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6745393 No.6745393 [Reply] [Original]

I was just talking to a friend online and he said that Umineko has a shitty ending. I have the first 4 episodes of the game right now but is it even worth starting it? How bad is the ending actually?

>> No.6745403

Everything was a dream.

>> No.6745417

The ride is worth it if you accept the ending is up for interpretation.

I mean, I think it was all worth it if the now adult Battler can live with Ange.

People keep saying "old", but isn't he only 30?

>> No.6745423

Battler made up the whole thing.
He became old and has amnesia.
Who knows if it was real?
Probably wasn't.

>> No.6745428

So was his name actually Battler?

>> No.6745433


>> No.6745441

Lost tier ending?

>> No.6745445


Yes, but he had a different name when he was amnesiac, "Toda" or something.

>> No.6745446

Oof, so it was an "it was all just a dream" ending. That's a disappointment. Despite that, still worth playing?

>> No.6745449

1986- Battler is 18
2010- Battler is 42

>> No.6745451


It was all a dream, but a dream with a purpose. It wasn't some faggot waking up in a bed, it was Battler regaining his memories over arduous mental battles.

>> No.6745478

Its still worth reading for the epic ride, but don't make the mistake that so many on /jp/ made and endlessly argue about the details because the ending is so inconclusive about what actually happened that you just have to accept it and move on.

>> No.6745480

The journey is fucking awesome, the destination not so much.

>> No.6745481

Oh, that's disappointing. I thought this could be an opportunity to explain the stupid names.

>> No.6745496

How inconclusive?
Were the questions raised initially answered?

>> No.6745518

Exactly, if you enjoyed Umineko on its own merits so far nothing has been taken away, it's not like this stuff ceased to exist as a narrative. If you were always banking on the ending to make it deliver for you, guess what, you didn't really like it in the first place, sucks to be you. What we are seeing here is the exact kind of buttmad exhibited by certain Star Trek fanwankers when their precious universe was "retconned out of existence" by JJ Abrams - except that is a totally foolish position because all those old shows, for better or worse, still exist. It's fucking fiction people, there is no objective reality here, learn to accept that.

I just have to say that the episodic format is not the right way to tell a story if it ends like this. Episodes are basically designed to string you along with speculation, and it certainly totally disappointed in that regard.

>> No.6745527


>> No.6745549

No matter what you are saing, this end is still shit.

>> No.6745554

Stop saying bullshit. Ep8 is horrible even if you are okay with the "not wanting to give a clear answer, but there is one". Well, at least the magical battles are good. But it doesn't look like umineko at all.

>> No.6745562

No except some of them.
That's the problem.

>> No.6745600

>But it doesn't look like umineko at all.
Why? Umineko isn't just mystery, you know.

>> No.6745602

>But it doesn't look like umineko at all.
And that's a bad thing?

>> No.6745620

yeah, because "no knox, no dine"?
Yeah, who cares about the context of course.
In this case yes. It is worse than umineko. The LOLMAGICALBATTLE are quite good, as always, but the ??? and some other things make you want to kill Ryukishi.

>> No.6745630

From what I'm hearing it sounds like what is pissing everyone off is the culmination of: 1. avoiding explanations of why, which is further fueled to be questioned by the crappy plot mechanic put in there to ignore self contradictions(lol, isn't real) 2. instead of a bittersweet end as promised, we were given a bad end

>> No.6745650

For the mysteries from EP1-6
90% are answered by EP7, 5% answered in EP8, 5% is simply forgotten.

But for EP8, R07 decided to add some insolvable material into Umineko and gave us a troll end.

While the ending is pretty disappointing, it has been blown out of proportion like it's the end of the world.

>> No.6745670

to be clear.
If you're reading it because you enjoy thinking, you will HATE it.
If you're reading it but only for the lulz, it'll be okay.

>> No.6745667

You are probably one of those "EP1, EP3 or/and EP7 are the only good episodes" people, aren't you?

>> No.6745676

Not even close and I don't even know why you are saying this. Alliance is also awesome.

>> No.6745684
File: 29 KB, 560x400, 1293219360964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreams, you say?
In all honesty, I had an awful feeling it would end that way.

>> No.6745706

>But it doesn't look like umineko at all.
Magic battles have been around since EP2, I don't even know what you are talking about.

>> No.6745725

Most of the magic battles since 2 were interesting because you could take them as metaphors reflecting the characters' real struggles and personalities. 8's battles were too much of an orgy of fanservice and the characters as obvious plot devices that it left kind of a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.6745740


Umineko's call to fame was that it wasn't actually fanservice, and that it had a deeper meaning. This ending is shit because it pretty much confirms IT'S ALL FANSERVICE, and shitty overdramatic plot that makes zero sense.

"Hurr durr but the battles are cool"

Sure okay go enjoy those then.

>> No.6745746

That doesn't really reflect
>Well, at least the magical battles are good.

>> No.6745780

You dont understand that, if you were never on /jp/ you wouldn't see that those battles were something else, if you were reading it alone without /jp/ and its hivemind you would just be thinking that the battles really did happen. I read eps 1-4 without going into any threads and didn't notice a thing. I was just reading like any other vn and going along with it, im pretty sure thats what most people do.

>> No.6745797

Well, I didn't.
Even ep3, the fucking novel itself tells you that the battles are not really happening.

>> No.6745804


That's completely wrong. The story keeps reminding you that magic is not supposed to be real and that there must be a logical explanation, that supernatural occurances are just an allegory for the real truth.

So much for that lol.

>> No.6745820

Because the one in ep8 are good. But the fact that it is complete fanservice is still annoying as hell.

>> No.6745824
File: 169 KB, 640x478, NOT_magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Battler can live with Ange

I think you have missed most of "????" - and the last part of it isn't very akin to CONGRATULATIONS for nothing.

>> No.6745825

huh, my pretty sure that was just battler though, i wasn't thinking as deep as that, just because battler was going , MAGIC INST REALLLLL, doesn't mean im gonna think that.

>> No.6745833

Not having played 8, I can't comment on it. But I have played through episodes 1-7 and I've really enjoyed the journey. Even if the ending isn't going to be what I wanted, the trip up to this point has been a very good ride. I'm grateful to have been able to be a part of this.

>> No.6745837



>> No.6745843 [DELETED] 

Still hoping for the ??? to be a troll. I wouldn't put it past Ryukishi.

>> No.6745848

Still hoping for the ??? to be a troll, and ONLY a troll. I wouldn't put it past Ryukishi.

>> No.6745856

Read 1-7. Read all of 8 except ????. Enjoy!

>> No.6745862

could /jp/ please tell me what "ending" they wanted?
because i have no clue what you guys wanted..
Is it one of these?
1.everything solved ( happy or sad)
2.happy ending ( nothing needs to be solved)
3.grim dark
4.a loose ending ( an ending that adds to the plot for more)

>> No.6745871


>> No.6745877

I want to know the truth. Do I get that when I choose 手品?
I just didn't want to ruin the mood on the first play-through.

>> No.6745873

I guess most people first and foremost wanted a well-written ending, regardless of whatever that is. Hell even THIS ending could have been decent with better execution, even though it's pretty much the laziest thing ever.

>> No.6745880 [DELETED] 

A mix between one and two.
not everything solved, but at least something clear enough, so we will know when our theories are right, like it was supposed to be the case.

And maybe not an happy ending, but definitely something else than "everyone dead, paraplegic ending too dumb to see his sister, and nobody existed all along". Even if it must include a deus ex machina like hanyuu, it would not be that bad.

>> No.6745888

Replace Battler with Yasu, replace amnesia with desire and you have a passable ending.

>> No.6745892

A mix between one and two.
not everything solved, but at least something clear enough, so we will know when our theories are right, like it was supposed to be the case.

And maybe not an happy ending, but definitely something else than "everyone dead, paraplegic Battler too dumb to see his sister (well, amnesia, okay), and nobody existed all along".
The "WITCHES = BATTLER'S AMNESIA was also... "awesome".
Even if it must include a deus ex machina like hanyuu, it would not be that bad.

>> No.6745893

Can anyone explain me what happened to Ange in both endings?

>> No.6745896

can we have a question thread? ill start.
who was bern and what was her true meaning in this vn.
what happened to 1991 ange and the people chasing her and for what reason why they were chasing her/trying to kill her.
what happen to the slivered hair bro with ange.
what was the whole deal with yasu if it didn't matter/ yasu didn't do shit.
ill have more questions as i think in this thread.

>> No.6745904

So what was the gold truth suppose to be?

>> No.6745908

* Delusion.
* Delusion.
* Delusion.
* Delusion.

Hey Ep. 8 makes this whole thing really easy.

>> No.6745909

""your inner truth"" would be an accurate answer, I think.

>> No.6745911

So is there a threesome with Bern Lambda and Erika or not.

>> No.6745914



>> No.6745917

What. I was thinking about avoiding ep8 spoilers but this is too much. I'm just going to play Touhou, it has a deeper plot and the music is on the same level.

>> No.6745921
File: 74 KB, 573x730, 1281554724408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fapped so hard my penis fell off.

>> No.6745923

Looses all her ties with the Ushiromiya Company
Renames herself to Yasu Yukari (Note! Yasu and Rika!)
Becomes child book author
Receives price for "Sakutarou's Big Adventure" after several decades
Meets IRL-horns and "Battler"
"Battler" has had amnesia, regains some memory, but thinks that is someone else's memory
Final scene: The hall from the Rokkenjima villa has been rebuilt, and a party is about to be held in it. "Battler" sees the Beatrice-image. Suddenly everyone from Rokkenjima appears, and "Battler" says "I'm late, but I'm back. I won't let go anymore."

Especially the last part sounds like "magic".

>> No.6745924

Battler imagined himself.

>> No.6745925

Anything about this?

>> No.6745926

He probably never even existed.

>> No.6745930



>> No.6745932

I wanted more Dlanor. Her red and blue tornado was awesome.

>> No.6745935

Am I the only one who thought that maybe Battler died at the very end of the ??? ? With everyone appearing and the "Golden land".

>> No.6745941

Is that so? I had heard Ange dies in both ends.

>> No.6745959

She doesn't die "on screen", but I'm pretty sure she dies at some point.
Also, she has had cancer surgeries shortly before meeting Battler.

>> No.6745956

Battler died, but Tohya lives on, most likely.

>> No.6745972

I...., why??... I give up.
why the fuck would r07 add him if he and the story with 1991 ange didn't fucking matter? remember amakusa talking with somebody on the phone in a phone booth? saying that he wasn't ready to kill her? how could r07 just not explain all that.?

>> No.6745975

>30 with cancer already

Ange doesn't get a break in any world does she?

>> No.6745985

I doubt 数十年後 includes the possibility of 12 years having gone by.

>> No.6745989

she sleeps around to fulfill the gaps in her heart and gets AIDS.cannot really blame her.

>> No.6745992


my head hurts

>> No.6745993

Are you for real.

I hadn't heard anything about cancer before.

>> No.6745998

The bad end states that Amakusa and Okonogi were working with the Sumaderas in order to kill both Ange and Kasumi on Rokkenjima, which Ange learns of and shoots Amakusa in the face. Apparently ???? nullifies that event but it's at least explained, instead Ange gives Okonogi the Ushiromiya's wealth so they're all cool on terms. Read before you complain.

>> No.6746001

Yeah, it was part of the talk about how great it would've been if Ange/Yukari had been 20 or at least 10 years younger in order to become a famous 21st century writer.
There is no way she is 30 years old at that time.

>> No.6746008

so Okonogi is real?!?

>> No.6746023

so maybe there's something up with Okonogi? who knows what rei will show us..

>> No.6746038

What happened to Ange during the "Trick" ending?

I had heard there was an ending in which she offed herself. Was that fake?

>> No.6746050

in each ending in ep8, are they explain as karkas? or how ever there spelled?

>> No.6746057

read higuarshi

>> No.6746063

Unless Old Battler wrote his old self meeting Ange in the end without us knowing, yes.
After everyone learns the truth that Ange's parents were the killers and that the Ushiromiyas were sick incestuous greedy fucks, she ''makes a new truth with her blood'', i.e: she makes herself go kerblooey. Which is apparently the fake end, some people argue that since it's called ''Trick'', it's the actual end while ''Magic'' is supposed to mean the fake one but I couldn't care less anymore. Still waiting for Rei.

>> No.6746067

So Okonogi went from counter-intelligence agent to obscenely rich guy?

>> No.6746137

I guess Okonogi and the Sumaderas are the real winners in Umineko.

It makes me wonder why would the Sumaderas want to kill Kasumi, though.

>> No.6746205

Same reason why the Ushiromiyas of WWII era didn't care for Kinzo anymore. Except their family was not as earthquake'd.

>> No.6746246

holy shit guys.
what if Okonogi is another takano?
he did fucking everything, I can see it now.

>> No.6746250

Episodes 1-7 are great.

3/4 of EP8 is also great.

Final end fucks everything over.
