x512, ohboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic Break Scoring and BP math puzzle.

How did a handful of hotglue win this match, when half of wiz had negative scores?

Hint: Check Cost Column

>> No.6770407

0/10. Go back to Gaia.

>> No.6770418


>4535 cost

>> No.6770435

Because we should never try out new builds or have bad luck ever right? That's why I hate playing this game sometimes, I constantly get top 5 but just the risk of me getting a bad game almost makes me not want to play. I'm not that Hotglue nerd though, I play DOS.

>> No.6770444



>> No.6770448

Now I just feel like an idiot.

>> No.6770466

red team has a lot of players with high damage but low frags. blue has a lot of players with high support. most of the damage red was doing was probably getting healed. blue had 35 total kills compared to red's 29. like I've said tons of times before score doesn't really mean shit about who wins or loses.

>> No.6770554
File: 121 KB, 769x426, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even win with 2-to-1 advantage.

BTW there was another everythingderp guy there and some BRDs too.

We kicked their asses 3 times in a row, after which they ran away.

>> No.6770559
File: 410 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110107_0322_40_697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2v15, second place below RT filled commando. Playing UC only, feels good. Less damage, but I've been getting a better ratio. First place guy uses Ouka.

>> No.6770579 [DELETED] 

>5795 cost
>first place

What the fuck, this is unexcusable. The score system needs to be reworked so that retarded suicide rushes are punished more. Doing 1500 damage and not incurring any BP penalty is much better than doing 5000 damage and losing your team 10000BP by yourself.

>> No.6770585

You're logic is flawed, why should someone who goes in, does a shitload of damage, gets kills, and actually fights the enemy (and therefore gets their attention) be penalized while you're in your crimrose stealing kills or picking off stragglers, never actually being shot at.

>> No.6770586
File: 405 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110107_0334_18_281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us winning 2v15. Normally I'd attack their PS, but this time I guess I used mine and it helped. Much less fun though. The best part was when half of WIZ left the room after we won.

The advantage actually powers you up, so if you've got a small team of talented people you can beat larger teams of generally weaker players. You probably know this though.

>> No.6770589
File: 55 KB, 553x472, crimrose aaaaghbhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot into sentences at 6:40

>> No.6770597


dem mad snowflakes

>> No.6770617

Because people with that sort of damage/cost ratio aren't good players who engage the enemy with a sound strategy, they're hoppers/Ivis/Ouka. If they knew how to play they wouldn't have 5000 cost, for comparison JPCB Ivis and Ouka flank like a motherfucker and have much lower costs. There's no excuse to left/right clicking a hundred times every game, wrecking your team's BP, and still getting away with first place because most of the ENCB players aren't accustomed to the game yet. Not that the latter are to blame, the game just started and it's natural.

I deleted the previous post since I didn't notice the 2v15 part, but this happens in 15v15 all the time too, so the point stands.

>> No.6770657

I kinda agree with you but it goes both ways. Sometimes I'll be playing an air or something and draw a lot of the attention of the enemy towards me, but my team never takes advantage of it. They'll be blasting at each other, 14v15 for example, and then I distract enough so maybe it's now 14v10. They don't push and nothing different happens, as if I never decreased the amount of enemies they were fighting.

If you've got a guy rushing in and distracting the enemy, take advantage of it. If everyone is targeting him and he gets killed, you should be in a better position because now you hopefully have damaged them quite a bit while they weren't shooting at you. This is a simple view of course, and pubs shouldn't be relied on this much, but a good team should still take advantage of everything that happens.

>> No.6770695

If you draw too much fire and stick around you die from focused missile spam too fast for anyone to take advantage of it. Better to sneak in and gank a single lower health bot at the sides, then run away while the other bots either don't even notice or start firing on you as you retreat. Drawing fire doesn't always help the other players.

>> No.6770731 [SPOILER] 
File: 342 KB, 600x800, 15175778_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all you durr Im assassin so sneeky XD

In most of the matches, you're able to gank lone bots because rest of the enemy team is chasing that guy that has 2000+ contrib at the end of game.

It's much, much easier to deal damage and get away with it when much of the opposing team is busy shooting someone else.

>> No.6770786
File: 737 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110105_0950_01_071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a 2v9 match when it started, I think it was 3v11or10 at the end. Stat boost sure are nice.

>> No.6770798

wow they should make a name for that. maybe they could call it "teamwork."

>> No.6770805

Bullshit. A bunch of faggots hopping around makes things worse, since everybody starts dodging when they see a hopper, making some of your stealth shots miss instead of nailing fatasses sitting on the PS. It's only when the opposing team is completely overrun that you start gaining a real advantage, but then at that point it's a free for all.

>> No.6770837

What, since when did playing evasive and hitting lone enemies at edge mean rushing the PS?

>> No.6770840

I've said it before and I'll say it again;
LND: For being shot at and dodging around while other support them
ART: For actually doing most of the damage through bombardment
AIR: For attacks of opportunity on low health retreating bots and harassing enemy who stay still

LND: Gets shot, no support
ART: Shoot at hoppers, get meleed to death and shot by air
AIR: ??? Chasing down that one jikun on the other side of the map while the rest of the team is taken apart by the rest of the enemies

>> No.6770850

>LND: tries to 1v15 for maximum score, dies
>ART: tries to 1v15 for maximum score, dies
>AIR: tries to 1v15 for maximum score, dies

>> No.6770884

Then who was sup?

>> No.6770894

SUP: Harass or kill the enemy depending on their bot (e.g. pulsardio's just fuck around missiling, winberryls trap and destroy) and then heal at powerspot after ensuring the enemy are tied up elsewhere, or heal further back if it looks like you'll be overrun. Or set up magic circles, or assault bits like rapid fire.

SUP: Farm trees for items while the team is dying at enemy powerspot, go to powerspot just when the enemy begins a counterattack with 5 land units and call "Repairing!!" then wonder why everyone is on fire and the enemy racked up 5 kills in 10 seconds.

>> No.6770947


SUP: Be bugsy with all the faggot carts including shortboost and fuck over everything because they can equip most weapons, can use melee bits and have no weakness / resist carts to everything.


>> No.6770965

>>6770894 SUP: Farm trees for items
This is what healers are supposed to do.
Not fuck around on the frontline and die like a retard.

>> No.6771021


If you a winberl, then it's a waste if you aren't drawgunning airs/arts on the "middle field" or trapping LND near your PS.

Most other arts with special abilities need to be in the "middle" or front to use those.

Even if your art does not have any special abilities, you often have enough mobility to sip powerspots hypershot and then rush out and snipe some enemy in middle field, return, repeat. As long as your team isn't excessively agressive in pushing forward or sieging PS it will work.

>> No.6771054

>This is what healers are supposed to do.
Not fuck around on the frontline and die like a retard.
A pulsardio near the front lines renders enemy arty worse than useless.
A winberryl can drag arty off cliffs and through tunnels, and can trap land and airs.
Sigma clocks can spam traps, any chibis can make magic circles. And other support types almost always have SOMETHING they can do to help out if they hang near arty. At the very least they spread out the damage done.

>> No.6771174

What do you recomend for a Squidol then?

>> No.6771190

You do that for retards that try to get near your PS. You don't have to go to the front lines and kill yourself.

Of course the situation may vary, if your team is on a clear offensive then you should go with them to the enemy PS, but you shouldn't do that unless the situation is totally favorable.

>> No.6771219
File: 562 KB, 800x600, PEPENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revive the Arks! Defeat Chaos! Assist in finding ancient treasures!

moebots shooting each other

Also, >>6770840 and >>6770947 are starting to remind me about OBT1 organization. As in none.

You know, an anime of CosmicBreak would work fine if it explained where these moebots came from anyways.

>> No.6771285

Misty Hollow is the one invisible right?

>> No.6771328

It's not that cut and dried. Whether to play attack vs defensive SUP really depends on the map and the situation. Sometimes it's better to blast a few trees to crank out a quick heal & items, sometimes it's better to be drawgunning on the front line.

>explained where these moebots came from anyways
"First a daddy robot meets a mommy robot, and then CLANG CLANG CLANG. Then, 9 manufacturing cycles later, a brand new chibi robot is shipped."

>> No.6771347

If you want to play offensive Winberrl, then focus on it. Use dual slayer bits or something that will go well with the thorns, instead of half-assing both.

>> No.6771357

More like
>It's freaking Koko's magic; I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.6771387

I thought they came from different dimensions.

Speaking of Koko, I decided to ask Wedge if CyberStep could make full size versions of Koko and Gaap; he said that he might throw that suggestion to them and see what happens.

>> No.6771424

I like rapidfire bits for my offensive winbell.

>> No.6771662

Me too. It's what I've been using.

>> No.6771700

Please ask him to make him Amateus Girl next with a 4x core upgrade boost like D-girl got, thanks.

>> No.6771724

Dream on.

And yes, the robots come from other dimensions. They end up in Cosmic Ark the same way you do when you start playing.

>> No.6771764

>full size versions of Koko and Gaap

I hope they read their Goetia and make Gaap a teleporting support robot with an inbuilt quagmire weapon (you use it and the area under you becomes water for some time, think RO's Quagmire spell. Would be nice for stopping Boost Run LND.)

I'm still hoping for a mine-based robot. It'd probably have to be a rather slow ART, so that it can't run/fly over the whole field dropping mines. Still, you could climb on the favorite AIR perches in Midnight Vision, Glacier Night, Relic Towers and so on, drop a couple of mines on each ledge and wait until some careless sod steps on them. Would be fun in tunnel maps like Tundra Wall, too.

>> No.6771774

>(you use it and the area under you becomes water for some time
Haha, they will never do something like that.

The other idea is nice though.

>> No.6771845

I want a shaden girl chibi that uses tumble when her booster runs out.

>> No.6771885

the tumble is supposed to be clumsy moe.

if you haven't noticed most melee weapons combo into the tumble. I suppose its some sort of overdoing it and falling over. pretty hrngggh with the rapier on ground however.

>> No.6771889
File: 149 KB, 566x800, gaiaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Motherfucking Christ.

If the ridiculously high RT prices hadn't convinced you to drop the game, surely the influx of Gaiafags will. Look at this shit. LOOK AT IT AND FEEL YOUR RAGE BURN. This isn't even one instance, there are tons of these threads advertising people's pants of head retarded ideas.

There used to be 800+ on channel 1, now I barely see it break 500. And it seems the only ones left are fucking people who make shit like this.

>> No.6771895

So he's suggesting that Jikun should be upgraded into a Space Marine?

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6771903


I was under the impression that shit was cool only on /a/ and /v/ or similar boards.
Take it easy, man.

>> No.6771955
File: 49 KB, 481x436, jikun hu OMEGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That looks pretty sugoi. I decided to make one of my own.

>> No.6772057

>>6771889 surely the influx of Gaiafags will.
What? Why would I be upset that someone else is paying for the servers?

>> No.6772158


post yours on the thread

>> No.6772195

As long as hotglue has some people, and we don't start inviting random people, I don't really care.

>> No.6772202
File: 120 KB, 1058x883, DESTRUCTOR PROMOTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772223

Nice one Mina.

>> No.6772232

I can feel your autism

>> No.6772242
File: 28 KB, 295x290, コントラディクト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you lie about it being original

i am disappointed!

>> No.6772248

Reminds me of Okuu for some reason.

>> No.6772279

>160 Rt for 5 spins.
A friendly reminder that 160 RT
is 16 bucks USD...


All for the low low price of 4000 RT. BUY IT NOW while it's still 50% OFF!!

>if the players really do drop to a critical point, Tempura or whoever could consider getting some ad thing with Gaia
There's already been a number of threads on Gaia about Cosmic Break...

Apparently, this game is too ANIME for the average GAIAN.


>> No.6772291

>There's already been a number of threads on Gaia

You know this how?

>> No.6772301 [DELETED] 


You forgot quickland


Judging by his

I think we both know why he knows this.

>> No.6772307


Judging by his

I think we both know why he knows this.

>> No.6772329


Some sort of attorney Destructor. Appears in hopeless cases, presents his objections in form of missiles.

>> No.6772336

>railgun arm

>40 force
>500 int

>> No.6772335 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1814x1225, Ivis promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not steal

>> No.6772341

>completely see-through skirt

Fund it.

>> No.6772345
File: 191 KB, 1814x1225, Ivis promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not steal. fixed a word

>> No.6772347

>You know this how?


I heard it from Vyolets! >.>

>> No.6772350

You have way too much free time

>> No.6772351

Get out.

>> No.6772356


or was it Very Melon??

Your kind all look the same to me~

>> No.6772360
File: 60 KB, 810x556, jikun promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help I am not good with MS Paint

>> No.6772361
File: 34 KB, 350x350, udonge20061231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already making more but I'll be away for a week so this will probably be forgotten by then.

It's pretty fun actually. I'll try to add more details like Mina did next time.

>> No.6772367

>Ability to create clones
That's just as awesome as Ivis's mind control.

>> No.6772383
File: 146 KB, 1058x1001, DESTRUCTOR PROMOTION 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amended Destructor Promotion to keep the balance.

>> No.6772394
File: 5 KB, 539x512, OriginalCharacter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're both fucked

>> No.6772402


I think I'm going to make a Frog Lander promotion.

>> No.6772406

Someone explain what do Koko Gaap's kisses and magic circle do.
All I know is that the circle gives some extra range.

>> No.6772417

Is that your work, Wulfgar?

>> No.6772419
File: 38 KB, 810x556, misty promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiss restores a small amount of HP and gives a defensive buff. The cycle gives some extra ammo and long range.

>> No.6772422
File: 43 KB, 668x650, shin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chest is completely flat for smaller target

>> No.6772425

Kisses heal allies for a small amount of health and adds a period of All Guard.

Magic Circles for Koko Gaap gives anyone who steps into the circle a small amount of ammo for current weapons and Long Range. It varies from chibi to chibi.

Also, you guys, just draw CyberStep some new MATEs then.

>> No.6772435

Kisses give all guard for a few second, and heal for like 3 HP. It targets friendly only, got decent range and homing.

Her magical circle gives long range and refills 10% ammo of your current weapons. Long range overlaps hypershot. Each circle gives you enough time to get the long range/refill ammo effect twice.

>> No.6772457


Alright thanks.
Was wondering why arties jumped on it like stoners on crack.
Thought the kisses gave the same benifits for a shorter duration, too bad.
How long does the guard bonus they give lasts?

>> No.6772461

Packet promotion: Bigger breasts, narrower eyes

>> No.6772473

what does koko's leg attack do?

>> No.6772496
File: 75 KB, 1058x1001, GWYAIN PROMOTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772498
File: 36 KB, 530x680, I AM BECOME DEATH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all small time.
behold the destroyer of worlds.

>> No.6772510

Guys, post your promotion ideas in the Jikun Hu promotion thread or something.

>> No.6772520

Give me a Winberrl or Lily Rain MATE.

>> No.6772525

>ss art
the fuck? do these people play the game or not?

>> No.6772558
File: 230 KB, 1814x1437, Frog Lander promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772602


TEC 20
WLK 20
TGH 26
Smaller hitbox than a Cacpetus

Cart Upgrades
Core x2
Boost Run
Quick Boost
Tough Run
Fire Resist

Stealth System
Sniper Sight
Stun Regain

Moving Burst
Revenge Shot

>> No.6772616
File: 60 KB, 810x556, original mate do not steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw CyberStep some new MATEs then.

Okay sure. Drawing with a mouse sucks though.

Those are all parodies.

>> No.6772622

>just draw CyberStep some new MATEs then.

Why bother drawing? Just make CS-chan a mate in addition to a bot.

Then have all of her requests involve rolling the RT garapon

>> No.6772636

Eventually there will be a mate garapon

>> No.6772668
File: 76 KB, 650x490, 45672565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sturbanger promotion from /toy/

>> No.6772690
File: 62 KB, 481x436, mate concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772713
File: 148 KB, 800x632, itprintsmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772737

Should I upgrade Koko Gaap's core?
Seems like one of the few useful carts for her.

>> No.6772757

Nah, it's pretty useless, focus on Blast Guard and capacity increases instead. Rather than adding worthless carts, just using a lower level robot is much better. Hell, many final builds aren't level 10.

>> No.6772770

guns and missiles everywheeeere

>> No.6772803

Well, all she's good at is spamming kisses and spawning magic circles, and both are core weapons.
She can barely hold a beam gun, she's just not fit for fighting.

>> No.6773000

Hence "SUP"port. Make yourself useful and heal people.

>> No.6773382
File: 355 KB, 1280x960, cant have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're all into promotions for awesome new bots, this is approximately what I would like to see added.

>> No.6773406

Yes, and since her core weapons are a big part of her support role (long range, ammo and all-guard bonuses), wouldn't upgrading them be a good idea?

>> No.6773435

what a fag bot

>> No.6773479


>> No.6773482

Well if you get 10% back ammo and >>6772435 is correct, won't her core get 2 ammo per use?

Either way, it's probably better to have more health/guards, and be able to hold a weapon with which to farm trees or something.

What happens if a chibi kisses an enemy, anyway?

>> No.6773506


Look at my earlier post, >>6769662. As you can see, The upgrade just boosts speed on the kiss even though you just about never have problems hitting allies with it, reduces interval by 10% and 17% respectively, and increases ammo even though you should never come close to running out because you can just stand in your own shell circles. Regardless of your upgrade count, the kiss heals the same amount, all guard reduces damage by the same amount, shell supply still restores 10% ammo active weapons, and long range does the same whatever it does.

>> No.6773510


I've only had that happen once, and I don't think anything happened.

>> No.6773575

It would be wonderful, don't be a hater. Everything should have moebot versions.

>> No.6773872

NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
NEW THREAD: >>6773868
