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6732214 No.6732214 [Reply] [Original]

What does Miku mean to you?

For me she is the culmination of my two favorite things, anime and music. A 2D character uncorrupted by the dirty 3D world and an artificial voice also uncontaminated by reality. Nothing short of perfection.

>> No.6732218

That's nice, dear.

>> No.6732216

I couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.6732221

>For me she is the culmination
Thought that said circumcision at first.

>> No.6732224

She's good fap material

>> No.6732245

The best way to get vocaloid popular enough that virdual idols overtake real pop stars. Maybe in the future songwriters will actually get some pay, given how the software is owned. Nico fags ruin it by by giving it out for free though.

>> No.6732261

>A 2D character uncorrupted by the dirty 3D world
the live concert would like to have a word with you

why every miku thread is about "perfection, she perfect, perfectly perfect" cut it out for once.
let's talk about Mr.Perfect and Dolf Zigler then

>> No.6732268

She was made by the 3D world, you can't deny she has some connection to the 3D world.

>> No.6732298
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Pure unadulterated communism disguised as a capitalist product. With it, the common man can compete with and outperform his corporate overlords. The means of production is ours, comrades!

>> No.6732308
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>> No.6732310

Of Course!

>> No.6732312
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A singing synthesizer application

>> No.6732326

My favorite things are also anime and music but for some reason I hate every song sung by Miku, but I love them when some real vocalist sings them.

>A 2D character uncorrupted by the dirty 3D world
I'm sorry to break your bubble but Miku's voice actually comes from the seiyuu Saki Fujita.

>> No.6732347

For me it means that Miku is an oppressive broken vocaloid.

You were kicked kicked by Hatsune-Miku (この人殺しー この人殺しー イェ~♪)

>> No.6732346

really? every song? whats wrong with you?

>> No.6732375

Nothing is wrong with me, they're called "tastes".

This is the seiyuu's voice. To me, the natural is a lot nicer to hear than the synthesized one in Vocaloid.

>> No.6732452
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taste of vomit?

>> No.6732461
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>> No.6732471

teto is cute and all but she sorta annoys me :3

>> No.6732475

I'm saying "having different taste than you". I don't like something you like, that's it. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.6732498
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I like Teto better because when I see her skirt flutter in the air I know everything will be alright!

>> No.6732501


>> No.6732515

Miku to me is the hope that we will create the perfect idol soon. She will be incorruptible by human desires, the most amazing dance moves and have the energy and processing power to answer all her fan mail.

>> No.6732517

Created perfect, but all someone has to do is install an imouto plugin and she won't stay that way.

>> No.6732638
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Everything. May as well be the air I breathe.
I let nothing escape, not a single note. I listen to her and all of her songs like my life depended on it. I do my utter best to understand her and her every word.

2D, 3D? So what, it's hopeless - almost trivial. Nothing changes the joy of hearing her voice and the absolute feelings that dominate me there on.

>> No.6732666

I'd like Miku better with pantyhose.

>> No.6732674

uninstall miku the broken vocaloid

>> No.6732677

Thats Miku when she gets her android body. Anything less would be human filth.

>> No.6732681

You like the taste of vomit, thats fine bro. You dont need to keep posting out it.

>> No.6732731 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6732790

A goddess of cuteness, music, and happiness.

She's a female figure I can look to who I can actually believe is genuinely cute by nature or happy. When I look at a real girl I see nothing but ulterior motives, instincts, and the weight of having lived through real life; Miku has had no such experience, and not only does this help me believe in the character I mentioned in the first paragraph of this sentence, but it allows the lyrics of many of her songs to actually be charming because it's possible that she could believe them(since she isn't influenced by human nature and the reality affected by it).

She feels a little bit like a daughter. I don't think I would want her to know about this existence, because it's nothing but depressing in the big picture.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have a vision of her as an idol like the ones we have in real life, which I don't like. She's not a human and I don't like her being humanized. If Miku shakes her ass, it's not because some producer told her to, it's for the pure reason that she has determined it makes people happy and she genuinely likes to better people's days. She gives every song her all, regardless of ridiculous lyrics, because she loves what she does and is without human bias. More than anything else, she values the happiness of those around her.

I'll never be able to convey it with words, but that's about as close as I'll get without taking a long time. I look forward to her voice's development. And I'm a little sad that she's almost become a religious figure to me.

>> No.6732808
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Damn it Teto, why are you always so lewd.

>> No.6732830
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>> No.6732837

You like to label what you hate as vomit, that's not fine. Fuck off.

>> No.6732844

Nicely stated. I agree with your conclusion. I would could almost worship her.

>> No.6732856 [DELETED] 

Seeing as that is massively tl;dr, to put it in shorter words and ignoring the aspect of singing...

She's the female figure I can go to brighten may day with a natural, unmotivated cuteness and believe she could actually be happy simply doing so.

She's my goddess(exists as an idea/information(this will be true even if she gains a computerized personalit(ies)) and surpasses human imperfections).

>> No.6732859

Seeing as that is massively tl;dr, to put it in shorter words and ignoring the aspect of singing...

She's the female figure I can go to to brighten may day with a natural, unmotivated cuteness and believe she could actually be happy simply doing so.

She's my goddess(exists as an idea/information(this will be true even if she gains a computerized personalit(ies)) and surpasses human imperfections).

>> No.6732860

Miku isnt real, ideas dont have flavor.

>> No.6732897
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She is very important to me.
She is pure, sweet and loving. Her voice makes me feel good. Sweet maiden of melody. Nothing short of perfection.

>> No.6732905


>> No.6732910

I think we've a common point, i too don't think of her as a "real idol" but her songs are here and the emotions the songs share too.

>> No.6732921 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 546 KB, 600x600, c4ad58d848e1b51fe33fa07f5b25480f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you live inside a bubble or don't spend enough time at the internet

>> No.6732928

Uninstall Uninstall

>> No.6732929

You are not very good at trolling, i suggest giving up or go to //b/ for lessons.

>> No.6732934
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>> No.6732951

Well the only reason you cant think of her as a real idol is that unlike "real" idols her motivation isnt money and sex.

>> No.6732952
File: 198 KB, 830x718, miku_ab9137fafb151b3d0eba13bb95dde03572a1e27a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my "muse".
She helps me work better, i listen to her songs every day during work, while coming home, etc. i feel more relaxed when i have one of her songs running in my ears.

>> No.6732959

she's my waifu. and a really nice voice i love to hear.

>> No.6732964

Frenchfag here. Miku is shit. Rin is superior to her.

>> No.6732970


>> No.6732972

Thanks bro. Its a great compliment coming from Eurotrash.

>> No.6732977

U mad?
Miku is trash.

>> No.6732982

No, i think you mad. I see you pick on the newfag as well. I guess your people always did need a weak opponent.

>> No.6732991



>> No.6732994

Nah I'm just here for fun. But I still don't particulary like Miku. Maybe if she was a little girl like Rin...

>> No.6732998

Uninstall Miku!!!

>> No.6733000

ように、振舞うしかない Uninstall

>> No.6733002

and got a real voice

>> No.6733004

dfc is enough for me.

>> No.6733009

seeing the comment make me laugh

>> No.6733039

I know man, if the french hate it, then its got to be good.

>> No.6733145

Miku isn't DFC. As seen in OP pic and all her fanarts and official arts.

>> No.6733240

Then you dont know shit about DFC.

>> No.6733253
File: 44 KB, 500x500, Miku_hatsune_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does not look very flat to me.

>> No.6733337


>> No.6733344

Miku has a slider that controls the size of her breasts so that each user can adjust her to their own preference.

>> No.6733351

A personification of a vocal synthesiser.

>> No.6733352

Thats pretty flat, actually.

>> No.6733365

fap material. I've only downloaded miku doujin, tons of it. The only two songs I've ever heard from miku are The world is mine, and Popipo.

>> No.6733366

and delicious.

>> No.6733371

Not interested until there's a mod that makes her sound like Angela Gossow.

yeah i'm a metalfag, deal with it

>> No.6733373

Miku isn't DFC, but she's much closer to DFC than the boob monster she's automatically drawn as by tons of shitty fan artists.

>> No.6733381

Miku sings metal better than any 3DPD that ive herd.

Shes a low Acup, thats flat.

>> No.6733448

Something like this?

>> No.6733453

You don't know what's flat then. Do you know what flat means? It means there's nothing and that it's a boy-like chest. Her chest is not.

>> No.6733471

Actually thats not true. Buds are also fall in to DFC. Actually small boobs are DFC as well from a technical point of view though we dont usually count them anymore

Miku calls in to buds according to the official art. Most girls in lolicon that are considered dfc have buds, the artists way to distinguish between male and female.

>> No.6733493

Sorry to break it to you but you all are secondaries. /a/ invented the term, take it up with them.

>> No.6733504

No they're not. Quit putting your shitty tastes into DFC. DFC is something pure and beautiful. Newfags like you trying to shit it up make me rage.

>> No.6733526

>pure and beautiful
More like something shallow that came out of some idiot from /a/.
