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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 109 KB, 766x530, 1287519637474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6726717 No.6726717 [Reply] [Original]

Continuation of >>6722875

It begins.

>> No.6726746
File: 130 KB, 896x504, yaranaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6726757

So... who will start hosting?

>> No.6726799
File: 252 KB, 1085x609, 260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this asking for?

>> No.6726822

/r/ing MU DDL

>> No.6726842

Japan already made a tier list right?

Or are they too busy raging over EP8?

>> No.6726856

Judging by the '7th expansion' announcers I think Amakusa may be a secret character in the game now or some point. Pretty sure I heard his VA do the announcement last time I booted the game up.

>> No.6726882

They're abou to turn the visuals off because...

...without love...


>> No.6726885

Are you implying that /jp/ understands Japanese?

>> No.6726894

"please set key input delay time"

i.e. "please set input lag"

>> No.6726926

I see, thanks.

Hosting then. Midwest
4 delay

>> No.6726941

How do you grab in this game? I'm going through Arcade mode and keep getting hit by grabs.

>> No.6726949


>> No.6726980

anybody got a link to the game?

>> No.6726983

Any EU friends willing to play with me instead of wailing over how you spend the new year alone?

I don't really know anything, had a few Arcade mode match, hell, I didn't even try out more than 3 characters

>> No.6726990

So how did we figure out to get the PS3 D pad to work?

>> No.6727004

Where the fuck is button config? Can't do shit using a d-pad.

>> No.6727030

Go on and host.

Horrible keyboard player here.

>> No.6727033

game tends to be around 30-50 fps, specially slow when inside metaworld


>> No.6727036
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1293693027252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETA: 12h 31m

Well...Guess I'll be playing with you guys in the New Year.

>> No.6727053

So is there a torrent or ddl of this already?

>> No.6727058

No worries, here too

>> No.6727069



Another stupid question: Virgilia's moveset lists one of her alternate specials as DD + SP. How the hell are you supposed to pull it off?

>> No.6727076

Is anyone else shocked at the high level of detail in this game? I mean every character combo has unique dialogue in arcade and the taunts and tag ins are customized for every character combo too. Not just "your turn" or "I'm done" but actual recorded custom dialogue that fits the characters.

>> No.6727088 US East
Full retard tier.

>> No.6727092

I'm curious about this too. I'm using a PS3 controller via MotionJoy and while the buttons work, the D-Pad does not.

>> No.6727104

Almost got two full games in. Oh well, I'll give up hosting for now.

>> No.6727105

I dunno, the first time I did it it didn't work, then I reenabled it and it worked fine.

>> No.6727124

The game always shows me a black screen, but i can hear the sounds and voices

I updated the last version of Directx, but it doesn't fix the problem

Any way to fix this?

>> No.6727140

Got two connection so far, the game starts up, then before anything, the character introduction voices in black screen, then disconnect. I was able to fight with some US-mid guy (with terrible delay), I wonder where the problem is

>> No.6727143


The attack or the controller? I'm trying to pull this off with a cheap Logitech that only has a D-pad.

>> No.6727152

they ask you to insert coin in your USB port otherwise it fades out after a while.

>> No.6727159

Gonna restart my router, sorry about all the disconnects.

>> No.6727169

Sorry to ask again, but where's the torrent or DDL of this?

>> No.6727185

Doesn't Battler have a special attack where he gropes his opponent?

I need to know how to pull this off.

>> No.6727201

is this worth playing /jp/; I play fighting games regularly, and this game looked kind of....klunky.

If the story's funny, that might be worth it alone, though, like this>>6726746

>> No.6727204

214AB? EX Oppai finger.

>> No.6727212

It's actually a really decent arcade style fighting game.

>> No.6727214

It feels rather slow compared to melty blood because of no air dashing

>> No.6727217

Anyone up for a match? I suck at playing though.
Don't know how to host either.
I'm from EU.

>> No.6727220
File: 19 KB, 150x154, drugged out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replied to the wrong thread and post about this. But I just wanted to tell everyone that using MotionJoy, I changed it to XBOX 360 Controller Emulation, enabled it and my D-Pad works now. I don't know if it's just the fact that you need to change the profile type or if you just need to re-enable it, but it worked for me.

>> No.6727229

You know, I think this might be a problem on my end. I'll let you play someone else so you can see if the connection is any better.

>> No.6727230


Yeah, me too.

>> No.6727233


>> No.6727238

arcade style? Would you say it's pretty close to KOF in that it's more basics and moving (well, the later ones, anyways); or Arcsys games where you have 5-6 second long combos?

I think I can figure out the mechanics myself (yeah..I'm just going to get it), but how do you go into meta and out?

>> No.6727245

so I just put in the hoster's ip/port and just wait for it to log me in?

>> No.6727257


Same thing here, any solutions?

>> No.6727285

This game needs some more proration.
poke>medium>strong>dash cancel>poke>medium>strong>META>poke>medium>strong>super is retarded.

>> No.6727288

>>6727058 here
Those Counter Hits man, those counter hits

Rehosting, EU, delay 3

>> No.6727310

sounds like fun shit.

>> No.6727312


>> No.6727321

Let's do this.
I suck though.

>> No.6727323


Shit doesn't connect. ;_;

>> No.6727329

Why does it keep crashing after character select ;__;

>> No.6727335

Somewhere in the middle of loading the data-transfer stops, according to my network. Dunno why

>> No.6727337

Okay, it didn't work all of a sudden.

>> No.6727338


Yeah, me too.

>> No.6727350

From the uploads thread. Check for MU downloads of Ougon.

>> No.6727355


>> No.6727362

welp i got the black screen game crashes before you can start and the only thing i can guess is from the readme
>  intel Core2Duo / Core2Quad
>  intel Core i3 / i5 / i7
which i do not have
other then that it should work

>> No.6727367

Messed around with some settings again. US East
Full retard tier.

>> No.6727384

Well, looks like I'm fucked too then

>> No.6727385 0 Delay
Mashin tier

>> No.6727392

Oh god, that was some awful lag.

>> No.6727397

Same here. Not sure why.

>> No.6727419


Isn't there supposed to be a cut-in?

>> No.6727491

Is this the same person joining?
I have no idea what's going on with my connection. Everything else seems to work fine except this. Any ideas?

>> No.6727512

Power Rankings:
>Eva Beatrice
>Chiester 410

>> No.6727520

Dat 0 delay

>> No.6727539

Can someone explain how to pull off Virgilia's SP1? I can't seem to get it.

Oh, and what the fuck does all that stuff say under Lucifer Blade?

>> No.6727554

>Low tier
>Chiester 410

>> No.6727561

>Intel Core2Duo / Core2Quad
>Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7
>For a fucking fighting game

Go fuck yourself 07th Expansion.

>> No.6727569
File: 29 KB, 280x296, ch069_q94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullshit tier

You mean mid tier right?

>> No.6727590

Pretty smooth gameplay, considering that I'm from EU... if it connects... until it disconnects. I hope they'll make a fix or something

>> No.6727592
File: 254 KB, 1680x1050, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd best be joking

>> No.6727595

oh god get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.6727603
File: 111 KB, 256x256, 1291880320168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought i only had to deal with your bullshit on /v/

>> No.6727605

God, I couldn't agree more with you.
Fucking Virgilia.

>> No.6727606

Anyone from EU going to try hosting?

>> No.6727610

Umineko really does attract a lot of shit to this board.

>> No.6727622

Okeh, I'll give it another try


>> No.6727626

If Frontier Aja can tone their shit down so everyone can run it, Why can't 07th Expansion?

I couldn't even run the demo for Stranger's Requiem then the full game came out and I could run it fine.

What is wrong with these people?

>> No.6727639 : 077000
Midwest 2 delay
Only a few matches

>> No.6727643

Looks like it still wont get past the character select screen

>> No.6727674

What the fuck is wrong with you, game

>> No.6727680

This game will be ported to the Playstation 3, or rather it was designed with the Playstation 3 in mind. It's no wonder many people can't run it.

>> No.6727683

I can run this with my shitty pc at 60fps even in network mode

P4 @ 2.8GHz
9400 GT
3GB of ram

Is a core2duo really required?

>> No.6727711
File: 45 KB, 501x590, ch062_q82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too :3

>> No.6727719

nah i guess it only works with intel processors

>> No.6727722

Anyone having trouble with certain sounds not loading? So far either the voices won't play for certain attacks or my reserve character won't have a voice at all

>> No.6727748

Anybody got a control scheme for a keyboard?
It'd be nice to know what buttons do what, and how to open the main menu without having to press esc/reload everytime.

Movelists would be nice too

>> No.6727773 EU
Just trying

>> No.6727787

Right here, not sure whats causing the disconnects.

You are obviously better but i think i put up a fair fight every now and then.

>> No.6727788

so any severs up?, im installing the game now.

>> No.6727800

The control scheme is like every doujin game ever, dude. Arrow keys movement, ZXC attacks, S switch and shift for taunt.

>> No.6727804

What button gets me back to main menu? In a practice game, and the only way I see to get out of it is Esc, which just quits the program... I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here, but I've mashed every button on my keyboard now, and I haven't got it.

>> No.6727829

I don't really know what I'm doing either. All I did was spend a few hours in practice mode learning some combos.

>> No.6727852

press whatever start is and select タイトルえ画面へ

>> No.6727875


>> No.6727892

I'm trying but it's just connecting...

>> No.6727900

What the hell is Lucifer's combo attack that involves her first special? It looks impressive, but I have no idea how to pull it off.

>> No.6727903

Well, I'm trying to join but no anwser.
Port default 7700?

>> No.6727909

It's down down A+B

>> No.6727925

opteron 170 and 7800gt runs this shit fine
don't know what's wrong with your computers

>> No.6727929

>Well, I'm trying to join but no anwser.
Port default 7700?
Yep, 07700.
Don't know what I got wrong.

>> No.6727937

majority are probably people using 3 year old hp laptops

>> No.6727945

why is George and jess not in this game? also who are the secret characters/ how do you get them?

>> No.6727951


Thanks, but now I'm stuck on the second thing...which sucks, because I'm focusing only on using Lucifer/410...and I need to know the specifics of Lucifer Blade, and my limited knowledge of Japanese is no help. All I know is that it involves doing something three times...or at least that's how I'm reading it.

>> No.6727961

i run this fine but i got a 9600 gt, might buy a 9800 gt.

>> No.6727966

There's a screencap in another thread of a bugged character select where shows Bern's name.

Maybe was shopped dunno

>> No.6727992

Ok, I give up.
Any host?

>> No.6728002

how do you bring up the menu screen on the keyboard? i pressed esc but that quits the game.

>> No.6728008

input the move again during it to extend it and to use the super version of it hit A+B to use the last hit
Hosting Shkannon tier

>> No.6728014

o and how do you make it full screen

>> No.6728051

lol i got owned

>> No.6728060


You can use the mouse scroller to resize the window. Or you can just press F11 for windowed/non-windowed

>> No.6728065

and this is a 5 year old desktop
similar but zero problems

>> No.6728092


>> No.6728093

Any hosts?

>> No.6728120

Just curious

Did Dustloop or SRK or whatever tourney comunity already found combos, tiers and all the usual fighting shit?

>> No.6728128

Anyone know the "touch" button? For changing characters?

Also my computer is HEAVILY below requirements and its running perfectly fine.

>> No.6728135


>> No.6728152

Need more hosts

>> No.6728184

we should translate this, also did they talk about adding more characters or big updates at all?

>> No.6728195

guys, please remember to seed this thing

>> No.6728199

>> No.6728223


>> No.6728234



>> No.6728263

aww DC'ed
Hosting Shkannon tier again

>> No.6728276

So, what's the ability that 410 and Kanon have? It's something involving jumping, but that's all I could figure out.

>> No.6728297


410 :

Break Boost
Increases the rate that you can fill up your opponents Break Limit gauge. This goes well with moves and specials that do multiple hits since it can allow you to break your opponents guard easily in one fell swoop.

Kanon :
Silent Attack
This will decrease the amount of SP your opponent gains from your attacks.

captcha : foloan Mammon

>> No.6728303

any EU host?

>> No.6728306

So the network thing confuses me a bit

Whats the first Option and the 2nd Option?

How does one host/join?

>> No.6728311

they cam jump of the walls on either side of the screen. if you jump against a wall and then jump in the other direction they will jump off of it.
Hosting Shkannon tier

>> No.6728312


Try >>6728199

>> No.6728314

I'm jealous of all you guys playing. I still have 15 hours to finish this download

>> No.6728318

I have a ps2-usb adapter, and for some reason it won't recognize the analog stick. It recognizes the pad when I turn analog on, but doesn't otherwise


>> No.6728319 : 077000
Midwest here, Casuals onry

>> No.6728320

Is there a way to spectate matches or any of that?

>> No.6728325


I guess that the first option is for hosting and the second for joining

>> No.6728329

first time hosting, i want to check if it works.

>> No.6728336


Shit disconnect after I select the characters...

>> No.6728341

yeah i see that, first time its happened to me, ive played several people decently earlier from this thread. make sure your port is open and shit

>> No.6728350

thanks for connecting, pretty laggy, but now i know it works! thanks!

>> No.6728364

I just got this game, so I don't know shit about anybody.

>> No.6728366
Hosting from west coast on 4 delay.
Mid / WC only please.

>> No.6728371


Ah damn that last game was really close

>> No.6728387

rehosting, east canada

>> No.6728396


Not that, I really won't care about the special abilities until a translation is released.

Look right below that, they have a common ability that for some reason has you go in the air to do it. It's just movement and the input is 9, but you should see what I'm talking about.

Also, the description for the Lucifer Blade combo. I can only get her to attack once, but if pulled off the right way it gives a good combo without wasting any SP.

>> No.6728410

lower the delay to 2 bro

>> No.6728425


>> No.6728430


>> No.6728436
I think I cannot host, but I can try at least.

>> No.6728439

they cam jump of the walls on either side of the screen. if you jump against a wall and then jump in the other direction they will jump off of it.

>> No.6728441

rehost, east canada

when battle starts, we get dc, what does that mean?

>> No.6728444

>> No.6728446


After 5 games or so I finally got ya

>> No.6728461

Hosting Shkannon tier again

>> No.6728472 [DELETED]

Lets see if I can host.

>> No.6728469

It's a walljump, just jump towards the wall and press 9.
Lucifer blade is a rekka so you have to do 236C + 236C + 236C to get all of the hits.

>> No.6728481

a small question, is sayaka ohara still voice Beato ?

>> No.6728485


So, strong + strong + strong? Thanks.

>> No.6728488



>> No.6728496 east canada

whats causing the disconnect after character selection?

>> No.6728508


so i can go all fantasy and dream i play a blonde crazy-up selvaria...

>> No.6728526 [DELETED] 

It doesn't detect my keyboard. Help.

>> No.6728536

Hosting Shkannon tier again

>> No.6728537

Can someone please check if you can connect to this address?

>> No.6728538

gg, whoever that is.

>> No.6728539


what the fuck, you just destroyed me i didn't even think you can do the things on this game like that, keyboard guy here with lucifer

>> No.6728556


Nah, I can't.

>> No.6728558

>Shitty laptop, like 5 years old
>Runs game perfectly

Ignore the requeriments gentlemen

>> No.6728559


>> No.6728569
Troll Tier

>> No.6728571
US Midwest

>> No.6728585

patiently waiting for some working EU host

>> No.6728598



>> No.6728614

is the port unchangable? im stuck with 07700?

>> No.6728619

Aww, shit still disconnect after character selection

>> No.6728621


Yes, you can set that when you're hosting

>> No.6728623
Troll Tier

>> No.6728642 ea canada

>> No.6728646

It derped hosting again

>> No.6728669

Trying this out EU

>> No.6728704

Anybody figure out what the pause button is on the keyboard yet?

I've hit literally every button and had no luck

>> No.6728716

aw man, why does it kept dcing

>> No.6728722


>> No.6728724
Done trolling back to Shkannon Tier

>> No.6728742


Can"t find it too.

>> No.6728750

Installed and tried to play.
It tells me the program can't start because I need d3dx9_41.dll

Someone knows what the fuck is that?

After the shit EP8 is I wanted at least to have some nice playing ;_;

>> No.6728762


Some DirectX9 dll I guess. Try reinstalling Direct X.

>> No.6728766

Just search Google for the file. It's not that difficult.

>> No.6728801

I'm sorry about all the disconnects, I don't know what's causing them. It seems like I'm not the only one with this problem though so it might be a problem with the game itself.

>> No.6728832

There's already an Ougon Wiki with all of the abilities, special moves, and supers translated inb4 people bitching about bellreisa:

>> No.6728838


>> No.6728839

dam, son. gg

>> No.6728855 ea canada

>> No.6728861

Don't worry about it, the built-in netplay doesn't seem too stable. Hopefully a patch or caster will come out soon.

>> No.6728889

Yeah, Netplay is pretty ass right now.

>> No.6728904

is there some move-list available? it´s a pain in the ass to spend hours on figuring out each of the attacks ;___;

>> No.6728911

at training mode, 3rd option down, is the command list.

>> No.6728945


>> No.6728949

GGs to whoever I played
There's something really messed up about dashes and throws in this game.

>> No.6728963

been playing, cant find the start button for keyboard command D:" anyone help?

>> No.6728965

Which button do you press to get to the options, though?

>> No.6728974

thats odd, i can press start with my controller, cant find the keyboard ones.

>> No.6728975

The throws have a very bizarre hitbox.

>> No.6729014

As of ow it seems as thought there is no way to open the menu using a keyboard, hopefully they fix it in a patch but until then you'll have to use a controller or not use the menu

>> No.6729056

I'm in the US Midwest.

>> No.6729080

will any pc controller work with this?

>> No.6729088

My Logitech dual action works fine with it.

>> No.6729114

anyone know the keyboard moves? or anyone do great with it? my fingers are mashed up

>> No.6729121

good because i might go by that same one at radio shack.

>> No.6729123

sigh, gg, i guess, we gotta wait for a fix for this dc issues.

>> No.6729180

Yeah, the disconnects are too constant.

>> No.6729241

Came back after running some errands and the torrent has stopped to only 2kB/s.

God dammit. Was getting a pretty decent speed earlier too. Hopefully it'll spike again

>> No.6729268

The controls in this game are pretty simple, so the only thing that's really horrible about the keyboard for this game is that you can't customize the controls. I don't think there's a way to access the start menu with it either.

>> No.6729436

It seems some people are getting disconnects, others don't. Is it due to the distance or is it completely random?

>> No.6729481

>finish arcade mode with Lucifer and Battler
>messing around in training with Lucifer
>find taunt button by accident

I could press it all day......

>> No.6729485


>> No.6729492

So with enough version revisions there's a good chance this will be like Melty Blood and we'll see arcade and console ports? Because I would be totally fine with that.

>> No.6729493

What's wrong with using the megaupload links?

>> No.6729510

As long as we get Musou Rosa.

>> No.6729524

I think you can use some programs to make the game read your keyboard as a controller. I know xpadder works for the reverse, don't know if it works for keyboard -> gamepad.

Doing some messing around with Ange combos.

With Sakutaro active:
ABC xx Release Sakutaro, link 6B 5C xx German Suplex - 1584 damage

Depending on where Sakutaro is you should just go straight from 6B to German Suplex. If you're worried about it whiffing, you can end with 6B 2B 2C instead.

Off of a normal chain:

2A 2B 5B 2C

You can cancel the 2C into Summon Sakutaro, dash up a short time, Release Sakutaro (so he hits meaty), and proceed to mixup:

-dash up 2B 2C xx Summon Sakutaro
-dash up German Suplex
-super jump body press (crossup)
-super jump early j.B (instant non-crossup overhead)

Messing with Leviathan launcher right now. You can juggle with dash-up 5C xx metaworld -> See You Again. Seems like 6C is the best ender if you don't have super, but it's hard to time.

Right now I'm trying to figure out what 6C and 412C are for.

>> No.6729545


Because my internet connection is fucking weird.

Sometimes I'll easily get 500+kB/s other times it'll slow down to a crawl, like now. This is for both torrents and direct downloads. The torrent is already at 50% so I figured as may as well just let that finish instead of having to start over with a new download.

>> No.6729565


Also I'm not sure what to do for a secondary, I'm accustomed to single-character games.

>> No.6729590

It's pretty silly that your active character builds SP for your reserve character, and none for herself. So far I'm not sure I like how the game feels, maybe I just need more time to get used to it.

>> No.6729689
File: 128 KB, 902x510, bugkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did more people get the select screen bug, or was it just an elaborate troll?

>> No.6729691

how exactly does this work? I go to the second option under network VS, the one with the IP entry, Copy/paste the IP from the thread using the "Touch" button, then what? I wait?

>> No.6729706

Anyone want to host?

>> No.6729712

Is it possible to make two character switches during the same combo?

>> No.6729734
File: 469 KB, 902x510, bern1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no secrets, but apparently at least bernkastel's planned for the future.

>> No.6729742

When you switch there is a cooldown for switch again.

So no

>> No.6729750


>> No.6729758

actually it is possible to tag twice in one combo.. you just have to combo long enough for the charge to refill. ive done it

>> No.6729761

Yeah, my question was: did someone manage to make a long enough combo to refresh the cooldown and make another attack touch.

>> No.6729770


>> No.6729777
Giving hosting a try

>> No.6729797

What the heck is up? Games are ending in like 30 seconds

>> No.6729805

Or if you have Lucifer combo->tag->declare Metaworld->tag->combo

>> No.6729831

wtf? nice delay -_-

>> No.6729842

someone join me

>> No.6729865

Experimenting with values. Also I think i was mashing a button that i shouldn't have that ended the game early

>> No.6729871

Is there a list somewhere of which directions correspond to which numbers from the move lists on the wiki?

>> No.6729887
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x1024, 6aebd6d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as i could tell while messing with the memory values, it's real. the bernkastel portrait appears under the bottom coffin, but only portrait.

the character select there is blocked out, and trying to select it gives a random select. but after you select anything and get to selecting p2's side, you can still manipulate p1's side through memory hacking and change the character id and portrait id to 10.

doing it to player selects battler, but changing the portrait one shows the bernkastel portrait.

>> No.6729905

Fuck it. This game disconnects after half a round.

>> No.6729912

Random disconnections are a problem with this game, so it seems. Probably going to have to wait for a patch to fix this up. Oh well, thanks for hosting anyways.

>> No.6729933
File: 23 KB, 839x500, Fighting Terminology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6729958

So, I'm stuck with a piece of crap internet connections that has 30kb/s download. Can it run netplay?

>> No.6729959

You're pretty good!

>> No.6729964
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x1024, 0ef692ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also looking at some more of those dumps, there's an extra hidden coffin somewhere on the select. it'll probably appear once someone's unlocked or something.

it's black like the center bottom one, but looks like it belongs on the top row, left of virgilia.

>> No.6729966

thanks, but im playing on analog so its kind of hard for me to do inputs.

>> No.6729977

On a pad?
Playing on keyboard is worse.

>> No.6729983
Hosting from westcoast.
WC or Mid only please.


>> No.6729989

yea im using a ps2 pad but it won't let me use the directions for some reason -_- i cant even play on kb at all

>> No.6729997

So i just found out that Lucifer's 6B hits as a crossup from an opponent who is getting up from a knockdown and you can combo after it.

Loving lucifer.

>> No.6730003

No wonder, you did combos so smoothly sometimes.

>> No.6730044

What i don't get is that when i use my PS3, it uses the analog stick and when i use a 360 pad, it uses the dpad.

The two worst options for each controller have to be used, so ridiculous. I can't use my Hori EX2 either.

>> No.6730050

Is there a CG for each pairing in arcade mode? Just did Battler/Shanon and got an ending CG. There's probably another one for Battler/Beato, Shannon/Kanon, Battler/Ange, etc.

Maybe doing these in hard ulocks something else?

>> No.6730053
Last attempt at hosting

>> No.6730055
File: 772 KB, 1024x1024, 4ab9b560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the last one of the select screen images, if someone wanted all of the portraits. no gaap, no lambda, no maria. at least yet, there's always space for more portraits.

>> No.6730086

Alright well, it looks like I have to use wired internet to host as the first dropped packet means death for the game. Thanks for joining!

>> No.6730093

Wait man where's Rosa.

>> No.6730108

Got it downloaded and installed, but it won't show any video.

From what I can hear the sound and game itself run fine.

>> No.6730134
2 delay
Scrub practice tier

>> No.6730188


>> No.6730210

This is a problem with all fighting games I play, but whenever I use any move that goes 214 or 236, it ends up looking as if I just hit 3.

Pretty much, what the fuck am I doing wrong to make me unable to combo into stuff like Lucifer's attack.

>> No.6730250

Just finished Beatrice/Chiester410 and got a screen with a gold ingot and the words "Congratulations". I was playing on easy, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.

Finishing arcade mode seems to also unlock other announcer voices.

>> No.6730251

So how exactly do you use magic attacks with the keyboard? Or SP attacks, whatever they're called

>> No.6730253
File: 100 KB, 902x510, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, it seems that there IS a cg for each possible team. This is for Beatrice/Virgilia.

>> No.6730270

Anyone up for some netplay? I want some gaems. From england. Also happy new year. I hope for barely any lag in these games but I won't hold my breath.

>> No.6730277
File: 985 KB, 996x1149, リコ - despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ZX at the same time.

Someone explain the difference between Ronove's 421 and 214 attacks. They look exactly the same, and I can only guess their only function is counters.

That said, he probably has the most impressive Meta special.

If the bug screens are correct and Bern is an artifact, I predict a character patch at some future date...or at least I hope one gets released.

>> No.6730278

Virgilia/Siesta is my main (Until Bern comes out) and their ending was kinda dawww

>> No.6730281
File: 21 KB, 432x255, rawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend gets this problem when trying to mount and run it. Anyone got a clue what it means?

>> No.6730290

tried running it as admin?

>> No.6730313

>restore an old P4 rig
>connect SFIV TE FightStick
>55" LCD screen

I now have a dedicated Ougon Musou Kyoku machine. IT'S PERFECTO!

>> No.6730335


I played Eva/Battler and got no CG.

>> No.6730337


I have a feeling Bern will be a joke character...one that's ridiculously difficult to use but godly when used properly.

Right now I'm maining Lucifer and 410 simply because I've gotten used to them first. Kanon looks good, though, and I may switch out at some point until Bern comes in. Until then, I'm having fun with double metas.

>> No.6730356

I don't know how his 421 works, supposedly it's used when blocking, but I haven't gotten that to work.

When you are doing his 421, you are just doing his 214. I have no idea what his actual 421 is.

>> No.6730378


Hm...maybe they do different things when countered. That's my only theory.

>> No.6730382

>6730270 here

That last game... avaraging like 6fps
That throw took like a minute to do.
Anyone from Europe or UK on?

>> No.6730395

still havent finished episode 5 of the VN, but so far i like this fighter. A bit short on the character selection but thats alright i suppose. I hope this catches on, i like the metaworld mechanic. Though the computer is a bit annoying. Just finished arcade on hard and i can see the AI reading my inputs (though the ai itself isnt too hard, its ridiculous how much he blocks)

>> No.6730404

anyone want to play?

>> No.6730419


shannon is beatrice, and most of the cast.

>> No.6730437

Even trying to do 421 simply does 214. I've tried doing both and it's the exact same, so 421 has to be inputted while doing something else. That something else is unknown though.

The wiki like I mentioned before, said usable while blocking or something, but that doesn't work.

>> No.6730446

Can you actually run the game in single player?

I get 60 fps in single player for me, but that was constant 30. Almost did my combo too, damn.

>> No.6730459

I get constant 60fps in single player

So far I haven't had anything above 30 in online.

>> No.6730469 east canada

so so ange/lia

>> No.6730473

Indeed, I just tried it. Like >>6730250 said, it gives a "Congratulation " screen.

It probably has a cg with most of the pairs that make sens.

>> No.6730481

do u think part of lag is caused by imput lag mismatch?

>> No.6730486

I think his 421 move is that "Genocide Cutter" kind of move. I haven't been able to do it either, but I've seen the AI use it. I've seen someone online use it as a reversal too, so maybe it's a reversal only move?

>> No.6730509


Oh god ; _ ;

>> No.6730510

When you start the game and it brings up the window before launching, what is the tick box under the two resolution drop boxes for?

>> No.6730533

well, the description says "during successive guard."(連続ガード中に) it's not really clear what that means, but perhaps it means after you've been in blockstun for more than one attack?

>> No.6730545

i hope the network patch comes soon, this is proving quite a pain.

>> No.6730547

Probably. I can't get it to work in Training Mode with the AI only doing one attack at a time.

>> No.6730548

Start in windowed mode vs start in full screen mode

>> No.6730581


>> No.6730585

Oh God, who to sub?! Fuck it, let's try this out

>> No.6730593

ending ive got


on eva/bento

>> No.6730597

Anyone using a Twin Usb Joystick adapter? Works with PCSX2 just fine.

>> No.6730610

Lol, yeah. Getting that out got all my servers raep'd. But glad you people are enjoying it =)

>> No.6730613

is it just me or does virgilia have really good oki potential? not that there seems to be many mixup options in this game...

>> No.6730621

Virgilia has good everything. Good pressure, good oki, good range, good defense.

>> No.6730622

bleh, 30 sec dc, despite good connections.

>> No.6730627


a plasma fag

>> No.6730635


>> No.6730645

Bump limit reached yet again.

>> No.6730646

Southwest US

>> No.6730691

hmm... i don't think she has particularly good speed or mobility. her hitbox appears to be large, which could be a factor in her quality as well.

>> No.6730708

I play Rachel in Bazblue and i can say lots of pros/cons are the same as Virgilia.

Great zoning, huge hitbox

>> No.6730720

so... how many instant kill combos have you figured out yet?

seems like there are at least two options with lucifer.

>> No.6730727

oh, and


>> No.6730783 US East

>> No.6730789

Instant kill combos?

>> No.6730825

Good games.

>> No.6730853


ggs whoever connected to that. how the fuck does that red spiderweb move of evatrice's work, I don't get it at all

>> No.6730860

Nice to finally get some games in. Shame about the slight amount of combo-killing lag though, but that could also be chalked up to not enough practice moodo at this point. Dang Siesta 410 is a bitch and a half to get in on, even with Eva's great mobility. More to learn, more to learn.

>> No.6730889

All it does is drag you towards her. Unfortunately, I kept dropping it after 5C for whatever stupid reason. If you are hit by the spiderweb, I can actually combo from it, but normally I was using it as blockstring material. Since it seems like Eva has no overheads without Touching though, you can just block low the whole time and be safe. Well, until guard break anyways. I think that the only safe place to poke out is between my 5C and 236A/B/C (the spiderweb), since it has some amount of start-up. Thing is, you're normally pushed back a decent amount by that point, so backdashing or Shannon shield-bullshitting may be your best bet there.

>> No.6730921


Ah, I see. None of my fg friends are interested in this and you seem like you have at least passing familiarity with fighting games, if you want to get some more games in later so we can practice hit me up on AIM at Kyre913

>> No.6730990

crt master race here

>> No.6733355 EU
