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File: 57 KB, 500x375, houston_mess_apartment_slob_disgusting_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6746501 No.6746501 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, my apartment is an absolute mess. Not as bad the apartment in the picture, but it's up there. My landlord just left a note with my receipt saying they are planning on doing monthly walkthroughs due to the growing crime problem. I can't help but wonder if they caught a peak of my apartment through the window. Anyway, walk through is scheduled a few days from now, so I've got some time to clean this place up and try to come across as normal. But I'm really nervous.

It ain't easy being a NEET.

>> No.6746519

Tell me about it, but the worst is my kitchen it's alive!

>> No.6746543

Hire a clutter consultant, for god's sake.

-This message paid for by the National Association of Professional Organizers. Remember, January is Get Organized Month!

>> No.6746566

Tell me about it. My stove is going to take an hour just to clean.

>> No.6746580

Though you should do as much cleaning as possible, you should put food/drink garbage as highest priority. It's one thing to have a cluttered living space, but it's another to have an environment that looks and smells hazardous to your health.

Good luck on coming across as a normalfag.

>> No.6746581

Where the hell does OP live that you have to worry about crime rates?

>> No.6746584
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You can do it OP, stop procrastinating!

>> No.6746595

I'm going to take a guess and say that most of us who don't live with our parents, live in shitty apartments in low-income areas. At least I know I do. Makes sense, you need to go as cheap as you can when you're living on disability / savings / shitty web-work etc

>> No.6746598

I think it was just a ruse to get inside to take a look. They're good landlords, I've been here a couple of years without incident, but perhaps my avoidant behavior has been calling them to question what I'm really up to.

Oh well, it's for the best I. I should be keeping things clean anyway.

>> No.6746624
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Damn right it's for the best, goy.

>> No.6746669
File: 59 KB, 720x480, WettNHK08.mkv_snapshot_05.44_[2011.01.03_07.53.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always follow Satō rules of easy life.
Mission : Toss everything on your bed.

>> No.6746690
File: 55 KB, 500x281, 1212196666800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barricade the door and pretend not to be home.

>> No.6746709

It's a conspiracy, OP.

>> No.6746799


>> No.6746808

Get a shit ton of cardboard boxes and throw everything inside.

>> No.6746874

What kind of an apartment complex has walk throughs? Do you live in a boarding school?

>> No.6747005

It's just a small apartment building. I wouldn't be surprised if I wast the only tenant that got this. I'm pretty sure it's just because I haven't spoken to the land lord in months and deactivated my phone and have been ignoring the land lord and everyone else in the building. Might think I'm doing drugs or some bullshit.

He's allowed to visit my suite with 24 hours notice, it's a part of the landlord/tenancy laws. So he's actually doing me a service to let me correct my problems and save face, if anything.

I'm just nervous as hell about it all.

I've already got all of the garbage in the kitchen cleaned up, filled up three garbage bags. Thank goodness they don't have cameras around here, so they won't see me carting it all off in the middle of the night.

>> No.6747008

That's disgusting. I like to keep my NEET lair neat and tidy.

>> No.6747016

Well, I do too... except, depression and apathy have been stronger than my motivation to keep things clean.

When I got the letter, I had a panic attack, felt like I was having a heat attack. I guess it was a wake up call.

>> No.6747019

>heart attack

>> No.6747025
File: 217 KB, 800x600, 7e43fd2addc372c070304b6546fa9ec0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a NEET who never leaves his room and my room's always slightly messy, with empty cans of soda laying around and clothes on the floor. nothing i couldn't clean in 15-20 minutes tops though.

you are just absurdly lazy.

>> No.6747041

Well good for you. I guess it's obvious you haven't experienced what it's like to hit near rock bottom as a NEET yet.

>> No.6747227

OP here. It occurred to me that all I have is a bed, a shelf, a chest of drawers, a computer desk and chair. Except my computer desk and chair are falling apart.

I've got a few hundred extra dollars I can use to buy a cheap dining table, TV/entertainment stand, maybe a new office chair. Should I do it to come across as normal?

>> No.6747246


There's only enough space on the floor of my room for my to get to and from my computer. I have to jump over shit to get on my bed.

>> No.6747253

I know that feel.

>> No.6747278

Call hoarders


You need help, and if you get on the show, I want you to be dressed up as cirno the entire time.

You fucking baka

>> No.6747290

I'm not a hoarder though. I actually don't hoard anything. Not even downloads, I usually delete movies and stuff after I'm done.

I'm just lazy and haven't bothered to take the garbage out or clean anything.

>> No.6747331
File: 616 KB, 2048x1536, DSCF0747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucking baka

>> No.6747339

So should I get furniture or not?

Once all the garbage is gone, kitchen will look empty, and living room only has my TV in it on the floor with consoles.

>> No.6747348

Why would you buy furniture when you can spend that on figs and dakis?

>> No.6747355

goddamn, I lol'd

I try to make it a point to clean every week. Even 1 week, things will pile up very quickly. Garbage bags along the walls during the week, you can just throw things in there. On the appointed day, just tidy up everything else, tie the bags, and take them out. If the smell is unbecoming, you can stash them by the front door, or closet.

I used to hide them in a shed off to the side of the building im staying in, but I never got around to cleaning them out. Summer became that with too much stench.

>> No.6747358

So they don't think I'm weird.

>> No.6747377

Just get milkcrates. The supermarket should have some you can cart off for free. Lay some plywood ontop, and drape a blanket over = insta-table.

>> No.6747402
File: 166 KB, 455x438, 1289787856558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So they don't think I'm weird.

>> No.6747408


>> No.6747422

Also, do normals have normal art that they hang. Will I be considered weird if I don't have anything on my walls?

>> No.6747438

It might be a little plain, but I don't think it's weird.
Better than having a ton of stupid shit all over your walls anyway. Throw up a couple of cheapass landscape prints or something (masking tape) if it matters that much. Better the place appear tidy & neat & not smell like there's dead rodents under the floorboards.

>> No.6747458

You can buy frames for really cheap and they'll look nice. Print some shit off at a printing place and frame them and it'll look a lot better.

>> No.6747464

IKEA was selling side tables for $10 and coffee tables for $20 when I visited the other day. Don't know where else you could get them for that cheap, though,

>> No.6747468

Yeah, this' a good finishing touch. wasn't sure how much frames'd set you back. Take a trip to /hr/ or some digital art site like depthcore and stock up if you want something custom. Just don't frame any fucking animu.

>> No.6747471

Clearly he should get both normal prints and /jp/ prints for the frames, and put the normal ones on top of the /jp/ ones when people come to visit.

>> No.6747494

Fuck yeah Whataburger!

>> No.6747495

I dont get it... do you mean that you are living in apartament founded by your university?

"walkthroughs" ? They have no right to enter your apartament until they suspect you of something (unless you live in usa i guess)...

>low-income areas.
doesnt make sense at all... apartaments are always expensive, unless they are in some forgotten place outside city or in small town...

>> No.6747500

Hey, guess what, genius - did you know there are people out there who aren't college students? It's fucking amazing, I know!

>> No.6747504

gentleman perhaps, scholar definitely.

>> No.6747516

Thats why I did ask, that situation sounds strange and sounds like op is making up stories, guess what - not every one is from america on /jp/ so we dont have to know your customs of police entering apartaments for no reason.
It's fucking amazing, I know!

>> No.6747522

Maybe if you read the thread you wouldn't say fucking stupid things like this.

>> No.6747545

Not op. I used to live in a fucking shithole part of town (Toronto) and only pay $350/mo + utilities. Now I'm renting a house with 3 other guys from college, it only costs us $200 ea + utilities. Although with 4 ppl, utilities are like $200/mo/ea easy, still sweet deal though. Especially considering apartment price fluctuation the closer you get to downtown. Easy 1.2k+/mo there.

>> No.6747550

Relax, op. They don't care about you or hobbies. As long as the place is relatively neat and clean, they won't give a shit what you have in there. I have about 4 odd such inspection a year and I never have any problems, even with my apartment being some kind of horrible quasi-shrine to geekiness. Just take it easy.

>> No.6747721

OP here, I already explained. They probably saw how messy it was through the window (although they wouldn't have been able to see much, I kept it pretty dark) when the originally went to drop off my receipt or perhaps they've been thinking my behavior has been weird lately. They might think I'm taking drugs and bringing over the wrong people and causing problems.

They don't have the right to enter my place without 24 hours notice. I could change the locks and barricade myself in, but that won't solve my problem. I don't want to be a dick.

I just want to come out of this okay. If that means I have to clean my place up, so be it. They're not coming by for a walk through for several more days, so I've got plenty of time to save face.

Should be enough time to order up some furniture and have it delivered too.

>> No.6747884

Most retarded idea for a documentary.

I hoard. There's nothing wrong with that.

Though in the 2000s, if you don't want to live the American dream you must be some sort of terroristic pedophile sick freak who needs immediate help, so I'm not surprised.

That, and I'm sure it makes for a good TV show for the normalfags.

>> No.6747935

Don't waste your money. You've likely been pegged as a creepy fuck by everyone who's aware of your existence in the building. Months of evident isolation tends to give people that impression.

Do you really think a single table placed in your room is going to shift any opinions? More importantly, why do you give a shit? The landlords should just be thankful they aren't dealing with a tenant who smears shit all over the wall/etc.

>> No.6748009

OP, I am not sure you should really bother with pretending to be normal or some other shit like that.

I own a few apartments and lease them to other people. Once in a while I drop by my clients to check up how things are going.
Please, believe me, we, landlords, don't give a single fuck what you are doing or who you are as long as you:
1) Pay your rent on time;
2) Keep the rented property relatively clean (no mice, cockroaches, etc.)
3) Do not disturb your neighbors with shit like loud music in the middle of the night
4) Do not do illegal shit like turning the apartment into a whorehouse
My clients can be Gaia tier weeaboos wearing Naruto pussy deflectors or hardcore pedophiles polishing their spears to CP early in the morning while everybody else is asleep. As long as they follow the aforementioned rules, I don't care.

>> No.6748015

>As long as they follow the aforementioned rules, I don't care.
>polishing their spears
Someone's jacking off on your property... What if they hit the wall, or touch the doorhandle and then you touch it later?

>> No.6748039

Pretty much. Last year, there were two women in their 20s living above me, think they were college students. One time, they were outside standing by the flower bed smoking, and I had my bedroom window open so I could listen, and they were talking about me.

"You see that guy that lives below us, what do you think of him?" "I think he's creep!" "Haha, yeah, what a weirdo." Then the conversation changed.

I felt very hurt and lonely that day.

>> No.6748058

what was the weirdest tenant you ever had?

>> No.6748066

Another anon, but who gives a fuck? They're not gonna know.

>> No.6748076


That sucks. My neighbours baked me a gingerbread man for Christmas. It even had my name on it, and I've only talked to them a few times since I moved in!


>> No.6748090

Lucky. I had precooked roast beef from the supermarket, mashed potatoes and carrots and pees I made for myself. I was going to submit my waifu photo like last year, but my place was too messy to even bother so I didn't care.

>> No.6748092

this is actually creepier.

think back: did you ever tell them your name?

>> No.6748141

Nevermind them, people usually assume strangers are idiots to self validate and feel better about themselves.

>> No.6748215

>Someone's jacking off on your property... What if they hit the wall, or touch the doorhandle and then you touch it later?

What if I don't?
My tenants open the door for me and close it behind me. And I don't have any wall-touching fetishes.
I order cleaning staff once someone moves out. If something breaks or if there is a need to renovate something, I just hire people who know how to fix that shit.
No, seriously, if you need something outside your apartment/house, you will have to compromise. I want $ from them, I turn blind eye on some weird shit, because I in turn have my own weird shit going on.

I had a zealously religious Christian family leasing one of my apartments for about 2 years. They were very devout to God, praised Jesus every other sentence and tried to drag me into the local church every single time I showed up. They also begged and squirmed over every penny they had to pay me. Every month they would call me and ask to reduce the payment for them in the name of good Spirit. Do I need to say that they had ample resources not to beg? They even owned a house outside of the city where they would spent their weekends.
They taught me that every human has a vice. Their was greed and they were blind to it.

Well, you get to see all kind of folks. I have a family of prosecutors (who managed to call the police on my other clients when they had a clash with them over some minor bullshit), an old obscure poetess (she gifts me her books about thrice a year), a bench player for the national football team (he also has 2 very cute cats).
Most people are kind of... normal? You know, your everyday folks. Or so they appear. As I said, I don't care.

>> No.6748899

Umm a couple of things:

1. In every state in America a landlord is entitled to walk the premises of every building they rent out to ensure it is in good condition. In most states they have to give at least 24 hour notice before they can do a walk-through. Most usually give a lot longer since they don't care.

The only ones who screw this up are maintenance men because they think they're hot stuff since they know how to shove their hands down a stopped up toilet. I once caught my maintenance guy just chilling in my home watching TV. Long story short I didn't have to pay rent for the next 2 months and got a lock on my door that only me and the apartment manager had the key for.

2. Apartment managers don't care what you have in the apartment as long as the apartment itself is in vaguely good repair (i.e. you haven't trashed it). My first apartment I had 4 pieces of furniture for the first year, my bed, a dresser and 2 bookcases. My landlord did a walk-through during that time. What happened? He offered to sell me his couch for $100. Then offered to sell it for $50 once his new couch came in and he couldn't pay the dumping fees.

3. As long as you do the following most landlords won't kick you out:
a) Pay your rent on time
b) Don't run a methlab from your apartment.

You'd be surprised how often people can't get "b" right.

Just for my own personal interest do you have trash or junk in your apartment? Trash is just stuff you've been too lazy to throw out but junk is stuff you haven't bothered to set up or use. Trash is easy to clean, junk is harder because you think it might be useful, but it isn't.

>> No.6749683

Mostly just trash, I keep my junk to a minimum. In fact, I'll probably end up throwing some crap out I haven't used in a while over the next couple of days. Leave it down by the donation shed at the local refuse site.

>> No.6750996


>> No.6751294

I need my own home. I can understand why landlords would need to do walk throughs, but I don't trust them walking through my shit. Even if they don't really care.
