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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6747886 No.6747886 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/

Im planing to go to genskyo since its my last chance before conscription. I was hikki but thanks to lucky incident (caused by Yukari, I was praying to her for that possibility for weeks now) now I have chance to leave my flat, so it might help with my plans. I wasnt outside flat for few months now, but there is river around 20 minutes walking from my building. Its rather big river so there are usually a lot people around it and there can be some boats docked. Do you thinks its possible to jump into it? Its around -5*C so I would freeze... My "instinct" tells that my plan might fail even before reaching it and I should try something else... but what do you think?

pic semi-related; and thread is semi-realistic, ok? and sorry for my poor english ;_;

>> No.6747893
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Don't do it, you'll go to Atlanta if you die at sea. You need to unleash your Persona.

>> No.6747897
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>> No.6747904

You'll panic, get rescued, and then you'll have to talk to other people. Bad plan.

>> No.6747907

combo it with a nice amount of opiates or something/alcohol otherwise it could be rather long and unpleasant and cold

>> No.6747908

How many of these threads do we need a day? Seriously.
Won't you just fuck off and die on your own, please?

>> No.6747920

Its not my fault Its my first thread.
Im not sure what do you mean...
Any better plans?

>> No.6747939

Just slit your wrists you pussy, it is very romantic form of suicide.

>> No.6747957

Now this is painful and not certain way

>> No.6747964

Open the gas and put your face inside the oven maybe?

>> No.6747972

Get drunk, jump off a tall building (more than 5 stories)

>> No.6747969
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It goes down smooth. A quick and painless suicide

>> No.6747968

Electric ovens in my place since at least 5 years

>> No.6747980

I wouldnt need to get drunk.. I know Gensokyo is waiting for me on other side. Problem is getting inside high building, and getting on top, especially when all high buildings are residential ones...

>> No.6747989

>Don't do it, you'll go to Atlanta if you die at sea.
That's a fate worse than suicide, and I live in Gwinnett.

>> No.6748012
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Better don't do it. Seriously... You call it gensokyo, but I call it hell.

>> No.6748017

And what Im supposed to do with it?
I heard it causes vomiting and its painful if you drink it ;_;

>> No.6748032

People usually pussy out if they aren't drunk.
If you're willing to break a lock or two it shouldn't be too hard to get to the roof access door of an apartment or such.

>> No.6748041

So you live in Norway, Finland or Russia, amirite? I have a strong guess already.

>> No.6748048

yes... you are right

[captcha]causes bleach.l[/spoiler]

>> No.6748056
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Israelfag here, will be conscripted in May 25th. Don't take your life, OP, just hate them with passion and do your best to agonize everyone for stealing your freedom. There are some good stuff about this world and it's up to you to find them.

Fuck the world, OP!

>> No.6748064

Forgot to add that in Israel guys serve for 3 years and girls for 2. Either way I'm more fucked than you.

>> No.6748063

Shoot your entire squad please.

>> No.6748069

I would do it anyway, but conscription is just speeding up things...
And be happy that you have "normal" military in country.

>> No.6748071

from those 3 I would guess a finfag. Depressive bunch of niggers we are at least.

I hear that at least the girls like being there. And most of the young kids can't wait to get to slit arab throats which I find kind of retarded.

>> No.6748078
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You'll probably pussy out before doing it. If you must, tie your hands and something heavy together first, so that you can't accidentally swim. But just standing there, being about to kill yourself, will give you a new perspective on life. There's no difference between Gensokyo as you will experience it at the natural end of your life to Gensokyo as you will experience it if you kill yourself now. When you get the opportunity you will be able to think about it some more and maybe think what would be best to get out of life before you are ushered to paradise.

>> No.6748081

In last year around few % died because of extremely violent and cruel bullying here. Getting raped in night or getting beated to death is nearly nothing...

>> No.6748082

What do you mean "normal"? Unless you really live in Russia it can't be that bad. If you do live in Russia then try to evade your draft somehow, all Russians I've talked to online told me they managed to escape military service somehow.

I wouldn't say that girls like being in the army... Young kids are just kids and when they grow up their view changes in most cases. Also I've never run into a kid who told me he wants to slit an Arab's throat. Not sure where you got all this info.

>> No.6748084

Could you explain it please?

>> No.6748087

Then I guess you're from Russia?

>> No.6748093

read this:
And no I dont have chance any more... gensokyo is better anyway and I wouldn't have anything left in this life even if I would survive.

>> No.6748098
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It's not really something that can simply be imparted from one person to another. It's an epiphany that you will have to experience yourself in order to effect a change in mindset. I experienced it myself on the verge of suicide. It's difficult to put into words in any case. Even though my lifestyle is pretty much the same as it was before I was about to attempt suicide (back in January) and I felt like a complete wreck afterwards even though I didn't kill myself, I feel like a completely different person. I feel like there is hope, and my beliefs haven't changed.

>> No.6748104

I was visiting my relatives and had a chat with a few people over there naturally. Well, I was most disgusted by this 19yo who actually applied to whatever "special forces" bs you guys have there. But he was a big-mouthed bullshitter anyways, it was still funny/weird to hear someone actually say that. The other people were just mostly proud they can serve their country "we are best in this and that and blah blah number 1 in the world" *yawn*

>> No.6748111

I did already failed two times... every day Im still alive I regret this more... even my parents are pretty much "kill yourself as long as we wont have to do anything with it"

>> No.6748113

You have relatives in Israel? Anyway I don't see what's so wrong with that guy, sure he sounds like a poser, but some people here are very happy to serve their country as you say and try their best to apply to the most prestigious units. I'm not one to talk because I don't like this country and am going to be a non-combatant anyway, but every country got those type of people.

>> No.6748126
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I'm not sure what to tell you, then. Did you fail due to a simple failure of your methodology or did you change your mind? Because if you changed your mind there is still a spark of life somewhere inside you, and you need to contemplate on it and on what you can do to satisfy this life's ambitions before you die. The afterlife will still be there no matter how long you put it off.

>> No.6748137

methodology. I wont give details but its something that even without anything doesnt let me sleep in peace any more...

>> No.6748239

so basically all what I do other than being on /jp/ or playing few games is praying about quick afterlife ;_;

>> No.6748441
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bumping ;_;

I wont be able to try it with river anymore, are there any other methods?

>> No.6748642
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Israelfag from before, I don't know if you're trolling or not anymore, but don't kill yourself man. No one deserves such a cruel end. I don't know what to do to improve your situation but please reconsider.

>> No.6749526


>> No.6750855
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As previously said; Jump in front of a train at the last minute, or fall off a tall place onto hard ground.

>> No.6750895

Just find a really cold area, like a tundra during a blizzard, or the top of an icecapped mountain. Wander deep into/up it, don't bring any phone or jacket or way out. Freeze to death peacefully. This is actually a really popular and very effective suicide method that doesn't get talked about much. It doesn't really hurt either, if you go somewhere really really cold your body will lose heat so fast that you'll just go numb and die rapidly. Stay strong friend and if you decide to journey may you find peace outside this world.

>> No.6751466

Like there were any trains in russia...

no more leaving of room ;_;
