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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6742555 No.6742555 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry for rebuilding this thread...But, if you have time to kill, would you be able to help me?

Of course I'd like to answer every questions as long as time allows.

>> No.6742561

Why must you shitpost on /jp/?

>> No.6742573

That was sort of funny and all but this better not become a fucking roleplay thread.

>> No.6742587

How is the general view on same sex relationships? I am genuinely curious about this. It seems very laid-back.

>> No.6742603

Why none of the men of gensokyo appear in any games?

>> No.6742609
File: 330 KB, 2362x2362, patchouli sicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The taboo against same sex relationships is largely a Western (and Christian) one. Gensokyo's culture largely doesn't have such issues.

This attitude is further strengthened by the fact that Gensokyo is largely inhabited by Youkai, many of which are effectively genderless anyways.

>> No.6742619

What is Gensokyo ?
Sorry for the question, I'm not from /jp/...

>> No.6742623

The setting of the Touhou games.

>> No.6742627

hey op could you porve that you are from gensokyo?

>> No.6742631

How the fuck can you people get internet?

>> No.6742638


Because ZUN doesn't want to write about them or draw them, of course.


Gensokyo is a region of rural Japan that was sealed off in 1885, creating a sort of pocket universe. This region is inhabited by a wide variety of Youkai, as well as some humans, who have lived in relative harmony for over a hundred years.

>> No.6742641


Hey Patchy.... Do you smell like everyone says?

Also, how can I get to Gensokyo and find Tewi? I must tell her I love her.

>> No.6742665
File: 19 KB, 510x382, patchy library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Youkai Mountain Telecommunications started offering them to areas of Gensokyo outside the immediate Youkai Mountain area a few years ago. The initial link-up to a remote area like the Scarlet Devil Mansion is pretty expensive, but Remilia-sama insisted on getting one immediately.

>> No.6742684

How can humans and youkai live side by side without either party exterminating the other?

>> No.6742698
File: 140 KB, 473x669, 24b4f19fa0f5ebf496607ea48265fce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Patchy.... Do you smell like everyone says?

I don't know what the rumor is here, but creating pleasant smells with magic is rather trivial.

>Also, how can I get to Gensokyo and find Tewi? I must tell her I love her.

Getting into Gensokyo as a non-resident can be tricky. Yukari's Border Agency is usually willing to allow residents to leave and return if they give a good reason and are willing to have their goods inspected on the way back in. But non-residents probably won't be able to get in "officially". You'd have to find one of the weak spots in the border, and those change positions often.

>> No.6742727


>> No.6742729


Is it true that once there, Tewi would be nearly impossible to find anyway? If I did find her, I would do something rather uncharacteristic and unique. My only wish would be to spend the day with her.

>> No.6742740

I can't believe I'm going along with this but...

I just want to know a few trivial things about Gensokyo. Such as the official flag (if any) the judicial system (Probably handled by the yama) and the currency and current standing of the youkai and humans.

Also besides the Human Village, are there any other settlements within Gensokyo where humans live?

>> No.6742743
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Though Japanese history might suggest otherwise, it's not as difficult as it sounds. Throughout history, there have been many regions of the world where humans and Youkai lived peacefully.

Japan's history with Youkai has been rather saddening. Nobody quite knows who started it; humans claimed that Youkai were eating them, while Youkai claim that it was a sort of "blood libel" accusation with no real merit. Either way, eventually they became so hostile in some areas that Youkai actually did start eating humans, and humans started killing Youkai. And it went from there...

Of course, in Gensokyo, a few very powerful Youkai ensure that this doesn't happen. And so far, it seems that everyone is basically fine with it. There have been incidents, of course, but by and large most of the human hostility towards Youkai has disappeared as the older generations died off.

>> No.6742744
File: 154 KB, 500x753, drugDealer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd have to find one of the weak spots in the border, and those change positions often.

I've got a timetable with coordinates mapped out to the next three months. Asking price ten grand. You want it or not?

>> No.6742757


>> No.6742787

Do you foresee a downfall in human-youkai relationship with the amount of attention that Moria temple is receiving? IE, do you think there will be problem, with Sanae thirst for blood? Or is it all just rumors?

>> No.6742807
File: 664 KB, 1040x1468, 810cd045c4e99e60bcee349cc2eb1c4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is it true that once there, Tewi would be nearly impossible to find anyway?

I don't think she's known for hiding, except perhaps when Eirin is looking for her. If you found Eientei, you could almost certainly find Tewi.


>I just want to know a few trivial things about Gensokyo. Such as the official flag (if any) the judicial system (Probably handled by the yama) and the currency and current standing of the youkai and humans.

I don't think they have a flag.

The Yama handles judgement after death, not during life. She might scold random people in life, but she doesn't judge them until death.

The judicial system is pretty minimal as the human population is not that large. Consider what percentage of people commit crimes in the outside world: even if the percentage were the same, the number of criminals in Gensokyo would be rather low. In reality, it's even lower, as there are fewer crimes in Gensokyo: without cars, there is no speeding, and there are no drug laws, for example.

So when a significant crime occurs, it's big news. Such things are usually handled on a case-by-case basis.

>Also besides the Human Village, are there any other settlements within Gensokyo where humans live?

There are a number of smaller ones, though none are really self-contained; they still periodically visit the Village to trade and such. So they're more like suburbs than settlements.

>> No.6742814

Don't forget my gif thread.

>> No.6742823
File: 410 KB, 640x480, Touhou08Reisen[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Gensokyo operated on a trial-by-combat system.

>> No.6742842

>So when a significant crime occurs, it's big news. Such things are usually handled on a case-by-case basis.

I'll ask the obvious question, then.
If the answer is the one I'm thinking, then thumbs up for a clever post.

How many big crimes have actually been committed in the past years?

>> No.6742845

Aight aight, last question...

What are you views on the fandom of Touhou?

>> No.6742846

There is nothing wrong with a touhou gif thread. Even if it started with a different subject it was redirected by some anon.

>> No.6742864
File: 2.05 MB, 1400x2082, 6a4fc67bd8fb4d520f2c7173306d62a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Flandre really all that dangerous?

Considering the method in which her power is deployed, it seems to me that it isn't really all that of a bother. All one would have to do is blind her and break the palm which is glowing.

so that leaves the fact that she can do this subconciously, which is the main reason she is locked up no? (that and this plus Scitzorfrenia = bad stuff)

>> No.6742884
File: 391 KB, 488x646, 94e69ede4e7c8e295438a31e9d8edcec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, I forgot, the standing of Youkai and humans.

Resentment is significantly lower than it has been in the past, particularly due to improved information. Both humans and Youkai understand that their souls are eternal -- the "longer life" of a Youkai is just a longer period in one particular form. A human may be reincarnated as a Youkai or vice versa.

Though Youkai tend to be natural loners, many have begun taking part in society, even if that just means having a few drinks at a local bar. The Human Village has become the de facto center for most of this. Since Gensokyo's population is predominantly Youkai, this has led to a pretty significant boom in business as the number of Youkai visiting the village has increased.

Of course, this has also meant that Youkai who typically lived off the land have had to find work to pay for goods in the Village. A common example is selling foraged goods -- though some Youkai have gone farther and sold limited access to their powers as well.

Overall, the difference between human and Youkai is largely accepted as a fact of life. Everyone knows of the horrors of the past that were propagated as a result of not accepting it, and very few want to even mention the possibility of bringing those days back.

>> No.6742898

How do Gensokyoans look like?

ZUN shit-art or fanart?

>> No.6742946
File: 638 KB, 768x1024, 65808a16ba61c15b3a5d8680fd619c31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when a significant crime occurs, it's big news. Such things are usually handled on a case-by-case basis.

>If the answer is the one I'm thinking, then thumbs up for a clever post.

I'm not going to list the number of Windows Touhou games ;)

>How many big crimes have actually been committed in the past years?

I don't know a count off the top of my head. Also note that there are different sorts of crimes: crimes between humans, and crimes between Youkai. The former are handled by humans and the latter by Youkai. The big worry is always those crimes that cross species boundaries, as they always generate resentment.

Typically, any crime that involves Youkai is policed by the most powerful Youkai or their agents. While the biggest forces in Gensokyo don't always work together, they do all agree that enforcement of the law is in their best interest and so generally cooperate in such a situation. Doubly so if it's a crime between humans and Youkai.

>What are you views on the fandom of Touhou?

Nothing wrong with it. It's a way for those outside of Gensokyo to enjoy the world of Gensokyo without making it too cluttered here. It also ensures that nobody believes Gensokyo to be anything other than fictional, and so doesn't go looking for it.

I'm not against humans from the outside world, of course, but Gensokyo can't handle a huge flood of immigrants! And if Gensokyo wasn't dominated by Youkai, it wouldn't be Gensokyo anymore anyways.

>> No.6742950

Obviously ZUN shit art

>> No.6742968

She blew up a meteorite. She clenched her fist and it went boom.

By the mercy of the gods she does not seem to like being outside, and is rarely seen.

So far, she seems to like Marisa.

>> No.6742973
File: 773 KB, 1120x600, 1110b9dcf3d4586179fe126914aca13a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Flandre really all that dangerous?
>Considering the method in which her power is deployed, it seems to me that it isn't really all that of a bother. All one would have to do is blind her and break the palm which is glowing.
>so that leaves the fact that she can do this subconciously, which is the main reason she is locked up no? (that and this plus Scitzorfrenia = bad stuff)

Youkai aren't like humans. Being spirits, they're not vulnerable to the same kinds of weapons or attacks, so don't think of them in the same way. A Youkai may be vulnerable to a "weapon" such as an enchanted charm that would have no effect on a human, whereas impaling the same Youkai in the face with a sword might be useless. So don't think about "breaking her palm" as an attack.

Flandre isn't crazy. That's largely an exaggeration by fans. She's a bit immature (quite natural for a vampire!), but she's certainly able to control the use of her powers.

>How do Gensokyoans look like?
>ZUN shit-art or fanart?

They're just art styles: nobody in reality "looks" like a stylized character.

>> No.6743010
File: 249 KB, 708x1000, sample-bf766ecb73d5f04f3c9e9771af688761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an enemy who diregards da RULZ who has abilities similar to NVRNQSR OR ALUCARD (OM NOM NOM YOU ARE A PART OF ME) were to enter gensokyo, how fucked would the populace be?

>Inb4 anon knows nothing about this

>> No.6743043

>da RULZ


>> No.6743051

Out of curiosity, how does one get out of the labyrinth-like basement of the Scarlet Devil Mansion? And once out of said basement, how would one manage to sneak outside without being seen?
It's for... scientific research.

>> No.6743061
File: 381 KB, 800x1112, e8553efd1219d18d98a6ceb197404398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most powerful Youkai in Gensokyo would almost surely be able to take care of such a threat without too much danger.

But first one would ask -- where would this threat come from? We do in fact try to keep active tabs on all known Youkai, particularly the most powerful ones.

There are very few powerful Youkai who are not either dead, in Gensokyo, or in contact with Youkai in Gensokyo. And if they're not in Gensokyo, it would be nearly impossible for them to get in without the blessing of those already inside.

>> No.6743071

as a technical historian, how severe was the most previous entrance to gensokyo's frame of space, and is the possibility of dimensional expansion in the minds of those who know.

Also, what would be the severity of otherwise a summon of a gensokyoan, a spirit pact, or a direct transfer (also known as a locational rip) of a youkai, or even a human between the two worlds?

>> No.6743079
File: 140 KB, 469x393, oechaB72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would Alice look more like this?

>> No.6743088


>> No.6743096

Is ZUN a Gensokyoan or a human from the outside world that was contacted by some youkai?

>> No.6743097
File: 143 KB, 400x600, 4143bc5b80f21cc698721de8da613b89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of curiosity, how does one get out of the labyrinth-like basement of the Scarlet Devil Mansion? And once out of said basement, how would one manage to sneak outside without being seen?

It's not designed to be very difficult to get out of. There are even maps of the mansion which were installed for the sake of newer maids.

Sneaking outside without being seen would not be extremely difficult either, particularly with Meiling being as sleepy on the job as she usually is. We do have magical alarms, but they're designed to catch intruders, not escapees.

>> No.6743107

Are there any (aside from Alice or maybe Yama) Youkai from foreign lands, like Greece, Egypt, or Iran?

>> No.6743133

Oh, okay!
Thanks, Patchy! Oh, and one more thing-
This conversation? Never happened.

>> No.6743148

Are you real or am i just talking with someone pretending to be Patchouli?

>> No.6743171
File: 375 KB, 683x1024, alice cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a technical historian, how severe was the most previous entrance to gensokyo's frame of space, and is the possibility of dimensional expansion in the minds of those who know.
>Also, what would be the severity of otherwise a summon of a gensokyoan, a spirit pact, or a direct transfer (also known as a locational rip) of a youkai, or even a human between the two worlds?

I probably shouldn't discuss the technical details of the border here (from the perspective of a magic user, that is). It's strongly discouraged by Yukari.

>So would Alice look more like this?

The best reference in your world is probably cosplay, such as that to the left: naturally, a humanoid in outfit X is going to be approximated well by a human in a similar outfit!

Of course, the human forms of many Youkai in Gensokyo can't be perfectly emulated by cosplayers in the outside world, as their beauty and proportions are beyond that which is possible for a human.

>Is ZUN a Gensokyoan or a human from the outside world that was contacted by some youkai?

I actually don't know. As far as I can tell, this is clearly a very actively-kept secret: I literally know no more about him than you do. The only hints I have is that none of the powerful Youkai have "gone after him" for what he's doing, so they clearly aren't against it.

>> No.6743240


>clearly a very actively-kept secret

It's not, it's just not something anyone's really thought about.

It's clear to me at least, that ZUN was in regular contact with a youkai, likely Yukari, who gave him information about Gensokyo for him to use in his games.

I also believe that this arrangement ceased some time ago and anything ZUN produces now is entirely a product of his imagination.

>> No.6743241

Is Yukari really a troll or is fanon just misrepresenting her?

>> No.6743266

then my last two questions are, the possibility does exist, right? if so then you might be witnessing an ocean eventually.

and for my last question, Doctor Who, do you have any Doctor Who in your library? And are you a fan of it?

>> No.6743270
File: 435 KB, 489x685, db04a0d8356f2ad51c2f9dbf3d28795a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any (aside from Alice or maybe Yama) Youkai from foreign lands, like Greece, Egypt, or Iran?

A whole bunch. I mean, to start with, you have the more recent immigrants to Gensokyo. Remilia-sama and Flandre came relatively recently (compared to Gensokyo's history, at least) from Europe, for example. There are also many, many more that ZUN has not mentioned in his works yet, particularly among minor Youkai. There was a huge inflow of Youkai around the time the Border was created which has, to some extent, continued to this day. Gensokyo has an "open borders" immigration policy for all and any Youkai.

In addition, many Youkai originated from outside of Japan but have moved here and taken Japanese names. Given the ages of many Youkai, it's very difficult to tell which ones were originally "foreign", since many have lived here so long that they look and act native.

Since Gensokyo is such a melting pot of Youkai, there is generally very little focus made on nationality: the fact that one is a "Youkai" is more important than being "Japanese" or "French" or "Indian". Especially since such cultures are largely human constructions!

>Are you real or am i just talking with someone pretending to be Patchouli?

This is Gensokyo, the "land of fantasy"! What humans choose to believe is of their own choosing.

>> No.6743283

Is there something going on between you and Marisa or is she just stealing your books like everyone says?

>> No.6743286


>Gensokyo has an "open borders" immigration policy for all and any Youkai.

Added to what I just recently found out, this is very good news indeed.

>> No.6743339

Do you know whether or not prayers from here can reach Gensokyo? Like, if a human here prayed to say, Kanako, would she receive the prayer?

>> No.6743367

This is a good thread. No, really. Think: Each question here could easily have been a thread of their own each.

This is a good thread. I think it was mostly samefagging, though, since that one guy left, OP seems to have gone too. Oh well.

>> No.6743375

>A human may be reincarnated as a Youkai or vice versa.
Is this only for Gensokyo's humans, or is it possible (and how likely? special requirements?) that a normal human outside of Gensokyo is reincarnated as a Youkai?

>> No.6743383



See this thread for pertinent info.

>> No.6743409

>It's not, it's just not something anyone's really thought about.
>It's clear to me at least, that ZUN was in regular contact with a youkai, likely Yukari, who gave him information about Gensokyo for him to use in his games.

But are you sure ZUN is even a human? What if he's a Youkai? You see, you don't know. And I don't know either.

>Is Yukari really a troll or is fanon just misrepresenting her?

A little bit of both. As far as I can tell, she is essentially a good person. But she also likes making life a bit more "interesting" for those around her. So, in some sense, she's a "troll", but she does, at least I think, in good spirits.

>and for my last question, Doctor Who, do you have any Doctor Who in your library? And are you a fan of it?

Well, being that I have internet access, it's no problem to get any television from the outside world. I haven't had the time to watch even all the most highly rated stuff though.

>> No.6743473
File: 601 KB, 600x800, 6a970db493e50c748837369fd807ee7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there something going on between you and Marisa or is she just stealing your books like everyone says?

As a fellow magic-user, she's a good friend of mine. Not going to say anything beyond that.

>Do you know whether or not prayers from here can reach Gensokyo? Like, if a human here prayed to say, Kanako, would she receive the prayer?

Prayers don't work quite that way (Shinto gods don't work the same way as with Christian concepts of gods), but I don't actually know how prayers work from the god's perspective. I'm not a god.

>I think it was mostly samefagging, though, since that one guy left, OP seems to have gone too. Oh well.

I'm still here.

>A human may be reincarnated as a Youkai or vice versa.
>Is this only for Gensokyo's humans, or is it possible (and how likely? special requirements?) that a normal human outside of Gensokyo is reincarnated as a Youkai?

I think reincarnation works the same everywhere. I don't know if the boundary affects reincarnation though, i.e. whether it's possible to reincarnate across the boundary or not. These would be something that someone with expertise in the cycle of reincarnation might know more about -- for example Yuyuko or the Yama.

One thing to note is that, according to Buddhist tradition (and constantly repeated by the Yama, of course) is the fact that reincarnation depends on what you do in life. If you are immoral, you will likely reincarnate as a lesser being, and vice versa for greater beings. Whether Youkai count as "greater" than humans I'm not sure, but I would assume yes.

Do also keep in mind that the Judeochristian concept of morality is not quite what applies here. While there is a lot of overlap, consider equally that "homosexuality" and "eating shrimp" would probably not be considered immorality for these purposes.

>> No.6743497
File: 16 KB, 296x307, kylehyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also believe that this arrangement ceased some time ago and anything ZUN produces now is entirely a product of his imagination.

>> No.6743508

Have you considered that there may in fact be multiple practical afterlives for those of different cultures?

>> No.6743529

As someone who has regular contact with Sakuya Izayoi, please tell us if she frequently does things like opening windows on spacecraft.

>> No.6743546
File: 507 KB, 1440x1018, 2145c68cd0e0826615c261fbef6cf4a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you considered that there may in fact be multiple practical afterlives for those of different cultures?

It's possible, but that raises some interesting questions. If someone moves from a Christian culture to Gensokyo, which afterlife do they get? And so forth.

Personally, I'm inclined to believe what we learn in Gensokyo is the "truth" for a simple reason: I've seen Yuyuko and the Yama. I haven't seen Yahweh or Zeus. I'm inclined to believe in the ones I've seen!

>> No.6743568

Do you have an outie or an innie?

>> No.6743650

Since we can't possibly tell from ZUN's art, and the fans are in disagreement, are you flat or not? What are your three sizes?

>> No.6743866
File: 133 KB, 840x763, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof, some personal questions! Keep in mind that as a Youkai Magician, I appear exactly as I want to appear. Though unlike typical Youkai, my powers are magical rather than spiritual, so I would do so through spells, as opposed to through innate ability.

>Do you have an outie or an innie?

An "innie", I think it looks better. Personally I consider belly-buttons to be imperfections, flaws of a human's nature, but if I didn't have one it would just appear creepy.

>Since we can't possibly tell from ZUN's art, and the fans are in disagreement, are you flat or not? What are your three sizes?

I'm more on the busty side, but not nearly so much as your H artists like to draw me. I'm 98-48-88. That'd be 38.5 - 18.9 - 34.6 in inches, but that doesn't have nearly as many 8s (which are, as you may know, a lucky number!).

As I briefly mentioned earlier, there's a long-standing tradition of Youkai choosing forms with proportions impossible for real humans. Some do this for a feeling of superiority, I guess. I've stuck with the tradition, though it's not like I go outside very often...

>> No.6743887

As a magician, you do still have a "true" form, though , don't you? I've been a little unclear on this.

>> No.6743902


Alright, now this is just getting silly.

>> No.6743958
File: 332 KB, 1250x1425, patchoulismirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's a true form? If you can arbitrarily change your form as you wish, and all changes are permanent, what's a "true form"?

Some creatures do have "natural forms". For example, animal Youkai: a kitsune naturally looks like a fox. The decision to keep their ears and tails even in human form is largely a personal one -- often one of pride in what they are, or just merely as identification. Or because they're warm and fuzzy.

>> No.6743980

How does magic work in Gensokyo?

>> No.6743990
File: 25 KB, 300x400, fucking miracles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same way magnets do.

>> No.6744044

>all changes are permanent
Are you sure about that? I thought there were few magical effects that were truly permanent.

>> No.6744049
File: 180 KB, 1100x800, 177ef25f32780cbdbb2b804e1726ba42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good question!

There are two sorts of things that humans in the outside world would call "magic".

The first is a sort of magic similar to the "Vancian magic" found in much outside world fiction and games (e.g. Dungeons and Dragons). This magic largely abides by physical logic in the expected ways. That is, if you know what a spell does, you can calculate exactly what it will do with the same sort of physics and mathematics used in the outside world. A simple fireball spell would be a good example. This the typical "Western magic".

The second is a sort of "spiritual magic" that works on "rules" and "concepts" instead of physical law. For example, a powerful spiritual weapon might be an "arrow that always hits". This arrow doesn't have a magical guiding mechanism that seeks its target, nor does it have a computer on board: it simply is enchanted such that it "always hits". This is the typical "Eastern magic".

The two approaches can even be combined to make some very powerful spells. The Hourai Elixir itself is actually just a combination of a wide array of spells and potions in a particular fashion. Here's an example of the kind of logic that one would use to design such an elixir:

1. The elixir must be able to resurrect the drinker, even if they are utterly destroyed.

2. If the drinker is utterly destroyed, there is no template from which to re-create the drinker.

3. Therefore, we need a spell to bind the drinker to a conceptualized version of him/herself, from which one can resurrect him later.

4. But in order to create this, we also need a spell to extract this conceptualized version of the drinker from his/her mind.

And so forth. And each of these spells might be a combination of other, simpler spells. High-level spellcraft is all about creative combinations of simple things to create powerful results.

>> No.6744065


Don't tell people how to make the Hourai Elixir. You'll be wrong, of course, and people will harm themselves when they try to make it. People might even die, believing themselves to be immortal.

>> No.6744091
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Depends whether the spell is an "effect" or a "transformation". An "effect" spell causes some target to be under an effect for a period of time: for example, to make a room temporarily warm. A "transformation" spell changes the target permanently (well, until it's changed by some other means!).

Applying these categories to non-magical things may make them more clear. If I place a heater in a room, the room will temporarily become warm: when I remove the heater the room is no longer warm. If I take a pile of wood and burn it, the wood is transformed into soot, ashes, and smoke. If you remove the fire, the pile of soot and ashes still remains.

In general, "effect" spells are easier if they last for a short term, but for very long-term spells, you're better off trying for a "transformation" spell. An "effect" spell requires paying of some kind of magical upkeep for as long as it's in effect: if the period is too long, it would be "cheaper" to simply go for a transformation instead.

Some things can't typically be "transformed". For example, I cannot "transform" a room to be warm. Making a room warm involves heating it, so making a room warm really means that I need to continually supply it with heat.

>> No.6744105

Are there other magical boundaries on Earth similar to Gensokyo's? Every culture has their own gods, heroes, and monsters, after all.

>> No.6744140

How did the touhous react upon seeing all the countless pages of porn made about them? What did you feel?

>> No.6744153

this is very sadly the closest thing to a quality thread on /jp/

>> No.6744156

Depends if they managed to make it or not, I imagine. I wouldn't be surprised if there were enclaves of Asian supernatural creatures hiding out outside Gensokyo somewhere, too.

>> No.6744163

Do you think humans and youkai are capable of a more, say, romantic relationship? Do think any youkai are interested or curious in that kind of thing?

>> No.6744175
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>Are there other magical boundaries on Earth similar to Gensokyo's? Every culture has their own gods, heroes, and monsters, after all.

For the category of gods, Japan was relatively unique in that polytheism survived to modern day. In most of the world, polytheism is no longer practiced: even in Hinduism, the concept of thousands of individual gods has largely been given up, replaced with the interpretation that they're all aspects of a single larger god.

Local gods thus faded away across most of the world before Gensokyo was created.

Every culture had their Youkai, sure: as I mentioned earlier, a whole bunch of them simply moved to Gensokyo.

Heroes were largely humans -- often heroes for fighting Youkai! So they aren't still alive today, if only due to age.

Now, to answer the original question, yes, there are other Youkai enclaves. They're much smaller than Gensokyo though. There are three primary abodes of Youkai worldwide besides Gensokyo:


>> No.6744177

1) Living alone outside civilization (the traditional method). These are decreasing as Youkai find it more and more difficult to stay outside human civilization.

2) Living in enclaves outside civilization. Together, Youkai find it easier to stay hidden. Some have made boundaries similar to Gensokyo's.

3) Living in civilization. Many, many Youkai -- probably in the tens of thousands, at least -- have masqueraded as humans. The primary problem with this is twofold:
a) Youkai are, for practical purposes, immortal. If you don't age, you have to constantly change identities to avoid being "spotted" -- and every time you do, you run the risk of being caught.
b) And believe me, you can be caught. Governments worldwide are *not* completely unaware of the existence of Youkai. They still have extermination squads; you just don't hear about them. The greatest difficulty of living a "normal" life is that it makes you incredibly easy to catch if you're found out.

This is why Gensokyo is becoming so popular: it's one of the only places left for Youkai in the world today.

>> No.6744190

Do spells typically require energy to work?
If so, where does that energy come from?

>> No.6744197
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Patchy, what do you think of Earth occultism? We've obviously come a long way and there are some interesting and powerful people as there always were, but we lack the ability to break the laws of physics very easily.

I have a theory that an Earth occultist put into Gensokyo would become a youkai magician. Any confirmation?

>> No.6744198

SCP-XXX: Gensokyo
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All known boundary-penetration zones are to be under armed guard at all times to prevent traffic in either direction. 24-hour satellite surveillance of the restricted area is to be maintained to prevent trans-boundary excursions in non-primary areas. SCP-XXX is considered a Hostile Containment Area. Security personnel are authorized to use lethal force against individuals or entities involved in trans-boundary excursions.

Description: SCP-XXX is a sealed region of spacetime with entry points located in modern-day [DATA EXPUNGED], Japan, formerly a region known as "Gensokyo". SCP-XXX-A is the boundary between SCP-XXX proper and ordinary spacetime. The general topography of SCP-XXX is similar to that of the geographical location from which it was originally derived.

Research expeditions and interrogation of captured entities have revealed the following about the interior: SCP-XXX is home to both ordinary humans, who have established a small settlement inside the area, and an assortment of native and non-native paranormal entities of varying threat level and nature, including two Class-III immortals, a variety of nature incarnations, and a vampire. (See Document-XXX-1, A Listing of High-Profile Threat Entities Within SCP-XXX, for more information.) Cultural and technological advancement within SCP-XXX remains, with isolated exceptions, that of mid-1800s Japanese pre-Restoration society.

>> No.6744203

Addendum: Entity XXX-Alpha is HXXXXXX RXXXX, a human female in her mid-teens, attendant of a local Shinto shrine located within SCP-XXX, which also serves as Boundary Penetration Zone 01. XXX-Alpha exhibits significant paranormal abilities, and appears to be linked in some way to the establishment and maintenance of SCP-XXX-A, but expresses interest in preventing future trans-boundary excursions. Establishment of a liaison is recommended.

NOTE: Due to elementary evidence suggesting a connection between Entity XXX-Alpha and the continued presence of SCP-XXX-A, and in consideration of the negative consequences believed to stem from a full reintegration event (i.e. convergence trauma), termination of Entity XXX-Alpha is to be considered a final resort.

>> No.6744249
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>How did the touhous react upon seeing all the countless pages of porn made about them? What did you feel?

I don't particularly care. The artists certainly did not intend to be malicious to anyone, and from their perspective, it's just a fictional character. And plus, what kind of person goes around telling others what porn they can and can't have?

>Do you think humans and youkai are capable of a more, say, romantic relationship? Do think any youkai are interested or curious in that kind of thing?

You're nowhere near the first to think of that! It's been tried, both with failures and successes.

There's of course a bunch of problems with this in practice:

1. Youkai are long-lived, humans are not. This is obvious.

2. Humans are materialistic, Youkai are not. That is, since Youkai can take any form, physical "beauty" is irrelevant. But humans aren't used to such a situation.

3. Youkai think differently from humans. While Youkai have learned over thousands of years how to interact with humans appropriately and naturally, their thought processes quite simply differ from humans'.

4. Many Youkai (not all, of course) don't have a natural gender. Do they take the part of the "male" or the "female" in the relationship?

One famous success found a way around 1): a Youkai magician, who trained the human in magic until the human was able to become a nominal "Youkai", in the same way as Alice. There have been successes without solving 1) as well. Youkai in particular have learned over the years to deal emotionally with the limited lifespan of their friends, so from the Youkai's side I don't think this is such an issue anymore.

>> No.6744278

How do you fly? Hell, how do you even learn magic in the first place?

>> No.6744287


Yeah, that's a useful question... Why don't you tell us some things we can do to begin our study of magic? It can't be impossible.

>> No.6744295

If I love my waifu enough, will she eventually become a youkai as long lived non-humans are known to do?

>> No.6744297

>Do spells typically require energy to work?
>If so, where does that energy come from?

Western-style magic uses a sort of "mana". The details are a bit complex, but in practice it works relatively similar to mana as you have seen in many games and fiction.

Eastern-style magic is less straightforward. Many powerful objects can only become powerful through reputation and age, as opposed to simply placing a spell on them. Many components to Eastern-style magic are necessarily rare and ancient objects -- made powerful solely due to their rarity and age.

>Patchy, what do you think of Earth occultism? We've obviously come a long way and there are some interesting and powerful people as there always were, but we lack the ability to break the laws of physics very easily.

Occultism has always had links to real magic. The "real magicians" just don't write down their successes in the history book, but rather in their magical tomes.

Humans are fully capable of performing magic, even outside of Gensokyo. There are even some groups of magicians outside Gensokyo. They work hard to keep their work secret though, and they have lost much of their past knowledge, particularly as many of the most successful magicians joined the ranks of the Youkai instead.

>> No.6744304

>Many Youkai (not all, of course) don't have a natural gender.

This refers to the 'presence' youkai right? Rumia, Yukari, Yuuka, Letty, Hong etc?

>> No.6744340
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Aspiring magi are not so rare anymore. The truly powerful ones, maybe, but magic is becoming a common sight on Earth. If you're curious, go check out /x/ -there's usually at least one magick thread full of aspiring occultists.

I'm actually one of the first to present the idea of gensokyo portals to /jp/. Occultism has always been my obsession, and I'm constantly on one tome or another.

>> No.6744353
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>How do you fly? Hell, how do you even learn magic in the first place?

>Yeah, that's a useful question... Why don't you tell us some things we can do to begin our study of magic? It can't be impossible.

Magic requires mental discipline as well as knowledge of spells. It's also significantly easier in a location already infused by magic, like Gensokyo. It's possible outside, too, but it's very hard to *learn* in a location that isn't. That's one of the other reasons that you see few *new* magicians in the outside world today.

"Everyone can fly in Gensokyo" because the spell for levitation is very simple and can be done even by someone not fully trained in basic magic, particularly for the reasons mentioned above. The main catch is that while it's easy to *fly*, it's not easy to fly *well*. It takes significant physical exertion and mental concentration. While this is typically effortless for someone who's spent hundreds of years doing it, like a Youkai, for an unpracticed human it is generally difficult enough that one can't fly fast, accurately, or long distances.

I would recommend that you don't bother to try to learn magic outside of Gensokyo. It's already difficult enough inside Gensokyo if you don't have a mentor -- outside it's surely impossible without one.

>If I love my waifu enough, will she eventually become a youkai as long lived non-humans are known to do?

Doesn't really work for humans. If it did, you'd most certainly see pop culture figures becoming Youkai, which would be rather frightening.

>> No.6744365
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Your only qualm with humans entering Gensokyo is an imbalance of Humans to youkai. Now, if humans on gensokyo became youkai, would it be fine for them to enter? If so, what would be the steps required to become any type of youkai. Hell, becoming a shinkigami is fine too, anything that would not be classified as human must be acceptable right? After all, any non human would need to find shelter from persecution, and gensokyo seems like the perfect place.

If you do know Marisa, how old is she at this moment? Is she close to becoming a youkai?

>> No.6744370
File: 448 KB, 994x710, 6d5d83adabb83d208f92d3dbbff20c28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This refers to the 'presence' youkai right? Rumia, Yukari, Yuuka, Letty, Hong etc?

Basically, yes. That's not a quite all-encompassing category, but you get the idea. The attributes of a Youkai are derived from whatever created them. A fox Youkai will have attributes derived from foxes, and so forth. Gender is a concept unique to animals (and some plants). So only Youkai derived from such things will have a gender.

>> No.6744383

>Now, if humans on gensokyo became youkai
Meant outside, not on.

>> No.6744406

I'm an engineer. Could you connect me to the Kappa so that I may bargain with them a way to enter myself?
I'm on my last year of master's work on Computer Engineering, I'm sure they would love to have me right?

>> No.6744416
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>Your only qualm with humans entering Gensokyo is an imbalance of Humans to youkai.

Not quite. Youkai are fine for two reasons:

1. The purpose of Gensokyo was for Youkai to begin with.

2. There aren't that many Youkai.

If Gensokyo was open to humans, we'd quickly have millions of people wanting to move in.

>Now, if humans on gensokyo became youkai, would it be fine for them to enter? If so, what would be the steps required to become any type of youkai. Hell, becoming a shinkigami is fine too, anything that would not be classified as human must be acceptable right? After all, any non human would need to find shelter from persecution, and gensokyo seems like the perfect place.

It doesn't quite work that way. If you became the shikigami of a Youkai, you'd still be a human -- just one who was a shikigami. Ran Yakumo was a Youkai before she was a shikigami.

>If you do know Marisa, how old is she at this moment? Is she close to becoming a youkai?

She's a very talented magician, unusually so among humans. She's extremely smart and dedicated: I have no doubt that she could complete the necessary steps given a decade or two of effort. By comparison, your average magician likely couldn't do so even if he dedicated his entire life.

So far, though, she doesn't seem too interested. I figure she'll change her mind eventually as she ages, though. They all start this way.

>> No.6744423
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>Youkai think differently from humans. While Youkai have learned over thousands of years how to interact with humans appropriately and naturally, their thought processes quite simply differ from humans'.

I've always seen this said, but what does it really mean? Give some examples.

>> No.6744432

How many places like Gensokyo are hidden around the world?

>> No.6744445

What do you think of An hero and enter gensokyo plans? Does it work?

Are youkai able to enter our world? If so, that sounds a little unfair given how we cant enter there.

And to the previous question that anon asked you, you did not answer if entering would be fine if he became a youkai instead of a shinkigami.

>> No.6744497

Is Shinki a different sort of God than Kanako and Suwako?

>> No.6744510
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>I'm an engineer. Could you connect me to the Kappa so that I may bargain with them a way to enter myself?
>I'm on my last year of master's work on Computer Engineering, I'm sure they would love to have me right?

The Kappa mostly prefer to do everything themselves. They're kind of like the Chinese in the outside world; they'd rather build their own knowledge-base than import others'. Of course, they happily steal from Wikipedia anyways, so...

>I've always seen this said, but what does it really mean? Give some examples.

It's hard to explain for a whole bunch of reasons. To begin with, I'm only familiar with my own mode of thinking. How can I talk about others', or yours?

To start, I'm a Youkai magician. Magicians are not characterized by the fact that they do magic, but rather that they became Youkai through magic. This doesn't literally mean that they were once human -- for example, their parents might have been magicians.

But either way, magicians are human-derived, and thus have very similar thought processes to humans. What are truly different are the Youkai who are not human-derived, such as the "Presence" category mentioned above.


>> No.6744518

Here's what hopefully will pass for an example. You have emotions: fear, love, hate, happiness, sadness, and so forth. You know that anyone else who talks about these emotions is probably feeling roughly the same thing as you are -- not quite, since no two humans are identical -- but roughly the same.

Imagine someone who didn't have the same emotions. Not someone who *didn't* have emotions -- that's easy. Someone who had *different* emotions. How could you describe, or even understand, an emotion that you don't feel? If you didn't know what "love" was, how would I explain it to you?

How would you understand such a person? It would be hard, wouldn't it?

Humans are a combination of logic and emotion. Logic doesn't change between humans and even the most bizarre Youkai: 2+2 is still 4, and even the most inhuman Youkai could learn ordinary human mathematics without a problem. But emotions do change, and when they differ too much, it's very hard to understand each other. Most of human interaction makes the assumption that people can understand how each other feel: when this fails, it's hard to communicate.

>> No.6744559

You cant steal schematics off wikipedia. The Chinese get theirs by requiring all papers from other countries (patents, schematics, etc.) in order to enter production. Thank you for proving how little you know about anything.

I hope either we or the Lunarians wipe you filthy youkai off the face of the earth at some point. I mean, do you guys even do anything other than live for the sake of living?

>> No.6744571

So it's kind of like that one guy at the funeral who laughs when everyone else is feeling sad and crying?

>> No.6744588
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>How many places like Gensokyo are hidden around the world?

One: Gensokyo. None of the others come close to being like Gensokyo. If you mean enclaves, there's probably at least a few dozen left, but most only have Youkai, so they're not really like Gensokyo.

>What do you think of An hero and enter gensokyo plans? Does it work?

Of course not. Killing yourself is not going to do anything -- and it certainly won't get you reincarnated as a Youkai. The Yama does not respect those who don't respect their own lives. You were reincarnated as a human this time around, as opposed to a spider or a gnat. You should take advantage of what you have.

>Are youkai able to enter our world? If so, that sounds a little unfair given how we cant enter there.

Well, as I mentioned in detail earlier, Youkai can and do exist outside of Gensokyo. They *can* enter your world, but your world is fraught with dangers for them. While you would have a place in Gensokyo, Youkai have little place left in the outside world today.

>And to the previous question that anon asked you, you did not answer if entering would be fine if he became a youkai instead of a shinkigami.

The only way I know of to become a Youkai (besides dramatic magical intervention) is via the magician path, which is basically impossible for an outsider with no mentor.

>Is Shinki a different sort of God than Kanako and Suwako?

In a sense. Gods have "domains". This typically covers some region or topic. For example, a harvest god might have a spatial domain (the region they serve) and a topic domain (crops). Shinki is a "god" of a world that not only isn't part of typical human reality, but is a world she created herself. I don't think this is quite the same as being the god of an existing region or topic. I suspect she isn't a god at all -- perhaps just a powerful Youkai of some sort.

>> No.6744600

Here is where OP's castle of cards comes tumbling down. If you can post on this imageboard, write in out language, and have all the technology to make this possible, I would like you to post a picture of anything in gensokyo. A picture of one of your bookshelves, outside of the castle, your leg etc. Anything will do. A timestamp as well.

There, now we can all go home. i know how some of us really want to believe, but this is just getting silly.

>> No.6744620
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>You cant steal schematics off wikipedia. The Chinese get theirs by requiring all papers from other countries (patents, schematics, etc.) in order to enter production. Thank you for proving how little you know about anything.

I didn't literally mean schematics, I meant information. The Kappa largely take technical information from the outside world, but they don't generally copy actual designs outright as far as I know. They might have in the case of some of their networking technology though, in order to interface with outside computers.

>So it's kind of like that one guy at the funeral who laughs when everyone else is feeling sad and crying?

Possibly worse. That guy who's laughing is still feeling an emotion that you understand -- mirth, amusement. You know what amusement means -- you're just confused as to why he's feeling it at this time. What if someone was feeling an emotion that you literally didn't have a name for?

>> No.6744621

>They *can* enter your world, but your world is fraught with dangers for them.

Is that so? What like no one in the outside world believing in them so their existence is nullified?

>> No.6744635

If youkai are so powerful, then why do they run from Humans and hide in Gensokyo? It seems they're not very smart either. Yukari is the only resident with any shred of intelligence, and it branches down to Ran who is her vassal. The kappa do not have any decent tech, so that rules them out as well.

how does it feel to belong to an inferior specie? I do not mean to be condescending, as I'm not exactly the prime of my race, but as every other specie who is under humans is impossible to communicate to, this interests me.

>> No.6744645

>What if someone was feeling an emotion that you literally didn't have a name for?

I'd say that person must be an interesting fellow and attempt to strike up a conversation with him/her.

>> No.6744663
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>>6744621 see >>6744177


>If youkai are so powerful, then why do they run from Humans and hide in Gensokyo? It seems they're not very smart either.

I know you're trolling, but the reason is simple: Youkai don't want to kill humans. The current, most widely accepted "moral approach" among Youkai is that it is wrong for Youkai to take any course of action which results in a head-on collision with the human species, because it will end badly for both sides. If they wanted to, and organized to do so, the Youkai could probably wipe out humanity. But they don't, because they believe it's simply wrong.

There have been great conflicts among Youkai in the past on this topic, especially around the time of the founding of Gensokyo. The ones who founded Gensokyo are the ones who decided that peace was more important than victory.

Now, to be fair, a lot of Youkai probably go along with this because they're absolutely fine with living in Gensokyo and are happy to live away from humanity's excesses.

>> No.6744664


>I suspect she isn't a god at all -- perhaps just a powerful Youkai of some sort.

This seems highly unlikely.

Creating a world is the domain of gods.

Which is why I believe she's of a different TYPE of god.
Kanako and Suwako match the eastern style of gods. A being who represents, controls, and manages nature. Incarnation of the world given thought and reason.
The western idea of "god", conversely, represents the creator(s) of the world. Either directly, like Odin and his brothers forging the earth and heavens out of Ymir's corpse, or indirectly, such as Zeus and the gods bringing order to the chaotic world of the titans.
With the eastern gods, the gods arise due to the existence of the world. With the western, the world arises due to the existence of the gods.
If Shinki created Makai, she must have existed before Makai, which lines up with the latter.

>> No.6744666

how many dicks have you taken in your cunt.

>> No.6744673

Is there someone in Gensokyo who has tried a Uranus or Metatron evocation? Like the way Reimu calls upon the gods?

I hear doing summons like that (even for example, Egyptian gods) is much more dangerous and unstable compared to what the Hakurei maiden does.

>> No.6744678

It would be much more interesting if you posted a picture, I agree with the anon. Is the world 2D, 3D, or 2.5D? This has not been discussed in any detail in the thread.

>> No.6744689

Not OP (actually a little uncomfortable with the way OP has interpreted certain things) but I personally just use that to justify ZUN's writing style. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or it's just the translation from Japanese, but I get the feeling that some of his characters don't talk like people.

See Yuka's scenario in PoFV, for example. She just drifts around, beats people up, and then treats them to cryptic sayings.

>> No.6744700
File: 330 KB, 552x585, 5323133c8f53493d46400ba6a82e87eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3D, of course. It's a land of fantasy, not a land of anime. Gensokyo was created before anime style even existed in Japan.

Though it's probably not outside the ability of someone like Yukari to change that.


I'm not too familiar with that kind of invocation: that's moreso the domain of a priest than a magician.

Remi-sama wants me upstairs for morning tea. I'll be back in a bit.

>> No.6744710

You forgot the picture though.
Bumping for timestamped picture.

>> No.6744795

ZUN's games practically exist for the sake of making puns. He puts very little effort into making his dialogue realistic.

>> No.6744829

>Though it's probably not outside the ability of someone like Yukari to change that.

I seriously doubt it's within her power to change the fundamental underpinnings of reality in such a way.

Makes sense to me.

>> No.6744860

Ohhhhhhhh, I thought OP was asking if someone would kill him. Such a disappointment.

>> No.6744863

There's a couple of magicians who have extensively written the methods for doing those things. The only warning they had was that it's hard, dangerous, and it's unstable. Then they pointed the reader to lesser, more easily done beings.

I am assuming a Metatron or Uranus evocation would be very overpowering in Gensokyo, possibly even for Yukari.

>> No.6744942
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I'm back, Anonymous~. Hot tea is a great wake-up drink.

>I seriously doubt it's within her power to change the fundamental underpinnings of reality in such a way.

You need to "think outside the box", as they say. What if you didn't modify reality, but just how people perceived it?

Plus, I'm not really in a position to say anything about the limits of Yukari's powers. We know they're limited, but where the boundary is, nobody knows but her.

>> No.6744958


Well of course trying to evoke a high angel such as the Metatron, or fucking Uranus the heavens above, would be unimagineably dangerous. You're poking an uberdeity in the side and asking it to help you out.

Well, evoking the Metatron specifically shouldn't be too bad, but God probably doesn't want you to wisk away his Heavenly Scribe for no good reason. God help you if you evoke Sandalphon or something.

>> No.6744981

What are your favorite teas?

>> No.6744998

I'm a novice to this sort of thing, but I can't imagine Uranus being arsed to do much of anything for anyone, let alone bothering to punish anyone for anything.

>> No.6745029


Well Atlas is constantly benchpressing him or something. He never got to interact much with anyone.

>> No.6745114

Why are youkai more beautiful than human females? Is this some kind of joke they play because they know that human men will never approach them about it out of fear?

>> No.6745170

Because screwing with people is the reason many youkai exist?

>> No.6745175
File: 396 KB, 500x1108, ad3e19fed5a8e3a24cd158df9e86ef42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your favorite teas?

I'm not much of a tea connoisseur; that would be more of the realm of Remilia-sama. I quite like green tea though.

>Why are youkai more beautiful than human females? Is this some kind of joke they play because they know that human men will never approach them about it out of fear?

Well, to begin with, at least in Gensokyo, that fear doesn't really exist anymore, unless you just mean fear of rejection. Or in one particular case, fear of Tewi.

I can come up with a lot of reasons though.

1. Superiority: historically, many Youkai quite liked knowing they were superior to humans. They also liked to show this off. How better to do this than to be more beautiful than any human?

2. Suppose every Anonymous here was instantly granted the power to transform into any humanoid form they preferred. How many would choose to be extraordinarily beautiful girls? I would guess at least a majority!

3. At least as far as my memory goes back, fancy frilly dresses have been popular in Youkai culture. And if you're going to wear one, surely it'll look better on a beautiful body?

>> No.6745214

If Gensokyo is such a cheerful, peaceful place, then how do you explain this?


>> No.6745259

What a wicked game you youkai play,

>> No.6745286

That CD seems to draw heavily from PC-98 / Seihou stuff, which is more grim.

>> No.6745359

As my favorate librarian youkai that i adore with affection as much as i do marisa. What would you say is a good website to get a few books on magic and spells youd recommend?

>> No.6745364

I think you're really pretty. Can I send you some flowers?

>> No.6745381

Can youkai become pregnant from human fertilization?

>> No.6745442

I don't know if I would say that the story is necessarily painting Gensyoko itself as grim and dark, since the culprit in the story was both a human and an outsider. Hell, the story seems to take place prior to the barrier going up, but it also says humans and youkai were also starting to get along.

>> No.6745459

seconding this

>> No.6745525
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>If Gensokyo is such a cheerful, peaceful place, then how do you explain this?

ZUN really liked Agatha Christie at the time, so he wrote up a short story to go with his "Ten Little Indians"-themed boss music.

At least that would be my first guess.

>As my favorate librarian youkai that i adore with affection as much as i do marisa. What would you say is a good website to get a few books on magic and spells youd recommend?

I don't particularly know about internet magic resources. I'm mostly familiar with my own library, which isn't available online.

>I think you're really pretty. Can I send you some flowers?

I don't think Japan Post ships to Gensokyo. Though that makes me curious as to where they would send it...

>Can youkai become pregnant from human fertilization?

I know it's possible with Youkai who are human-derived. That is, becoming a "magician" doesn't make you suddenly not human enough to have children. I don't know about other Youkai; I don't know if it's been tried. If it was possible, a half-Youkai based on a non-human-derived Youkai would be very odd indeed.

>> No.6745538

You are a dumbass. I'm by no means an expert on Touhou, but even I now about the existence of The half youkai half human store owner. Dont bother starting these threads if you do not have the knowledge to back it up.

>> No.6745550
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Did you read what I said, Anonymous? It is possible with human-derived Youkai -- of which Rinnosuke was probably born from. I don't know about other cases.

>> No.6745559

>I'm mostly familiar with my own library, which isn't available online.

You should change that.

Also what do you look for a in a guy? Are you even interested?

>> No.6745570

I wonder if Japan Post has some youkai secretly working among them. That would be convenient.

If you were on the Moon with the Lunarians, and suppose you DID evoke Uranus or Metatron, I suppose there would be unimaginable, uncontrollable havoc that would happen.

>> No.6745571

There is that cow who says she can eats history or whatever the hell her powers are supposed to do, she is also a mongrel halfling of mysterious origins.

>> No.6745586

How most of youkais do get theirs houses? Do you use your powers or simply pay some humans to build it for you?

>> No.6745592

>I think you're really pretty. Can I send you some flowers?
>I don't think Japan Post ships to Gensokyo. Though that makes me curious as to where they would send it...

You just got snubbed, Anonymous.

>> No.6745604
File: 2.60 MB, 1360x1928, d472d4c4c112316cffc3ba3d117fe91a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also what do you look for a in a guy? Are you even interested?

Most Youkai are, naturally, used to being alone. If I was looking for a companion, it'd most likely be someone with experience and interest in magic. Preferably someone with a bit more mental energy than me. A black-white, maybe.

>There is that cow who says she can eats history or whatever the hell her powers are supposed to do, she is also a mongrel halfling of mysterious origins.

Well, Keine is supposedly a "were-hakutaku". If one goes by the werewolf legends, a "were-hakutaku" would be someone bitten by another were-hakutaku. But I've never found anything in any of my records about her origins, and she doesn't seem to want to say anything about it.

>> No.6745621

>But I've never found anything in any of my records about her origins.
Ten to one says she ate them.

>> No.6745629

She probably manipulated as many records about her as she could, to protect her dignity.

>> No.6745672
File: 400 KB, 480x640, 60892d6c172b3ef87ac70757db987e9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How most of youkais do get theirs houses? Do you use your powers or simply pay some humans to build it for you?

Well, historically, Youkai have built their own dwellings. Given the typical Youkai has superhuman strength and plenty of time, building a small house isn't unreasonable at all.

More recently, it depends. Among Youkai with magical talent, magic can certainly be used to automate some parts of the process, though not nearly all. If a Youkai has a lot of money, they might hire humans to build it. A magician with magical servants, such as dolls or familiars, might get some assistance from those as well.

>> No.6745700

I'm betting Patchouli has never actually spoken to Keine because of how much a shut-in she is and is just lying to cover it up.

>> No.6745741

Maybe, but Remilia does throws a shit load of parties and seems to invite everyone from Gensyoko, so there might of been some interaction.

>> No.6745758


So how has living so long influenced your way of thinking?

>>Humans are a combination of logic and emotion. Logic doesn't change between humans and even the most bizarre Youkai: 2+2 is still 4, and even the most inhuman Youkai could learn ordinary human mathematics without a problem. But emotions do change, and when they differ too much, it's very hard to understand each other. Most of human interaction makes the assumption that people can understand how each other feel: when this fails, it's hard to communicate.
The thing is, emotions, to the experienced mind, are logical things too. It is only people who do not have a good-enough grasp on their innermost thoughts that believes their emotions are logical. Why, for example, might one choose to be so obsessed over 2D characters? One may think this an illogical emotion at first glance, but when taken in the context of being surrounded by 3D characters with whom one remains utterly unsociable, such an obsession might not seem so illogical after all.

I sorta get what you’re saying, because Youkai no doubt experience some more advanced emoitions due to their being on this earth for so long. But emotions are usually variations of their more primitive counterparts. Your example of love, say, can be crudely understood in the context of a yearning for said object of affection, for whatever reason. Of course, it becomes much more difficult when one doesn’t even understand the concept of yearning, but the fact that are able to speak the same language, and even comprehend some of the more difficult concepts via it, leaves me with no doubt that we are well beyond that stage.

>> No.6745785

>Hell, the story seems to take place prior to the barrier going up, but it also says humans and youkai were also starting to get along.

Prior to the barrier going up? It says the men found a hole in a tree and got lost in a paradise. That sounds like a pretty accurate description of a border crossing to me.

>> No.6745813

Do you have any economic info about Gensokyo? What sort of medium of exchange do they use there, or is it mainly a barter economy? I don't expect that there is a central bank, is it commodity money like gold or such? If it is, do you think that presence of beings which can conjure pretty much anything impacts inflationary expectations in the Gensokyo economy?

>> No.6745828
File: 74 KB, 597x600, PatchouliKnowledge-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating how closely your ideas of "dimensions", a concept of physics, parallels ours so closely despite Gensokyo being such an otherworldly place! Well, Ms Knowledge, I put that you that Gensokyo is indeed a 3D environment. Who knows whether or not Yukari is toying with your 2D mind in this very picture, making you conceive of a reality that is false? Or that some being even more powerful than Yukari is making HER play with YOUR mind? The cycle is endless, and you cannot disprove it, even to yourself; let alone us.
It’s a dilemma we humans have yet to be able to solve. I’d like to see what you make of it~

>> No.6745845
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>I sorta get what you’re saying, because Youkai no doubt experience some more advanced emoitions due to their being on this earth for so long. But emotions are usually variations of their more primitive counterparts. Your example of love, say, can be crudely understood in the context of a yearning for said object of affection, for whatever reason. Of course, it becomes much more difficult when one doesn’t even understand the concept of yearning, but the fact that are able to speak the same language, and even comprehend some of the more difficult concepts via it, leaves me with no doubt that we are well beyond that stage.

That isn't quite what I meant. Youkai thought processes are not alien due to being long-lived, they're due to *not being human*. Even in absence of their age, they think differently.

>So how has living so long influenced your way of thinking?

I don't think it actually has that much effect. A lot of humans in the outside world seem convinced that immortality would have horrible effects on the psyche -- I've never seen such a thing to be true. Of the magicians I've seen achieve immortality and Youkai status, I've never seen a very dramatic change.

I've seen some people fall into a sort of midlife crisis as they wonder what exactly they should be doing with their lives, but that's not really different from what sometimes happens to ordinary humans.

>> No.6745897
File: 296 KB, 800x783, 3aaa6450445268279e597a181fc9ca43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any economic info about Gensokyo? What sort of medium of exchange do they use there, or is it mainly a barter economy? I don't expect that there is a central bank, is it commodity money like gold or such?

Good question. Gensokyo uses the Japanese yen, but only those issued at the time of Gensokyo's founding. The original yen was introduced in 1870, which consisted of copper, silver, and gold coins in various denominations. Because these are hard to come by in the outside world (particularly, in the case of the silver and gold coins, their face value is far lower than their metal value), there's very little incentive to smuggle them into Gensokyo today: you'd be far better off smuggling actual items of value. Plus, Yukari secures the border pretty well.

The Youkai who originally came to Gensokyo (particularly those from abroad) were told to convert their precious metals and coins into yen before immigrating. This helped keep the money supply reasonable despite the increase in population.

There was a period of deflation for a time; I suspect Yukari brought in more currency at some point to counter it. With the low rate of population increase today, it isn't so much of a problem anymore.

> If it is, do you think that presence of beings which can conjure pretty much anything impacts inflationary expectations in the Gensokyo economy?

You're overestimating us magicians! Creating gold out of lead or other cheap metals is incredibly difficult, something that alchemists of the Middle Ages spent over 1000 years trying to do (and failing). Either way, if someone did find a way to counterfeit currency, if they created a significant amount, the powers that be would certainly know about it, given how small Gensokyo's economy is.

>> No.6745899

>>That isn't quite what I meant. Youkai thought processes are not alien due to being long-lived, they're due to *not being human*. Even in absence of their age, they think differently.

Thanks for the response! Two questions now. First: can you give an example of a situation in which a human would act differently from a youkai? And second: are these "differences" quantifiable through differences in physical matter; or do they rely on a more spiritual mindset (eg of the soul)?

>> No.6745981
File: 2.98 MB, 2362x2362, 5f6de84714819df949c8a1a1ebb911c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for the response! Two questions now. First: can you give an example of a situation in which a human would act differently from a youkai? And second: are these "differences" quantifiable through differences in physical matter; or do they rely on a more spiritual mindset (eg of the soul)?

It's hard for even me to explain, since I'm not that kind of Youkai. They're definitely quantifiable in that they're differences in how the mind works: just as a dolphin thinks differently from a human, some Youkai do as well.

I tried to think of an example, but I couldn't come up with one. It's hard because I don't typically *interact* with very alien Youkai often, so I am not really familiar with how they think either.

>> No.6746007

did ZUN make a new game for C79?

>> No.6746030

What are your favorite and least favorite spellcards that you use?

>> No.6746041

>The Youkai who originally came to Gensokyo (particularly those from abroad) were told to convert their precious metals and coins into yen before immigrating. This helped keep the money supply reasonable despite the increase in population.

I think you're stretching it here. What do youkai even spend money on?

>> No.6746044

Population growth is static, huh. Do you see any opportunity for economic growth? GDP per capita seems to be fairly low (19th century living standards for the humans). GDP per Kappa, on the other hand, always seems to be on the rise. Does Yukari or anyone else have a plan to address this inequality, or is she more of a laissez-faire minded youkai?

>> No.6746056

Reading your answers about the nature of Gensokyo has been enlightening, Patchouli. But I'd be interested to hear about denizens themselves, yet I doubt that you'd have much interest in talking about that.
Do you think you could get somebody else, maybe Aya to come and answer later?

>> No.6746068

Speaking of economy, how close to it's maximum support capacity does the human village of Gensokyo function at? Are humans eaten to cull the herd in order to avoid overpopulation and human expansion? And do youkai cull eachother in a similar fashion to keep the human population from going extinct?

Also, do youkai actively interfere with the developement of the human village in matters such as the progress of technology, tradition, religion and education to maintain the current, youkai-favoring status quo?

>> No.6746069

Are you at all concerned about the rising level of technology thanks to the Kappa?

They are making technology that is even beyond our world now.

>> No.6746072

Do people still play soccer there? Is there a soccer field near the school?

>> No.6746076

Why did Marisa leave out Yuka in the Grimoire she wrote?

>> No.6746150
File: 663 KB, 850x794, west gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, everyone knows Touhous play B-ball.

>> No.6746171
File: 774 KB, 800x571, 419c3ec939b3132b06c641e7aac467f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your favorite and least favorite spellcards that you use?

Least favorite? Why would I use one if I didn't like? That's a hard one to answer!

My most favorite is probably Sun & Water Sign 「Hydrogenous Prominence」.

>I think you're stretching it here. What do youkai even spend money on?

Youkai can't magically conjure the necessities of a modern lifestyle into existence. Sure, they could live on nothing if they wanted to -- but what modern Youkai would want to do that?

>Population growth is static, huh. Do you see any opportunity for economic growth? GDP per capita seems to be fairly low (19th century living standards for the humans). GDP per Kappa, on the other hand, always seems to be on the rise. Does Yukari or anyone else have a plan to address this inequality, or is she more of a laissez-faire minded youkai?

Well, the whole Youkai Mountain Industrial Revolution project is certainly going to affect everyone, though I'm not quite sure how.

Keep in mind that a *lot* of residents of Gensokyo -- both human and Youkai -- are familiar with the fruits of an industrial society and are *not* interested in it.


>Reading your answers about the nature of Gensokyo has been enlightening, Patchouli. But I'd be interested to hear about denizens themselves, yet I doubt that you'd have much interest in talking about that.
>Do you think you could get somebody else, maybe Aya to come and answer later?

Possibly, maybe later. I think Aya is always busy finding some sort of story though.

>> No.6746175

>Speaking of economy, how close to it's maximum support capacity does the human village of Gensokyo function at? Are humans eaten to cull the herd in order to avoid overpopulation and human expansion? And do youkai cull eachother in a similar fashion to keep the human population from going extinct?

Youkai don't breed like humans do, so Youkai numbers aren't a particularly large problem. Gensokyo is probably nowhere near carrying capacity, and in the interests of the welfare of its residents, I think everyone wants to keep it that way. The humans don't breed out of control either; the average number of children per couple is relatively low, keeping numbers down.

>Also, do youkai actively interfere with the developement of the human village in matters such as the progress of technology, tradition, religion and education to maintain the current, youkai-favoring status quo?

To some extent it's hardly even a "human" village anymore: walk down the street any day (or perhaps more likely, night!) and you'll see countless Youkai. I don't think there's any need to interfere with things: most interfering relates to more Youkai-oriented topics, such as who comes and goes from Gensokyo. They definitely wouldn't hesitate to interfere if they really needed, but the village is largely self-governing.

>> No.6746181

>Are you at all concerned about the rising level of technology thanks to the Kappa?
>They are making technology that is even beyond our world now.

Not particularly: magic is not too different from technology. Technology is just another tool, like eastern or western magic, that can be used in combination to create results.

>Do people still play soccer there? Is there a soccer field near the school?

Football was not well-known in Japan at the time of the creation of the Boundary; the first league system was set up about 30 years later. It has been played though -- many people in Gensokyo, both humans and Youkai, have done much experimentation with sports played in the outside world.

>Why did Marisa leave out Yuka in the Grimoire she wrote?

I wouldn't know, ask her.

>> No.6746206


>Youkai can't magically conjure the necessities of modern life into existence

Can't Yukari do that? And doesn't Marisa just steal shit?

How many of the Youkai and special humans actually...you know...live according to proper ethics without causing trouble everywhere they go?

>> No.6746262

What kind of Youkai is Meiling supposed to be? I'm thinking she's...well, a Hong, but I can't be sure.

Also, what of the Dragon? Has it just completely vanished since the Border creation, or does it still hang around places and interact with people?

>> No.6746284

I mean least favorite spellcard in the sense that you avoid using it most of the time. Like if it's inefficient, or if it's been ineffective in most fights compared to more successful spellcards.

>> No.6746309
File: 45 KB, 500x434, youkai_mountain_500px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did that case of Moriya getting sued by Touhou over Danmaku in Youkai Mountain go?

>> No.6746312


If you appear as you want to appear, are you truly female or just prefer looking like one? And what of other Youkai? why do all of the ones seen so far like appearing as girls or women no older than 27?

>> No.6746419
File: 118 KB, 700x600, 1287356079404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all the girls of Gensokyo really spoiled brats, assholes, or a combination of the two?

>> No.6746456

Are the presence youkai bodies just illusions or are they flesh and blood?

>> No.6746495
File: 664 KB, 597x797, f191514e6db14e86d77c6ecd27693d42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youkai can't magically conjure the necessities of modern life into existence
>Can't Yukari do that? And doesn't Marisa just steal shit?
>How many of the Youkai and special humans actually...you know...live according to proper ethics without causing trouble everywhere they go?

Most everyone does to some extent. Even Yukari understands the importance of not crashing the Gensokyo economy (to a large extent, she manages it!). And you can get anything back from Marisa if you make a big enough deal about it and go to her house. She just counts on people not doing that.

>What kind of Youkai is Meiling supposed to be? I'm thinking she's...well, a Hong, but I can't be sure.

I'm not sure myself. Nobody really knows what exactly she's a Youkai of. Martial arts Youkai? I don't think those exist. Whatever it is, she doesn't make it obvious.

This of course strikes me as odd, since she's pretty incompetent overall. If she had a big secret, you'd think she would have exposed it twenty times over by now.

>Also, what of the Dragon? Has it just completely vanished since the Border creation, or does it still hang around places and interact with people?

Nobody quite knows what the Dragon is. Its power, supposedly, far eclipses anything else in Gensokyo, even Yukari. And nobody has seen it since that day in 1885.

Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if the Dragon was just a big special effect by Yukari. But who knows?

>> No.6746503

>I mean least favorite spellcard in the sense that you avoid using it most of the time. Like if it's inefficient, or if it's been ineffective in most fights compared to more successful spellcards.

Well, again, that doesn't really make sense. You don't construct and keep a spellcard that you think is inefficient. If it is, you make it better or toss it.

>If you appear as you want to appear, are you truly female or just prefer looking like one? And what of other Youkai? why do all of the ones seen so far like appearing as girls or women no older than 27?

Yes, I was originally female. But there's a whole bunch of factors going on here.

1. Any humanoid who does not age will naturally appear to be in the ~18-26 age range. Few humanoids would want to look old if they had a choice!

2. ZUN doesn't like writing about males. There are plenty of males in Gensokyo, but he rarely mentions them, so you don't read much about them.

3. As I mentioned earlier, Youkai are big on fancy clothes. As men tend to look silly when wearing frilly dresses, female forms tend to be more popular.

>Are all the girls of Gensokyo really spoiled brats, assholes, or a combination of the two?

I'd name two people who I thought might deserve that description, but then I might be out of a home.

>> No.6746504

How did an RP thread get 180 replies?

>> No.6746530


>> No.6746544

Ms. Knoweldge, i must say it has been quite interesting to look into the world of Gensokyo, and i thank you for your time.

>> No.6746556
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>>Are the presence youkai bodies just illusions or are they flesh and blood?

A bit of both. Obviously, they have physical presence just like you or I, and you can grab their hands or pat them on the back.

But suppose you cut off the arm of such a Youkai with an ordinary sword. The arm would flop to the ground, as expected...

... and then fizzle away into dust.

A new arm would, simultaneously, fizzle back onto their body.

In this sense, their form is just an illusion: a projection of their spiritual self. That's why attacking Youkai with purely physical weapons is useless, and equally why they're vulnerable to spiritual attacks.

>> No.6746561

shitposters composing neo-/jp/ being themselves.

>> No.6746578

Over time, can a deity simply devolve into a youkai, or is there a true distinction between god or youkai?

>> No.6746591

How is the weed in Gensokyo?

>> No.6746613

Your intelligence and eloquence is refreshing.

>> No.6746616
File: 167 KB, 1033x666, a6e5f8495379d8437f80793d2942deed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over time, can a deity simply devolve into a youkai, or is there a true distinction between god or youkai?

No, there's a big difference. Youkai are independent beings that don't depends on faith for power. They can be killed.

Gods are existences that rely on faith for their power. They can be conjured from nothing by sufficient faith -- and they can return to nothing given a lack of faith.

>> No.6746618

When youkai eat humans, do they at least kill them first?

>> No.6746656
File: 245 KB, 550x703, 96c0dbeca92e99298840c565221c80b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course, I've never eaten a human, as beyond any ordinary moral qualms I would have, that would be cannibalism.

From the historical documents I've read, it depended. Some of the more bloodthirsty ones most definitely ate their victims alive. There were even stories of them doing this in front of other humans, most likely as an intimidation tactic.

>> No.6746661

So what's the Chinese secret to eating youkai? With so many around in abundance, a restaurant will never run out of food stock in Gensyoko.

>> No.6746681

A youkai ate my parents in front of me and left me alive so as to mock me.

What do I do?

>> No.6746695

Are you working on new magic?

>> No.6746702
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1412, 85842616c8e5c60ade8c316b02751379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's the Chinese secret to eating youkai? With so many around in abundance, a restaurant will never run out of food stock in Gensyoko.

As I mentioned, Youkai bodies (with the exception of Magicians as I mentioned) are illusions. Killing a fox Youkai will leave only the corpse of their "natural" form, a fox. For those Youkai without natural forms, the only thing left will be an empty outfit.

Not very good for eating.

>A youkai ate my parents in front of me and left me alive so as to mock me.
>What do I do?

Report him/her to your local Youkai representative! Only *you* can prevent Youkai attacks!

>> No.6746711

>Report him/her to your local Youkai representative! Only *you* can prevent Youkai attacks!

Uh, yes ma'am.

>> No.6746725

Do youkai have birthdays? I'm pretty good at cooking and was wondering if any youkai there would be interested in getting a cake for their birthday......if youkai even care about that sort of thing.....

>> No.6746743
File: 644 KB, 1000x1000, 474f7809e8daaf41e973ab3d3c774f96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you working on new magic?

I always am. Or, better said, new combinations of magic. Truly new spells are rare, but the interesting part is combining them to get more interesting results. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, a spell like the Hourai Elixir is a combination of hundreds of other spells, chained together to create the desired result, much like the parts of a machine.

Creating a spell is primarily an intuitive process: one needs to have the intuition to figure out how one would efficiently create a particular effect out of other effects. The more effects needed, the more difficult it is. It's not too different from engineering in the outside world.

For example, if I had a spell that generated heat, a spell that propelled air, and a spell that created a weak barrier, I could create a "heat ray" by heating the air, placing a cylindrical-beam-shaped barrier, and shooting the gas through the tube created by that barrier.

>> No.6746756

Are you happy with your situation? You dont seem very fond of a certain vampire, but I always thought you two were friends.

>> No.6746777
File: 1.94 MB, 1770x2512, f8539d63fbc841171efc7bd84e380f75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do youkai have birthdays? I'm pretty good at cooking and was wondering if any youkai there would be interested in getting a cake for their birthday......if youkai even care about that sort of thing.....

Since many Youkai never had families and lived before the advent of modern calendars, many have no idea what their "birthday" is. Thus, birthdays have largely been a human concept.

The concept of the winter "holiday season" that has developed in recent years in the outside hasn't gone unnoticed though, and many Youkai have adopted it as a gift-giving time, to some extent in place of a birthday. Of course, many humans celebrate it as well, so it's become a widely accepted time of merriment. Some cakes are, indeed, eaten.

>> No.6746821
File: 967 KB, 880x800, 3ff0ad1816e7c3491214863dec2c065f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you happy with your situation? You dont seem very fond of a certain vampire, but I always thought you two were friends.

No relationship is perfect. Sometimes people enjoy each others' company in spite of their flaws.

Remilia can be difficult to deal with at times, but she's also a very interesting person to have around. Vampires are an interesting sort, since due to their age and experience they're often extremely worldly and wise -- but due to their nature can be bratty and immature. The contrast can be sudden and actually rather amusing.

Plus, I get a free magic lab here at the Mansion. I'm not going to complain!

>> No.6746839
File: 474 KB, 914x516, ad639f14bf8a4a47460fd964c84649827df7bfea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Sakuya really wear pads?

What do you think about Alice and her relationship with Marisa?

>> No.6746843

Then I guess we'll just have to make them up then. The birthdays I mean. I'm sure Yuka would love to get a cake in the shape of a sunflower!

>> No.6746864
File: 991 KB, 800x1119, 77aad846ecbb9338f38a9d58165b712a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Sakuya really wear pads?

That was a fan meme that came out of a ZUN art change, so it doesn't even have an origin in Gensokyo. No, Sakuya does not wear pads.

>What do you think about Alice and her relationship with Marisa?

I don't think Marisa is really suited for her. She probably prefers her dolls anyways.

>> No.6746879

Honshu get over your fear of DnD.

>> No.6746883

Do you plan on writing a book of your own?

>> No.6746893

How come you float everywhere instead of walking?

Also, will you be my girlfriend? I know alot about science.

>> No.6746896


>I don't think Marisa is really suited for her.

Is this because you want Marisa to come violate you, instead?

Because it's alright if it is.

>> No.6746897
File: 82 KB, 768x1024, 1253419084761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is incontinence still an issue there, or does magic fix everything?

>> No.6746912

>How come you float everywhere instead of walking?

Dont know about Patchu but I know I would float every moment I could.

>> No.6746926

What place does outside world science have in a world that is seemingly without limits?

>> No.6746933
File: 174 KB, 750x750, c7ff5f160dc556ae780100896ac5531d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are some of the Yokai myths really based on facts?
An good example being if I didn't think in front of Satori she would die.

>> No.6746936

How tall are you? What do you think of Hina?

>> No.6746960

If I was in Gensokyo who would I have the best chance of getting in bed with?

>> No.6746971


I'd wager only some versions of myth are true. For example in regards to that, Satori might not die, only wander away due to sheer boredom (or possibly fear of a human they can't read).

>> No.6746973
File: 394 KB, 1500x1800, 0a29358a359405ccbef6bcff1e7f40f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come you float everywhere instead of walking?

I walk sometimes too. But if you can levitate, why bother walking?

>Is incontinence still an issue there, or does magic fix everything?

That sounds like more of a task for Eirin's drugs. Though Youkai aren't affected by disease.

>What place does outside world science have in a world that is seemingly without limits?

As I mentioned earlier, magic is just a tool -- and science is just a tool, no different from magic. There's no reason you can't use both to solve your problems.

>Are some of the Yokai myths really based on facts?
>An good example being if I didn't think in front of Satori she would die.

Many are. That one sounds like an exaggeration though.

>How tall are you? What do you think of Hina?

I'm about 152cm. Hina? I don't know too much about her, other than what everyone else knows (curse god and all that).

>> No.6746990
File: 67 KB, 360x540, reallifesuwako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread still going?

>> No.6747003
File: 322 KB, 800x759, 1293807301782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Хуи сосёшь?

>> No.6747006

What color are your panties?

>> No.6747031
File: 520 KB, 600x797, 01940dc4e206e7a9ee31cabf62526d5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I was in Gensokyo who would I have the best chance of getting in bed with?

Probably a human. Youkai tend to be more difficult to convince.

>What color are your panties?

That's... a bit of an unreasonably personal question, Anonymous. And I have more than one color anyways.

>> No.6747038


>That's... a bit of an unreasonably personal question, Anonymous.

That's not unreasonably personal! This was unreasonably personal! >>6746896

>> No.6747046
File: 409 KB, 700x1500, ec33b3829dc669a65bdd29adc32699cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, well, I just ignored that one.

>> No.6747058


Do you like Marisa?

>> No.6747060

>Probably a human. Youkai tend to be more difficult to convince.

Wouldn't a youkai find the thought of going to bed with a human........revolting?

>> No.6747064

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6747069
File: 33 KB, 315x512, wayne-brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Witchy lady

Would I look good with a moustache?

>> No.6747074

>Jesus fucking christ

Wouldn't that be dividing by zero?

>> No.6747078
File: 154 KB, 960x640, 1bf9530c874fdefedc95122f105f26ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you like Marisa?

See >>6743473.

>Wouldn't a youkai find the thought of going to bed with a human........revolting?

I doubt it, though a few might. Few Youkai truly consider all humans to be inherently "inferior" these days, especially considering what many notable humans have accomplished.

But maybe this is just from my perspective as a "human" Youkai. Others might think differently.

>> No.6747097

By that I mean a big bushy one...

>> No.6747111
File: 89 KB, 700x467, chihuahuaonburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Patchouli,

Is this a Youkai?

>> No.6747112
File: 95 KB, 750x1000, e694491dca92e840715bb2c29fc4118c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Remi-sama and the gang are heading out, and I'm going along with them. I probably won't be back until the thread 404s. Sayonara~, Anonymous. Have a nice day.

>> No.6747116


But AS a fellow magus, do you consider her a thief for replicating your standard attacks?

Or is it a symbol of status for magi to have their art imitated, showing off their power and whatnot?

>> No.6747115

I thought the main reason Yokai/Human relationships never work out is because of the difference in life expectancy.

>> No.6747206

Can you tell me something about Oni? What do you think of Suika?
