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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6741762 No.6741762 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ do you think that on other side of portal we will get to be touhous and to live in gensokyo? Nice place to take it easy and being youkai would be great. I know most likely I wont be related or have even chance to chat with any "main" characters but at least I would be in so happy place as gensokyo

inb4: its not suicide thread, even if only chance to go to gensokyo is after dying.

>> No.6741779

If I ever ended up there I'd hope it was a slightly grimdarker gensokyo, I'd kill yokai for the bounties on their heads like my ancestors did with wolves for the church.

>> No.6741836

Silly, you would be youkai too, so you would be youkai hunting youkais.

>> No.6741842

if you are going to do that... why even go to gensoukyo...

>> No.6741855

If any of us would go to Gensokyo, we would all be those little fairies who are killed. And no one miss them.
Face the reality, anon. You are shitty, no matter in which world you are.

>> No.6741861

you do realize fairies are immortal, right?

They revive after they die

>> No.6741866

Because hunting here is just a hobby.

Also I enjoy my grimdark fantasy, I mean anywhere I end up other than here I'd rather it be slightly darker just to keep it interesting.

>> No.6741883

Okay. It's a pleasure to be killed, then revive, then be killed again...

>> No.6741888

Fairies as low power level ?
or just some one "not important" like Alice?

>> No.6741901
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hay guys whats going on in this thread

>> No.6741930

Discussing how it feels to be cummed inside

>> No.6741969

Trying to get informations about getting into gensokyo, you know what will happen when I will try to portal.

>> No.6742100

Hey State border youkai I found your video on youtube. It was just some strange static sound causing headache + strange image of you. The best part was that audience was described just as "Female 65-" and without tags... Too bad I dont have link

(just bumping thread, but still I would be glad if some one had link)

>> No.6742203

Don't be ridiculous. Gensokyo is full of people who migrated from the outside world, and the corpses of people from the outside world. It's not the same as heaven. There's no mechanism for transforming you somehow into some youkai. You were born a human and barring extraordinary circumstances that's what you'll be until you die, which in Gensokyo may be sooner rather than later.

>> No.6742245

>There's no mechanism for transforming you somehow into some youkai.

Actually, there is.

>Known methods to turn into a supernatural creature (not necessarily youkai, immortals too) include turning into a demon out of excess lust (Kiyohime), anger (Taira no Masakado), covetousness (Mugenyama temple bell, Raigo Anjari), religious zeal (monks turning into oni to protect their temples from evil), pride (tengu) and presumably any other emotion in its extreme, dying with regrets (a lot, for example dorotabo), dying with a single purpose in mind (a lot, for example inugami), starving (itsumaden), eating mermaid flesh or liver (Yaobikuni), stopping blood, air or semen flow for 1000 days (Taoist monks), straying from the Buddhist path or living a sinful life (most youkai), stealing money or oil (dodomeki and abura-akago), being a slut (sazae-oni), being wronged in some way (tenome), living or existing for long periods of time (many animal-base demons, for example nekomata, also tsukumogami), special rituals (ungaikyou), killing a certain demon or a number of demons (ushi-oni), being killed by certain demons (funayurei), somehow fusing yourself with an object (biwa-yanagi, but there's no ritual or anything for this, dude dropped his biwa into water, a whirlpool sucked him up and when he came to himself he was half fucking lute.), excessive dieting (futakuchi-onna), dying without fulfilling a promise (zashiki-warashi) and so on. You can also be born that way and not know it (rokurokubi).

There are probably a bunch of other methods, but that's all I could recall offhand.

>> No.6742307


>> No.6742338

dying with regrets (a lot, for example dorotabo), dying with a single purpose in mind (a lot, for example inugami),

single purpose: gensokyo
regrets: not being born as touhou

additional methods: try to do something from local legends, like Europeans can try to write and sign "pact" just like some sorcerers did.

Do you think it would work ?

>> No.6742521

this is second best threat atm at /jp/ so its really quality thread.

>> No.6742556

I meant upon a border crossing. Certainly there are ways, but those are what I would classify "extraordinary circumstances".

I don't know, something tells me that if you're actively trying to become a horrible monster the gods won't let it happen. It's like cheating.

>> No.6742589


>> No.6742828

As far as European mythology goes, becoming a demon is pretty easy. Principal ways to become one is dying unbaptized or not getting proper burial rituals. Being born with a caul or any other birth anomaly is another mark of a future supernatural creature (in fact, this is the case in many parts of the world, Aoishiro even explicitly mentions this in Kohaku's route.) Or you could summon Barbas, Beleth and Gaap to instantly turn everyone on /jp/ into lesbian maidens madly in love with each other and transport them to Gensokyo.

In case any would-be magician succeeds with this, please make sure I become a short, shy girl with long, straight black hair and fall in love with a gentle elder sister.

>> No.6743115

I praise the LHC church for the techno-miracle

>> No.6743180


Any other birth anomaly? Really? I was born lacking the roof of my mouth. Do you think this would count?

>> No.6743189

/jp/ - getting gayer by the hour

>> No.6743279

>In case any would-be magician succeeds with this, please make sure I become a short, shy girl with long, straight black hair and fall in love with a gentle elder sister.
Ditto, but make me blond.

>> No.6743326


..I wonder what kind of youkai I would be.

>> No.6743430

=D i like where this thread is going! make sure i have big tits and look cute with glasses, thats all i want

>> No.6743435
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>> No.6743645

> Fairy is youkai (lesser demon)

/jp/ just went full tard

>> No.6743709

>stopping blood, air or semen flow for 1000 days.

>stopping blood flow

>stopping air flow

and I'll not even mention the 3rd option, the most impossible of them all.

>> No.6743751

If anon stopped fapping and freed himself of all earthly desire he could ascend to heaven and become an celestial.
Power level over 9000 + eternal youth guaranteed

>> No.6743779

Dying in Gensokyo would not suck really...

>> No.6743816

Cleft palate is usually associated with the moon and rabbits, since it usually manifests alongside harelip as a package. So I guess you could be one of the Centzon Totochtin, Aztec rabbit deities of getting drunk. This naturally comes with taking it easy every day, all day.

As far as deities go, Aztecs had a good set.

Youkai sensu lato is "anything I'm not used to seeing", so yeah, you could call fairies youkai. ZUN's definition seems more restricted, though.

>> No.6743851

Yeah, sure, and get ostracized by all the other demons in Gensokyo. Remilia at least has a house.

>> No.6745565
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Always you can be "stalker" girl with AK-47 hunting dangers, anomalies, monsters, youkais, bandits, and anarchists of the gensokyo! Join Hakurei-Duty today and get finest equipment to fight with Gensokyo!

>> No.6745652
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>> No.6745661


Get out of here Miko.
