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6717325 No.6717325 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /jp/ like the F/SN anime? It was a pretty good adaptation, no?

>> No.6717338


>> No.6717343

What didn't you like about it?

Only complains I hear for the most part are about the dark sakura bit from HF. That had to be there though
They still made it work

>> No.6717356

The adaptation was horrible. I will give Fate/Zero's anime a chance just because it's done by the same studio as Kara no Kyoukai.

>> No.6717359

No it wasn't

good night sir

>> No.6717367

But the studio that is doing F/Z is even worse than DEEN, they just did KnK right.

I just don't understand what people don't like about it.
It was pretty faithful for a VN->anime adaptation and fairly visually impressive

>> No.6717370

It had terrible pacing and too much going on in the story and not enough time. Trying to cram all 3 route in was not a good idea.

>> No.6717377

Almost all of it was from the fate route. They included the sakura thing from HF because Sakura needs to have a role in the anime. I don't recall them adding much from UBW except for the school fight.

>> No.6717379

It was a slightly worse adaption of a mid-tier game.
Nasu's peculiarity, for good or worse, is his narration, take that away and you have average characters and more often boring than not plot.
I don't hate it just because, but it wasn't really that good either.

>> No.6717386

Now you're just trying to stir shit up.

>> No.6717397

I'd like to believe this only comes out of the mouths of those who haven't even read the VN, but everyone has read FSN and you can't underestimate human stupidity.

>> No.6717399

I'm really not.
Look up Ufotable's list of anime. You may be surprised

>> No.6717401


Definitely this, among other things. You're going to run into enormous problems when you try to cram something as enormous as FSN into a 24 episode anime.
You also have the issue same issues as you'd have if you tried to animate a book; you're competing with images and emotions that are already set in the minds of your viewers if they've read the VN.

>> No.6717421

They are a newly started studio, so what did you expect?

>> No.6717428

Well, this about this. If Tsukihime had an anime, it would probably be incredibly shit. Now if we would compare the F/SN anime to the nonexistant Tsukihime anime, then the F/SN one would be pretty okay. IN COMPARISON.

But the F/SN was still subpar. Its a matter of point of view.

>> No.6717429

Only good thing about the anime was Nakata Jouji.

>> No.6717432

The truth is people liked it in 2006-2007.
Then Umineko aired and DEEN became notorious for bad VN adaptations even though the reason the When They Cry series sucked so hard was the Director was retarded.
After that the F/SN anime got more hate than it deserved.
It's not all that bad.

>> No.6717433

Yeah, the only complaints that I ever see for it are:

1. Crummy anime-original scenarios (I can only think of one, that being the whole thing with Sakura)

2. The fight scenes aren't as impressive as they could be and don't showcase how powerful the servants are (the fight scenes weren't amazing, but they weren't horrid like Tsukihime's non-existent adaptation or anything)

3. Lack of shitloads of exhibition (you heard enough to understand what was going on)

4. It covers the worst route (I don't really have a favorite or least favorite F/SN route, so yeah)

If you ask me, it wasn't a bad adaptation of the Fate route at all. Characters were loyal to the source material, the plot was summed up nicely, the setting was still interesting, etc.

>> No.6717449

Because DEEN.

>> No.6717457

You can get much more Nakata Jouji with the voice patch, so that's not really a plus.

>> No.6717464

>summed up nicely
That's the problem. It was more like a summary than an adaptation.

>> No.6717467

Yeah, that CG Dragon was easily forgettable.

>> No.6717475

>The fight scenes aren't as impressive as they could be and don't showcase how powerful the servants are
This is a bad complaint.
The reason is when you read a fight you build it up in your head. You can imagine it being much more epic than it was supposed to be.
That's usually what happens. People just aren't impressed.

>> No.6717479

Hey dragons and dolphins were in realta nua

>> No.6717550
File: 185 KB, 768x576, No Fate Stay Night anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it was mostly the Fate route, but they also included elements and plot elements from the other routes, cramming all three routes into one.
But they also didn't have enough time or otherwise never cared enough to take up those plot elements and follow the plot strings introduced out, but as they were included either way, they had even less time to save as much from the fate route as possible, which also had elements picked up left with full of holes and/or dropped prematurely .

Because of all the bullshit going on the portrayal of the characters suffers greatily as they barely had enough time to move the plot forward after having messed with it as much as they had.
And with these paralell storylines crammed together, and the many scenes that were skipped because of it, what little characterization the characters actually did get made little sense, thus everyone comes off as extra retarded.

But also, as they had to skip scenes due to limits and place for crammed in shit, they also felt the need to compensate with utterly inane shit, such as Archer duking out pretty much every known skill and technique we know of him, at once, while posing and acting increadibly out of character, something even Nasu felt the need to comment, saying nothing like that was going on. But they did similair things in between the paralell route mixing.

The Fate/Stay Night anime was horrible. It went straight down hill from the first or second episode or so, and then those episodes weren't that great either.

>> No.6717576

I watched the English dub first. On accident, of course.

>> No.6717588

Well the HF stuff had to be in there.
You can't have a character like Sakura not having a role at all in the anime, you can't expect a studio to do it.

I thought the characterization were very faithful. Come on now, the characters were kinda retarded in the VN.

There was no huge shift.

The anime was more than acceptable. It was worse than the VN, but adaptations usually are. I really feel like the people that didn't like the anime didn't care for the Fate route either

>> No.6717628
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1293730092333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the fate route (I have played it before, but I didn't remember anything), anyone can explain me What happens with seibah?, she just return to his time to die?
Sorry if it kind of obvious.

>> No.6717630

The animation was shitty, the frame rate was low even for anime, the color palate was ugly. The story was botched shoehorning in random bits from other routes into the Fate one. Also, the anime cut out the most dramatic scene in the Fate route, the scene with the mummified children under the chapel, where Shirou finally admits he can't save everyone. That was the pivotal scene of Shirou's character development in Fate, and even if everything else in the anime had been perfect, cutting out that scene would still have ruined the story.

>> No.6717651

Yes you are correct

>> No.6717689
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1289337851586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then the manly tears I shed have meaning.

Im doing the UBW route now, and I must say, after the Fate route, this one is boring. Except for archer, he is a motherfucking man.
I don't like tohsaka and sakura that much

>> No.6717696

It was crap.

>> No.6717699

Each route have their moments.
UBW has boring and good parts.

If you hate Sakura, HF might be hard on you.

HF is pretty much the whole point of the VN though so you need to do it.

>> No.6717734

Fuck the bandwagon haters. These are the same low power level faggots that avoid all DEEN titles, even the good ones because of what 4chan says.

As far as people saying it looked like crap, you are just wrong. The whole thing looked good, plus this was 5 years ago and a fairly long TV Series.

>> No.6717849

Not to hate on entire DEEN, I have enjoyed works of them.
But I did enjoy the Tsukihime anime more than I did with DEENs.
Yes it wasn't perfect either, yes they had a "filler/original content" arc, and it had skipped a lot of content from the original.
But all in all I felt that it was more connected with itself, as opposed to the f/sn anime that became highly disjointed after they started messing with things.

>> No.6717883

I just found it completely coherent. I don't see why others didn't.

As far as Tsukihime's adaptation, the characterization was all wrong. I felt like the F/SN anime got that right.

>> No.6717889

The UBW movie was exactly how I envisioned the route, up until the end of the fight with Berserker. After that point, you could tell the production budget was completely shot, and that the producer had a heart attack and was replaced by a chimpanzee.

The only good thing after that was, arguably, Shirou vs. Archer, if only because it wasn't badly done and managed to convey some of the emotion of the fight in the novel. It could've been as bad as what they did to Gilgamesh, after all.

The rest of the movie was LOL DEEN, especially regarding parts like Archer turning into his spirit form while holding Rin.


>> No.6717900

Oh, and Saber vs. Fake Assassin was somewhat decent, even if they skipped on giving Fake Assassin time to really shine.

>> No.6717915

White Ren you are being ridiculous. I'm fairly certain the same staff stayed for the entire movie.

Movie looked consistently good. Pacing was rushed, but that's for obvious reasons.

Every fight was pretty much awesome. The only ones that could have been better were Shirou vs. Gil
I felt like it was described differently in the VN. Shirou and gil were supposed to be constantly switching swords.

>> No.6717932

>White Ren you are being ridiculous. I'm fairly certain the same staff stayed for the entire movie.
You are being autistic.

>> No.6717938

>I'm fairly certain the same staff stayed for the entire movie.


>Movie looked consistently good.

It looked DEEN, which is far from "consistently good." Consistently Corean, maybe.

>Every fight was pretty much awesome.

No. Saber vs. Berserker conveyed an actual fight between servants. Archer vs. Caster was somewhat okay, but rushed. Archer vs. Lancer never actually happened, and was perhaps the most Corean fight of the entire movie. Shirou/Rin vs. Caster/Souchirou was nonexistent. They completely left out Souchirou vs. Saber, for some reason, while they could have 6 minutes of fighting the dragon bone warriors. Gilgamesh vs. Berserker was the most atrociously evil butchering of anything out of Fate. Gilgamesh vs. Shirou lacked any of the depth of the novel, and was not how it went at all.

Shirou vs. Archer was somewhat warm just because I got to finally see it animated.

>> No.6717945

>Gilgamesh vs. Berserker was the most atrociously evil butchering of anything out of Fate
Gil vs berserker was exactly like it wsa in the VN with the exception of him breaking the chains once in the VN.

The whole "fight" was him blocking some swords getting closer a little, and getting chained and owned

>> No.6717950

If you're that patently blind, I have no reason to respond to you further.

>> No.6717955

Can you please respond further? I want to know what was different in the VN

>> No.6718015


>> No.6718023

The way in which they portray Gilgamesh's mannerisms and power was absolutely depthless. Some people would say it amounts to fanwankery that they remove something like a snap, but you cut about 80% of Gilgamesh's arrogance out when you remove that. Gilgamesh against Berserker conveys nothing of either of their power when the entire fight is over in 30 seconds. Berserker isn't just assaulted once like the movie shows, but goes through wave after wave, dying the full number of times necessary, pushing forward through everything, getting within a few feet of Gilgamesh before he catches him in his chains. Then, even after Berserker is turned into a lump of meat by it all, Gilgamesh's attack on Illya infuriates him enough that he bursts out in a soaring roar of sheer anger, only to have his return dropped short by Gilgamesh's calculations.

Compare it to Berserker vs. Saber, where there was actual action, frame change, movement, etc... and not just CGI effects and low-budget frames.

They took one of the most powerful moments in the UBW route and turned it into Berserker getting jobbered, and left out Illya's few moments of actual endearing emotion.

So that we could have more domestic scenes.

>> No.6718067

But every fight scene was cut short. Also Gilgamesh's arrogance was added later with the whole "faker" thing.

He was actually shown to advance towards Gil in more than one wave. After the first wave he already looked pretty bad and he was fighting off the swords as he advanced like in the VN.
When you read these scenes in a VN you build them up in your head.
Besides the chain thing they cut for time, it was pretty faithful.
Honestly the best thing they removed was "you're strong basaka"

>> No.6718069

Wait a minute...

Original White Ren, is that you?

>> No.6718072

The fight scene with Berserker at the graveyard is arguably the best and only good action scene of the entire movie.
Congratulations to them actually, other than how increadibly ridiculous they managed to portray Iliya and all that with it, the action itself was great.

They actually managed to portray an increadibly strong, agile and fast Berserker for once, unlike in their anime.
It almost made you think that they hadn't failed with Berserker this time.

Then however, at the scene with Gil against Berserker, he just stood their, barely moving at all, taking the weapons, and going down increadibly fast without even doing anything, and went down like a pussy.
They can't even manage to stay consistent within their own movie, something must had happened with the team or project mid-production because that was just horrible, especially compared to the awesome graveyard scene.

And no, this was nothing like it was in the VN.
In the VN he continiously blocked Gil's weapons, while being hit by every few odd one or so, slowly stepping in step by step by still continiously blocking them.
And everyone even reacted over how crazy it was for him to actually block them, and Gil had to fire at higher and higher rates, and then, when Gil had finally had it, after Berserker closed in and had continiously blocked the weapons, he took out the chains.
But even with the chains, Berserker took wave after wave without going down, continuing to shock everyone with how crazy it all was.
And then, after having taken wave after wave, he finally even broke the chains, despite his divinity, and leaped forward rushing towards Gilgamesh.
And it was at that moment he was struck with Gugnir at his heart and finally fell after everything.
But even then while dying, Berserker wouldn't simply go down, but he continued to stand, protecting Iliya until the very last moment, while already having proceeded his own.
Then he dissapeared.

>> No.6718076

He certainly didn't go down like a pussy while doing absolutely nothing, showing nothing of what he was shown capable of doing previously.
It wasn't anything like that.

The movie sucked. And this was just regarding Berserker.

>> No.6718086

>But the studio that is doing F/Z is even worse than DEEN
That's not true, Ufotable gave a beautifully done adaption. They took some visual liberties but all in all it was an awesome adaptation.

>> No.6718119

>But every fight scene was cut short.
This fight scene wasn't cut short, it was simply cut.
And this was also introduction of Gilgamesh, and it was an important and emotionally heavy scene portraying characteristics for pretty much all of the characters involved, and Iliya.

But no, the movie wanted it to be "pew pew pew dead -> get" so that they could have time for other scenes such "Ridiculously Giant Generic Sword" blocking or whatever.

>> No.6718121

Rewatch that scene. It's more similar than you think

It's starts off with a wave of swords he was being hit with. He's blocking some of them.

Then it shows him bleeding a lot, these wounds are healed. Just like in the VN.

After that the second wave comes and he starts blocking and advancing towards Gil while still getting hit by some of them.

After he advances enough the chains come.

They removed two things for time constraints.
1) Breaking of chains
2) you're strong basaka
They have to cut some things.

Other than that it was the same fight, just shorter.

>> No.6718129

Gilgamesh in the movie is just a few swords at a time in comparison to how he's described in the novel. He doesn't loose them three, four at a time like they portray: he sends out curtains of steel all at once. The only time he doesn't do that is against Shirou, which they don't even portray accurately, since the entire point of his fight with Shirou at the beginning is to play with him. Like what another person has already said, Berserker wasn't just getting nicked by a few swords that he stood and took: he was advancing through steel rain, dying as he moved, turning from a lump of meat with lots and lots of swords in him back into Berserker each time he died.

There's no building up in your head: just read the damn novel. Besides Saber, who was so fast, agile, and precognitive that she could rush through the rain, Berserker was the only one that could stand up to it and keep advancing.

And the only reason Gilgamesh is good is because he's so overwhelmingly arrogant. The entire setup for Gilgamesh in UBW is Shirou's introduction to him in the fight vs. Berserker. Gilgamesh isn't portrayed as maniacally as he should be in the movie. The entire thing vs. Berserker was him deciding whether or not someone with the blood of a god was worth fighting, and he deemed Berserker to be lacking.

I have always been here. I just haven't had a reason to say anything worthwhile.

>> No.6718140

>Gilgamesh in the movie is just a few swords at a time in comparison to how he's described in the novel. He doesn't loose them three, four at a time like they portray: he sends out curtains of steel all at once.
Do you have the movie downloaded? You really need to rewatch this scene.
He sends out more than you can count at a time.

>> No.6718159

>Ufotable bad
>Deen better
>Deen =/= total shit
obvious troll or full retard.

>> No.6718170

One, two, or three swords being released in a stream at a time is nowhere near how Gate of Babylon is described or used in the novel. It wasn't a "stream" that Berserker faced: it was wave after wave of sword curtains coming right at him.

The severity was completely lacking, and when measured against the graveyard fight, was juvenile in its portrayal.

If you're not going to do it right, don't ruin the chance of some other studio doing it right. Lancer vs. Archer in front of the church was the most laughable thing I've ever seen. Gae Bolg: Death Flight? More like "Lame Flight."

>> No.6718171

Why? Because I have a high enough power level to have seen DEEN's better works?

Ufotable hasn't done much, of what they did, most of it is shit.
KnK was irrefutably a good anime. Same can not be said for the rest.

>> No.6718187

Yeah see >>6718140
I submit that you cannot find a real difference between the VN and the anime other than what I've pointed out.
The chains being broken, you're strong basaka, the length, and illya being blinded before gil killed her

>> No.6718189

It starts with him blocking a few single blades, and not entire waves, and most of the blades he blocks are off screen.
Then he just stands there for a while doing absolutely nothing, then he rushes forward, blocking a few additional blades, while taking a few hits, then the chains comes immeadiedly and he dies.

Heck, you can even count the blades, in the movie he blocks a total of 12 blades, then dies immeadietly, and he barely even moves. The scene is also increadibly short, even for the movie.
Certainly nothing like in either
or the VN.

>> No.6718199

The Beserker fight didn't do it justice, nor did the final UBW fight against Gil. I expected sword raining like crazy in the background of those two fights, but got nothing except Berserker getting cut by a few swords at a time. I do understand why they can't show that though (seeing someone getting carved by hundreds of blades).

>> No.6718202

check out this crazy ass meme that no one else has saw fit to lay down:


>> No.6718208

In the first wave you can see all the swords coming out but you see about 4-5 at very high rates.

Second wave is where you say A LOT

>> No.6718212

It is described how he blocks entire waves of swords in the VN, and the waves themselves are described as walls.
And these walls are explained as being fired repeatidly and rapidly, and Berserker only took damage from some of these walls of blades.
The others he blocked.

How is that comparable to the movie?

>> No.6718214
File: 237 KB, 600x338, ubwubwubw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, but DEEN put in the wrong sword here. Such a mistake is unforgivable.

>> No.6718220

I fucked up that post badly, just meant to say first wave didn't have that many, second had a shit ton

>> No.6718221

>Why? Because I have a high enough power level to have seen DEEN's better works?

Aside from the obvious response, which would be "no-words.jpg":

The Patlabor movie...

I can't really think of anything else that they actually did the production of that was good. All the big-name stuff worth watching they just did secondary animating for.

>> No.6718229
File: 286 KB, 800x600, b22b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both images from Google Images.

>> No.6718237

Rurouni Kenshin OVAs
Maison Ikkoku
You're Under Arrest
Ranma 1/2
Read or Die
Seitokai no Ichizon
Giant Killing
Shion no Ou
Angel's Egg
Urusei Yatsura (2nd half + some movies)
+ The patlabor OVAs+Movie that should be enough given that that's just what I thought of off the top of my head.

>> No.6718243

Archer spent most of the later part of the fight wailing on Shirou with Durandal, if I remember correctly, two-handed. Shirou was the one shitting out Kanshou and Bakuya, because he couldn't do much of anything else.

And if you can't see the difference, then that's fine. I make a point of only arguing with autists when it's unimportant.

>> No.6718256

>All the big-name stuff worth watching they just did secondary animating for.

I rest my case. Though I still have a soft spot for Read or Die.

>> No.6718266

Huh? They did the animation themselves for all of that.
ROD OVAs were done by DEEN alone
ROD TV was done with J.C.

Not to mention that DEEN is primary a work assistance group. Other studios hire them for help with animation

>> No.6718269

Now, I don't think these sword spam things looks that great in DEEN's works overall, though I recognize that it may be hard to make it look good, so ok.

In either case, in terms of relativity, Gilgamesh's spam could at least have looked something like Archer's sword rain as seen here at 1:20

It is also funny how Archer shoots far more rapidly with his bow in the movie, than Gil does with Gates of Babylon.

Gilgamesh should have shot some waves like that at Berserker, and Berserker should have blocked the waves, and stepped forward while doing so, and the chains should only have appeared after Berserker had closed in.
Then he would continue to take several of those waves, and then he should have broken the chains in as Iliya was put in danger and he should have rushed towards Gilgamesh while being stopped by Gugnir, and then while dying he should still manage to not fall and be at Iliya's side until the very end.
They also skipped the whole Iliya going blind, crying, screaming and being in pain as Berserker was doing pinned down. But even if they skipped that, they could have been true to everything else.

>> No.6718280

The FSN anime was one of the first action anime I watched, and back then I thought it was the best thing ever. I miss having that innocence that allowed me to love an anime that's considered so poor, because it was a far more memorable experience for me that watching the creme de la creme of anime now.

>> No.6718288

>Huh? They did the animation themselves for all of that.


The entire movie is basically a "We forgot to make Archer badass enough in UBW, so here's some more badass Archer." Which I'm not complaining about, in that respect.

>> No.6718289

But people liked the FSN anime back then.

>> No.6718299

Oh, then you just have shit taste.
Carry on then.

>> No.6718311

Yes, you and Sion are the only ones with good taste, after all.

>> No.6718323

DEEN is making some decent original works and trashy adaptations. Yes there were times when DEEN was making quality anime, but that is ancient history. Now they do only cheapest anime for most famous franchises so their profit will be maximal. I am so glad that Umineko was a lose and they wont make another series...
UBW was classical DEEN quality in direction and script. They only paid some decent animators and squized some good music from Kawai. So its very good AMV source but quality is still disputable.

Ufotable managed to make series of movies that had perfect directing, perfect animation and perfect pacing. They took the risk and avoided typical anime cliché that sells - thats something that Deen will never do. And they were succesful. If they are capable of doing this, I would gladly forgot every stupid anime they made before if they stick to this scheme for rest of eternity.

And Tsukihime anime was good eltough not being good adaptation. It worked. Fine pacing, good soundtrack, sensible plot development. Simply it had an stmosphere. F/SN didnt. And thats the problem.

>> No.6718324

You really are a faggot or trying to convince yourself that DEEN is bad saying things like the Kenshin OVAs and MariMite are bad.

>> No.6718336

Except that recently DEEN has done Seitokai no Ichizon, Giant Killing, MariMite, Simoun, and Shion no Ou.

Plus look up ufotable's track record.

Don't judge studios based on their adaptations of TM works alone

>> No.6718338

People still do, the question is who.
If you waltz over towards /a/, I would figure they still love it.

>> No.6718344

Are you kidding? /a/ was the first to hop on the DEEN hating band wagon.

>> No.6718365

Awesome /a/ thread bros.

>> No.6718370

Actually, one of the worst things about the movie that rests solely on the producer is the non-incorporation of the music.

Saber vs. Fake Assassin without Shippuu no Kenshi? Gilgamesh without Ougon no Ou? I'm surprised they even included Emiya.

>> No.6718372

And what exactly is good about these anime? They are the same shit we saw hundreds of times before. Not valid argument sorry. Generic Football anime, generic moe anime, generic yuri anime and something I never heard about before, probably generic school anime.
I didnt liked only the TM adaptations from Deen - Umineko is utter shit too.

>> No.6718389

Oh damn it, I forgot that DEEN did SnI.

Season two, fucking where?

>> No.6718392

That's forgivable, considering that there's more meaning to using K&B than some random sword.

>> No.6718398

You know if you haven't watched them you can just say "I haven't watched those anime, but from what I have seen, I do not like them"
That's all it takes.

Calling Simoun a generic Yuri anime and Ichizon a generic moe anime is pretty stupid.

>Umineko is utter shit too
Big surprise, you haven't seen anything other than VN adaptations.

>> No.6718482

I saw Jigoku Shoujo from Deen and I liked it very much. But still I dont like Deen attitude toward their own anime. First series had cheapest animation possible, when it was succesful they immediately spitted out another season. This time, when the profit was guaranteed, they putted little more money to animation so it didnt sucked that much. But it was not enough and they putted out third season. But the franchise was alreasy worn out, the series was boring. They simply milk the franchise to the end without giving efford to make something with serious quality.

And I saw few episodes from Simoun too and it sucked. Generic yuri shit is absolutely apropriate.

>> No.6718509

Most companies bigger than the smallest ones are made out of different teams, and different teams are generally assembled and assigned to different projects.

But at the same time, it is not as if Ufotable has done much bad, they haven't done much at all.
And the team(s) they assigned for the KnK movie made a magnificient job.
I also wouldn't be suprised if it is the same people to be involved with the making of F/Z.

Also, while I have enjoyed plenty of DEEN's works, as well as those you posted, I must say I feel that you are glorifying them.
Most of those shows are just decent, even though I personally like them.

Though it is almost beyond me how they could fail so horribly with Umineko, its characters, and its suspense and content when they did Shion no Ou so great.
But you know, even among their previous works, it hasn't been perfect.
Law of Ueki for instance, was something they adapted in a smart way. They made it work for television, they made it easygoing, grabbed a plothook, and moved things along in an easygoing yet adventerous way, only characterizing as much as they needed to, which made it work as an animated work.
But strictly speaking, it wasn't very true to the original at all, and thus wasn't a very good adaptation at all in that sense.

>> No.6718513

I can't deny that DEEN's animation is subpar. They produce a lot of anime and don't have the budget for each individual series as other studios do. Other studios have cashcows like gundam and eva.

If the first series does well they have the incentive to put more money in it.
Also I haven't watched the last season of Jigoku Shoujo, doesn't the format change yet again? How did it get boring. Also it's supposed to have a great ending.

>And I saw few episodes from Simoun too and it sucked. Generic yuri shit is absolutely apropriate.
Except that it's not really about the yuri so it's not appropriate at all.

>> No.6718515

Personally I still liked it, and I read the manga as well so I didn't miss out on that either. But they did make the anime work as an animated show before it being true to the original. I sort of wish they would have done the same with some of their newer works.
In either case, this isn't what they have been doing recently.

And well
Giant Killing
Seitokai no Ichizon
Is hardly what I would call great even if they may be decent. And now, that is just my opinion, but yeah.
But I do recognize that DEEN have done some great things, and the others listed aren't bad.

But I wouldn't be able to place one of the companies over the other, especially not regarding wether or not they would be able to adapt f/z better as it is special teams within the companies that comes into place were that to be the case, and I lack detailed info on such things.
But at the same time, you can't really say that Ufotable is bad, can you? And the KnK adaptation was marvelous, and it may very well be the same people involved with this this time.

>> No.6718564

You posted a lot. Let me try to address most of it.

I'm quite confident that F/Z will turn out well since KnK did as well. I know Ufotable can do good work as well as bad work, just like DEEN.

>Also, while I have enjoyed plenty of DEEN's works, as well as those you posted, I must say I feel that you are glorifying them.
I glorify some of them. DEEN has made some of my favorite anime. The rest I recognize as decent to pretty good.

>Though it is almost beyond me how they could fail so horribly with Umineko
Director for Umineko was the same as Higurashi.
She was horribly incompetent and hasn't made a single thing worth watching. This goes back to your "studios are made up of teams" bit.
I don't expect them to shit something out as bad as that any time soon.

DEEN isn't my favorite studio, and I don't keep a list of studios I rank. It's too hard to do so and the staff varies so it's silly to do so. I just defend DEEN sometimes because people who only watch Umineko and a few other adaptations make fun of them. irrationally.

The four anime you listed in the second post I liked a lot, which is obviously why I listed them. Yeah it all comes down to opinions.
As I said, I just listed them to give the uninformed haters some perspective.

>> No.6718583

They produce lot of anime, each full of cliché, with shitty animation and average direction at best. They cant make anything better. They dont want to. They only spit out more and more mediocre forgetable shit. Sometimes they are lucky and make something at least watchable. But thats statistics - if you let an ape write on a typewriter it will write perfect haiku sooner or later.

3rd season of Jigoku Shoujo was boring because everything was there already. Most of the episodes were just variations of the strories from previous series. Also it all happened in single city in single school. Probably only new idea was the overall arc about new Jigoku Shoujo. But thats material for OAV not for 26 long TV series.
>Except that it's not really about the yuri so it's not appropriate at all.
Girls kissing in each episode & not yuri? You are kidding me do you?

>> No.6718597

Girls kissing each other was part of the premise. It wasn't about the yuri and if you watched the fucking thing you would realize why. It's not generic at all.

They produce a lot of anime because they are a big studio. Smaller studios have the luxury of putting their effort and money into a few series.
They produce good and bad anime, their ratio isn't that bad at all.

But wait, I'm arguing with someone stupid enough to not even look up Shion no Ou before dismissing it as generic high school stuff. Good day, you know nothing about DEEN's work.

>> No.6718630

Just a info about KnK - each movie had diferent director. So Ufotable have at least 7 very competent directors and producers that are willing to make artistic anime. What does Deen have? Chiaki Kon...

>> No.6718655

>Chiaki Kon
Yeah good job naming the worst director to work with them.

You know, directors don't belong to the studios.

They go to different studios when appropriate.
Ufotable doesn't have 7 competent directors, they have 7 competent directors which have worked with them.

>> No.6718681

Hey, I saw Shion no Ou too. Completely forgetable shogi highschool drama. Still probably better than most other Deen stuff.

>> No.6718693

Is the Fate/Zero anime going to take the form of movies, OVAs, or a season?

Because the funding for each is wildly different

>> No.6718700

No one knows.
OVAs would be best for us.

>> No.6718712

>I saw Jigoku Shoujo from Deen and I liked it very much.

That's all, folks!

>> No.6718717


I agree. A series of perhaps 8 OVAs, two for each volume. Possibly more for Volume 4, since it was so much longer.

>> No.6718718

At least 5 of them worked with Ufotable before.

>> No.6718721

It's funny because the guy who doesn't like DEEN said that.

>> No.6719179

First time in a while I almost completely agree with tripfag Ren.

He's dead-right. UBW Movie was a disappointment right after the Berserker vs Saber fight. Consider this--is there ANY scene that's not action that strikes you as powerful?


That's because they didn't bother to characterize Shirou, Tohsaka, or even Archer at all.

>> No.6719202

>That's because they didn't bother to characterize Shirou, Tohsaka, or even Archer at all.
The movie was meant to be action fanservice from the start. I'm not sure why anyone familiar with the sheer length of UBW and DEEN would expect anything else.

>> No.6719215

Archer got more characterization than anyone else in the movie, if only because Junichi Suwabe did a good job as his voice. Everybody else felt lacking, except for Illya.

I don't understand why they screwed up Berserker's voice so badly. His voice in the novel was great. In the movie, it sounds like he's constipated and/or gassy.

>> No.6719262


Loli love gives you extra life.

>> No.6719275

How is it that Iron Man and Spider-Man were meant to be service-central, right down to Stan Lee bowing his way into standard crowd shots, and yet they both had cohesive and engaging stories and characters?

What about Ranma 1/2 Movie 1? Servicey on top of being engaging.

Cowboy Bebop?

Why the fuck are you so apologetic?

>> No.6719283

Because Spider-man and Iron man didn't adapt a 15 hour VN route

Also you didn't read the Iron man and spider-man comics so don't tell me you know it was a good adaptation

>> No.6719291

They weren't made by DEEN.

>> No.6719310

No, they just adapted two canons that span YEARS worth of backstory. Try again, kid.

>Almost/sorta Ultimates Spider-Man
>Not unlikable supporting cast even with Kirsten Duntz
>Over-the-top Goblin
>Actual developed plot/story

And no I didn't read Iron Man consistently because he was as boring to me as the rest of the Avengers. But hey, try again. It doesn't dissolve the fact that you're giving Deen a free pass to settle because they sacrificed content for flash.

Shit, I'd rather Sunrise strong-armed them out of the contract for Fate if I wanted GOOD flash.

>> No.6719326

You're sounding like an idiot.
Spider man and iron man didn't have the material the 15 hour route did. Who cares if you adapt years of backstory if there wasn't that much content to go with it?

How many scenes did UBW have? How many fights? A lot. How many fights did Spider Man have? Not nearly as many. Same as iron man

>> No.6719345

Done. There's no helping idiot opinions like this. UBW was shit.

>> No.6719351

The VN route? It was OK

>> No.6719366

>It doesn't dissolve the fact that you're giving Deen a free pass to settle because they sacrificed content for flash

1. I never said the movie wasn't utter shit but those familiar with DEEN knew what they were in store for. No reason to waste time worrying over shit like characterization when you know from the start they'll fail at is miserably.
2. Free pass? My criticism would have no effect on their sales either way. We're not their market and even if they were, I wouldn't be wasting my breath pseudo-analyzing their work on an Anonymous image board they would never read.

>> No.6719381

Read the thread, the movie.

>> No.6720057

ITT: Mad fanboys

Get over yourselves. These adaptations are done for money and they clearly made it with both. No one cares about your masterpiece of a VN F/SN.

Besides the adaptations were fine

>> No.6721323

I can't believe people complain they adapted the worst route, first of all UBW is the worst route.
Second of all they obviously intended to do the other routes later
