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6709973 No.6709973 [Reply] [Original]

Eroge/VN general since the other died a while.

Finished Maya and Hinata's routes in Noble Works, moe as fuck.
Pretty good moege.
But my most expected title of the month hasn't been uploaded yet, fucking Sekaijo where are you?

>> No.6709727 [DELETED] 

>if an innocent bystander comes close to you he's a goner too
Like anyone would come close to average /jp/ers place of dwelling.
Also, it pretty quickly paralyzes the olfactory nerve, so the smell is not really a problem either.
All I'm seeing are excuses. Do you even want to go to Gensokyo in the first place? Get a grip, man.

>> No.6709908 [DELETED] 

ok. what is method to do it?
Im not him, but maybe he lives in city with a lot of people in his tower block? You know in these things there are sometimes even around 30 families sharing one vertical line.

>> No.6709993
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Kinda related but not really.
A PV of the adaptation of Oretsuba was shown in C79, nobody uploaded it yet but someone put some screens of it.

It actually looks pretty good.

>> No.6710066

Shuusuke looks pretty good

>> No.6710089

I'm finally getting off my ass and playing Fate/Stay Night.

After Saya, Umineko, Sono Hanabira, and this, what else should I get out of the way in terms of 'babby's first VN'? Yume Miru Kusuri?

>> No.6710142

F/SN is gonna take you a while. But after that you might just get it over and done with and play Tsukihime as well.

After another couple weeks on break I started doing the last couple routes of Canvas2, want to finish it before I start on G-senjou no Maou.

>> No.6710322

I wonder why Sekaijo wasn't ripped yet.
Is there some kind of special protection on the disk or something? Seem impossible.

>> No.6710432

>Shuusuke looks better than everyone else
fix'd, I feel like crying, Martinez looks funny though

>> No.6710461
File: 174 KB, 1920x1200, Konachan.com - 30931 sayonara_zetsubou_sensei tsunetsuki_matoi yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to Eroge/VN, is there a commonly used site or the like where one can acquire the games? Or is it pretty much google around and find it however you can?

>> No.6710486

slowpoke as fuck, finally got off my ass and did saya no uta, felt like slapping myself for waiting so long with this gem. G-senjou no Maou now to see what the hype is about

>> No.6710510

I'm trying to read the rewrite trial after dropping it when it came out. I thought it was boring, but it picked up when you meet Senri.
Anyone knows how many days did it cover?
Not really expecting anything this month, Sekaijo just isn't my thing and I didn't like oretsuba that much, so I'll pass.

>> No.6710514

So I just hit the big twist of GSenjou...

...Well, fuck.

How did I not get suspicious at 'blown up so hard that no traces of the body were found'?

>> No.6710597

Speaking of which, S;G trailer is out, too. It looks pretty nice, too.

>> No.6710613

The animated parts don't look half bad.
I still fear the worst, but it won't suck as much as the oretsuba one, that's certain.

>> No.6710673

11-12 days
Personally I really liked the trial of Rewrite, writing and character interactions in general was great as expected of Romeo

>> No.6710679
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hongfire is the most common one to look VNs from. Atleast those that aren't officially released

Currently playing Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete which I put on hold when the Eustias trial came. UshMiMo is decent, nothing special except art so far, but I'm still doing the first route, heard it gets bit better later.

But dammit I'm already having some withdrawal symptoms from finishing Eustias trial, can't wait at all the full-release in march as the trial was just fantastic. Eustia is by far now my most waited thing next year. It was also kinda suprising how well august transitioned from light-hearted stories to one more grim story. Seriously anyone who likes low-fantasy stories should check Eustia out.
PS. Eris is olev

>> No.6710708

Played the trial of nekonade distortion, as I was saying in the last thread, "what the fuck did I just read?" sums up my impression enough.

Playing through Noble Works as well, it was a toss between Maya and Shizuru for the first playthrough, I went for the latter. Also, I read that besides the five heroines there's a teacher route? Can anyone confirm?

>> No.6710728

Finally broke into Kanon's route in G-Senjou. I feel.... kind of meh about this whole VN so far. It has good moments, like Sharin but I feel like I'm enjoying it less than Sharin. Maybe because Kyousuke is such a bastard.

>> No.6710748

I'll try and ask on this thread.
Anyone has opinions on Hello, Goodbye?

>> No.6710767

I see more and more people liking Eustia. You say it's more on the grim side?

>> No.6710801

You're not the only one, I'm already playing the trial a second time instead of finishing Noble Works and Axanael.

If you're looking for a eroge with a good scenario then don't play it, but I guess it's not a bad moege, although the recent Noble Works it's better in that aspect.

>> No.6710813

Thanks for the answer.
So I don't really have anything exciting to read downloaded.

>> No.6710870
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well if you consider that MC is assassin (well ex-assasin, does now other odd jobs), his best friend is a crime lord, and most of the people live in slums where crime and prostitution run rampant. And there is people dying, and some mysterious disease which causes people to grow wings and those people aren't really treated well. stuff like that, quite different from usual august. Well it isn't totally grim-dark as there are light-hearted moments there too. But overally extremely different from usual august.

yeah, at this rate I probably will do it again too to lessen my pains

>> No.6710923

Sounds neat, I'll make note of it as my Kanji gets better.

>> No.6711229
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Figured I play something unvoiced again in preparation for the next EDEN -Saishuu Sensou Shoujo Densetsu- trial which hopefully gets uploaded after C79 ;_; , so I started Gensou no Avatar. My initial impressions are quite nice, did anyone play it?

>> No.6711250

I'm reading it slowly.
Kind of remind me of Ayakashibito so that's a plus, writing is quite nice, especially the prologue was fantastic.

>> No.6711300
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I'm considering playing Sharin no Kuni, I'm not too new to VNs as a whole, I was playing Yume Miru Kusuri but I don't really like the faces in it.

Do any of you like Sharin no Kuni? I'm sorta just looking for a change of pace from type-moon stuff I've been playing.

>> No.6711320

Yes, read it, it's a great read.

>> No.6711324

It's really good, and still one of my favorites even after playing quite number of VNs.

>> No.6711476

Just finally finished Fuuko's route in Clannad last night. I think I hate this game for knowing exactly how to make my eyes burn with that "don't fucking cry" feeling.

>> No.6711488

Every story is manipulative, Clannad is just more straightforward in that 'I'm gonna make you cry when this music starts to play, and you're gonna enjoy it, bitch'.

>> No.6711521

I thought Clannad wasn't that manipulative, at least compared to the other Key games and most nakige.

Well the sad music playing is shit happen in every VNs, but at least most of the time Clannad tried to make you cry with a feel good scene rather than a sad scene which I think is much harder to do.

>> No.6711560

Thing about Clannad is that when it makes me cry I feel like I was just used like a cheap whore. When other games have made me cry usually I feel something along the lines of "Well done, game." But with Clannad I think to myself "Dammit!"

>> No.6712074

Almost finished with Remember11... just need two more bad endings, tips, and one Satoru CG with the candy.

>> No.6712122

has 2 good arcs, didn't care for the rest. A few decent endings too. playing catch up on umineko here

>> No.6712125

Just finished G-Senjou No Maou, I have to say, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

>> No.6712739

Hey guys is Forest or kusarihime ~euthanasia~ any good?

>> No.6713900

They're both really good and have become a source of inspiration for many popular VNs, like Saya and Umineko. If your Japanese skills are good enough, you should definitely give them a try.

>> No.6714833

You won't die so easily.

>> No.6715185

Has anyone any idea what's happening with Rewrites trial patch?

>> No.6715191

still at 11000 lines.
i wonder if anyone has those first two scripts translated, the mediafire links are dead and I wanted to check the first one.

>> No.6715213

For Kusarihime read the instructions on how to make the music play closely

>> No.6715259

Anyone would have better torrent for rewrites trial? the one in hongfire only has like 1 seeder and is really slow.

>> No.6715309

Been playing DaCapo 2 and just finished Anzu's route, my first. Gotta say, it was a lot better than what I was expecting. Writing was good, and the chemistry between the Anzu and the MC felt very natural. Then the ending came along and fucked everything up. Wonder how the other routes will fare in comparison.

>> No.6715343

You're lucky I dl'd it yesterday
Has MU links and /h code for agth, as well as the anti-gaijin crack and the BGM

>> No.6715623

Next probable translation patch to come out is Yukie's route in Majikoi, right?

>> No.6715760

I finally finished the rewrite trial.
Yoshino is better than any of the girls and he should get a real route.
And I didn't like Chihaya.

>> No.6716047

oh thank you. Was thinking of finally playing it and see how it is.

>> No.6716053
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2010 is almost over.
It was a pretty crappy year eroge wise, Koisora was good though.

>> No.6716087
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I wouldn't say it was crap year. It was avarage sure, when compared to 2009 and upcoming 2011, but there were few great ones like Ikusa Megami Verita and SubaHibi that I greatly enjoyed this year (well there was SInsenmilla too, but haven't played it), also several lesser titles that I managed to enjoy quite a lot.

But big yeah for next year, which is shaping up to be a great year.

>> No.6717735
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So yeah, started reading the rewrites trial. Yoshino seems pretty amusing fellow

>> No.6717739

His interactions with the girls are pretty amusing.
Also potential lolicon.

>> No.6717751

so do sekaijo packages have fatal poison on them or something?

>> No.6717754

Haven't seen any of that yet as I just started, his interaction with the MC is pretty fan so far tough. By the way what is the last day of the trial?

>> No.6717760

I think the main girl's obviously detachable hair attacks you if you try to upload it.

>> No.6717770

I did this same question today and already finished so:
It ends on the fifteenth and has a bit more with all the main characters.
Left me wanting more.

>> No.6717789

okay thanks. I'm pretty slow reader so probably will take several days for me.

>> No.6717807

I understand, it's like 4 hours, but it can seem longer.
Also KWY could at least botehr to voice everyone (including the MC, PROTIP: no one self insert in this kind of games that much and they can turn off his voice)

>> No.6717813


>> No.6717835

Well the voice cast is pretty stellar, it probably cost quite a bit of money.

>> No.6717836

yeah, it's not like Key don't have the money to full-voice acting.

>> No.6717847

I mean, at least, a couple of extras for classmates and teachers, that kind of things.

>> No.6718006

Does anyone know how hard the language in Hoshizora Planet is? I want to read it, but it's Tanaka Romeo so I'm unsure.

>> No.6718166
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>> No.6718198

It's not hard, Romeo is in "Hajime" mode in it, it's around the same level as Kana.
There are some unusual terms about aerodynamic/mathematic in general and some medical terms in Katana's route but it's nothing you can't google.


>> No.6721767
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>> No.6722816
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So, it's already around 18:20 in Japan, right? I wonder if Nitroplus are doing some kind of promotion for Axanael. I wouldn't put it past them to do act out some scenes from the VN or something.

>> No.6723334


PV of the anime of Oretsuba
It actually doesn't look bad at all.

>> No.6723348

I really wanted to finish that before tonight. It will seem anticlimactic if I play it after tonight.

>> No.6723500

how it loooks=not a problem, Aoi Nishimata isn't difficult to top
the pacing is the problem here

>> No.6723522

Seeing the PV it looks like Naru and Kobato are going to Takashi's school in the anime.

>> No.6724645

Well, and here I though that Noble Work's protagonist was pretty good.
Then he goes and fucks the fiancée of the nice guy he's the double of for security reasons. That's great.

>> No.6724675
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Rewrite trial has been pretty nice so far, all kinds of foreshawing has been going wonder where all this will lead.

Just wondering which characters were written by whom? it's pretty clear that Kotori is Romeo as he has distinct humor style to his writing, I guess Chihaya is Romeoa too? Akane and Lucia are probably Ryukishi? atleast it felt so. And Shizuru was the Key dude?

>> No.6724696


>> No.6724995

Started Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka last night and came so hard that I nearly passed out and decided that was enough for the night. Minato, too erotic.

>> No.6725009

Tenshi na Inai 2010.
I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.6725012

Ryuukishi only did Lucia since he only did one character and Lucia is obviously him.

Akane is pure Romeo, there is no way Ryuukishi could write like this

>> No.6725028


>> No.6725033

Romeo is the main writer of Rewrite so he probably wrote the most routes.

>> No.6725118
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yeah tough so. Lucia was pretty Ryukishiiii. Only reason I tough Akane was Ryu because that "Witch" thing, I guess I have been influenced by umineko to connect ryu to witches when hes involved, but yeah he wouldn't write like that.

>> No.6727055
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I now have come to conclusion that:
Yoshino > Akane > Kotori > Shizuru > Chihaya > Lucia

>> No.6728501

Kotori and Akane were my favorite females characters as well.
Kotori is already the best Key main heroine.

Also saving this thread

>> No.6728998

brofist man, good taste. But then again I'm pretty sure 80% of people who play it will say the same.

>> No.6731922


>> No.6732265
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Happy New Year to folks here too

so yeah, finally finished final bits of Rewrites trial. It was pretty good. Altough it should had more of those weird events, well all the school hijinks were pretty fun to read but yeah that can be found bit on elsewhere, so balancing the ammount between them and the mystery more would been better in my opinion for the trial. Best characters so far were Yoshino, Akane and Kotori, MC and Shizuru were pretty decent too. Soundtrack was good stuff too.

Overally Rewrites trial tough didn't leave unsatisfiable hunger for more like Eustias trial did. Definately going to read it at some point still tough but not ASAP as Kamidori probably is going to suck my timelike no other from april releases.
But as far as by trials go of the this years big releases, I prefer Eustia much more than Rewrite.

>> No.6732284

Yeah, Happy New Year, thanks for always keeping up a gread thread.
Also, Sekaijo is out as a nice present for the new year.

>> No.6733077


■2010年 TECHGIANトップランキング

   TG  上半  PUSH    発売日     ソフト名 ブランド
1.  2447 2176 20,892 2010年04月22日 暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~ しゃんぐ
2.  1929 1708 12,080 2010年04月23日 戦女神VERITA エウシュリー
3.  1692 ---- 20,476 2010年07月23日 真・恋姫†無双~萌将伝~ BaseSon
4.  1463 ---- 16,940 2010年10月15日 星空へ架かる橋 feng
5.  1436 1412 15,184 2010年03月26日 恋色空模様 すたじお緑茶
6.  1396 1040 12,072 2010年05月28日 PrismRhythm -プリズムリズム- Lump of Sugar
7.  1372 ---- --,--- 2010年10月29日 恋と選挙とチョコレート sprite
8.  1319 ---- --,--- 2010年11月26日 失われた未来を求めて TRUMPLE
9.  1234 1200 10,164 2010年05月28日 あまつみそらに! クロシェット
10 1158 0632 10,382 2010年05月27日 置き場がない! あかべぇそふとつ

>> No.6733412

Seriously? It made it in top 10? Why?

>> No.6733427

Because Akabei
And because it was written by the Asuseka and Haruka ni Aogi guy.

Actually I didn't even read it, what was the big problem with it?

>> No.6733463
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Awesome imouto in this game

>> No.6733522

I haven't read it either but going by the impressions I gathered of his humor while playing his earlier games (Killer Queen/Secret Game/Asuseka namely), I wouldn't read a comedy game by him.

>> No.6733793

I've been playing VenusBlood these past few days.
It's pretty good for a gameplay eroge

>> No.6733830

Which one are you playing? the first one? Was just wondering are older VB games worth playing as when I played the newest one I quite liked it.

>> No.6733868

Newest one

>> No.6735089

Playing 世界征服彼女 now as its finally out.

>> No.6736285

Verita did pretty well, I'm pleased.

>> No.6736333

Getchu's 2010 sales ranking:

1. 真・恋姫†無双~萌将伝~
2. 暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~
3. 星空へ架かる橋
4. 恋色空模様
5. 恋と選挙とチョコレート
6. Hello,good-bye
7. 戦女神VERITA
8. PrismRhythm -プリズムリズム-
9. 置き場がない!
10. 少交女

>> No.6736346

This year was pretty bad eroge-wise.
Wonder what will win the 2ch ranking, probably Subahibi or White Album 2 IC

>> No.6736395

that translation project for akatsuki no goei needs to hurry up and fucking finish

>> No.6736717

Probably SubaHibi, IM Verita or Sinsenmilla, would be my guess

>> No.6739651


>> No.6739687

That's pretty much erogamescapes ranking.

>> No.6739993

So is anything worthy to look foward coming this month?
aslo reviews by everyones oh so loved bloggers

>> No.6740454

You meant
I think.

And yeah in my opinion Imouto Paradise will be the best nukige since I don't even know when. Michika is an awesome S imouto whose every line in the trial made me love her more and more. I can't wait to see what her route is gonna offer. Koharu was also pretty amusing with her teasing. The others are a bit too dere I felt, but it's fine.

>> No.6740470
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AQUA was pretty good for a trial, promised plot twists since a girl who died in front of the main character is suddenly alive and well.
Damatte(ry 's looked like a solid average school comedy.
Grisaia was really weird, school comedy but it has a soldier main character and a depressing flashback, so I guess I'll wait and see a few reviews first.

>> No.6740479

hi, I just managed to finish Clannad a few minutes ago in Nagisa's route, but I've heard something about the collection of "lights" or "orbs" to unlock some ending. Where exactly can I see these lights? Wikipedia's pretty vague about it.

>> No.6740517
File: 11 KB, 74x57, orb of light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look carefully at the bottom left corner of your main menu, you should have at least one orb of light around the company logo. This is an example of one orb being obtained from finishing one character's scenario.

>> No.6740548

But that looks more like an apostrophe.

>> No.6742149


>> No.6742172

OKay, finished umineko 8, any umineko thread can tell you my opinions.
not waiting for anything at all this month.

>> No.6742181
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Any good doujin VN released in C79?
C78 had Gensou no Avatar and Aqua After that were both pretty great

>> No.6743713

wasn't there newer version released of EDEN? if that's your thing

>> No.6743854

There has been new versions released every comiket including this one, but lol, you cannot possibly imply that those gets uploaded.

>> No.6746444


>> No.6748222

>> No.6748536

I wish I could read faster, sometimes I take a week or more to clear a 15-20 hour-long game, playing it for a good part of the day.

>> No.6749219

Alternating between Venusblood and Sekaijo, both are really good.

>> No.6749413

Well, according to his latest blog post, he'll upload a new version of the web trial soon.

>> No.6749420

Anyone has any kind of information, at all, about Taiyo no Ko?

>> No.6749470

Apparently it consists of three chapters, each with their own writer, artist and characters. Writers are the guys who wrote Sharin no Kuni, Parfait and Majikoi respectively.

Not sure if any other information about the game itself has been made public, but some recent OHP updates have given reason to presume that the game is going to be heavily DRM'd.

>> No.6749567

So still the basics.
>but some recent OHP updates have given reason to presume that the game is going to be heavily DRM'd.
Not surprising, also they'll probably pull what KEY did to rewrite and make a gaijin block.

>> No.6749628

Yeah I've just read it myself an hour ago. He sure promised a few good stuff, I just hope he'll be able to keep them and remain motivated this year, unlike the last.

>> No.6749869
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Playing some more or less obscure and shitty games because I don't feel like anything else. Not looking forward to any releases announced for the next couple months.

>> No.6750143

standart question.

>> No.6750687

>Not surprising, also they'll probably pull what KEY did to rewrite and make a gaijin block.
The site for the game already blocks foreign IP addresses so this is extremely likely.

>> No.6750712

Yeah, especially since they must be following Akabeisoft instructions, also forbidding access.
At least they taught me to use proxies.

>> No.6750722

Got a source?

>> No.6750759
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Classy game, for what it's worth.

>> No.6750771
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I just recently started playing G-Senjou no Maou, and I have a question if anyone could fill me in(I couldn't find anything about it).
Is the game enforced playing order, because I don't feel like any of the choices I make during the game are affecting the path.

>> No.6750782


Its essentially linear, but there is a pretty obvious choice in each chapter that brings you to a certain heroine's specific path. If you choose no, you go to the next chapter until you reach the true end.

>> No.6750811

Thanks man, only reason I really wanted to find this out is because Miwa Tsubaki annoys the piss out of me character wise and I don't really feel like play her first.

>> No.6751471

Just finished (one route of) Kira Kira. Got it for christmas, was absolutely awesome - seriously, I think it may be the most enjoyable VN I've ever played. Playing curtain call now.

>> No.6754190


>> No.6754331
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damn my randomizator stroke me again and I started playing something quite random. But have to say this Soushinjutsu3 is some quite weird shit at times. Porn with Plot is fine every now and then, as they can be quite fun at times.

>> No.6754345

Reading Air.
Misuzu is HNNNG-tier.

>> No.6754383

Oh this one has femdom too. Did you read those parts yet?

>> No.6754397
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>> No.6754488

So Sekaijo is good?

>> No.6754496

It's pretty good, yeah.
Don't expect Oretsuba but it's really pretty funny.

>> No.6754498

Finished G-senjou no Maou and was pretty disappointed after having my expectations raised by Sharin. Trying to get off my ass to finish Swan Song but it's pretty boring.

>> No.6754538

I love VN's.. I've only played and completed Kana Imouto and Snow Sakura thought. I even finished two/three paths in the Clannad VN and I'm on part 3 in Umineko.

>> No.6754567

What? That's all you have played. You better do your homework now kid. The assigned /jp/ is giving you is to research translated VNs for 15h a day the whole weak. Now leave.

>> No.6754631

>Playing some more or less obscure and shitty games because I don't feel like anything else.
why would you play "shitty" games just because they are obscure?
Elitism is retarded.

>> No.6754840
File: 258 KB, 640x480, snap1320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the picture? It's Lost Passage by DEEPBLUE.

>> No.6754926

Is it really shitty? Pretty interested because it is in my backlog.

>> No.6754939

Not really all that shitty so far, but has some problems with execution here and there (art especially). I still have one route left, and am expecting that one to be better than the rest. I hope you like history infodumps.

>> No.6754954

I'm remember downloaded this only for teacher char.
History infodump is quite original.

>> No.6754961

>only for teacher char

There are technically two teacher heroines, neither of whose route has a lot to do with the main story.

>> No.6754988

Well, I'm ok with this. Thanks for info.

>> No.6755037

>two teacher heroines
>history infodumps


>> No.6755201

Damn VenusBlood is seriously really good.
I'm already on my second playthrough and still not tired.

>> No.6755262

Is there a full download for G-Senjou that's completely translated yet?
Or will I have to keep learning moon?

>> No.6755265

It has been translated, google TLwiki so you can grab the patch from there

>> No.6755600

I'm guessing the person in this topic playing "VenusBlood" is playing Empire?

>> No.6755652

Not that person but theres like three different Venus Blood.

All of them are pretty good with obviously the newer ones being better.

>> No.6756205

he said earlier that he was playing the newest, so it\s Empire. Yeah that thing is pretty addicting, probably should myself do few more runs so I can unlock that extra mode.

>> No.6758423


>> No.6758852

Tell me that there is a English patch for this. I really want to read this.

>> No.6759652
File: 445 KB, 1024x1152, dat_water_dat_mud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamidoris OP movie was released for those interested. Also Eushullys firs time using animated bits in OP-movie.

>> No.6759675

mud golem moe~
I wonder if the elementals will have their own routes or if it's just the three main heroines.

>> No.6759706


It really look lighter in tone than your average Eushully.

>> No.6759779
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, Kamidori_demo.mpg_snapshot_01.18_[2011.01.05_14.35.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like they haven't done lighter tone games before (Mine Fukaki Se ni Tayutau Uta was one lighter I think), and Verita had pretty low rape ratio in it's h-scenes. Well if OP is any indication there atleast will be somekind of war going on in one route atleast. Hopefully they get that ratio backup later, Eushully without any rape just doesn't feel Eushully.

who knows, if they don't get full routes, maybe they'll get atleast sub-routes, it would feel somewhat right. But atleast you can fuck that delicious mud and water. And the main heroines look good too, altough they aren't delicious elementals.

>> No.6759796

Can someone point out a rapidshre for the otome gamer Starry Sky ~ In spring ~? I need an .exe file, not an .iso. Also I dont speak moonspeak and I checked /rs/.

>> No.6761220


>> No.6761323

This thread is starting to get pretty damn old. Just sayin'.

>> No.6764005

Up, up, brief candle.
