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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6722851 No.6722851 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fucking hell is there a board for Tohou, R07 and typemoon exclusively?

Goddamn /jp/, your board sucks.

>> No.6722857

>Why the fucking hell is there a board for Tohou, R07 and typemoon exclusively?

>> No.6722861

/jp/ is actually about the idol threads that are up to like 300something now. But nice try.

>> No.6722864

becus u gay bro

>> No.6722874
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If only, nigger.

Moot shoud just delete this abortion of a board. At least when it was japanese culture it had a real fucking topic.

>> No.6722883


/jp/ was never japanese culture.

>> No.6722909

As long as we exist, this board will, because moot wants us off /a/.

It's like /a/'s the nuclear reactor, and this is the place for all the dangerous radioactive products.

>> No.6722936

The truth is that there's no subject that /jp/ talks about that couldn't be - and isn't - discussed elsewhere without breaking the rules of that specific board.

However, as long as moot wants to keep us confined here and we have no qualms to that, the situation won't change. This is our little corner and nobody ventures out to bother other boards, yet you want us gone.

Are you jealous or what
