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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6742132 No.6742132 [Reply] [Original]

What stories from THP do you recommend?

Finished Hakugyokuro LA, MiG, This Shrine and Expectation of Sanguine Disorder.

Any other stories where Anon acts like Anon and not some retarded spineless faggot you'll see in VN's?

>> No.6742143

Anything by Scorn.
Stay clear of YAF, he's a faggot.

>> No.6742158

Expected self-promotion, although I hope these aren't on THP;


>> No.6742166

Memoria in Discord isn't that bad, at least it stays clear of the massive Reimu wankery YAF seem to have a boner for.

>> No.6742176

Piss this.
Scat that
Gore there

Yeah, no.

>> No.6742189


I recommend not reading shitty self insert fanfiction.

>> No.6742191

Right now? Nothing.
Wait until Heavy In Gensokyo 3.

>> No.6742201

For Just a average Joe for flat out retarded fun and amusement.

>> No.6742207

ITT: Touhouproject devs promote their awful fucking "stories"

>> No.6742219
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Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.6742221

>implying it won't go Reimu route in the next 2 threads when YAF samefags votes for Reimu route.

Shit, i wanted Mokou lovin'

>> No.6742236

>/jp/ claims to hate CYOA and fanfiction
>/jp/ loves doujins and shipping, which are just as shitty

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.6742242

In during newfags who weren't around for YWUIG.

>> No.6742251

What's YWUIG?

>> No.6742255

98% of THP are from /jp/

>> No.6742256

I hope you're not defending that shit.

More than anything else except FSN, Umineko, the KoG raids and Puddi spam, YWUiG pulled in g/a/ia users and newfags that almost destroyed the board. It was complete shit, and it's good that moot intervened and ordered the exile of CYOA and roleplaying bullshit.

>> No.6742260

Multiple-choice roleplaying
You Wake Up In Gensokyo

>> No.6742270

It looks like the largest one on the story list page.
Thanks, I'll stay clear of it.

>> No.6742280

>98% of THP are on /jp/

No wonder /jp/ has been so unbearable recently.

>> No.6742298

I've come across 'The lake' a few times when reading shit on THP.

It's mostly mentioned when anon does a retarded decision and the option is to 'jump in the lake'
So, what story did it originate from?

>> No.6742304

Why the hell are you asking us about their site?

>> No.6742319

You're a splendid bunch so I'm sure you can answer a humble question.

>> No.6742326



/jp/ made THP what it is about a month after /jp/ was made. We've always been on both boards, newfag.

>> No.6742330

Yeah, we have attention camwhore thread right now too on the front page.

>> No.6742340

Don't you guys have a janitor, i heard she was competent unlike most other boards.

>> No.6742345


The original You Wake up In Gensokyo had that as option. If I remember right, /jp/ decided to try swimming to the scarlet devil mansion and it didn't end well. Then they got rejected by China and everyone decided that suicide via lake was a fate befitting.

>> No.6742348

>he doesn't like piss,scat and gore.

>> No.6742353

Janitor retired a month ago.

>> No.6742363


Rumors abound that the last janitor retired and now hong is a mod or something but it's all hearsay as far as I know.

It's true that /jp/ has always had the shittiest moderation and tons of spam, but it did suddenly get much better

>> No.6742368

I see, thank you for the explanation.

>> No.6742373

The kinds of people who browse THP are why the western Touhou fanbase is shit.

>> No.6742380
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>> No.6742579

At least you made the right decision to read now when the awful drama shit has died down, instead of 3 years ago, or is it just dumb luck?

>> No.6742591

Stop advertising.

>> No.6742602

>Stop advertising a site most of /jp/ goes to!
>You'll attract newfaggots!
You stupid chucklefuck, it's too late.

>> No.6742620

What is the official story of Suwako, it doesn't fit her personality at ALL!

>> No.6742624

I'm assuming you have detailed knowledge about her personality from the multitude of unofficial doujins?

>> No.6742630
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>he thinks more than a handful of /jp/ cares about THP and that the CYOA fad didn't die out a long time ago!

>> No.6742632

Cpt. Anonymous Rex.

>> No.6742802

A THP thread?



>> No.6742840



>> No.6742862

I think it's more or less

>> No.6742883

Last time i made a THP thread, which was 3 months ago, it got immediately deleted.


>> No.6742901

Because meido was on the spot. She is dead now.

>> No.6742947
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The Maid is dead. We killed her.

Will the average anon understand the void this creates?

>> No.6743028

Except every one of the CYOAs on THP are below even the worst doujins in quality. They're either "wat do" style garbage or self insert fantasies written by neckbeards for neckbeards. None of them have an actual storyline, and all of them feature dialogue that makes it clear that the people who write there have never talked to another human being in their lives.

>> No.6743059

We don't fucking read them because of fucking plot, which is expected to be shit considering it's written by a teenager.
We read it because *GASP* you can have a entertaining story without a decent plot.


>> No.6743067


>> No.6743076

>you can have a entertaining story without a decent plot

Full retard.

>> No.6743092

I bet you think Evangelion was good.

>> No.6743106

I bet you like Lucky Star and K-ON

>> No.6743116

Didn't everyone love Lucky star and K-on?

>> No.6743119

All unsaged posts are fags from THP

>> No.6743135

Japan and 2chan loved them, that must mean /jp/ loved them as well.

>> No.6743153

It's probably best to ignore anyone who didn't

>> No.6743155

The same argument is used to defend shit like Twilight.

>> No.6743161

what r u doin

>> No.6743166

And? You don't have to like it, but you should at least be able to see why it would appeal to certain people.

>> No.6743191

Twilight is a literal masterpiece, said by many critics.

What's the matter, vampires and werewolves make you uncomfortable?

>> No.6743227


Blood and Chocolate was better and it was still pretty bad.

>> No.6743232

>Twilight is a literal masterpiece, said by many Shills .


>> No.6743248

Blood and French Toast?

>> No.6743307

The only thing on THP I wouldn't be embarrassed to recommend someone read is A Fairy's Tale.

Facts (or are they opinions?) about A Fairy's Tale:
1. It is not self-insert lol imaoutsideringensokyo fanfiction. You are a fairy.
2. No sex though god knows anon tried.
3. Original characters that are actually interesting and thought out.
4. Interesting character interpretations.

>> No.6743310

K-ON is everything wrong with modern anime wrapped into one pile of shit.

>> No.6743319

>No sex
Almost convinced me there. Then again I have written things without sex, it was alright.

>> No.6743323

How did all those raids you tried to start up go? I must admit I never quite got around to joining in, but I'm sure you and your mates had a grand old time.

>> No.6743329

Oh I almost forgot the most important thing of all:


>> No.6743330

>no sex


>> No.6743331

Dear lord, you really have no shame do you?

>> No.6743335

Having read the entire Twilight series myself I can honestly say that the first three books of the series were mediocre with enjoyable endings but the last book was exceedingly boring and had no purpose whatsoever. Also this thread got off topic.

>> No.6743336

Recommend? ASSM?

>> No.6743341

Should I?

>> No.6743344

>It is not self-insert
>Original characters

Yeah, no way in hell, there's no reason for OC when Touhouverse has so much characters you'd need a 15 slaves with 13 fingers to count them.

>> No.6743348
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I don't even know who's trolling and who's seriously retarded in this thread, on both sides.
This is why I hate it when THP gets mentioned on here.

>> No.6743355

You have a thicker stomach than I, I read about 5 chapters in to the first one and dropped it. It was clearly going to be one of those "Girl meets guy, something bad happens, Girl gets guy" novel written by almost all "Young Adult" Writers.

>> No.6743356

Believe it or not, it's possible to write original characters without self-insertion.

>> No.6743371

The story is not set in Gensokyo. It is set in preGensokyo SDM, and the original characters in question are members of the fairy maid staff. I wouldn't have believed it myself hearing from a third party, but indeed, the original characters do not suck nor do they inordinately steal thunder from the other cast.

>> No.6743373

I laughed, thank you

>> No.6743380


Oi, shush.

>> No.6743384

You're absolutely right, there is no reason why a story about the fairy maids of the Scarlet Devil Mansion should need original characters, when there are so many well-established official characters among them.

Since there are so many, I am sure you would have no problem listing some of them for us.

>> No.6743389

Yes. Didn't your mother taught you good manners?

>> No.6743408

"Didn't your mother teach you good manners?"

>> No.6743411

It's a story about fairy maids?

Sounds boring.
Who'd want to read about a bunch of canonical idiots fumble around ?

>> No.6743415

When did having a vampiric loli wipe syrupy french toast on your dick in an attempt in kinky-as-fuck sex bad mannered?

>> No.6743426

Are you being stupid on purpose in order to avoid the subject or really meant that?

>> No.6743446

I don't quite understand what you're asking. That entire SDM story was NOT serious, I mean, for god sakes, Patchouli vomits in your shirt and you cum in to a bowl of Ice cream. If you couldn't tell by Patchouli shoving her fingers in your ass in chapter 2 then I feel sorry for you.

>> No.6743461

This thread proves that THP is well past its heyday. Notice how the majority of the stories people mentioned were from 2 or 3 years ago?

>> No.6743465

I'm not talking about the story for god sake. Looks like you really are oblivious.

>> No.6743470

Well thats a shame, if only you were a bit more clear.

>> No.6743475


>> No.6743484

Most decent writefags left THP.

>> No.6743486

Go start reading one of "The Game", "Palingenesia", "Idea of Alice", "RaAN", "HLA", "Fragmentation of Memories", "Border House", "ASSM", "EoSD" and "Gensokyo Land Saga" right the fuck now. (Some duplicates with the OP's list, but whatever, I'm sure others will enjoy them as well)

>> No.6743493

I honestly can't believe you didn't realized it yet. I would even feel bad to say it clearly because that would be like telling someone to not drop his pants in public.

>> No.6743512

It may be easier for others to understand what you're attempting to convey if you used proper grammar and English.

What I wrote was simply a joke, it would appear you did not get said joke.

>> No.6743525

You should read YAF's early stuff, from before he lost his mind. He's since recovered, slightly, but it's just not the same. Where before we had MANLY FLEXING and games of chess on the ceiling from a guy who liked quoting Devil May Cry a little too much, we now have soap opera-level drama with occasional military jargon from a man who is trying entirely too hard to sound British.

>> No.6743536

Stop attention whoring YAF.

>> No.6743542

Hey, TS1 was good, TS2 was decent.

Everything went to shit from there.

>> No.6743556

No, I'm talking about how your shamelessly tries to chug down your own crap on every single thread about the subject in question, trying to grasp for attention with your endless lust for it.

>> No.6743586

>"The Game", "Palingenesia"

I would like to anti-recommend those two, unless you don't mind the story reeking of cheap pseudo-thriller novels written by people with absolutely no sense of suspense but with many oh-so-dark-and-edgy words thrown in to try and achieve an illusion of one (The Game); or an amateurish style and endless repetition of words over and over while you yawn your jaw off wondering when it gets finally interesting and if you had clicked on a link to a delusional nerd's blog by mistake (Palingenesia).

>> No.6743599

>how your
How you

>shamelessly tries
Shamelessly try

> to chug down your own crap
Shove down, chug is to drink.

>on every single thread about the subject in question
In every single thread.

>trying to grasp for attention with your endless lust for it.
His lust is a motivator, not an instrument. "because of your endless lust for it"

>> No.6743604

Ranting, you forgot it. Can't forget the ranting.

>> No.6743612

Thank you for the translation, as well, thank you for your help.
Duly noted good sir, however, I do believe you are incorrect in that whenever these kinds of threads are made, they are bogged down with writefag and fanfiction hate, it's difficult to get a story in edgewise.

>> No.6743614

No, you shouldn't. Stay the fuck away from everything he writes.

>> No.6743628

I wouldn't thank me if I were you.
The way he's saying it is technically incorrect, but the spirit of the words is undoubtedly righteous.

You sir, are an attention whore, and likely a douchebag.

>> No.6743630

Aren't those two supposed to be some of the "best" recent stories on Touhouproject? Hilarious.

>> No.6743646

I would like to anti-anti-recommend those two, purely on the grounds that this fine gentleman is clearly expecting entirely too much out of his image board-based, multiple-choice interactive Touhou fanfiction.

Seriously, dude, you may or may not have a valid point, but you sound like someone who has long since become utterly incapable of simply having fun.

Holding anything on THP to any actual literary standard is like trying to treat any of the Saw movies like you were watching Citizen Kane.

>> No.6743663

Quiet, YAF.

>> No.6743666

You still mad about that unfinished Renko H-scene or unfinished Yuuka route?

>> No.6743668

Supposedly, though personally I haven't read the later as of yet.
The unfortunate thing is however the subjectivity of the situation. While the first anon recommends, the second disagrees.

Truthfully I'd have to say that you're allowing a preconceived bias to judge if you're adding more weight to the latter than the former.
Read them for yourself, and act accordingly based on your own thoughts. if you have done so, share those thoughts. But these frivolous and inane statements of baseless hatred are the greatest of wastes upon this thread.

>> No.6743683

I disagree, but to each their own opinion.

Just as well, I'm open to suggestions as of what to write, If you've got any ideas, shoot.

>> No.6743690


I hated him after he wrote that shit with Reimu and Yuka.
There's some thing you just don't write, and eating your own baby well done is one of them.

>> No.6743697

I'm more inclined to believe it was medium rare.

>> No.6743715

Go back to barking your moralfaggotry somewhere else where people will care.
It's a fucking story, either calm down or steel your stomach.

>> No.6743733


>> No.6743745

u mad YAF?

>> No.6743746

You realize sage is for times when your own post isn't worth bringing the thread to the front pa...
I see what you've done there, you've made such a useless post that it actually is deserving of the use of sage.
Superb work, carry on.

>> No.6743752

What? It's not like he made them RAPE the baby before eating it. Or while eating it. And//or after eating it.


>> No.6743754
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>> No.6743771

>RAPE the baby
Would be a much better alternative.

>> No.6743777

Well, chalk that up to something I now refuse to write. By god. I don't see what that offers to any story whatsoever.

>> No.6743791
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Let's not go there.
Someone already did go there.

>> No.6743794

404 Not Found

>> No.6743804

oh my god what the fuck

>> No.6743806


how about we just have fun

like, fun, you know that?

fun is nice

make love not war

>> No.6743812

Get back to work nigger.

>> No.6743828

cant am playing video games atm

>> No.6743833

ITT: 3 years ago

>> No.6743842
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It actually did serve a purpose, you bumped the thread due to my 'useless post'.

>> No.6743871

keep your shit on one site, please.

>> No.6743893

To be fair the current British SAS chap is not exactly gifted with supernatural powers, agility or wits like dear Nanaya was.

>> No.6743903

Or does he have a mother called "Yukari"

>> No.6743910
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