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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3 KB, 168x264, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6752714 No.6752714 [Reply] [Original]

sub-human japanese culture; nothing original yet all stolen
and a board dedicated to follow their savagery

Mods please delete this board. We don't need a /jp/. It's the most useless board on 4chan without doubt. This board has an intelligence level equaling to that of /b/ with autism. Nobody here can even name one reason to keep this board going other that "lol ronery 2D waifu~<3".
Mods please delete this board.

>> No.6752728

mod here
we can't delete boards sorry to disappoint you

>> No.6752757

wapanese are the plague of this generation. america needs to nuke tokyo and ban anime. even owning an anime poster should sentence anyone to death.
2D waifu is shit-tier and it was never good. what do waps and japs have in common? they're both unemployed, basement dwelling insects that need to die on the bottom of our shoes.

>> No.6752772

please don't swear online

>> No.6752763

Reported for posing/announcing that you are a mod.

>> No.6752777

Nobody cares about America though. Why are you posting about it?

>> No.6752797

Otakus are autistic kids suffering from schizophrenia. Basically a human trash with useless taste in waifu. They assume they're sophisticated and smart by knowing 2 japanese words while worshiping a bug-eyed action figure

>> No.6752801

>implying mods have the ability to remove entire boards


>> No.6752809

You shouldn't stay up so late and go to bed, you have school tomorrow.

>> No.6752810

/jp/ isn't about Japan or anime.

>> No.6752815

So what provoked this latest round of autism? An /a/ "Epik raid XD"?

>> No.6752818

Nah, I think it was /v/ this time.

>> No.6752829

I have a reason, it's the same reason /b/ exists, really.
It keeps this stuff out of all the other boards

>> No.6752835

American cartoon characters have been better than japanese anime characters since the beginning of time. No argument here. Wapanese and Otakus indulge in a lost perception of reality by filling their empty void with drawings of girls. They're unemployed, useless, autistic, and deny the fact that they get mad easily. Too defensive with zero finesse / subtlety

>> No.6752845

>Too defensive with zero finesse / subtlety
this sounds more like your trolling attempts

>> No.6752847

>It keeps this stuff out of all the other boards

Mods need to perma ban everyone talking about waifu and delete /jp/. There's your cure for cancer.

>> No.6752848

Pretty much right on the money there. Moot created /jp/ to get rid of all the Touhou and VN threads /a/.

>> No.6752851

It's /a/ that won't shut up about waifu.

>> No.6752852

What's wrong wapanese? Declaring troll cuz you can't handle reality? too hard for you waptaku? :3

>> No.6752854

look, everybody! it's a /b/tard?

>> No.6752856

How does /jp/ holding /jp/ discussions about /jp/-related material in their own board "cancerify" 4chan?

>> No.6752857

>american cartoons
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.6752859

>It's /jp/ that wont shut up about waifu

>> No.6752863
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 1267619016612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cartoon characters have been better than japanese anime characters since the beginning of time. No argument here.

>> No.6752865

You must not come here very often.

>> No.6752868
File: 10 KB, 180x174, 1276981048265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you don't know what a troll is

>> No.6752873

actually, they both suck

>> No.6752877

ITT a faggot from /v/ tries to troll /jp/ using extreme generalizations and aspies from /jp/ think he's being serious.

Just another day on 4chan.

>> No.6752878

Yeah, that ought to get us really mad, because this is the board for anime, and there's no way somebody can come in here and announce that their gaijin cartoons can even come close to the SUGOI anime that we talk about all the time, this being /a/.

>> No.6752881

>using mfw to defend ur taste on the internet
Thou Vexed?

>> No.6752890

so it's /v/ aspies vs /jp/ aspies, but /v/ has minecraft threads every day with constant notch cocksucking, so /v/ has more aspies

>> No.6752901 [DELETED] 

Okay. So since moot is already normal, and his creation is already normal, it is just right to purge out the last nerd paradise and 4chan will be a happy place for normals?

Bring on canv.as then.

>> No.6752904

Nope. I wasn't even defending anything either, just pointing out how retarded that sounded.

>> No.6752905

Fapping to plastic figures made in china
>Implying implications
Stay classy /jp/

>> No.6752908

remember when /jp/ didnt respond to these threads seriously?

/v/ /b/ and /a/ (and probably /new/ /sp/ and /vp/) should be blocked from posting here, they bring their horrible ways of posting such as "trolling" "using reacting pictures" "misusing greentext" and "responding to these threads seriously" I'm still frustrated over how many people responded to that spacebar tripfag seriously a few weeks back

>> No.6752910

Lol good job OP, It's apparent that /jp/ is visibly upset
trolled hard

>> No.6752913
File: 465 KB, 1884x1233, 1292611326403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Troll Culture

>> No.6752915


>> No.6752919
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 1289234198878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

madfags in denial

trolling /jp/ = ultra-easy tier

>> No.6752916
File: 68 KB, 426x325, 1284656694334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck easy to troll since the beginning of time

>> No.6752923

of course they are!
look at umineko

>> No.6752929

I'm asking who Suigin is talking about you fucking retard. How the fuck can that be "trolling" me? Jesus Christ, kids these days are being pathetic as hell.

>> No.6752930

It's true, recently we have had an influx of easily trolled retards. We're just as disappointed in /jp/ as you are.

>> No.6752931
File: 15 KB, 450x360, 1291924762509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do this to us? We didn't do anything to you

>> No.6752936


>> No.6752937
File: 309 KB, 375x500, vivi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolled hard lol
mission success

>> No.6752939
File: 29 KB, 349x642, jr47qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...they call this trolling now?

>> No.6752940

Oh... that guy. I don't even payed attention to his trip when he was around.

>> No.6752941


Some faggot that supposedly got banned from /a/ so decided to shit up /jp/. Used a k-on image as an "avatar" and basically shit up the board for about a day.

For some reason people felt a compulsion to reply to his threads. Fuck if I know why.

>> No.6752942

Excellent! What board shall we plunder next, comrade?

>> No.6752944

Implying any part of 4chan is anything but harmful to our society.

>> No.6752949

/jp/ should be erased. homofags raging and getting trolled while in denial (yeah all of you) don't even deserve a solitary board of confinement.

>> No.6752952

You should email moot about it.

He's not going to read it if you post it here, since he doesn't visit /jp/.

>> No.6752955

I rep /jp/ as a whole
What beef you got on us op?

>> No.6752958

It lets me vent my autism out before approaching the real world.

>> No.6752975

I am seriously replying to this thread because you said so.

>> No.6752967

No you don't.

>> No.6752966


>> No.6752978

/jp/ is a board about anime and japanese culture. We respect both very much now if you'll please leave

>> No.6752982

Go way OP.

>> No.6752987

You should consult your general physician for recommended proctologists, because you must be experiencing acute discomfort in the regions surrounding your rectum.

>> No.6752989

You represent /jp/? Please, tell you and your slutty sex slaves to go kill themselves
You guys are too easy to troll. Its so obvious.

>> No.6752994
File: 57 KB, 429x410, 1289419562557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about anime
Nice try. Now get out.

>> No.6752995

Replying to yourself is bad form, Anon-kun.

>> No.6752996
File: 54 KB, 239x294, bert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the people "trolling" and the people being "trolled" are the same person

>> No.6752998
File: 50 KB, 359x638, 1292407721227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /jp/ has a tripfag who represents the whole board
>mfw they get mad easily
>mfw when they're in denial
>mfw they post anime shit

>> No.6753004

/jp/ - Samefagging/General

>> No.6753006
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1292637939951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/'s angry counter-troll attempt
10/0, that's the best I can give you

>> No.6753009

I see this man is proving his own point.

>> No.6753011
File: 13 KB, 388x349, Noda20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow you are such a troll master, this shit is so epic, someone get a rar for all this win right here. I'm raging so hard right now I kicked my cat out of the window ffffffuuu.

>> No.6753017

I am replying you and the fact that I use sage is an obvious display of my angriness and obviously not an answer to your flawless, perfectly sound logic and great contribution to the overall quality of 4chan.

>> No.6753018
File: 57 KB, 143x221, mink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my waifu~ Mikukuku<3 SOO KAWAII NEEEEEEE ^___^

>> No.6753024
File: 216 KB, 716x957, 166187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take it too hard /jp/
just telling the truth straight up, y'all got trolled
The longer you're in denial the more it hurts. Its time to come to terms with your fail and anger
Pray to God
