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6723558 No.6723558 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Cosmic Break thread beyond bump limit, commencing new thread.

Previous thread

>> No.6723621

>spamming /jp/ 24/7
Keep up the good work

>> No.6723650

Redux vs KaiKai vs Kanbara.

>> No.6723659

Herp a derp.

>> No.6723708

Fuck, I've already seen someone ins a Saggi with Grandum BS.

Why does the drop table hate me so?

>> No.6723710


that's easy.

redux is play2win, only plays with faggot builds and joins stackan games

kaikai also plays faggotbuilds, intentionally plays with torrents on to lag and spent $400 on wings on top of that.

Quite obviously, kaikai is heaviest on the faggot-scale with redux coming after. kanbara is just pure autism playing arena all day

>> No.6723755

Can someone give me some tips on playing air? How do I win air fights vs other air? I tried bazookas but they always miss.

>> No.6723759

We're down to 600 people already.

>> No.6723769

Can you please stop making these threads? seriously.

>> No.6723780

Can you please stop being such a crybaby and fuck off?

>> No.6723805
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Why the same lazflamme picture over and over?

>> No.6723940 [SPOILER] 
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its not even laz, its centaur X who paid gaap large amounts of money to get transformed

>> No.6724004

It'd be nice if they ever actually added something like that in-game. Where you can pay ludicrous amounts of UC to Koko Gaap and have a robot turned into its moebot or chibi version. Destructor into D-Girl, Lazflamme into Laz-chan. You get the idea. Shame that the chances of that happening are even less than winning the lottery. The actual chance is a Cosmic Break player winning the lottery and then buying out CyberStep then forcing them to be much more friendly on what you can get in this game and that he isn't smart/non-autistic enough to stop bothering with CB now that he's won the lottery.

>> No.6724411

Saggitarry max is faster than destructor and gets boost run. The railgun also has a much faster projectile speed then destructor CN core, you can see the destructor CN bazooka and move back if you aren't that close to it. Maxxis is much better for sniping while destructor CN is a decent sniper while being better at air control.

>> No.6724470

but then again, you're comparing a uc bot with a rt bot

>> No.6724479

Air to air combat: close range skirmish tips.

1: Get above or on the same elevation as your opponent. It's easiest when both on the same level but if not, the one on the bottom is at more of a disadvantage.

2: Strafe left and right, alternating in each direction. I suggest changing direction every 2-3 seconds, but see what keeps you alive the longest.

3: Aim ahead of your opponent to hit them. If they're only strafing in one direction, first lock onto them then aim a few robot-lengths in front and fire. If they're changing direction rapidly, work out their rhythm and when they turn aim in front of them and fire, then start aiming behind them to line up their next shot. Ideally you want to fire first just before they start turning, turn yourself, then line up your next shot just after they turn. They will be doing the same!

4: Fight nearer to your arty than theirs.

Hope that helps!

>> No.6724494

Only because someone else implied Maxxis core was crap in comparison.

>> No.6724595

>> The actual chance is a Cosmic Break player winning the lottery and then buying out CyberStep then forcing them to be much more friendly on what you can get in this game and that he isn't smart/non-autistic enough to stop bothering with CB now that he's won the lottery.

You know what's smarter?

Getting Nippon Ichi USA to buy out the license for CBUS. They can manage the game better than Cyberstep themselves, and at least we'll actually have Prinnies and Asagi in-game.

>> No.6724640


Good luck with that. Cyberstep put aside a hundred grand to launch cosmic break in the US, so the property is worth atleast that much to them.

>> No.6724672

Let's wait and make them bleed. We really should stick to our guns about the RT shenanigans and at least NOT be like the iHOP fags.

>> No.6724693

Additionally: Cyberstep has a had a history of licensing out their games to local providers for regional versions.

ie, they sold Getamped 2 to a corporation the equivalent of Time-Warner/Newscorp in a certain country (see amped.ph and read the fine print about who they are).

>> No.6724813

Guys. Waifu thread is up.


>> No.6724820


I doubt it will matter, they've already made something like 15grand in the opening weeks. Assuming a three-four year lifetime with tapering off sales, they'll end up nearly doubling their initial investment.

Cyberstep won. It doesn't matter if the majority of people don't appreciate the prices. You only really have two options. Find a new mmo, or reverse engineer a set of server software and make a private server.

>> No.6724853


It is crap in comparison. If you say you're going to use it for "sniping" instead of anti air, you've already discarded the advantage that is railgun dealing blast damage (bonus to air). The railgun has a 1 second chargeup followed by 1.16 second cooldown, effectively 2+ seconds time between each shot. By the time you launch one railgun hit for 42 force destro CN will have launched 3 x 32 force zooka shots.

Hit? miss? railgun has faster projectile but the zooka projectile has 5 times if not more the hitbox size. Over "sniping" distance both the shots from rail and zooka will miss if the target decides to move around or turn moving direction.

At this point we've already derailed since S airs with just mini zooka + WBG or mini zooka + plasma can hit for higher and more consistent DPS. If you can't compete using S airs then you just simply dont know how to play them.

>> No.6724878

Who again are the regional providers for CB in Korea and HK?

>> No.6724922


Still going at it?
>play destro CN with max core dual viper
>spam away all ammo
>pick another destro CN with same build
>spam away all ammo
>game ends
>game warr, 1st place

>try saggy because people say its core is so good
>spam away all ammo
>run out of ammo and low hp at near end of set
>game ends
>no awards, place 4th

If I had died there, I probably wouldn't even have reached top 10. shitsux

>> No.6725004


You guys are being a bit harsh on saggitary. He's not shit by any means.

Yes, Destructor(either) is better, as is psycho formula. But it's pretty much a toss-up between him and Amateus for third best art.


Gamania has the hong kong version I believe.

>> No.6725050

>I suck so the bot must suck

>> No.6725063

>>6724853 dvantage that is railgun dealing blast damage (bonus to air)
Except, only like 10% of the damage from the railgun is blast. It deals pretty much full damage to anything.

>> No.6725087


One of the amateus (the one with core that shoots any small balls) is godly in spamming and as is Victory. If youve seen minamitsu play amateus or rina or one of the everythingisfine guys play victory you'll know what I mean. Ive also seem awesome dual bazooka lilys wiping shit and I've never seen any sag perform comparatively to any of the above. best saggy Ive seen is some sdgo with saggy II using gathima missile arms but gathima missile arms are like the best missile arms in game so they make whatever bot you put them on good

>> No.6725119

>I suck despite easilly getting 1st spot and game warrior with one bot?

The fuck kind of bullshit logic is this? if it tells anything it either says that the destructor CN is so godly I get 1st place and gamewarrior even when sucking OR the saggy sucks because I cant get 1st spot and game warr with it while I can get that with the destructor

>> No.6725148


How come jpcb gets snow and we don't?

>> No.6725195
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Gathima missile arm are pure sex!

Currently have Sagittarius II too, garapon seems to love giving me Art units. Learning to strafe shooting with Saggy 2. Rail gun is quite accurate even if you get off the ground, compare to missile and explosive rounds.

>> No.6725242


As a room cleaning partner of minamitsu I'm quite familiar with his bots thank-you. You may be interested to know he also ran his own saggitary railgun back in the betas. He only really ditched it for his stinger-tan cardfag.

Even if you think of the railgun as a mere 200-cost encumbrance to him, Saggitary still has a better cost-stat average than most arts. There's a reason you see him pop up in jpcb crown rooms occasionally.

>> No.6725414

>cost efficient
lol what are you going to use all the cost for? Arts use their cost to carry more weapons, that's going to be great spam when all of your burstfire has a shitty 1 sec + chargeup time because of the railgun. As if that's not bad enough, you're stuck without moving burst either. You're aalso forced to stay still like a sitting duck during the 1 sec+ chargeup time.

Don't pull the JPCB bullshit, I've never seen a single sag win round during the time I played it.

>> No.6725471

>during the time I played it.

Think I might have found your problem chief.
Railguns aren't for everyone

You seem to trust minamitsu, so you don't have to defer to me here. Ask him his opinion on railguns next time he's online.

>> No.6725560

>play destro CN with max core dual viper
Getting first place with that build means only one thing.
You were playing against people who have no idea how to play this game.

>> No.6725574

altough I use weapons on mine, if you check peoples info/commando you'll see there's quite a few actually using this setup or simmiliar.

>> No.6725580

for some reason, she reminds me yuugi

>> No.6725589


As the only other guy here trying to point out saggitary isn't trash, you aren't helping your argument.

That's a very decent build, for 700 cost, you can do roughly 2000 damage with it. That's a net-profit even when you die with a crown.

>> No.6725619

Someone here hasn't played OBT2.

>> No.6725625

Both the CN and the Maxis are easily capable of getting you easy 1st.

>> No.6725686
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I would say Saggitary has a great advantage over other arts, mostly due to his core range, use him on the right maps and you can score 1st easily. Pic related Kampfer used Saggitary for this map, my Destructor was out-ranged and I ended up with high cost.

>> No.6725703

The playstyles are different. Destructor CN is a close-ranged style, Saggy is a long-ranged one. Stick some armour breakers on it and play at a distance and see how it goes.

>> No.6725722

Destructor CN vs Saggitary Maxis.

Game warrior is only good for an individual records and means nothing to a team. I see too many times people get game warrior and their team loses because they do 4000 damage but have 6000 cost. You've seen it too
is a perfect example. Throw away 3 or 4 Destructor CNs, cost your team at least 4000 points BUT OH BOY I GOT THAT GAME WARRIOR! I hate that shit and wish people like that would leave my team.

I was playing a Laz-chan earlier, rushed the enemy power spot toward the end of the game and killed 4 people that were low health trying to heal. Died. Cost my team 700 points. I didn't even end up with an award because someone else outfragged me but I did more for the team than someone spamming missiles that got game warrior.

>> No.6725936
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>> No.6725967

There's no chance of getting Maril March for free is there? Maybe after ranking up a few? Having only 1 ART but she's S kinda sucks.

>> No.6725985 [DELETED] 


If you're in hotglue I'll pass along a code to redeem her assuming you haven't used any of the others.

>> No.6726008

To Tempura, if you are here, please implement or suggest a TEAM DEATHMATCH arena mode to Cyberstep.

In TEAM DEATHMATCH, you can only use the first bot in your commando. The bot will have double HP, but it will not respawn until your or your opponent's team is completely annihilated. When one of the team wins two "rounds", the game will end like usual.

>> No.6726047
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Clearly, Destructor CN is the answer, since you can double crown on same team with them!

Actually, I'm just bad at Saggy railgun, and I always thought raid rifle was far superior since you can use it on a tiny bot with more movement.

>> No.6726049


If you're in hotglue I'll pass along a code to redeem her assuming you haven't used any of the others.

Just let me know so I can log in, as I'm currently taking a permanent cosmic break.

>> No.6726050


>Team deathmatch
>Not Clan Arena

>> No.6726068 [DELETED] 

I STILL want my Ivis wallscroll.

>> No.6726081

To Tempura, do you have a spare Ivis wallscroll lying around in the office?

It looks like there aren't any auctions of her on Yahoo Japan, so I hope I can just pay directly to you guys. Thanks.

>> No.6726125
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>> No.6726135

Just give it to us, Tempura.

>> No.6726147

good thing we'll never get this because tempura is a jew

>> No.6726166

>> why do they have a New Year's garapon and not us?!

>> No.6726177

>>6726081 >>6726135 >>6726147
Tempura is using them as wallpaper in his apartment, paying for them with money gained from RT sales.

>> No.6726208
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Gorila must be pissed then. He thought he was getting beer money from us.

>> No.6726212

Grab bag, obviously.

I checked up on the dakimakura auction. Sweet Jesus, somebody paid 300,000 yen (about $360) to snuggle up with Lily Rain Eve.

>> No.6726254


That's several times too much even for me. I bet Kaikai could though.

>> No.6726275



>> No.6726283

Apparently there's three AURA bot (a dragon, a white tiger, and a tortoise) and the new rabbit girl in it

>> No.6726308

Whoops, typed an extra zero there; it's 30,000 yen, almost exactly $369 at the most current exchange rate.

>> No.6726316

>Sweet Jesus, somebody paid 300,000 yen (about $360) to snuggle up with Lily Rain Eve

You can't put a price on love, friend.

>> No.6726397
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It seems everything is a gold ball.

>> No.6726428

I wish I stuck with CBJP. How many people in the clan are still on it?

>> No.6726456

Usually none. You might find me logging in for daily shit.

>> No.6726525

3 People seem to play occasionally. I would play more if there was more people around.

>> No.6726613

Holy shit. 4 years ago a dollar was 110~ yen.

>> No.6726624
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>> No.6726676

>Hotglue's score less than a third what it was this time last week

Wow they really lost a lot of people.

>> No.6726759

I'm still there. Rt prices just reset, so I rolled the New Year's Garapon. Unsurprisingly, blue ball.

On the plus side, I'm six successful tune ups and 27000EXP away from my first comprehensively tuned unit. 36FLY 33TEC 22TGH on a L AIR with Broad Radar will be nice.

>> No.6726895

>>6726759 I'm six successful tune ups
So that's about... 30 tries.

>> No.6726935

I have 12 successful ones on that AIR, so it's only half the hassle I've been through so far.

I bet I'll be done around time I get to the next level.

>> No.6726959

So it finally happened. Hah. Now let's see how many WIZfags jump onto the BRD ship because they want to feel like they're awesome players.

>> No.6726976

:名無しさん@いつかは大規模 :2010/12/31(金) 17:32:23 ID:npB5VSQz (1 回発言)

You're famous now Kanbara.

>> No.6727194

Do note who's in first for BRD and by how much.

>> No.6727333
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It's nice to know that you can spend $400 and still not get first.

>> No.6727421

Impressive. Is that where everyone from Hotglue went? Or are are Everything'sFine members just hellbent on taking Wiz down?

Everyone knows WIZ's numbers came from bandwagon faggots who thought they were joining the best faction ever so they didn't even bother to learn how to play. Those same people will probably jump ship and join BRD sooner or later. Personally, I say good riddance. Let the derp players leave and perhaps the people left behind will actually learn more than packing a bunch of useless shit on their bots.

>> No.6727441
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Is this legal, cause I don't want this poor sap being banned.

>> No.6727448

Many Hotglue members stopped playing. Good players in fact.

Well, this will be the first time WIZ will not be first place since the first week of beta.

>> No.6727449
File: 16 KB, 240x320, 285942847.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, Ivis x Crim limited edition card. 300,000 yen.


>> No.6727476 [DELETED] 


Everything'sFine was made of veteran Cosmic Break Hong Kong players who abandoned CBHK because it's deader than micheal jackson. A lot of them, infact.

Now it's made up of Koreans+ihop and every other autists who place consistently.

I think the point he's trying to make is that it ended up taking those fags thousands of dollars to win.

>> No.6727495


Everything'sFine was made of veteran Cosmic Break Hong Kong players who abandoned CBHK because it's deader than micheal jackson. A lot of them, infact.

Now it's made up of HKers+ihop and every other autists who place consistently.

I think the point he's trying to make is that it ended up taking those fags thousands of dollars to win.

>> No.6727530

>>6727495 Everything'sFine was made of veteran Cosmic Break Hong Kong players
With 400+ pings

>> No.6727534

Oh I see. Cash shop always fucks up games. But it still doesn't help that WIZ has a ton of derp as fuck players.

Speaking of WIZ, I just logged in to see how they were reacting to WIZ's dethronement. It's quiet and empty as fuck. Either a lot of people migrated or just rage quitted. I miss the days of WIZ/a/rdry.

>> No.6727549

Can someone tell me how I can get rocket punch arms in this game? That's all i want. :/
I want to make a mazinger

>> No.6727568

>I miss the days of WIZ/a/rdry.

I ask you to leave this board or at least contain your faggotry.

>> No.6727608

Cash shop smaa shop, there's plenty of good bots for UC only. The problem with Everything's Fine is this

I see someone in a goddamn LILY RAIN that's teleporting across the screen and completely unhittable because of it. Game warrior, destroyer at the end of the match ... oh hey look at that, it's Everything's Fine.


>> No.6727623
File: 88 KB, 432x428, spitfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the Supermarine Spitfire. I didn't like the way I did the Normandy Invasion stripes, they looked good on the P-51 but having them closer to her body was a big mistake.

>> No.6727646

>20k points ahead of everyone
>Winning by 5k of those points

That's not even autism anymore, that's just sad.

>> No.6727673

I've been in the past couple of CB threads now and I think I've contained my f/a/ggotry quite well. So just relax.

>> No.6727696

>robots teleporting

Also dem meteor hacks.

>> No.6727724


Thanks for the offer, but I'm not in any clan/guild. Wasn't aware of Hotglue still existing after beta. So, what robots do I get after Jikun Long? Kind of like the idea of getting free stuff every time I rank up.

>> No.6727777
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whaaaaat? since when?

>> No.6727790

So, I wake up and WIZ is losing. I join a matching and everyone is terrible. I wish I hadn't put so much time in this account. I'm about to ditch for BRD. Goddamn.

>> No.6727792

Join DOS instead.

Just a matter of time before WIZ slides to 3rd.

>> No.6727793

Can anyone explain to me what Epoch is?

Was it epoch battle or war; it doesn't really matter, I wanted to join but I didn't want to make an idiot of myself cause I didn't know what it was.

>> No.6727862

Epoch War is a battle for control of planets.

Offense must focus on destroying the power spot. BP lost due to robot explosion is full COST.

Defense must focus on defending the power spot. BP lost due to robot explosion is COST divided by ten. Destruction of the power spot usually takes out at least half of defense's BP but later in the battle, it can actually wipe out all BP from defense.

Unfortunately, I'm not very good at Epoch, so you're going to have to get strategies from someone else.

>> No.6727882
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>see hopper
>drawgun drawgun
>thorn trap
>team kills hopper

>see shino
>drawgun drawgun
>thorn trap shino
>team kills shino

>see art on ledge
>drawgun drawgun
>art gets pulled off ledge
>melees kill the art

many minutes later

>game ends
>4700 support

arachne tan you so silly

>> No.6727897

There was a surprised idiot yesterday complaining about how could a single powerspot take out 60k bp.

Sigh... they don't even know the basic rules.

>> No.6727911

BRD is in a winning streak in epoch. this is the difference between BRD and DOS, belive it or not. 2k cp per match was quite a lot last week.

now that we have limit lvl 5 rooms, DOS has actualy understood that epoch isnt time for retartds to act like retards. ever since then, DOS has managed to stop BRD growth in the epoch battles. when the parties in the end of the year end, there will be a lot of pubies in lvl 5 rooms and the srs bsns dudes will be chillin with actual chance of victory in the big rooms.

>> No.6727912

Since BRD has been stacking the 30v30 shuffle arena. All the good players from BRD (except maybe Everything'sFine) are only playing there so as to farm points. Fucking sucks because 30v30 is the shittiest game mode but I can't play anywhere else because all the other rooms are filled with all the leftover shitty players.

>> No.6727916

Jesus fucking christ. I went ahead and made a BRD account when they started catching up. I've been playing for awhile now and it's like they're not even trying anymore.

>> No.6727927


oh and forgot the best part
>laggy lilys
>laser rifle hits them and stuns them
>run behind them
>activate dual 3way wbit
>thorn trap
>they're stuck while getting cut to ribbons by my wbits

>> No.6727935

>Offense must focus on destroying the power spot. BP lost due to robot explosion is full COST
i was almost sure that offense had a 1/2 or 1/5 cost or something like it. not the whole deal, just way more that defense.

strategy sadly differs too much from map to map and side to side. defending a map can be easy, but a good offense can just ignore terrain and wack you with that same terrain. god bless airs and all those destructors that cant boost for shit.

>> No.6727975

There is a M size land UC shop bot that has rocket punch arms. Starts with a G.

>> No.6727983

The thing with epoch is that WIZ can only attack DOS and WIZ can't take DOS last piece of ground unless if DOS successfully attacks BRD and claims an additional piece of ground.

Of course, WIZ defence sucks dicks as well and always loses vs BRD.

>> No.6727986

this reminds me, ill have to make tuned lazers again. sigh.

>> No.6728027


>> No.6728036

Fuck. The drawgun is so cheap.

>> No.6728066
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the solution is easy and WIZ will never have the balls to face head on.

forget offense on DOS and attack BRD. but thats not gonna happen, with all those WIZ pubies ruining defense, the major clans on WIZ arent interested in defending a game they know its actualy difficult to win.

but lately DOS has actualy been having terrains. of course they are not going to let go of that bone, the shuffle rooms are still 70% WIZ.

>> No.6728094

get a shield and face the lilly at all times. there isnt really another way to do that.

>> No.6728118


you can choose what to attack? every game has automatically been offense vs DOS and defence vs BRD

>> No.6728126

>the major clans on WIZ arent interested in defending a game they know its actualy difficult to win.

More like they aren't interested in corralling 29 retards and wasting 15 minutes of their life. The rare times 5-8 hotglue/trolls manage to get selected for the battle and win back an area, it's lost by the next epoch battle.

>> No.6728160

naw i mean, to pick what side you want to be on. simply preventing BRD from taking your land can actualy win as much as taking a land from DOS or BRD.

WIZ focus on DOS because they know we are focusing on BRD, to take lands from them. most of the time WIZ is like DOS, win a terrain, loses another. you simply have to hole it up and actualy maintain what you have.

>> No.6728169

my point exactly.

>> No.6728186


>> No.6728285

Defense isn't about defending, it's about pushing the enemy further and further away from the PS.
>see art
>drawgun drawgun
>thorn trap bot
>bot turns around and spams all his missles on my face
>i die

>> No.6728324

I don't know how many of you have been playing Cosmic Break US since the beginning, but if you have, you'd probably remember how WIZ was 3rd place.

It was glorious. There were no newbies. It was just Hotglue and some other good clans. Of course, this meant that WIZ always stomped the other factions anyways. Newbies took notice and switched to WIZ.

Then all the newbies flooded WIZ to ride on the coat tails of the good clans. However, WIZ still managed to be good because the good players still played anyways, so they could carry the newbies.

Of course, this time is different. This time the good players have left, so no one to carry the newbies.

The number one problem with WIZ right now is that large amount of newbie losers in WIZ, that stack WIZ rooms. So even if WIZ is getting stomped, a shit load of retarded newbies keep joining those rooms to become even more BP fodder. Whereas BRD, the least populated, doesn't have any newbies to bleed their BP.

In addition to that, they get huge balancing bonuses even while stomping the newbies! And the WIZ newbies just keep coming for them.

That, my friends, is the BEST CASE SCENARIO: when your team have 5 good players against 15 shitty players. You get huge bonus and no newbies will bleed your BP.

There's absolutely no way to beat them like this. You will ALWAYS lose if this happens. WIZ just has too many retards. The only way to win was when Hotglue filled the rooms, not to stack, but to keep the newbies out.

>> No.6728349


Too bad there's not enough active hotglue players left to stack a room, huh

>> No.6728358

>see winberll shooting all weapons at me from ps
>continue hopping with winberll wasting ammo
>winberrl flys to me to try to vine
>hop away once
>get free damage on winberrl
>winberrl dies

>> No.6728372

Conclusion: current BRD is in the same situation as WIZ of the very beginning

If history repeats itself, then the newbies will flock to BRD and only the good guilds will be left and the situations reversed once more.

However, now we have cash shop. If the newbie morons have invested money into their WIZ account, then they might not leave, so WIZ is perpetually fucked.

WIZ, forever a victim of their own beta success.

>> No.6728416


Use Simultaneous Fire until the thorns run out, dodge whatever your target does next, and repeat. Don't bother with the vines unless you have a blob of teammates to kill them for you.

>> No.6728422


>see art on ledge
>drawgun drawgun
>art gets pulled off ledge
>melees kill the art

I still think the range of that shit is ridiculous. And what's worse, if you get hit by it it's pretty much permastun so you can't fight back until it's too late.

>> No.6728456

im butthurt with the permastun thing. its actualy able to stun a ivis with crimson veil, and can take out any AIR unit out of the air in one hit.

>> No.6728464

remember that some will indeed get the promos in the beginning.

theres already a pubbie on the dos forum butthurt for having "wasted" 200 on the game ragequitting.

>> No.6728476

it's kind of pathetic that hippos are more useful in epoch than your actual teammates

>> No.6728494

well now. some hippos can do actual damage to the PS. a omega hippo downed by itself the PS in some good 70% before being targeted. i was so surprised by it i coulnt help it destroy the PS.

>> No.6728503

Winberrl's drawguns are pretty ridiculous. Her built-in drawguns have 340 range with low cost while also allowing you to wield another weapon and they stun, but it isn't actually a stun so you don't get stuff like TGH reduction or stun regain, while also pulling you closer to her...and she can heal and thorn bind...

Although there is a very small window in between drawgun shots where you can dash/air loop away as long as she doesn't have hyper shot.

>> No.6728546
File: 347 KB, 1014x762, Winberry vines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been the worst Winberrl player in the history of this game. Enjoy it, it's unlikely to happen again.

>> No.6728554

I'm surprised at how ridiculously strong the hippos are. It seems I'm always hit from behind when I least expect it by a bazooka wielding hippo. I don't remember them being this strong in beta.

>> No.6728566

in beta we were gods. hippos were nothing. and omega hippo was just a bigger target.

people were moving around with 20 tgh 40 fly, why would they care to a hammer-wielding dinosaur shooting slow bazooka rounds?

>> No.6728580

>and can take out any AIR unit out of the air in one hit

That's not really right at all, thanks to the game's wonderful netcode and autoaiming. It's sometimes possible to drawgun an air and have it result in significant damage, but it's more likely you'll waste 10 draw ammo and do 6 damage without them even visibly flinching on your end.

The people it's most likely to hit are the ones who haven't learned to weave or fly in wide arcs that break the autoaim. Further complicating it, the draw shots often travel too quickly to hit air targets outside the autoaim, and when one does, the subsequent shots that would result in a heavy draw won't hit them anyways.

Of course, it can still happen. But the ratio of successful air grapples compared to land or art is hilariously unbalanced.

>> No.6728622

>>learned to weave or fly in wide arcs that break the autoaim

explain in more detail please.

>> No.6728714

Or you know, it's not hard to dodge drawguns and they only have 50 ammo if I remember right. There's a reason you didn't see many at the end of beta, they're only good for healing and the occasional bind of a dumb land that gets to close.

>> No.6728725


It's mostly the angular velocity and changes in altitude. If you circle above an enemy or group of enemies, you actually get harder to hit once you go close enough because you are moving faster than the enemies can aim. And most people don't seem to expect you to raise and lower yourself, so that works pretty great. It's why I love the Quick Jump cartridge so much. It's a waste on larger AIR bots, but for the smaller ones that need to get in close, it helps me survive even more than air loop and accele roll ever did in beta, plus you don't need to spend Rt and it never expires. Another thing is to keep track of as many enemies as possible so you can fly toward the ones that won't be a threat and keep up your angular velocity for the rest. Erratic movements can help in a pinch, but they usually just waste time. And as always, keep an eye on your team so you can let them distract the enemy for you while you end up doing way more damage than they do.

>> No.6728775

at least hippos know to attack the power spot

>> No.6728779

>>6727911 DOS has actualy understood that epoch isnt time for retartds to act like retards.


>> No.6728822
File: 242 KB, 805x633, what kind of award is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join DOS Vs WIZ assault epoch late due to new years celebration
>Harvest omega hippos
>DOS win!
>Get 2nd place, destroyer

>> No.6728856

10 repair bits? i'd give you 20k uc for them instantly.

>> No.6728878
File: 203 KB, 805x630, what kind of award is this 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly I WAS running really low on them. Eh. Still, I'd like a better award, I thought we were supposed to be getting rare stuff. And we didn't even seize the arena from WIZ because it was their last one. CURSE YOUR INCOMPETENCE, WIZ

>> No.6728985

Weaving: strafing left/right in front of your target fairly close by, changing direction every 3-4 seconds.

Other tactics of AIR are:
Dropping behind the target to get back boost

Landing in small puddles to ensure the ledge blocks most of the enemy shots

Circling just above the enemy so they can't hit you

Occasionally changing height by letting go of space then hitting it again before touching the ground (only do this if you have a good amount of altitude to lose).

Basically, what's been said before.

>> No.6729133

Is there a guide to Haku runs anywhere? None of my friends do runs and pick up groups don't help me at all. I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.6729158

Guide to Haku
>Equip shotguns
>Melee a lot
>Run far away when Haku turns red

cap: Hop. Whipligh
That's it. Haku is a trollfoxbitch.

>> No.6729223

what the fuck is going on? I'm lagging so badly my robot isn't even on screen. I think it's lag at least since I had no problem running the game during the beta.

>> No.6729230

Try scrolling your mousewheel backwards

>> No.6729308
File: 385 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101231_2005_17_109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not accidentally in first person mode if that's what you mean. you can see my booster trail in this one. I don't know what's causing it but the game is pretty much unplayable like this.

>> No.6729385

theres a thread on the forum about that, lots of people are having that problem.

>> No.6729411
File: 382 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101231_2010_53_312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait that's actually not the screenshot I meant to post. anyway the point is shit sucks and I can barely play.

>> No.6729460

I can't find it. what section is it under?

>> No.6729540
File: 822 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100928_1353_57_796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Tempura. Its a good time to put this bot into the game. I want a gravity well to suck in hopper.

>> No.6729571

In this video we learn to play maxis

>> No.6729791

gun arms missiles were such a good secondary weapon

>> No.6729800

Anyone get disconnected just now? I can't login

>> No.6729816

looks like the website just went down too

>> No.6729821

can you check if you have your desktop in 16bit color mode or something unusual?

>> No.6729824

I was right at the gate for Haku and it died. What is this crap?

>> No.6729836

I think Cyberstep is having their New Year's party.

>> No.6729838

Is CB's site down for anyone else? I got disconnected in the middle of an arena match saying an error occurred and I went to check their site when I notice it wouldn't load.

>> No.6729843
File: 603 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110101_1015_20_620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story.
BRD team was filled with marble and new players.
Seems like everyone reroll over there or something.

>> No.6729854

I haven't changed anything on my end since I've been playing the beta. I don't know what's going on. since official release I've noticed some minor stuttering, but in the last 2 or 3 days arena has been like a slideshow.

>> No.6729863


>> No.6729874

And it's down the one hour I get open to play it.

I left a party early for this ;_;

>> No.6729891

I bet they purposely took the server down and claim it was a crash, just to use it as an excuse while they add new year stuff and do giveaways and whatnot.

>> No.6729892

That's what you get for being so normal.

>> No.6729899

that was some godly sniping
and I just got reminded I wanted to modify the shooting scope image because it's so difficult to notice

>> No.6729901

It's back.
Get over it.

>> No.6729921

You can modify the crosshairs? If you do it it would be cool if you posted them up, sounds fun to try

>> No.6729922

Yup, servers are down and the English website is down too. Perhaps their US hosting provider had a problem?

>> No.6729924

did you check it anyways?

>> No.6729929


Well that was fast.

>> No.6729937

I believe it's possible and since the server's down I'll poke around the source.

>> No.6729939

it's not

>> No.6729942

Got disconnected while fighting Berz
Log back in, 30 seconds left

>> No.6730051

Oh shit those choppers are everywhere.

Are they any good?

>> No.6730119

Don't think they're actually any good, but they look as fun as hell to play. I actually burst out laughing when I first saw one while trying to pump it full of missiles and failing.

>> No.6730182

>>6730051 >>6730119
They're pretty decent for a UC, I'm sure all the moe flybots are probably better, but they're still pretty fun. Their primary shot is a beam missile kinda thing, it also flies far beyond the lockon range before expiring, though it has a tiny hitbox.

I managed to crown myself in quite a number of games using them, although this was mostly in the L5max rooms with newer players.

>> No.6730246

oh wow, wiz won offense and defense

>> No.6730297


no fucking way....

>> No.6730320

You know, I've only just realised there are multiple epoch battles from 12:00 to 5:00 AM GMT. Fucking hell, no wonder, I've been missing out on multiple epoch battles because of sleep.

And I can't do anything about it because I have work. Fuck.

>> No.6730339


Not possible. Stop lying.

>> No.6730355

They did. Won one off DOS.

I didn't even realise there was multiple Epoch rounds per day.

>> No.6730381

every 3 hours

>> No.6730407
File: 304 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101231_1611_16_850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually we did win that one its just your def didn't win.
Like always half our team goes to farm trees even tho there is like 8 trees in that map.

>> No.6730552

Wow, this Epoch stuff is pretty cool.

Anyone mind recruiting me into a guild/clan?

Don't know if I suck or not, but I'm always somewhere in Top 10 when I arena.

>> No.6730671

I've been trying to join hotglue but I don't know whose dick I have to blow. Makes me believe every officer in the clan is gone for good.

>> No.6730682

Just find Kanbara or something. He's always around on channel 5.

>> No.6730686

Just PM Kanbara for a join, like 10 people are subleaders and Kanbara is one. Kanbara also plays more hours on CB than any other person in the game. Seriously, like he has over 1000 matches played already.

>> No.6730693

I'd join hotglue but I'm not good even. This thread makes them sound like legendary saviors of WIZ.

>> No.6730710


>> No.6730754

Since hotglue is a beta clan they have a lot of experience. You'll probably learn how to play faster by going with them on quests and asking for advise on which bots to use.

>> No.6730823

Hotglue hasn't purposely been fostering the grandest clan in CB image. The only requirement for getting in is being from /jp/. The only reason Hotglue was the top clan is because /jp/ers have a lot of free time to learn and play the game. Especially Kanbara who I don't think can stop playing whenever he isn't sleeping. Hotglue has a few super players, but you're not expected to be like them. And if you're unsure about anything simply ask for tips in the clan chat. There are plenty of people who are willing to give advice on play strategy, bot builds, and the what not.

>> No.6730824

as mentioned their status is actualy pretty damm good, their gun isnt bad and they actualy have a melee that is worth using.

the only real complain is that they cant equip new guns (so no ABR later on) and that they lack secondary skills like a vanishing jump.

im crying man. i actualy liked art, i had a saggy II gold that i never really learned to use.

he is really good.

>> No.6730852

I bought one of those chopters because I thought I could use its arms. I learned the meaning of built-in the hard way.

>> No.6731066

Kanbara here, if you need an invite, could you leave names here or mail me that you're from /jp/ or something? I get a lot of messages asking about invites and recruits and I'm not sure whether to invite them, because I see them and their fucking "XD" and shit. Thanks, sorry if I ignored you or something, I just never know.

>> No.6731093

Add panetonni and I hate emoticons as much as your regular oldfag, if that helps

>> No.6731098

>from 4chan
something is wrong there chaps.

>> No.6731160


Are you on channel 5? I haven't seen you yet.

>> No.6731163


>I see them and their fucking "XD" and shit.

Yet a few of them have made it into the clan anyhow. Like Koakoa or whatever his name is. Are subleaders unable to kick members or is there some other reason those people are still around?

>> No.6731178

Those would be pubs he's talking about, I think.

When I was active I'd turn down any requests to join if they didn't tell me they were from /jp/, because there's really no way to tell. Moving to channel five, dropping your name in the thread and telling us to check it is the fastest way to get invited.

>> No.6731247

Yeah. I'd do that, but I've played with you and you probably remember how awful I am.

>> No.6731295


But it doesn't matter if you're good or not for joining.

>> No.6731318

Do it faggot. Join /jp/'s army, we'll whip you into shape.

>> No.6731324

I don't know how guilds work but I would love to join.

ign: Makoto
I'm in ch5 currently

>> No.6731339

Damn, I just saw that epoch war.

Shit was hardcore. Someone had a really cool BS and someone also had some Eureka 7 shit. Those are pretty damn cool.

>> No.6731355
File: 595 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110101_0117_35_592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close one guys the PS was at 10% when the match ended. The Aegis Baltheon in the pic is MVP.

>> No.6731367

Might as well be the time to finally join a clan.

name: gafused

also currently in ch5.

>> No.6731404

Fine. The name is TimeKnight. Currently doing Haku runs in channel 1.

>> No.6731422

Ign: Crossgrave
would love to join

mfw channel 1 haku pub runs fail almost everyrun

>> No.6731432

>>haku pub runs fail almost everyrun

How is that even possible?

>> No.6731450

welp im had go pub haku runs on chan1 and most of the parties i've been in kept running out of time, usually cuz everyone goes in at once and not wait on final form. Teleport faggotry everywhere etc

>> No.6731645
File: 545 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100709_0408_24_578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I see them and their fucking "XD" and shit

Isn't it wonderful? Some of them are indeed "from" /jp/, best to keep ignoring them though!

>> No.6731685

Your typing hurts my eyes.

>> No.6731740

What are all those guns AdHominem is packing on his Brickgale?

>> No.6731800

I saw some dude with black booster wings. Looked really cool, anyone know what the name was?

>> No.6731807


Spend $200 at a time on this game and you'll get one. Do it twice to get a full pair.

>> No.6731811

Wow. Screw that. I spent $20 on this already and feel like it was a waste.

>> No.6731914

That's for the white booster wings. The black booster wing is a bonus for the $100 puchase.

>> No.6732018


>super tuned maxis
>pre wipe
>vs BRD
>15v8 stat advantage
>no melees hitting on him
>instantly die when he gets the melees on him

lol, it's called being lucky to be in middle of a shitty mob of ranged enemy bots but no melee

his brick uses 2x dual beam guns + 2 pacifar arms(has built in beam gun

other air looks like ABR + dual laser LGJ

take damage numbers and multiply them by 0.7 to get around actual damage.

>> No.6732053


Also his S airs far outperformed the saggy, whoever that was arguing about how getting most damage/gamewarr was unfeasible

>> No.6732169

>Hotglue recruiting

If I wasn't in a clan with totally awesome people I totally would jump on board. ;_;

>> No.6732228


Name is Ilmatar

Im currently on channel 1

Id love to join jp clan, been invited for 10+ random clans and declined them all.

>> No.6732241

>defending in epoch
>our BP is barely 1/10 down and theirs 2/3 down
>all art near PS leave
>out of nowhere 7 enemy air appear and destroy PS
>we have 100~ BP left
I never thought people could be this stupid. How hard is it to sit near the PS and spam missiles?

>> No.6732247

the brickgale and the cross raptor were getting a lot of kills but the saggitary was still doing more total damage by spamming the railgun, which was the point I was trying to make.

>> No.6732250

1) Weaken enemy to 66k while farming hipporoids and hyper shots
2) Gather all airs
3) Drop 30 hipporoids on the powerspot and break it in 20 seconds
4) Win

Playing defense sounds like a magical experience.

>> No.6732274

Getting tired of terrible teams for 3 star haku runs. I want my damn sword.

>> No.6732397

Join Hotglue then. We do Haku runs an absurd amount of times occasionally. I have 5 Haku swords, 4 of his wisp staffs, and 4 blank staffs.

>> No.6732443


Okay, I would, but I'm in BRD. Wish guilds weren't restricted between factions.

>> No.6732480

I tried. Got no response.

>> No.6732490

Is there like, a wiki to learn about these terms and shit?

Also, just joined Hotglue and fought with them. Honestly, I fucking sucked and I did alot of stupid shit; I'm sorry guys. I thought I was good, too.

>> No.6732509

for some reason after 1AM(4chan time), the arena becomes hard as fuck.

>> No.6732512


Were you fighting with us vs dos? Don't worry about it. Most of dos was using faggy builds. Also learn how to use winberle. We could always use more healers.

>> No.6732516


If you post your IGN, I can help you with it. I got a combo dagger from an awful Garapon roll, so I can solo it now. There are open spots when we run it sometimes, so if there is one, I can tell you if you are on at the time.

>> No.6732520

Just find Kanbara(he's the most likely to be on) or one of are other subleaders on channel 5, PM him asking him for an invite and say you're from /jp/ when asking.

This is all it takes to get into Hotglue.

>> No.6732529


Yeah, I was fighting against dos, and actually I was using winberrl, and I was still sucking.

I didn't know it was bad to heal at the ps, and I didn't know there was some weird designated place that people automatically should know for heals.

Shiiiit, I didn't even know what to do after I ran out of ammo, so basically I was just sitting there and healing people for the majority of the time. I didn't know whether to die on purpose or to just wait it out. Also, oh god when the arena is serious, their weapons hurt like hell. Usually, in most "normal noob" matches I just fly in with air and take out weak ones, do the same with land and kill the lone artillery; but when it comes to serious business matches I can't even get close because for some reason every shot stuns me for like 2 seconds, and then I'm already dead.

>> No.6732530


No, you also need to post your name here in this thread. A lot of people ask to join hotglue and the leaders can refuse random request. Post your name here and tell them you posted here.

>> No.6732535

>for some reason after 1AM(4chan time), the arena becomes hard as fuck.

Afternoon for the Asians on the other side of the world.
Theory holds true if you consider what the other team are supposed to be.

>> No.6732539

I didn't. I just PMed Kanbara, asked for an invite while saying I was from /jp/.

>> No.6732557

>>I didn't know it was bad to heal at the ps, and I didn't know there was some weird designated place that people automatically should know for heals.

There isn't. If the enemy is being aggressive, heal at a spot that they can't see. Be sure to press x then 2 to inform your teammates. Spam it to make sure they hear.

>>Also, oh god when the arena is serious, their weapons hurt like hell. Usually, in most "normal noob" matches I just fly in with air and take out weak ones, do the same with land and kill the lone artillery; but when it comes to serious business matches I can't even get close because for some reason every shot stuns me for like 2 seconds, and then I'm already dead.

Good players usually have much better aim and higher firepower. Personally, on my winbell I use a pair of accelerator guns. Get snipe sight and try to L+R snipe anyone standing still. Don't fight seriously and just look for people to snipe such as someone who's standing still or moving in a straight line. Be on the lookout for arts trying to L+R your teammates and snipe them.

>> No.6732561

>Most of dos was using faggy builds.
dos seems the least likely to use fagbuilds if you ask me

>> No.6732575


In that dos match, every dos and their mothers were using short hop.

>> No.6732602

what guild were they from? every time I play with dos randoms they're terrible and we lose

>> No.6732613


It was hotglue vs the top dos guilds. Mod and efb or whatever.

>> No.6732621

mod doesn't have any hopfags

>> No.6732633

They have RT bazookas and RT arts.
Not easy to win against that.

>> No.6732652

EFB does. They're nowhere near EF though.

>> No.6732657

Can't find anyone from HotGlue. I'm in channel 5 WIZ area.

>> No.6732660
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101231_2021_27_700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally does emoticon outside of 4chan or jp. Hell, if you see me in game or on irc, you can see me doing them all the time since I can't really do >mfw and/or post up my reactions.

On a side note, Tempura, where are my HD accessory challenge boxes? I need the horns to redo Azurite's helmet.

>> No.6732668

We're all in a single DOS room right now. Just watch the one non level 5 only DOS room with people in it. When it goes into searching mode, a bunch of Hotglue should appear.

>> No.6732699


>railgun: plays for 2 mins, gets 1k damage
>beam air: plays for 1 min, gets 1k damage
>laser air: plays for 1min 20s, gets 1.5k damage

yeah sure, railgun is king of damage

>> No.6732760

Wasn't really a clan battle, there were only 6 people from hotglue vs 9 from EFB and 2 from MoD and a bunch of random lagging jikuns.

>> No.6732813

look again. the saggitary did 1865 damage and got 3 kills. his second robot did 998 damage and got 3 more kills. the third one did 627 damage and got 5 kills.

>> No.6732882

>>mfw and/or post up my reactions.
You should stop doing those too.

>> No.6732923

>implying you can see the numbers on the youtub vid

>> No.6733308


Bumping for clan invite
Name: Ilmatar
channel 1 at the moment

>> No.6733514

It's either 1865 or 1665

>> No.6733549

Most EFB players only use short hop on destructors, which i wouldn't even call true hoppers anyway since they have such huge hitboxes. I have a couple short hop lazflammes but pretty much only use them against hop heavy rooms like hotglue and EF.I think Kampfer mentioned having it on his byne.

Aside from those cases I think EFB is pretty much hop free and definately the least hop heavy out of the top clans. AdHoMiNeM personally hates hoppers because he comes from JPCB and hates the lack of variety when everything is jumping with a bazooka. As the leader and most likely the best player in DOS he has a lot of influence on the clan.

>> No.6733554

>hotglue complaining about faggy builds
That's a good one.

>> No.6733565


Poor hotglue, they try to reassure someone new to the game that he's not a crappy player and he was just in the middle of a game where everyone had autistbots, and then it gets spun to them bitching about fagbuilds

Can they ever win?

>> No.6733808
File: 117 KB, 803x599, how does it work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i drive this thing

>> No.6733919

what the hell is that interface?

>> No.6733930

That's C21, not CB.

>> No.6733974
File: 8 KB, 271x267, 1281145493358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night, offense:
>PS is down to red hp oh crap rush that
>Seraph Wing
>Drop 2 pillars
>Hyper Shot
>2.5k BP left for us
>Survive long enough for Seraph Wing to run out all while shooting, still alive when our 2.5k BP magically disappears
>If I had equipped a fucking blaster the PS would have died

So mad. Failure to carry.

>> No.6734419

Jokes on you, most of us aren't dumb enough to play this game anymore.

>> No.6734521

Except those of us who don't care about your whining and have been playing for fun. Well, at least I don't have to listen to your shit in-game this way, I guess, thanks.

>> No.6734873
File: 234 KB, 615x714, 1261704358817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RT ragequitters make me laugh. Stay away forever for all I care; less competent competition means that I score higher with my all UC bots.

>> No.6734906

You realize you could've posted that story easily without misusing the quote function? Just saying.

>> No.6735094

Stop being silly Hotglue is basically dead. Only 20% of the goods players actually stayed.

>> No.6735112

I noticed that having the missiles leg joint equipped lets you reach higher places.
For example, that dark green map with the domes, with the lgj equipped I can jump on those small pillars while even with my lily that has more fly than the destructor can't reach them.

>> No.6735129


I'm Prinzessin.

>> No.6735141

ill ignore that.

the worse on RT is if you are air, and even then, only later on.

seraph crim is a good bot, the heli is also a very good S bot. a izuna will give you firepower and you are done. get beam rifle or plasma gun, if you dont mind damage and hate hoppers, lazers are still good.

LND i wont even comment. you got L sized that are actualy worth a damm. and yes, you dont need to fag it up by hopping or vanishing jinkuns.

ARTies only have issues because their S art need to find specific parts. any destructor is a good mecha, victory 1 is a good glass cannon. get huge guns from arena, mission or quest and you are done.

support already begins with a laz-chan and a windberryl. get any other support but that can wield L or LL weapons and you have all covered.

>> No.6735248

>go to lv5 room to dick around
>2 games later, a bunch of BRD fags comes in with hoppers and other shit
Can't take it easy like this

>> No.6735264
File: 487 KB, 800x600, yellow 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post my Crim planes.

First up is the Bf 109:

>> No.6735270
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Next is the Mig-3


>> No.6735310

every time in channel 5, and I dont know who ask until now

>> No.6735389


These are great, as were the ones chloro posted.

>> No.6737480

Is there any way to reset your catridges at the moment? I messed up my build because I didn't know destructors got both sniper sight and stealth after lvl9.

>> No.6737501

.... yes ... but you won't like it.

Junk your robot, rebuild it, start again from level 0. I had to do that for my Laz-chans when I discovered that powering up their core weapon just gave them more times to make circles which is useless because their circles give them more times to make circles anyway. I was hoping for an increased duration to the defense their kisses give or perhaps an increase to the effectiveness of their kisses.

>> No.6737555

Bah. Oh well, I'll settle for either sniper scope or stealth system. Which do you think is better for a destructor? I've got a great alpha strike missile capability which leads me to think sniper sight to hit landed airs, but the stealth system means I'm less likely to be ganked by single land bots when I'm trying to flank...

>> No.6737590
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A P-40 that's sort of Flying Tiger and Chinese-American Composite Wing combined.


I'm not quite sure if the shark mouth is in the best place

>> No.6737593

art is pretty visible so I don't really see how either of those are very helpful. either way those both only give you an advantage over people paying attention, which is probably less than 10% of the playerbase.

>> No.6737598

I find neither to be effective for a destructor whatsoever but that's up to you.

I find being off the radar and sniper sight to be most useful for fast moving lands and airs who can sneak up on an enemy from behind and get several shots off before running away.

I'm not sure what you intend to do sniping with a Destructor, it's slow moving so you won't be doing much sneaking. For any artillery I would find broad radar to be more useful but I don't think Destructor gets broad radar.

Again it's up to you, perhaps you have something planned with your destructor that I'm not thinking of. Maybe when you get to some high point where you can snipe people down below but I can only imagine it would take them all of .2 seconds to realize where the shots are coming from. I dunno, I'm probably wrong, I've not tried putting those things on a large art before.

>> No.6737600

Star Coins. Cartridge Reset.

>> No.6737610

Oh wow, I was actually thinking of doing the Flying Tigers and I'm glad I didn't, you do a much better job than I do with these, I don't know where the shark mouth would go either.

>> No.6737653

>either way those both only give you an advantage over people paying attention, which is probably less than 10% of the playerbase.
>sniping with a Destructor
I tend to counterflank a LOT with my destructor, hitting landed airs that are firing directly into the side of my own stationary teammates. Unfortunately the 10% of very aware airs tend to jump immediately when targeted. THESE 10% tend to be the ones who kill 50% of my teammates and are next to impossible to kill when jumping around, so targeting them with even one good salvo is just what I need.

I think I'll go for sniper sight in the end.

>Star Coins. Cartridge Reset.
Star coins, how does one acquire them?

>> No.6737658


Or, you can junk your bot, rebuild it and re-level it.

>> No.6737662

Bugsy hoppers spotted! Replete with big bazookas and burst bits.

>> No.6737671

I always gave sniper sight to my art bots. That way you can approach bots without giving away that they're on your lock.
It also makes the first barrage to be surprise missiles. And it makes you less prone to receive a counterattack of the target if he's being targeted by more people (he'll go straight to the ones he sees their mark).

>> No.6737689

>Star coins, how does one acquire them?

Through spending RT.
That's why I suggest junking the bot, rebuilding it and re-leveling it.
Takes time but is free.

>> No.6737690

How do you guys feel about amateus? In particular how would you say he measures up against destructor girl? I didn't actually use him in OBT2 so I'm not sure how valuable his core weapon is, though he's obviously a good base to build a custom artillery on since he's small with great stats. Unfortunately to get the most out of that it requires a bunch of garapon parts. I'm thinking unless youre willing to go through with spending a ton to get awesome parts for your amateus that d-girl is strictly better. Anyone agree or disagree?

>> No.6737709

If the shark mouth isn't on her face, it's not in the right place.

>> No.6737749

put it on the crotch piece

his built in attacks are shit but I think his other parts are pretty popular

>> No.6737752

Does any cashfag know the Rt to star coin ratio?

>> No.6737761

Every time you buy an Rt robot you get a star coin.

>> No.6737789

In jpCB you get 2 or 3? star coins for every 100rt spent.

>> No.6737830

lolwut you get him for his core solar buster and trollan missiles

>> No.6737837
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I liked it. It was my main bot in the second beta. The core's subweapon it's not very useful, but the core's normal weapon was quite good to use as main weapon, since it had a lot of ammo.

>> No.6737856

That shit never hits and the arm is awful

>> No.6737868

How in gods name are you level 9

>> No.6737893

That was from beta maybe?

>> No.6737913

And how do you feel it stacks up against destructor girl?

>> No.6737918

Dual-wielding Kamui Staves is just so satisfying.

>> No.6737931

it's not hard, my crim is already lvl9

>> No.6737938

Crim levels really fast.

>> No.6737947
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So I planned out the tune ups on my swimsuit Thoarla. I'm gonna need a lot of luck, or a lot of money. Hopefully the former!

I'm so scared! 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

>> No.6737962

Solar buster is awesome for molesting airs who run out of boost.

>> No.6737967

which catridges suggest for Seraph?

>> No.6737987 [DELETED] 

It's not hard to get to a high level if you bastagant run a lot. I got 2 Crims to level 10 and another one that's already level 8 with half the experience needed to get to level 10.

>> No.6737986

How are you planning on playing her? Assault, or stealth?

>> No.6738043

It's not hard to get to a high level if you bastagant run a lot. I got 2 Crims to level 10 and another one that's already level 9 with half the experience needed to get to level 10.

>> No.6738072

I don't even know how to upgrade my swimberrl or what would be useful. I probably should have messed with tunes in beta a bit more seriously. Then again, I don't really play seriously anyways, so I guess it'll all work out.

>> No.6738082

how does the BP, EXP and UC distribution work? I thought the arena gave the most EXP and the missions gave the most BP.

>> No.6738119

Arena = UC
Missions = RP and some specific drops
Arcantus = drops
Bastagant = XP and some specific drops

>> No.6738144

The nice thing about the swimsuit / xmas girls is that they have the same stats as the stock version but they have an open BS slot. Easiest upgrade is to put on a good BS.

>> No.6738145

Btw, packet just asked me to solo a HARD mission, the one with the penguins. How doable is it?

>> No.6738160

Everyone in this thread will probably say they can do all missions on hard with one arm and using only a rapier stuck to their dick.

>> No.6738181

I think she asked you to do Cactuses on Hard, not the penguins. Soloing the Cactus Vacation mission is difficult if you're not that good with cheap AIRs. If you are good with cheap AIRs then it's not that bad. Two AIRs that are under 1000 cost altogether for your first two slots plus one very expensive bot in your third should be your commando. Wide beam guns work well enough for weapons, but be sure to keep a cutter in the other arm or something as running out of ammo when you're at an enemy that can't kill you can stop your mission dead.

>> No.6738197

Actually, we've had several laments before about how hard it is to do. And one guy who did it with a single AIR who says he found it relatively simply.

>> No.6738214

>Everyone in this thread will probably say they can do all missions on hard with one arm and using only a rapier stuck to their dick.
My dick alone is more than enough to take them down, laddie. A rapier would just be overkill.

>> No.6738227

I guess it's not especially necessary on a winberrl, but AIR bots need FLY to outrun all the bazookas out there.

>> No.6738232
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Thank you.


How's this?

>> No.6738234

PROTIP: Shoot the moving cactus with a beam rifle from the other side of the wall before moving on to the cactus towers!

>> No.6738291

I meant so the mouth would be facing down

>> No.6738303

>>6738145 >>6738197
Well, I've gone through every mission on Extreme with gacha 1-2 or earlier bots in the first beta. But this was also with multiple people and not solo, so who knows.

Penguin was by far the hardest. Comparatively, I think we cleared Cactus Extreme first try.

>> No.6738325

it took me a million tries to beat cactus because I kept trying to kill all of the shit that spawned with the boss. when I just ignored it all and just shot him he died really quickly.

>> No.6738326

Oh god, I laughed.

>> No.6738423

One successful Bastargant run until I get seraph. Finally.

>> No.6738431

Awesome face even if it lacks the angry eyes to go with. Some sort of moe shark.

I wonder if we'll ever get a moebot version of that jawesome Nirvash robot.

>> No.6738433

>taking repair items for yourself even though people low on health are right next to you and you're full on health
>laying burning traps as soon as you get them just because you didn't want one
>entire team and no repairers
>fodder bots that kill nobody and keep dying

Snowflakes clan confirmed for shitty pub-tier clan.

They had the whole room filled with their clannies and they kept doing the same shit any other circle rank pubbie would do.

>> No.6738443


assault, I guess, I like attack LND including ART with slashing WB

>> No.6738491

>see a bunch of low health bots right next to me
>start healing
>press z 2
>noone comes

>> No.6738507

NEW THREAD: >>6738503 !!

>> No.6738600
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I sort of color the tip of the crotch plate the same color as the spinner so that makes sense, but it'd be hard to see the shark there because of the legs in the way. I wonder if it's possible to make one of those swirly Bf 109s on a Crimrose?

I changed the eyebrows to be more angry but I guess it looks more like >:3
