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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6728201 No.6728201 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6728216

It's a tradition to spend it with the family, where I come from. Getting drunk and hanging out with other drunks ain't my thing anyway.

>> No.6728215

I don't like the smell or taste of alochol. 2D > 3D. I don't have friends.

>> No.6728225

This is the first time in years my parents are not hosting one.

>> No.6728233

It's in my house, with my family!


>> No.6728238

cuz i already went to the Christmas party =__=
anymore and i'll break

>> No.6728252

Because they didn't invite me. It's a bunch of fujoshi anyway so they would hardly think about me, not to mention one of them outright hates me because I destroyed her old virgin delusions, but hey, I just made a ridiculous New Years wish just out of the pure disappointment from being forever alone AGAIN.

As a matter of fact I asked one whether something was up for the New Year, she said this was up, that she was invited there and I was like "Okay". And now I am sitting here because I am not invited and it's in the next city anyway.

Happy new year all the way through it though, fags. I hope this yeat you all get to go where you've all so wanted to.

>> No.6728260

Because, isn't that kind of... you know, gay?

>> No.6728262

The short answer is that no one invited me.

>> No.6728264

Why would I do that ?

>> No.6728267

drinking beer in Poland, browsing /jp/ and watching animu.
feels good man ;_;

>> No.6728270

Because I don't want to.

>> No.6728271

Just got back, it's 8 am here. I am fucking tired, but Happy New Year, /jp/. Incidentally, to say that Roppongi is littered with obnoxious vulgar foreigners is like saying water is a bit damp.

>> No.6728274

Because it was yesterday, you idiot.

>> No.6728279

because xD

>> No.6728281

cause its fucking lunchtime on new years day

>> No.6728282

Because I need to reflect upon the lives of all those I've lost on this god forsaken day in the past.

>> No.6728291

I am.

>> No.6728298

I really don't want to go, but to do so would further estrange the already tepid relations...

>> No.6728304

Poland here too bro. Warszawa.

>> No.6728317

I am somewhere in Florida at the moment. I went for a jog on the beach instead.

>>not to mention one of them outright hates me because I destroyed her old virgin delusions

What do you mean?

>> No.6728326

Because we already had a party on Christmas Eve and yesterday.

>> No.6728334

Because they are a waste of time.

>> No.6728338

Żary here. Far-far-far away, shitplace in the middle of nowhere. Cheers and Happy New Lolis!

>> No.6728339

Because I'm sick

>> No.6728347

I live in the countryside, my friends live miles away and I don't drive.

>> No.6728355

Because I don't like parties. Is it really that rare for people to exist that don't enjoy parties? Loud music, boring, etc. Hate it all.

I'd rather get together with a few friends and play some sort of obscure board game together like Settlers or something. Not many of my friends like those types of games though.

>> No.6728367

No friends anymore, we all grew up and all that. I did enough socializing in uni though I guess.

>> No.6728369

If you can use the term "not many of my friends" you're already better off than most of us, though.

>> No.6728378
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Aww being sick on new years eve is no good.
I hope you are healthy tomorrow. Try to rest and take it easy

>> No.6728384

Why aren't you
This Thread?

>> No.6728388

I had planned on spending New Years Eve with my delightful uncle and cousins, but it seems he forgot to remember to invite me.

Now I'm spending it on my computer in New York City, with my senile grandmother and closeted lesbian aunt.

>> No.6728389

People are secretly introverted

>> No.6728390
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Because I have like 1200 lines of translation that I have to finish as much as I can to try to do something awesome before the year ends.

Then I need to write a program to help me with time management so getting work done isn't like pulling teeth.

>> No.6728391

I didn't know such a thing existed until now

>> No.6728401

It's tempting however I just got my monitor stand in the mail today so I might just tate shmup it up all night.

>> No.6728400

>24 posts omitted.
C'mon /jp/, you're better than this.
There's no reason to reply to this thread. Can't we just report and move on?

>> No.6728399

Because it's new years and we're fucking bored out of our minds. I guess.

>> No.6728426

What do you mean not going to a New Year's Eve party? I leave in an hour.

>> No.6728428

Because I am currently at work. Wouldn't go to any party even if I wasn't working, yet this is a good "normal" excuse for not going.

>> No.6728427

But I am! A board/card gaming party that'll last for over twenty-four hours. It's a surprisingly big party with how many people are planning on being there. Too bad the house is a little small. Parties don't have to be the frat boy type where you get shit-faced with other douche bags. I plan on having some drinks but the setting is entirely different.

>> No.6728431

Long story short, she started hitting on me and I thought she was pretty cute for being a fujoshi so I went around and aked people about her.
Turns out her ex-bfs(Oh, "bf", that's some kinda untermensch) are either as spoiled brats as she is or complete emotional wrecks after she dumped them. Also she is a heavily insecure old virgin. So I've called her on it, presented her an image of what people think she is and and that if I am wrong, the only thing she has to do is to prove me wrong. I think I succeeded in changing her a bit for better and am alright with that. Couldn't do that without making her hate me, though.

Naturally the dumb thing about it is, I actually do like her.

>> No.6728445

Because I am too busy getting drunk alone.


>> No.6728457

Even IF I wanted to go, I am not aware of any parties being held. Maybe some pubs or whatever are still open and people hang out there?

>> No.6728462
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- I always regret drinking in front of people (feel stupid).
- If I don't drink, I see them all drunk wich is death boring/pathetic.
- I'd have to see some cunts, wich I already don't want to have anything to do with.
- Drive outside with drunk motherfuckers is deadlly dangerous... and I want to die painlessly.

So I'll better dinner with my family and then drink alone, I guess.

>> No.6728466 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 500x628, 19f9fbc68006e840081c6e5aab1a780233173901..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am. My party consists of my waifu and a bottle of vodka.

>> No.6728467
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>> No.6728473

I am an agoraphobic socially awkward misanthrope with a huge social phobia that can't interact with other people without setting up another persona.
How the hell would I do such a thing ?

>> No.6728493

I was going, but I got sick 2 days ago and I'm still sick. ;_; So I decided to stay home.

>> No.6728500

I don't know anybody in my new town, but I rarely went out on new years eve in my previous town either so... No excuses.

>> No.6728517

>>Also she is a heavily insecure old virgin

So she's a /jp/er then. You should put your penis in her.

>> No.6728522

Because the only one I know about is my parents' at our house and I'd rather stay in my room.

Also all of my parents' friends are annoying when drunk and the are all more than double my age so they aren't exactly fun to talk to.

>> No.6728547
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Im busy trying to figure out how to hero...

(s)he >>6728466 seems interested in it too...
why some one just cant post easy method on /jp/?

>> No.6728557

I kind of am at a New Year's party.

My friend was supposed to come and hang out, but he had to do some work in the other end of the country, and the train rides back and forth has been plentiful enough for him already, so he stayed over there to party with his sister and some of her friends.

So I ended up with being at my parents' house with them, my friend's parents, and my aunt and uncle. No other parties I'd want to attend even if I knew about them anyway.

The food has been excellent, I won't feel bad tomorrow from alcohol (more due to overeating), so I guess it's alright. No going nuts in burning loads of fireworks out on the street either.

I wonder where the cat went, though. She doesn't like fireworks.

"/jp/ meetup which will never amount to anything anyway"
Would you go to a New Year's party with /jp/ if you had the chance?

>> No.6728561

>I am somewhere in Florida at the moment. I went for a jog on the beach instead.
I used to live in Florida, which part are you in? You don't have to respond if you don't want to.

>> No.6728564

Because I'm home for Winter Break and I hate everyone who I knew in High School and prefer to spend time with my family.

>> No.6728570
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>50 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.6728576
File: 398 KB, 1280x1024, dreams of sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spotted this thread, which is nice timing, considering I'm off to a New Years' party!


>> No.6728588 [SPOILER] 
File: 489 KB, 1280x960, fc001_003_015a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I plan on making love to my fujoshi harem in the basement. They're oil wrestling and giving each other foot massages right now.

Might make them catfight later on.

>> No.6728589

She is a very different kind of a sociopath than we are. The kind that has a swarm of friends around her so that she can not think about it. Anon needs some love once at a time, but she gets literarilly high on other people's love.
Hell the only times I think I recieved any message from her in the past year was when she send her friend (two different ones, one in disguise) who could explain to me how completely and utterly she doesn't care about me and never did. /jp/ may be tsundere for life, but what is she then?

>> No.6728604

Wow, that sounds neat.

>> No.6728605


I guess so. The people on /jp/ that I really wouldn't want to meet in person probably wouldn't be there, so it might be nice. As long as I am allowed to leave whenever I want when I realize it is awful.

Too bad I won't ever get invited to any sort of party.

>> No.6728617

>one in disguise

I don't think I'd ever know about such person in the first place.
I'd probably care about her as much as her "friends" say she cares about you.

>> No.6728633

My distant uncle is in the hospital, so me and my family are all gonna spend the night at the hospital...

and I'd rather spend it on /jp/ tbh

>> No.6728628

At midnight tonight I'll be kissing my Karen Girl's poster (Ayami).

>> No.6728640

Maybe if I was super rich, I'd make that "/jp/ mansion" dream come true.
Then we could have a party and watch fireworks from the rooftop terrace.

Too bad me being super rich is far off, though.

>> No.6728641

> - Drive outside with drunk motherfuckers is deadlly dangerous
Why would you do that? You'd have to be an idiot to drive while drunk. You either get whoever is sober to do it, or stay the night wherever until you're sober.

>> No.6728653

I am, but I would rather stay home, ring in the new year and have a drink with my goddess.

>> No.6728656

My friends are busy or they're hanging out with people that I've made the decision to not talk to anymore.

I'm more interested in Umineko anyways.

>> No.6728672

>come in a room
>see her, give her a look that I know about her, nothing special, trying to ignore her if I can
>your female friend comes later and is like "Whoa, buddy, that was one strange look you gave her there!"
>reply something in the lines of "that's cruel of you
>talk with her for a while, show her some drawings, etc.
>we end talking
>then I realize she is standing behind her all the time with pizza in her hand, back to me and they leave together

the other female friend of her insisted on that she never felt anything towards me in the first place while she was only satisfied after I promised I will never be cruel to the girl again

>> No.6728705


I was the only sobber one, a couple times. But I never drove: I don't know how to; neither I want to learn, by now, or even go out anymore. It's boring and pointless.
