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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6744641 No.6744641 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6744653

stand back, everyone!

>> No.6744655
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>> No.6744662
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>> No.6744668
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>> No.6744670
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>> No.6744675
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>> No.6745520
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>> No.6745548


/r/ Fetus cosplay next

>> No.6745558
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>> No.6745580

me on the right
me on the left
me on the left
me on the right

>> No.6746633
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>> No.6747853

More like this

>> No.6747859


>> No.6747889
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Here, have my other pic of her, then.

>> No.6747911

d'aww so cute, in a not pedo way

>> No.6747918

I bet these children are to going to grow up really akward and fucked up.

>> No.6747922

I wonder if Loli Reimu plays Touhou?

>> No.6747928

inb4 Konata
And coming from you that doesn't sound like there will be a threat to their social conduct.

>> No.6747936

ahaha wow, great parenting right there.

"ok sweetie, let's dress up, you can be the little alcholic, suicidal loli and I'll be the lady who rips out your intestines and massacres your friends!"

>> No.6747950

ahaha wow, great parenting right there.

"ok sweetie, let's dress up, you can be the little carefree, violent miko!"

>> No.6747949


... Problem?

>> No.6747948
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>> No.6747955
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More toddlin' Touhous

>> No.6747956


She's not really violent, she just plays a little rough.

/r/ing that list of Touhou game summaries where all of them make Reimu look an ass

>> No.6747959
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>> No.6747960

The japanese are truly disgusting aesthetically.

>> No.6747963


I dunno, their miniature Reimu's are cute as fuck.

>> No.6747996

1-Reimu goes genocidal
2-Reimu holds back science research
3- See #2
4-Reimu beats up a random girl in her own home
5-Reimu goes genocidal again and shuts down a profitable tourism buisiness
6-Reimu attacks a secluded girl and an insane girl
7-Reimu kills a tree
8-Reimu does the right thing
9-Reimu=human resources
10-Reimu evades foreclosure
11-Reimu stops an industrial revolution
12-Reimu becomes youkai racist

Given this, it is pretty evident that Reimu, if disturbed from her shrine duties, turns into a bloodthirsty merciless killer.

>> No.6748068


Well... in the end, she's really cute... so it's ok, right? Kind of like Remmy or Flanfly - they might be bad lolis sometimes, but I still love them.

>> No.6748085
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>6-Reimu attacks a secluded girl and an insane girl
I thought the canon route for EoSD's extra was Marisa.
>10-Reimu evades foreclosure
Pic related.

>> No.6748103

All routes are canon.

>> No.6748105

Touhou 1: Reimu defends her property.
Touhou 2: Reimu executes a counterinsurengcy operation.
Touhou 3: Reimu halts unethical experiments.
Touhou 4: Reimu enforces building codes.
Touhou 5: Operation Makai Freedom.
Touhou 6: Reimu prevents a west nile virus epidemic.
Touhou 7: Reimu puts an end to vile necromancy.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu arrests hooligans for public drunkeness.
Touhou 8: Reimu enforces international law.
Touhou 9: Reimu protects the peace.
Touhou 9.5: Reimu drinks tea and relaxes.
Touhou 10: Reimu defends the faith.
Touhou 11: Reimu promotes nuclear non-proliferation.
Touhou 12: Reimu subjugates dangerous extremists.

Have some truth, you propaganda spreading jerk.

>> No.6748130

Whatever happened to the original? You know, the actually funny one?

>> No.6748138

Are you referring to this pile of vile, blatantly shameful, and hurtful lies?

Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage.
Touhou 2: Reimu seeks revenge for Mima's revenge for Reimu's previous rampage.
Touhou 3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress.
Touhou 4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her.
Touhou 5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise.
Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest.
Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived.
CoLA: Reimu mugs a youkai for reading.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties.
Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion.
Touhou 9: Reimu attacks people for no good reason.
Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions.
Touhou 10.5: Reimu endorses slave labor
Touhou 11: Reimu cuts back funding for alternative energy sources.

>> No.6748147
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>> No.6748155


Out of curiosity, what evil things does Reimu do in Touhou 12?

>> No.6748161

Touhou 12: Reimu persecutes Youkai Jesus.

>> No.6748170 [DELETED] 

Well, I'm not a heartless propaganda machine, so I can only venture a guess as to what a needlessly loquacious person with an aversion to the truth would say.

Touhou 12: Reimu violently opposes a civil rights movement.

>> No.6748174

Ah yes, that was it. What a heartless, baseless statement.

>> No.6748177


Didn't she steal a merchant a ship too? Persecutes Youkai Jesis, and runs off with some poor guys boat.

>> No.6748180

This is my favorite cosplay image.

>> No.6748190

Reimu is worked to the bone defending Gensokyo time and again, and people always repay her absurd generosity and sense of self-sacrifice with such needlessly venomous untruths. It's a true testament to her saintly character that she persists in her duties.

>> No.6748214


Tell that to the guy whose out a boat.

>> No.6748226
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There you go

>> No.6748231

Likely all a load of bollocks with some greedy, ungrateful jerk trying to come into some easy money through insurance fraud.

>> No.6748773
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>> No.6748803

The guy who made that (desu) wrote it as a joke, too bad most people took it as srs bsns, frankly if the first hadn't given away the joke then the reason for Touhou 11 should have. That didn't stop sites like TVTropes though.

>> No.6751338
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I bet you think Reimu needs to invade the human world to steal sake...oh, I'm sorry...spread freedom.

>> No.6751364

Touhou 2 : Marisa is a Satan worshipper
Touhou 3 : Marisa mocks an older girl's appearance and manner of speech. Then she adopts said appearance and manner of speech and pretend she came up with this "cool new trend" by herself.
Touhou 4 : Marisa blows up a girl's house and plagiarises all her moves, claiming that she actually came up with them all by herself.
Touhou 5 : Marisa beats up Alice for no reason.
Touhou 6 : Marisa's first instinct upon learning she has new neighbors with common interests is to break into their house and rob them
Touhou 7 : Marisa beats up Alice again
Touhou 8 : Marisa teams up with Alice, only because she promised to let her beat her up and steal all her stuff once the adventure is over
Touhou 9 : Marisa beats up a civil servant and Justice of Peace. She also robs them
COLA : Marisa pawns off the priceless treasures she steals for useless garbage
Touhou 10 : Marisa beats up a shy nerd who only wanted to be her friend
Touhou 11 : Marisa is a three-timer
Touhou 12 : Marisa mugs people

>> No.6751381
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I request Alice's version please, i can't find it on the archive.

>> No.6751403
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Touhou 10: Sanae gets beaten up.
Touhou 11: Sanae provides shelter for illegal immigrants.
Touhou 12: Sanae goes on a power trip.
Touhou 12.3: Sanae plays frogger.

>> No.6751401 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6751414
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Touhou 6: Sakuya gets beat up
Touhou 7: Sakuya kills dead people
Touhou 8: Sakuya helps her mistress kill immortals
Touhou 8.5: Sakuya is a cat
Touhou 9: Sakuya kills people who kill dead people
SSiB: Sakuya helps her mistress invade the moon.
Touhou 10: Sakuya don't care about tengu.
Touhou 10.5: Sakuya is a bad cat.
Touhou 11: Sakuya doesn't care about the underground either.
Touhou 12: Sakuya still doesn't care about the underground.

>> No.6751425

post suwako. there must be a suwako.

>> No.6751448

Reimu's Lunatic Modo.

Touhou 1: Reimu hits herself in the face with her yin-yang orb.
Touhou 2: Reimu gets beaten by an inanimate object and never meets Marisa.
Touhou 3: Reimu quietly goes home after realizing her lack of ability.
Touhou 4: Reimu gets slashed by a scythe.
Touhou 5: Reimu is beaten by Alice and forced to be her friend.
Touhou 6: Reimu is unjustly imprisoned for stealing books. The red mist starts to interfere with the weather.
Touhou 7: Reimu finds spring in the skies, but is unable to help anyone. The year's harvest was very poor.
Touhou 8: Reimu is ditched by some unknown gap youkai in the bamboo forest and gets lost. It is the longest night of her life.
Touhou 9: Reimu tries to solve a simple flower incident but keeps "crashing" and quietly gives up.
Touhou 10: Reimu is overpowered by the mountain's technology, and the Hakurei shrine becomes an offshoot of the Moriya faith.
Touhou 11: Reimu is gapped from her hot springs into a labyrinth, where she is beaten up by some unicorn monster. When she resurfaces she finds her land under rule by some demon crow.

>> No.6751457

Touhou 10 - Kanako breaks into a new market.
Touhou 11 - Kanako forms mutually-beneficial alliances with local business owners.
Touhou 12 - Kanako attempts to win market share from an existing monopoly.
Touhou 12.3 - Kanako's vice president is punished for embezzling funds to purchase lily pads.

>> No.6751465
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>> No.6751498

Touhou 6: Cirno tries to repel invaders, but gets killed horribly.
Touhou 7:Cirno tries to repel invaders, but gets killed horribly
Touhou 9:Cirno goes around beating people up for no reason in particular
Touhou 12.3:Cirno goes around beating people up because she's stupid.
Touhou 12.8:Cirno wages war with the fairy menace.

>> No.6751560

TH10: "Hello, we're new here. Please be nice to us. "
TH11: "You're supposed to ambush people for fun in Gensokyo, right? "
TH12, Stage 1: "Well, it seems in Gensokyo miko should exterminate youkai..."
TH12, Stage 2: "What'd you know, this extermination deal is more fun than expected! "

I don't play the fighters so I don't know what Sanae does there. She probably gets even more fucking nuts.

>> No.6751583

she just acts like a big nerd in hisoutenoku, nothing completely insane like 12 there though

>> No.6751656
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>> No.6751658

ZUN said in an interview to dismiss Soku's character portrayals since apparently they were suggested by someone else of TF named CMX (according to translation) so we're not really sure of how Sanae really is, but I don't think she's gonna be as nuts for the next appearance.

No I don't have the link, lurk it yourselves if you want it, it's the non-video one that talks a little bit about Soku, UFO, Bomberman and Touhou fanworks.

>> No.6751691

>ZUN said in an interview to dismiss Soku's character portrayals

But I love my nerdy mecha obsessed waifu ;_;

>> No.6751693
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>Touhou 5: Operation Makai Freedom.

>> No.6751717

The underground nuclear facility is contradicted by WaHH, too. I say Meiling's was the canon route, the whole thing was just her wild manga dreams.

>> No.6751740

How so? All I remember is that the underground facility was geting too costy and they had to change plans.

What we weren't told (or haven't been told yet) is what Okuu was going to do afterwards. Maybe make the Underground City as Gensokyo's first nuclear-powered-electricity-developed civilization?

>> No.6751773

Just the portrayal of it I mean, because Sanae said in the manga that it was way too hard to get to, but in Soku there's an elevator that takes you right to it and it's a high tech facility and shit.

Or maybe the manga is the incorrect one. I don't know anymore. Nothing in Touhou is canon.

>> No.6751831

Or maybe we just skipped a scene in Soku, ZUN treats the manga with more seriousness than the games because it actually focuses on story, unlike the games which are just shenanigans, hell, even the games' manuals are more serious than the games themselves.

>> No.6751851

>ZUN said in an interview

[citation needed]

>> No.6751853

This one? http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Interview_on_Nae_Radio_(September_2009)

I don't see anything about that in there.

>> No.6752058

Who the fuck made ZUN the authority on Touhou? He essentially GPL'd the story.

>> No.6752115

Just because ZUN doesn't give a shit about what people publish doesn't mean the masses get to decide character interpretations.

I mean, for one thing the sheer weight of the porn would crush everything else.

>> No.6752144

>I mean, for one thing the sheer weight of the porn would crush everything else.
Stop repeating unfounded bullshit like that, dammit.
>Toranoana Doujinshi 2009 Jan ~ Dec

>Hentai / Total
>*787/5030 Touhou Project

>> No.6752166
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>> No.6752170

You sound like one of those butthurt guys that started telling everyone to ignore ZUN because in 12.5 it was revealed that Momiji didn't like Aya and crushed their shipping.

>> No.6752194

Actually, he bumped into me, made me spill some of my beer, and didn't even apologize.
