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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6750000 No.6750000 [Reply] [Original]

Today I bought a ps3 slim for £50 from my bro... I understand that there are some quality /jp/ related games for it... recomendations please?

>> No.6750034


Nothing more, nothing less.

360 is the otaku home console of this generation.

>> No.6750047
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>> No.6750071
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Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls are the best games.

>> No.6750077

Not just NIS, Atlus. That means the Shin Megami Tensei franchise will be on it too. Although they seem to be in love with the NDS more than anything when it comes to SMT and similar dungeon crawlers.

>> No.6750148

You, go here:

That should answer most of your questions.

>> No.6750223

Atlus isn't in love with the NDS per se.

Atlus (of Japan) was recently bought out by a cell phone game manufacturer and has been pressured to make simpler games at a greater rate for more profit. Since most Atlus games rely on the story and have a VN type style for everything else it hasn't really affected a large portion of their games yet. Most of them appear similar in quality to those that came before, however if you look at the details it's pretty obvious they were rushed out. Like SMT: Strange Journey's lack of a flavor texts for all of the demons or any of a number of minor details that are going missing.

This is because with the push towards simpler (read cheaper to produce) games there's going to less game art, less soundtracks and less fully tested game mechanics. We're heading towards a future where badly thought out rushed games are only balanced by cheap clones of existing games only differentiated by story type and plot devices they choose to invoke.

A similar effect is going on with Sega of Japan right now thanks to a buyout from a Pachinko manufacturer. Which is why, aside from Sonic Team, almost every other in-house developer is now focusing on cheaper to make PSP/DS games and they've switched gears to be a more publishing oriented company (read the Sega name will be attached to crappy games that no one would have purchased otherwise. .[moreso])

>> No.6750251 [SPOILER] 
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You do realize PS3 is cursed, right?

>> No.6750297
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/jp/ related games for the PS3 I know and I played:

>Resonance of fate: Good and cool at the beggining, but extremely monotone with the time.

>Final Fantasy XIII: The same as above. A very lineal story and monotone battle system. Sazh looks like Garterbelt.

>Soul Calibur 4 (Well, semi-related to /jp/): Boring, but you can use it as a 3DCG.

The only /jp/ games I played are the ones you must avoid.

I heard about a HNK game for the PS3, I don't know anything about it anyway.

>> No.6750357
File: 360 KB, 1280x1024, myuria-tionysus-arumat-p-thanatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star ocean 4.

Xbox version: Worst game of all time just becase of the voice acting. Americanized art as well.

PS3 Version: Japanese audio track, original art, and the otaku pandering is done right. A tolerable RPG.

>> No.6750378
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You need Wangan and Initial D. /jp/ related? Who cares?

>> No.6750396

That's the most depressing thing I've read today. And it's credible, unlike the baseless claims I hear every day from Miyazaki fanboys that anime is getting shittier.

>> No.6750407
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now that is commitment to your waifu

>> No.6750412
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I just get all the RPGs and fighting games. 90% of the other stuff doesn't interest me.

SO4 would be the best Star Ocean in the series if the item creation didn't suck and the drama didn't get horribly out of hand for certain parts of the game.

>> No.6750438
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I need to find this guy

>> No.6750474
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It was the only (non-ero) rpg I ever played that has a catgirl sneak into bed with the hero. That has to count for something,

>> No.6750495

And here I was looking forward to playing this today

>> No.6750567

I'm sorry about that, I didn't intend to depress anyone today. Well think of all the happy things you can do like, play all those old games you've been meaning to get to or try out new companies that you've never given a shot.

It's a great chance to grow as a person!

>> No.6750664

I thought I remembered reading that the cell phone company was already under the same company that Atlus is a subsidiary of. It wasn't a buy-out, but a merge, and the only real change is that it will make SMT cell games easier/cheaper to produce. Atlus is even hiring more employees.

>> No.6750721


i love this guy; i wish i had the balls to go out in public like that and not give a fuck.

what's up with the first pic, though? did someone punch him in the face?

>> No.6750742

Nemu slapped him
