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File: 211 KB, 698x1000, battler_sitting_alone_and_drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6743196 No.6743196 [Reply] [Original]

EP8 discussion continued.

Do you REALLY think this is the defniite ending for Umineko?

I hope not.

>> No.6743206

Okay someone explain to me why Battler is considered as a culprit.

He didn't kill anyone.

>> No.6743207

But then we wont get to the next annoying mind fuck series of When They Cry!

>> No.6743214

yeah man

>> No.6743217

He covered the first twilight for them pretending that they are dead while they just "acted".

>> No.6743220

So is future Ange crazy?
Because she clearly remembers the last confrontation with Bern when she meets with Hachiyo in the ura party.

>> No.6743221

Dlanor x Bern is my OTP <3

>> No.6743223

That Dlanor.

Speaking of which, does she even appear in EP8? I need to know if it really is the worst episode or not.

>> No.6743228
File: 541 KB, 1008x405, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me.
Did I expect too much?

>> No.6743237



>> No.6743250

She teams up with Will to prove that Umineko isn't a mystery.

>> No.6743252

Expected needs more solved shit and feelings of satisfaction, got needs more disappointment and crushed hopes.

>> No.6743254

She bursts in with WIll.

As it was said.
This episode is AWESOME until the ????.

>> No.6743255

Pretty much every meta character appeared.
EP8 was a full scale meta war, awesome episode until ???

>> No.6743259

Dlanor and Will protect the Golden Land where everyone is from Erika and the reader-goats which are devouring everything

>> No.6743265

I heard that the next When They Cry series is going to be set somewhere cold. I heard that from here, so obviously don't take it too seriously.

>> No.6743276

Not sure why anyone was expecting a non-troll end.

This whole series was leading up to a giant trolling.

>> No.6743277

It seems to be very difficult for people to understand that Ange's timeline is and always has been fiction.

>> No.6743291

So what exactly happened in this one? I don't plan on reading it but the butthurt sounds wonderful.

>> No.6743294

I want Rural Japan again, personally. I love Higurashi's setting.

>> No.6743301


Just read OP's filename.

>> No.6743302
File: 284 KB, 800x571, 1cc90186149bab1222252eb5df1b8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't fuck a cake.

>> No.6743321

That's horrible. So, it wasn't as good an ending as Higurashi?
Wait...are you saying that none of the murders ever happened or something?

>> No.6743327

I just want to see naked Lambda covered in cake while Bern licks it all off like a cat

>> No.6743328

Yes I would

>> No.6743333

How about those two secret chapters called "Solution" that were removed?

>> No.6743342

That's what is actually happening, as seen in the Tea Party. Cakefags are just mad that we got a <GOOD> END.

>> No.6743346

Erika confirmed appearance then?

>> No.6743349

Battler and AuAu are novelists who wrote everything, struggling with Batter's amnesia alongside.

Meta World is not real.

>> No.6743351

Battler is a really terrible writer.

>> No.6743352

I wouldn't mind it being set somewhere cold, but it would seem a bit too similar to Remember11. You know, time loops and all that. Of course that's just from the outset and I'm most likely jumping to conclusions, but still. I also wonder if Ryu will go with the time lines again, or with a linear story. I heard that Ryu had hardly anything to do with Ookami Kakushi, but let's be honest with ourselves here, it was utter shit. It makes me wonder if he can even write a solid, linear story without resorting to resets.

I wouldn't mind if he grew less fucking bitter and less condescending either. Christ. He lovingly addressed his readers in Higurashi, even gently told them to talk to people if they needed help, along with thanking people for reading his work and saying that murder was wrong. He also told them that it didn't matter if they couldn't solve the story, as long as they had one. There was a drastic shift in Umineko, as he openly sneers at the readers for not being able to solve anything and never resists a sideways dig at them.

>> No.6743357

Erika teams up with Ange

>> No.6743366

He does settings, Ikuko writes.

>> No.6743368
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Unsure if troll, but this sounds great already.

>> No.6743369

Why the fuck couldn't Battler survive without amnesia?

The only point of Amnesia is to render Meta World as bullshit.

>> No.6743372

Umineko fags got trolled, thank god I stopped reading at Episode 5

>> No.6743374

One thing I've longed to see is Lambda naked in a marshamllow bath with her leg out pointing her toes and possibly Bern licking cream from between her toes.

Sharing fantasies about a character from a VN with anonymous people on an imageboard is the best thing in my life. ;_;

>> No.6743388


I gave up around EP4.

>> No.6743392

I am not playing ???? just as people stated.

I will just assume game "suspended" after the drowning.

>> No.6743393

He bcame incredibly bitter after his husbando, BT died.

Apparently the whole of umineko chiru was changed around to reflect this.

>> No.6743396

Pasting from the other thread.

But we wanted a proper conclusion, and instead we ended up with nothing.

Nothing really happened. Everything was a lie from the very beginning.

It's disgusting to see delusional Uminefags trying to fool people into thinking the non-???? isn't 100% shit.

>> No.6743398

I complained about being Higurashi's ending being too happy and underwhelming.

Oh, how times have changed over at 07thexpansion HQ..

>> No.6743405

At least we got some awesome music out of it.

>> No.6743406

Same here. Then again, I only started when EP4's translation was released. Once I got through with the VNs and actually encountered the community... Woah boy, that is a den of autism I was not about to immerse myself into.

>> No.6743407

It's not a troll, Ange wants to see the truth Battler shows her a fake story so she throws a bitch fit and teams up with Erika to beat Batler.

>> No.6743410
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>But we wanted a proper conclusion, and instead we ended up with nothing.
Hasn't Ryukishi been saying since like forever, that he wouldn't give any real answers?
You already knew what you were getting into.

>> No.6743418

>Apparently the whole of umineko chiru was changed around to reflect this.

Why do people say this? It's pretty clear from the start that he planned Yasu with the Pony stuff and that the first episode was just written.

>> No.6743419

Why do we trust the ????

Battler was shown to be delusional before. There is no proof that he ever stopped having delusions. There are plenty of hints showing that the ???? is bullshit.
This goes from the Bern/Lambda thing, over to the way he treats Ange (and especially how he acts), and finishes with the biggest clue of all.

Notice the applause? Where, other than in his mind, would he get that?

This really is all in his mind. Let's face it: The ???? is probably what we're supposed to doubt. There are enough clues. If Ryuu didn't put them there on purpose, he must have failed at proofreading.

You know what's likely? He's still on Rokkenjima. He's in Beatrice's room in Kuwadorian, drugged by Yasu. And the clock is ticking. Soon, they will all be dead. And then, only the sound will be the cries of the seagulls. Well, and Yasu's moaning.

>> No.6743420

He said a lot of things besides that.

>> No.6743424

And just like R11, we are given no concrete answers. Must be all the rage in VNs these days.

>> No.6743429

Shut up and take your bullshit hypothesizing(Whoops, THEORY, even though THAT ISN'T WHAT THEORY MEANS YOU CHUCKLEFUCKS) about a crappy VN back to whatever crappy livejournal you came from.

>> No.6743436

Your tears are delicious.

As is your whining about the way language changes. Deal with it.

>> No.6743437

Anti-mystery fags love it for magic battles.

And fuck, after the whole YASU YASU YASU deal of Ep7 I expected more info on her actual motivation, the happenings of 1984-1986, details on her plan and the like. Why the hell did I read through Yasu's backstory if the truth of the murder is lolKyrie?

>> No.6743441

There is actually probablility of preventing tragedy as a whole.

Asumu not dying + Natsuhi not rejecting Lion.


>> No.6743445

Discussions about Umineko in a Umineko discussion thread.

Who'd have thought?

>> No.6743450

Because with love it can be seen

>> No.6743452

>Battler asks Bern to be friends after the Meta-brawl-thing with her is over

No, Battler. You tell the bitch to fuck off.

>> No.6743453

Don't forget the part where he actively encourages people(Through Ange's suicide attempt, of course) to keep loving psychopaths even after they brutally murder over a dozen people!

Why not brutally rip apart the Ushiromiyas for the scum that they are and still let Ange live?

Oh fucking right, collectivist Japanese mindsets wouldn't allow Ange to be "Forevah Alone even in mindset" like that.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.6743459

>Battler asks Bern to be friends

>> No.6743460



Witches are real. Not Yasu's imaginary friends, but the real kakera crossing witches.

>> No.6743464

Except that still isn't what theory means, you chucklefuck. Maybe that's what it will degenerate into in the future, but that isn't what it means right now.

>> No.6743466

R11 makes more sense as there are less unnecessary rubbish in the story.

>> No.6743471

Kinzo playing with his grandchildren and calling himself ojii-chan was the best thing in this episode.

>> No.6743477

>Tea party for the witches
>They think its real
Battler is actually locked up in the boiler room unconscious with less than 1 hour to escape.

>> No.6743480


Prove it.

>> No.6743481
File: 377 KB, 2400x1350, paranoiaagent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the man himself:

How should EP8 be laid out?
Actually, even I myself was hesitant about various things.
The eight chapter of "Umineko no Naku Koro ni", the final chapter.
"This isn't something I should need to puzzle over."
If it were Matsuribayashi-hen in "Higurashi", I could say that without hesitation.

But with "Umineko", each episode of "Breakdown" has been ending a story, one at a time.
In EP6, the tale of Battler and Beato was spun and bound together.
In EP7, the explanation of a mystery-oriented truth was spun and bound together.
The truth is, the story revolving around Battler and Beato in 1986 has already had its ending written in those episodes, right?
In that case, what is EP8 for?
Many things have been spun and bound together by now, but there are still several THINGS remaining. This episode will bring a true end to those.
[Note: Ryukishi used hiragana for "things" versus katakana for "THINGS". Compare what he does with piece versus meta character names, if you like.]
So while this is an episode, it's also kind of an epilogue.
In that sense, it might actually be a spin-off instead of the eighth chapter.
"It's the last part, so it has to end with flying and leaping and a flashy grand finale." ...Until I threw away that preconception, the plot this time caused me a lot of suffering.
Rather than the final chapter, it might have an atmosphere more like "a story of what happened after the final chapter".
...Ngh, I can't even explain it well myself.
"It'd sure be great if I could make something with that kind of strange atmosphere." That's what I'm enthusiastic about right now.
After I finish writing, it might end up as a scenario filled with flying and leaping like usual. If so, I'm sorry (sweat)
Not a "final chapter",
but "a story to put an end to things".
That's what I want to write.

>> No.6743482

You obviously missed the last 30 years of popular culture. You must have a rather pitiful existance to get this angry over the common usage of a word. I suggest taking a chill pill.

>> No.6743491

Hachijo is just Featherine's piece, who she uses to record all the games meta-Battler has played onto the gameboards to help Ange understand the truth

>> No.6743495

Stickfigure comicfriend here.

Anything you guys want to see comic'd?

>> No.6743496

That's bern's game.
It has nothing to do with what really happened.

>> No.6743502

The higurashi/umineko links, the end of the tea party, Ange remembering Bern, every single TIPS.

Your turn: Prove they don't and that the argument that they don't is simply the rambling of a delusional fool.

>> No.6743504

So anti-fantasy fags, why is real world Ange who meets with amnesiac Battler at the very end acting like if all the meta happened?

>> No.6743506

Makes sense. He wants to be friends with Bern so she'll stop trying to screw him and Beato over.

And this is the guy who married a witch that killed his family.

>> No.6743507

We have to face it, Ryukishi hates Umineko and everything to do with it and can't wait for it to be completely finished with. He'll half ass something for Rei, and that'll be that.

>> No.6743509

our reactions to this trainwreck

>> No.6743520

My fantasy right >>6743374 here.

Even if it is a stickfigure.

>> No.6743522


Toya going all Misery on old battler.

>> No.6743523

>the plot this time caused me a lot of suffering.
It caused your fans a lot of suffering too.

>> No.6743524


Everything you listed is fiction and meta world (battler's delusions) bullshit. I understand your strong desire to legitimize their existence, but as of yet, that cannot be confirmed.

>> No.6743527

>In that sense, it might actually be a spin-off instead of the eighth chapter.
Thanks, I'll take it.

>> No.6743528

Okay anyone with EP8.

Can you check if "????" is described as a "Tea party for those who are not human" like always?

Because it would actually debunk this being real.

>> No.6743535
File: 298 KB, 501x1372, 1266363739789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, perhaps?

>> No.6743540

>And this is the guy who married a witch that killed his family.
>And this is the guy who married a witch that covered the truth about his parents murdering his family

>> No.6743545


Actually the TIPS aren't Battler's fiction. Or at least we have no evidence to believe so. It's not part of any of the episodes we know Toya wrote.

Yet, they are canon.

>> No.6743548


>> No.6743549


But keep in mind he wanted to end the series with this "spin-off." He wants to move on to another story, I think.

>> No.6743551

Not him but
>fiction and meta
>Ange's thoughts while meeting Battler

>> No.6743553

Old Battler is Ryukishi, and ????? explains perfectly why the writing turned to shit.

????? is Ryukishi's ideal world, where his inconsistent ramblings are still turned into passable writing by the talent of Ikuko (his waifu BT). Alas, with BT dead, Umineko soon devolved into the bitter ramblings of a lonely man.

>> No.6743562
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>Actually the TIPS aren't Battler's fiction. Or at least we have no evidence to believe so.
Who's being delusional now?

>> No.6743566

I have no strong desire for that - it's just how it is, proven by Higurashi. Since Battler didn't write it, the connections don't work otherwise, sorry.

(and don't use the idiotic "it's a book, therefore it's not real" bull. Higurashi is a book in Higurashi too, since someone wrote it in the story. It's directly refered to)

I don't even like the witches. If I were trying to make real the characters I like, I'd argue for Will and Lion. The reason I am using the witches is that their denial proves that Battler is bullshitting in the ????. As simple as that.

You should instead cut down your desire to deny characters you hate, even though everyone else notices you're wrong.

>> No.6743570

My favorite thing about Umineko was all the crazy theories and ideas you guys came up with. Even after ep8 people are still coming up with crazy shit. I love it.

>> No.6743572


Bern just wanted to show the harsh truth without "it's with love so it's a-ok" bullshit.

I will never understand why you faggots hate her.

>> No.6743573

Then can I consider Old Battler being Battler from a specific kakera where he survives, like Lion and 1998 Ange? He survived and lost his memory, finally remembering what happened in HIS world.
I wouldn't believe in kakeras so readily if not for Higurashi.

>> No.6743576



>> No.6743577

Emotions of being trolled aside, the ending stayed through to the theme of the story. It may not please fans but hey, that's why the doujin business> commercial business. You don't have to shit on the integrity of your work to make sales.

>> No.6743579


Where is it stated the Tips are Battler's fiction? Where do they even fit in?

>> No.6743580

You, mostly.

>> No.6743590

What did BT look like? How did Ryu and BT know each other?

>> No.6743593

Didn't he say he's still thinking of ideas for Rei? The whole side story thing was more of a reference to him saying that Ep7 was essentially the end with all the answers.

I'm just hoping Rei will be a story like the early ones, Battler vs Beatrice.

>> No.6743596

This....jesus christ.

Every "EP" has been published as a novel in Umineko universe.

>> No.6743597

On the plus side, we'll probably see a rise in the amount of Featherine porn up from 1 picture.

>> No.6743602

BT was his gay lover.

>> No.6743607

And ep8 revealed the real truth of Rokkenjima, you think she knew it?

>> No.6743610

As long as it's guro, I'm ok with that

>> No.6743613


If she read novels, and everything we read was in the novels why didn't she simply track Toya years earlier?

>> No.6743615


Actually, we never hear anything about the last two being published. And it doesn't explain why she's talk as if it were her personal experience. Why reference what she supposedly did in a novel out of the blue?

>> No.6743618

lol, so many butthurt mysteryfags desperately clinging to their sunken theory.

07 sure shoved a big one up your butt. I love your rambling to convince yourself that you were right all along. Keep telling yourself that. It's cute.

>> No.6743620

This does not exempt you from making your story a good one. The real freedom of a doujin writer would be to not hack up any kind of ending just to finish it, and just leave it unfinished if you can't do it well.

>> No.6743626

That Dlanor hhhnnngg

>> No.6743627

; 07151129。@

^Then, what the fuck was this?

>> No.6743629

>If she read novels, and everything we read was in the novels why didn't she simply track Toya years earlier?
Toya is not a real person.

>> No.6743633

Plus she was shown in Ep4 to be a lonely, depressed, delusional girl.

Think of her as something like Twilight fangirls who swear vampires are real, or delusional Umineko girls (because men don't make up this crazy shit) who ignore what's infront of them and swear this series has a secret, good ending.

>> No.6743637

>I'm just hoping Rei will be a story like the early ones, Battler vs Beatrice.

But it wouldn't be the same. You can't go back to that now because we've been told Beatrice doesn't matter. Despite the series being called after her.

In b4 Rei is Land of the Golden Witch

>> No.6743638


She believes it really happened.

>> No.6743639

Yet another hint that the ???? is entirely delusional. The hints are everywhere. I wonder when the delusional Mysteryfags will finally get it.

>> No.6743640

- Did the events of 1998 happen at all even with Terrible Writer Battler? Ange investigating the truth with Amakusa and all that. Also, what the fuck did she see at Kuwabata's house?

- What's the whole Kuwabata/Erika alternate events thing I keep seeing in here

- It is stated in red that Erika is killed by Battler. What the fuck is that about?

>> No.6743647

My thoughts exactly.
I love the way she is portrayed in this picture :3

>> No.6743652

>Why reference what she supposedly did in a novel out of the blue?
Because it's the only thing connecting her to Battler for the past 20 years or so.

>> No.6743659


>> No.6743671


But if novels were published then author exist.

You really think Ange would never try to contact that author for 20 years?

>> No.6743673



>> No.6743674

Did you even paid attention to EP7?
Battler's and Beato's birthdays
July 15 and November 29

>> No.6743675

ITT: 人のなく頃に (Jin no naku koro ni)
When People Cry

>> No.6743676

Battler's birthday and the day that Yasu finally snapped (aka, the day she met her father and solved the epitaph).

>> No.6743681

They will, once they get over their ego masturbation while trying to think they're "right". I'm already looking forward to their crying. It'll be much worse than it already is.

Umineko may have a shitty writer, but he's good for that, at least.

>> No.6743682

One was PIN code.

>> No.6743691
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Umineko in a nutshell.

>> No.6743692
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Confirmed. It's supernatural, therefore we can disregard it. Thanks, 07.

>> No.6743701


And for 20 years she never bothered to contact the fucking author?

>> No.6743703
File: 25 KB, 619x606, it's all useless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone requested this, so

>> No.6743708

>Confirmed. It's supernatural, therefore we can disregard it.
So we can delude ourselves with another supernatural thing?

>> No.6743711

>And for 20 years she never bothered to contact the fucking author?
Nobody knows who the fucking author is.

>> No.6743720

>implying considering Hanyuu/kakera/Rika to be real in Higurashi is delusional

>> No.6743721

>be ushiromiya ange
>pay a shitton of money to the editorial company

>> No.6743723

LOL saved.

>> No.6743726

We're assuming Ange reads every single Mystery book on release date now? She was a kid when they started coming out.

>> No.6743729


Yeah. And a fucking millionaire ojou-sama can't track the author?


>> No.6743730

What editorial company? It was all internet.

>> No.6743735


>> No.6743741

Didn't she release actual books?

>> No.6743749

Higurashi was a book too.

>> No.6743759
File: 36 KB, 225x350, 1259228259665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what was the solution to the epitaph?

I didn't read much Umineko.

>> No.6743762

Well, this is a follow-up to the "magic" choice, where Ange suddenly flips from completely suicidal to Happy and Zen in a matter of seconds in the real world, personally recalls her experiences in the meta-world, etc etc.

Picking trick just shows that Okonogi, Amakusa, and the Sumaderas are going to kill her for looking for the truth.

>> No.6743764


>> No.6743765


Except Rokkenjima incident was a high profile case and Toya was the most popular author of stories about it.

>> No.6743767

I don't know, if ??? is a supernatural end that means Auau has Battler in a horrible trap with no sign of him getting out. That's pretty fucking depressing.

>> No.6743770

I requested something like that a loooooong time ago but it was half way done by someone much more superior in artistic ability.

>> No.6743772

Taiwan>Danshui>Danshui Line>Qilian>Quadrillion>Udrlo>Lord U

>> No.6743773

>Picking trick just shows that Okonogi, Amakusa, and the Sumaderas are going to kill her for looking for the truth.


>> No.6743775

Too bad I probably have to wait six month for english patch to appear.

One certain spoiler I would like to know is... what happen to Amakusa in the end?

>> No.6743778
File: 60 KB, 175x212, because.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743785

Have you forgotten about episode 6? All internet.

>> No.6743786


Yeah. At the end of Higurashi Oishi and Akasaka (if I remember correctly) wrote a book about what happened.

If anything it proves that Higurashi and Umineko happened in the same universe.

>> No.6743787

Battler stops playing with the snowglobe.

>> No.6743788


>> No.6743793

I love you man. I can die happy after this.

>> No.6743799

He is shot by Ange if you choose trick.

>> No.6743808


Bascially this was impossible for a causal English reader, right?

>> No.6743815

>Yeah. At the end of Higurashi Oishi and Akasaka (if I remember correctly) wrote a book about what happened.

Exactly. This proves that the events of Higurashi happened in the Umineko universe.

Therefore, the mysteryfags are in deep shit: The umineko world has at least one supernatural element that was witnessed by several people. Thanks, Hanyuu.

Hanyuu: Trolling mysteryfags by existing (in the fictional world of Umineko and Higurashi, not in the real world, of course).

>> No.6743818

Yep, you need to know kanji for this.

>> No.6743819


>> No.6743822

There are alternate routes? Didn't know that since I was avoiding spoilers.

What's other fate for Amakusa? other than choosing trick

>> No.6743823

AuAu is the final boss.
To achieve an happy ending you must go right into the root of the problem, in this case the WRITER.

>> No.6743826

>Yeah. At the end of Higurashi Oishi and Akasaka (if I remember correctly) wrote a book about what happened.
Did they even write about Keiichi's thoughts and how he talked with his mother about the parts of a crime?

>> No.6743831

Who knows. It's Oishii. I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.6743832
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How many of the Head Inquisitor of Heresy's twenty wedges would be able to pierce Umineko, now that all is said and done?

>> No.6743834

>What's other fate for Amakusa? other than choosing trick
Who the hell knows. Ange just gives up her investigation.

>> No.6743835

Okonogi wants the Ushiromiya's money, (which he gets by Ange spontaneously in magic path, so he leaves her alone) and Sumaderas want to get rid of Kasumi, so they plot to take them both out on the island.
Ange explains more, but there were a lot of difficult kanji in that scene so I didn't really get much of why Kasumi should be disposed by her family or why Ange got all of that from a gun model. Maybe someone more skilled can fill in.

>> No.6743836

Around August we're gonna find out this was actually not the end!
Battler will awaken in the meta world declaring war on Featherine and saying in gold how he saw through her lies and that such an end will not be possible.

We will be given Kyrie and Rudolf's real motives and the game will end when Battler will have his final showdown with Yasu who will be Bern's piece for the occasion.
The truth will be revealed and all the Ushiromiyas will be given the chance of decide their own path, depending on their answer oblivion or the golden land.

Battler will expose everything and Bernkastel will be finally blown away and "Beatrice" as well as the meta world will be revealed as metaphors of the novel the reader loved that much.
Battler will survive without amnesia and lives with Ange until the day Amakusa and the organization finds them and reveals their true colors.
In order to protect Ange, Battler gets killed and manages to take him down, joining the Golden land himself.

In the very end a old Ange dies and meets (almost) everyone else in the Golden Land, just like the mock conference Battler made up for her.
Bernkastel and Lambda are seeing in a slumber party again, Lambda teases Bernkastel for losing and Bernkastel comments victory is relative and disappears to another universe.
Then Lambda pouts and yells something about getting three perfect victories and follows her; ending titles start to roll on awesome music.

I am a shitty writer.

>> No.6743837
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Old man Battler is writing his script, suddenly, a tear sheds from his eyes...

"T-This isn't right...this isn't the ending Ange wants...no...this isn't the ending we want..."

Battler smashes his fist at the air... the clock has stopped ticking, a crack appears at the empty space where he threw his fist...and the world around hime shatters into glass...

"Sorry, but this isn't over yet... Featherine! Heh, did you think you could trap me in your "truth" forever? Ah...what a dirty trick...forcing me into writing the previous tales I've took part in, making it seem like your truth is absolute! Sorry, but that won't do! I'll destroy your so called "Truth" and bring everyone back!
By the way, Ange, how long are you planning on writing that shitty Sakutaro story?"

Ange awakens.

"...Ah..onii-chan?...F-Featherine? Ah...my head hurts...what have I been doing..?

"That's not important Ange, what's important right now is our game against Featherine. Now, join me and let's take back our family, together! For this final game, I should change into a more suitable attire.
Sorry for the wait, everyone, Justice Battler is here. Now, let's begin the final game,

~Redo of the Golden Witch~!"

>> No.6743839

They could have taken some random person from Hinamizawa and write their thoughts or their story.
Just like some authors who write about the Holocaust pick some random jew who is in a concentration camp and write what they think and what they feel.

>> No.6743843

What are you talking about with Hanyuu? I never read Higurashi.

Why can't both Umineko and Higurashi just exist as books? There is no evidence that they actually happened.

>> No.6743846

>They could have taken some random person from Hinamizawa and write their thoughts or their story.
Kei only thinks about that in an especific timeline.

>> No.6743848

Every person at Hinamizawa died, EVERY person.
And Akasaka experienced a prophecy first hand.

>> No.6743850

Will is going to save us of this ??? ending like when he rescued Lion with his sword

>> No.6743855
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>> No.6743856

The denial levels in this thread are off the charts.
Enjoy being goats.

>> No.6743857

And how the fuck would Akasaka and Oishi know about someone like Bernkastel, anyway.

>> No.6743858

Your unthinking acceptance is amusing. Enjoy being a goat.

>> No.6743859

I'll enjoy to be a little girl with a goat mask.

>> No.6743865

In Umineko when you stop thinking, you die. So it makes sense that we shouldn't accept what is shown.

>> No.6743867

They wouldn't, she's doesn't appear in the Higurashi VNs directly, and is only refered to indirectly, since Rika was hiding that part of her really well.

Hence, Ange cannot know of her from the Higurashi VNs. The mystery cardhouse is collapsing.

>> No.6743869

So did Will's arm just grow back in EP8?

>> No.6743870

Shkanontice disproved is enough of a definite ending for me.

>> No.6743872

She can know of her from the Umineko novels.
You people are really silly.

>> No.6743874

>Hence, Ange cannot know of her from the Higurashi VNs
Idiotic. And she can know her simply from the Rokkenjima tales.

>> No.6743880


>> No.6743884

Boss chart:


>> No.6743888

I can't believe how many dropped plot points there are. Second Battler? Who Battler's mother is? World peace? Yasu's motive for actually planning the event? (despite many people saying this doesn't matter for shit, her planning is still a huge trigger for the real disaster) Why Rudolf thought he was going to die? Hello, R07?

>> No.6743889

When I see "That's all folks!" in red that'll be enough of a definite end for me.

>he still thinks coloured text means something

>> No.6743890

R07 wrote a story about a man who writes bad stories, mostly consisting of said bad stories. I think that says it all.

>> No.6743892

The book Akasaka and Oishi wrote was a compilation of the information they had uncovered about the Disaster and only existed in Himatsubushi-hen. They even say that they hope someone will use it to find the truth so it can't be the novel itself even if it does happen to have the same name since in case you didn't notice Higurashi actually revealed who the culprit was and how the Disaster was carried out.

>> No.6743895

>Second Battler? Who Battler's mother is?
>Why Rudolf thought he was going to die?
At the very least these ones are answered.
Come back after you actually read the episode.

>> No.6743896

>Second Battler? Who Battler's mother is? Why Rudolf thought he was going to die?
You're both retarded and haven't read 8 even machine translated. You could tell ages ago, but Rudolf flat out admits that he switched the babbies in 8. Second Battler was a stillbirth.
>World peace? Yasu's motive for actually planning the event? (despite many people saying this doesn't matter for shit, her planning is still a huge trigger for the real disaster
Now these two things were actually never explained.

>> No.6743899

>Who Battler's mother is?
>Why Rudolf thought he was going to die?
He was pretty sure Kyrie would kill him when she found out Battler was her son

>> No.6743900
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Battler, my friend...Tell me...What is left to believe in, when you are betrayed, by your own? When all that you are, all that you have done, is buried beneath the lies and deceit of the author. I will die in this wretched place. The only thing that keeps me alive, is the thirst for vengeance.


ALL must die.

>> No.6743904 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 350x1663, episode 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp derp

>> No.6743905


Does he tell why or is that too much for ryukishi?

>> No.6743908

Then that book exists in a world where Rika didn't win. Higurashi could still be a book in Umineko's world.

>> No.6743917

Bernkastel mentions telling Lambdadelta the solution to Higurashi, I think.

>> No.6743926

You guys are fucking retarded.

Higurashi and Umineko take place in 2 completely different worlds, Higurashi being a fiction in Umineko is fucking normal.
Never watched a movie when they reference another movie as a fiction? Same thing.

>> No.6743928

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16 (16 16 fucking 16), 18

So it only takes 12 out of 20 of the stakes. Not bad, I guess?

>> No.6743939


So? It proves that somebody from Higurashi could wrote a novel series about Hinamizawa.

Maybe it was K1, maybe it was Miyo, who cares. Just because there is a book about Higurashi events don't mean Higurashi is fiction in Umineko.

>> No.6743940

Man, Battler is such an asshole. Poor Ange.

>> No.6743941

Of course he does.
He was basically engaged to Asumu and everything was prepared, so when her baby died he swapped them.
Neither ever knew it and was made because it was more convenient for everyone.
reason he said 'I'm gonna get killed tonight' in ep1 and 5

>> No.6743943

Battler, a grossly fat middle-aged man who looks like Pruitt Taylor Vince, wakes in his cell at a psychiatric institution, discovering that the whole thing was only a dream, and begins to self-mutilate his forehead with a zig-zag cut.

>> No.6743944

Pro tip: Higurashi is a work of fiction in our world too. That doesn't mean that Hinamizawa and the events described therein are real.

>> No.6743948

He's not Battler anymore and just couldn't bear having to meet Ange.

>> No.6743950

I hope so, I don't like thinking that Higurashi is just Auau's novel. Having the whole thing be double-fiction (triple fiction?) feels wrong to me.

>> No.6743951

Someone who hasn't played past 3.

So what does this mean for things that occurred in earlier episodes? Are they non canon or what happens?

>> No.6743959

Dear anon-kun...

Enjoy trying to discover the truth of Umineko even after my death. I regret nothing. You can disbelieve EP8 for all eternity,in the meanwhile I'll be burning in the flames of Hell.

Yours, Ryukishi07.

>> No.6743964

They're irrelevant. Seriously.

>> No.6743970

10点 うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode8 Twilight of the golden witch(非18禁) (07th Expansion(同人))

30点 うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode8 Twilight of the golden witch(非18禁) (07th Expansion(同人))

Quality VN

>> No.6743974

>Pro tip: Higurashi is a work of fiction in our world too. That doesn't mean that Hinamizawa and the events described therein are real.

Protip: The argument isn't about our world. You're really THAT butthurt to be proven wrong over and over, huh?

Must suck to be a goat.

>> No.6743982

Now I'm pretty sure you are a troll.
Nobody can be that stupid, nobody.

>> No.6743985

Sure absence of proof isn't proof of absence. I can't prove that there are no dragons hiding on the moon but that doesn't mean I believe in moon dragons. What evidence have you got that it's the same world rather than Higurashi being a work of fiction just like in our world?

>> No.6743986

I bet Ryukishi is yelling about how his Umineko Chiru ceremony is complete in front of a giant portrait of BT with a glass of absinthe in his hand.

>> No.6743987

yes, everyone (except some translators) hated it.

>> No.6743992

>Never watched a movie when they reference another movie as a fiction? Same thing.

Except this time they are a part of the same series. And there were a ton of hints that the two are connected.

It's nothing like Simpsons referencing Star Trek, it's more like Gene Roddenberry making a series about a writer who wrote Star Trek.

>> No.6743995
File: 119 KB, 460x582, 68795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even saying goat as if it was an insult? I mean, Goat-chans have huge tits and they're a girl.
I'd love to squeeze Goat-chan's boobs. I bet that they're fluffy and soft.

>> No.6743996

BT was his boyfriend/lover or something?

>> No.6743997
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From this day onwards Umineko's ending will be known as Nice Cake.

>> No.6743999

They don't take place in the same world, R07 said that much.

>> No.6744002

>this reminds me of a puzzle

Was there any point to those, or were they just for unlocking the music box?

>> No.6744006

Mutual characters and concepts.

Right now I'm thinking that Auau authored both of them, and they are both books in Old Battler's world.

>> No.6744008


Wow, thats fucking retarded.

Why even read them if they just become ignored.

>> No.6744009

Oh god why Battler why

>> No.6744011

I thought you could see extra scenes in the main story with them.

>> No.6744012
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No, they were probably just good friends. /jp/ just likes to pretend that R07 is Battler and that BT is his dead waifu.

>> No.6744013

>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16 (16 16 fucking 16), 18
No, 6 is never broken.
14 isn't broken.
Nor is 18 really, there may have been some accidents or suicides, but the Dine rules were written with mysteries that generally have very few murders in mind, usually just 1. If that single 1 turns out to be accident or suicide, it's a hugely dick move. When say a small percentage of a large number of deaths are accidents and suicides? Big whoop.

>> No.6744014

Don't forget that Maria was watching Higurashi in the anime.
in b4 >Umineko anime

>> No.6744015

Did someone translate the scrolls after Beatrice's jump from the boat?

>> No.6744018

Well yeah, that's the crux of it, isn't it? You can sorta see why people would be a bit upset, huh?

>> No.6744023


I loved the ??? of EP7 and thought it was really touching and now...it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Battler you dick.

>> No.6744025

You had fun reading them, right? They are pretty irrelevant (but seriously, didn't you realize they weren't actual depictions of the events pretty early? I mean, they're 3 completely different accounts) but still contained clues to little mysteries... which were also mainly irrelevant.

>> No.6744027

>His function is to gather clues that will eventually lead to the person who did the dirty work in the first chapter; and if the detective does not reach his conclusions through an analysis of those clues

6 is broken.

I suppose 14 is debatable, but the understanding is that the bomb went off by "accident", right? I guess that would mean 14 wasn't broken, maybe?

>> No.6744028


Well yeah. I'm glad I stopped at 4.

>> No.6744033

Well I kinda expected the whole family to remain dead, but I also expected them to work out their differences and work against the problem. They could pour their hearts and souls out to each other and promise to work everything out once they make it out alive. They could all still die but the truth would be revealed to everyone in the world.

>> No.6744038

Battler didn't want to tell her the truth about her parents to begin with.
If anything, he wanted her to remember the good things about her family and just go on with her life, instead of wishing the impossible and making suicide threats.

>> No.6744039

My point is that just because the book exists doesn't mean that it really happened.

The connections can be easily explained by to Battler referencing a work he has read.

Do you also think that since Ciel appears in Higurashi that Higurashi and Umineko are in the same world as Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night?

>> No.6744042

Ryukishi is finished isn't he? EP8 will be around 50 on EGS.

Nobody will trust him again.

>> No.6744045


Well the way I saw it, it was like several 'games' being played, and each time we learn something or get closer to the truth or whatever.

But then apparently it just goes "Oh those dont matter, THIS is the one that mattered!"

>> No.6744047

R07: Let me troll my Umineko fans with ending they no like.

*Higurashi otaku fans who hates Umineko are laughing at the back*

R07: What is funny? I troll you guys too. You like Rika? She is cat. You like Rena, Mion, Satoko? They are fiction.

>> No.6744057


After Higurashi, I have no idea why people were expecting a non-troll ending.

I bet the next story will also have a "Oh its all fake" ending or whatever.

>> No.6744058

>Ciel appears in Higurashi
Huh? I didn't read the VNs, what happened?

We seem to think the same thing, Battler referencing the book Higurashi while creating the Umineko episodes.
The only difference is that I think Higurashi never "happened" and was just a story by Auau.

>> No.6744060

Ryu07 doesn't even care anymore.
His lover/BFF is now dead.

>> No.6744063

It reminds me of Clue, except in the end all of the characters in Clue got a real backstory, in addition to the story getting a real who dunnit, how dunnit, and why dunnit.

...When I put it that way it's barely like Clue at all, huh?

>> No.6744064

The early episodes aren't "irrelevant". You could figure out Shkanontrice (although nobody quite got there with Shkanongaptrice as imaginary friends), that Kyrie was Battler's mother, the bomb, that many people on the island are capable of killing given the circumstances (a scene with Rosa and Eva has them agreeing that it's stupid for them to kill eachother for the gold - because the police will come and find evidence easily. Put that together with the bomb, and...?) and that there are three generations of Beatrice, among other things. You may say these don't matter for shit, but they are important backdrops of the real truth. Yes, it was impossible to figure out the whole real truth, so it wasn't a mystery really. But it wasn't impossible to figure out many things that it consisted of.

If you want to get crazy you could say a meta-battler who doesn't even seem to remember the events when he was a piece or know what really happened is a very vague hint to post-event amnesia.

>> No.6744072

Nah, he'll always be able to find work as "The Higurashi Guy"

>> No.6744078


Ryukishi: let me just make a good story, and by good story I mean let me just make a good story by my friend BT writing it for me..

Ryukishi: ok this is turning out pretty god..

BT: *NOPE LOL dies!!! XD*

Ryukishi: oh man -.-

Ryukishi: maybe I can put in some memes like a cake is a lie everyone knows that

Ryukishi: annd... done

Ryukishi: wait why don't they like it


>> No.6744095


Who cares? We wasted 4 years reading something that happened inside a mad guy's head and trying to solve riddles that ended up being irrelevant and pointless.

>> No.6744098



>> No.6744102

You would think that people would like an ending which is pretty much the opposite of Higurashi ending...
Fucking extremes.

>> No.6744108

Chie Rumiko = Chieru (= Ciel) miko

The schoolteacher was Ciel. She had a curry obsession was voiced by the same actress and even dressed like Ciel in the fighting game.

I don't think Higurashi was real in the Umineko world either. Considering the fact that it was presumably finished before 1985 though I really doubt that Hachijo was its author

>> No.6744109

Not sure if you guys are being ironic or something, but could you please take the emoticons and *actions* to a different board? Thank you.

>> No.6744111


Any anon translating tsubasa? since Whitch hunt would be busy with EP8

>> No.6744113

Stop being so delusional please

>> No.6744122


She was Ciel's reference/parody. Not real Ciel.

That is a pretty significant difference.

>> No.6744127


>> No.6744130
File: 647 KB, 1208x1754, 053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a page from the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Official Character Guide.

Also don't forget that every episode of the anime thanked Type Moon.

>> No.6744139

Oh, that's kinda like the Touhou reference then.

The shared elements in Umineko and Higurashi are much stronger than any of that, and the way I see it this is the only way I can explain it with "mystery". That or Auau is a total plagiarist and steals Higurashi characters and kakeras.

>> No.6744148
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Japan took longer then I thought it would to make this

>> No.6744160


Is she older than him? Somehow a near-milf taking advantage of a confused Battler is more comforting in my mind.

>> No.6744161

Most of the stories are already translated

>> No.6744166

My point is that just as some people claim that Bern "proves" that its the same world you could argue the same about Ciel as a form of reductio ad absurdum. After all, Bern never states she's the same person and Umineko Bern's personality is pretty different. It makes more sense if Battler simply copied her from Higurashi as he had read that work in the past. Plus ΛΔ and a conflict between witches never appears in Higurashi.

>> No.6744167


That's because they are too busy raging at Ryu.

>> No.6744186

How about a poll on if
>they have fucked and have sporadic sex
>are married and happy

>> No.6744189

She's 5 years older then him.

>> No.6744191

>Is she older than him?
Doubt it. Probably about the same age.

>> No.6744192

Ange asks them if they're married before asking if he's Battler.
They answer they aren't married, but it's been a long time together.

>> No.6744193


If Bern just looked like Rika and had few similar habits it would be the same.

Everything about her, backstory and extra tips included point to Higurashi directly.

Not to mention that Frederica Bernkastel is real in Higurashi.

>> No.6744199

Hachiyo is a retard.
Tohya is still hot after 24 years.

>> No.6744204

if you were a piece in umineko, you would never have seen witches in real life neither.

>> No.6744205


So, it's like a rich college girl snagging you as you exit high school?


>> No.6744206

Their Leitmotif is Love examination. So I say they fucked

>> No.6744208


Why is she looking like adult Rika?

>> No.6744212

24? Don't you mean 12?

>> No.6744215

They have probably fucked. How much time have they been together? 20 years?

>> No.6744216

You know what's even funnier?
The goats in ep8 are a metaphor for the readers, they are on a rampage because they are not satisfied with the truth or something like that. And of course they are evil because of that.

>> No.6744217

They meet in 1986
So 24 years more or less

>> No.6744218


yeah but how about adding those trans plus translating the remaining tips left. Hey it's with sprites, BGM and all

>> No.6744220

Because she's Erika.

>> No.6744221

meant to quote >>6744199

>> No.6744222

"Point to" doesn't mean it's stated.
You are just taking what you think are clues and running with them.
It's never ever stated that Bern of Umineko is the same Bern of Higurashi

>> No.6744226

The end of Ep 8 takes place in 2010. So they been together for 24 years

>> No.6744228


Well boo fucking hoo that we want a cogerent plot with awnsers.

>> No.6744229

Ohh, I see.

>> No.6744232

By the way, how did Hachijou find Battler?

>> No.6744236


Oh I get it. The main villain is an author's ego.

>> No.6744240


Do they have a romantic relationship? or do they just live together and shit?

>> No.6744242

She found him almost dead on a shore.

>> No.6744251

The hero is teh author's ego, the fans that want a proper end are the villains.

>> No.6744252


Living 24 years with an attractive woman without fucking? Especially with Bat's character?

>> No.6744253

Any commonalities can be explained by Battler simply basing his character on the Bern from Higurashi. And considering how different the tow of them are in personality and function within their respective stories I think that they should be considered different characters.

If someone wrote a fanfic where Raskolnikov is a cyborg ninja then nobody would say that this has any relevance to Crime and Punishment.

>> No.6744255

And the reason Will and Dlanor kill them is because "this is not supposed to be a mystery".

>> No.6744261

They might have one

>> No.6744263

>Bat's character
Didn't Battler die when he attempted to save Beatrice? I mean, you kinda become a new person when you lose all your memories.

>> No.6744265


Nothing can defeat that.

>> No.6744266

Well, I suppose since Hachiyo Tohya is a made up name and Battler is dead they can't really get married.
I wonder if they have kids.

>> No.6744267


well the episodes show he still has his fetishes and urges, doesn't it?

>> No.6744268


Too bad "Battler" died with Yasu/Shannon/Beato, his new self might be a prude. If Ange manages to bring back Battler he's going to be pissed.

>> No.6744270

Good one.

>> No.6744271

It's a shame there are still people who deny that.

>> No.6744272

Yeah, Battler doesn't think of himself as Battler

>> No.6744285


Except that Bern and Frederica are both kakera travelers who call themselves witches. And they are very similar in personality.

Also it's stated in Bern's letter that magic system used by Beatrice is completely different that their own. So different that Bern isn't sure they should call themselves witches.

>> No.6744292

We're goats?

Well rather Goats than fucking AuAu, you pretentious douche.

>> No.6744298
File: 39 KB, 526x400, ExcelSagasPedro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up to old self after sister talks with you awhile
>Realize you never did anything in the sack with that now 47 year old women (writers are fun in bed)
>Penis no longer working, health deteriorating
>Realize your amnesiac self neglected your sister all these years

>> No.6744299

There are no kakera in Umineko. It's all stories written by Yasu or Battler.

>> No.6744302

Once again it doesn't prove anything.
Now R07 said himself that Umineko and Higurashi take place in 2 completely different world yet you ignore the words from the fucking author

>> No.6744317

See the good side people, now you can finally move on from this shit.

>> No.6744321
File: 13 KB, 576x324, non-ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well. Wasn't expecting the family to survive but was hoping some closure would come from their family issues and some mystery elements.

Maybe we can have this end or something in Rei.

>> No.6744325


That's Battler's personal punishment for being an incompitent dick

>> No.6744330


Except Ryu never said anything like that.

>> No.6744333

No, without closure we'll be forced to dwell over umineko like restless ghosts.

>> No.6744342
File: 659 KB, 680x2967, 1293805582198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be told that I was wrong about everything than wonder for the rest of my life whether I was right or not.
Seriously, what was Ryukishi trying to accomplish with this ending?

Pic related, it's the fucking ending predicted years ago.

>> No.6744380

How about trying to do what Evangelion fans did years ago?
Threat that fucker until he writes a proper closure to everything.

>> No.6744386


Better revive BT

>> No.6744395

Umineko Bernkastel is directly referred as "Frederica Bernkastel" in one of the TIPS, too, so take that as you will.

>> No.6744399

The Evangelion movie was a "Fuck You" to the fans by Anno. We already got that in Episode 8.

>> No.6744404

And then he got threatened some more and made Rebuild.

>> No.6744408

Are there any pics of BT?
I want to draw Ryukishi crying in front of a giant portrait of him.

>> No.6744431
File: 21 KB, 600x342, 46113-800px_m26_c130_zomgrei_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes that fixed things and made it so much easier to understand the story

>> No.6744443

More than a decade later? He's just milking a cash cow. Unless you think that he was constantly receiving hate mail for more than a decade and finally broke. And in any case Rebuild isn't over so he could easily just have another "Fuck You" ending.

>> No.6744450
File: 16 KB, 481x457, 1292042535804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you think that he was constantly receiving hate mail for more than a decade and finally broke.

What if I said yes to this?

>> No.6744452

I kind of want Rei to involve the Land of the Golden Witch message bottle. Beato said she thought of it as her masterpiece and was sad that it hadn't been found, so Ryu was probably planning some crazy-ass locked rooms for it before he scrapped it for EP3.

>> No.6744453

At least it didn't end with the protagonist having crazy delusions and his dead relatives and friends clapping when he accepts himself.


>> No.6744472


No, he just ended it with a grab bag of symbolism and heaps of loose threads, pretty much like umineko.

>> No.6744495

>And the reason Will and Dlanor kill them is because "this is not supposed to be a mystery".
actually more like because they stopped thinking because they are raging that everything is a fantasy.. which is kind of irony
oh well, enjoy being goats

>> No.6744521

Remember how Higurashi Rei had some serious stories in it?

Umineko "Rei" might have those as well.

One of the stories will be how Battler (now Hachijou) and Ikuko met, going from that point to the point Ange meets him.

The other will be about Kyrie's backstory.

Think about it.

>> No.6744533


I wonder what the retarded fluff if going to be, Umineko doesn't have as big/casual a sandbox to play with vs Higurashi.

>> No.6744539

I think it does. The TIPS represent those quite well.

>> No.6744542

Those are some pretty cool mental gymnastics, Ryu07 apologist.

>> No.6744553

>Kyrie's backstory.
We really really fucking need that. I know that R07 doesn't develop the culprit during the question arcs, but fuck man, we got so much in ep 1-3 on Eva/Natsuhi/Rosa, then got a small amount of info on Kyrie.

Like, as it it right now, only reason I can gather why she was batshit insane was because she's a selfish whore

>> No.6744564

>they stopped thinking

"Fantasy? Mystery? It doesn't matter what is real as long as you have love!" That sounds more like the cessation of thought to me.

>> No.6744583
File: 75 KB, 853x480, K!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure we'll see SOUL BROTHAS ala Battler, Ronove, Kinzo, and Rudolf.

>> No.6744590

Do want.

>> No.6744594


Her sister plainly stated that as head life was shit, it wouldn't surprise me if Kyrie had to deal with even more bullshit from birth than any of the ushiromiya's.

>> No.6744632

Those episodes were all in Battler's mind. How are we supposed to know for sure that Eva/Natsuhi/Rosa went through those ordeals and have those sorts of personalities?

>> No.6744657
File: 114 KB, 400x566, 3857531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Rei will follow the naming pattern of the first eight games? Any speculation what it all might spell out with the first letters of the existing games?

Right now, we have BATTLER'D.

>> No.6744695

Umineko no Naku Koro ni Rei: Epilogue of the Golden witch.


>> No.6744724

I think it's kind of funny that "Shannon" and Battler discussed in episode 7 how mysteries where the motivations of the culprit weren't explained were unsatisfying.

>> No.6744802

Maybe R07 was trying to dodge that bullet by making it so Umineko isn't a mystery. I wouldn't put it past the guy.

Or maybe he just doesn't give a shit about what people think and just wants to see how terrible he can make something before people stop buying it.

>> No.6744885

>Maybe R07 was trying to dodge that bullet by making it so Umineko isn't a mystery. I wouldn't put it past the guy.
Basically, he challenged us to a duel and then run away from it.

>> No.6744963

If you actually read the episode you'd know that the goat's dialogue is a parody of specifically the readers who can't accept any other theory other than their own, i.e: those people who were arguing in this and the previous 20 threads about how the other person was so retarded and their theory was irrefutable.

>> No.6745050

They thought of EVERYTHING.

>> No.6745087

3 more episodes maybe? BATTLER DIED?
???? is just to fuck with us?

>> No.6745092

Then by that logic shouldn't the goats be fighting each other?

>> No.6745094

Wow, we are real dicks.

In fact, you could say we're GOAT HEADED.

(Ha! What an ingeniously pathetic metaphor I have coined.)

>> No.6745695

I feel a lot better about this now.

>> No.6746121 [DELETED] 

You know what sucks? This shit could have had a satisfying ending so easily. Its like LOST where the story was a big trainwreck, it was nearly all tied up. All we really needed was peoples true personalities to put an end to the theorizing - clarification if George hid the letter, did Yasu really plan to commit murder, Kyrie a bitch or no, etc.
Then have the meta world end with a glass shatter and Ange deciding to move on with her life and we would've had a pretty good series actually.

>> No.6746136

You know what sucks? This shit could have had a satisfying ending so easily. Its not like LOST where the story was a big trainwreck, it was nearly all tied up. All we really needed was peoples true personalities to put an end to the theorizing - clarification if George hid the letter, did Yasu really plan to commit murder, Kyrie really a bitch or not, etc.
Then have the meta world end with a glass shatter and Ange deciding to move on with her life. It would've had a pretty good series actually.

>> No.6746369

Sorry to ask, but has any kind Anon saved all the previous EP8 threads? Even if they just are the html files/folders I would be eternally grateful.
